Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's a point of view...

     That's a statement where we could see some fireworks.  People in our lives as well as external forces press their point of view all the time.  If it was physical exercise no one would be fat...that or they would be dead!  We all have that friend, family member, boss or co-worker that seems to always press their point of view.  How others receive their point of view is totally different.  Instead of confronting the intrusion we ignore, nod our head, leave the area or other diversions.  There seems no end of days in putting up with others point of view.
     The first mistake we make is to have our own point of view.  I know that sounds ridiculous and in some cases it would be.  Having a point of view speaks of an agenda where we are determined to at least have our say if not way in whatever we are involved.  We may even take the time to justify and rationalize how our point of view is right.  Religious leaders of all faiths do the same thing.  Whether we are leadable or not remains to be seen.  Having our own point of view is dangerous but necessary.
     There is a moment in the timeline of our point of view where there is a decision that needs to be made about how important our point of view is.  When your kids say that Momma is mad but don't say about what; where does your mind go?  Do you immediately plan an escape to the store to buy something, go to the garage and begin doing things that make loud noises?  Whatever it is, we don't want to know why the other person is mad unless we are a counselor.  That threshold of the moment in time defines your essential being.  What is shown is the type of man or woman of God you are.  Sometimes the point of view we choose works out well.  Sometimes that same point of view will not work out. 
     Being a Christian is definitely, in the worlds view, a point of view.  It seems that all who call themselves Christian also must have the exactly same beliefs.  At least that is what the non-Christian world would lead us to believe.  It that were true, we would be easier to corral and control.  That's what points of view are all about...control.  We can call it whatever we want but we will still either control or be controlled.
     What if, I query, the Christian would only hold to God's point of view?  Should we be so bold our lives would certainly change and the lives of those around us.  Jesus told us to imitate him.  Notice that it doesn't say, "only on Sunday and Wednesday night."  Having a point of view is going to cause you to either cling to Jesus or distance yourself from the responsibility of living for Him.  What's it going to be?
     You see, I have this point of view and I want to be heard.  What if I was of the frame of mind that I didn't take your response personally?  What if I let you believe that I am wrong?  What if I didn't pick up the challenge and either begin or enter into the foray?  Yet there are times and circumstances where we are called to make a stand.  For instance, don't give up your point of view whether you are Christian.  To do so would be denying Christ and the work he did on the cross for all of us.  Yet, we don't need to "fight" as the Word tells us to speak our truth clearly.  That doesn't mean we will convert the world around us to our point of view.  However, we may see Jesus do that work.
     God doesn't need our help.  If he did, we would not be qualified for the job.  God needs us to abandon our state of mind and point of view and live like Christ wants us to live.  Should we begin to take this seriously we can understand Paul's words of "it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me."  Now, that is a point of view!  Go forth and do likewise.

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