Saturday, May 31, 2014

In the twinkle of an eye.

Just how long is a "twinkle" of your eye?  It's pretty much the same length of time as for everyone else.  You've seen that mischievous twinkle, in love twinkle, surprised twinkle and a bunch of other twinkles.  None of the twinkles I know about are or could considered to be negative.  Twinkles are positive!  What a relief!  But, the memory of a twinkle can live on for as long as you can hold onto it.  Next time you are with someone look for the twinkle.  When you are angry there is no twinkle.  When you are depressed there is no twinkle.  When you are lonely there is no twinkle.  The twinkle only appears when you are in a positive frame of mind.  If they count, animals (except cats) can have twinkles themselves.  Most of the time you have just come home from being away too long in their minds or you are about to give them dinner or a treat.  You cannot stop a twinkle once it's started.  Once the twinkle has begun you have no choice but to give in and twinkle.  Kids have the best twinkles.  Check them out Christmas morning or Easter morning.  Awesome twinkles!!!  Twinkles can be found in amazement like opening that unexpected gift or that surprise engagement question.  Here is the caveat:  you are in charge of your twinkle and play an important part in others twinkles.  You choose whether you want to be in the positive state of mind.  You choose whether you will be the life of the event or the doom Sayer.  Consequently, we teach our children to twinkle or not.  How about our bosses, co-workers, friends and even our enemies?  Just what does it take to not only twinkle but to help others twinkle as well?  It's not time that gets in our way.  Scientists have measured (of course they have!) the length of a twinkle and found it to be nanosecond.  A nanosecond is 1 1000ndth of a second.  Quite fast!  So, we cannot use time as an excuse.  There are people (you know them) who are wet towels on any and every occasion or event they attend.  But, YOU can choose to not be a wet towel!  Just what is the importance of this word?  Why am I taking up a perfectly good blog space on "twinkle" and not on the world hunger crisis?  There is one "twinkle" that you are not going to want to miss!  The Bible tells us that Jesus is coming back and we will be taken to be with him "in the twinkle of an eye!"  WOW!  Instantly gone and arrived.  There is no plane that travels that fast!  One moment you are talking with your aunt Beth and then, poof, gone.  You see, the practice of twinkling and helping people twinkle is mere practice for the real thing.  I don't know how you are doing in your twinkle.  I do know that everyone has a chance to twinkle.  What do you think about that final twinkle?

Friday, May 30, 2014

I fixed the clock...kind of!

If you have never taken apart a clock and put it back together; don't do it.  It all began one evening when the wall clock in our living room fell about 3 feet onto a waiting table.  The mechanism itself broke free and needed to be fixed or thrown out.  Not wanting to waste a perfectly good opportunity to fix the clock (something men do), I took it apart and put it back together.  The clock worked well for a few months.  Now, the clock is stuck at 11:55 (am or pm).  The clock makes it tic-tock sound as it it's rotating around the face of the clock.  Only, it doesn't.  So if you are in a hurry to find out what time it is you are faced with 11:55 (am or pm).  It's been that way now for several months and I've decided to leave it up and doing something/nothing for the time being.  No one else seems to mind.  The dogs don't care.  They have an internal clock that tells them when to bug me for food.  The can come and go as they please through the dog doors.  So, I've checked fixing the clock off my list.  It was the only reasonable thing to do.  You might be wondering why I don't just replace the clock.  Good question.  My initial response is that I don't need the big wall clock when I have my cell phone or am on the computer.  We have an abundance of devices that keep our "clock" going (dogs are a good example).  What we need to hone is our ability to listen to our inner clock.  One of my elementary school teachers told me, "Time passes Steven, will you?"  My inner clock said I should be going to lunch at that time.  She disagreed.  So, my inner clock wasn't backed up with fact.  Today's not much different.  With the exception of the occasional reminder from God that I need to pray or listen or talk.  The Holy Spirit was sent to be our companion and comforter.  His clock is very sensitive and reality based.  What happens over time is we tend to not pay attention to the clock on the wall that doesn't show the time while it tic-tocks away.  We don't have any urgency to listen to the Holy Spirit telling us much of anything.  As a result we don't have much to show for our lives lived for Christ.  God wasn't kidding when he said that we needed to be ready to do whatever He tells us to do and when we are to accomplish that task.  Every now and then we have our "spiritual clock" forced upon us through circumstances.  My friend Ray, reminded me of a story I had told him years ago.  I had left the house and was driving along the street when God pointed out a homeless man walking on the sidewalk.  It was raining out (duh it's Seattle) and the man was getting quite wet.  The Holy Spirit said, "It's time."  I asked, "Time for what?"  Knowing good and well what was about to happen I listened.  The Holy Spirit told me to give the man my beloved black hat.  By then I had passed the man so I went around the block and pulled up beside him.  I rolled down the window and told the man that God told me to ask him if he would like my hat (really it was God's hat).  He said he would like that.  I handed him the hat.  He said, "Thanks!" and I drove away.  I've never seen him since.  So, the clock that God maintains is driven by two things.  First our ability to listen to the "time" when God chooses to use us.  The second is to act when we are told to do something (even if we don't want to).  Should we join the rest of humanity and do nothing we should expect nothing from God.  So, I still haven't fixed the clock on the wall.  I fix the internal clock every morning and sometimes through out the day.  People still shake their heads in disbelief when I do something God tells me to do.  I've got all the time in the world and should use it wisely.  I'll listen more carefully to the Holy Spirit clock today.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

When you think no one is looking.

It's nice to be watched.  NOT!  It would seem most probable that people would like to have their privacy.  I'm not talking about not being disturbed at the library or when you are in a restaurant.  I'm talking about when we think no one is looking.  If you need to pass gas and you are in a store do you look around first?  After the deed is done the chances are huge that someone will turn down your aisle so you race for the cash register.  That is not an out of the questions situation!  When I drive anywhere I observe people in their cars.  One day I saw a man driving along with his window open singing away.  Not out of the ordinary.  However, playing his guitar at 55 MPH was!  Sometimes I see women doing their makeup.  Every now and then there are men and women alike picking their noses.  Don't make that "yuck" statement too quickly.  Boogers don't cause cancer!  In any case, we do things that we don't want others to see.  Whether it be checking out some one's body while we are with our significant other or taking care of that obsessive compulsive thing where we have to check the front door three times before we drive off to work.  One of the areas that would embarrass us is what we are thinking.  What would you do if suddenly all of your thoughts were spoken out loud?  I mean besides panic!  What do we have to fear if our thoughts are pure?  Okay, maybe no one's thoughts are entirely pure.  When we analyze our thoughts we find out where our heart is.  Maybe we can get some guilt relief by acknowledging that we are not the only ones who have those thoughts.  More than anyone else in the world moms know about being walked in on while in the bathroom.  Little kids don't care about what others are doing until they reach a certain age.  You know what I mean!  When all of a sudden their moral clock begins there is awareness of what is being done and whether it's right or wrong in their minds.  Have you ever met someone who was furtive and secretive?  What are they hiding?  If they haven't done anything wrong why are they acting that way?  Let's take this up a notch.  God sees everything, hears everything and records everything.  Quite a jump Steve!  Here's the gem; he still loves us just as we are.  You think that God didn't know you were going to do this or that?  He did.  We sometimes think of the punitive God who lords over us with an iron fist just waiting to smash us because of our sin.  Not all things done in secret are sin.  When God watches us he is hoping that we will always choose Plan A.  He sends angels to help us make Plan A choices.  Yes, they watch us too.  When we choose Plan B God shakes his head and puts another Plan A before us.  All this time God remains loving towards us.  It's not okay to sin.  It is okay to receive grace from God.  For the final thoughts for today I want to suggest that we use our knowledge of what others do or think to control them.  We us that card that says, "You owe me."  It's not what God does.  God says, "I forgive you, let's try this again."  It would be wonderful if mankind did just that.  William James once penned; "We may have a God in heaven that forgives us our sin, but mankind does not."  Do we love people as they are or with hold love as leverage to bring about the behavior we think they should have?  Again, God doesn't do that.  His example is plainly demonstrated on the Cross.  "Today you shall be with me in Paradise."  Forgiveness and forgetfulness are key elements of God.  Let's try to practice that today.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star...

The only rule of magical thinking is the thought must be impossible for human minds and hands to make it come true.  "I wish he/she would stop drinking."  "I wish I was rich (good one!)."  "I wish I wasn't fat."  "I wish someone would love me."  Okay, I think the point has been made.  Wishing is magical thinking.  Wishing goes hand in hand with "If only" thinking.  "We could do this if only..."  "If only they would give me a chance..."  When you begin magical thinking you have left the road of reality.  Harsh?  Yes, but then reality can be that way.  "I wish I could have..."  You don't have.  So what can you do?  Stop wishing for things to be different.  Stop wishing you had or didn't have this or that.  Leave the "if only" for those who refuse to stop wishing.  Where does this leave us?  It leaves us with reality.  "I wish..." and "If only..." are phrases that set us up for failure, disappointment, and hopelessness.  This erroneous thinking begins when we are kids, is firmly planted when we begin school and a regular part of a lot of the populations daily thinking.  How old were you when you learned "twinkle, twinkle, little star."?  We haven't even touched on how someone sneaks into your bedroom and turns a tooth into money, how a rabbit can lay multi-colored eggs, or any number of other life altering behaviors we pass onto our children.  They learn the belief is false, are disappointed that the magic is gone and grow up to pass it onto their children.  Why is it that we do this?  Is it because we don't believe anyone should have to face reality?  After all, "they are little only for a little while and this is harmless."  I used to have this crazy behavior of telling God that I would not speed again if he helped me get to the gas station.  Yeah, I know, I still speed sometimes!  The good news is that I almost always made it to the next gas station.  Ever push your luck?  If the gas prices were too high I would go on to the next station even though my gas gauge said "EMPTY!"  Might just as said, "You're an idiot."  "It won't hurt if I do this/that just this once."  Hurt who?  For beginners, my relationship with God, my family, my friends and co-workers.  Kids are the best!  My son (14) asked (as I was driving down the highway.) if it was illegal to cross the double white lines separating the commute lane from the rest of the lanes.  He is so observant because he saw the "do not" sign.  The question itself was a reality check.  I now had the option to answer honestly or to justify my wrong behavior.  I did the right thing.  I answered honestly.  He remained silent.  It was kind of like he woke up and asked the question almost if God were asking me the question.  Okay, okay!  God was asking me the question.  I was thinking that magically there would be no cops around.  I'm 61 and still find myself in magical thinking land.  What chances do my kids have of escaping this in their lives?  God tells us to simplify our thinking, to do right and to give Him the glory in our lives.  It's pretty simple.  We don't thank God for Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny though, do we?  God wants us to know that he has our whole life in his hands and he knows what he is doing.  Today I'll attempt to give him full reign in all of my life.  Tomorrow I'll try again.  Hopefully, some of this will be absorbed by those around me.  Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Nobody wants to play ryhthm guitar behind Jesus.

That line was the only one I remember from a song that I first heard in the early 70's.  I had no idea how that would translate into my life over the years.  When I was first saved my walk with Jesus was intense and wonderful.  While I'd love to say the story continued to be that I'd be lying.  I have fallen so many times over my life and in the process hurt many people as well as did nothing for God for stretches in my life.  All because of the message in that one line of a song long remembered.  It wasn't that I though I could do it better but rather that I could do it on my own.  As a young Christian I was headstrong and heart weak.  My resolve didn't match how much I had surrendered to God all things Steve.  Don't get me wrong, I've seen God work through me in spite of me!  Kinda makes you wonder sometimes...  But then I digress.  By the way, I don't play the guitar.  In fact my instrument of choice is the stereo.  For you who are in the current century that would be your mp3 or ipod or similar instrument of choice.  Anyway, I listened to the music a lot in my life but didn't live the message.  Or at least didn't live the message as much as I could have or should have.  My mind has been "made up to follow Jesus" so many times that I seldom unpack now.  (that was a joke).  Over the years I have been able to see how God works not only in my life but in the lives of those whom I've met on the way.  There has not been one who has been able to live the life of playing rhythm guitar behind Jesus.  Everyone wants to be the lead singer in the band.  I can't believe it!  That's the second line of the song!!!  Somewhere a neuron sparked and there it is!  Aren't our minds fascinating?!  However, this only all the more clarifies what I did after I took over the guitar and microphone from Jesus.  I remember the first time as a pastor where I was leading the congregation through the service.  It came time to sing our first hymn.  We sang and the service went on.  After the service my family came to me and said, "Dad, don't sing!  You sound awful!"  They had been in the nursery and heard only my voice over the speaker system.  Apparently there was no music to be heard.  After that I listened to the tape of the service and agreed that I didn't want to offend anyone with that voice.  I still sing to the Lord but now only in private or in a group.  No lead singer for me!  Well, yes, I still take the microphone sometimes.  Okay, and yes, I still can't sing the way I would even listen to me.  So, what do you do if you know the song but don't have the voice?  Give over the voice and let God speak through the message.  We're encouraged in the Word to not let the cares of the world distract us from God's goal.  Yet that is exactly what I do.  I let the cares of human making over rule the way God cares for me.  I let the haste and hurry of life take away the peace and patience of God given for me.  So, what does this life look like if we give up the microphone and play second fiddle?  Well for beginners the music is sweeter!  When I would need time alone in the past one of my favorite diversions was to go into the sanctuary (woods, church, someplace alone) and pick up my hymnal (Bible) and sing to God those songs (Scripture) which put me back in the position he could and can best use me.  Remembering is very different than reminding.  We shouldn't have to be reminded of our life in Christ.  We should remember that it's only because of him that we draw a single breath.  The music is really sweeter when we aren't fighting for lead guitar and lead singer.  So, today I'll try again to relax, rely, and relinquish whatever life He has set before me.  Today I'll try to only sing His private!

Monday, May 26, 2014

My computer ate my homework..

It used to be that the "dog" ate my homework.  Life was more simple then.  Of course the current school age life participant wouldn't agree.  We were so primitive that we had to hand write our homework!  We were so boring that we didn't care what everyone else had done over the summer during school break.  We were so uncool that we make them write actual thank you notes instead of a short text on their cell phone or other device.  I used to think that automatic deposit at my bank was a great thing.  Now you can take a picture, deposit and pay bills on your cell phone.  I watched in amazement as a couple a few tables away from me spent their entire time each on their own cell phones.  They even paid without speaking to each other.  The age of invention revolution has struck everywhere.  Our snail mail postal system is being challenged for it's very existence.  You can track a package from the moment you place an online order through delivery.  There are apps for just about everything.  My cell phone can calculate the tip I'm supposed to leave.  My books are available online for download at the speed of a few seconds.  What has happened to the simple world.  Again, the youth of this age would argue it's simpler now than ever.  When I open the hood to my car I can't see the engine.  Wasn't that way growing up!  We could even work on our cars then.  Replacing the "computer" costs more than my first car purchase!  AND thank God for spell check!  Can you get this thought that times have changed dramatically?  I need to either get used to it or get with it.  Okay, maybe I could go to live in the woods in a small cabin with no electricity to plug into when my device is down.  Reality has changed and done so dramatically.  Who knew?  So, the simple meets the simpler with more ram.  Electrical devices are more powerful than IBM could have ever thought possible.  So, what's my point?  Sometimes the simple old message is the best.  While being interviewed for my ordination as a minister I was asked what was my theology.  I told them:  "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."  They were floored!  But isn't the statement true?  Has it survived the test of time?  Yes to both.  People still like to be hugged when they are sad or celebrating.  They like to know that someone thinks they are important and says so in person.  We like to make up our own minds instead of following the Jones over the cliff.  This doesn't make us wrong.  This makes us sane.  Some things will never change.  Many would tell me that I am wrong and that everything changes over time.  Not God!  They would say to me that I needed to change, become more like those around me and to fit in.  Not God!  I would be encouraged to update my morals by dropping them.  Not God! I seek God or man's approval?  For many of the "Christian" in our world the ability to see Jesus as God is so dim that it's ineffective.  I don't need to get with it.  I won't get with it.  No one can make me get with it.  My dog still eats my homework!  How about you?  There are some things that are so advanced that mankind will never catch up with.  God comes to mind.  After all, he created the world and the Bible tells me he is still God of all.  Perhaps it's time to get back to the basics.  Jesus does love me because the Bible tells me so.  Write a hand written letter.  Proverbs 25:25 says, "News from a far land is like water to a thirsty soul."  Give someone water.  Look someone in the eye when you talk with them.  Give your handshake as your word the next time you make a deal.  Believe that "you can do all things through Christ, who strengthens you."  Live like you believe the Sermon on the Mount.  He cares for the sparrow and he cares for you and me.  I know this is radical.  People might label me as an old fogey.  That's okay.  God labels me as "his."

Sunday, May 25, 2014

What happens when you are asleep?

Have you ever wondered about what happens while you are asleep?  From sleeping during class or work to those times when you are exhausted and fall asleep when your loved one is pouring their heart out to you.  It happens and most likely has happened to you.  I have a relative who is 80 and has insomnia.  She has had insomnia all of her life.  She takes cat naps here and there.  She doesn't seem to physically suffer because of it.  However, I cannot imagine being awake that much!  Then there was a classmate of mine in high school who slept with his eyes open!  Really spooky!  What does your mind see when you are asleep and your eyes are open?  While working as a chaplain in a Chicago hospital I became educated about chemically induced coma's in order that patients might heal.  Intentionally putting someone in a coma is hard to wrap my mind around.  I know it happens and the healing does work.  There was a story a few years ago who went into the hospital for stomach surgery.  She was given anesthesia but was still awake.  Only no one in the operating room knew it.  She went through the whole surgery as 'if she were fully awake.  Felt all the pain, heard all the comments and endured the procedure.  I cannot imagine being in that position.  Then we all know about little kids who are eating their spaghetti and fall asleep face down in their food!  More photos of that situation have been taken!  I don't know about you but there are several situations where I will NOT fall asleep.  On the Chicago L (subway), on Metro buses in Seattle, on a train anywhere in Europe and certainly not anywhere when the opportunity for self injury is present.  I wish I could control those situations.  Unfortunately for us, sleep comes when we don't expect it.  Yes, I know we go to bed to sleep and sometimes even use the couch.  The idea is to recharge our body, mind and spirit.  There are times when those around us are dependent upon our staying awake.  For instance your family and friends really do want you to stay awake when you are driving them around.  Also when you are using or holding any dangerous object or weapon.  But aside from all of the above, there is another more dangerous "asleep" situation.  It's when you are asleep to what is happening around you and with you.  Psychologically, the complacency that sets in causes us to dull our senses and opens ourselves up to many different suggestions that we would normally not engage.  Emotionally, the mentally asleep person can't seem to grasp the intensity or urgency of the one talking with them.  They have a flat almost bored attitude with others.  We are not in the 60's and do not (for the most part) contemplate our navels and wonder how the world grows our drug of choice.  That does not mean that we do not live oblivious to what is going on around us, to us and in the larger world.  Some do just that.  The chance that we have stepped into one or more of the examples I have given is very high.  The chance that we will do it again is even higher.  Within the spiritual realm we pretend and develop complacency in order to "deal" with reality of what is going on in our lives and the lives of those around us.  We "sleep" and do not attend to important issues like whether our neighbor is saved or not.  We sleep through the meaning of life from God's perspective rendering ourselves ineffective.  While people are awake to the dangers of numerous elements physically in their lives; they are asleep in their path of spiritual destruction.  Hell is knowing someone is not in heaven with you because you were asleep and said nothing.  Whoa!  What am I saying?  I'm saying that we can be asleep consciously or unconsciously and yet not care about those around us.  Though I'm not talking about physically asleep, I am talking about emotional, psychological and spiritually asleep people who have chosen to not care.  So, what does happen when we are asleep?  There are people who become physically injured, there are people who maligned, and there are people who are ignored.  Ignored"  Yes, ignored.  I'm not talking about Chicken Little but that would be a good analogy for this example.  When we are asleep we not only put others in harms way, but we put ourselves in harms way by our not paying attention to the warnings God and others have given us.  In the end we are held accountable for all that we have done and not done while here on Earth.  Will God find you asleep or awake when he returns to take his family home?  Even though you are physically awake, will you miss the train because you were asleep?  I pray not.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

No good deed goes unpunished.

If we look back on our life and the lives of those close to us we know that statement to be true.  Unfortunately that doesn't change the circumstances.  The punishment can come from those in authority, those in our fringe group or even intimate circle of friends and family.  Take for example the good Samaritan who stops to help someone who is unconscious only to have a lawsuit filed against him for stopping a suicide attempt.  Really!?  Back in the day...(well at least I remember "the day") things like this wouldn't happen.  There are two factors in The USA that keep the punishment as a first thought to others.  They are insurance companies and lawyers.  There are lawsuits for everything!  Insurance companies have record levels of fraud.   True story:  a burglar was burglarizing a home when the home owner came home.  The burglar didn't know the home owner was armed with a loaded gun.  When the burglar went after the home owner he was shot, wounded and transported to a hospital.  Though he was arrested AND prosecuted AND found guilty he still filed a civil suit against the home owner for shooting him!  Here is the crazy part.  The insurance company felt it was cheaper to pay off the burglar than to fight the lawsuit in court!  So, the burglar made off with more than he would have and the home owner was penalized for doing what was right.  If this was just a sporadic story I would stop here and probably not even write about this.  However, a lot of us have been found guilty of doing good and received punishment for our actions.  I had an uncle who was a pack rat (they call them hoarders now).  He was elderly and asked me to help me paint his home.  I agreed and went about cleaning and painting.  One day I had to move his couch.  Piled 4 feet high were old newspapers of which most of them were unopened.  I took the old newspapers and donated them at a drop box.  The next time I saw my uncle he was furious that I had thrown them away.  He forbid me from finishing the painting and he decided he didn't want to see me or my family again.  Looking back I can see how I could have gone about the situation better.  Hopefully that is what happens when we run into these situations.  We learn and move on.  It's not about not doing the good deed.  It's about finding a better way to do the good deed.  For instance, working anonymously to help someone is a good way to do good and not get caught.  I know that sounds crazy.  But it does work.  One year on my birthday I went to an elderly neighbor who had lots of foot tall grass in his yard to cut.  I offered to cut his grass for free.  He agreed and the next day I started the job (it took two full days!).  While I was working his wife came home and confronted me.  I told her the agreement I had with her husband and she went inside to talk with him.  I didn't see her until I had finished the job.  She insisted I come in for lemonade.  Okay, so far so good.  Then the inquisition!  What was my motive?  Had I done this before?  What made me think I could just come over and offer to help for free?  The last one really got me.  He was okay with my actions and loved the job that had been done.  She was glad the job was done but was convinced that I had an ulterior motive.  Before I left she made me take a geranium with me as "payment."  She never talked with me again.  Who knew?  Jesus had a similar situation with the healing of the lepers.  There were a bunch of them.  They recognized Jesus and asked him to heal them.  He did so.  Only one of the men came back to thank Jesus.  The others just went on their way.  So how many times has Jesus done good for me and I've been angry at him for doing so?  Way too many for me to think about.  At the time I thought he was going where he had no business.  I didn't see His plan for my life.  I didn't see that his actions would benefit others down the road.  This was for the good things that I perceived as negative initially.  What the real issue for me was I wanted to run my life.  I didn't want to let God run my life.  So, I played god and of course the outcome is always less even if it's good.  Today I still do good even though that good deed may result in my being punished.  If that's the worst that comes my way then so be it.  Jesus did nothing but good and they crucified him.  This was the ultimate good deed!  It resulted in my salvation.  If we focus on the punishment we will do less and less good.  If we focus on the good we will do more and more good.  Don't let the world beat you down with punishment.  If there is no opposition in your life, if there is no struggle in your life, and if there are no difficult decisions, then most likely you aren't doing much to show forth Christ in your life.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Here's the catch...

No, I'm not talking about baseball though that would be a good topic.  I'm talking about expectations.  I saw an ad once that read: "For sale: 4 tires and wheels for a newer model Mercedes Benz."  The catch was: "$4000.00 for the tires and the car is free!"  More personally though we find ourselves being on both ends of this equation.  I'll drive you to the mall but you have to put some gas in my car.  You bring the pizza and beer while I provide the TV and a nice seat to watch the game.  These are examples of daily minor catches.  You might find yourself too close to this one: "After all I have done for you and you want what?"  "I'll give you money this once but I expect you to spend it wisely."  The list could go on and on.  This "catch" invades our private lives, our work and the world around us.  Most of the time it's not bothersome.  However, those times it is bothersome you are in for a ride emotionally as well as psychologically.  There are some things that have no "catch" and we mostly ignore them.  "Eat your vegetables or there is no dessert for you."  Clean your room or you can't go out tonight."  "I would love to come over when things are better."  Some people would increase the importance to bring "catch" to the level of "blackmail".  I've had many vocations (18) and more than half of them dictated more than what the job description.  Several had this written at the end of the job description:  "and other duties as assigned."  Catch phrases are conditional agreements.  I remember one woman I was counseling telling me (willingly) about her signing a prenuptial that said "after child birth I must return to my target weight within 3 months or this will be grounds for divorce."  What was she thinking?  A prenuptial is a "catch" phrase that has dire consequences.  The prenuptial almost never has anything positive as its basis.  "If I do this for you then you must do this for me."  Here is the "catch."  You now have the awareness and the power to not use "catch" in your life.  It's not reasonable to expect everyone else to do likewise.  But, you can do this in your life.  What is your motive?  Is it good for you AND the person you are doing this with?  Is this something God wants us to do with each other?  Can you imagine saying:  "God, if you help me to ____________, I'll ___________.  Do we think we can manipulate God?  Just for today I'll try to live my life without catches and see what transpires.  I hope you would do the same.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Can I talk with you...alone?

That is just one of the phrases that drives my anxiety up.  It doesn't matter where or under what circumstances.  The intimation is that there is something amiss.  My daughter Sara used it once for the time she was caught (in high school) smoking a cigar with a friend in the boiler room of the school.  I had to maintain a straight face and attend to the situation at hand but did well.  Other reasons for the statement go from "your zipper is open" to "this event is so boring; can we leave?" to "I didn't want to alarm the children but I'm leaving you."  You have your memories of the times you have heard the phrase yourself.  That one phrase reminds us that we don't really have the control and safety of anything.  It's one thing to hear that there is a surprise party being planned and you are part of the planning and another thing to hear the news that your brother/sister have cancer.  The only thing worse is to have that foreboding feeling that someone is going to use the phrase with you.  We live in a world where bad things and good things take place all the time.  Yet we don't stress with the positive.  It's always the negative that ruin our day, month or year.  Since this experience isn't going to go away I suggest we do something about it.  That doesn't mean we resign ourselves to the situation in defeat.  Nor does it mean we embrace all the negativity.  What it means to you and I may be different but our needs are the same.  Our need is to have peace in our life and the lives of others we care about.  This is very much easier said than done.  I've given suggestions, answers, and confrontations for many of my careers to others who brought me these problems.  I find myself giving advice that is applicable to me but I can't or don't seem to find the way in applying the same answers.  Hence we come into contact with the second problem.  That is the lack of desire to change things in our lives.  We imagine all the hassles and fears that encompass any change we may make in our lives.  Yet, the necessity of those changes weighs heavily on us. Trust of others surfaces as a source of our addressing issues in our lives and changes.  We fear the loss of this or that person.  People have the right to leave relationships whether I like it or not.  At one particular time in my life (horrible loss) I asked my good friend if they could be there with and for me as I walked through the loss.  Their reply was "No, I can't be there for you."  After the shock wore off I made it through the grief and never heard from or saw the friend again.  How could I have seen that coming?  Often we don't see the issues coming.  We wake up to another sunny delightful day and then receive THAT phone call telling me that my dad has died, my mom has cancer, that my sisters have cancer, can see your own lives here.  Nothing prepares us for some things.  And some things there is no preparation that can be done.  It was and is a constant (though less frequent) event in my life.  Checking out isn't in the equation as the problem remains whether we are there to confront it or not.  Delaying serves no purpose as well as denial.  What can help?  The simple and complex answer is Jesus.  "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."  What a simple and complex theological statement!  Jesus takes our problems upon himself even if we don't deserve to have him take them.  Letting things roll off our shoulders onto his is a good thing to practice.  He knows everything about our lives as well as what is going to happen in our lives so why not let him have our lives problems?  It's easier said than done but over time gets easier and more automatic.  The negative events of our lives will happen.  That's just the way things go.  How we move through them is dependent on whether we give them to God or try to be god ourselves.  So, can I talk with you...alone?

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A penny for your thoughts.

I've never been given a penny for my thoughts.  I've been asked for my thoughts on numerous occasions.  But no penny!  Maybe I have it wrong.  Maybe the penny only comes when the thoughts are akin to what the requester really wants.  So, if I tell you what you want to hear it's a good thing and if I don't tell you what you want to hear it's "not worth a plug nickle" or "not worth the paper it's written on."  Do we draw from this that people really don't want to hear what we think?  In a lot of cases I suppose this is true.  Often we ask for input when we already know the answer.  We just want confirmation that we are seeing something as it really is and not our imaginations.  Knowing when to provide the input requested is tricky.  The requirements are important in making that determination.  First, is the person asking a rhetorical question?  Second, is the person asking for your support and not your opinion?  Third, does the person asking really value what you have to share?  And forth, what's my motive in providing an answer?  People from all walks of life have questioned me over the years.  Some of the questions were accusatory.  "Did you eat that last piece of cake?"  Many of the questions were genuine.  "Dad, where do clouds come from?"  Occasionally the questions were truth seeking.  "How do you see this problem?"  Every now and then the questions were to provide humor or break the ice.  "Do you wear toilet paper on your shoes often?"  We need all of these questions and more in order for us to grow and those around us to grow.  The really serious questions often accompany a short (or long!) story as background. "You see, when I was...they did...and now I feel...what do you think?"  Being careful, clarifying and use of wisdom are key to giving the thought.  Sometimes the questions are tricky.  The religious leaders asked Jesus, "What should we do with this woman caught in the very act of adultery?"  Where was the guy with whom she was caught?  But that's not the question Jesus perceived as being asked.  John 8 tells us that Jesus bent down and wrote in the dirt.  When they tried to trap him with his answer Jesus asked them "Whoever among you have no sin, cast the first stone." and again wrote in the dirt.  I believe that Jesus first wrote down the names of those who were present and then the second time wrote some of their sins. These leaders and teachers walked away one by one.  The need to feel our world as secure and safe is paramount in each of us.  I used to be shy.  Most people who now know me would argue with that.  However, I was shy.  When I went into the military I was bombarded with personal questions.  People were trying to get to know me.  In my unease I devised a plan.  If I asked questions about them first the attention would be taken off of me.  Brilliant!  Okay, maybe not brilliant but good anyway and surely worth a penny.  Our motives for asking and our motives for asking come from who we are.  Who are you?  Who am I?  When the question is valid we need to give an honest answer.  Anything else needs clarification.  "Why do you ask?"  What is the other person's motive?  No one likes being trapped especially if they know they are wrong.  Leaving the "back door open" when answering questions is safe for everyone.  Jesus did that with his answer both verbally and physically.  He asked the woman where were her accusers.  She replied they are gone.  He told her that he didn't condemn her either.  When giving our thoughts we need to provide a clear honest answer.  If we don't know we need to keep quiet rather than make a mistake that could be serious.  Sometimes our thoughts are worth a penny because we keep them to ourselves.  Over the years I've become better at answering questions.  I'm still working on it.  People feel free most of the time to ask me for an objective answer.  We don't need to have "all" of the answers.  Often "I don't know." is the best answer of all.  Our opinions are powerful and can be healing or damaging.  When we are confronted with a question our integrity is being challenged.  Will we rise to the occasion and be honest in a way that they can hear our heart and not just our head?  Is there a thought we have that is worth a penny?  For some the answer is "no".  Where do we figure into the lives of those around us?  Do people value our friendship, knowledge and grace?  A penny for your thoughts.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Just what you needed...

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.  Advice.  They come in various venues but always with someone elses point of view.  Well intentioned people with their advice come out of the wood work when they perceive a need whether asked for or not.  In direct opposition are those who don't speak but we wish they would.  Wisdom and insight is best when wanted.  While the well intentioned may have wisdom and insight, they rarely check out if someone wants their wisdom and insight.  On the contrary, wise people who have much sought after advice tend to sit back, observe and only offer when asked.  I don't know of a single teenager (and some adults) who hate "the lecture" on various areas of their lives.  I don't like lectures.  I don't like unasked for advice either.  Lectures are particularly bad because of the motive.  Driven by an "I told you so mentality" the lecture is formed to make you feel lower than a snakes belly.  "What a failure you are!"  I've personally been told that face to face.  I don't like being around people like that.  "Well, if you had done this like I would have done this, none of that would have happened."  Please move to a farm in Canada!  Maybe that's not far enough away either.  We all have people like this in our lives.  I used to be one.  Sometimes I catch myself still starting to go there and need to turn around and be better.  Ah, youth!  The time of life when you know everything!  With age most people grow out of this behavior or at least minimize the events where we would be prone to give advice unwanted.  "And I'll tell you another thing!"  This usually follows the lecture and the expectation is that we now are being educated by the deep and profound wisdom of the lecturer.  Not only are you wrong but you are ignorant to boot!  Why won't people just listen.  There are many occasions when all that is requested from us is silent listening, holding and just being there.  That is just what we needed.  Often the tender listening says it all.  Have you ever had a conversation with someone who obviously was not listening?  Perhaps they were tired of the conversation.  Most likely they were just waiting for a chance to jump in and give us just what we needed according to them.  We become so wary of the well intentioned that slowly at first and more quickly later in life we stop sharing.  We stop asking.  We stop.  Our faith in our fellow man is once again shattered and lies broken all over the floor around you.  This is NOT just what we needed.  It certainly isn't what I need.  "If I've told you once, I've told you a million times..."  "Oh, for the love of God, did you do that AGAIN?"  "Won't you ever learn?"  "What, have you rocks in your head?"  We've been on both ends of this from time to time in our lives.  No one is perfect.  Every one fails.  Some get back up having learned a lesson.  Others get back up to be even more dedicated to their well intentioned lives.  An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but what keeps these people away?  I needed someone, anyone, to listen just the other day.  Surrounded by no one to listen I went inside.  Inside is not a good place for me.  Unless I invite God into that space.  He listens and comforts.  The Bible tells us that he makes all things new.  Even me.  And so it is that we make it through life.  Not by the grace of people but by the grace of God.  William James quipped "We may have a God in Heaven who forgives us our sins, but mankind does not."  How true.  The grace of God IS just what we needed.  We may have looked to find that in a person in our circle and not found the grace that we needed.  Sometimes I wake up in the morning and find myself in a funk...depressed...angry and wanting to share with someone.  I don't because I don't want the lecture.  I don't want any advice.  I don't want education from someones point of view.  I want the comfort of grace.  So, the next time you are tempted to give people just what you think they should have, listen to just what they need.  Both of you will be transformed.  Grace changes things.

Monday, May 19, 2014

Will you pick me up...

...when I fall down?  Expectations of those around us are dependent on a number of factors.  We don't believe that our enemies will come to our rescue.  We don't believe that people who are busy will drop everything for us.  So, who will pick me up when I fall down?  I've fallen many times in my life.  Physically, spiritually, psychologically, and many more ways.  I'd like to say that I've had help being helped up was there.  But it wasn't.  Okay, there has been sporadic help over the years.  I was in church last night and the thought went through my head: "If there was a very real message to me from God that told me to get everyone out of the building right now; would I stand up and do it."  Why does my brain do this to me?  How about this?  Say we are in a store and we see someone shoplifting; will we say anything?  The risk is lower and we can be pretty much assured that we can remain anonymous.  Still, do we "mind our own business" or not?  What's our response when we see a friend who had drank too much and leaving our party to drive home?  I hope you are beginning to see that "risk" can be more than a physical threat.  We risk offending others.  We risk the end of relationships.  We risk our positions at work, church, social gatherings and with our families.  "Did you see what Steve did in church last night?  He stood up in the middle of the sermon and told everyone to get out of the building."  (By the way, this did NOT happen).  "He said that the building was going to fall down."  If the building falls down and everyone has been warned Steve is a hero who saved the day!  So, everyone is standing outside in the rain (it's Seattle) and the building doesn't fall down.  Oops!  See, there are different responses with different reactions coming to a head with the consequences.  When we look at the possible things that could happen if we did speak out we often do not consider the consequences.  If we do, we probably wouldn't say anything.  You hear about the hero's in the military where one soldier falls on a grenade to keep his fellow troops safe.  You hear about the fireman who stays in the building to find the one missing person and loses his life.  You hear about the policeman, emergency room doctor or nurse, and many other professions where hero's are birthed.  What is the difference between us and them?  It's not that they get paid to die.  None of us get paid to die.  It's not the guarantee of fame that they choose to risk life and limb.  Not many of us would give his life for any of our friends, relatives and enemies.  In fact, the history of mankind has shown the vast majority of people will go out of their way to avoid helping their fellow man.  Few people go outside their "responsibility" of their job and family when it comes to anything like choice of service to others.  We throw money at the problem, suggest someone else who is "more capable" than us or just ignore the problem and wait for it to go away.  In my life there have been those times where I went on auto pilot and just did what was the right thing to do regardless of risk to myself.  This is not something where I was told by a bystander: "You go and risk your life.  My life is more important."  Nor was it something my mother or father taught me to do.  When we come to that place where decision meets crisis, we do what our conscience and ability drives us to do.  What drives you and I?  Is our life filled with self denial?  Are we focused so intently on being there for others that our lives become chapters of an exciting novel?  Years ago I was struggling to understand what the real definition of "love" was and is.  There was the perfect definition in how God loves us.  Then there was the imperfect definition that most of us engage in.  In the end, I found the meaning of "love" to be found in our unselfishness.  Selfishness is love of self.  Unselfishness is love of God through us towards others.  Great!  Now I've created yet another area of my life that needs to be cleaned up!  Why can't I just leave well enough alone?  You see the dilemma?  We cannot have it both ways.  Not if we are going to be who God wants us to be.  Most of the time we know what is the right thing to do.  It's our choice whether we actually do that right thing or not.  Pondering that "choice" isn't good enough.  When we are done pondering the questions we started with remains.  Will you pick me up when I fall down?  Will I pick you up when you fall down?  It bids well if we choose to what is right over what is safe.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Dogs are funny!

Buddy is our large mix dog.  Henry is our small blue heeler.  They have unique personalities and yet are the same in many ways.  Sometimes it's just fun to watch them interact with their environment.  Much like we do and they are watching us.  I imagine they think we are funny also.  Buddy is the original bull in the china shop dog.  What his head and body don't hit; his tail does.  That would be the part Lab in him.  Buddy cannot sneak up on anything!  Henry just appears out of nowhere.  Sometimes we all but fall over him as he has successfully planted himself unknown to us behind us.  As both of our dogs are older they, like me, are on medications.  As long as the method of pill taking is inside of something they consider yummy, there is no fight.  I ran out of the snacks I put pills in one day.  So, I found a jar of peanut butter.  No fair, you already know what happened!  Yep, they were licking the roofs of their mouths for what seemed a long long time.  Who would have thought peanut butter could provide such entertainment.  They didn't seem like they were laughing.  I need to put in a bit of history at this point.  We rescued Buddy and had him about a year when we decided he needed companionship.  We found Cocoa, our Husky and brought her home.  She took over being an alpha dog.  Buddy just fell in place as her servant.  Hm mm, sounds like some relationships I know.  She had various activities that evolved over time.  Like when she didn't want Buddy to be in a certain room or even the house she would lay in the doorway and refuse to let him in.  She would lay there with her front paws crossed looking quite proud of herself.  She was particularly obsessed with flying insects.  Bees, moths, flies were just a few of her prey.  One moment she would seem to be asleep and the next flying into the air snapping at a fly!  We lost her a couple of years ago.  Buddy was sick and mourning for months.  One day I was looking through pets on Craigslist and saw a picture of Henry.  I showed the picture to my wife and there was instant agreement that this was the dog for us even though we hadn't been planning on a new dog.  No dog could replace Cocoa.  I brought Henry home and we all had a great time getting to know him.  Over the next few days some of the idiosyncrasies in his personality came to the surface.  He became the alpha dog, blocked doorways with his paws crossed, and snapping at flying insects!  We couldn't believe his behaviors!  I'm sure Buddy didn't believe it either.  They quickly became best friends.  Both are older now (12) and not doing quite as many funny things.  We still get our laughs though.  A few days ago Henry was going under my wife's desk (works at home) as he usually did (along with Buddy).  She was sitting there when she heard him suddenly yelping!  She looked under the desk and found Henry with his toenail stuck in an electrical cord!  While the scene was funny, there was panic for sure.  He was okay but now we call him Sparky from time to time.  Buddy, as I've said, is a bull in the china shop type dog.  Recently he had surgery and when he came home he had on the "Cone of Shame".  Officially it's called an Elizabethan Collar and is used to keep dogs from getting to their wounds.  Buddy now crashes into everything!  He can't even go through a doorway without first bonking into the door frame!  We can hear him coming from a long ways off.  The surgery was serious but the entertainment of his bonking has earned him the nickname of "Bonk"!  So, now you have a bit of what it's like to live with two dogs.  Perhaps one day you can hear their side.  I'm sure God looks at me some days and laughs!  Some of the things I do are fairly entertaining even if I didn't intend them to be.  You probably won't believe it but sometimes others in my life laugh at me too!  God, forgive them for they know not what they do.  Amen.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wish in one hand, want in the other.

Don't you just love sayings like this.  I picked this one up from my Army days.  My Sargent had just heard my request for something non-essential.  Basically he was telling me that I couldn't have what I wanted.  I could wish and want all day long and still would not receive that which I sought.  Over the years I have been granted a lot of wishes and wants.  Some were valued and some were not.  The truth about wishes and wants was never taught to me growing up.  I suspect that was because we lived in a "needs" world.  Our lives were focused on taking care of our basic needs and not wishes and wants.  If we wanted a wish or want we were placed in a situation of what would we be willing to do to have them.  At one point in my childhood I wanted a bicycle very badly.  My classmate had one for sale.  I talked my mom into fronting me the money from my $ .10 a week allowance.  We went to my classmates house and picked up the bicycle. When we were back home reality set in.  I didn't know how to ride a bicycle.  Be careful about what you wish for, you might just get it.  Boy was that true.  I did learn how to ride the bicycle and spent many hours riding here and there.  It wouldn't be until years later that I would learn about wishes and wants.  In the meantime I learned about needs.  Needs were what we required for living.  I needed oxygen, water and food.  I wanted candy, soda and chips!  Don't get me wrong; there are still many items that I wish and want. However, economics made the list very short until I began to earn "my own money."  Affording the wishes and wants suddenly became much easier.  Now all I was missing was wisdom and common sense.  Long after the money was gone, my wishes and wants list had continued to grow.  We exercised common sense and wisdom in the needs area of our lives though.  Through out my life the needs have continued to be there and even evolving as my life has changed.  Needs now include medicine, books to understand my changing world, and pets for company.  When I was a child these things were far from my mind.  Now they are up close and personal.  When I was in the Army I remembered Janis Joplin's song about the Mercedes Benz.  My dream of owning a Mercedes Benz was born and the wish remained for many years.  Several years ago I purchased my first Mercedes at an auction.  Nice car but needed a lot of work.  Work on the car cost money and excess money I did not have.  It's a beautiful car and was a wish and want on my list.  Obtaining the car only birthed in me a new wish and want.  That's the way it is with the wish and want.  We end up having our next wish or want just out of reach.  Meanwhile the needs list has changed and remained focused on the essentials for living.  My balance between wishes and wants and needs is often off balance.  Both of them suffer as a result.  If I invest in one, the other gets less.  Sometimes I can't even meet my needs.  That's when the real priority comes up.  God has always been so good to me.  He provides all of my needs and all of my wishes and wants; only according to his wisdom and common sense.  The Bible tells me that he will meet all of our needs.  It also tells us to bring all our concerns to Him and he will attend to them.  The Bible does not say he will give us all that we want.  Nor does the Bible teach us that if we are Christian that we will be rich.  The Bible says we are already rich in the salvation we have through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Riches took on new meaning when I realized that I was bankrupt before God.  With nothing to offer God in exchange I humbly accepted his grace for my life.  What is it that God wishes or wants for me?  What is it that God sees as essential needs for me?  He wants my life focused on Him and not me.  In that state I am the richest man in the world.  Wishes, wants and needs are taken care of by God by his choosing.  When we are submitted to God he blesses us beyond belief.  When I give him my wishes, wants and needs, he uses my now empty hands to bless others.  How about it?  Ready to be blessed?

Friday, May 16, 2014

It goes without saying...

So, why do we say it?  Phrases like this one were passed down from generation to generation and are now lost to current speak.  We have texting which has all kinds of depictions for words.  I made up one word myself; "textversation" for the ongoing conversations.  I'm sure that those who "chat" would say the same for their conversations.  In our language there is a redundancy that precedes many subjects.  Language becomes laborious and difficult (see what I mean) when we are trying to explain ourselves.  Each year the committee (I never knew they had one) for "words" adds new words to the dictionary.  My shelf dictionary has been replaced by online ones and spell check.  Where would we be without spell check?!  Then there are those who should use spell check and don't.  A few years ago I read an actual physically present book (see what I mean) where I had to turn pages as I went along.  The book, "How to Speak Minnesotan" was all about the English language as seen from the eyes of old world Swedish, Norwegian, and German ancestors.  It was funny but also applicable for my move there for 3 years.  I've seen other books along the same line.  Take for instance the "_______ for Dummies" series.  Any feelings of inadequacy are replaced with the fact that we are inadequate.  We become reliant on someone who calls us "Dummies" to teach us how to understand, interpret and speak, work, live according to them.  Who are they anyway?  Perhaps there should be a book entitled "Textversation for Dummies."  I wonder how that would sell?  "And another thing" (here we go again) is a phrase that continues an argument, turns a discussion into an argument, and is a ploy for the person who is losing the argument.  If you find yourself saying any of these phrases don't beat yourself up or try to change as you will only become frustrated.  Whenever I hear "To tell you the truth," I automatically doubt the veracity of what comes next.  If it's the truth we don't need to preface our statement with "To tell you the truth."  There are lots of truths we don't say because we don't believe that people will believe us.  Take for example miracles.  To tell the truth (costly statement) people find it hard to believe in miracles.  Language takes us past the boundaries of fantasy and reality.  We've seen that in some of what has come out of Hollywood movies.  Fantasy is easier to believe than reality in many areas.  That is, until we mention the "Jesus" word.  Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead and bound up the broken hearted.  Wow!  "Looks like a duck.  Quacks like a duck.  Walks like a duck.  Must be a duck."  Jesus must be God.  For every believer there are two or three who will go to great ends to debunk anything God does.  There are whole communities who say they believe in God and say that miracles have ceased.  Can you believe that?!  It goes without saying...  Why don't we just speak plainly?  Jesus said in James that we should let our "yes" be "yes" and our "no" be "no".  Simple clear answers.  We've taken simple way past complex to unbelievable.  It frustrates me when I ask someone a question that requires only a simple answer and the other person launching into a litany of reasoning, excusing, and distracting.  I recently went into a auto parts store and requested an item for one of my vehicles.  Instead of saying, "we are out of stock:" the employee went on a "rabbit trail" and tried to convince me that I could order the part and it would be there in a week.  It was only then that she said they didn't have it in stock.  My time had been wasted by an employee who couldn't answer a simple question.  I know they have an expectation to make "the sale."  This happens in other stores as well.  When asked a question I sometimes answer "yes" or "no" just to see what the reaction will be.  Nothing kills a conversation quicker!  So, it goes without saying, that we are saying too much and listening too little.  You can't go wrong (really?) communicating without excess.  Have a great day!  Whatever that means to you.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Early morning revelations

The clock said 4:25 AM and I was awake for the day.  While I don't like rising so early, my internal clock believes that I need to be up.  I barely put my feet on the floor when my large dog can be heard beginning to dance.  It's nice to be able to hear his noises and yet I want him to be quiet so that he doesn't wake anyone else.  So, I make my way out to the living room where I open the blind and see the beauty of the moon in the sky and the extremely still plants, trees, and bushes.  There is no wind this morning.  Next I go to the kitchen where I begin to make coffee.  Fresh ground beans smell so great!  I don't think mornings would be complete without coffee.  At least not for me.  The coffee mug is warm in my hands and feels good to my arthritic joints.  I like this kind of physical therapy!  Continuing my ritual morning routine, I grab a banana as I go to my recliner and begin writing in my daily journal.  The paper that I'm writing on is smooth and feels fresh and vibrant in its emptiness. The smoothness allows my fingers to glide across the page.  The banana tastes wonderful!  Practically every day for the last 3 or 4 years I've begun my day with a banana.  They still taste wonderful first thing in the morning!  I'm very thankful for all the senses that God has given me so that I could experience His world.  Getting outside of myself allows an even better experience.  Normally, we go about our day feeling more behind than we did yesterday and the day before that.  Sitting here writing I am in awe of all that is transpiring around me.  All I need to do is to be still and know that He is God.  I'll go about my day in a few moments.  For the meantime I'll enjoy the changes that are coming in the weather, the newly budded out trees, and the grass that needs mowing.  The dogs are asleep on the floor beside me and everything is quiet in the house except for the ticking of the wall clock and my typing.  God made this moment and every other moment for us to enjoy and rejoice.  It's still early and I'll sit a bit in my recliner looking out my front window at the world as it slowly gets busier.  The same walkers, cars and trucks, bicyclist, and of course the breeze that will begin to blow.  It's a melody being played out in front of me.  I remember the day when I would dread the coming of a new day because I was so busy to not enjoy what I have.  I pray that today will be a day of renewal and rejoicing.  Nothing is as important as God.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What's in a word?

The English language is reportedly the most difficult language to learn.  Looking at the language from fluent English status, I find that hard to believe.  Shortly after arriving in Germany where I was stationed in the Army, I was on a village street and observed a young child about 4 years of age throwing a temper tantrum with his mother.  She was trying her best to get him to least it looked that way.  I didn't speak German and of course couldn't understand their conversation.  I remember thinking to myself, "How did that little child learn to speak German so good?"  After I stopped laughing at myself I gave the matter some thought.  We learn our language from birth and mimic the language and it's use of those around us.  We put a lot of trust in others without even knowing that we are.  And so as adults the reality seldom sets in that we have a chance to teach our children correct usage and meaning of words.  I was in 5th grade when I was caught passing a not to flattering note in class.  The teacher took me outside and told me that her feelings were hurt (note was about her).  She asked me to apologize and I refused.  She called my parents and held me after school until my mom arrived.  After seeing the note and hearing that I hadn't apologized, my mom told me to tell my teacher I was sorry.  I again refused...twice.  So, I went home and never did apologize for the note or its contents.  Years later as an adult I was thinking about the incident and suddenly it dawned on me the reason why I hadn't apologized.  I didn't know what it meant.  No one, to my knowledge, in my family apologized or educated me on not hurting others feelings.  I had been abused and others had made light of it.  Not once has anyone told me they were sorry.  Looking at the power of a phrase (or word) like, "I'm sorry." has encouraged me to teach my children the proper understanding of and use of words.  Even that went sideways!  I was trying to reconcile my two oldest children one day.  I told the one they needed to apologize and they said with the most sarcasm they could muster, "Sorry!"  I then asked the other to forgive the offender.  "Forgiveyou" and they went on their way.  This was another lesson on the use or misuse of words.  Understanding the "word" and applying the "word" in a realistic way is necessary to go through life.  So, what's in a word?  Words are one of the most powerful ways we communicate.  Words can heal or hurt.  It's up to us to use words correctly and to understand others as well.  It's words and their use that moves us from point A to point B in relationships, friendships, work, play and every other area of our lives.  Take time today and really listen to how you use words and for what purpose.  God told us to love one another.  What does that mean?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Patience and persistence

Two very difficult states of mind and body that are difficult to deal with and almost impossible to include in all decision making.  They are difficult to implement as we also must take all that is attached to them.  I am not a patient man.  I can be a persistent man though.  Where would one be without the other?  They are dependent upon each other and also independent of each other.  People seldom ask for patience as that request usually is followed by patience teaching issues popping up everywhere for you to deal with.  Persistence on the other hand is like trying to catch a rabbit.  Just about that time you reach to grasp that which you have chased, it moves away again and again.  We often find ourselves caught in the trap of being patient as the rabbit dodges here and there.  Sometimes we think persistence is just about futile and abandon the quest.  That's true about patience as well.  It's true we should seize the moment but we also must be cognizant of when God places that moment before us.  We feel frustrated because we wait for "our" moment instead of "Gods" moment.  When we do this we take the moment and make it ours.  We do the same thing with persistence.  We take away the chance to be persistent in God's view of things.  Having done so, we turn to the rest of the world and wonder why they aren't doing the same.  Here is the truth we need to hear today.  Patience and persistence are linked in both their definition and application.  Anytime we engage them on our own they become lesser than they could be and lack the hand of God.  Patience and persistence on God's terms will bring about each other.  If we are patient in little things, our persistence gains confidence as well.  As we gain the patience of God we also gain the persistence of God.  As for God's persistence and patience just take a look at how patient and persistent he is as he waits to bless us.  Time and time again I have put off God as I thought my way would work better, result in better and give me the success I thought was what I wanted.  The only result was selfishness being built up in me.  Except for the grace of Jesus, I cannot even draw a breath.  Waiting on God in a persistent manner brings about blessings we have not even dreamed of.   So, the choice is our way or God's way.  I'll try to die to self and let God's way become my way today.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Transitions premeate our lives.

Change is constant and often of our own doing.  Setting in motion a series of events that we can neither take back or change once begun.  This goes for good and bad change.  We pretty much know there are consequences when we contemplate and then engage the change.  What we don't anticipate are the changes brought upon us by other people or agencies.  So, with our world being lifted up or assaulted on a daily basis, it's no wonder that we often throw our hands up and let change take its course.  It's not the change we need to be wary of as much as it is reactions that come to us and through us.  Whether we embrace or repel the change dictates how we act and react in those circumstances.  Is it with a Christian heart or a secular attitude?  Does our reaction to circumstances show forth the love of God?  Tough questions but necessary given the state of affairs in our world today.  I'd like to think my every action and reaction are from God.  That wouldn't be true though.  Even my most Christian action can be devastating if my action isn't His actions made through me.  No one clued me in that being a Christian was going to be so complex.  God loves us.  The Word tells us that he never puts more on us without providing a way out.  The Word tells us that we will be persecuted for our faith and that the world we live in will hate us and what we represent.  Even with change encompassing our lives we can have peace with God.  We don't need to know why God is doing this or that.  All we have need of is the knowledge that God has asked us to act on His will for our world.  Pretty much all of us have questions that have no answer about change in our lives.  We talk about asking Jesus what was he thinking when he asked us to do this or that.  When we get to heaven there will no longer be the questions that need answering.  Why should it be any different here on earth?  Our lives are ours to give back to God to do as he wishes with.  Change is inevitable and should be embraced if that change is brought about by the loving God we deserve. 

Sunday, May 11, 2014

You can always tell when spring is here.

I'm not talking about the trees being green again or the garden coming up.  I'm not talking about the longer days or the air that seems fresher.  I'm talking about the hustle and bustle we find ourselves part of.  Yesterday (Saturday) I was on the road most of the day.  The roads were packed all day!  People were driving crazy, being rude and in the end I was glad to get back home and in my recliner.  Things are usually okay when I am in my recliner regardless of what is on the to do list.  It was sunny outside and people were enjoying a day of sunshine and no rain.  This time of the year also births garage sales and car washing.  Garage sales are okay.  Most of the good stuff is gone by the time I get around to attending.  This time of the year is also all about decreasing the time we spend in church and instead visit the cathedral of the pines!  God can be worshipped anywhere, anytime.  The Word does tell us to "not forsake the gathering of the believers."  I know that everyone has plans for when the kids are out of school, vacations, and time at the community pool.  It's summer!  I think spring is my favorite time of the year.  Everything seems fresh and new.  Winter has gone, the rain has decreased (Seattle) and spring has come.  Another aspect of spring is the sunshine.  It's amazing how many drivers seem to have forgotten how to drive when the sun is shinning.  You would think we would have adjusted by now.  It's especially bad when driving into the sun.  God made the sun too.  We should be and continue to be thankful that the sunlight of the longer days does more good than to go and be on that over crowded beach.  The reality of the matter is that we need so much more than what we are looking for.  Spring and it's birth are similar to our spiritual changes.  We tend to not give God the attention he deserves when distracted by spring.  The transition from winter is done.  Let's now switch gears and put God first in our planned and unplanned days.  You can always tell when God is at work in some ones life.  Is God at work in your life this spring?

Friday, May 9, 2014

Funny you should mention it.

Perhaps I am the only person in the world who doesn't like hints.  I don't mean hints as to what is in a wrapped gift.  I mean the hints that are about everyday issues or items.  Let me give you an example.  Your wife or husband comes to you and tells you that the toilet paper roll is empty.  Why?  The implication is that you should do something about it.  Should you ignore the hint, there will be a more intense hint with the same implication.  Some people are good at taking hints and some are not.  Some people hate hints but don't say anything.  This builds resentment.  Love gets flushed down the toilet without any toilet paper.  Every now and then the hint gets to the "elephant in the living room size."  With the hint reaching critical mass the explosion you hear is certain.  The second element which compliments (in a negative way) hints is resentment.  When hints are made and there are enough issues and hints already on the table, you and I tend to build resentments.  When they are stacked up there comes an overload point where the meltdown is inevitable.  For instance, at one time in my life no one was taking out the bathroom garbage.  There was an assumption that this was my "job" because I had retired.  I decided to just let it go.  Not empty the garbage in order to spur others in the house to action.  Guess what happened.  The garbage began to overflow onto the floor and no one did anything about it.  Being one who doesn't like messes like that I finally gave in and emptied the trash.  When all in the house were in the same room at the same time I talked about the "experiment" with them.  There were promises that this would change.  I'm still taking out the garbage.  There is also gender expectations.  Men work on the yard and cars.  Women cook and sew clothing.  Men go off to work and need to rest when they get home.  Women work all day and then work all night as well.  It's funny that in spite of our not wanting things to be this way we keep doing them anyway.  The game is played and around it goes and where it stops nobody knows.  God wants us to give up what we think is our right to be resentful.  When we do, we are much more relaxed and happy.  When we give up the expectations we place on others we are much more relaxed and happy.  When we leave expectations on at the cross, God provides a solution for us.  It's funny...but then it isn't. 

Thursday, May 8, 2014

If I could just slow down!

Slow down.  What a concept!  Most days it's just a wish in my head.  Very seldom is it a reality.  I find myself a slave to my calendar or my lists.  Do you ever feel this way?  Between schedule and lists there are the intrusions that seem to suck the rest of the energy right out of me.  God took time to rest on the seventh day.  He even sat down to make breakfast for his fisherman friends.  What is at stake in our lives is not the quantity of time.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  What we do to make it quality time is more important.  Sometimes things just seem to "click" and drop into place so nicely that we know God was in it.  The questions are: whether we began the day looking at our world through his eyes, that we asked God to direct our path for his glory, and did we thank him when the day was done?  That seems to be a lot to ask.  What would happen if we actually slowed down?  I don't mean for a few minutes while we fetched another cup of coffee.  I mean if we really took the time to pray.  That would mean we didn't need to be done praying in the minute it took us to pause at a red light.  Do we really take the time to wait for God to speak to us?  Would we recognize his voice when he spoke?  Waiting seems to be the culprit.  We don't like to wait.  When I look over past relationships I can pick out the ones who had others waiting for them.  Their delay could have been an opportunity for us to wait on God.  Do we take the time to listen.  It seems that one of the most important time to listen is equally represented by the importance of other items on our agenda.  Listening is a form of art rarely preformed here in 2014.  Listening until someone or God is finished talking is a matter of respect.  Then, and only then, can we go out and do what God has asked us to do.  Did you know that God commands us to slow down and to rest?  He does.  The next time you feel like taking off your shoes and putting the recliner back, just do it.  While you are there, enjoy the presence of God and the talks you can have.  Take time today to slow down.  You and I are not nearly as important as we think we are.  The demands of others can always be taken care of by others.  Slow down.  I'm going to.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Where did the time go?

Where did the time go?  Yesterday was Steve normal.  Overloaded and yet I managed to add items to my list.  If I am not adding to my list of time taking items; someone else is.  I'm not irritated by this as I thrive on overload.  Thriving doesn't mean I like everything I have to do.  When I was thinking about this post my mind wasn't on the number of the items or the difficulty in any item on the list (currently 25 and counting).  Rather, I was thinking of what was accomplished yesterday as the hours flew by.  Where did the time go?  I can put some time frame on items on the list, a nap and breakfast lunch and dinner.  That takes care of some of the time.  I've always been this way.  Up early, working on whatever needs attention, and doing what I can to help others and myself.  Switching gears during the day to attend to more pressing matters also found it's way into my day.  When I ask, "Where did the time go?"; what I'm feeling is "Wait!  I need more time!  Stop the clock I'm not finished yet!"  However, I know that a 30 hour day wouldn't do the trick.  The problem would be the same.  Perhaps it would be a good idea if I were to ask God "how" I should spend the day.  That way I can never go wrong as long as I listen.  God would like me to have him glorified in everything I think, say and do.  That includes bringing Him all my time including the busy and the not so busy.  Does God want me taking a break?  He did.  Following his example, I don't feel guilty for taking a nap.  Does God want me taking care of things in my list that only affect me?  Yes.  So doing that which affects me is okay to be on the list.  Changing plans?  Yes, being flexible and listening to God will ensure that I am doing his will.  The time flying by is completely in my head.  Why?  Because all of my time is a granted privilege.  God blessed me with yesterday and today (so far).  It doesn't matter how fast or slow the day goes.  It does matter what is done with the time we have.  We can join the world and fill our day with things that may or may not matter or we can give our time to God and watch him bless the day, others and ourselves.  The fastest days are always those which are lived doing his will.  Looking back only to see what God has done gives us encouragement to do the same tomorrow.  I don't know what tomorrow will bring.  None of us do.  God does and he wants us to just do his will and not worry about the time.   Until next time, have a great day.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Old tricks!

We are familiar with the phrase: "You can't teach an old dog new tricks."  It's a nice way of saying that someone who is older is impossible.  Followed by, he/she is "behind the times."  So, what if these "new tricks" aren't really new at all.  Solomon wrote "there is nothing new under the sun."  We know that we have a repetitious history back through the centuries.  Because of that each "new" generation thinks they have discovered a "new" truth, song, place to go, and many other things the "older ones" can't possibly know.  Several years ago I was driving my teen daughter somewhere.  On the radio came a song that I started singing along with.  My daughter was in shock.  "Where did you learn that song?"  Thinking that the song was new she was not happy to find out it was really a popular song from the 60's and not new at all.  After all, our generation invented rock and roll!  Perhaps some of us don't want to be taught new tricks.  Perhaps all of the old tricks have taken their toll on us and we just are too tired to go another round of change.  True also is the thought of relinquishing the "next generation" to rule the world.  That is still frightening!  However, we need to acknowledge that we are not the powerful group we once represented.  So, being an old dog, is difficult.  Set in our ways we think we are winding down life and look forward to a better day out there.  Just why are there new tricks and why is it important for me to learn them?  My eldest son is very computer savvy.  He lives in Minnesota and I am here in Washington.  When a computer problem set in on my laptop he connected from Minnesota over the network, went into my computer while we were talking on the phone and fixed my computer.  Five minutes tops!  I'm glad he has the knowledge to do this.  But, I don't want to learn that new trick.  So, sometimes it's not that we old dogs can't learn new tricks.  Rather, we don't see the need, desire to go through whatever is before us to learn the trick, and want to eliminate complexities from our lives.  God said that we need to become as little children in order to enter heaven.  Talk about simple lives.  Marveling at a caterpillar on a leaf, fireflies at night, and a multitude of their "complex" world is much better than trying to learn "new tricks."  So, this old dog will be content in the day he has.  Today I will not attempt to do what I cannot and should not.  Today I will leave the leading and learning of the complex to the younger generation.  Just remember that it was us "old dogs" that invented rock and roll!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Sensory overload is good...sometimes!

Yesterday involved a lot of driving.  Some of that was at night in the rain with heavy traffic.  Sensory overload.  My FPBS (front passenger braking system) was working overtime.  Sensory overload.  Visited a new church that we will probably go to in the near future.  Sensory overload.  It's all around us.  We are bombarded with sensory overload and are worn down.  We went to a restaurant that had high prices (we didn't know that ahead of time) and were disappointed with the food (mine was cold) and the prices!  More sensory overload.  And so the day went.  When we were in church in the morning; we were focused on Jesus and worshiping him.  Sensory overload.  The goodness of God was presented to us.  Sensory overload.  The time of communion was very spirit moving.  Sensory overload.  You see, our sensory overload can be a positive experience as well.  Part of the determining factor is how much we look forward to or fear experiences.  I believe that this is one of the reasons Jesus has told us to take life one day at a time.  That way we can have less to stress over.  We can focus however we like though and often have our 1 year, 5 year, 10 year and 15 year plans on the table in front of us adding to sensory overload.  We are instructed to keep our focus on Jesus and his desires for our lives.  That entails taking day moment by moment, enjoying his presence and turning over circumstances and issues to his wisdom.  Heaven knows that his wisdom is way better than mine!  When I rule my life sensory overload is not very good.  When I step aside and let Jesus rule this life there is no negative sensory overload.  Rather, Jesus provides us with ample times of positive sensory overload...if we would only look at our world from his point of view and his will.  Sensory overload leads us to either a jubilant peace or exacerbated stress.  Both choices are ours.  Why not choose the jubilant peace?  It's better for everyone involved with us and we have a better chance of staying on track with God's will for our lives.  So, today will have its challenges.  I'll choose to see them from God's perspective and let them go. 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Maybe today

Plans seem to be in the forefront of most everyone I know.  Plans for today.  Plans for right now.  Plans for this person, that school, those activities and even plans for tomorrow.  Despite all of our planning things don't always go as planned.  Sometimes things go better and sometimes they go worse.  Sometimes our plans never come to be.  There are so many variables to the above plans that I couldn't cover even a fraction of them in this post.  What I can do is share some thoughts on plans from, "never plan anything." to "don't do anything without a plan."  Sometimes we just need to use common sense and sometimes we need to listen to common sense.  Here is where we begin to break down in having success with our plans.  My common sense is built on my history, beliefs, and current risk level.  I plan on going to church today.  I would like to be there a little early.  My wife would like to be there on time but seldom is to anything.  So, my plans are to relax and be late.  God will understand.  So, common sense to me (being on time) isn't common sense to my wife (being late).  God's common sense is that we should always be "in church" with our belief that we are to worship him all the time and not just on Sunday.  Some people carry a well documented and organized schedule or similar device.  Alarms on their phones, sticky notes on their rear view mirrors, and many other items mark the plan focused person.  That's not bad...just maybe not what God wants from us.  What does God want for us?  Note that I did not say, "from".  It's important.  The Bible says that he wants us to be blessed beyond measure.  It also says he wants us to have a sure salvation and long to go home to be with him.  Further, God wants us to have rich relationships with others while we are here on earth.  We take all of these wonderful items and punctuate them with "I plan on..." until we can barely notice that God's plan is no longer visible.  Where are we today?  Do we have an open schedule that God can pen in what he wants?  Perhaps, just for today, we should try to do just that.  His plan always works better than mine anyway. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

If you hesitate, you have lost

I'm a soccer fan.  In soccer players are continually challenged whether they are moving the ball around or taking shots.  Like most fans, I tend to be a couch coach.  My wife thinks it's funny.  These teams are the top teams in the world and I think I know better.  Some of my pet peeves come up and I say the same thing every time...don't hesitate!  Hesitating can mean the difference between winning and losing.  Fast paced matches call for split second thinking and action.  Being set up for a shot with your left foot and choosing to use your right costs more players shots than you could imagine.  Being ready to pass the ball or receive a pass is all about timing and movement.  Knowing where you are going, how you are going to get there and playing on instinct is crucial.  We have all seen different sports players who are really good.  Passes behind the back to an unseen player "just knowing" the other player was there, and similar moves amaze me.  How some players can accomplish these tasks in any sport is amazing.  In all fairness we need to acknowledge several aspects of anyone who is training for the race.  First, there needs to be commitment.  Not just a "I might be there if I feel like it." attitude.  "You can count on me." attitudes determine who plays and who sits on the bench.  Secondly, these athletes need to be in top shape to endure the race, to win the prize.  In soccer players need to be able to run for 90 minutes with few breaks.  I could probably jog 9 minutes if some ones life depended on it!  Thirdly, any athlete knows that there is no time to relax their focus.  It's focus that takes them to a win.  Those who don't have focus or lose their focus have already lost the game.  I've seen any number of teams where they had been "broken."  By this I mean the battle appeared to be lost and they gave up.  They quit being a viable opponent and just gave up.  The same goes for our Christian life.  We must be committed.  We need to be committed to Christ.  That means 100 percent.  Life changing commitment to Jesus.  Secondly, we need to be able to go to war.  For war, we need to be in shape, armed with the proper battle tools, and able to properly use them.  Thirdly, the Christian must be focused and goal driven.  The goal is to be more Christ like every day until that time he takes us home.   There is no retirement from Christianity.  Unfortunately many Christians act like they are retired long from their pull date.  The Christian needs to associate with those who believe the Bible to be the Word of God.  Armed with knowledge and wisdom anyone can play for keeps and win.  The soccer game is on at 7 tonight. Are you ready?

Friday, May 2, 2014

Dilemma of the continual list

I didn't grow up with written lists.  There were no lists written down for any reason until I first married.  Now I have lists that are perpetually renewed and lengthened weekly if not daily!  What would I do without the lists?  My current lists (3 of them) each have approximately 15-25 items ranging in level of difficulty to easy to put off to call someone else.  I don't like to call anyone else.  I'm a man and am supposed to be able to take care of my list.  We obtain some personal value when we can strike an item off the list.  One conquered and 24 to go.  So, what's different now than before when I was single?  There were so few things that required attention to warrant a list of any length.  Married with kids and multiple activities, church attending and participation all raised the task to lists.  That's not bad now that I am 60.  I could claim "I don't remember you telling me..." and get away with it if not for the list.  If I were to just address the items on the lists I have now there would be no free time for the next 6 months!  What happened?  One area where lists have affected me is my Christian walk.  The list is so short that you would think I could take care of the items on it in my sleep.  But no, that would be too simple.  So we take our Christian list and make it into a complex dreaded focus that we try to dodge.  But the list is there.  Perhaps if we took a good look at what Jesus says about lists we may be a bit more optimistic.  Jesus' list for us is only two items.  It's always been just two items.  Love the Lord God with all your heart, mind and spirit and love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Simple, isn't it.  God also simplified that list into one item on the list.  Love.  That's it.  Nothing more and nothing less.  Just love.  God is love and wants us to love.  Love each other, love ourselves, love our enemies, love our job, love our children, love washing dishes, love cleaning the bathroom.  Love.  If we love everything our life becomes both simple and powerful.  Love is the greatest power on earth and heaven.  God is love.  We are love.  God created us in his image.  His image is love.  We no longer need to shirk our duty to love.  Life can be simplified if we just love.  Put aside those things we call reality and look at your world through the eye of God's love.  That's what we are called to do.  So, today while I address items on my 3 lists, I'll try to see them the way God sees them.  Maybe even finish a couple of items!