Thursday, July 31, 2014

What happened?!

     There I was minding my own business when I was blind sided with some complaints that came directly out of left field.  Why didn't I see that coming?  It's not like me to not pick up on the unexpected.  I have lived with the unexpected happening since I was young.  So, you would think that I would have seen it coming.  But I didn't and here I am wondering what happened.  Have you ever felt like that?
     I have a ready mental list that I check in on every day with the situations and people I have in my life.  Not crazy today, check!  It's like clockwork.  I get up early and take care of the dogs, make coffee, and journal followed by writing the blog.  By then my wife is up and goes into her home office.  The rest of the day is dedicated to all the other stuff in my life.  Maybe that's part of the problem?  Maybe I've just painted myself into the corner with trying to anticipate any and all potential problems?
     So, who cares, I mean really cares, if I feed the dogs before or after I have my coffee in hand?  Maybe the dogs but certainly no one else.  So what if I don't write in the journal.  You would think I was some long distance runner that HAS to run every day.  But there is a race to be run every day.  It's the Christian race.  Paul talks about the running the race to get the prize.  He wasn't talking about physically.  Spiritually do I run the race?  Have I even entered the race?  How does this race become side tracked?  Stuff!
     Stuff gets in our way.  The simplicity that God wants us to live is shoved to the side for the complex and impossible.  Thinking we have 36 hours in every day we strive for more hours just to accomplish this and that.  Who really cares if we strive for anything in this manner?  God does.  He doesn't want us to have cares.  He wants us to put them on the altar and leave them there along with worries and complaints.  He also wants us to dump the wants and needs there as well.  He can take care of it all. 
     Just what has happened?!  I'll tell you what happens in my life.  Slowly, I begin to lower my guard and begin to take things upon myself that I have previously given to God.  With this toe hold, Satan is able to create a chasm from the small crack.  God has equipped me with the tools necessary to stop the pending doom with the full armor of God.  Why did I think it was wise to take it off?  Was it the heat (in the kitchen) or the fire in the frying pan (others expectations)? 
     I think I know what happened.  I think I threw my hands up in the air at one point and surrendered the game.  Whenever I do that the day downward spirals until I either get back under the protection and wisdom of God or I go to bed.  I'm 61 and this is no new concept.  I've been working on my life with God for 41 years.  You would think over that amount of time I could have been at the place where I have more peace.  I do have more peace and like everyone else want more with my doing less. 
     Just for today (that's all I have) I will stop, put God back on top, and do what he tells me to do.  I may have to restart this process a few times to get through the day.  That's okay.  Things are always better with God in control.  That's the way it should be.  I know what happened. 

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

What do you say?

     People want our opinion but don't.  People want fact.  People want confirmation.  People want the truth.  Yet, they don't.  Just what is it you want?  Sometimes people don't know what they want.  Other times people want an excuse.  Yet we still ask people to give us their opinion.  Often we ask for the opinion but couldn't care less about changing our ways.  They are called hard headed or worse.  They are the people who are our neighbors, family, friends, and enemies.  You know if you are one of them or not.
     Have you ever felt used?  That feeling of being taken in for someone else's plan?  They butter you up with compliments and praise.  Then, just when you have your eyes closed they use you and then dispose of you.  You see, they were just interested in their own agenda from the beginning.  We tell ourselves that we won't let that happen again...then we do.  Some people are particularly prone to be victims of these predators.  The good hearted, the sympathetic, and the religious come to mind.
     As a Christian, my faith has been tested by some of these takers.  We want to have faith that money we gave them will really go to the food they say they need.  There isn't aren't lot of nutrients in alcohol and drugs.  Our hearts are tugged and we give, tell ourselves the truth and move on down the road.  Why isn't that enough?  Who was the giving for?  Did it ease your conscious when you gave that whole dollar?  Wow!  You know you could have done better than that. 
     I used to pick up hitch hikers and help them move down the road.  Then hitch hikers began robbing and sometimes killing the well intentioned person that stopped to help them.  For a while I didn't pick up an hitch hikers.  Now, I ask God if he wants me to pick them up or not.  It's the same with giving to those who are begging.  Since finding out that some of these "beggars" make big money each year (tax free); I now ask God if he would like me to give or not.  The Word tells us to not throw our pearls before swine (pigs).  Don't waste something on those who will not be thankful or even honest.
     We call our actions: responsible, careful, cautious and other excuses for not taking a chance.  This isn't about charity to those around us.  This is about the way you and I avoid doing what Jesus wants us to do.  It's not our place to decide anything.  That's God's job.  Doling out your money to those whom you consider worth it isn't Christian charity.  It's you making yourself judge and jury to others.  So, what do you say?
     God tells us to let your yes be yes and our no to be no.  Two answers.  Yes and no.  Why the limitations?  Because he knows how our hearts like to take a decision and rationalize and justify our doing nothing.  It's the same heart that wants to do everything.  After all, what will people think and say when we brag at Bible study about our great job of giving away a dollar?  It could be a thousand dollars and yet our attitude negates the purpose of giving.  We are asked by God to obey the Holy Spirits prompting and immediately do as instructed.  You know what that means!
     Yep, we need to be able to sense what the Holy Spirit is conveying to us.  We need to be able to hear the heart of God when the Holy Spirit speaks.  We need to be able to understand that ALL of what we have belongs to God and he can use it any way he desires.  We need to be able to repent when we violate these actions.  What would happen if we let God have free rein in the life God has given us?  What would people say if we let God speak through us to them?  How would people think about our giving away what is God's?
     There are two times in life when it counts about what do you say.  The first is when you become a Christian and the second is when we are before God and we are asked to give an account of our life?  There have been more times than not that I violated God's voice.  I know he has forgiven me but there are still regrets of blessing not given to someone.  Today I try to listen to the Holy Spirit and to do that which God tells me to do.  It's not easy sometimes.  However, every time I do what God tells me, I am blessed beyond measure.  So, "What do you say?"

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

I'm tired and it's not Friday!

     Life can be so exhausting...  Yep, it's true.  What can we do about it?  Why is life exhausting?  When do you need to have a break from life?  How about now?  Pretend you are not reading but sleeping in your favorite position.  Are you smiling yet?  Okay, in the warm sunshine on your poolside lounge chair?  Not smiling yet?  Hmmm...  Perhaps you aren't physically tired.  Maybe you, like me, suffer from brain tired?!  Brain tired is when things have been going through your mind and you are just tired.  Tired of the conflict, tired of the decision making, tired of trying to please someone else, and tired of having to be yourself.
     I'm tired too.  Yet, I can't quit.  God and people depend on me.  Really?!  Let's see about that.  What would happen if you were in traction in the hospital.  What could they depend on then.  A month later into rehab and unable to do whatever it is that you think you alone can do?  What will they depend on then?  Some people are happy when they are making someone else miserable.  Try as we might, we cannot avoid them all the time.  Some of the time we can.  Avoidance can be tiring just as well as any other choice.  Who or what am I avoiding?  Why?
     Sometimes we get tired of being in a relationship.  That would be with a significant other, friend, family or even an enemy.  I know it's a bit difficult but we are in relationship with our enemies as well.  If the enemy is taking up space in our mind, we have a relationship.  Being defensive and angry is tiring!  So, why do we do it?  What is it that we get out of being in relationships that are conflicting in their nature?  For beginners we get distance.  Distance from them and the problems they bring with them.  Perhaps it's the only way for you to express your frustration and anger with those in other categories.  Maybe you need your enemy so that you don't yell as your spouse, your girlfriend/boyfriend, your kids, and friends.
     Take some time to yourself.  Tell everyone you need time to yourself.  Go and sit under a tree in a park (or out in the sunshine) and just rest physically.  Let your mind go where it wants to go until it's calmed as well.  Deep breathing with the Holy Spirit may even be called for.  Don't even take any distraction with you.  No MP3, no dog, no phone (unless it's turned off) and of course no one else.  Guess what?  The world will continue on it's own very well if you take a break from the world.  Honestly!  Life will go on without Steve Hawley making a decision, doing a task, or walking the dogs. 
     I was once told in a lecture that "you are not as important as you think."  I was offended until I was on my way home.  I got to thinking what would my world be like if I died in a car accident?  What would my world be like if I was holed up in a hospital for 3 months and then another 3 months in rehab?  Just what would grind to a halt and not be accomplished?  How about you?  If you were out of the picture for a bit what would come to a complete stop if you didn't do this or that, think this or that, and make decisions about this or that?
     The one element we have ignored today is the one element that means the most.  God wants us to take a break.  He wants us to take a break from everything.  Jesus went away from his disciples and just meditated for some time.  Why can't we?  Are we thinking we are more important than Jesus?  That would be wrong but unfortunately when we take the load of the world onto our shoulders we do just that.  We kick God out of the first place of our lives.  Then things begin to accelerate as we go down the hill with no means to stop the sled.  Eventually, if we don't stop, we will crash.  Don't worry though.  God will still be with us.  He will go to the hospital with us and be with us as our injuries mend and then as we go home to rehab.  Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."  Never! 
     Take a few moments now to give God back your world.  It's not yours anyway.  Let Him take the worries and discontentment.  He died so that you didn't need to.  Give him the whole of your life.  Hold nothing back.  Now do that several times a day.  I'm not so tired now.  How about you?

Monday, July 28, 2014

Letting go when you don't want to.

     Life is not just about saying "Hi!" to someone or something new in our lives.  Life is also about saying "Goodbye!" and moving on.  Part of the dilemma we face is that we don't want to say goodbye when we say hi to something new.  While both can be good experiences, they often are not.  Hi and goodbye can be forced upon us without any forewarning.  The pink slip at work, the sudden announcement that he/she is/are leaving.  You get the picture.  Jesus experienced this in many different ways during his ministry here on earth. 
     On another level there are those who don't say goodbye and don't say hi.  They are stuck in whatever area of their life where the change was denied.  It could be your spiritual life or otherwise.  The older we get the more we are aware that the world has passed us by in this or that area when we haven't wanted to change or were too fearful to change.  It might be the empty nest or the retirement from work.  The change could be either internal or external. 
     The Beatles sing of "you say goodbye, I say hello" and so it is in some of our relationships.  When we don't want the change or are embracing the change and others don't want us to go through the change.  Family reunions are a good example.  Years after leaving home, "they" still have their games and you are expected to play with them.  Should you decide to quit the game, the pressure increases until there is a fracture point and both parties are changed forever.
     I remember as a teenager standing in what used to be a field of wheat and now is worthless because of a hail storm.  Looking at a calf that is dead because of whatever reason.  Sometimes change makes sense and sometimes it doesn't.  Why did this happen when I had prayed for that?  Can't we please slow down the merry-go-round and get off!?  It's not really that easy is it?  There is something in the human spirit that encourages us to go on.  That same encouragement gives us hope after a tragic goodbye. 
     Isn't that what Jesus asks of us?  He doesn't ask us to say goodbye or hello without there being some reason.  Reason is what we find missing in so many of the changes in our lives.  When the death is of a child or a parent, there sometimes is no "reason" that is acceptable to us.  Jesus has a reason.  He did it with the child who had died as well as his good friend who was already buried.  He rose them from the dead.  Okay, I'll give you that we don't have that power.  He does though. 
     It's an insane argument to look at the life of mankind from God's perspective.  We don't like to read in the Bible that we are born dead and are made alive only when Jesus has entered our lives as Lord and Savior.  But that is exactly the way it is.  We are transformed when there is a goodbye to the world and the unsaved life.  We are likewise transformed when there is the hello of the now alive saved life. 
     We can refuse Jesus' offer of salvation.  We can accept Jesus' offer of salvation.  The choice is all ours.  Know this, that choice by us is and will be the best or worst decision we can make.  You are in charge.  You weigh the truth and it is you who chooses one of the other.  There is no trickery or hidden agenda with Jesus and the choice.  He simply died for our sins and is making his forgiveness free to any  one who asks.  Likewise the world will go on regardless of the choice you make.  Because of that decision some will leave you and others embrace you.  Make no bones about it; change will take place.
     If you are having difficulty loving, it's because you have not let a past love go.  You have not truly said goodbye or hello.  Choice always leaves us with a goodbye and a hi.  The decision to say hi to Jesus is a great one.  However, it also requires of us to say goodbye to the old man.  We cannot serve two masters.  For if we do we will despise the one and love the other.  When goodbye has been truly said, the door is closed.  When we say hi and have truly meant it, the door is closed as well.  Jesus waits....

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Is outrage okay for today?

     Well, the short answer is yes.  However we have a whole 2 pages to fill so I'll take the long answer this time! :)  The first dilemma we face is that of definition.  Even confining "outrage" to the Christian and Biblical definition can bring up any number of interpretations.  So, we will use my understanding of the word and usage of the word.  I believe outrage, like many other loaded words, can have negative and positive connotations.  Additionally, outrage can evoke diverse reactions when used in a group or even just with your best friend.  Outrage is a subject best left alone to avoid conflict some would say.  What do you say.
     The very first time I witnessed outrage was when I was young.  The outrage was my fathers beating of me.  The outrage was doubled by the fact that no one would stop him.  Over the years, until I left home, The outrage would be repeated over and over.  For the most part I have left that outrage behind.  There is discipline and then there is beatings.  Discipline isn't found in discipline.  When and where outrage is found there is a violation of human rights.  Seeking justice or fairness also brings up outrage.  On earth, there is no justice. 
     I remember a number of years ago when I learned that my sister had cancer.  She was and remains my main person of support in all things this life has to deal with.  I was outraged that she had cancer.  Why had this happened to her?  I'm still  outraged and she has had a second bout of cancer since the first encounter.  All is in remission but I still find my outrage very close to the surface.  There is an important connection here.  I love my sister than practically anyone else on earth.  The thread of losing her brings about my outrage because I fear losing her.  This is understandable. 
     Then my brother was diagnosed with cancer.  I was again outraged for the same reasons.  He wasn't so fortunate with the outcome as cancer killed him.  An unjust end to cancer and reinforcement that justice is blind.  Why?  That's the million dollar question.  Why?  The cancer took my mom in just months.  Why?  Then cancer struck my other older sister.  Why?  She was fortunate as the cancer was treated and she is still cancer free.  Why some and not others?  I don't know. 
     I believe God was outraged when this took place.
     Couched together outrage and understanding are a long way apart.  But isn't it outrage that prods us on to try and find a cure?  If we didn't have outrage there wouldn't be any impetus for our aggressively attacking this problem.  So, if God is outraged, and he is, then we can also be outraged.  We shouldn't have mercy for cancer. 
     How can I say these things?  Because I just had a cancer scare.  I was outraged.  Not that I didn't deserve the disease; but rather that the disease would and does affect so many.  The 3 weeks of waiting for test results was exceedingly draining and even today I still feel exhausted.  It's like I have just finished a major project or driven through Seattle during rush hours!  I'm very fortunate that I don't have cancer.  That doesn't mean I won't somewhere down the road. 
     It's outrage that cause us to do extraordinary feats to protect or even rescue a child or other vulnerable person.  It's outrage we communally feel over an injustice unleashed upon us.  It's outrage when we feel let down by those we counted as brothers or sisters.  Outrage is governed by expectation.  When we expect much the outrage when expressed is much greater.  When we expect little the outrage is very hard to find.  Protection of others can also govern our reaction.  All of this depends on how important that person is to us.  Will we give up our lives for another? 
     That's the question that Jesus puts before us?  It took the mercy and grace of Christ to settle the outrage the Father felt towards those who have continually doing the devils work.  I did that for years.  I was dead spiritually at that time.  No excuse is alright though.  The Father sent the Son to be the go between God and I.  It is outrageous that someone like me should deserve the love of God.  But, that's how much God loves you and me.  It's with great pleasure that I bring you the news that God's anger doesn't burn against his children anymore.  Christ has made atonement for us.  Some may think this is outrageous that a sinner like me could be forgiven.  Perhaps a sinner like you has wanting to hear this for a long time. 
     Peace be unto you!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Isn't this enough?

     When is enough, enough?  What is wrong with us?  Does selfishness drive every area of our lives?  There are our wants and our needs.  Just two choices we should examine.  Our society has put incredible pressure on us to take, get, buy, or gift our very hearts desires.  Many of us have two of everything it would seem.  Why do we do this?  Why are our lives driven by our wants rather than our needs?  Of course then we complain that we don't have this or that.  Perhaps I'm the only one...but I don't think so.
     Where and when I grew up life was focused on our needs.  We lived with so little that we didn't think of wants for the most part.  We didn't travel on vacations.  We didn't have vacations!  We didn't have the newest styles and trends.  That which we did have was for the most part hand me downs.  Yes, we handed down our clothes to those younger than us.  We grew 98 percent of our food.  We very rarely went to a restaurant as there were 9 of us.  That would present a very big bill now.  I imagine it wasn't small at that time either. 
     Living on both ends of the spectrum has really been whiplash for me.  On the one end we had little and didn't complain.  While on the other end we had lots and weren't satisfied bringing our complaints to whomever would hear.  Why isn't what we have good enough?  Because we have redefined the words "wants" and "needs".  Our true needs for food, shelter and clothing has expanded with the increased availability of "stuff." 
     When I tell my story of growing up on a farm in North Dakota, walking the 1/4 mile to country school and having out houses people look at me like I'm some kind of liar.  Should I tell a tale of having excess in my life, most people wouldn't even blink an eye.  There is little I need in my life or want.  God has been all I need.  He has also been responsible for making sure some of my wants have been met.  When is enough, enough?
     There is much talk in the media and it's various mediums about the horrific plight of the homeless, third world countries and the children who are victims.  I can't even count the number of charities that call me several times a year.  Celebrities are constantly urging us to give of our little while they live with their lots.  Share the wealth (of other people) has been a recent cry in order to bring up the common people.  Am I one or the other?  Many of those who beat this drum don't give as they could and it's questionable if they are Christians acting on God's behalf. 
     Yes, it's enough and more!  We should change our focus.  All of us.  We should look at all that we have from $.20 to millions as ALL of it belonging to God.  That's what it really is.  It's God's stuff.  We are blessed to have a portion of his goodness and grace.  Yet we don't release what we have to be used by him.  Think of the last time you obeyed that still small voice inside your heart and gave because you were told to do so.  Christian!  Wake up!  It's no time to sleep.  It's time to bring Christ to a needy world.  Those who have a lot physically have little spiritually.  It's also true that the needy don't know God's bounty.  We should NOT think of this as a competition.  It's not a competition.  We aren't working for the gold, bronze or silver.  It will not alter your status as a believer or not. 
     You don't think you have much?  Try loading all that you have into a 72 Ford pickup!  How many trips to that new place will you need to make with a pickup.  Try 3 moving van trips.  That's more like it.  How about your blessings?  You can't overlook them.  If you aren't overwhelmed by the provision of God daily, you must be dead.  Think of the delicate balance of oxygen in our world.  Who of us could cease breathing and still live? 
     This is not a plea for you to give.  It's a plea that is meant to wake us up to the plight of "us".  Finding a way to stop our wants and not increase our needs is truly what God would and does want.  Perhaps giving away our excess is just what God has ordered in order for us to truly be thankful.  Take a deep breath and tell me if you like it or not!

Friday, July 25, 2014

Seeing is believing or something like that!

     "Seeing is believing."  That's what we learned in my childhood.  Somehow, that statement brought me into adulthood.  That's when everything changed.  I saw my first magician and life has not been the same since.  It's difficult to believe that which was so true for so long.  I know that magic is about deception in this world we live in.  How about when the jet plane was made to disappear?  I still don't know how they did that one. 

     The world of magically thinking is nothing new.  It actually began in the garden of Eden.  The words of Satan, the serpent, are repeated many times a week.  "Surely you shall not die."  The spiritual death wasn't even considered by Adam and Eve.  We believe, for a season, the magic of Christmas and Easter.  Both are designed to take our attention away from that which is real.  Deception leads us away from the truth.  In the end, mankind will rewrite the truth and still call it truth.  The only difference is that the masses will believe the deception to their own demise.

     So, what do you believe?  Do you believe the Bible is the Word of God?  Do you believe the story of Noah and the Ark?  How about the story of Jesus and his life, death and resurrection?  Do we, 2000 years later, believe that Jesus is coming back to take us home?  You see, "believing" should depend on facts and not magical thinking.

     Have you ever gone to a store specifically to buy an item that is on "sale" only to find that the item doesn't exist or has been replaced with a much more expensive similar item?  It wasn't magic.  I noticed that the sales tax is higher for "take out" than "eat in" in a fast food place (it also wasn't fast!).  What is going on?!  Why isn't our world black and white?  I will be the one to tell you the truth.  THIS IS NOT OUR WORLD.  There, I said it.  But do you believe it?

     So, who's world is it anyway?  That depends on whether you have this belief or that belief.  With so many religions out there it's difficult to answer this question in such a way that everyone can share the same answer.  So, I'll address the question from the Christian perspective.  There is a very real Heaven and a very real Hell.  They both command different set of ethics and beliefs.  God, in Heaven, provides many convincing arguments that support the Christian life.  God also believes in Satan who he says is the god of this world.  Why so confusing?

     Because of the sin of Eve and Adam, we are born spiritually dead.  We do not have eternal life.  Our belief or disbelief decides whether we go to Heaven or Hell when we physically die.  If we know Jesus as our Savior, we have eternal life in Heaven.  AND, we have spiritual life NOW.  When we become born again, we have no death waiting for us spiritually.  Physically our bodies will die.  Spiritually, we will live on.

     Here is where "seeing is believing" gets caught up in the magic of this worlds thinking.  There used to be a time when a man's word or handshake was as good or better than a contract.  What happened?  Once upon a time in a far away forest there lived little Red Riding Hood.  Magic is what happened.  When "magic" happens, trust is eroded to the point that we no longer seek that which we cannot see...God.  As such, this world is being deceived in their thinking.  Often this is found in the basic beliefs of the various religions of the world. 

     I can talk about that which I am unable to physically see until I have no energy left and you can choose to not believe me.  My argument "for" Jesus is valid for me.  Their belief is valid for them.  Given the choice, mankind will choose magic over reality every time.  Magic doesn't put the ownership of our lives in God's hands.  Just as magic is able to make things disappear, magic causes people to believe in what replaces God.  In my world, there is nothing that can replace God.  He is.  God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and I can physically see none of God and all of God at the same time. 

     What do you believe?  Is there some magical thinking you need to face, address, and let go of?  Would you rather live in a world of make believe or in a world of reality?  So, here's the point.  We have the choice.  From the beginning until the end, there are choices I can make.  Will I make them the choices God wants of me?  Will I use these choices to dispel the magic of Satan?  I, like you, cannot serve two masters.  We have a choice to make whether we will profess Christ or Satan. 


Thursday, July 24, 2014

Stranger than fiction!

     I read a lot.  That is a gross understatement.  Reading is one of my favorite past times.  If you had known me when I was in grade school and high school you would never have believed that I would become an avid reader; much less an author.  For those in my graduating class (all 28 of them) their vision of me is anchored in the past.  Practically everything I've done with my life has been outside of their expectations.  I've become stranger than fiction to many over the years.  Sometimes I even amaze myself.  To be absolutely honest here I need to tell you that this lifestyle is gladly chosen.  I love to be outside the box regardless who's box it is. 
     While Hollywood has done it's share of stranger than fiction, that idea is and should be there.  They are in the business of entertaining people.  At least that's what they call it.  Some movies are stranger than fiction and I wonder why they even spent the money making the movie.  It's not much different with television shows.  Imagination brings about reality as a self fulfilling prophecy.  What happens is the expectations are greater and greater for those entertained while their minds adjust to a new level of absurdity.  What is stranger than fiction is the way people live their lives surrounding this or that show/movie.
     Reality is stranger than fiction.  Maybe because so many live fantasy lives.  We want to be like...., live like...., have like...., you see the pattern.  I wish this was just in the area of worldly people.  It's not though.  This is the pattern within the Christian community alike.  Don't believe me?  What would the world learn about you and I if ALL our thoughts were spoken out loud?  After we were done freaking we would spend all of our time trying to not think of that...!  Tell me it isn't true!  Most people around us cannot handle reality.  Now that may cause you to think I am biased.  Okay, I am.  But society has made me this way!  Waa!  Take a look at the number of people who are on medications to help them with "reality"?  We don't want stranger than fiction so we create different stranger than fiction choices that soon become a new normal.
     Another "stranger than fiction" part of our lives is our children.  Yes, it's true, they are stranger than fiction.  Especially from around age 12 to 25.  I'm sure glad that we weren't that way when we were that age!  Where do they get these ideas of how to live?  They certainly didn't come from us, their parents.  What happened and when?  One day my daughter has her original hair color and then over the next 12 months it's different colors.  I don't remember what her natural color is now.  That would be stranger than fiction!   My 17 year old was talking logic and theology with me the other day.  He has a very persuasive manner loaded with lots of knowledge.  Where did that come from?  I'm just glad he is where he is. 
     We sit back every day and watch stranger than fiction walk by us at the office, drive by us in their cars and interact with people in various ways.  Even God says that the believers are a "peculiar people".  He should know.  He created us!  We're to be set apart, believers, and an example of Jesus to our world.  Have any of you witnessed a miracle lately?  I have!  That was stranger than fiction and I loved it!  When Jesus tapped on your heart and you asked him to come in you had a stranger than fiction event.  Why?  Because you were loved from the beginning by God.  God created stranger than fiction.  If you don't believe me just read the Bible.  A flood that killed all but 8 people who were in a large ark that a man and his sons made while surrounded by dry land.  Not stranger than fiction enough?  God caused 2 of every animal to enter the ark to preserve his creation.  Wow!
     There are some who don't look for the stranger than fiction part of the world they live in.  However, it is there if they would choose to look around.  God is awesome!  He has created us in His image!  THAT is stranger than fiction and outside the box.  God created the box too!  We would do well to look at Jesus and believe in him.  He took living and dying to a new level of commitment in order that you and I could be labeled stranger than fiction by the world we live in.  We are a peculiar people called by God to do his work and bring glory to Him.  That's it.  We are stranger than fiction. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I love fast things!

    I love fast!  Fast food.  Fast cars.  Fast motor cycles and trucks.  Fast is great!  There are some fast things that I don't like.  I don't like fast roller coasters.  I don't like slow ones either!  I don't appreciate fast talkers.  Then there are the fast thoughts as my ADHD mind runs from subject to subject stopping only to look at things or ponder things for a couple of seconds before going on to the next thought or thing.  Sometimes I have difficulty moderating my fast and slow times much to the chagrin of those who are trying to engage with me.  Sometimes I wake up and life has gone by too fast.  There are up and down sides to being fast or slow. 
     We all make mistakes in our lives.  Sometimes it's because we are too fast or two slow in what we do.  I've been guilty of "thinking before you talk."  If I had slowed down and thought about something before I spoke up I may have saved myself from an embarrassing moment.  The older I have become, the better I am at slowing down.  Not much but some.  One area I need to work on every day is my listening.  Not just "hearing", but listening to understand.  There are a lot of people out there who are like me.  They, like me, don't need to make explanations of how we think and act.  Our lives are a testimony to our inability to think slowly and clearly.
     Then, of course, there are times when we are called upon to think quickly and make snap decisions.  It's then that others appreciate our ability to move or think quickly.  While they are still trying to understand the question we often have already found the answer and are on to implementation.  Leaders are continually called upon to come up with fast solutions to problems.  But with this comes the dilemma of getting the job done.  For many who love to be fast, there is little interest of actually bringing a project to conclusion.  Why?  Because we are already on to the next challenge.
     I was sitting at a red light yesterday and for the first time took notice of a car coming towards me and stopping for the red light in their direction.  Almost immediately the light turned green and we were both released from the red lights clutches to go on.  I had been sitting at that light since it had previously turned yellow.  Yet, when the other car approached the light turned green and they didn't have to wait.  They received the same reward as I did without the wait.  A similar thing happens when I'm on the freeway and a car passes me really fast.  I quickly lose sight of them.   When I stop at the red light from the off ramp, there they are waiting for the light to change.
     Time is a weird duck.  Sometimes we want time to slow down and it doesn't.  Sometimes we want time to speed up and it doesn't do that either.  We are all at the mercy of time.  Time moves methodically.  Has been since the beginning of time and will be doing so until time ends.  That being said, there is a Biblical reference to time that I love.  The Bible talks about the Rapture (when Christians will meet Jesus and go home to Heaven.) and says that we will be changed in the "twinkling of an eye."  Scientists have studied this "time" reference.  They have determined the "twinkling of an eye" to be one one thousandth of a second.  Now that's fast!  One moment here and the next moment with Jesus. 
     There is another Biblical reference to time.  The Bible talks about how when we accept Jesus as our Savior our sins are thrown away.  Gone.  Are no more!  Immediately!  Wow!  Every one who confesses his or her sin with a sincere heart is immediately and fully forgiven.  The Bible says that this forgiveness causes God "to remember our sins no more."  That's hard to imagine.  The Bible also says that God "throws our sins away from him as far as it is from East to West.  Why didn't God say North to South.  Because when you travel South you come to the south pole and begin travelling north.  Not so with East to West.  If you are travelling East you will NEVER reach West! 
     The nest time you think about being fast or going fast remember how fast God is.  He has all the time in the world because he authors time.   The days spin on either quickly or slowly as they relate to your or my life.  Our choices drive out speed and the outcome.  I still like to go over the speed limit just because I can.  I still love fast food.  Instant gratification is the driving force.  What I really love is how quickly God welcomes me back when I have gone astray.  Now that is fast!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I want to be clear.

     Being clear means you intentionally choose to take action expecting certain results.  Mainly that someone will hear you.  What's the use of being clear when no one is listening or hearing what you have to say.  As we state our truth we face the fact that people can choose to not care.  Of course there are worse situations.  Perhaps people will listen and/or take necessary action in support or opposition to your stand.  In either case we make the process of communicating loaded with different emotional and physical interaction.
     I hate being misunderstood.  I'm sure you do also.  It's not easier to live misunderstood than understood.  Some days I am more adamant about being heard and respected even if I am wrong.  Some days I am saddened by having yet another messed up project or dream flushed down the toilet.  Other days I am angry and want results now.  Something that most people will not or cannot give. 
     Today my plate is full and beginning to overflow with anxiety and other emotions.  This is because yesterday and the day before I didn't state my truth clearly.  I can live with all kinds of responses from people well intentioned or not.  What I cannot live with is no response and interaction.  Whether that be doctors, friends or even my wife.  People who are deemed to be important in my life with vital functions need to step up to the plate and take a swing.  Whether they hit the ball or not isn't important.  It's important that they stepped up and took the swing whether or not the ball was hit. 
     Jesus asked us to engage the truth and "it will set you free."  I believe that and hope you do too.  When we engage Him as the Truth, we are set free from our lives of sin.  It's when we take our eyes off Him and apply our expectations of Him on others that we run into problems.  People are not God.  Well, except for Jesus.  But then he is God.  What is the truth that will set me free?  Where does it come from and where does it lead to?  Why is it so difficult to obtain clarity in the believers life? 
     Most often there are bound to be those in our lives who pervert the "truth" and the expectations associated with the truth.  Why do this if they didn't want life to be about them?  Well, how about me?!  When is it my turn?  Oh, that's right, I need to put God and others first.  Then somewhere, somehow I will have my needs met.  People shouldn't have to beg to have their needs met.  Nor should people have to give up dreams in order to have someone else's dreams met.  Whose truth?  What truth?
     Making a complex statement clear is difficult as so much of the argument is inside of me grasping for words to explain what clarity is to me.  So, my argument is a plea more than a request.  Please listen to me.  Please hear my dream.  Please listen to and feel my hurt.  Please be there to sit quietly with me when I'm in pain.  Please be Jesus to me. 
     Please be Jesus to me.  Hmmm...that's a very good place to have beginnings and endings.  Have I been Jesus to others?  I know there were times in my life where I wasn't Jesus to those around me.  Selfish motive kept me taking more than giving.  That's the crux of the problem.  Being heard and cared for isn't about clarity with others at all.  Being heard and cared for is clarity of who I am and what I am doing in my world to bring Jesus to others around me. 
     God tells us in the Bible that those who believe in him will have eternal life.  That's pretty clear.  God tells us that it's better to give than receive.  That's pretty clear too.  God tells us that no matter what he loves us.  Clearly clear.  Our needs (not wants) are already taken care of as we traverse this planet doing His will.  Clear once more.  Yet, when I try to have clarity outside of my relationship with God I end up frustrated or misunderstood.  Maybe it's important that I stay out of the equation.  Let God deal with the issues and people who float into and out of my life.  So, as long as I am relying on God, there is no other need for clarity.  Instead of "I want to be clear."  The statement is "I want to be Jesus to others."  It's not me that I desire to be heard.  It's Jesus.  It's always been about Jesus.  Am I clear?

Monday, July 21, 2014

Don't get me started!

    Sometimes I get started without any help at all!  Why is it we have these buttons that get pushed in the first place.  It's kind of like Murphy and Adam and Eve mixed together.  Just what we needed was more distractions!  So, there I was minding my own business....  Okay, I'll stay on track.  There are days I can hide my buttons rather well.  Other days I have buttons begging to be pushed!  Crazy making from wake-up to bed time.  It's a wonder there are any healthy places in our lives at all.
     I have to confess the pet peeves I have are not necessarily special to only me.  I've inherited some and others came as gifts from my friends and enemies.  Some of you who know me know that I have a small problem with patience.  Stop laughing!  I am king of switch to another lane because it was going faster.  Not any longer.  Shopping cart in line...same thing.  Every now and then I actually wait where I've started.  Not often though.
     Men.  Listen up!  I know I am not alone on the freeway.  Passing just one more car to put me ahead of "them."  They don't even know me but they will try to pass me yet again!  Then it happens.  Someone in the car needs to go to the bathroom!  So, you are forced to pull into the rest stop.  There isn't much rest and yes, I am all the cars that I passed are passing me now.  Smug look on their faces.  But I did the right thing because I have to live with my wife and kids and not the competition!
     If you think this relates only to your specific age group; you are sorely mistaken.  Try out the senior citizens on Tuesdays and Thursdays!   Every Tuesday and Thursday are National Senior Citizen day everywhere!  It's come to the point where I don't do much on either one of those days.  Sometimes you just need to surrender to Murphy and his band. 
     What does this mean to you and I?  It means we need to check out what we are doing and why.  There isn't much of a good witness in our distraction from Jesus and his desires.  It's not a competition.  It never was.  God is and Jesus is and the Holy Spirit is God.  No competition.  Some religious people see life as a competition.  How many came to the Lord on Pentecost in their church.  How their church supports this many missionaries.  The list could go on and on.  In some churches the list does go on and on.  It's not what God intended the church do.
     The focus is all wrong and that's what the enemy wants from us.  Jesus said we had only to do two things.  First, love God.  Second, love mankind.  That's it.  Nothing more and nothing less.  The command wasn't given to certain groups, church committee, or pastors group.  The commands were given to you and I.  Debating the color of the church downstairs bathroom is not what gives pleasure to Jesus.  Focus on who isn't in church.  Focus on those who don't know Christ even if they have been your neighbor for 15 years.  Do what counts.  Think about what counts.  Speak about what counts.  That's it.
     If we are to actually obey the two commandments with the intention of holding up Jesus for everyone to see; we will be part of the change of someone's world for eternity.  What's the focus in  your life?  What's the focus of your church?  How about your family?  What focus does your family give to their lives.  Sometimes the buttons get pushed so that we cannot or will not represent Jesus to those around us. 
     If you are solely focused on Jesus then that is the only button you have that can be pushed.  When it's pushed there is the wonderful moment of an opportunity to share Jesus with someone(s) who don't know him.  You and I would do well to put ourselves aside and let the center of our lives be Jesus.  Nothing more and nothing less.  Have only one button.  Get started!

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Do you remember Burma Shave?

     For those of you who don't remember the Burma Shave advertisements I will explain.  These catchy advertisements were placed at intervals along our highways.  The one sign would carry on from where the last one ended with the next section of the ad.  All the signs, if followed, gave a positive message and advertised for Burma Shave; a shaving cream.  I'm sure there are some of those advertisements out there still proclaiming their truths.  Now you know what I'm talking about.
     If there were a series of ads that described you and ended with "is Christian!" what would they say?  I've asked myself that question and have had to answer one way for my best and one way for my worst.  I love the first but despise the second.  When we live our lives in public or private we are making statements as to what is our first love and what is not.  Here is an example.  My son Benjamen came home from camp one year and informed me that he learned he was to love God more than he loved me.  Wow!  I agreed with him and am glad he has learned that truth.  I know he still loves me and his priorities of loving God first is great!
     I wasn't a Christian until I was an adult.  Twenty one years old to be exact.  It was then that I saw the first "sign"  The sign said I had been dead for 21 years and now was alive.  Being "awakened" by God or "raised from the dead" became a very real event that changed every aspect of my life.  The second sign said that nowhere on earth was my home to be found.  My home was Heaven where I would reside when my time on earth was done.  The third sign came with growth in the Word.  Reading the Bible is important.  The Bible became the standard by which I was to live my life.  Though this has been the hardest part, it's still a valuable part of my living for God.  The next sign addressed the Biblical imperative that we "pour out our lives as an offering to God."  I've not really noticed how it has happened.  I was so busy living life that I've not taken the time to count or list those who have been brought into my path for their need of Christ.  It doesn't matter.  I'm still pouring out my life.  Whenever I've taken a side road, God has been faithful to make a way for me to come back to the straight and narrow.
     I know there is a final sign.  I'm believing it will say, "Well done, good and faithful servant.  Enter into the rest of the Lord."  Yep, the final sign will be at the gates to Heaven.  Nothing else is as important as this final sign.  I want to be found having run the good race.  I want to be welcomed into Heaven.  I want all with whom I have contact in any manner to be able to do the same.  My life isn't posted on signs on the side of the road.  It's His life through me.  My prayer is that you can see past "me" and see "Him".  The signs are all there.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

I did it again!

     Yesterday I spent the day attending to all those things on my "to do" list and lo and behold, I failed.  Yep, failed.  Not that I wanted to fail.  I don't believe that people knowingly want to fail.  Well, some can and do for their own personal reasons.  In my case, I've failed every day since I was born.  Not into perfect as God rules that single place.  God doesn't fail.  Ever! 
     It's not that I don't try to go through my day wanting to succeed over me not being perfect.  I want to please God...well, most of the time.  Yes, I'm also selfish.  Every now and then life says, "C'mon, live a little!" and I break down and get a strawberry shake.  I have to get the shake somewhere between noon (shakes aren't breakfast) and 5 PM.  After 5 PM the sugar in the shake will affect my sleep negatively.
     Some of my closest friends and relatives know that I am accident prone.  That's what started this whole strawberry shake thing.  I had injured myself and needed to go to the doctor and be sewed up.  While at the hospital I came upon a plan to make my injury just a bit more funny.  Maybe loosen up those who know me.  I asked the doctor if he would mind writing me a prescription for a strawberry shake daily until the wound healed.  To my amazement he did!  I still have it!  And so the strawberry shake took on a life of it's own.  While I didn't injure myself yesterday (well maybe a little bruise) I also didn't get a strawberry shake.
     You might be asking yourself what this has to do with the Christian life.  It has everything to do with the Christian life.  When I injure myself I don't deserve a strawberry shake.  Life doesn't work that way.  What I deserve is some pointed advice on how to not be injured next time.  It's that way with the Christian life.  When we aren't perfect we need something we don't deserve.  We deserve judgment and condemnation.  Yet, we don't get that.  What we get is grace.  Grace is a strawberry shake taken to the extreme.  You and I don't deserve it but we get it regardless.  Since none of us can live a single day perfectly we need grace daily.  Grace is God's way of wanting us to surrender our lives to him in a loving manner.
     You might be thinking that I'm out of my mind comparing God's grace to a strawberry shake.  You may even think doing this comparison is a sin.  Get over it.  Your life and mine are punctuated with our failures and successes.  We aren't given carte-blanc to do, say or be anything that would reflect negatively on God and his grace.  This grace God has for us comes with a price.  Just as I cannot get a strawberry shake for free, grace costs as well.  It cost Jesus his life.  Yet, he laid it down so that we can have a life full of...well life!  This isn't something we can just plan on and have God automatically put the grace over our lives.  God isn't about to cheapen his Son's death, burial and resurrection.  God wants us to voluntarily acknowledge our sin and confess our sin.  When we do this, grace washes over us and we are once again forgiven. 
     Today I plan on doing my best for God and as a witness to the world.  Today I surrender my day to Him.  I know that I cannot be perfect and will fail.  That doesn't mean I deserve a strawberry shake.  What is means is I am human.  I am God's creation.  Ever since Adam and Eve did their garden thing (I'm fairly certain it was an apple and not strawberries) we are unable to live a perfect life.  All to often we (at least I) adopt the attitude that says I'm not going to be perfect so I should just have a good time and ask for forgiveness later.  Not cool! 
     Whenever I have a strawberry shake I'm reminded of the injury, blood, stitches and everything else that went towards my healing.  I wasn't careless when I was injured.  Well, maybe just a little.  Yet I was injured and needed care and healing.  So it is with sin in my life.  Whenever I am careless or selfish I can bet on making areas of my life less that what God wants them to be.  What a wonderful, loving and graceful God!  I may just have to have a strawberry shake today regardless of whether I injure myself or not.  Perhaps you need a strawberry shake today also.

Friday, July 18, 2014

You should stop by and smell my roses!

     My yards are in full bloom and have been for some time.  When I planted my flowering plants I did so in such a fashion that my yards would be blooming from roughly March to November.  First the crocuses, then the daffodils, followed by the tulips.  Next to bloom are the lilacs which actually are now blooming for a second time!  The yucca bloomed wonderfully and right now the dahlias' and Rose of Sharon are blooming.  Quite the display and yet there is more.  My Iris' are blooming and the azalea just finished.  The variety of colors is wonderful!  I love the transitions that take place and the pace at which they entertain us. 
     I'm often reminded of the old saying: "Stop and smell the roses." So, I try to do this often.  I have 8 rose bushes of different colors.  There is one caution I learned a long time ago from a news article.  Look before you smell or you might just inhale a bee that's working the same flower.  You don't want to do that!  The ramifications of neglecting this one small step can make smelling the roses to "hating the roses!"  Or at least hating bees.  So, we would do well to stop, look, and then smell.
     It's pretty much that way in the world that we live in.  Failing to stop, look, and smell can get us into fruit and vegetables that are too ripe or not ripe enough.  This example also applies to many different scenarios.  We need to stop and listen when we encounter someone saying things that are not true.  The Bible says we need to recognize the frauds and religious lies.  To the Christian they smell bad as well.  Testing what is being presented in this way helps us to stay out of the snares of the enemy.  Though my garden has lots of beautiful wonderfully smelling flowers; the roses have thorns.  The flowers often have bees on them.  I have dogs and if you don't look where you are going, you may have smelly shoes. 
     As wonderful as my landscape is; there are still requirements on my part to help it stay that way.  I still have to water regularly, different for different plants.  Some take more and some take less.  I still need to fertilize and mulch around these plants.  I still need to trim and shape the various bushes.  I still need to sit down, relax, and smell the roses.  You see, life is composed of vision, work, and rest.  Rewards come through seeing the product at the completion point.  Resting gives us a chance to see what God has been doing in our lives and is currently doing.  It's also a time where we can rest and listen to the next task we need to do.  Whether that be gardening or life, we have choices to make.  Perhaps life is gardening in the sense that it reworks our life (sanctification).
     Finally, there are the critics.  Some would say I have to many flowering plants.  Yet others would say I have too few.  My grass is/isn't good enough.  I should have fertilized/not fertilized.  The list goes on and on.  Here is the key for me.  I don't do this for people.  I do my gardening as a gift God has given to me.  The chance to create something pleasing to not only His sight but also mine.  Last winter quite a number of my dahlias froze and didn't surface in the spring.  So, I had to get a bunch of new plants.  When God asks us to give up something in our life; he is already putting something new in place.  Our job is to take a moment and rest so He can do his work.  I confess that I haven't done that regularly over time.  There are times when my own garden stunk! 
     Go and tend to your garden today.  Make it something that people can enjoy.  Make it a sanctuary and something pleasing to God.  Then remember to rest. 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away...

     Okay, yesterday didn't go as expected.  My charger on my phone went south and I get my blog opened by a double secret handshake over my cell phone.  So, I couldn't write.  Today I took care of that problem and I am once again "on the air."  Yesterday was a time of going over memories.  You see, we are selling our house and moving.  Yeah, makes me sad too.
     You don't really remember all the stuff you have until you go to pack.  I hate packing.  I don't think God likes it either.  He didn't design us with the need to leave one perfectly good dwelling and go to another.  I'm on his side with this one.  Moving is a dreadful and awful event even if you like where you are moving to.  I think that this may be my last mood as I ran out of patience yesterday at 3:05 PM.  Right there in the living room where we cannot let dust rest until the papers close the sale of the house.  I mean, really?  You would think the next people would experience the real dust when they move in.  We don't need to mask everything with "clean".  Okay, if we must.
     There are too many goodbye's in moving.  We waited until the last moment to have the sign put up so that people wouldn't be bombarding us with touchy feely stuff.  They don't like to see us cry.  Besides they're going to launch a BBQ the day after we move out.  Isn't that the way it works?  I know we will miss friends and neighbors.  They become like family in many ways.  I will miss the "Hey" and "Hey" deep conversations we have had in our front yard and over the fence.  Nothing like the deep stuff shared. 
     I'll miss my fort.  I can see the mountains from my fort.  My fort has a leather (real) recliner from CraigsList.   It also has a coffee table, astro turf and a Hungarian rocking chair.  Both were also from CL.  I intended to put in electricity over the years and now will have to abandon that part.  I'll leave the birds nests too.  Most of all, I'll miss the comfort and nice warm feeling as the sun warmed me through the huge windows.  Did I mention the mini frig that is in my shop.  Always had chocolate and diet drinks just in case.  My dogs refused to climb the stairs and my wife was afraid of them so I had all of it to myself.
   Speaking of missing things; how about eating places, beer gardens, and lots of soccer.  During my 10 years here I was only able to get through roughly 1/4 of the restaurants here in Seattle.  No, I am not moving back.  I'll find new places.  I'll miss the traffic jams, politics and liberal bickering of our city officials.  NO, I WON'T!  Did I mention the taxes going up, the gas at an all time high and don't get me started on the streets and the potholes.
     What, if anything, does this have to do with the Christian Walk?  Everything.  You see, we are not to live a separate life from those around us.  We are not a sequestered jury.  We are not a protected group of people.  We are humans made in the image of God.  We have the order to "go into all the land and make disciples of men."  And women...  What the world needs to see is the real person with the real relationship with Jesus in our lives.  We are to be "in the world but not of the world."  How can you do that if you cannot or will not interact with the people and businesses around you?
     God wants the very best for us and for the whole of humanity.  The world has enough problems.  It doesn't need me to be inactive and ineffective.  I've been there and done that.  So, people see the real me.  They don't say so, but they will miss me.  Well, a little...I hope. 
     Moving gives me the chance to say a lot of goodbyes and in the process give away clothing that hasn't fitted me for 15 years.  Leave the project stuff and other possessions for those who will use them.  It's called recycling and that's a good thing.  I'm not giving away any of the important stuff anyway.  In like manner, we will have to buy some new stuff.  FORCED to support the economy whether it is rebounding or not.  No one really cares anyway. 
     There are a few pranks that I have wanted to do in the past that will have to lay here in my confession.  I've wanted to paint bicycle lanes down the middle of our street.  I've wanted to put severe speed bumps at the bottom of the hill and watch the cars go airborne!  Never did either of those things.  They will have to be accomplished by someone else.
     God can use us only if we are human.  There is not command to dress to the nines on Sunday.  There nothing imperative as us vs them.  We are only beggars, we Christians, showing one another where to find bread.  Did you do that lately?  Did you be Jesus to someone...anyone?  Perhaps you were and didn't notice it because that is just the way God made you.
   Have a great night.  I'll be back in the morning.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Somewhere in between

     That doesn't seem like something bad.  It doesn't sound like something good either.  It's somewhere in between.  You and I and society all have a stance where we believe it is right.  You and I and society all have a stance where we believe it is wrong.  No wonder our world is so messed up!  People aren't making a stand.  There is little to no evidence that we will every agree on anything.  So, in our society today we are encouraged to either be liberal or to be somewhere in between.  That way no one will be offended.
     I don't believe that.  I believe there are decisions we make all the time that define our personal world.  I've decided a long time ago that my favorite mean is ham and scalloped potatoes.  That hasn't changed and is not in between.  It's very specific and I'll keep this personal choice.  That goes for religion also.  I'm Christian.  But what is a Christian?  Let's do something maverick and go straight to the source.
     Let's ask God!  Brilliant!  Wait...if we ask God we are stating that God does exist.  Hmm...okay, let's look at the Bible; his book.  Am I doing what the Bible says I should do?  That's easy, no, I'm not.  Am I doing what the Bible commands.  Sometimes.  Have I given my life to Jesus?  Yes, that much is true.  Have I come to the place where I have no sin?  No, and that will never happen as we are sinful whether we are Christian or not.  At least that's according to the Bible.  I don't like being in between when it comes to my relationship with God. 
     When we look over what the Bible says and understand the merciful heart of God; we should want to change.  Sometimes we make the commitment to change and find out the process of change requires lots of change in our life and in our relationships.  What was once thought of as right is now wrong.  That decision makes an impact on who we are with and what we do for a living.  God knew that.  So, what to do?
     We can still make the commitment to being a Christian and still choose somewhere in between.  It's kind of like smoking.  Some people need to wean themselves off smoking.  There will be lots of failures before the success.  The same goes for drinking or any other habit.  God wants us to succeed and tells us so in the Bible.  He also knows how human we are and what our temptations are.  Yet, he loves us.
     It would be nice if we were perfect.  But we are not.  We are somewhere in between.  It would be nice if all were saved.  But all are not.  This is where we turn the page and find out that God is patient and merciful.  He wants the best for us in all situations and yet has given us free will.  We all will use our free will for positive and negative choices.  We're somewhere in between.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Where did that come from?

     Packing to move is probably the most hideous job I've ever done.  While packing we all find "stuff" that we wonder where it came from.  I haven't found the $1 million that was stuffed somewhere for safe keeping.  As if finding things that we didn't know about, there are also those things we'd love to forget about.  For me the packing for 2 people should be easier than it is.  At least that is what I thought.  Suffice it to say, I think moving for one would be stressful enough.  But wait, there's more!  Yes, I'm still going to have to unpack.  How many of you have unopened boxes from your last move.  Min last move was 10 years ago (almost). 
     Moving can be a metaphor for many different things except sanity.  Sanity can only be stretched so far and then we reach the end of the rope.  It seems like the rope gets shorter and shorter as I grow older.  Things that I would have taken in stride before have become tedious and nerve racking.  I adverted a disaster first thing in the morning when I discovered we had only decaf coffee available.  Quick trip out for coffee.  Guess what?  I don't have any coffee today either as I didn't buy any coffee beans or grounds.  So, I'll have to make that trip again this morning.  Without coffee the day cannot start.  Ten years ago coffee wouldn't have even factored into the moving equation.  Now it pre-empts anything.
     When you move, as everyone will do someday,  You will probably do at least one or two moves with other adults.  Now you are moving for many other members of the households.  So, you have all their belongings as well.  As you pack you may find yourself thinking or saying (not advised); "Where did this stuff come from?"  "Do you really need your skateboard from junior high?"  You see, moving is divided into 3 categories.  There is the past followed by the present and then of course the future.  The more people involved in the move, the greater the growing pile of boxes will be.
     Wanting as much peace and smoothness to the move; I have developed a strategy.  Since all I have belongs to God (even people), I'll switch the light on and pack all of God's stuff.  That eliminates the past right off the bat.  God says that he remembers our past no more (sin) and makes all things new.  Yes!  I can get a riding mower!  Further, God says it's okay to remember the past but don't live there.  That's the letting go part.  So far the strategy is only working when I get out of the way or submit to the plan.
     I know we all have a past.  If you can't remember the past just ask a close friend or relative.  God doesn't want us to forget and does want us to let go.  We certainly cannot do anything about the past.  That vase I broke the last time we moved?  Yep, I can forget that.  Someone else may remember but with God it's gone.  Letting go of the past may mean addressing some very painful memories.  God has packing tape and boxes for that as well.  They then can be packed away and never be opened like all of those boxed things that have been stored away.
     God has told me that there is nothing I can do about the future.  He says that all of our plans are feeble attempts compared to his perfect plan.  Kind of like salvation.  We know we need salvation from our sinful lives.  We know that Jesus paid for all of our sins.  We even say the salvation prayer.  Why is it so hard to let God have the future?  If you are looking at this time in your life ask God why and then do what he says. 
     Now we are left with the present.  Just today.  Maybe only an hour or two to spend our energy on.  God tells us to pace ourselves that we might not only finish the race we have started but also that we don't crash and burn early in the race.  Besides we can only carry one or two boxes at a time.  Refer to packing God's stuff. 
    Just for today live for God.  Just for today enter God's plan.  Just for today enter God's rest.  You and I need all three.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

What do you want to be when you grow up?

     What would you answer the question with?  Desire changes with the development of age and education.  Someone who is between 7 and 18 may have "vocation" changes every day.  Someone who is depressed may not be able to list any answer.  Circumstances of the seen and the unseen are driving forces in our lives.  To the religiously inspired, the focus is on what God desires in our lives.  For the mechanically inclined their field.  For the education related interests there is teaching in various contexts.  So it goes with pretty much everything.  Maybe....
     Let's pretend that everything is going right in your life and suddenly a terrible accident claims the life of a loved one.  Some ones spouse, child, mother/father, sister, brother or grandparent is the victim.  Every ones life is suddenly changed.  Perhaps someone finally stops smoking?  Another person slows down their driving.  Maybe you, lose the desire to do anything for a season.  Regardless of who you are and what you do the question still remains in our minds.  What do I want to be when I grow up.
     Rarely do we ask the question while we are already in a vocation.  We see no need to contemplate the alternatives.  When I graduated high school pretty much all people knew they would choose a profession, enter into that field and somewhere in the future would retire from that profession.  What happened no one saw coming.  People began to job hop.  While once the list of achievements of a person was expected to be limited showing dedication to an employer and to a field of work; now the opposite was true.  To not have many entries on the resume meant you didn't have dreams and experience. 
     So it is with our growth in other areas of our life as well.  Some are forced on us while others are dangled in a tantalizing way.  Your girlfriend becomes pregnant when you are a Junior in college.  Suddenly you are required to be an adult and act accordingly.  You fail, like so many of us do, and need to start over.  You are approached by a rival company and the offer is very tempting.  Only you would be required to disclose your current employers secrets.  There are so many different scenarios that can be played out in each of our lives.  I'm 61 and have had 17 vocations.  Loved all but one.  I'm currently retired and enjoying writing.  I still catch myself saying; "What do you want to be when you grow up?" 
     The key isn't to be looking at age as the defining element in our life.  The key element is knowing yourself well enough to do anything that is sent your way.  The Bible says that God knew us before we were even created.  He put us together and it is He who rules our destiny.  God only wants one thing from us.  He wants us to be ready to do as He wills.  Being ready means that you have dealt with "stuff" and nothing can get in your way.  It may mean coming home from work and announcing your new job. 
     If we put Christ first place in our lives he will accomplish his will and we will be blessed more than we can conceive.  Be warned though!  We are called to be prepared, to have knowledge and wisdom (key ingredients in any vocation).  We cannot understand the future fully because of limits we have put on ourselves.  I dare you to dream, go after the dream, and become the dream.  There are no parachutes (golden or otherwise), no 401k, or any other carrot out there meant to trick you into doing what you don't want to do.  It's all about us allowing God to speak into our lives and bring forth his will that we are told to do. 
     When I grow up I want to be more understanding and patient in whatever box God deposits me into.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Mikie likes it!

     Some of you may remember the advertisement and either have just said the phrase or cringed when the phrase was passing through your brain.  For the rest of you Google it and catch up on the past.  Advertisements are meant to sell people on a product even if the product might be bad or not safe for us.  Advertisement then is manipulative and deceptive with some truth mixed in the equation.  Since we are an educated lot, the expectations have risen and more manipulative and deception.  Mikie has been exchanged for sex, fast cars, and more sex with a bit of liquor thrown in.  Anything is permissible for the sale. 
     Our children are growing up with violence as the major theme in their lives.  Of course there are shows that support current issues as well as choices.  Just as Captain Kangaroo and Mr. Rogers encouraged good behavior they also represent a passing of morality in a generation.  No, I'm not going to suggest Barney is bad for us.  Mr. Rogers has a make believe neighborhood where everyone talks and listens and problems are resolved because it's the right thing to do.  So, where is the violence?  Have you checked out some of the video games that babysit this generation of children?  Have you ever played them?  Killing and every kind of violence is used in order to advance in the game.
     "We" let them.  We let them wear clothing that is questionable.  We let them say things that would have resulted in discipline when we were kids.  We let them go places and be with people who we do not know.  Curfew for many children is left up to them.  With both parents working, daycares and babysitters are the main teaching medium for our children.  Yet, we like what we have so we rationalize and justify our choices to let our kids do and be whatever they like.  When they are killed in a gang related killing or in a drunken accident we have the gall to tell the public what a good child they were.  We didn't even know them!
     Mikie wouldn't like it.  There are millions of children who do great every day.  Then there are the millions of children who are forced into factory work, child prostitution, drug dealing and many different lifestyles that "other children" are brought into.  It's not my child, not may family, and not my friends.  Until something goes horribly wrong and we are left with the cold hard facts of reality.  Contrary lifestyles are deemed right where the Bible teaches us they are wrong.  Who do we believe?  The more appropriate question is what do we believe.
     With out church leaders and denominations lower the standard, throwing out Scripture, and embracing that which God has said is sin, it's no wonder we are in the mess we have made.  Society has told us that we are too uptight and judgmental and intolerant.  There is such fear of taking a stand that we are embracing that which we should feel repulsion for.  I'm not talking about what the world expects.  Though the world isn't doing a very good job of raising our kids.  I'm not talking about petty issues.  I'm talking about the very thread of life we embraced when we first accepted Jesus into our life and we were forgiven.
     Telling ourselves the truth is dangerous today.  For if we, as Christians, do tell the truth; that truth will cost us.  If we "spare the rod and spoil the child" we are praised.  If our child goes to school and tells the teacher we spanked them the previous day; our child will be in foster care and we will be facing the condemnation of all involved.  "How could she/he?"  "That poor child!"  "I always thought that "they" were too hard on him/her."  Really?!
     Mikie wouldn't recognize the world we live in.  But then, neither do I.  I don't like it either.  There are many different cultures in the world and equally as many religions.  The Christian is charged with bringing up a child so they will not depart from what they have inherited from their parents, grandparents and community of believers.  The question is who are we afraid of?  Are we afraid of the world?  Are we able to stand up to the peer pressure and expectations?  We should be afraid as the world has the power to destroy any family.  Christianity has a moral code as it's central belief.  Jesus has modeled that code for us.  The Scriptures are clear that we say, "Jesus likes it!" and act out that script. 
     It's going to seem as if the world is after you if you stand up for Jesus and apply Christian principles to all of our life.  Jesus said that obeying him would bring problems with the world upon us.  I've fallen down more than I've succeeded through my life.  God has provided the grace to allow me to get back up again and try once more to live the life that pleases him.  He loves me regardless of how I act.  However he does dislike my sin.  This same concept carries me through each day.  At the end of the day or at the end of my life I would like to hear: "Well done my good and faithful servant.  Enter into the presence of the Lord."  Jesus would like that!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Life in the fast lane

     When I was in my late teens I was convinced that there was no life worth living past 30.  Thirty was that dreaded age that people became too old to be worth anything.  It was a common thought for my friends as well.  We just didn't want to be that ancient.  We feared, in part, that we would become like our parents who just didn't understand life.  At least not like we understood life. 
     Now, I know, some of you reading this post know that I'm 61 and have long since passed the 30 mark twice.  I guess that makes me doubly 30.  For the part about understanding me, that may be an accurate view of people of all ages.  I'm fat with gray hair (mostly) and can't move around like I did when I was 18.  My ability to not argue as much is the opposite of then when I argued about everything.  I even argued when there was no point to be made.   I went to wild biker movies and wanted to be just like them...wild and free.  But, they usually were killed.
     Don't get me wrong; I still am dreaming some of the dreams I had at 18.  I've also laid to rest some of the unrealistic dreams of my youth.  My dreams are more balanced today with Christian reality.  I'm convinced that these dreams are okay even if they never transpire.  I'm also convinced that God has things planned for me that will bring me great joy.  He said so.
     Many would argue that being a Christian ruined my ability to really let loose and enjoy life as they see it.  They would argue that my life is boring and needs some excitement.  Perhaps even some risky behavior.  Just to answer those points; I do enjoy my life, my life is anything but boring, and I still do risky things.  Perhaps living on the edge would describe my life best.  When I look at the great Christians of yesterday their was a lot of risk in their lives.  For most it started in their teen years and culminated in their old age.  Now who is boring?!
     There are lessons to be learned here.  The first is to never quit.  Quitting anything has been a last resort option for me.  The more important, the harder focused I become.  Quitting isn't engaging and engaging is living life to it's fullest.  God has brought about many changes in my life that enabled me to live it to my fullest.  I've done things and gone places that many of my peers think impossible.  They really didn't know me.  Some of them have quit life. 
     The second lesson to learn is that we don't know everything when we are young.  In fact the more I have learned the more I am convinced that I know very little.  Having completed 2 masters programs and almost the equivalent of a third, written one book (almost published 2nd one), and traveled the world; I would say my life has taken knowledge and brought wisdom into much of my life.  I can't say all of my life as I've made some monumental bad decisions in life.  Yet, God understands and forgives me when I repent.
     The third lesson is that we need to pass on to all of our children that which is most important and help them in any way we can to follow Jesus instead of the world.  I have had the privilege of praying with most of my children (7) as they accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior.  What an accomplishment!  God is so good!  It's my prayer that my children learn that which I have learned and avoid that which I've done badly.  After all of this time, I'm still making mistakes.  Even as God forgives me; I pray that my children and grandchildren do the same.  That will be a positive pattern for their lives as well.
     The fourth lesson is to burn out our lives for Christ.  I don't want to be the Christian who retires from his/her job and then retires from being available to God.  God does not endorse retirement.  We should take the example of the Biblical men and women whose lives were spent out for God even to their very last breath. 
     The fifth and final lesson is to be at peace with God, yourself and others.  Jesus said that we could have his peace.  I'm pretty sure that peace is extremely wonderful.  But it cost him.  Now, it will cost us.  If we lose sight of the goal we won't see the peace.  If we lose sight of the work we won't see peace.  If we don't do anything for God we won't have peace.  So, strive to let go of your life and invite Jesus to be the author and finisher of your faith.  Stand fast and don't be defeated by the enemy.  Be at peace because you know the last chapter of the book of life. 

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Letting go

     Letting go isn't a new game show.  Perhaps they should have one though.  We could even make it a reality show about what people have held onto that they need to let go of.  Perhaps I can get paid for coming up with this suggestion.  Guess I'll have to let go of that objective.  I'm just saying that we have so much fluff in our lives that we need to let go of some of it.  It's not like we will miss those boxes of clothes from the 90's that we are still waiting to fit into.  Give it up!  Let go!  Get on with life!
     I need to confess that I have great difficulty in letting go of certain items in my life.  The adage "let go and let God" is much more difficult than is implied.  I have a lot of feelings about letting go in my life.  For instance, letting go of my past is very frustrating.  We would like to have our emotions healed and be happy all the time (except when we are excited).  Emotions are tied to memories of events that form feelings.  For example, I have PTSD and his friend Depression that are not so wonderful travelling partners.  Perhaps you know them.  Sometimes they bring their cousin Anger with them.  Although he comes out only at the worst moments! 
     Letting go is a wonderful thing!  And, no, I didn't mean let's go.  Again, we could use "let's go" in conjunction with "letting go" if we could only get them to cooperate.  We all have our reasons why we don't want to let go the wonderful world of Santa and the Easter Bunny.  We hold on so tightly that when it seems that we might lose them, we give them to our kids.  That way they can continue to live on.  See what I mean?!  I don't think we want to let go of some core issues in our lives. 
     The problem with letting go is that it's too close to admitting we have a addiction.  There, I said it out loud for all of us!  Please don't let go of this blog quite yet.  What is there in your life that you couldn't do without?  Would it be your cell phone, computer, chocolate, coffee or maybe a really nice car?  There are a lot more and many of them belong to you and I.  Perhaps we are dependent rather than addicted but the end result is/are the same.  We don't want to get rid of them even if we are killing ourselves.
     I have a confession to make.  I love Jesus.  I'm addicted to Jesus.  I'm dependent on Jesus.  I'm in love with Jesus.  I cannot, nor will I, let go of the Bible and prayer.  It's not like I am steadfast and do all of these every moment of every day.  That is not reality.  God wants us to live in reality.  Sometimes reality sucks. 
     What if letting go meant letting go of someone or some group?  Would we recognize the need to let go rather than be consumed or destroyed by others?  We live in a world that thrives on tolerance.  Tolerance takes us a step away from reality.  What!?  We tolerate others behavior that is damaging to our life.  Think of the number of spouses (men and women) who stay in a dangerous relationship for any number of good or bad reasons.  Do they want to be destroyed?  No, they don't.  What is happening that people stay where they are?
     Negative attention is better than no attention.  And so, we stay.  Even to death sometimes.  We have the chance to leave (most of the time) but we stay.  We cannot let go of that person or what that person does give us.  An example won't be given here as we all know a story from someone close to us.  So, we don't let go.
     The best solution to the problems of life is to stand firm and give them to God or someone else.  It's not the easiest but easy is not how life is.  Life is filled with decisions that are horrible to carry out.  When we come to that place in life when we are sick and tired enough; we will begin to be serious with letting go.  It's not just the world we live in.  It's also the spiritual realm where we hang onto sin rather than let it go and follow Jesus.  It's not easy or everyone would do it!  Choosing to follow Jesus costs you your life.  On the other hand choosing to follow Jesus gives us a new life in its place.  Think about what your "letting go" items are.  Then do what you know you need to do.  Let go!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wake up calls in our lives.

     While we know that some days we would love to sleep in, we are awakened by whatever or whomever and forced out of a warm bed and some good dreams.  Even though we have come to form the opinion that these events are wake up calls, there is more to this than meets the eye.  Let me first state that I do not really like getting up early!
     First, we have physical wake up calls.  Can anyone agree with me that getting up at Oh dark thirty should be illegal!?  If you are lucky, you get to sleep in and arise at your leisure.  The 99% of us don't have such luck.  Don't get me wrong; it's a gift to wake up each morning on the right side of the grass!  There are many who have been denied a long and full life because misfortune has beset their lives.  Just for this moment try and sit back, relax, and imagine life without someone you love.  No phone calls, summer visits, exchanged more anything with them.  We may be grateful that they visited our world and helped us grow as God wants.  However, we don't want these people gone from our lives.  When someone we love goes to be with Jesus we miss them physically and there is nothing that can fill that void left in our life. 
     Second, we have psychological wake up calls.  We are suddenly aware that our outlook on life has changed without asking us permission first.  We may be feeling betrayed, confused, angry, or even depressed.  We want to be a better person but at what cost?  There are costs you know.  We forgive someone who has wronged us.  The innocence of a relationship is gone and we are forever changed.  Psychological wake up calls signify our movement through life's good and bad events.  We may be awakened individually or corporately but we will be awakened.  Things will change and for some of them we have no control.  Life before Christ was defined by what we chose to engage in.  Life after Christ is defined by what He chooses us to engage in.  Where we once catered to our perceived needs (really wants) we now as Christian we are submitting to the will of God (at least trying too!)  We claim that we are maturing when in fact the worldly focus is replaced with a heavenly focus and "it is no longer I who live; but Christ who lives within me."  Embracing wake up calls are costly.  Is it a cost you are willing to bear?
     Third, we have spiritual wake up calls.  Spiritual calls are probably the most important wake up calls that we talk about.  The problem with human beings is that these wake up calls are for someone else and certainly not for me.  When we have a spiritual awakening in the wake up call, we are changed.  Perhaps not all at once, but we are changed.  People we once interacted with now either change with you, try to get you back on their track of living life, or walk away.  When people walk away from the relationship we once had; both worlds change.  Things we had in common some how seem to disappear or become less important.  We realize that the reason we have had these people in our lives was for selfish needs and wants.  So, sometimes we walk away.  When we are transformed from dead to alive in Christ, we cannot help but be changed.  Spiritual wake up calls are seen by many as a sign of weakness.  For the Christian, it's a sign of strength.  After all, who is more powerful than God?  Who is more knowing than God?  Who loves you with a love greater than anything in the world?  God does. 
     Which one is most important to you?  Why do you choose what you choose?  What are the ramifications of making this choice or that choice?  It's not like anything you have ever experienced before.  There are costs involved in each of the choices.  Are you willing to consider the costs and make the change?  Jesus asks us to forsake all others and to follow him and him alone.  He promises that we will have a life like no other.  He also tells us that the change to love him will be more important than any other event or thing in our life. 
     Prior to becoming a Christian my life was filled with everything you might imagine a 20 year old guy would be filled with.  My encounter with Jesus was out of desperation and the last step before killing myself.  To say the encounter was life changing is a gross understatement.  My life was transformed in a moment.  Gone was the loneliness as I had a new best friend.  Gone were the desires for drugs, smoking, and swearing.  Gone were those who called themselves friends only when they wanted or needed something.  In place of these parts of my life changing there were the filtering out who was good for me and who was bad for me.  My desires in accepting the wake up call from Jesus once entered I could never leave.  There were times I walked a different path but Jesus was patiently waiting.  My friends of old would have walked on without so much as a though about taking me with them.  God changed my way of thinking.  Keep in mind that despite the saving work of Christ, I was still human with desires that I wasn't delivered from.  I'm still working on them. 
     Just for today, try to live a life garnered from a wake up call from God.  You will be glad you did.  No one loves you more than one.