Thursday, October 30, 2014

What do Christians stand for?

     We all can name several things Christians stand "against".  But, what do Christians stand for?  What do I stand for?  We are known and often remembered by what we do rather than what we think.  It's our words that go down in history rather than our thoughts.  So it is with what a Christian does and says in everyday life.  I'm a Christian and still have a hard time believing that others read the same Bible as me.  Why is that?  We all bring a story to the table to be heard, seen and understood.  Between our biases and prejudices we long to be understood and heard.
     When I was a therapist I often gave out "homework" for my clients to complete and return.  One of my favorites was regarding how we communicate and what words meant to us.  I would write out a list of 15-20 words that we encounter in our lives like, "hate", "friend", "love" ad so on.  Then I asked my clients to define the word or words 3 times.  The first definition would be based on what we remember between the ages of 8-10.  The second time would be relegated to "right now".  The final definition was the easiest because all that was required was their understanding of a "perfect" definition.  People wrestled with all of the definitions.  That's what they were supposed to do.  When that couple came back to therapy I would have them exchange lists that hadn't been shared.  You could feel the tension (neither good or bad).  After they had read each others definition I would hear them say, "I didn't know you thought that." or "Is that how you see me?" 
     While the assignment would only be completed when we die, the platform was set for growth or for failure.  Understanding each other's language gives us pause on how we think and use words.  "You really think that?!"  Knowing each other is a major step for most people.  What would you like your boss/friend/spouse/parent/or child to "hear" when you speak?  You see, there is a desire to have people understand us and even follow us when we don't understand your words as you understand them.  In order for us to put together a picture of healthy use of language; we must look at our words and how we use them.  Just how do you define yourself and your expectations?  When you tell someone you love them what do you mean?  Do you love them like you love your beer?  Are they as important as your sports games?  Could they be as important as sex? 
     Words can also be applied to the Christian definition.  What is a Christian?  You make the decision based on what the Scripture says.  You understand the word when you need or want the Word to be in order to make your lifestyle or actions okay in the eyes of other "Christians".  Finding our way through the muck is difficult.  It's near impossible when we try to make others understand words as WE see them defined.  In the end we most likely will feel like we are not understood when in reality "they" understand the word differently than "we" understand the word.  Perhaps a good dose of back to the basics would be in order.
     If I were to choose one word that best describes Christians it would be "love."  Love is a central theme in the Bible and is used in many different scenarios in the Word.  Love has been and will be something that we all need and want.  So, look at your definition of "love" and ask yourself if you want to be loved the way you are defining the word.  Or, would you want to be loved the way Jesus loves us...unconditionally?  In my definition, love is the defining element of what a Christian stands for.  When we focus on that one word no other word can take central stage.  It's how we love that dictates what other's think of us.  The human that I am and you are; wants three things from life and others.  We want love, acceptance and approval.  Perhaps we need to give these to others.  The result will take you by surprise.  Loving people with no ulterior motive allows people to love, accept and approve of us.  Love does make the world go around.

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