Saturday, October 11, 2014

Right or wrong.

     There seems to be a different definition of both right or wrong than when I was a kid.  We were all taught right from wrong according to whomever.  Some would say that it doesn't make people right or wrong but different.  Just how different can people be before we say, "that's wrong! or that's right!"? Today the rule is different but not right or wrong.  Today the rule is to tolerate everything and to leave bias stashed away.  God has a problem with this.  He tells us to do good and not bad.  He urges us to consider the consequences of our choices before we act or speak. 
     So, what happened?  Where did the world begin having difficulty with right and wrong?  In the garden with Adam and Eve.  They were swayed, ate the forbidden fruit and knew right from wrong.  Prior to this they didn't need to know right from wrong.  When the very act of innocence is intruded upon the results are waves from a pond ripple travelling in so many directions.  It's wrong to harm the egg of a Bald Eagle and yet we can kill children everyday with abortions.  Yes, I believe in calling what we are doing wrong.  Comes from the Bible you know.
     I remember learning one day that a "life sentence" in prison was just that, a life sentence.  Now the "life sentence" is actually 7 years and you can get time off for good behavior.  When considering the crime, just consider the length of time and choose what the consequences are.  Chances are you will get out of jail and back on the streets with your life in 7 years.  By the way, you won't find this in the Bible either.  The Bible tells us to obey the authorities placed over us because they have the power to protect the obedient and to punish the violator.  Choose your evil carefully!
     In my book, "While I Was Yet Sinning," I bring this issue up with examples of our rationalization and justification that are wrong.  We never stop sinning because our heart has been quieted and our conscience has been sedated to the point of sin.  James tells us that if when we act we know whether it's right or wrong.  We know what's true and what's not.  We know that our choice of right and wrong just measures what depth of selfishness we are living in.  Are we living in right or wrong?  If we say that we have not sinned then we are deceived and are lost.
     You see, the current direction our world is taking leads us further and further from the truth, right, and choices for God.  When we see a situation that requires a yes and no answer, we need to ask ourselves a question or two.  First, we must ask ourselves if that is the way we want to be treated.  Second, we must ask ourselves if that is the way God would like us to choose.  Third, we must ask ourselves if our behavior, talk and actions lead others to Jesus or not.
     I have been guilty of doing this in so many different situations that I have probably worn out a few angels.  There are times I feel jealous that he or she has this or that because of selfish choices of others.  I want to be like Jesus so today I am going to choose to NOT be selfish.  Today I am going to try and let go of me and grasp onto God who is sufficient.  Go forth and act like you should.  Do God proud.

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