Saturday, October 18, 2014

Not my circus, not my monkey!

     As you may have noticed but the title there may be some reinforcement of responsibilities.  You may make that assumption but read on anyway.  That way, you may find there are several points that could be within your world.  In any case, the title is catchy!
     We have come up to that area in our lives where we are treading carefully.  Avoiding the pitfalls of others is a big issue as we search for a new car!  Granted auto sales people get an awful lot of negative from their line of work.  Why then, do they continue to do things to make us more suspicious and fearful?  But, this time we have taken a different approach.  We are getting informed before we actually go to the place.  That means some looking in depth has to be accomplished and what better way than through the internet.  Right, don't answer any of the dealers on Craigslist because they will be sending you stuff until they have worn you out or have been worn out themselves.
     Diligence in any search means we are getting the job done no matter what.  Sometimes diligence is masked in frustration, anger, depression and hopelessness.  Finding the right car for the right price for our right needs isn't as easy as it sounds.  Why, you might ask, do business men and women lie to their clients?  Because they can AND because we let them.  For instance I called on a car I found and JUST wanted to find out if it was available.  The salesman began to go off on a tangent until I told him to just answer the question.  Now that's novel, answering the question.  As soon as he told me they didn't have the car, I hung up.  It was advertised as a viable car when in reality there was no car in the first place.  Shame on business from me...hung up and moved onto the next car.
     I'm sure that many have been familiar with some of you.  Why do people have to do this?  There are so many in the sales business that do just that.  Glad that this isn't what happens when they are asked if they know Jesus.  So, when the people who know us, work beside us and live within the same neighborhood hear us say one thing and do another; which story do they believe?  I have to admit here before I go any further that I have been one of "those" and "done that."  Maybe you have also?  It's really my circus and my monkey and I need to own it. Whenever I choose to not be a true Christian, I'm nothing more than a used car salesperson.  Worse yet, I am nothing more than a lawyer or politician.
     So, for today I will own my own failings and ask forgiveness.  I, just for today, will try to not be anyone's conscious than my own.  That doesn't mean I don't have a voice.  Quite the opposite.  People sometimes can learn more from others mistakes than they can from the story we tell.  We see what we want and seldom what we need.  It's a seeing problem and not a doing problem.  We know what to say and what to do.  Then what's the problem?  The problem is we aren't honest with ourselves much less God.  Just for today this is my circus and my monkey.  You do the same.

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