Wednesday, December 31, 2014

It's whose you are.

     Though the world seems to have many shades of gray for most of their world, God does not.  When I have taken to living in the world any kind of gray became a place of idleness in my life.  In so engaging I have walked away or backed away from Jesus more times than I want to admit.  Because of my actions many who could have received the grace of God were stuck with the injury from me.  When mankind talks about their faith; they are doomed before they begin.  The faith of mankind is a sham.  The faith that God gives us is full of the mercy and grace He gives us.  That faith is our beliefs core and ONLY comes from God.  Here is the clincher; we either have his grace and faith or we do not.  While it's true we can believe in God and yet sin, it's also true that we are not living the way God intends for us to live.  Paul called himself the greatest of all sinners.  He understood that the grace and faith of God can only come from God.  He also knew that if mankind came to God with their water bottle full that there was no room for God.  Mankind needs to be "emptied out" in order to be filled with God.  It's only then that we know not only God but also who we are in God.
     Twelve step meetings have a basic tenant that says those who attend realize that their lives need a higher power that they can turn to for help walking away from their addictions.  Whether you are an alcoholic or a sex addict, there is a 12 step for you.  Just as there is one God, there is only one guidance for the 12 step person.  God is that higher power and like the alcoholic or sex addict, there is a necessary step mankind needs to make in order to have victory over what possesses them and their world.  The Christian church is nothing but a 12 step (the number 12 is no mistake as Jesus had 12 disciples) group where we gather and are able to be with those who struggle like we do.  Just as there are no shortcuts to sobriety, there are no shortcuts in giving ourselves to Christ.  The first step is to admit that we are powerless over that which has possessed your life.  The second step is to confess your sin and trust God to forgive your past.  This is a one time confession when you give your life to Christ.  When we sin after that we are encouraged to get on our knees and repent or turn around.  And so we see that our life in Christ is not our own but His.
     A lot of people will make New Years resolutions tonight.  There may even be plans that have been formulated to help keep those resolutions.  Some involve you and some do not.  However, the resolutions we make are to surrender to God or die daily so that Christ can live within us.  Just what do you and I bring to the table for this?  We have nothing to bring.  Even our words, if outside of the will of God, are without worth.  Where the world teaches us to be who we are to be the Gospel teaches us to be His.  When we make the decision to live for Christ, He asks us to let go of every area of our lives where he hasn't been invited.  Here is the tough part for most to swallow.  Sin is sin and noting else to God.  There are two sins.  The first is one that doesn't cause our death.  These are the sins of our being selfish.  The second one is the sin that causes death (spiritual).  That is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  Simply put, this is when we know who God is and the means of salvation for us AND refuse to accept that gift.  Eternal punishment in hell is reserved for the latter and eternity in heaven is reserved for the former.  We choose. 
     What's your choice?  Who do you belong to?  What life are you living while yet here on planet earth?  To whom do you surrender your life that Christ may be made manifest in our being?  It's whose you are.  That is the key.  Allow it to unlock your life in Christ.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

It's not what you do.

     What we do and don't do all contribute to our place and affect those around us for good or bad. In a culture where blame is primary, Christians are just as guilty as non-believers.  I once read a book entitled "Whatever Became of Sin?" written by Karl Menninger.  The books author takes you through the ages and development of our world.  Menninger posed the theory that mankind has long used excuses and blame to avoid any responsibility for their sin (collectively and individually).  The cycle of man's response to responsibility hasn't changed over time.  There is merely a repeat of the cycles after so many years.  The most interesting part of the book was the established truth of our involvement in sin and lack of responsibility for that sin.  The more we blatantly sin, the more we do the blame game and put our sin off on someone else.  Menninger goes on to say that the only positive choice for mankind is to accept its responsibility for sin and change our ways. 
     There has to be something more than what we think, what we feel and what we do.  What could captivate all three and yet not validate our lack of involvement?  Several thoughts come to mind.  The first is our ability to deflect anything and most everything.  We lie, cheat and steal in order to get what we want.  We then find it's not enough and seek even more through those same lies, cheating, and stealing.  James (in the Bible) talks about how we want and ask but we do not receive because we ask with wrong motive; to consume what is asked for to consume for ourselves.  Selfishness is a key to this whole problem.  Selfishness is listed as a sin.  Yet, we need to become selfish in order to become a Christian in the first place.  We need to ask for and consume forgiveness for our sin.  That act of "doing" is only a small part of the picture though.  Asking and receiving salvation requires a broken spirit and acknowledging who and what we are.  I fear that many have asked Christ into their lives rather than relinquishing our life to be accepted into Christ.  We tend to have things backwards.  However, nothing we do will be able to be "good" if it's unto ourselves.
     I am a sinner.  That's all it takes to describe me.  It's all that it takes to describe you and every other person on planet earth.  Apart from Jesus there is nothing good in my thinking, not in what I feel and certainly not in what I do.  So, faced with two options of either being a self advocate or being an advocate of God is posed.  Where do you choose?  This world we live in doesn't like or even engage the "either/or" approach to life.  The Bible is clear though.  We either ask for our forgiveness or don't.  We either ask to be accepted by Jesus or we don't.  We either accept that mankind is fallen or we don't.  We either belong to Jesus or we don't.  For every positive there is also a negative.  Should I do what is right I please God but make the world wary of us.  My stating that I am a sinner is a condemnation on others who are like me, also sinning.  When I do accept Jesus I'm stating that He is the Lord and Savior of my life.  I now belong to Him.  So, my thinking, feeling and doing are all about Jesus and not about me. 
     I don't have a perfect day or even moment where I am sinless and free from the sin all around me.  Quite the opposite.  When I actively search for sin to think about, feel, or do, I'm retaining ownership of my life.  Should I take the opposite approach I am relinquishing my life to Jesus where he can do as he chooses with this life that is now his.  Where do you stand? 

Monday, December 29, 2014

It's not what you feel.

     All to often we get into situations where we rely on our thinking and feelings.  Sometimes we only touch base with our feelings.  Feelings can be developed and experienced through various situations and people.  Yep, people can bring up very powerful positive and negative feelings.  I needn't talk about "love" or "hate" because you and I are familiar with both.  Having feelings is good for the most part.  Feelings drive the train of thinking.  So, we find ourselves switching trains so that today this feeling can be addressed and tomorrow another can be addressed.  Feelings are also part and parcel of our own development.  What love can do and has done in our lives fosters positive movement through our lives.  What hate can do is negate all those positives.  We give a lot of power to our feelings daily.  What those feelings are is subject to what we can handle.  Some days we run up against a wall while on another day we can conquer the world.  Well, kind of...
     Finding out who we are is a lifetime experience.  Who we are in turn is dictated by feelings.  We all have strong feelings.  We tend to think our feelings are generated by input from friend and foe.  This is not necessarily true.  We in fact do have reactions to friend and foe.  How we use that reaction is important.  What has happened in our past is also important.  For the one who was molested feelings are sensitive and sometimes incapacitating.  For the one without a parent our feelings can be hindered when we look to friendships and even marriage and parenting.  Sometimes horrific events have passed through our lives taking out any protection we may have been able to put up and ward off the horror.  Perhaps it was a violent crime or an accident that brings you to a stop in your life.  It's happened to me and also to a lot of people I know.  There were (and sometimes still are) times in  my life when I battled just to survive the day.  Subsequently, we either overcame or succumbed to the feelings we encountered.  Sometimes we did not survive. 
     Allowing our thinking or feelings to dictate our life is self defeating.  Neither, either separate or together, should be given that much power over our day.  Putting on a happy face isn't the answer anymore than believing that the feelings we are having are genuine.  When we engage events in our lives there is the tendency to go into denial, engage partially, or go through the event.  There is a process of growth that begins while we are in the womb.  The Bible tells us that God put us together in our mother's womb.  The Bible goes on to tell us that He has ordered our days and knows every detail of our lives from conception to death.  God feels even as we feel.  God thinks even as we think.  The difference is the depth and purpose of that which God has ordained and brings us through.  There, of course, are wonderful days just as there are terrible days.  Understanding that God is with us aids in our being able to engage life and help others.  God says in the Bible that he will neither leave us or forsake us.  That cannot be said about mankind.
     Our task of understanding feelings needs balance and purpose.  Without balance and purpose our lives just continue to spin with no particular meaning.  God is the purpose.  There is always a plan with God for good and not bad.  Sometimes that purpose is seen "down the road." Sometimes we don't see the purpose at all.  It's then that God asks us to have the faith to go through the event so that our faith can form and enlarge.  Leaving ourselves in God's hands becomes essential to our ability in sharing Christ to the world we live within.  It's faith that draws to that feeling of purpose.  What's your purpose?  What do you feel?  God's waiting for you and I to ask Him what the answers are to those questions.  We can rely on God through thought and feelings.  Yet we make it harder than we need to.  Letting go of "our" thoughts and feelings allows us to "engage" His thoughts and feelings.  Not a bad option. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

It's not what you think.

     There are people who think with their mood.  There are also people who think with their mind and or heart.  We walk and have our existence beside them or far away from them.  The one area we should be concerned about is our own life.  How do we, when given the chance, present Christ to others where they are?  Leaving our world and entering theirs is difficult until we decide to look at things the way they do.  That doesn't mean abandoning our stance on subjects as much as it is being in their world to communicate.  Communicating becomes problematic when we don't take this part into consideration.  If I only look at the world through my glasses (metaphorically or for real) then I cannot meet people where they are.  Much less convey where my thinking is coming from and why.  So, I take a deep breath, assess where the other person is coming from and try to enter their world on their terms.  That doesn't mean I abandon my world but rather, see their world for what it is.  I'm not here to suggest that anyone abandon who they are.
     Buddy and Henry (my dogs) are so different that their differences are comical at times.  Buddy has an internal clock that tells him that when we are awake in the morning (regardless of time) it is time to feed him.  There is no other choice in his mind.  Henry is more of the "I hate to bother you." type of dog.  Mealtimes are not an issue like they are for Buddy.  In the evening Buddy begins his hungry act up around 6:00 PM and continues to feign pending death from starvation while Henry knows that when Buddy is fed so will he be fed.  For that reason alone he doesn't have to create a situation related to his getting dinner or breakfast.  Henry is more conniving whereas Buddy is more blunt.  They think differently but have the same needs.  They need food and water as well as sleep.  Their means of obtaining their need is much different from their want of tummy rubs.  Henry loves to chase a tennis ball where Buddy tells you to go get the ball yourself.  Henry weasels his way into any situation where Buddy is getting attention while Buddy doesn't want to be part of the chaos Henry brings to the table. 
     You and I represent "our" world to others.  Should we just do this we are doomed to be outside a big chunk of the world of everyone.  The reality is Jesus became an example of our being Him to the world.  Many Christians live a selfish life of only seeing others faith as compared to our faith.  We may be right is thought and wrong in presentation.  If I present a thought from my heart to someone who has a thought from their mind, we and they miss the point.  When any of us present Jesus to others in Jesus' way, the Gospel is heard and we respond.  Jesus urged us to "be all things to all people."  In other words, we are called to engage people on their terms and rely on God for getting the Gospel presented.  People have changes over time either from realization of a greater truth or just a modification of what truth they have.  It's important we remain flexible in order to present the Word to all people.  This "language of Christ" is not meant to be something we step in and out of.  This needs to be our primary language in all of our world.  How else will they see, hear and know Jesus?
     The new year is upon us.  I don't do well with making pledges to not do this or to do that because they are usually broken within the first month.  What Jesus asks us to do is to be more like him.  He doesn't ask us to be him for good reason...we can't be him.  We can be a representation of Him to our world.  We like Buddy and Henry listen to different needs presented to the world.  Sometimes we are speaking with one person and someone near us understands what others don't understand. For this we can be thankful.  God was doing what was needed through you.  Often we don't even know that we have been doing His will until much later.  That's a good thing.  We would do well to get out of God's way more often so that He can work through us.  Make a daily commitment to step out of yourself to allow God to change someone else's world. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

On being different.

     The holidays tend to bring out an alternate persona in most people.  Not just in attitude but also in physically different ways.  We eat too much, sometimes talk too much, and actually seem to care in a more genuine way.  Not that any is bad; as they may not be.  I struggle with the holidays from several different perspectives.  Not just Christmas and New Years Day but also many of the other holidays as well seem to bring out aspects of my thinking and believing.  Unfortunately, many of these changes bring out the worst in me instead of the best in me.  All the bright packages and laughing people do not change the feelings inside of me.  It's not that I don't like the holidays.  Rather, it's what the PTSD does inside of me in regards to the holidays.  I try to focus mostly on the real reason for the celebrating of Christmas, Jesus.  Doing so I'm able to step out of my world and into His.  That focus alone makes the holidays great. 
     The holidays tend to bring out a "time out" in our lives for about a month.  People seem to be on their best behavior having been warned by well intentioned others this would be nice.  So, nice, we become.  Everyone who knows us know that we are being fake.  That's strong language but none the less is true.  For many holding our true feelings and thoughts prisoner for those few days a year is an overwhelming task.  There are many times where we fail to hold in that bad choice of words even if they are true.  The greater the dilemma in our lives the greater the task of acting the way people would like us to act.  Kids aren't too good at holding in their opinion, request, or thoughts.  They tend to be honest and determined to get what they want.  When all else fails the kids always know that Grandma or Grandpa will let them have whatever they want.  Adults also need at least an unspoken permission to say or do things that would be wrong the rest of the year. 
     The holidays tend to bring out charity, giving or blessings.  Some do this well while others fail miserably in doing so.  Charity is giving to someone something without thinking of anything in return.  So, we allow some to bless us even though we haven't been able to bless them by us.  No one seems to be seriously offended when this happens.  Charity is necessary all year long and not just at Christmas.  Charity should be a permanent program installed and hard wired into who we are.  Some have better programs than others.  Some seem to have nothing to give when we focus on the physical giving.  Others struggle choosing gifts that are a statement from us to them without offending or over blessing.  Competition is not something charity is about.  Yet, the holidays can be competitive in the area of gift giving.  Many people try to out do others in their circle of friends and relatives.  We are truly a people who act more human that godly. 
     We, as God's people, need to acknowledge we are not in charge of our lives.  We, as God's people, need to understand that our life can be offensive to others.  We, as God's people need to be reminded that charity can only come from us if we have accepted the charity God gives his people.  The greatest gift we can give or receive is the love of God.  Knowing what love looks like is the beginning of our life with Christ.  Receiving this love from God makes us able to pass real love onto those who are a part of our world.  Finally, giving glory to God for all we give or receive cements inside of our thinking and feeling that our lives are a gift from God.  Out of this humbleness comes a witness of God.  When we become consistent in taking the time to give God's gift, Jesus, to others, their world can be changed and a blessing to God and others.
     Happy New get busy for 2015!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas!

     There are 3 words clearly presented in "Merry Christmas"  The first is Merry, the second one is Christ and the third one is mas (Spanish for 'more').  More Christ makes you merry!  Works for me!  I do wish everyone a very Merry Christmas.  Perhaps you have traditions with your family or friends.  Maybe you travel to a distant place to celebrate with family or friends.  Maybe you cannot handle the stress of he Holiday and you check out for the day.  While there are many different ways to celebrate Christmas and New Years Day, everyone should have the freedom and support to celebrate this and all holidays in their own way.  You and I don't need to participate in order for others to celebrate.  We are called to support and be happy for others.  So, today, have fun, get caught up with those who have stories to tell.  Then eat and have more fun!  When you open your presents give a moments time to realize all that you have in Christ and in your family or friends.
     The amount of celebrations are as big as we believe them to be.  Do you remember trying to not go to sleep so you could see Santa Claus?  Now people make a line outside a store for the first official day of buying which would be tomorrow.  Though I am told some will go to the clearance sales at the stores that are beginning tonight.  I'm sure the paper will be full of advertising so we can return what we don't want and buy that which we do want.  I am so thankful this isn't true about the Christmas holiday.  It's true that Jesus is the Christ and we need nothing save from salvation from God.  Jesus did mas (more) than we can ever realize.  So, we need to remember what is important in His eyes rather than our eyes.  We all can do something but few will do anything. 
     This holiday is for everyone.  Some may only celebrate in the gift giving and receiving.  Just as many who will  celebrate only the birth of Jesus.  The rest of us will fall between the two extremes.  Why is that?  Do we have so much history in our traditions  that we don't venture beyond where our parents did?  Maybe your year(s) have been very hard on you and your faith is either non existent or so low that you don't even consider Christmas anything other than another day.  Part of our celebrating is spending money on presents.   For what?  Well, some do so because they want to, some do so because they are expected to and then some do so in order to remain a friend or welcomed family.  It's all about our choice.
     It's my prayer that everyone can understand the mystery of Christ being born and God came to earth as a man.  It's my hope that we don't go excessive with commercialism but do go excessive praising God and thanking him for all the blessings we receive.  It's my love that I offer to all who know me and my heart. With the prayer, hope and love we have a means of bring Christ to a world that needs more Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve

     It's Christmas Eve and I've so much to do!  Maybe you have much to do as well.  Every year we (you know who I mean) find ourselves in this quandary of too much to do without enough time to do it.  Then there is all the wrapping of gifts, decorating the house inside and out and purchasing and preparing the food of which we will have too much and will eat too much!  Have the Tums ready!  Oh what fun we have...  Okay, I forgot about the Christmas music that began somewhere before Thanksgiving!  I haven't even touched all the community activities, travel, and Christmas cards to be sent out.  I'm feeling a bit overloaded even as I write these words.
     Over the years I have been in jobs where I was required to work on the holidays.  I've also been unable to do some work the holidays require.  I must not forget the Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years day we spend in a hotel because the home had a lot of smoke damage and was being cleaned and taken care of.  At least the hotel had a Jacuzzi and pool!  There wasn't much we could do but enjoy the time away.  When I survey the different stages of my life and where they were spent I find those memories rich with love, friendship and amazement. 
     The most important lesson all of this has taught me is that this isn't about me.  Christmas isn't about any of us.  Christmas is about Jesus.  Pretty simple.  The more I step out of the picture the more God is able to bring his message to us, his people.  That comes in all forms.  One year I gathered blankets and food coupons and went to give to the homeless.  Another year my kids and I worked in a homeless shelter.  I've spent Christmas in Europe and Hawaii.  I've driven or flown across the globe many times to celebrate Christmas with those I love.  And so, Christ in Christmas has brought me far from where I first started in October 1972 when I first gave my life to him.  Prior to that Christmas was all about giving and receiving gifts.  After that date Christmas became about Jesus, his birth and God's gift to us in him. 
     Commercialism has taken Christmas far away from the humble beginnings.  With Christmas beginning in July it's hard to get in the spirit so far from Christmas.  It's when there are the best deals in the store for Christmas I'm told.  What would the world look like if for just one year there were no decorations or gifts?  Just the gift of Jesus?  Would we be able to lose the commercial Christmas?  What story would we tell our children then?  How many years would it take to bring Christmas back to the manger story and lesson? 
     Where Christmas is celebrated by most everyone with the exception of Jehovah Witnesses here on earth.  Pagan and Christian celebrate the holiday side by side.  Sometimes one or the other switches to the other side.  But, Christmas goes on.  The real Holy Day of Christmas hasn't changed with God.  Even those with a staunch faith have altered how they celebrate Christmas.  Christmas is, should be and will be until Jesus comes to take us home to heaven.  You and I can do nothing to change the timeline.  We can determine whether or not we are on that train that is already begin leaving the station.  Will you be on it?  Will you be found watching God in those around us or will we be part of the crowd that is watching?  Really it's your choice.  Remember the Christ child and why he came to be a part of us and to leave a part of him with those who believe.  Do you believe?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

No good deed goes unpunished. (Clare Boothe Luce )

     However you want to use Ms. Luce's quote the result remains the same.  Try to do good and it will bite you in the butt.  While the speed limit is written in word and law as well as displayed on the sign at the side of the road, it's the law.  We, as people, are supposed to obey the laws of the land.  However, like Murphy, this law, "No good deed goes unpunished." surely exists just as the stop sign we drive up to.  Most people have heard Murphy blamed for everything in their life or the lives of those around them.  "No good deed goes unpunished." seem to follow us around just waiting to drop the guillotine on our unsuspecting necks.  While we intend something good to happen and even try to make sure that good something happens, our good deed giving gets punished.  Now I'm not saying this happens in every good deed.  No, there are many good things we do that are well received. 
     Point.  While a pastor of a rural church in Minnesota I encountered an elderly man whom I visited with from time to time.  I learned that his girlfriend was  not doing very well and was in the hospital.  He asked for prayer for her.  I did so right on the spot and continued for the next week.  When he failed to come to church on Sunday I decided to drop in on him and see how he was doing.  He told me that he didn't need to go to church or believe in God anymore.  His rationalizing was founded in his statement:  "Your prayer didn't work and she died."  No good deed goes unpunished.  Eventually he did return to church for which I was grateful.  People misinterpret events that go on in their lives and draw conclusions that just aren't there. 
     From the vast storage of mistakes I have made through my 61 years, there are lots of examples where I've intended the best that ended up backfiring on me.   I'm sure there are some of these events in others lives as well.  So, what do we do?  Don't stop doing good!  The world we live in needs all the good we can bring about.  Yes, sometimes our good turns out to not be what others think of good.  Don't stop doing good!  That's our inclination though.  If we were to stop doing good and everyone else stopped doing good. our world would be pretty depressing. 
     Sometimes when I am considering doing something I know to be true, I try to find ways to be an invisible conductor of the orchestra.  Bringing about good where no one knows that the culprit is me.  There is quite a bit of fun in that way of doing good.  This anonymity gives us a means of absorbing the negative and letting it stay with  me.  Others won't know and I can shake the dust off my feet and go on.  Being invisible gives me pause to remember times in my life where others have done the same to me.  I have quite a number of these events sprinkled in my past.  I still don't know who wanted to see me blessed but I thank them profusely.  Regardless of the intention, the good that is done is still good and it's still done.  Nothing I can do (or should do) to mitigate this event.
     The Bible is full of individuals and groups who gave good caring only for the good of someone else.  We have lost this habit to a significant point where we are sometimes are scared to try one more time.  I'm glad that Jesus didn't stop.  His good was tracked from his childhood to his death on the cross.  The ultimate good deed (salvation) has been done.  Yet so many reject his good deed.  The only one who is punished though is themselves.  To reject the free gift of God through his Son denies you and I the blessings of God.  Even to eternal life.  Don't stop doing good!  Please!

Monday, December 22, 2014

My middle name is James.

     Most of you reading had a mother that, when mad, would say, "Steven James you come here right now!"  We knew she meant that if it came to middle names.  This was the only situations in my life where my middle name was evoked by my mom.  My dad never did this.  Mind you, this occurred in times of anger always.  That and the fact that I was within hearing range.  When mom would call out my first and middle name I knew better than to not come.  To do so might bring worse.  In the end, all turned out just fine.  It's not that we knew a lot of "Steven James" because there wasn't one in our circle.  The question is, did I learn anything during these episodes?  Yes, I did.  The word "coddling" wasn't even invented until I was an adult!
     My teachers were able to the same with "Steven Hawley!" using my last name as if there were more than one "Steven" in the class.  I don't remember anyone with my last name in the school.  I don't remember doing this with my kids or anyone else's kids for that matter.  With the spelling of some of the kids today using the middle name seems like a separate accomplishment when used when someone is able to pronounce the any of the name.  It' not just an oddity as much as this phenomenon was a rite of passage issue.  At a certain age (usually puberty) the phrase was no longer used because it was no longer effective. 
     Names are important in all of society whether that name is family tradition, the name is uniquely mine.  It's uniquely yours as well.  We each have a name that distinguishes us from all the other Stevens in that world we were raised in.  We, in turn, continue the tradition by doing the same with our kids.  We want them to have a name that stands out and is a description of what we feel about our children when they are born.  We want, in some cases, our offspring to carry on the family name.  Our children may not like it but it's for the family and not for the child.  The process of naming a child becomes a bit of our identity mixed in with theirs.  As such our children learn "our way" in this world. 
     There is a unique set of Scripture in the Bible that talks about our name.  In the Old Testament Scripture tells us that God knew our name before we were born.  The practice of naming then was also important in carrying on the family name.  In the New Testament we see where one name was given; another name was given by the Lord.  So Simon became Peter and Saul became Paul.  Both name changed with their drastic turn around of life for them.  Their new name was more closely associated with the will of God than the will of men.  Both men were radically changed and empowered by God to do their ministry assignment.  Finally, there is the book of Revelation where we are told that "those who overcome will be given a new name.  Wow!  Going with the first premise we see the earthly name given by family.  Going through the second and into the third we learn that the God who knows fully has a name for us.  Given by him for us before our birth.  We don't know what that name is anymore than we know what our name will be. 
     For today let your heart, soul and mind stay on the Lord Jesus.  He knows your name and calls you and I to do his will and receive his love.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

"Because I said so!"

     Most remember hearing this statement from mothers and fathers from around the world.  The phrase may be a bit different but the message is the same.  I am the authority!  So, when the statement was applied to you as a child, as a teen, as a young adult and as an elder adult, how did you feel?  Did you feel validated?  Were your feelings hurt when there was no explanation given?  Were you so frustrated that any idea of an answer was evading capture?  All of these and others cannot even come close to describing the mixture of feelings for each of us.  We all feel shut our, closed door, and frigid environments when those 4 words are spoken.  There is really no answer to whatever brought it up in the first place.  So in spite of being in different spaces there is no winner and everyone loses.  Why?  Because I said so!
     Sometimes the statement is heard in different sayings.  The Bible tells the story of Moses and the burning bush.  Quite an spectacular picture is painted as God allows Moses to meet with him on the mountain side.  This is holy ground where there is no competition.  God talks with Moses for the sole purpose of yet again giving his children a chance to re-enter the plan he has for them.  So, what does Moses do?  He asks questions like, "Who shall I tell them has sent me?"  To which God replies, "Tell them that I Am has sent you.  There is so much more in that story.  However, the "Because I told you so!" has just been laid out in God's statement.  This is a sound statement that is meant to tell the Israelites that they needn't draw any other conclusion as to who God is.  He is the great I Am.  You can almost hear the frustration of Moses' question and God's answer.  It's like, "Who do you think you have been talking with?"  The implied underling statement by Moses is Which god are you.  God must have been on the verge of pulling his hair out! 
     Jesus had a similar experience over and over during his time here on earth.  He uses the "I Am" phrase a number of times as the Jews had used the phrase for God and would recognize the phrase as coming from God.  History lesson for the Jews who were far from where God wanted them to be.  This was a constant part of their history even to this day.  Jesus is nailed to the cross and displays one more "Because I said so!" to the people gathered there with him.  He says, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."  and "It is finished."  Jesus came to earth for a mission.  He knew clearly what would happen and why.  He was continually talking with and teaching to those who would not believe.  These statements were frustration points to which God says what he says and leaves this as a final statement for them to chew on.
     Regardless of the speaker, whenever we hear the phrase, "Because I said so!" we are put in our place without an explanation.  The speaker firmly believes they don't need to explain once again their reasoning.  After being out in the world for at least 5 years you know that the question "Why?" can only be heard so many times before we reach frustration point.  That applies to any age.  So, the next time you're tempted to ask the "Why?" question or the challenge of "Who do you think you are." keep in mind that if you are in God's will neither statement is necessary.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Being responsible.

     Let me begin by telling everyone reading this that I have failed to be responsible in most if not all of the areas of my life and with those whom I care for and don't care for.  I apologize and ask for your forgiveness.  God, I ask for your forgiveness as well, please help me to inspire people more than alienate them from you.
     That being out of the way let's look at what responsibility looks like from varying points of view.  A Christian pastor makes a plan to kill someone and almost succeeds when he is found out.  He is killed.  The man whom the pastor was going to kill?  Hitler.  Hmmm what is the right or wrong choice?  Hitler would be dead and the war would have been over.  Millions of lives would have been saved.  Was the pastor being responsible?  Civil disobedience has it's Christian debut with Peter and John.  When brought before the religious leaders of Israel and been order to not speak the name of Jesus, what was the responsible thing to do?  They said that they needed to obey God because of the higher law.  Hmmm  What is right and what is wrong.  The Bible clearly tells us to obey the laws under which we live.  Can one be responsible when one is being disobedient? 
     Thanks Steve, we were having a great morning until we read this! 
     I don't know who sang this song, but they had it right.  The main line of the song said, "Nobody wants to play rhythm guitar behind Jesus."  "Everybody wants to be the lead singer of the band."  How true on so many levels.  Responsibility is something we banter back and forth with each other and sometimes even with God.  Some would say the word "responsibility" falls into the grey area of life.  If there was a grey area I guess that might be true.  Jesus never talked about a grey area in life.  He brought to us the law of the Old Testament, put it in words that we couldn't dispute and said "Do these if you are my disciples."  What was he talking about?  The two greatest commandments.  "Love God with all your heart, soul and might and love everyone as you love yourself."  Black and white.  We are commanded to be responsible in black and white but never in grey.  Grey areas are where we have our falling down scene.
     In order for us to understand and be responsible we need to begin by putting everything back in perspective.  Eliminate the grey areas in our lives.  That could take me a lifetime!  Jesus said we should take the log out of our eye before we try to remove the speck from someone else's eye.  It's not that we are not allowed to be instruments of His will.  So many feel they aren't qualified for being his instrument in others lives.  Still others tell us we are not qualified.  Why?  Because of our own sin and belief that the sin in us prevents us from having value as Christians.  That isn't true.  At least to God and His Word it's not true.  God works in spite of who we are and in spite of our situation or for that matter our opinion.  He asks us to be responsible by letting Him work through our submitted life.  Hmmm what is right and what is wrong?
     In our hearts we know what is right and what is wrong.  You and I know that we have used the excuses of all the years to avoid being responsible.  It's come to the point where we are immobilized by the belief that the Christian faith should not be offensive.  That's not what Jesus said.  We've come to that place where our Christian faith should be politically correct.  Jesus didn't say that one either.  The Gospel is foolish only to those who are perishing.  That's what God says.  If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything.  If you don't know Jesus you are unable to be responsible.  If you do know Jesus, you have no choice but to be responsible. 

Friday, December 19, 2014

My sisters keeper

     We use the word "keeper" in a variety of ways.  We talk about a certain sized fish as a keeper.  There are hardware pieces that are keepers.  The police are keepers of the peace.    We have been claimed as keepers when we have accepted by Jesus.  You get the picture.  We live our lives being the one who decides what or who are keepers or not.  It seems that with age we are better able to be better at Christ living our through our lives and yet, we still want to hold onto that which we don't really have.  Jesus doesn't want us to be keepers.  He wants us to be givers in every sense of the word.  When we remain keepers we deny Jesus' blessings.  I have been a master of holding Jesus off while remaining that keeper.  There is no excuse for my doing this.  There is no excuse for you doing this either.
     My sister Charlotte is my best friend.  She has been there for me through every event in my life.  No one could ask for a more giving person that she.  She is a keeper AND a giver.  Through telling of her story one can only be blessed with all Christ has done in and through her.  For Charlotte, life is Jesus.  She is awesome!  Definitely a keeper in any sense of the word.  When I talk about Charlotte, I have the privilege of giving Christ through her to others.  The blessing is many fold as the Word is taken further and further down the layers of family, friends and even our enemies.  Charlotte has been through many difficulties and has been able to be strong in her witness of the goodness of God.  Keeping the goodness of Charlotte and the goodness of God is truly a great decision. 
     I'm a good deal addict.  Even when I don't need the item, if the price is right, I want it.  I want to keep the item for myself.  Sometimes I cannot have that which I desire for one reason or another.  The resulting sense of loss maybe isn't like you might think.  Many times I have kept the door open I order to obtain the desires of my heart.  I've just described a way in which I don't put God first in my life.  What does God want in my life?  He wants to be the center of my life and to be the everything in my life.  God sees me as a keeper.  That is wonderful news!  In spite of who I am and what I do, God still sees himself reflected in me.  I agree that this is possible but don't fully understand why God, knowing what he does, continues to love me in so many different ways.  One way is having Charlotte in my life.  I also feel that way with other siblings. 
     You may have heard the phrase: "He is his own worst enemy."  Couldn't be truer about me as well as others.  God doesn't want me to be an enemy of his, an enemy to myself or being an enemy to others in my life.  God wants me to give himself away to the enemy, to others and to myself.  Pretty simple.  God blesses us and we in turn bless others.  What could go wrong?  For me, this is a forgone conclusion.  I bring "wrong" with me pretty much everywhere I go.  I try to avoid passing wrong onto others.  Since we are all sinners, we all have "wrong" in us.  God wants to replace the wrong for His right.  The best way we can help him do this is to give away what God gives us.  We will NEVER be able to out give God.  It's only then that being someone's "keeper" is a positive blessing in their lives.  Today be both a keeper and a giver.  That's the only way life works.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Baby trees!

     Most people who know me have run into my love of rescuing baby trees of various kinds.  I don't go out looking for them; rather they appear where I am working or playing or whatever.  They seem so vulnerable and could be wiped out in seconds with a mower that strays off the line drawn to protect the tree.  My favorite rescue is a long needles pine that I found when it was about 3 inches tall.  I have kept that tree and it is now in it's last pot before I go to the front yard and plant it.  The tree is now 6 feet tall.  I have given away or planted probably close to 1000 trees over time.  Some were last chance of life and some were beautiful and lush.  Why people give away trees is beyond me.  At least that's what my friends and family know about me.  I will give away trees to a good home.  Some rescued baby trees have bit the dust.  Some have lived and are still excellent examples of trees planted in the wild.  At first my wife tried to get me to stop the art of saving baby trees.  She now knows that it's a lost cause and planted firmly in my mind.  I guess you could say I'm obsessed by this element of my life.
     I have fathered and been dad to  7 kids. 2 babies that died ,and 3 step kids.  Quite the group.  I love each and every one of these kids.  I have taught them as much as they have allowed me to teach them.  They are great kids and 5 are now adults with one joining the adult world in 5 months.  I've had the pleasure of praying with 4 of them to accept Jesus as Savior.  What a privilege!  I've failed each one of my kids more than once.  So, I'm human.  God can work with that.  When something new comes up and is brought to me, I'm back in the business of taking care of a baby tree.  Letting go of my kids is impossible.  I'll hold each one in my heart for eternity.  They in turn are holding those who they love in their hearts.  Who can ask for anymore than that?  While each of my kids is a separate person; collectively they are a family.  From time to time they are at odds with each other despite anything I can or have done.  I am not fond of my kids being either the victim or the foe toward each other.  Just like God doesn't want me to be.
     There was this one tree (Douglas Fir) I had rescued from a construction site.  It was about 6 feet tall and was beautiful.  This tree was on my mind all day!  So, like any other sane person, after I stopped working I dug it up and put it in my truck.  When I arrived at my home I realized I had no space for this tree.  I went in search of someplace to plant it.  I found that place near a dog park, baseball field and park with walking trails.  There it is planted and about 12 feet tall today.  I'm sure many have walked by this tree and not even bothered looking at it.  Their value of the tree and mine are as opposite as they can be.  It is serving it's purpose.  Am I serving mine?  I know many people who have been saved and begun their lives as a Christian after being transplanted from the world to Jesus.  Having a part in the process has been wonderful.  Baby trees have grown and developed over the years.  We think of what we can and cannot do for Jesus.  It's rather simple, like the tree I just described, we have a purpose.  Our purpose is to bloom where we are planted.  Then to help others in the same way we were helped.  The cycle keeps repeating itself.
     I was enthralled with a scene I came upon in the forest.  A mighty tree had fallen long ago and was laying across 60 to 80 feet of the forest floor.  What was amazing were all the baby trees growing from the trunk.  Even though the tree was dead, it was and is alive.  Rebirth from the efforts of the mother or "nurse" tree brought about many trees added to the forest.  All necessary in it's own rights.  The question remains whether we are in a dangerous part of the world or the safe and loving arms of Jesus.  Are we doing something or nothing.  It matters if I rescue one baby tree just as much as if I rescued fifty.  Are you doing something with what you have been blessed with?  Give away your faith this Christmas season.  Rescue a baby tree.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Announcing the King of all creation has been born!!!

     There was no baby shower.  The baby, mother and father had travelled from a far country and the only place that would open a door so they had a place to sleep was a bar tender.  He sent them to his barn where the animals were.  The mother went into labor and had no one to help but the father.  They hadn't been married yet so this stigma was on them as well.  Yet, it was meant to be.  God had told them so.  Having lived on a farm with animals in the barn, I know what that barn probably looked like, smelled like and what the manger was.  This was not even a one star place.  Well, later there was one star. :)  There was manure (animal poop mixed with hay or straw) on the floor.  Definitely not something you clean up with 409.  The child was born and it was a baby boy.  The father wasn't the father biologically but did claim the child as his own.  Mother and child are doing well.  All is calm and all is quiet.  Christ the child was born. 
     They didn't have laundry facilities in that time.  Nor did they have many extra clothes or even something for a baby.  No snack machines out in the waiting room.  No coffee for the long hours of labor.  The party in the inn above probably drowned out the mothers cries of pain.  Despite all of this, the parents knew life for them was going to be different.  God had told them so.  Not too many people would believe that!  Perhaps one day they would accept the story and the baby.  Perhaps.  The father was a carpenter.  He worked with his hands and took wood and made a cradle.  At least that is my guess.  They didn't have a Lowe's or Home Depot so what was handy was what was used.  The child laid there with a piece of cloth for his clothing.  In this unbelievable picture we have painted, there was the child who would bring salvation to all people.
     As was tradition, the child wouldn't be named for quite some time.  Sometimes up to 8 years.  However, the mother and father already knew the baby's gender and name!  God had told them so.  How unorthodox a scenario!  Did I mention that these young parents didn't have friends or family with them that night?  Strange visitors would come to see the child.  The announcement of the birth would be given by angels.  But, no one was listening.  They were busy with their lives, their situation, their problems and their world.  Little did they know that the child would rock their lives, situations and problems because that was why he was born.  Scandalous that all this should begin in such a ugly way.  In a barn, in a manger, no clean room or even space, not witnessed by people who could testify as to the miracle.  The list goes on and on.  Our minds, however, paint this pretty picture and we don't feel so bad for this family. 
     We don't know how long the young family lived in this filthy barn with animals.  We don't want to see the "filthy" so we ignore it.  We don't know how long the labor was, how stressful it was and all those other medical issues that we rely so much on today in our lives.  There is so much we don't know about the time involved in orchestrating this event.  God had told them so.  We live with the fantasy that all of this took place in one night.  From the beginning of time to the end of time this child would be central in everyone's life in one way or another.  It was for us that this baby was born.  I've never had someone powerful seeking my babies to kill them.  All because of the threat of the child?  No, all because of the fulfillment of prophecy that day and many more.  Three years to be exact.  They couldn't kill the baby as a baby because the parents had to  flee their home.  God had told them so.  It would be many years later that the mother of the child would see him hung on a cross and die for you and I.
     When we look at how "tragic" or "unfortunate" or "complicated" our lives are next time perhaps we will look at our situation from that one Mary and Joseph were in.  Maybe we can see the baby Jesus from the perspective of why he was here.  Few of us would give our baby up as Mary and Joseph did much less see the people he came to save kill him.  Our salvation came as a great price.  The baby was in a manger in a barn under the inn that wouldn't take him in.  We are the door that keeps Jesus out.  Your choice is before you.  God had told them so.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

If you don't stand for something.... will fall for anything.  Odd how we know that is so true but we don't consider ourselves as people falling for anything.  In fact we protest the fact so much that we talk ourselves into a corner.  And there we sit unable or unwilling to admit we've abandoned the higher ground and settled for where we find ourselves.  We didn't set out to be where we are so we need to ask ourselves what happened.
     I'm sure some of you have heard the analogy of putting a frog in a cold pan of water and then slowly turning up the heat.  As the frog slowly moves to a point of being dead they are not resisting because the warm water feels good.  Then when the end of the good feelings they are trapped in a pan of hot water about to die.  Being humanitarian, we take the frog out of the hot water and they live.  In real life, the same analogy can be used to describe our fall.  Psalm 1:1 describes this perfectly movement from the high road to the low road.  As believers we are called to stand for Jesus and adhere to the Gospel message.  I know a lot about this because of the number of times I did not adhere to the Gospel message.  In Psalm 1:1 the believer first walks past those who are in sin, then stands and listens to their sin, and finally sits with the scoffers.  The person first walks past because they know better than to be in cahoots with those who are not living for Jesus.  The person then stands afar of the group and is drawn in by the words they are speaking and join with them in listening to another point of view.  Finally, the person sits down among those scoffers and abandons their walk with Jesus.
     With these 3 easy steps you too can step outside the will of God in your life.  Mankind has come to a place where idolatry is almost expected in churches and denominations.  Let me make this really simple.  If we are not committed to Jesus and holding fast to the Gospel; we are disobedient to His will for us.  This is and individual and corporate dilemma.  Many church and denomination leaders have slowly taken their believers away from their allegiance to Jesus and placed that allegiance to something else.  Instead of Jesus having central stage, money has center stage.  Instead of loving the lost, they love themselves.  Instead of preparing for eternity with Jesus they are living for the moment and their own pleasure.  If it sounds like a frog, looks like a frog and hops like a frog, it's most likely a frog.  That frog is slowly being taken away from safety.  Slowly the message of Jesus moves from foremost to hindsight. 
     Many of us have found ourselves where someone has led us.  We have fallen away from Jesus and bought the lie that we are "entitled" as Christians to have our desires to the point where the desires are greater than salvation through Jesus.  We are dissuaded into believing that our personal pleasure is more important that the pleasure of being saved by Christ's work on the Cross and the Resurrection.   From walking where Jesus was taking us, it's a short step to notice as we walk by those who seem to have more (of anything) than we do.  So, we stop and with a pretense of "sharing the Gospel" we are drawn away from the Gospel.  When we sit with the sinner and listen to their "truth" we fail to believe that Jesus is "the way, the truth and life." 
     Today you need to choose whether you are a frog in a pan of water or are FROG, Fully Relying On God.  Your choice...

Monday, December 15, 2014

Once upon a time...

     A lot of children depend on fairy tales read to them before bed or nap.  I can't even count the times my own children asked me to read their "favorite" book or books.  You probably have had the same or similar scenario in your life.  No one is immune to this task.  My kids used to meet visitors at the door with books for them to have read to them.  Soon the books transformed to kids television and then on to video (I know I'm dating myself).  Eventually they morphed into anomie on their telephone that is carried everywhere by them.  Now, as then, the focus is funneled down to what is immediately catching their attention.  For some kids it's games.  For others it's books.  Regardless of which one is chosen, there are many adults that are stuck in the fairy tale as well.  Going into adulthood living the life of a child used to mean that we had faith as a child in God. 
     Astonishing enough, many children have survived the flood of images and stories that make up the unreal world of fairy tales.  The bad guy gets his and everyone cheers.  No one cares about what made the bad guy (or gal) bad in the first place.  Well, some care but not enough to change how their lives are being lived.  It's difficult to catch a teenager or young adult without a cell phone or other electronic device in front of them regardless of what is going on in the surrounding environment.  Recently I saw, at a restaurant, two adults and.  When they were ushered to their table they were texting as they walked.  They didn't look at anything but continued texting as they sat down.  The only time they actually said a word was to order their meal.  Four or five words and they were back to texting.  This continued until the bill came which was paid without talking.  They exited the restaurant the same way they came in, texting. 
     The fairy tale doesn't have to be read from Mother Goose (does anyone remember her?) in order for it to exist.  People live the fairy tale today.  It's only when you really read a fairy tale that you see what it says.  Many are negative and destructive.  That's not how I remember them.  Go back and read some and you will see what I am saying to be true.  People cannot live the fairy tale as well.  There are few situations today where everyone "lived happily ever after."  (insert smile and tilted head).  Perhaps the real fairy tale is being lived out amongst us today.  We believe in the "now" and the "need" tied in with what can be "provided" all without any real investment on our part.  That's not what the Bible says we should live like.  The Christian life is one of selflessness and love.  How much of that do you see being exercised by Christians towards others? 
     Well, what will our children be reading to their children?  I don't think books will become obsolete.  They will take on different forms.  They will probably have the book located somewhere on the "net" and read by the voice of choice on your phone.  You may be able to actually watch the fairy tale on the phone as well.  Who am I kidding!?  People are doing that now.  The difference is that people today aren't involved or invested.  Like the couple in the restaurant, people in general spend very little (and in some case none) time actually interacting in a consistent meaningful way with anyone.  In "the day", we were in trouble if we were caught chewing gum.  Today that has morphed into if we get caught working on the phone instead of the class assignments. 
     Once upon a time...everyone lived happily ever after.  The end.

Sunday, December 14, 2014


     Really cool word but what does it mean?  More succinctly, what does it mean to you.  Do you wake in the morning in a state of mystification?  When we go through the day and no one knows what we are up to are they in a state of mystification?  It's a cool word and a powerful one in the hands of a trained English major!  That wouldn't be me.  Granted, even I keep myself in a state of mystification.  Why?  Because I don't have language for some of the thoughts in my head or feelings of my heart.  Leaving people mystificated isn't my prime motive.  Being able to remain in this state and having no one bug me about that state is priceless.  No one but God needs to have access to everything in our heads. 
     People both intentionally and non-intentionally bring mystification into our world for a reason.  Sometimes the mystification is positive and encouraging and other times it's negative and discouraging.  Some of the parables Jesus put before the disciples as well as the religious wrong leads us to conclude that in this case of mystification there is positive and discouraged.  The disciples and the followers of Jesus couldn't understand what he was talking or doing for most of his adult life.  That's because he was pointing them to the Cross and the role of he believer in the good news.  The people of Israel were certainly not led to be in a state of mystification by simply not looking forward.  Looking back, yes.  When something is already revealed there is no mystification at all. 
     In our world today there are episodes of mystification where someone or someone's have secrets to keep.  In order to do so they enter into a role where their whole being is wrapped in mystification.  Sometimes there is so much role being played that it's difficult or even impossible to see past the mystification.  Living in the shadows people are able to live and breathe without every revealing who they are and what they are about.  We pretend we can do this but God always knows the whole person.  He made us and told us why and how.  He leads us telling us why and showing how.  He encourages us to go beyond where we are and envision a future with no mystification.  That's because He cares for us and wants us to recognize a blessing when we see one.
     What are we doing to be seen as children of God?  Do people see you or I as a mystery?  Would people know what you believe in, what you stand for, and how far will you go to protect who you are when no one is looking?  That's why we have the birth of Christ, the cross of Christ and the resurrection of Christ.  We can leave the life of mystification and be real with the world who will then see Jesus and follow Him.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

You can please some of the people some of the time...

     ...but not all the people all of the time.  Over the years I have found that you can't even please some of the people anytime.  But, as Christians, are we supposed to be a people who please everyone but God?  That is more and more the challenge with every day we move towards the return of Jesus.  What to do?  I'm okay with not pleasing all of the people all of the time.  It's the "some of the people" thing.  I don't want to please anyone but God.  However, I am unable to do that all of the time either.  He wants me to behave in such a manner that is pleasing to him and brings glory to him.  Under my own power this is impossible.  To please God most of the time is even tough for me on most days.  That, however, doesn't make our task null and void.  The Bible tells us to choose this day whom you will follow.  Joshua says: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15.  Jesus echoes those words when he tells us to follow him. 
     This isn't just about what we confess with our mouths.  Nor is this just about what we think.  This isn't even about where we go.  It's about who we are.  Are we being Christ to the world?  If the answer is yes, we would not seek the praises of man.  Who do you and I serve?  We are encouraged to be open with our faith so that others may see what Christ has done in us.  For those who follow Jesus and do their best to live Jesus to our world there will be no middle ground.  For as we live our faith, there will always be those who say we are overly religious, those who say we aren't religious enough and those who just don't care about our faith as they have their own.  As I look back over my life I see times when I have been overly religious, under religious and not religious at all.  I have times where people saw Jesus in part or whole because I had a relationship and not a religiosity that propelled my thoughts, words, and deeds. 
     Did I mention that I have been a hypocrite in varying degrees over my lifetime also?  I have.  Unfortunately I have more experience and training in that area of life than I like to admit.  The world around us doesn't practice what they preach as well.  Why are Christians still persecuted and sometimes killed?  Why is it wrong for Christians to pray, sing or even just worship in public places?  Where is our defender here on earth?  We, Christians, do not need an earthly defender.  We have a heavenly defender in Jesus who was, is and always will be God.  So, why is it then, that we shy away from doing what Jesus wants us to do?  It's Christmas, say Merry Christmas.  It's Easter, say Happy Easter.  Two days out of the year and we back down from even doing this.  What is the matter with us?  Why do we get all shy or embarrassed when we are confronted about our faith?
     Here is my challenge to you as well as myself.  Live life as if Jesus was coming back today to bring those who are true believers home with him. What would you do differently?  If you knew that Jesus was coming back tonight at 8:38 PM what would you do?  Would you talk with that co-worker you have been nudged by the Holy Spirit to talk with about Jesus?  Would you talk with your friends, wife, children, and others who intersect with our lives?  What would suddenly come about should this date and time be revealed?  Would there be a new urgency to do what we have been avoiding?  If loving Jesus and belonging to him were a crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you?  We don't like that question.  We don't like it because we become  uncomfortable with who we really are and whom we really represent. 
     Today, this moment and hour, I will do my best to be my best for Jesus.  No promises that I will be perfect.  I'll wait for perfection until I go to be with Jesus.  The walk has been getting more and more difficult with choices that are pointed out to us from all directions.  So what do you say?  Should we pray for each other?  Yes.  Should we give grace to others?  Yes,  Don't compromise what you believe.  No one has a right to take what believe and throw it way.  Neither do you and I.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Thunder, lightening, and rain; oh my!

     I hadn't heard that sound since I was growing up.  It was the sound of a train coming towards me.  As it grew louder I was silent.  The dogs and I just stood on the front step and listened.  The wind crashed into the area around us throwing branches everywhere.  Such a force is seen regularly in many places in the world.  The sound was up and down for the next few hours.  At 8:15 PM the power went out.  With lit candles and flashlights we were able to do nothing.  Buddy and Henry, our dogs were scared and stayed close to us.  As we were dependent upon God to keep us safe, they were dependent upon us to keep them safe.  This morning the winds have died down, power is on and we are waiting for the next "wave" of this storm to hit and move past us.  And it will.
     When we read the Bible we are made aware of all of the "storms" that came upon the people of God as well as their enemies.  We who believe were an enemy of God.  Now we are adopted children having chosen Jesus as our Savior.  The spiritual storms continue to move upon us and through us.  Often the storms are of our own making.  There are several storm stories that I like in the Bible.  The first one is of Jesus walking on the water and telling Peter to walk out to him.  Peter does!  What a great moment of faith!  I'd like to say that I would, like Peter, walk out of the boat onto the water and into the arms of Jesus.  That would, obviously, be dependent on my believing God can make this happen.  Perhaps with flotation devices! 
     The Old Testament story that captivates my imagination and wonder is when God caused a darkness to come upon the world while his people were captives in Egypt.  The darkness was so thick that you couldn't see anything!  That wouldn't be the last time darkness was the result of God bringing about his plan of salvation for us.  As Jesus hung on the cross he came to that point where he died.  The world became saturated with darkness much like the darkness that is present in our lives before we learn of Jesus and ask him to be the light of our world.  He gladly accepts the job of being the light of the world through those who are submitted to him.  The scales fall from our eyes and we can see the world and those in it through the eyes of God. 
     There will be no storms in Heaven.  There will be no winds that shake our confidence.  There will be no darkness every as we walk the streets of gold.  The light that comes when we know Jesus will never go dark...ever.  No time, no darkness and no pain.  Just the love of Jesus and fellowship with him all day, every day.  Time will cease to exist in Heaven.  All we will want to do is praise Jesus and honor him.  The weather of Heaven is always just perfect.  (What did you expect?)  Should we live yet another day on earth, we will see more storms.  With him the captain of his boat, we will weather the storm and reach the other shore. 
     So, tell everyone you know how to get out of or go through the storms in their lives.  Live the peace in your own life.  The storms will come and go but the Lord will remain faithful in caring for us, his people. 

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Let's talk about reality.

     Fewer and fewer people are engaging the reality of the day.  A man holding a sign saying "mom's shouldn't have to worry about their sons out robbing someone."  Really?!  A whole nation going to hell in a hand basket and no sign of reason showing the world in it's real state.  Generations of people not knowing the history of the world much less the United States or even their state.  BUT, we have our daily life and it's reality.  No matter how you dress up a dismal future, it's still a dismal future.  Don't get the idea that I don't like Christmas or the Christmas season as I do like Christmas.  At least what it stands for.  I don't like the commercialism of Christmas that is not CHRISTmas.  There are so many conflicting messages that most people give up on trying to filter out that which is right or wrong. 
     Those who claim to be atheist or non-believers are celebrating Christmas but don't believe that Christ was who he said he was.  Reality check!  If you don't believe why do you celebrate?  For the "season" there are those who believe the Christmas story.  They come around on Easter as well.  That's about it.  Two holidays with presents or at least a good portion of chocolate.  Christmas has been losing it's true story for some time.  Christians should be appalled at this.  Unfortunately, most aren't.  Most Christians go with the flow and try to not offend anyone.  They bow down when yet another issue separating those saved and those who are not is struck down by a government who has abandoned the Lord who gave us this Christian nation. 
     Cute and cuddly with warm fuzzes reign.  The reality check is the proof in the pudding.  Yes, Christ was a cute baby.  At least that's what is seen today.  Yes, Christ was humble.  Yes, Mary and Joseph were blessed and their blessing, Jesus, is the believers blessing as well.  The cute and cuddly warm fuzzes has been switched to anything but Christ.  After all, we don't want to offend anyone with the real reason for the season.  That would be Jesus if you missed that statement earlier.  Just what is it you believe when no one is looking, listening and checking to see if you are politically correct?  Maybe your group has even invented a similar celebration.  Perhaps you have dropped your guard in this season and gone with the flow. 
     The reality is we have only one question to answer.  Do you believe Jesus to be God who came to us so that we can be saved?  That's it.  There are two answers for each of us.  There is "Yes" and there is "No."  Our lives fall into those two categories.  There is no grey area.  There are no compromises that we have to engage.  Do we believe in Christ?  Yes or No.  Celebration of  Christmas doesn't make you a Christian anymore than Easter does.  Giving or receiving gifts from others doesn't make you generous.  Receiving the grace of God and introducing others to Jesus is the reality we need to not only remember but also need to remember.  Tell the story...again...and...again.  Never tire of Jesus being Christmas' focus.
     Regardless of how we believe God is and will be.  That's reality.  Looking to celebrate His birth is just as important as celebrating Easter.  That's reality.  Living your life in such a fashion that others see Jesus and not you is what people need even if they don't recognize what you are giving.  That's reality.  Reading the Christmas story out of the Bible and keeping Jesus first in Christmas is where we find our faith.  That's reality.  This season, take a reality check.  See where you and those who are important to you stand.  Then live God's reality.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A depressed Christian

     There are many who daily struggle with their lives and depression as well as related problems.  We cannot see depression most of the time.  It lies like a sleeping giant waiting for the most inopportune time to come to life and destroy yet another day, week, month or year.  What we are told by medical professionals is to take this pill (of your choice) and everything will be okay.  No, everything won't be okay.  The "pill" may lift your demeanor but it cannot erase the "everything" that's not okay.  But, we've become a people who do not deal with the issues as much as we deal with the symptoms.  Then, we don't do this from a Christian prospective but rather a human focus.  We don't have the cure.  None of us do.  But, we go on our merry way until the next crisis surfaces and we again stumble into the hole we thought was gone.  This time the hole is deeper and so the meds are upped in hopes that we can smile whenever we are with people.  This cycle is repeated time after time until it is our history and not just a participant in the creation of our history.  The most drastic means of conquering this issue that has been brought on you is the action of stopping a life hardened by the cycle.  Becoming overwhelmed for the last time people become their own god taking a life they were given from the real God.  In the end we are led to believe that having this power in our life gives us a chance to make everything okay.  However, that's not what the friends, family and co-workers are left with. 
     Christian or not, there are people we care about who are engaged in this daily struggle.  Holding onto whatever hope we find and keeping up the "happy face" that is our imagination.  Episodic moments become the expected rehashing of what went wrong.  Holidays give way to sure grit needed to not let everyone else down.  There is that image to maintain!  People are busy, have their own stuff to deal with, and some care only for themselves.  So, when a depressed person shows up on their doorstep they refer that person to this doctor or that therapist.  Sometimes the person is sent to the pastor for his or her "fixing".  Something the pastor has little or no training to do.  And the issue gathers momentum from the frustration felt.  Being told "it doesn't matter" is a slap in the face to the depressed Christian and non alike. 
     We talk about the what everyone should do around or with their life and choices.  Yet, we cannot bring about healing for anything we won't deal with alongside our brother or sister in Christ.  It doesn't work that way.  Unfortunately.  I have depression.  It's part of my PTSD (Post traumatic Stress Syndrome) that has existed inside of me since a very young age.  Episodes of "life" have only put the exclamation point on the problem.  I've taken the meds, gone through the therapy, met with the pastor, listened to my friends talk about the "cure" they know so and so did to conquer this problem.  I still have PTSD.  It hasn't gone away.  What happened?  Was my faith so small that I didn't believe that God could heal me?  No, that wasn't it.  You see, we miss the small Scripture that tells us that we have issues that come up in our lives for God's glory.  Wait, you mean God leaves us with issues so that we can be a witness to those around us?  Yes, that's what I mean and what the Bible means.  We are given grace enough to go through the issues in our lives.  Sometimes we are given enough faith to bear up under the depression so that we can deal with the day to day stuff while holding out hope that one day the issue will either die or go to sleep.
     Denying the truth is common with people.  It's also fatal to some.  I am a human being capable of doing wrong.  I'm also a human being capable of overcoming adversity.  The PTSD is hard wired inside of my being.  The symptoms can be addressed but the cause will never go away.  But...God will be an ever present help in time of need.  I believe that.  And so I can write this blog today on an issue that is swept under the Christian rug on a daily basis.  I don't have all the answers nor do I have all the right choices.  I don't have them for me and I don't have them for you.  Sometimes God's grace is all that we have...and it's enough!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


     Definition:  a remedy for all disease or ills; cure-all. 2. an answer or solution for all problems or difficulties.  Isn't this what all of mankind is seeking?  I know that I've been there more often than not.  Often coming out the other side of the experience once again feeling defeated.  Solutions seem a times to be fleeting temptations.  This will produce that and other hopeful statements slip through my hands and fall down where there is no bottom.  Lost opportunities come and gone because I was waiting for the remedy or answer to all my difficulties.  Perhaps you too have fallen victim to your own expectations?  Maybe I'm not alone with these thoughts.  Not many dare to speak about these out loud.  Then once spoken the faith lasts only as long as there is still time for the expected to come true.  Many go to bed at night disillusioned by the world we live within.  Perhaps we are not looking for the right answer?  Perhaps you and I have been looking at our definition and not the correct definition.  Maybe you, like me, from time to time feel that you are outside of this panacea and that it applies only to special or good people. 
     This panacea has been sought since the beginning of time.  Our seeking something or someone that can cover it all, make everything okay, and deliver us to good times only.  Instead we find that panacea doesn't exist or exists but is impossible to be encompassed by our small and biased minds.  Perhaps.  Remedies and answers or solutions don't come because of our lack of belief.  Our need for panacea won't lead us to the right answer.  That will only lead us to desperation and disillusionment.  Where can we stand with this word that makes sense.  We can stand in faith that God can bring about the remedy or solutions we so desperately seek either for ourselves or someone we care about.  Something our finite brains cannot wrap our minds around due to the finite world we live in.  The panacea outlined in the definition is beyond our capacity to know.  The "all"  "cure-all" and "answer or solution for all problems or difficulties" are absolute concepts in a world that we cannot attain the absolute for.  What do we know?
     We only know what we think about and exercise.  For the most part our only venture into the world of the absolute comes when we are convinced about and saved from the world and ourselves.  Jesus was and is the panacea for not only our world but all the people in this world.  Jesus, on earth, displayed the whole picture by not just recognizing something was wrong but by putting what was wrong back into a "right" place.  He did ministry from point A to point Z not skipping any along the way.  When he spoke, the world in which he spoke righted itself in accordance with His will.  There was no class where you would come back tomorrow to see the next step.  For Jesus there was only one step.  One step in hearing, one step in seeing and one step in doing the word of God.  The world no longer had to read the directions before assembling (or not) some piece of furniture or toy.  We have all tossed away the "extra" bolts, nuts, or nails never finding out why they existed at all.  The panacea did not apply to this world either. 
     So, why even have the word?  Should we find out that there is no panacea should we once again go through a lesson in futility?  The ideal has been put before us only to remain a reminder of what we cannot do, cannot speak and cannot identify.  Because we only need one panacea our world can be complete.  Jesus came to be the panacea we needed to have a sense of purpose.  Panacea was something the Israelites sought for, the disciples followed and conveyed to their world and the very fabric of our belief in Jesus.  Belief that we can have all that God has said we could have.  Panacea is, for me, the central part of my belief regarding God and what he has for my life.  What needs to be established is faith that can encompass panacea in God through me to mankind.  I'm powerless to convey panacea on my own.  Absolutes bring about expectations.  We should be careful of the use of any absolutes.  Unless the absolute is attached to God who can bring about panacea in our lives.  When we can say, "I know Jesus lives." we are putting forth the panacea both we and our world need.  When we can say, "I believe that Jesus forgives." panacea again is offered like water to a thirsty soul.  In the end we are able to say, "God is." and need nothing more.  Life will be.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Distressing news from afar.

     It could be around the block or across the world far away; but it would still be either good or bad; positive or negative, welcomed or not.  We call it bad , catastrophic, ill or other negative news words to describe our news.  On the contrary, we talk about good news and assign words like wonderful, thankful, great and other positive expressions.  Seldom do we hear about the middle ground news.  I don't believe anyone would stand on the middle ground for long.  It's not "good or bad" so it's not interesting.  Depending on how invested we are the range of positive or negative news, we have our alert system that is kicked in.  We call, text or just talk to others who we know will be sympathetic with our problem.  In the same light we can be overwhelmed to inaction or underwhelmed to the point of boredom.  Perhaps the image of a snow day from work or school can best fit both of the examples.
     When I was a kid I loved snow days.  They were few and far between in the hardy world of North Dakota!  If there is a chance of a single flake falling here in Washington, the schools will begin closing from various school districts.  When it does snow, life comes to a full stop!  People use storms threatened or real as an excuse to buy out the water supply in the store and enough groceries to take care of their families for 3 or 4 months.  All of this because someone made a situation an event.  The weathermen (I don't know what weather females are called.) take every moment to bring the smallest chance of hardship into a "The sky is falling!" situation.  The worse they make it the more viewers the will have.  And most people either expectantly look forward to the situation or fearfully look at the ensuing problems that may arise.  I think that's what people meant when they said "making a mountain of a molehill." 
     Distressing news for some is glad news for others.  For instance, you are a bugler and you have just burglarized my home.  I come home and I'm distressed!  The police tell me they caught you with my stuff.  Now I'm relieved and you are distressed.  The police who caught you are happy but distressed over the writing of reports that can take hours.  Consider Jesus being accused by those who wished to kill him.  Those individuals and groups were distressed at what Jesus was doing to areas where they maintained control over the people who were becoming relieved the more Jesus did.  Finally they killed him and felt relieved that the job was done and over with.  Then they heard about the empty tomb and became even more distressed than they were before.  This back and forth is enough to stress out the distressed person inside of each of us.  Just spotting a police car behind most of us is enough to distress anyone. 
     So we go through life in a series of stress/distress that affects the smallest part of our lives along with the biggest part of our lives.  So does everyone else each in his/her own way.  The issue we want to address today is the result of the stress and distress in our lives.  We know that a storm is coming and we brace for the storm even before we learn that the storm is going to pass us by.  We hear that someone has been in an auto accident and taken to the hospital.  The first questions from us is whether anyone died or not.  We then move onto the person taken to the hospital.  How bad (not how good) are they and what can be done?  The one element these examples bring up is what is distressing.  There is no expectation of good news even though often there is wonderful news.  That good news is sometimes delayed until...say...Sunday!  That's right, Jesus rose from the dead.  He is alive!!!  The disciples took a bit longer to connect the dots.  They too, eventually, were elated at the good news that came from distressing news.  There is always one that spoils the party.  Thomas said that until he touches Jesus' hands and side that he won't believe.  Kind of like us. 
     We don't need to distress as much as we do.  We need to be relieved because God is in control.  The worst that can happen to me is that I die and go to heaven.  That's not so bad!  In fact that is good!  Rejoice in the good and thank God for his faithfulness.  Not all distressing news or actions mean a negative.  It's all just a matter of how you think and what you think. 

Sunday, December 7, 2014

What to look out for and what to remember.

     When I turned on my computer this morning, I found that my security had protected my computer a LOT since the last time the computer was scanned.  I was given a long list of blocked items, destructive issues and other computer language stuff.  I'm thankful that I have the security system that I have.   It may not stand up to hackers, but it will delay their ability to get into my system.  The question is "What would they find?"  Like much of my life anything they find probably has been dealt with.  The real threat is their ability to crash my system or back up program.  We get this type of "intrusion" into our lives almost daily.  The call that ask to speak with "Steve" as if we were close friends or business partners is only one of many traps.  So, almost 100% of the time I am able to weed out those who are neither my friend or genuine in "helping" me.  Telemarketers are of a group of people/companies that use robocall to get to me.  Despite "do not call" lists the calls still come in unwanted and unwelcomed.  The best news is my computer recognized the attempts of entry into my computer and stopped them so I wouldn't have to deal with it...this time.
     We need to be the "guardian" of the stuff that our friends and family engage in as well.  For many years I didn't allow my kids to go onto sites that are primarily social media sites.  That was before I learned about protective programs and what was available to stop stuff I didn't ask for or want.  I'm not trying to say that I'm so protected that attacks don't happen as that would be untruthful.  What I am saying is that I recognized a need I had in my computer and initiated a device that would work behind he scenes keeping me in business with lowered levels of risk.  I've had several jobs where I was challenged with the same thing only with individuals rather than computers.  Not everyone you exchange "friends" with are friends.  No one program can answer all the risks we have everyday.  It's just the way it is.  Protecting yourself helps your kids protect themselves.  We just as well be good examples than no examples at all.
     Bringing all this to our Christian Walk, we maybe stop reading, read but delete the text after we read it, or go on with life ignoring the negative or thinking the negative is positive.  The "intentions" of our friends, family as well as enemies sometimes are not the "intentions" they profess or we need.  It would be nice to love all and accept all and believe all if it were always true.  It's not always true.  There are many groups, denominations, and individuals who want to teach us "their" truth.  This may not be truth at all.  Many a convincing document, testimony, or advice are nothing more than a virus that makes it's way into your hard drive.  Some are really slick and you've been taken advantage of.  Your hard work is destroyed or hampered and credibility is slowly going out the window.  Ever been there?  Nietzsche once said, "Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful."  I would like to add to his quote "whom or what".  Our world is governed by so many outside sources.  We actually can become overwhelmed and lost just trying to circumnavigate a problem that pops up in our life. 
     Jesus tells us to "trust no man".  There must be something to that scripture.  Trust no man and in no man other than Jesus.  Looking to who or what has our interests at heart can quickly narrowed down to a couple of sources.  The first would be God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The second would be the testimony of the Word; the Bible.  If we put our trust and belief in these two we will be alright and our systems will remain intact.  That's God's promise and no computer program can protect me that well.
     In all of our relationships there are lots of twists and turns that we need to be cognizant of and engaged with.  If you don't see the elephant in the room, you won't be able to bring up God's defense as well as offense.  Trust Jesus and things will turn out right even if you don't see that as a possibility.  Take time to learn the Word and listen to it's message through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Submit all to God and he will give more than you can ever imagine.  He will protect you as well should you make the decision. 

Saturday, December 6, 2014

The end of time.

     While in the military I studied Nuclear and Biological Warfare.  Yeah, neat class!  Anyway, I learned that the "bomb" can cause all kinds of destruction.  If you were to drop a 1 megaton nuclear warhead on Seattle here is what would happen.  For the first radius of 150 miles all life would cease to be.  After that distance you might see cockroaches and other hardy insects.  At 300 miles from center of the explosion there would be some vegetable life beginning to appear.  At 450 miles from center there might be some animal life.  It was here, at that point, that the bomb became overwhelming to me.  At 450 miles in every direction from ground zero there would be nothing.  That devastation would usher in the Nuclear Winter which would last approximately 10,000 years.  You get the idea.  Here are the facts that I learned in 1982.  The smallest warhead anyone in the world has is a 500 megaton warhead. Now add this to the above figures and be overwhelmed.  The nuclear warheads that Russia and the United States have could destroy all life of any kind 10 times over.  Just a bit of overkill.  Add in the other nations that have that same ability and we feel a bit powerless.
     Wow!  I'm a bit overwhelmed with those figures to this day.  What chance is there when weapons like this exist?  The Christian will surely go to Heaven.  That's one good thing.  All the rest will spend eternity in hell.  Time will cease when Christ comes to gather up his own and to release judgment to Earth.  In this scenario the Bible tells us that Christ will return "in the blink of an eye."  Scientist have determined that "blink" to occur in one tenth of one second.  Pretty fast even for my mind to comprehend.  Blink!  There will be many who will disappear instantly.  That would include all children prior to the age of knowing Jesus and understanding Him.  What is left on earth are those who never believed and those who thought they believed.  Enemies at best.  "Yet, the end won't come."  When it does come, all of mankind will be brought before God to give an accounting of their lives.  Satan will be cast in eternal torment.  The Bible tells us "now is the time of salvation."  Today.  This hour.  Now.  Not tomorrow, not another hour, and not some day in the future.  Now. for we do not know the day and hour when Jesus will come back. 
     In our day and world today many ask why do we try if that only delays the coming of Christ?  Their logic is that we need to let the world go and become that entity that ushers in the coming of Christ.  I don't agree.  As much as I would love to be with Jesus, I don't want him to come today, this hour, now.  There are too many souls that you and I now who do not know Jesus as Savior.  Perhaps they know of Jesus but they haven't taken that gift of salvation.  This disappearance of all Christians and children will be a greater affect than the nuclear bomb going off.  Imagine the chaos that will encompass the earth.  We've seen (perhaps) some movies that try to do justice to the Rapture.  They fall very short of what will take place.  For the believer this will be a wonderful event.  To the unbeliever it's a different story. 
     Christmas is the time of Christ's birth.  Easter is the time of his death and resurrection.  It was on the cross that Jesus said, "it is finished" and made concrete the path for man to be with God.  Though people have seen and continue to see the signs leading to his return; they don't see.  Though people have seen and continue to see wars and rumors of wars; they don't see.  While the threat of the bomb lies in hibernation there are few who believe the dropping of the bomb will take place.  The same goes for the Rapture.  What do you believe?  Why do you either believe or don't believe?  Like Peter we need to confess: "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."  So, as we celebrate this time of Christ's birth remember what is important.  What is important is Jesus.  Nothing more and nothing less.  Merry Christmas!