Monday, October 13, 2014

Being tired of being tired...

     Tired comes on different levels and are from different events in our lives.  There is the physical tiredness that comes with physical labor.  Along with the physical tiredness is the emotional tiredness which has origins that we cannot fathom.  Psychological tiredness is dangerously brought to the surface by whatever circumstance comes up.  Spiritual tiredness can be just as severe as any of the previous three.  When a combination of any of the above happens there is the possibility of catastrophic tiredness or the "melt down." 
     We, as people, try to deal with these in ways that are sometimes ineffective and sometimes very effective.  Part of the equation that we must look at is our past and the past of others around us.  Their actions and attitudes affect or even spark the episode that leaves us exhausted.  Why is that?  I'm not Jesus.  My actions and reactions are not perfect and sometimes are not the best choice I've had.  If I live my life being reactionary; I am always on the defense and the war continues long after the smoke has cleared. 
     Living on the defense is not a wise place to be.  Living on the defense takes Jesus and yourself out of the reaction process.  If we are looking at what the world wants us to look at we don't come to the point where we can simply look to Jesus and do what he knows is the best choice.  This entanglement over offense and defense are always present.  We choose which one we will live our lives on.  Jesus lived his life on the offense and look at the defense the non believers reacted with!
     I'm not saying everything will be peachy keen if we just give our trials and temptations to Jesus (though we should).  What I am saying is that we have a choice ALL the time.  I'm not saying we will always have the frame of mind to choose that which is best.  What I am saying is that the battles are not ours.  The battles belong to the Lord.  Whenever I'm convinced I can handle something without Jesus, I find I fall the fastest.  Whenever I take on issues in a defensive posture my peace is destroyed and other negative emotions run up and down my life.  Regrets, woulda, coulda and shoulda come out to play and do a tap dance on my already shattered world.
     It's not easy to "just give it to the Lord."  Sometimes we want to punch the person telling us this into next week.  We shouldn't do that.  In our already weakened spiritual state we distance ourselves from all that which is good and right.  My almost immediate response to being reactionary is to eat.  Yep!  Stuff my face with whatever I'm not supposed to have.  That, at that moment, is my way of grasping something I can control.  It's not a good choice.  My weight is reflective of a lifetime of eating to take control of something where I am powerless.  I don't know what you do when the circumstances arise in your life.  I would urge you to keep going on the good choice of giving our lives and all they contain to Jesus.  He said he would be with us through every moment and event of our lives.

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