Friday, October 24, 2014


     No way!  What do you say or do when something incredible (good or bad) takes place in your life or the life of someone you know?  These words can express lots of different situations, people, and things.  Anything from anger to ecstasy come up with the changes of scenery.  Yesterday we were shopping for a couch.  We had heard about this place just opened that was offering incredible deals on new furniture. What?!  No way!  Yep, it was true and remains true even as I'm typing.  The two phrases invite us into whatever is going on in life.  I left the house to do some chore the other night and found a salamander on my front step.  Took a picture of it to show my family and friends as they would probably say those two phrases. 
     It doesn't matter whether the person is friend or foe.  Whenever the phrases are used the meaning is as individual as we make it.  It can be both ownership of whatever we are remarking on or not.  Quite versatile in nature, the phrases invite further investigation or tell us to stay away.  The ability to discern the different situations and people in our lives depends on us knowing what is really meant. What, no way!  Yes way!  That's the one I like.  Yes way.  Be it improper English or not we still say things that are not used properly by the powers that be with the English language.  Being "correct" is more important that communication for some.  Adjusting to new language with new generations is essential for inclusion into that group.
     What happens when we are told something that we find hard to believe?  We doubt that which is the object of discussion.   With doubt, life becomes nebulous and more of a challenge.  For the person who has to know exactly who, what, where, when and how.  Communication seems to be built on confidence and not on suggestion, guess and deception.  When we communicate we cannot read another's mind or their heart.  We can interpret other's communication only as far as we have defined our own communication.  So, whether we realize it or not, we bring into a conversation or communication OUR definitions and use them to interpret what others say.  Have you ever tried to tell someone how you understand a statement or maybe even body language?
     For some the two, body language and conversation,  works best.  Sometimes it's the stereotype we place on others.  I've been criticized for having a dirty car.  What?! No way!  Yes way!  We all have communications that have gone good or bad just because we are not what other people want.  Notice that I said "want".  There is as big a difference between "want" an "need" as there is in any example of communication.  Just what is we do want or need?  We have our family and community that use language one way.  We have our work environment that communicates another way.  Then we have outside situations like church where there are even more communication idiosyncrasies.  So, what are we to do?
     When we look at our communication style, as Christians, we should be reflecting God's Word and not ours.  The Bible is very specific and provides plenty of examples of what to say and how to say it.  Quoting Scripture leaves little doubt of what we mean.  That doesn't always work and we do need to be ready to give an account for what we believe.  What, no way!  The Bible tells us that we are lost without Jesus.  Simple and direct.  The Bible says we can have all of our needs met.  Again, quite simple.  The Bible tells us that there is no other person, place or thing by which we can be saved except through Jesus.  What?!  No way!  Yes way!  Have a great day!

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