Wednesday, October 29, 2014

People lie...

     People lie even when they don't need to lie.  Why do we do this?  Yes, I've been guilty as well.  So, why do we lie when we have the choice to tell the truth?  What does this say about our integrity?  When found out, what is our response?  Both the beginning of the lie and the end have the same issue at hand.  That issue is accountability.  Sometimes people lie just to see if they can get away with the lying.  When found out a piece of their credibility is gone and never comes back.  Sometimes, like the boy who cried wolf, the lies are many.  So much so that when a truth is spoken; it's taken as a lie as well.  Lying is said to be the first language of Satan.  So, in our lying, are we serving him instead of Jesus?  The absence of truth leaves a vacuum where we have decided God isn't welcome.  The only remedy that is available is to tell the truth.  When we have consistently told the truth to Jesus, others and ourselves does the vacuum start filling back in.
     Some have taken lying to an art form.  They have defined their lies as good and bad.  The old, innocent lie that hurts no one is next.  Followed by the lies of cover for a deed that was/is wrong.  I know that I have been guilty of all of them.  I have rationalized and justified my lying on more than one occasion.  When we have taken that step into the quagmire that lies produce, we begin to lose those around us who have been injured by our lies or been put out by them.  It's only when we are desperate that we begin to count the losses of our choices.  Making our way back from that hole is difficult as trust has been eroded or eliminated in our relationships.  Why should people trust us when we cheapen our relationship by lying?  Making it more personal; we use people when we lie.  When we do so people get to the point where they make the determination that they no longer can associate with us.  Rather than confront that person we instead just walk away. 
     James 4:17 says: "If we know what is right to do and do not do it, we sin."  Pretty simple.  So why is it so hard.  No one likes to be seen in a negative light.  We don't relish having to eat "crow" because of our choice.  What is lacking?  Humility is lacking.  Where humility is lacking there is pride.  When our pride is injured we look first to blame others.  Our denial only deepens the destruction that goes on when we are not repentant.  What a downward spiral! 
     Here is a key thought.  The Bible says we need to be that light that shines in the world.  It defines hat light as Jesus and the Gospel.  When that light is shining from us, what people see is Jesus.  When we are in darkness, what people see is you and me.  Individuals.  Lost individuals. Just as right living shows our love of Jesus, our lying shows others our hypocrisy.  This is not a permanent judgment on us.  Jesus has made a way for us that leads to ever lasting life.  We have the option of choosing life or continue in death.  What we think and do should be what Jesus would think and do.  Living without concern over the Gospels importance to others as well as ourselves is spiritual suicide.  While it is true that we cannot lose our salvation, it is true that we will be missing the blessing of God.  Who wants that? 
     Lying is such a hard habit to break that there should be a 12 step program just for lying alone!  But there isn't.  So what should we do?  I suggest beside Jesus, we need to have someone in our life that we are transparent with and accountable to.  That's a big assignment.  Yes, we will fail.  That's a given.  But, if we keep ourselves submitted to God and really submit to His will, our lives will be more and more focused on Jesus instead of ourselves.  I'm not going to tell you that changes in life long behaviors is easy.  It is not easy.  It's kind of like asking Jesus for patience.  Be prepared.  Just one day at a time.

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