Thursday, October 16, 2014

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

     Okay, the internet is fixed.  Now when a mistake appears, I can't blame anyone but myself!  We enter and mosey through life having choices of who to blame all the while seeing ourselves as more than we are.  It's not pride as much as it is sin.  Being able to do something doesn't make us experts on everything.  Ever had one of those people in your life where they knew everything?  Some may even be able to see into the future as they tell us what's going to happen down the road.  "Someday you are going to regret this or that." 
     Well, today came.  And went...  Yep, that's about all the truth some can handle.  Our lives are a journey of which few know.  The "fight" isn't usually about the big ticket items anymore than the same to be true with the little things.  Some fight the fight daily while others don't seem to need that particular fight.  Any good 12 step (not 12th man) program could be the most effective for any of us.  However, there is no 12 step program for some of the foolish and stupid things I do, think or say.  What to do?  I think I can...
     It begins with realizing we are not God nor will we ever be.  While we may think this sounds crazy; think of all the times you made or make decisions without seeking the decision that God wants.  Are you as guilty as me?  Why do we do this ? There actually is an answer to that question.  We want what we want how we want when we want in the way we want.  I can't believe I just used all those "w's".  Anyway translated we are selfish.  So, the little train can only ramble on with I think I can, I think I can...
     It's not that we don't want the little train to be able to get over the mountain.  We do.  It's more importantly that we think we are the only ones who can do the job.  Okay over achievers here we go.  If you were to die today, would every part of your life continue?  For the most part I can see the vote going towards "YES!"  Not a good indicator of the selfish nature in our life.  Do we see all that we do as the end all in the process?  We are not as important as we think we are.  When we leave this earth, we will be gone and life will go on...without us.  I think I can...
     So, what do we want to be known for?  Now aw well as when we die.  Just what is it that we would write on our own obituary?  How will we every do without Steve?  Our whole lives are wrapped up in "It's all about me."  No, it's not all about you or me.  When we see the little engine going up the mountain we quickly forget those who trained him, those who encouraged him, those who forgave him, and those who maintained him.  With such a cloud of witnesses; how should we live.  If this group of people were to stand before God to testify about me; would I be let in Heaven?  I think I can....

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