Saturday, October 31, 2015

Unconditional anything

     Absolutes are by nature impossible to find, achieve, or live with.  Why?  Because absolutes outside of God don't exist.  Okay, you and I will absolutely die.  No, The Bible is clear that several people were "taken" by God rather than dying.  Okay, we will have to pay taxes.  No, many don't pay taxes.  Now that we've eliminated the big two, let's move on.  Absolutes bring to mind perfection.  No errors.  Nothing wrong.  Where in this world will you find absolutes and what would you do if you found them?  People have this expectation brought about by the thought of absolutes.  Expectations that no man or woman can begin to reach or achieve.  You and I may think we have unconditional this or that but we don't really because "unconditional" is an absolute word.  Much like "perfect" we place expectations on "unconditional".  Those expectations are unrealistic and a set up for our relationships outside of our relationship with God. 
     Unconditional "love" is the only a reality with God who is able to give perfect love.  All other "love" is conditional whether we like to admit it or not.  We may say we love someone unconditionally until we are examined to understand the expectations of love by our definition.  The world has so cheapened the word "love" that our ability to strive towards Godly love is lost or at least seriously diminished.  Love, in the unconditional sense, is total unselfishness.  A total denial of self.  When Christ, God, died on the cross there was a total denial of self.  Not an iota of selfishness.  Yet, we tell the people in our lives we love them with the same vigor as saying we love our beer, truck, jewelry, phone and the list goes on.  Because of our sin nature we are "unconditionally flawed" and in need of an "unconditional love" only available through the death and resurrection of Jesus.
     While we are on the subject let's look at unconditional forgiveness.  "Forgive and forget" is the mantra of many.  William James says it well: "We may have a God in heaven who forgives us our sin, mankind does not."  The sooner we admit and address this in our lives, the sooner God can begin to work on our expectations of others as well as ourselves.  We are unable to unconditionally forgive because we are a sinful and fallen race.  We were born, live and will die imperfect people.  When we understand that others are just like us (saved or not) then we can begin to offer the grace of God to those we say we love and those we say we don't love.  Grace from God knows no bounds and is perfect.  Grace from man is subject to whether we feel someone "deserves" grace from us.  How convoluted is that?  We are offered and hungrily grab the grace of God only to turn around and put a price on the grace we offer others.  Who died and has made us God?
       What we seem to do well is always flawed because it's not God doing it.  We taint everything we think, say and do with elements of self.  God's motive in sending his Son to die for us was simply for our salvation.  Nothing complex there.  God's motive in seeking us out is to bless us.  No surprise there either.  God's gift of forgiveness and eternal life is a motive of his heart.  He wants all mankind to be saved and to be with Him in eternity.  Finally, our "unconditional commitment" is not.  We are a people who hedge our bets.  Everything we do is conditional and suspect of an ulterior motive.  We may think we don't do this but we do.  It's our sin nature.  We are an imperfect relative of Adam and Eve who brought selfishness into our lives.  Because of God's work in and through Christ, we have unconditional forgiveness and salvation in him.  Because of God's unconditional love we have the privilege of breathing one more breath, living one more day and offering Jesus to others. 

Friday, October 30, 2015

Christian communication is complicated at best.

     On a recent vacation I went into a store and found this T-shirt that I absolutely had to buy!  It said, "My wife says I don't listen, or something like that!"  Even she agreed that it was very appropriate.  I've worn the t-shirt lots of places and men and women alike have been stopping me to read the shirt.  Many smiles, heads shaking, and outright laughing.  Why?  Because people recognize that this is true.  We are a people who don't REALLY listen.  We "hear" but we don't "listen."  When we are passing people coming towards us there is the eye contact followed with a head nod (if you are a guy) and then maybe followed up with "How are you?"  This is done to friend and stranger alike.  Living in Chicago I was taught a very important lesson as I said this to one individual.  This man stopped, looked at me and said, "Do you really want to know?"  Not being in a hurry I told him that I did want to know.  He didn't believe me an told me so.  He turned and walked away.  I was left wondering if I really did want to know, what I thought would be said, and the quandary that we both would be left with if this communication took place.
     Communication has expectations.  Not necessarily general expectations like answering when addressed; but certainly specifically to what people want FROM rather than what people GIVE to the communication.  We call it "selective hearing" in my circle of people.  We hear what we want to hear AND say what we want others to hear.  This is not communication at its best.  What is the Christian supposed to do with communication?  Is it fair to have expectations of others?  Is it fair for others to have expectation of us?  For instance, you or I are having a bad day.  It happens.  With me, I shut down and don't want to communicate with anyone.  With you, perhaps you want to have someone who will listen and not interrupt.  In a "bad" space we wouldn't communicate very well.  I grew up in a world where the rule was "Children should be seen and not heard."  and "Children should only speak when spoken to."  Not really encouraging of good communication.  Some people only speak out of anger while others speak only when there is no chance of anger.  Neither is a good thing or a good role model.
     What do we do?  Communications within the Christian context are complicated at best.  If we speak our heart about a Biblical principle; we risk the anger, rejection and condemnation of others (especially Christians).  If we listen to the world and exercise tolerance of the world, then we fail to communicate the intolerance of sin he Bible speaks of.  What do we do and whom do we follow?  The enemy has created an environment of fear in  communication for the Christian.  The world has reinforced that fear with lawsuits and allegations from many different angles in order to have the Christian conform to the world.  Peter and John were brought before the religious authorities after the resurrection and were ordered to NOT speak the name of Jesus.  Peter said that this gave them no choice but to choose to obey God rather than man.  Needless to say, "the rest is history."  But is it in our lives?  Are we afraid to speak the gospel?  Are we fearful of worldly consequences for upholding the Biblical standard in our home, church, work, and elsewhere? 
     Christian communication is complicated at best by the fear factor.  Christian communication is best achieved when we step outside of our comfortable home, church, work and be Christ to the world regardless of consequence.  God is alive.  God is able.  God will care for your and my need as is promised.  Why the fear?  Selfishness.  We are a selfish people who want from man what we already have from God; love acceptance and approval.  What would happen if we no longer were concerned about what the world thinks of Jesus in us?  Would there be complications?  Yes, there would be.  People don't know what to do with confident testimony of what Jesus has done and is doing in our lives. Have a confident testimony that you communicate through thought word and deed anyway.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Wax on, wax off.

     In the movie, The Karate Kid, the instructions were always in two parts.  Wax on, wax off was one of those instructions.  At the same time he took care of the fence by moving his hands and arms up and down to apply the preservative.  Two commands.  That's all it took for the master to train the grasshopper as he found out when he began competition.  Hand and eye coordination and movement are essential in most things in life.  Miss the cue and you miss the event.  We live by that which we are taught and repeatedly do.  If you lived in an atmosphere where you were respected and you respected others you most likely still show respect and teach respect to your children.  If you lived in an atmosphere of contempt for each other and you held others in contempt then you most likely teach that to your children as well.  Why the difference?  Where is the individual will and the hand of God directing and changing us in his likeness?  Why is it that we have such a hard time living as He wants us to and such an easy time living as the world wants?  Because we haven't had the wax on and wax off experience.
     Knowing what is right to think, do and say is not something to be taken lightly.  The "right thing" to think, do and say is expensive.  It costs you the chance to be "one of the crowd", the chance to "score with this person or that", the cost of advancement when you participate in ill gotten gain.  The right thing isn't something easily gained, kept or given away.  In 1962 the Supreme Court took away the parenting rights of parents by dictating how discipline could be administered and who could administer that discipline.  Children were enabled to "report" their parents or caregivers for "abuse" when they were spanked or grounded.  As a result we stand today with parents who are little more than birth parents with the responsibilities to dole out money to pay similar to child support.  Shortly after that the same court took prayer out of school.  Then the pledge of allegiance was attacked and finally our children are putting condoms on bananas because the government deems us lacking in providing instruction to our children.  It's become worse as time has gone on.  AND it's going to get worse before the return of Jesus.  His return is our salvation from the world and ourselves.
     Wax on, wax off.
     It may seem like I'm blaming the world for all the woes of mankind.  That's simply not the truth.  Our alleged Christian leaders have fallen down as have the Christian bodies relegated to be the body of Christ together.  Where once the Gospel was preached; we no longer see the resemblance.  Where once sin was called sin; we now see permissiveness to keep the person (I won't call them Christian) comfortable where they are as long as they keep giving.  Lack of integrity, lack of morals, and lack of Christly focus are all a result of the abandonment of the Gospel by mankind.  We cannot make anyone do anything they don't want to do.  We cannot make anyone stop doing what they are doing either.  We can only be whom Christ ordained us to be and then teach others to be the same.  Religious norms aside, I'd rather be found in good standing with Jesus than with mankind inside the church or outside of the church. 
     Wax on, wax off.
     It's such a simple exercise that we miss the point just as the Karate Kid missed the point.  That is until he was called upon to do that which he was called to do...karate.  It was in the moment of need that his skills were discovered, utilized and uncompromised.  The way in which we "train" to be the body of Christ is backwards.  Going to Sunday School, Wednesday night and Sunday services are merely the means by which seeds are planted and fellowship established.  Unfortunately for those who are preached a salvation by any means other than Jesus; the moment of reckoning will leave them behind.  The activities we play out in our lives are either directed and honoring to Jesus or they are not.  Simple.  The thoughts we engage in and carry on in our lives are either directed and honoring to Jesus or they are not.  The things we say in our lives and the lives of our children and others are either directed and honoring to Jesus or they are not.  It's your choice.
     Wax on, wax off.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

How you plant the field determines the harvest.

     Most Americans don't really know what goes into the food they eat every day.  Yes, there are ingredient lists and calorie counts and such; but there is not sweat and blood outlining what exactly went into that burger or that salad.  Chocolate is a story unto itself!  There are many different farming areas in the world but most use the same methods of farming to plant, raise and bring in their crops.  I was raised in North Dakota where we farmed a large farm and raised cattle as well.  We weren't forced labor as kids but we sure put in a lot of work.  Here are a few observations about farming from my perspective (as I am sure is for others as well).  Farming is an exercise of perpetual motion.  No one season is more important than the other.  Even winter is important.  The land has limits and rules just like humans do.  There is the need for rest so that the land can renew itself.  During the winter that is ongoing even though it's cold.  The snow and ice that lays on the land provides that initial nourishment needed for the spring growth.  While it's still winter type of seed is determined for the planting for the land where we lived.  I can remember my dad rolling up seeds in newspaper and placing it in a quart jar with water to see the percentage of germination.  The higher the better.  Science at it's best.  Winter was used for transport of stored seed to town for treating so that those seeds would survive and not be eaten by worms and such.  The machinery was readied and set up for the spring planting. 
     Spring comes but no planting yet.  It's calving season for all you meat lovers.  They grow up to be your food (and mine).  Same for other types of animals.  They need to be cared for and raised as well.  Some are sold while others are retained for stock.  Eventually all those will be culled and sold in the fall which provides funds for newly purchased animals or machinery or seed for the land.  When we entered the fields to plant we took care where certain crops were planted.  The richest soil was for the best yielding seed.  The least favorable soil was reserved for the most hardy of seed.  Some of the land wasn't seeded at all allowing it to regenerate over the year.  When we entered a field we began at the center and end of the field, dropped the plow into the ground and set out sight to the end of the field not looking back.  At the end of the field there was a straight line as a result of not looking back.  Are you taking notes?  Don't look back after getting started is a prime Christian duty resulting in a straight line to the Cross of Christ. 
     After the planting of the seeds there is cultivating of the corn, praying for rain, putting up the hay to feed the animals for the winter, praying for rain, picking up and disposing of rocks in the fields, praying for rain, weeding the garden and preserving vegetables for winter, praying for rain and then praying for rain.  Without the praying for rain and putting all of the farm into His hands, you and I wouldn't be eating what we eat. It's as simple as that.  The farming cycle isn't over though. Harvest is coming.  During the summer hail storms can cause damage or destroy crops.  Pests like grasshoppers can destroy the fields.  Drought can prevent crops from growing and maturing.  All good reasons to pray.  In the fall when it's determined that the seeds are ripened to just the right degree the crops are brought in.  This is labor intense and time sensitive.  Wait too long and the quality of the grain decreases as does its value.  Take the crop to early and the crop doesn't have the development to be the best. 
     The cycle continues year after year and the faithful continue year after year to bring food they have found to the beggars that are you and I.  We take for granted all of the above and quite frankly until that hits home we don't care.  We complain about prices, seek out the lowest prices, grumble over how much it costs to feed a family, and on and on the list goes.  We should have stayed in Egypt where at least we had food to eat while we were slaves!  Where are you in your life?  Do you have a season you find yourself in and active with?  The parables of Jesus use farming as some of their descriptions.  If Jesus were to be here today in your life and community, what would he use for a parable describing your life?  My life?  Your children's lives?  Would he find a good crop, attention to planting and growth, or a good harvest?  These are all questions appropriate for the Christian to look at, understand and a cause of action in their lives.  Will we be found tending the farm?  That's up to you and I.  There is no one else.  It's just you and I.  God waits for the faithful to stand up and do the job.  What's your harvest going to look like?

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Where we are going we don't need turn signals, brake lights or mirrors!

     I've either attended or watched races involving everything from snowmobiles to bicycles, tractors to trucks and of course cars and motorcycles.  There is one common thread through all of those who race whatever it is they race.  No turn signals.  None.  Brake lights sometimes.  But no turn signals.  They have rear view mirrors but no turn signals.  The fact that the signals are missing is very important.  The turn signals would be worthless and a distraction to the driver.  They don't want people to know their next move.  It's strategy, planning and stealth all in one.  I cannot imagine anyone racing in the Indy 500 using turn signals.  The picture that comes to mind is quite funny!  Imagine the person you are following signaling a left turn.  On an oval track they are ALL left turns!  What's the point?  The point is that sometimes in the race of life turn signals are what takes us off course rather than enabling us to run the race and seize the victors prize.
     My young driving days were spent driving equipment and vehicles on a large farm in the Midwest.  Tractors did not have turn signals.  What we needed to do when in the proximity of other equipment was pause to look around and see if it was safe to turn.  Being aware of your environment was essential to safety and getting the work done.  Trucks and cars on the other hand did have turn signals.  You're driving on a 10 mile stretch of gravel road and there is no one on the road at all.  Use of turn signals?  Optional at best.  Go into the local town (12 miles away) use the signals.  Driving in the fields to get to other equipment translates into don't bother with the signals.  Proximity of equipment and people are important and we need to be aware of those around us.  No one wants to injure others in accidents.  That does sometimes happen but it's not the way most of us want it to be. 
     When I was a police officer the rules of driving changed drastically.  Most of the time my driving was in line with Joe Citizen and the law of the land.  When I was going to an emergency the rules were modified.  The lights and sirens trumped the turn signals.  When in a pursuit of another vehicle the unknown factor was where the bad guy/gal were going.  Turn signals became a mute point and you went with the pursuit.  However, I did not ever give a ticket to anyone for using their turn signals.  Nor did I give anyone tickets for obeying the laws of the land.  There was an expectation that people would do what was right until proven differently. 
     All of these situations, circumstances and examples are necessary to understand how life is for the Christian.  We are in the world but not of the world.  Our responsibility is to obey the Lord in all ways.  How can we accomplish this if we are preoccupied with what's behind us?  Do we really have the forward focus that takes us through the race and to the prize?  Many do not run the race at all.  They sit content in their lives not looking forward or to either side.  All of their life is based on the picture in the rear view mirror.  They are distracted by the past.  There are those who seem to engage life but are so cautious that every movement to the left or the right keeps them from going straight.  Turn signals turned on are meant to warn others that they are turning somewhere that only they know of.  Whether it be the pressure to turn here or there, the witness of their lives isn't on what lies ahead but rather what needs to be avoided.  Then we have those who seem to focus straight forward and look longingly to the end of the race.  They are "so heavenly minded that they are no earthly good" in their living life here on earth.  Somewhere in our lives there needs to be our life in Christ.
     For the Christian there should be no need of brake lights, mirrors or turn signals.  Our movement directed by the Holy Spirit should be so focused that those things simply are distractions to be avoided.  Putting the hand to the plow and not looking back is how the Bible puts it.  Anyone who looks back cannot be looking forward.  We are called to set the pace and not just go along with the flow of traffic.  We are expected to do what He wants when He wants and how He wants.  That requires we have the pursuit driving mentality.  If we follow Jesus so closely that we are consumed by the path taken; there is no need for distractions.  We all are race driven.  Some more than others and some less than they should be.  There are times I run out of gas and I'm sure you do so as well.  That's what pit stops (maybe church attendance or home groups) are for.  We all need to have that time where we recharge.  BUT do not exit the race!!!  You don't need to use your turn signals so get rid of them.  You don't need a rear view mirror so get rid of them.  You don't need side windows to watch everyone else so get rid of them.  Focus on Jesus.  Run the race.  Seize the prize.

Monday, October 26, 2015

When going forward is the only option.

     I've been reading through the Bible and have just entered the book of Leviticus.  The Israelite's journey has taken them to the beginning of mankind to their potential entry into the promised land.  They were much like you and I in that they took Plan B about as often (or more) than you and I do.  The promised land for us is Heaven.  Until our arrival there we will be forever facing Plan A (God's plan) or Plan B (our plan) choices.  I'd like to say that I always choose Plan A but then I would be lying and a hypocrite.  This is no easy journey for us just as it was no easy journey for the Israelite's.  We make it what it is.  We make the choice.  If they would have made consistent Plan A choices perhaps we would have a different world before us.  That goes for my life as well.  If I had made consistent Plan A choices perhaps my world would be different and the future more hopeful.  Alas, I'm human, fallible and subject to the consequences that I choose in my life.
     It's interesting that Plan A is dependent upon only focusing on the future whereas Plan B is based on remembering and sometimes adhering to the past.  Plan A is where God leads us to be where he knows we will be most blessed and able to bless others the most.  Plan B is where I feel safe and comfortable and settle for what I choose.  Why do I choose to "settle" when I've been promised so much by God if only I would choose Plan A?  There is absolutely nothing I can do about the past.  There are no changes I can make that would alter my consequences of my choices.  There is nothing I can do to undo the damage I've done to my and others lives.  Plan B, looking back, is never a very good choice.  Yes, we can muddle through life on Plan B.  I'm living proof of that.  But, is that the best God wants us to have and be involved in?  So, just for this moment, let's engage the thought of the positive consequences of following Plan A today.  No looking back and only looking at the future from God's perspective.  Quite the challenge but I know we can do this very thing.  You and I following God.
     It's been said that it takes 2 weeks to create or break a habit.  Two weeks of consistent thinking and behavior contrary to the habit we have formed.  I know that some habits turn into addictions and we're talking a more difficult road.  In fact, the greater the choosing of Plan B in our lives, the greater the habit which will eventually turn into an addiction.  Addictions may take longer than 2 weeks to break.  This is especially true if we try to do it on our own.  Allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through the Word, people who love Jesus, and directly to our spirit is primary in overcoming the habit or addiction.  We are a people addicted to the past!  God help us!  We base, for the most part, our lives on the past. What works and what doesn't.  What benefits and what doesn't.  The ability we have innate within us is so buried that we have a hard time believing that God has scripted blessing for our lives if only we would focus on the present day.  This moment.  Now.
     What would change for you if, just for today, you and I were to NOT look back, NOT adhere to old ways, NOT believe the old lies, NOT listen to negativity, and NOT tune out God?  For the Christian, only the forward movement in life is a choice that brings about God's will in and around us.  That's what he has prepared us for.  To go forward as our only option.  

Sunday, October 25, 2015

It's Sunday but Monday is coming!

     Dread.  That's the most common of feelings around Monday.  I don't meet many people who are really enthused by Monday or the thought of Monday morning.  Monday morning alarm clock. Monday morning making sure the cat/dog is fed, the kids get off to school, the breakfasts, making sure the house is locked up, hoping the car starts, forgetting your coffee on top of the car and seeing it fall to the pavement with the cup shattering.  Yuck!  Who wants to start a day like that?  Maybe the problem is the weekend.  Maybe if we didn't have weekends (no matter what days of the week) we wouldn't have the Monday dread.  Maybe...but I don't think so.  There's something about that "back to the old rat race" that gets to us generation after generation.  I don't really care how much you love your job, commute, or any of those things involved in Monday morning.  They all have one thing in common.  They signify the end of the weekend and the beginning of the work week. 
     Now some people have late starts to their work day while others have early starts.  Let's concentrate on an 8:00 AM start.  Eight AM starts on Sunday afternoon as we begin to turn our attention to the next week.  We make sure we have clothes for the week (or at least the day) and do laundry if needed.  We mentally (if not physically) check our schedules for whatever is happening on Monday and maybe even the rest of the week.  Does the car have gas?  Does the refrigerator have food for the week?  Yes, Sunday is here but our minds are on Monday.  It's not that this isn't good for us.  It is good for us.  In fact as Christians we are to be focusing on the future and not the past.  We don't look back and say, "I wish I hadn't filled the car with gas." or "Why did I spend so much time doing laundry?"  We look forward and say, "What do I need to do to be ready for tomorrow."  Within the Christian church there is a focus on being ready for Sunday.  Sunday is the designated day of worship for most churches.  We're told that this is to be a day of rest.  So, why don't we rest on Sunday?  Because Monday is coming!
     The Bible is fairly clear that we are to have a day of rest.  That day of rest is to not work.  The day of rest is not designated as a "day of worship" because Jesus said clearly that every day is to be a day of worship.  Don't believe me?  Read the first 4 books of the New Testament.  We're supposed to be in a state of worship 24/7 and not 24/1.  We are instructed to have an attitude of prayer all the time.  We're asked to see the wonder of God's glory in his creation, his people, his provision...all the time!  Should we accept such a Biblical principle, we would then understand that we don't prepare for Sunday at all.  We then can have Sunday as a day of rest.  Why?  Because what we do on Sunday we are doing every day.  If I have my coffee EVERY morning as I get going, why can't I put on Jesus every morning as well?  With the ability to not go with the norm we can then rest on Sunday and know that on Monday we will not be dreading but we will be worshiping the Lord of all creation Jesus Christ.
     Now it follows that if we are worshiping Jesus 24/ that we have given our lives to him.  Not to our chores, cars, commute, that person in the cubicle next door, not to your boss or even your company.  It is God whom we serve.  It's his chores, his car, his commute, his person next door, his boss and he allows the company you work for give you a paycheck.  Preparation for tomorrow should be focused on the latter rather than the former.  Focus on doing what God wants in the time that he wants in the way that he wants allows us to have a life discipline based on His will rather than the will of others or ourselves.  Don't get me wrong, there will be days when you worship and wonder where God can be found.  It will seem that he isn't there with you.  Neither is your boss.  He/she spend time with other duties.  The difference is that God is always aware of you, your needs, and your day.  He longs to have you believe that "all things work for good for those who are called according to his purpose."  Instead of bean counting for someone or some company; you are bean counting for Jesus.  Instead of combating for a place in traffic you are sharing the road with Jesus.  Instead of dreading communication with your cubicle neighbor, you are a messenger from God awaiting the right time to share Jesus. 
     Other people who don't know Jesus can go on dreading Monday.  The believer who has committed their life to Jesus should look at each day with awe of what God is going to do.  We know what he has already done. 

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Consequences of our choices

     There are two kinds of consequences; good and bad.  Nothing in the middle or outside those boundaries.  There is good and there is bad.  Consequences have a long history with people.  Adam and Eve had a good consequence living in the garden and threw it all away for a shot at what the forbidden tree had for them.  We live with that bad choice and have bad consequences as a result.  The Bible says that we will have to toil the rest of the days of our lives.  The Bible says that women will have pain in childbirth as a result.  We all know the story of Cain and Able.  What was good and intended to bless creation was thrown away in a moment of temptation.  I could stop writing here but as Mr. Harvey says, "Now for the rest of the story."  No one can doubt that there are negative or bad consequences here on earth.  It's a universal truism that applies to everyone and anyone on planet earth.  There are also positive or good consequences here on earth.  Sometimes it may seem like the good or positive are absent due to the state our world is in.  But, good and bad, positive and negative, they do co-exist with each other.  My choice is always right up front and God has given me free will to exercise that choice.  It's my choice and today I choose....we shall see.
     God is king of the rabbit trails.  What?  God owns the patent on changes of direction and the plan to bring good out of bad.  Take for instance my life.  It's a good example of bad choices with some good ones mixed in which affect all of my life.  My choices also affect everyone who is in some way connected with me.  The Bible says the sins of the father are visited on the children to the third and fourth generation.  That simply means that my kids, grandkids and great-grandkids will all be affected by my choices today.  It doesn't mean that they will repeat my sin.  It means that the temptation will be there.  It means that legacy is affected and demeaned when I sin.  Grace enters into the picture right about here.  Because of Adam and Eve (yes, we're back to them) I have a sin nature.  It's the consequence of their a negative way.  We cannot undo history.  We cannot undo what we did yesterday or even up to this moment.  Grace allows us to stop and start over.  When I sin, I step outside the will of God.  When I repent God brings grace to the table to reinstate me as his child.  The "path" has been altered by my sin just as it remains unaltered by my obedience.  For every Plan B I choose (not God's plan), God presents another modified Plan A taking me back on the path he wants me to be on.  Grace is like that.
     This choice of good and bad, positive and negative, sin or obedience cuts across every life here on earth.  Franklin Graham, son of Billie Graham, was a prodigal son before God presented him with Grace.  Now Franklin, like father Billie, is a representative of God with impeccable standing as a Christian leader.  This is far from the gun toting motorcycle rider he was.  The Bible is full of people who were incredible role models who fell.  David with Bathsheba come to mind.  Why should you and I be exempt?  Here is a truth.  Satan spends his time working on and against those who are doing something for God.  That doesn't mean we need to live in sin to be good Christians.  It means the battle gets harder the more we submit to God's plan and choose positive consequences regardless of what that choice may mean.  The recent shooting in Oregon makes this point.  Victims were asked if they were Christian.  If they said yes, they were killed.  I don't know about you but after the first victim I would have been wondering what answer to give.  Yet, the ones who followed, knowing their fate, answered they were Christians.  While the shooting deaths were tragic; the question remains what would I do in a similar situation?  Would I take a stand for God and against Satan?  Would I choose right over wrong in my workplace?  Would I confront evil and risk all the negative this world has to throw at me?  Well, would I? 
     I have chosen to sin.  No one "accidentally" sins.  You choose to sin.  I have chosen to be obedient.  No one "accidentally" obeys.  Both are a conscious decision.  We know right from wrong.  We have a need in our lives and society to be acknowledging our sin, repenting from that sin and being obedient to God.  The consequences of both choices are before us.  Should we want the blessings of God; we need to be obedient out of gratitude to God.  Should we be satisfied with the negative; we need to keep on doing what the world tells us to do.  Pretty simple really.  It's a choice we face every moment of every day.  Obey or sin.  The consequences will follow.  They will be either positive or negative, good or bad, but they will be there. 

Friday, October 23, 2015

When things go wrong as they sometimes will...

     ....and it won't help to have a drink or take a pill.  Ever have one of those days, weeks, months or years?  I have.  I'm sure there are many Christians who can associate with the feeling of not wanting to have "one more thing" happen to further the complexity of life.  Whether it's small or big, when things go wrong no one is happy.  Well, except Satan.  He likes to see us flounder when things go wrong.  He celebrates our failure and failings alike  Well, I floundered good yesterday!  Disappointment after disappointment filled my day.  Henry and I did take a nap in the afternoon and that was good.  My first problem was to not find myself on my knees praying.  My second problem was to not find myself talking with someone.  My third problem was to not find myself realizing that the problems were all temporary.  So, I went to bed early, had a bad nights sleep and awoke realizing I needed to reset the clock and begin
     Like you, I don't usually go around looking for problems.  They seem to find me with little or no problem.  Problems that strike the deepest are usually relationship problems.  Expectations that someone or a group would say, act and be as expected hold power for right or wrong.  When things are good the expectations rise.  When things are not good our expectations fall.  Being able to rely on people for some of the little things like assurance is one thing; being able to rely on people for some of the big things like commitment is entirely another thing.  When times get tough our expectations and commitments are stretched to the maximum.  The closer the relationship, the higher the stakes.  So, when the straw that breaks the camels back comes, we have our world collapse or at least take a major hit.  Stumbling around on our own is simply a sign that we have turned from God to self. Then when things finally hit the wall we do what? 
      Here's the part where we should turn to God and relinquish the situations, problems and people in our lives to Jesus.  But, if you are like me, you don't do that.  First you try to fix the problems yourself.  When that doesn't work you try to blame the problems on someone or something that you have no control over.  Finally, you develop a negative attitude and negative expectations of all that is around you.  Having hit that wall, what do you do?  I went to bed.  It wasn't the right choice but it is what I did.  What would have been the best thing to do would have realized that what I was feeling about treatment of others and situations towards me were the same that I in turn had done to God.  The real problem (amongst all problems) is separation from the first love relationship with God.  Taking to the streets and doing it on our own.  Trying to analyze the problems from a worldly point of view.  Blaming and accusing situations and others for my choices.  Does anyone else do this?  Am I the only one who when things go wrong do NOT turn to God first and foremost? 
     So, when things go wrong as they sometimes do...go to God.  Focus on God. Listen to God.  Rest in God.  Lean on God.  Be loved by God.  He's the sure thing and is waiting to take care of you and I. 

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Looking forward to the past.

     Yesterday marked the day that Marty went back to the future with Doc.  Has it really been that long since the movie made it's debut?  So much has taken place in that time span that shows we are an evolving society and people.  Not in terms of evolution but in terms of changing and trying to better our world and those who live in it.  We don't need the future to tell us that there are any additional changes; we know there will be.  We don't need the past to tell us what changes to make either; as we cannot change the past.  However, we can determine to not repeat that part of the past that is out of line with our Christian faith and what God wants in our lives.  Careful people we must be to not "give away" what God has given us in Jesus. 
     In the 60's there was a popular song, "In the year 2525" that bemoaned the downward spiral and self destruction of mankind.  There was also a movement within that culture of doomsday thinking.  Barry McGuire recorded the song; "The Eve of Destruction".  He later went on to become a leading Christian singer and put out many very positive songs for Jesus.  It's not that there hasn't always been doomsday thinking because there has.  Conspiracy theorists aside, we have had a lot of doomsday events in our world over the years.  Wars, rumors of wars, death, destruction, hate and violence in every corner of the world only support those who look on the negative side.
     What's a Christian to do?  I was once asked to preach a sermon on the end times when the Persian Gulf was first a small war to push back the enemy.  You can choose who the enemy was.  I put together a sermon and took my notes into the pulpit where I wasn't able to deliver.  The Holy Spirit wouldn't let me preach what I had written.  Instead I left the pulpit and went down among the pews full of people and talked with them about their world, my world and the world of our children.  I told them about their neighbors that they didn't speak with.  I told them about their community which was stagnant and had been for many years.  I asked them, in light of their knowledge of those who were without Jesus, how they would feel having Christ return today and their neighbors not knowing salvation.  This is the impact of the end times.  This knowledge that we didn't do our best despite what we did know. 
     Dwight Moody was preaching to a crowd in Chicago and told the crowd he wouldn't be giving an altar call because he wanted the people to go home, think about their state and then return the next night prepared to give their lives to Jesus.  That night the Chicago fire raged through the city and many were killed.  Rev Moody made a commitment to never leave the pulpit again without giving an altar call.  How many died that didn't know Jesus?  We don't know.  We can't go back to the past and yet see into the future.  Today is all we have.  Right now.  This very moment.  It's what we have to make a difference in our world.
     Buy something for the homeless or give away what you have.  Feed those in shelters and homeless.  Listen to the lonely, visit the widows and take care of the orphans.  Don't forget to take care of your own.  Be productive and not a burden on others or society when God has given you the means to do just that.  Talk to anyone who will listen about the hope you have within you.  As Marty and Doc found out, your going back to the past can change everything in the future.  Learn from the past but don't relive it.  Live the future but don't neglect the present.  There's plenty for all of us to do.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Some scary thoughts

     I recently read a quote that said: "Something scarier than going to hell is knowing you are taking your children with you."  Substitute "children" with wife, husband, cousin, parent, aunt/uncle, and the list goes on.  Your best friend whom you have done everything with forever or the cute guy/girl you just met at Starbucks.  If you are a believer then you are going to go to Heaven.  If you are not a believer then you are going to go to hell.  Both are your choice.  Scary thing is that so many people, though they know, will not take this part of life and death seriously.  Why?  Well for beginners it's been a long time since Jesus went back to Heaven and he hasn't returned...yet.  What's it going to be like when he does come back?  Besides the movie about the rapture, what's the world going to be like?  Scary to say the least for the Christian and same old, same old for the non-believer.
     Imagine, if you will, that you have just returned from Saturday evening church and it's Halloween.  You dress up in your outfit of choice and have the kids do the same.  I would imagine you are not dressed as Joseph and Mary with baby Jesus.  The scarier the better!  You go out and there are your fellow parishioners dressed up as well.  You join them and corporately represent the world and not Jesus.  Suddenly you and they are transported to Heaven.  The rapture has occurred.  You stand before Jesus in your outfit with your kids, neighbors and fellow believers.  What did Jesus find you doing? 
     So, there you are in your finest moment and as I have done so often, not representing Jesus as you could have and should have.  How many people have I shown the path to hell rather than the path to Jesus and Heaven by actions and inactions?  I'm ashamed of the many whom I have not been Jesus to.  Many times it was a choice even though I knew better and knew the difference between right or wrong.  How about you?  It's scary to think of those who would and could look at me and say "Why didn't you tell me?" It's scary to think of the time and resources I've wasted on myself and sinful living when that time and resources could have gone to spreading the Gospel and seeing people choose to love Jesus. 
     The Bible says that we are forgiven when we ask for forgiveness from God for our sins.  Whew!  We can do that daily.  What's scary is when we get into the mode of living like hell and then on Sunday asking forgiveness for the week.  Been there and done that too.  What's scary is that God, instead of blessing me so much, could have judged me so severely at the same time.  We take so much of our lives and dedicate them to anything but God.  Whether it be sports, gossip, cheating, denying, or any other list of the things we spend our days and lives on instead of Jesus, we are creating a scary situation where we will be called before the throne of God.  There, in the final judgment, we will have a grand review of all that we have said, done and didn't do over the time of our lives.  Yes, we will be in Christ if we have confessed him as savior.  Yes, we will be forgiven if we are in Christ.  Yes, we will be able to enjoy Heaven if we are in Christ.  The scary part will be when we are watched by those we didn't represent Jesus to during our lives on earth.  The scary part is when they are sent to eternity in hell because they didn't have Jesus as their Savior. 
     Some scary thoughts...who are you when no one is looking?

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Some assembly required.

     Now, THAT is an understatement!  Over the years I have put together tools, toys, cars, buildings, furniture and many other things that required some assembly.  Problems over the years remain consistent.  First is the problem of left over parts, screws, bolts, nails, and other small items.  It only took me 30 years to discover that extra items are added for the purpose of making sure we are confused for at least a few months.  Whenever I've had leftover items the "look" on my families faces said it all: "What did you do wrong?"  The second problem is the unmarked items that make up the whole (no less that 5-10) per box) item.  I've put things together with shelving upside down or just fine.  "Is that the way it's supposed to be?" "Yes, they just made a mistake when sending the pieces unmarked."  No one is buying it but that's what I say.  Third is the problem with time management.  This should take you only 2 hours with only 3 tools; a screwdriver, hammer and glue.  Right!  The only way I've been able to make the 2 hour time limit was to buy it preassembled at the store!  Finally, whatever it is, it's required of me to do it right away because: it's the night before Christmas, family is coming over tomorrow, the kids have already seen the box, and on and on go the reasons. 
      It's not much different with my computer.  It reminds me almost daily to update this or that.  Then, of course, there is the ultimatum of "restart your computer to install these updates or else."  I am for the most part a patient man.  Just as long as I don't need to assemble anything and my computer doesn't threaten me.  I can even tolerate people for the most part.  Then again, maybe it's the other way around and I'm able to be level enough for other people to tolerate me.  It reminds me of bumper stickers.  One in particular states: "Be patient with me, God's not finished yet."  Okay, when will he be done with me?  In my spiritual life I need to have assembly and reassembly of who I am in Christ almost on a daily basis.  I make discoveries in the Bible or devotional time and God says, "we need to restart you in order for this program to run."  Restarting for the Christian seems to only take place when we are awake.  It seems like everyday I am shown new truths that cause the Holy Spirit to unassemble, reassemble, and restart the basic program with the new and improved me.  Not that it's bad, but why all the time? 
     I opened a box containing what was supposed to be a simple 2 hours some assembly piece of furniture.  That was my first mistake but I couldn't find a per-assembled one in any of the stores.  My first two hours were spent searching for an assembled piece of furniture in many of the stores in my area.  They could all assemble one for me for a fee.  I bought the unassembled one to save money.  I knew this would cost me in more ways than one.  The piece of furniture assembled was to be 3 feet high, 5 feet wide and 2 1/2 feet deep.  It had 2 drawers, 2 doors, 6 shelves and a piece on the top that had a hinge to open a secret compartment for whatever you wanted to put there.  The box seemed to be 2 feet wide, 4 inches thick and 5 feet long.  HOW did they put all that stuff in there?  Is there a school where they teach engineers how to pack all that stuff in there?  Two days later and several breaks later the piece is assembled, in my family room and looks okay.  It's functional and everyone is happy with it.  Never again he said! 
     Unlike me the cabinet doesn't require unassembly or updating.  It's a cabinet.  I'm in need of updating and fixing on a daily basis.  God is patient with me and isn't forcing me to update, change or throw out the old.  God simply says to you and I that he wished the best he can give for us.  I don't mean that materially; though he does bless us that way.  I mean that he wants us to be more like Jesus.  He wants us to be a new creation daily and for us to enjoy the relationship with him that was once Adam and Eve's.  In order to do that we need to let him do some maintenance, updating and sometimes even assembly in our lives.  It's been said that sometimes a life has to come to a wrecked state before that life can be saved.  When we come to the end of ourselves God is there ready and able to update, assemble and maintain his

Monday, October 19, 2015's Monday.

     Most people know that I am disabled retired.  So, Mondays shouldn't be a problem...right?  It's not just the Monday factor that requires the black coffee and lots of it.  It's "the rest of the world" that prompts my need for coffee.  Wake up and get moving is an element for a lot of people's lives.  Mine is no different.  The "dread" of the next 5 days doesn't really sit on me like a heavy load.  I've had many people tell me that that's how their lives seem during the work week.  While they (and I) have had fun and relaxation from Friday evening to Monday morning; Monday still came and we still have to wake up and address the day.  Black coffee helps.  More specifically, caffeine, is what we seek.  Some little extra built into our morning drink that gives us that spark to where we can open our eyes and get going.  This ritual isn't in danger of going away so we might as well try to embrace the ritual of Monday morning from a more positive position.  What's so different about Mondays?
       For most of my life I've worked a 40+ hour week.  During that span of my life I've worked different shifts, different days off, different jobs and often have outside commitments as well.  "Monday" isn't relegated to just one day of the week after Sunday anymore than the "weekend" isn't relegated to the time between Friday night and Monday morning.  The Christian finds themselves under the compulsion to honor Sunday as a day of worship.  Many who work Sundays worship on Saturday night or not at all.  Sometimes I've gone to church and fallen asleep in the pew.  Okay, quite a number of times!  We come to the weekend with a sense of "I've earned the weekend." when that's not Biblical at all.  God instructs us to "rest" one day of the week.  Growing up on a large farm in the Midwest there was never a "weekend" attitude, expectation or reality.  Work was from early morning (chores, milk cows, go out to the field) until late into the night (chores, milk cows, come in from the field).  Often during the summer we would work well into the night and be back home closer to 9 or 10 for supper.  That's a late dinner for city folk.  We weren't a church going family but did take advantage of Sunday off.  Wait!  There were still chores and the cows still needed to be milked! 
     Entitlements like weekends off wasn't even in my vocabulary until I left active military service.  However, they did enter into my civilian life to some degree.  After 7 more years of military reserve duty I was able to free up that final weekend of time.  However, at that time I was working shift work, weekends, and holidays as part of my employment.  As I transitioned through vocations I finished my studies and became a pastor.  Yep!  Working Sundays were accented by working Wednesday nights and whenever the needs of the congregation came up.  By now I had probably imbibed at least an oil tanker worth of coffee over the years.  There was a span of my life when I did work a "normal" job and have Friday evening to Monday morning off.  Three years of relative stable everyday scheduling like most of my peers.  The vocations I have be in have all made it very clear that work is service to someone, some entity; but more importantly to God.  Working for God is a lot like being a veteran in that you always have your "military duty" on even after you end your service. 
     My family and children (especially) have felt the impact of "Monday" being at different times and different days of the week.  They all have adjusted to life fairly well.  Most of them drink coffee.  It's a little something I role modeled to them!  They face "Monday morning" just like everyone else; though on different time and day schedules.  They embrace their weekend and get up "Monday" morning and go off to school, work or wherever.  Somewhere along the line life has become a chance to live life to the fullest rather than to dread going to be somewhere, do something and accomplish tasks.  Life has become a service to others whether in employment, volunteering, parenting, being a disabled retired spouse or wherever you find yourself.  The Word encourages us to work as "unto the Lord."  That means we work for Him and he allows us to do so.  It's Him that causes our bosses to cut us a pay check and to have days off from work.  It's Him that allows us to organize our days off and do as we please.  God created coffee beans for a reason!  I take my coffee black, hot and lots of it.  God takes my efforts and uses them for his good pleasure.  Can life get any better? 

Sunday, October 18, 2015

When it seems God is silent...

     Sometimes, when we want the most, it seems God is silent.  I use the word "seems" because for the most part the ownership of perception is on us.  We know things in our mind that haven't travelled to our heart and make assumptions based on what we think we know rather than what we believe.  It seems I can breathe because I am living and yet I cannot do so without oxygen which seems to be everywhere.  However, behind the "seeming" comes a myriad of other impacting "evidence" we manufacture over time.  It would seem that God didn't answer my prayers for a gentleman whom I prayed for in my church.  His girlfriend was ill and he wanted prayer for her healing.  I prayed with all my heart that this woman would be healed and that he would be blessed.  He stopped coming to church so I went to visit him.  I asked him why he stopped coming to church.  He said that God hadn't answered my prayers and that his girlfriend had died.  It "seemed" to him God hadn't answered prayers.  One way God heals those who are ill or elderly (both in this case) was to take them home to be with him.  We don't like the results of prayer if they don't serve our wants and needs.  It seems like we are the ones with the misconception.
     But what about injured children, those injured and killed in war or accidents, the child who dies before birth, the husband, wife, or otherwise healthy person?  What about them?  Doesn't God care about them?  Doesn't God care about us?  What are we to do when we lose someone, someone we love has a terminal illness or is gravely injured?  We don't know what is going on behind our limit of knowledge and belief.  I believe that God heals the wounded or ill anyway he chooses.  That choosing is based on multiple issues.  For instance, he knows of your love for your loved one.  He knows what life will be like for you should they be taken home.  He knows that you have limits of what you can take (and everyone is different).  What we wrestle with is what we don't know about the will of God.  Being the receiver of the death of a child (twice), the death of a loved one (many times), the grave illness or injury of someone I love (several times over), and the sudden death of a person close to me (twice), I too have wondered why God was silent.  His purpose seemed to be just as invisible as his action or inaction. 
     What we often miss in the equation is the difference between our desire and His will in ALL of our lives.  Sometimes a life needs to be wrecked in order to be saved.  I don't remember who said that but do know that it's true none the less.  Sometimes the answer is long time in coming while at other times the answer seems to never come.  Seems only because we won't know until we get to Heaven.  Then it won't matter.  The purpose and will of God is that all mankind be saved.  The choice of mankind is to do what they want.  The purpose of the will of God is that we be loved, accepted and approved in this life and beyond.  The choice of mankind is to do what they want.  The purpose and will of God is to grant, answer and bless us with answers to our prayers ACCORDING TO HIS WILL.  The choice of mankind is to do what they want.  It would seem that we are going to remain in this conflict without the faith and belief (they are different) that God is who he says he is, does what he says he will do, and answer our prayers according to his will instead of ours.  Yet, the choice of mankind is to still do what they want.  In doing what they want expectations (often unrealistic) are thrown up to heaven demanding answers outside of the will of God.  It seems mankind has it wrong. 
     James (half brother of Jesus) said we ask and do not receive because we ask with wrong motives.  When we don't receive we kill and steal in order to consume for ourselves that which we want.  It seems that God should be silent in these instances.  If we don't believe that God can do whatever he says he can do; we should ask for more faith.  At least that's what the Bible says.  Pray without ceasing.  At least that's what the Bible says.  Accept that even though we don't understand that God is working our all the intricacies in our lives non-stop 24/7.  Even when it seems God is silent.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

It's Saturday morning

     Saturdays are meant for sleeping in, doing odd jobs around the place, relaxing with family and throwing ball with the boys.  Maybe even take in a movie, have lunch out and go see extended family for dinner.  Saturdays are meant for relaxing and enjoying those around us.  Yet, like many people, I have a endless list.  There is never enough time or money to exhaust this list.  From the smallest of items to the huge projects we bury ourselves with what needs to be done.  My tendency is to work on two or three projects at the same time.  This drives people who know me crazy!  It's how I work.  Facing an out of town trip today for 3 days I've spent the last week working on stuff that I may have left for the weekend.  Maybe you too do this kind of schedule.  Maybe someone else makes the list for you.  I certainly have contributed more to my list than anyone else could think of.  So, where does the "rest" come in?  Where do we find the "relax" in weekend? 
     Priorities are important for all ages and for all situations.  The greater the stakes the higher the priority.  The wife's car has a flat tire versus playing golf with an old friend?  You could just call AAA but then she could do that just as well.  So, you delay the golf game and become her hero because you put her first.  Your son has a ballgame or daughter has a dance recital (stereotype) and you really wanted to watch THE game on TV with your next door neighbor.  You make the right choice and your kids come first.  Priorities also have to do with investment on future return.  While the game would have been great to see; your kids future and your place in their hearts comes first.  Priorities don't always appear on a piece of paper with a list of things to be done.  Sometimes priorities just "happen."  You know what I mean.  It's the choice at that very moment of what you are going to do.  Your wife wants to go shopping and wants you to come alone.  It's more than an invitation; it's a plea for some of your time.  With all the above situations weighing on you, you make the choice that is what you feel best for that time and place.  I'm not saying which choice!
     Living the Christian life in this very busy and complicated world is demanding for those who struggle with priorities and Saturday mornings.  There is a formula that Jesus laid out for all believers everywhere and in all situations.  He was so adamant that he repeats the formula time and time again.  Jesus said, "Put me first and everything else will be okay."  Well maybe that's not an exact quote but it is what he said.  We think the opposite for the most part.  WE do our part and wait for Jesus to do his part of what we plan.  Then when things go south or don't happen we wonder why.  I've written before about the importance of the present.  The present is a time where God and you and I intersect.  We're given choices and asked to choose Plan A.  It might be something as mundane as do I do the dishes or wash the laundry.  The choice is still there between Plan A (God's plan) and Plan B (my plan).  Whenever I choose Plan A things fall into place.  Whenever I choose Plan B things tend to fall apart. 
     Abandonment of self requires surrender and attachment somewhere else.  If we are to NOT live our lives we need to have something or someone live our lives.  We can choose to have God live our lives or washing our car, playing golf, watching the game or whatever live our lives.  We can extend grace to others on our terms or God's terms.  Though we may see good come from our extending grace; God's grace extended is the real deal.  The return on living my life for God is always greater and more rewarding than anything I could do with Plan B.  Whenever we are faced with a decision we should ask ourselves whether or not God wants us to make that decision one way or another.  It's Saturday morning and you have a list before you.  What are you going to do?  It's your choice.

Friday, October 16, 2015

It was what my momma didn't say.

     My mom's been gone for some years now.  She had taken my dad to the doctor for an appointment and collapsed in the waiting room.  They found she had a brain tumor and late stage cancer.  She was taken to surgery and the orange size tumor was removed.  The cancer has metastasized and they couldn't get all of the cancerous tumor.  The doctors told her the options for treatment and she chose to have quality of life over quantity of life.  She was 68.  She died a few months later in her sleep.  Prior to that I visited with my parents.  They lived in Wyoming and I in Washington.  I had plenty of time to think as I drove to see them.  My childhood trough that present day were relived.  Some of it was bad and some of it was good.  This trip was to tell my mom goodbye.  This trip was to tell her that I loved her.  This trip, for me, was to put her in the hands of Jesus.  She had previously told me hat she had Jesus as her Savior so I wasn't worried about that aspect at all. 
     I arrived a bit apprehensive.  My parents and I hadn't seen each other in several years.  Quite a few years really.  It wasn't for a lack of trying on my part.  Things were complicated.  I was happy to see them and told them so.  My mom looked and was frail.  Her hard life had taken a toll on her and it showed in her physical presence.  "Chit chat" is what they called our communication for the first day.  Nothing serious, nothing heavy, nothing controversial...just chit chat.  The second day mom asked to take a walk.  So we all took a walk.  The walk was short.  Mom asked if she could hold onto my arm due to balance problems (I thought).   As we reached the apex of our walk my mom said to me: "Steven (she always called me Steven), look at us.  I used to help you walk when you were little and now you are helping me walk when I'm unable to do it alone."  I agreed and back to chit chat.  Later in the day we had all eaten dinner (supper in Wyoming) and were sitting in the living room just chit chatting.  In a lull in the chit chat Mom said: "Steven." calling for my attention.  I answered her and she continued: "I wish I had played with you more often when you were small."   I told her that it was okay.  She smiled.
    When I was a young man I flew quite a bit.  I was in the practice of saying goodbye, turning and walking to my plane without looking back.  That changed that day when it came time to leave.  I said goodbye to my mom last.  As I approached her there were tears in both of our eyes.  I knew that it would be the last time I would see her here on earth.  I spoke first and told her that I loved her and was glad that I had been able to come and be with her.  She responded the same and then I felt a push to tell her: "See you in heaven mom."  She said: "I'll see you there."  These were the last words I spoke with my mom.  They still catch in my throat.  My eyes still water up and sometimes I still cry like I did that day.  One last caveat.  My mom told me that she was proud of me.  There wasn't anything else to say.  I got in my car and drove away. 
     A few months later while my sister was visiting our parents mom went in to take a nap.  She never woke up on earth again. 

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Waiting for the other foot to fall.

     I think that most of us have heard the phrase "Waiting for the other foot to fall." sometime in our lives.  Either a grandparent, parent or a relative/friend has bemoaned their plight in life with this phrase.  When something isn't going right we tend to think "What else can go wrong."  Very seldom, if ever, do you hear people say, "What else is going to go right!"  We reinforce the down side by claiming that our best friend, Murphy, is not just an active part of our lives but the initiator of all that happens in our life that is negative.  So, people carry a rabbits foot for good luck.  Wasn't very lucky for the rabbit.  They throw salt over their shoulder and don't walk under ladders.  Black cats are avoided and on and on it goes.  When did life get to that point where looking for the bad, the worst, the awful was predominant and the good was non-existent?  As I was looking at this in my life I noted to self, "That's been a habit in my life ever since I can remember."  What has happened in society is a travesty. When people do nothing evil will always triumph.
     Let's imagine for a moment that you (or I) are someone else's "other foot" and they are waiting for something not good to happen.  Imagine that you have the power to choose to have something good happen instead.  What do you think that someone would think when something good happened instead?  Would you be able to remain silent and just bless the other person anonymously?  Along those lines people bemoan the situation of when someone close to them dies.  The "bad news comes in three's" kicks in and we begin to look for who will die next.  Then after number 3 dies we relax because the cycle is over.  What if you could speak into some one's life and celebrate all who are in their lives and remain alive?  In essence we have the power and ability and opportunity to be a positive or negative element in our life and the lives of those we care about.  Instead of engaging the "Murphy's Law" that is so prevalent, what would happen if we engaged in "Jesus' Law"?  Would we be found waiting for the other foot to drop?  Probably not. 
     People live in one of three spheres.  There are those who live in the past.  Their place is to keep one eye on the past and maybe go to work today and have lunch.  Like the Israelites who cried to return to Egypt and slavery, those who live in the past are more comfortable living without the need to engage or change.  They can be complacent because "nothing ventured, nothing gained."  Then there are those who live in the future (we'll get to the present presently).  Their view is always of what could be.  Often this brings people to a fairy tail existence where the knight rides in on the white horse and saves the day making everything just peachy.  We see it in those who profess faith in Jesus as they build and live their lives with no concern for the present and the past doesn't mean a thing.  Their minds are so "heavenly minded that they are of no earthly good."  Finally there are those who live in the present.  They see each day as a gift of God, are thankful for today and know that God has plans for them today.  The don't focus on that which they have no control.  The past is gone and the future is not yet.  The present is today, this moment, and the immediate need. 
     When we wait for the other foot to fall we have choices.  We can use the past to validate that the bad is going to happen.  We can use the future to validate that there will be a dessert bar in heaven.  We can use the present to live for Christ knowing he's brought you here for a reason.  When Martin Luther was asked what he would do if he knew the day and moment Christ would return; he replied, "I'd plant another tree."  Besides the fact that Martin Luther had a great garden, he was talking about continuing on what he was doing right then.  He was planting Gospel seeds and showing Christ to people so they could also be saved.  His focus wasn't on the past though he certainly had an incredible past.  His focus wasn't on the future though he certainly changed the future for many man and woman.  His focus was on the present and the task that Jesus had asked him to accomplish for that day and that day alone.  He wasn't waiting for the other foot to fall.  Why?  Because it didn't matter.  What mattered were the lives and souls of the lost. 
     The other foot that could fall in your life is either positive or negative.  It's your choice.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Sometimes we need to read the Scripture in context.

     We all have heard Christian and non-Christian alike use the phrase "eye for eye and tooth for tooth".  Yet I have ever to hear it use in context with what the rest of the Scripture attached to it says.  The other day I was reading in Exodus and came across the following: 

     "If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but thee is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman's husband demands and the court allows.  But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise." Exodus 21:22-25

     There is no other situation given regarding the pregnant woman and injury or death to the child.  At least my search of the Bible doesn't show any.  Now, why would two men in the process of their fight hit a pregnant woman?  Was it because she was trying to stop the fight? Was it because the "other man" is the father of her child?  Was this a socially acceptable way to abort a baby?  Hmmm...makes you wonder.  Society back then was much different and yet the same as it is today.  The issue for me is that God is giving Moses instructions as to laws the people are to obey and the punishment when they are broken.  Why would God use the "pregnant woman" here in this context?
     In Matthew 8 tells the story of the woman who was caught in the "very act of adultery".  She was caught with the man mid-action.  In the VERY act of adultery.  Yet, Scripture doesn't have the man she was caught with anywhere in the story.  Why is that?  The story isn't about adultery anymore than the Exodus Scripture is about fighting.  The Matthew story, when taken into context, is about judging others.  The story says that when asked what should be done (when they knew the law) Jesus bend down and wrote in the sand.  I believe he wrote the names of the MEN (there were no women present that we know of.) who were present in the sand.  He then tells them, "he who has no sin cast the first stone."  He bent down and wrote in the sand again.  I believe he wrote a sin or sins behind each mans name.  One by one they dropped their stones and went away.  The story concludes with Jesus sending the woman on her way with the admonishment to "go and sin no more."
     Scripture isn't always "convenient."  We simply cannot take what we want and throw the rest away.  To those who use parts of their argument (like I've done way to often), stop.  To those pastors who read into Scripture what people want to hear (and keep the tithes coming), stop.  To those who use the Scripture to beat people over the head (trying to force salvation), stop.  To those who use Scripture to justify their sins (again, I am the chief of sinners), stop.  While we may have the talent to rationalize and justify our actions or in actions with Scripture; we still are wrong.  We need to stop. 
     Whenever man takes something out of context there is Satan waiting to take the hook and add a fish.  I remember the quote:

“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive” Sir Walter Scott

I remember wondering what it meant as a young adult.  You see deception was just a part of life for the non-Christian.  Yet, the web was forming and being fortified over my years.  When I became a Christian the web forming didn't stop.  Christianity today is so watered down that it's easier to point out where the web isn't forming.  The Bible is clear.  We are to not take Scripture out of context.  Nor are we o make assumptions from Scripture.  Exodus could well be interpreted as a law against abortion.  Matthew could well be interpreted about the adulterous woman.  Read the Scripture, don't take it out of the context. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

What then shall we do?

     What then shall we do?  Well, we've been blessed with the abilities we have.  We can (most) read, write and of course do simple math.  Well, maybe not the math.  I don't like math and have found over the years that math doesn't like me as well.  We have abilities to do physical or mental functions (most) that can enrich our lives as well as the lives around us.  The deck is obviously being stacked against the choice to do nothing.  But they you've probably already guessed that would happen.  While it's true that people can work on an empty stomach, we do have food (most) to give us the renewed energy to do that which we do day in and day out.  Then of course we are able to go outside because we have clothes and won't scare away our neighbors landing us in jail.  What then shall we do?  Something!  Anything!  The right thing!
      My computer froze on the 9th of October.  The computer still works...just in the past only.  I know that there is a problem that can be fixed and will get it fixed soon.  Until then I use another laptop and pray that it doesn't freeze from my use as well.  While I could have gone to the library and post that I wouldn't be posting for a while; I didn't.  I did something.  I borrowed a family members computer so that I could go on doing what I believe that God wants me to do.  I didn't let the computer problem keep me from doing something.  We all have times in our lives where we have spent more time and energy on not doing anything than it would have taken to just do something.  Getting started is always a problem for mankind.  We tend to look at life as jumping out of one frying pan and into another.  Neither one is comfortable or ever goes away.  Making excuses then is not an option to the question: "What then shall we do?"
     I get a kick out of Moses and the patience of God.  That guy used every excuse in the book and made up some new ones along the way.  Yet, God chose him to be the leader and messenger of God to the people.  After many miracles (very dramatic ones) we see the Israelites about to enter the Promised Land.  This is after 40 years of wandering in the desert because they couldn't do what they were supposed to do.  They, in essence, practiced not having faith.  They seemed to be able to complain, find excuses and desire the worst of life (going back to Egypt) over the ongoing and visible provision of God.  It's not a matter of "if" but of "when" we have done the same thing.  Amazingly we have accomplished the same ends they have accomplished.  Often that end is simply nothing.  What then shall we do?
     Trusting God to carry us through life for His purpose means we submit and do what He asks without question.  When we do this things tend to go well, his will is accomplished and lives are changed.  People come to know Jesus and long to live a life where they can share Jesus just by living their lives day by day as Jesus would want.  Generations become blessed and in turn bless the generations to come.  All of this because we did something.  We didn't sit by and watch the world happen.  We were involved by the hand of God.  What will you then do?

Monday, October 12, 2015

Tennis shoes for $1.00 at Walmart

     Saturday evening while returning home from a day with relatives I stopped by the local Walmart (okay, I needed to use the bathroom!) and browsed the store for a bit of exercise after a long drive.  I went over to the shoe department and discovered to my amazement that they had a clearance section hidden away on one aisle.  There were tennis shoes for $5.00, $3.00 and $1.00.  What!?  I looked around to see if anyone was looking and playing a prank on unsuspecting shoppers.  I don't want to find myself on a national TV show with that look on my face.  You know the look.  It's the one where you are so excited and wary at the same time.  The one where you have disbelief showing over your whole body and not just your face.  Yeah, you know.  You've been there as well.  I gazed over the choices of shoes (there weren't a lot) and to my amazement there they were...a pair of gray and white tennis shoes in my size for $1.00.  In fact, there were 3 pairs available.  The shoes even had a tag that showed the marked down price.  I put the pair in my cart and decided that just to be sure I would take a picture with my phone of the sales ticket on the pair of shoes hanging in the same area.  We have all arrived at the sales check out to be told that the item was mis-marked or not on sale in the first place.  Armed with the shoes and a pack of gum I approached the check out counter and the guy looked at the price, looked at me and with "that look" said, "That's quite the deal."  The intimation was that somehow I had changed the price, the price was wrong, or that something had to be wrong.  He scanned the tennis shoes just as I was pulling out my phone to show him the picture.  He said that wouldn't be necessary as the item had rung up for $1.00.  The gum was full price.
     I don't get to have deals like that every day.  Nor, do I guess, do you.  It's not the rule that the consumer wins.  My mind got to thinking (something very dangerous to do) about this pair of shoes.  Then it hit me!  There were many pairs of shoes for $1.00, $3.00 and $5.00 on that rack.  For a really low investment I could have bought all of the shoes and still not been broke.  What would I do with really cheap new shoes?  WELL, in our city we have a large homeless population downtown near our church.  Previously I have given away clothing and other items that they could use.  Why not shoes?!  It's incredible!  God brought me to a store where he showed me that virtually anyone could make a purchase to help someone in need and it didn't have to break the bank or feel like I was cheating my church out of my tithe.  What would happen if everyone did likewise?  I know it seems like such a small thing to buy $1.00 shoes (new) and give them away; but it's doing something.  Doing "something" is always better than standing by (or sitting) and doing nothing.  I'll be returning to several Walmart's in the future to purchase cheap new shoes for those in need.  It's something I can do. 
     That's part of the Christian dilemma; doing what we CAN do.  What exactly can we do.  Well, when I have coffee I can pray and dream and visualize how I can bless others.  Maybe even share a scone with others.  When I take my walks or am browsing in the local book store I can smile and say "Hi." to people.  When I am on the freeway I can slow down to actually let someone into traffic AHEAD of me.  Well, maybe that's taking things to far.  You see, the mindset of many is that we are not able to do anything because "anything" is always bigger than we can imagine, can afford, or can do.  That's simply not true.  Sometimes the greatest tithe to give God is to listen to someone who needs to vent.  Sometimes the greatest tithe is to be there for the small things like serving at a homeless shelter.  Maybe the task before us is to pick up that garbage in the parking lot and not think of it as someone else's job.  Perhaps we could put our money where our mouths are and buy a meal for someone without a meal AND eat a meal with them not caring who may be watching.  It's not what we cannot do but what we can do that makes the difference.  After all, we all spend money on stuff that we don't really need.  Come on, it's only $1.00!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Coffee and Orange Cranberry Scone...with you.

     I love coffee.  That is a fact that everyone knows.  I've had my times away from coffee (once for 3 years) but always come back.  Sometimes I've been "that guy" who uses creamer; but most of the time my coffee is black.  I usually use a "cup" that is actually a bit more like 2 cups!  Keeps me from having to get up and go to the kitchen so often.  At least that's what I tell myself.  Coffee is not so much a stimulant to stay awake but more like comforting companion.  Early mornings with the now shorter days are better with coffee.  Coffee is like an old friend with whom you can sit down and talk about everything with.  Now add in the orange cranberry scones!  It's like coffee to the 10th power!  I prefer them to be room temperature, not heated and with nothing on them.  The orange and cranberry balanced between the two of them.  Sometimes I even go radical and dunk them in the coffee!  Caffeine isn't an issue for me.  I can drink coffee before I go to bed and it makes no difference to my ability to go to sleep.  Now the scone...the sugar within isn't good for me.  It's a luxury that comes my way every now and then. 
      Mornings, especially early mornings, are one of my favorite times of the day.  Doesn't matter what the outside weather is or isn't; I just enjoy the mornings. There are people I'm connected with locally and long distance who have coffee the same time as I do.  We have "coffee time" with each other.  No, we don't go to each other's homes.  No, we don't have a group telephone call or video conference.  What we have is a time when we think about each other, pray for each other and drink coffee with our scones.  Some don't have the scones and sometimes neither do I.  BUT, we always have coffee.  We always have each other and we always have the presence of God in our time.  So, in the privacy of my family room, leaning back in my recliner, coffee cup in hand we have church.  We pray about whatever God puts on our hearts.  We meditate on His Word and will later share on our emails with each other.  It's comforting to know that others are praying for me even as I am praying for them. 
     There are many different kinds of coffee including decaf which I stay away from.  It's not really coffee but has coffee taste.  That's about it.  Decaf is fake coffee.  Though I've never tried, I'd love to one day have "the" recipe for great scones.  Making your own adds to the richness of the experience.  Some of my friends drink decaf and make their own scones.  Neither choice detracts from our relationship with each other and with God.  There is no competition about who has the best coffee or the best scone.  Both the element of non-competition and whether or not you have scones come up.  It's a personal thing.  There are actually times in the day when I don't drink coffee.  There are days when I go without scones.  However, there are no days I go without friends and no days I go without God in my life.  Key to the Christian life is the ability to connect not only with God but also with our fellow believers throughout the week.  None of this Sunday and maybe Wednesday night stuff.  Fellowship and encouragement grows the body whether you have coffee and orange cranberry scones or not.  It's just better with the coffee and scones.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Christian sanity isn't all it's made out to be.

     "Insane for Christ!"  That's what should be on my t-shirt.  We're called to be a people set apart for His good pleasure.  Since Jesus was accused of being crazy and even demon possessed; we should be willing to be likewise.  Now I'm not asking that you go to a church, braid together a whip (takes too long) and then chase those inside outside.  While that might actually do some good for some churches, it's not what we need to be doing.  Why?  Because the church doesn't reside in buildings.  The  church resides in you and I.  We are the church.  I've visited a lot of different church buildings and even mingled with the people there.  Churches from all around the world have different ideas of what the church is to be.  Some are way up there with ritual and pomp and circumstance.  Some are so laid back that shorts and t-shirt are optional.  In case you missed it there are nudist churches.  There are churches that worship on the most convenient of times and those that cater to the masses and what they want.  All church buildings are composed of roughly the same material and have similar defined spaces.  So much for the church buildings.  What about the people inside?  Who are they and why do they go there? 
      "If you would be my disciple forsake everything and follow me."  Jesus, circa 34.  Did you ever notice that there are 33+ years that don't fall between BC and AD.  I digress....  "If your eye offends you, pluck it out and throw it away."  "If your hand offends, cut it off and throw it away."  You get the point...or do you.  "If you even look at a woman (or man) with lust in your mind; you have already committed adultery."  "If you want eternal life, leave your father and mother and follow me."  Okay, now it's getting clearer.  Christianity is to be radical and contrary to the way we have been thinking.  Matthew 6:33 states it clearly: "Be perfect as my Father in heaven is perfect."  Wow!  What is a Christian to do?  I suggest the only way to win this battle is to surrender.  Surrender to Christ.  He's won for all of us.  We need only receive His victory. 
     It matters that we represent Jesus as HE wants us to represent him.  Not how we interpret or understand or even rationalize the Gospel.  He wants us to worship Him in spirit and in truth.  He wants to know that when tough times come we will stand firm in our relationship with him.  Ask yourself what you would do if you had he choice to either deny Christ and save the life of your child or if you would stand firm knowing that your child is in Christ?  Makes you wonder if you have shared Christ to your children in such a way that they have taken the step to salvation in Him.  The world has been watering down the Gospel forever.  BUT the world has no business in your relationship with Jesus.  When you are asked for an account of why and how you believe; what are you going to say?  Are you going to be insane for Jesus (according to the worlds definition) or are you going to roll over and play dead.  Well...actually, if you don't stand for Jesus you are spiritually dead.  Choose this day who you will follow.  Joshua said, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Choose wisely...

Friday, October 9, 2015

I should come with a warning label!

     Knowing myself as much as I'm able to at this time is scary.  Perhaps you can relate?  Yes, I know that I am a child of the King and that He loves me.  But then, he made me, knew me before he made me, and knows everything I will think, do and say for the rest of eternity.  Somehow that's unfair but He is God after all.  Part of the dilemma that we face as people is that we have this crazy function called memory.  Memory comes in whenever we are awake or about to think, do or say something.  Okay, that's all the time.  Because of my memory I learn lessons about myself as well as others.  I learn about the deviousness of the human race.  The selfishness that follows can not endear us to anyone.  Yet, that's what we do.  Well, maybe not all the time, but on an all too frequent basis.  Instead of preconceived notions of who I am based on by memories of my past; perhaps the warning label should be determined by what I will think, say or do NEXT based on who I am currently.  For instance, I'm not about to take my car out and race up and down the streets and roads tearing up the town anymore.  But I might stop at a red light and ask the person in the car next to me if they know Jesus.  See what I mean?! 
     Warning labels are based on predictability.  Predictability is based on consistent behavior.  Consistent behavior is based on general and specific beliefs.  General and specific beliefs are based on who we are in Christ.  Who we are in Christ is based on how much of our life we are willing to surrender to him.  Surrender is based on trust and desperation.  Desperation?  Yes.  It seems that so many of our current warning label is based on desperation.  How desperate am I when I walk into church, the store, a social gathering?  What am I desperate for?  That's the easy one.  We (I) am desperate for three things:  love, acceptance and approval.  Should those three elements be present the warning label gets smaller and more harmless.  The less those three exist in any one's life, the warning label gets larger and with more danger.  So, who am I?  Who are you?  What do we have in common and how can we help each other be loved, accepted and approved?  This is where things get kind of tricky.  We, all of us, want to be free from the past.  We, all of us, want to be seen for who we are and not who we were.  We, all of us, would like to live with a clean slate.
     What's so difficult about that?  Why can't we do just that?  There are two forces at work within our world and within us.  The first is the world we live and breathe in.  The second is the world we live and breathe in.  Okay, maybe that's confusing.  We live schizophrenic lives.  On the one had we live as believers, a new creation, no past, forgiven and reborn as new believers in Jesus.  On the other hand we live in a fallen world that continually reminds us of our failures and misgivings.  Out sins if you will.  The thought that we can and should have balance between the two is incongruous with the Bible.  We cannot live divided lives.  We aren't to be two faced.  We are to be singly focused on who we are in Christ.  Tough to do when the people around you remind you of what a horrible rotten sinner you were.  Why is it we don't believe God and his word?  He says that we are his creation and when we've come to him he washes us whiter than snow.  He forgets our sins and remembers them no more.  The real warning label should be that we live as forgiven, loved, accepted and approved children of the King.  People should be able to look at us believers and say, "Wow!  That person is a child of God!  We'd better be right with God ourselves!" 
     Yep, I come with a warning label.  I'm sure that there are plenty of warning labels others have for me.  That's their labels.  My warning label comes from God.  Watch out, he prays.  Watch out, he knows Jesus.  Watch out, he preaches.  Watch out, he loves.  You get the drift.  What does your warning label say?