Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, Monday...

     There are some stereotypical elements that arise when we are faced with Monday.  Most of them are dreadful requiring a change of mindset and lots of coffee!  While we villianize Monday, not all of Mondays are horrible.  Just as equal we see Fridays as a release of freedom as if we were incarcerated.  The freedom we feel over the weekend is often too little and too late.  Monday comes once again deflating our weekend balloon.  Studies show all the negative of Monday and positive of Friday.  They aren't the truth though.  The truth is Monday is no different from any other day.  If we disagree, which is permissible, it is we who, by choice, make Monday so bad and Friday so good.  In other words, the positive or negative is our choice.  No one relegates this set up us; we simply choose that way of life.
     We can justify our position if we believe other untruths . Like staying off the road and out of the stores on Tuesdays and Thursdays as they are designated as Senior Citizen days.  It's true there are more Seniors out on these days.  Once again we turn Tuesdays and Thursdays into negatives in our world.  Wednesdays are all that are left.  What of Wednesdays?  So, we have taken Saturday and Sunday for freedom to do what we want days.  We also take Fridays as the last day of bondage to a job.  Then we remove Tuesdays and Thursdays because of yet another stereotype.  Why do we leave "hump day" alone?   The only event on Wednesdays is Wednesday night when a lot of folk have church happenings of one sort or another.
     What we do in reality is take Sunday morning and Wednesday nights and set aside that time for God.  God gets about 6 or 8 hours of our time every week.  The rest of the time is spent trying to avoid the pitfalls of the rest of the week.  Where is the freedom in that?  Basically, we have Friday night until Sunday morning (or evening) for fun, rest, or whatever we can busy ourselves with.  With all of this "busyness" what is leftover is relegated to work and  Very seldom do we hear others talking about their free time for God.  "Yeah, I had a great time with my girlfriend, wife, other listening to God as we meditated on the Word."  But that is a wonderful option!
     It isn't reasonable that we have our time put out as we do.  There is no spontaneity with which God can move in our lives or the lives of others.  How many times do we drive down the freeway ignoring the plight of that person who broke down?  In any given situation God nudges us to talk or listen to the person he has brought before us.  Do we hear that still small voice?  Most likely we don't because we don't have the time.  Once again, Satan has come between God and man with the problem of managing our time.  We set up our hierarchy and allow nothing to get in the way except disaster. 
     Today, try to give God your whole day.  Don't believe the hype that Monday is a terrible day approachable only with fear and trembling.  If anyone is the villain it is you and I.  Try today to listen to the voice of God and then place the day in His care.  Monday, Monday...

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