Saturday, August 31, 2019

Beware the false prophets

     Chicken Little was a false prophet.  Yes, we learned that in school when I was a kid.  Maybe you did as well or maybe you need to read the story and teach it to your children.  In any case, the call of "the sky is falling!" hasn't happened.  And it won't happen today as well.  Some war torn countries children may think the sky is falling due to warfare but the sky isn't falling then either.  The lesson learned in the Chicken Little story is that people get tired of hearing false proclamations of any kind that don't bear out.  We have plenty of that going on through the news, social media, dooms dayers, and the like.  We also have the conspiracy theorists and of course televangelists who are in it for whatever they can get out of people.  While we have all this false prophet stuff going on we are distracted from actually being Christ to the world because our focus is pulled off Jesus.  As a result Jesus isn't able to live through us and the Word isn't preached and people aren't coming to Jesus.  Think I'm off base?  Tell me the last time you prayed with someone to surrender their lives to your first love?
     The Bible says that the prophecy of a true prophet of God always comes true.  Pretty simple test if you ask me.  Prophets are to be men and women of God who put forth the time and effort to be fully in love with Jesus and want nothing more than to bring the Word of God to others regardless of whether the message is positive or negative.  The messages can be either but are always going to come true.  Be careful what you wish for when you become a prophet of God.  The prophecies of God do not mince words, do not care about our justification and rationalization and are not subject to the laws of this world.  This is a spiritual issue and not a natural issue.  Don't be a Chicken Little.  Be a son or daughter of God.  God can use anyone who has surrendered their lives so that Jesus can live through them.  Do you live such a life?
    In order to understand the hand of God via the Father, Son, or Holy Spirit, you must understand that all three parts of the Trinity are intimately connected and involved.  Likewise, we must be joined with them in like fashion for God to do his work here on earth through us. God wants us to be a conduit of his love to the world around us.  He wants us to be the one through which His healing, instruction, and prayers for protection from Satan come to the world.  Besides opposition and persecution, Satan has no power over you as "greater is He who is within us than he who is in the world."  Our only choice as Christians is to be surrendered to Jesus and not Chicken Little.  It's always your choice.

Friday, August 30, 2019

What does Christian discipline look like?

     Interesting multi faceted question to be asked of you and I this morning.  But, it's a valid question that demands an answer to all who call themselves Christian.  God talks about discipline all through the Bible.  He reinforces it through the life of Christ who lived that discipline while on earth among us in spite of temptations we all have.  So, if we call ourselves Christian, we must not shirk our responsibility to not only acknowledge discipline but to embrace God's discipline for our and His good.  As we live the disciplined life others can see Jesus in us.  It is that witness and purpose by which we bring the Gospel to those who are perishing.  Trying to get around the desire of God in and around our life in Him only witnesses that we aren't His as we submit to the world rather than to God.  We are the sum of what we have chosen.  You and I by choice either serve God or we serve the world.  Now I'm not talking about the Ten Commandments, the Beatitudes, or the Great Commission.  I'm talking about discipline of the heart, soul, and mind so that we God's heart, soul, and mind.
     Here is an example: tithing.  I hate the religious response (not Christian) of counting your pennies and holding to the 10% lie.  Because Christ came, lived and died we are no longer subject to the law that He came to set us free from.  Oh yeah, the Bible says that.  Want the evidence of our slavery to the law and how it's connected to the world?  People give whatever they desire.  For most Christians that amounts to about 1% of earned income.  Then, having given to a religious organization their tithe, they proceed (with the church's blessing) to bring the world into their sin by claiming their tithe on their income tax and taking back what they have given to God in the first place.  This is nothing more than stealing from God and being god of their own world.  IF we truly believe the Bible.  If we truly have surrendered ALL of our life to God.  If we are living for today believing God will care for and take care of all our needs.  Then why are we in slavery to the law?  Because you have not surrendered to God and allowed His discipline permeate ALL of your life.  Either all you are and all you have belongs to God or it belongs to you as your own God.
     Church membership is NOT Scriptural.  The Bible says we should not forsake the gathering of the saints.  First we must understand that being a member of a church doesn't make you a saint.  In fact the saints should be out bringing people to Christ for salvation and not to church to be members which leads to legalism and lack of God's discipline for the old or the new believer.  While I'm at it, if anyone preaches this other gospel (for it's not the Gospel) they have no part in the Kingdom of God.  At least that's what God says.  Read it for yourself.  What the church should be teaching is the discipline of reading the Bible, the discipline of prayer (ACTS), and the discipline of listening to the Holy Spirit who reveals to us Gods will in our lives.  Instead, most of the churches calling themselves Christian are openly and defiantly standing against the discipline of God and teaching their flocks to do the same!  What a stench before the throne of God.  Make no mistake!  There will be negative consequences for those who do so.  Read the book of Revelation if you dare or care.
     Many will no like what I've written today.  Tough!  It's directly from the Word and validated by God.  You have an argument with any of this, go to your Bible, knees, and before God and listen to Him tell you the same thing.  But only if you are serious.  If you are determined to do what you like, when you like and even if it's against God; don't forget two things.  First you will lose either here on earth or lose before throne of God.  Either way, it's always your choice.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Wednesday April 14, 2014 4:44 AM


     You may think I've got the wrong date and time in the heading today.  I would agree that today is not the year 2014 and it's more like 7:54 AM.  So, what's the story behind the date?  It's an anniversary of sorts for me.  Sometimes we have experiences so unique that they are hardwired into our brains and on that day every year we revisit the day and what took place.  I have lots of anniversaries with births, deaths, serious incidents, and the like.  I'm sure you do as well.  On April 14, 2014 at 4:44 AM I was brought back to life.  I had died, was on my way to heaven and remember every facet of the experience.  As I was walking towards the gateway I looked around and realized my work wasn't done here on earth.  I was returned to life and found myself taking a deep gasp of breath and feeling very sad that I couldn't go to be with Jesus as I had started to do.  I've longed to go home to Jesus as long as I've been a Christian.  Today the longing is even stronger as that is what anniversaries do.  It's not that God told me to go and do a certain thing with certain people in certain places.  It's more like God told me to go and be a representative of his in every circumstance with everyone.  I remember sitting on my bed and reviewing what had happened.  There was the feeling of being overjoyed, overwhelmed and over stimulated in more ways that I have ever been before.  It was real and still is.
      I have other anniversaries as well.  March 1985 the suicide death of a police officer that I watched die as the ambulance was called.  May 17, 1985, having a man shoot himself in front of me.  August 1985 a suspicious package at a fast food restaurant that contained a newborn baby girl that had been strangled to death.  June 13, 2009 waking from shoulder surgery to learn I was paralyzed from the waist down.  See, most of the anniversaries we think about are negative and have impacted us in ways we cannot have ever thought was possible.  I have PTSD from all of these experiences.  They will be with me in a negative sense for the rest of my life.  I'm sure you have some as well.  Maybe more or less dramatic, but you do have them.  The death experience was different.  It was a positive experience, created no trauma, and encouraged me even though I was sad not to be in heaven.  I know that heaven is real.  I know that when I breathe out my last breath here on earth I will breathe in my first breath in heaven.  That's how quick it happens.  I couldn't tell anyone that before the experience with any kind of proof.  Now I have a testimony of what happens when God takes us home.
      Another element of anniversaries surfaces on the changes that take place in our lives.  With the negative experiences we often focus on what I did or didn't do, how I could have done this or that differently, or even why didn't I do something before it's too late.  None are meant to be positive and uplifting.  They are sad, unhappy events for most people.  Psychopaths and sociopaths excluded.  Sometimes these events take us down.  Sometimes they take people out through suicide.  I'd be lying if I told you I've never thought of suicide.  Perhaps you have as well.  The first anniversary of my death and being brought back to life has changed those desires.  The hope for the future overshadows the negative of the past.  All of the experiences we have are in the past.  That should be a clue.  We aren't meant to live in the past.  We are meant to live for today.  Not yesterday and not tomorrow.  Today.  Our very lives can be required of us at any moment.  We should be determined to live life and let Christ live through us for this very reason.  When I'm distracted by the past negative anniversaries I am unable to glorify God.  When I am focused on the present and the positive God can use the past experiences, positive and negative, to bring glory and honor to Him.
      As I was walking down that path to the entrance to heaven I was so at peace!  I wasn't concerned about anyone or anything.  I was going to be with the King!  It was when I turned and looked around that I saw the work that needed to be done.  It was then that God brought me back and put me to work.  What would have happened if I hadn't looked around?  I don't know.  It doesn't matter.  What happened was of God.  I'd like to say that I chose to return but know that wasn't my choice.  All I could do was choose to be willing.  That's all I can do today.  Live each day as if it's both my first and last.  One day it will be my first day forever with Jesus.  But today I choose to live my life for Jesus.  It's my choice here on earth.

While you were sleeping

     I think I've fallen asleep in just about any situation you can imagine.  I've fallen asleep while my hair has been cut, fallen asleep while sitting on top of a table, fallen asleep behind the wheel and so many other situations.  Never mind that I have a slight case of narcolepsy!  I've fallen asleep with babies in my arms and children on my lap.  I've fallen asleep on the job and while people were talking with me.  Some of the incidents are funny and some are not.  Some were rather serious while others gave people a chance to laugh at me and just maybe themselves.  I've been left in a room while everyone quietly left and also awakened when someone dropped a book on my desk.  Rude is not good.  Abandonment isn't either.  When I was a gardener I could fall asleep on my breaks just about anywhere.  Perhaps you don't have the sleep problem but rather have the sleep blessing.  Being able to fall asleep is wonderful unless you can't stay asleep or have your sleep in turmoil with nightmares or night terrors.  Of all the times and situations where I've fallen asleep I think the most serious were the times I've fallen asleep spiritually.  Like the disciples who were left to "watch and pray" while Jesus went off to pray, I too have fallen asleep.
     While I have been spiritually asleep people have come into and out of my life who needed to be pointed to the Savior.  But I was asleep and didn't wake for the task given to me.  Missed opportunities come to mind over and over for many of us.  We may have missed the opportunity and not done what we should have done while sleeping on the job.  Don't get me wrong, our bodies need sleep and more importantly rest.  It's the way God designed us to recharge and stay healthy.  With my PTSD there are times I'm fearful of going to sleep knowing that nightmares possibly await me.  It's not a good thing but it is real.  The nightmares are triggered from remembrances of times when I was awake and experienced more than I could of or should of.  Sleep escapes me at times and I just have to deal with it.  We are told in Scripture to rest in the Lord for the hour is coming when we will not be able to rest.  We are encouraged to stand firm on Christ and face whatever comes our ways because He can keep us in his care.  While I was sleeping a deep work is being done inside of my subconscious.  God is taking care of what is going on inside of me.  But what else is happening while I am sleeping?  While you are sleeping?
     When I turn on the computer in the morning I see the headlines of some of the more attention grabbing events that have taken place or are taking place all over the world.  There is sometimes so much information about so many events that I have to go somewhere else to deal with the overload.  It's not a pleasant world that we live in.  Every day while Christians sleep thousands of babies are aborted, families are being destroyed, kids are becoming addicted to drugs, gang violence and school violence is injuring or killing hundreds if not thousands.  Hookers are "making a living" and robbers are taking because they think they can.  Wars are ravishing countries and peoples everywhere and the cults are knocking on someone's door.  Every day.  While Christians sleep.  Spiritually asleep Christians are not able to do much if anything to further the Gospel of Christ to the world we are set in.  Confronted by Jesus the disciples woke and he once again went apart to pray telling them to be watching and waiting.  What happened?  They went back to sleep.  We do that too.  It's called going to church on Sunday and then living as we wish the rest of the week.
     The pews are full of people who have confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior.  Yet, they sleep.  Yet, we sleep.  Christians homes are not recognized because of the sleeping Christians who live there.  While you were choosing to sleep the world around you was not seeing, hearing or experiencing the love of Jesus.  Is that something we can live with?  Choosing to be spiritually awake is essential for our love of God to be expressed to the world we live in.  Without that love being expressed, how can they know Jesus?  If they don't know Jesus, how can the be saved?  If they aren't being saved, what happens to their souls?  Choose to wake up.  It's your choice.

God doesn't need our help!

     I was reading the Bible this morning and learned of the Israelites attack on the Philistines.  They lost.  Not only did they lose but they lost several attempts.  The last attempt they brought along the Ark of the Covenant so God's favor would go before them.  They lost again because God had left them to their own desires for yet another time in history.  So, the Philistines routed the Israelites killing 30,000 of them; took the Ark as booty, and set about doing what they did best: eating and drinking.  God didn't like the Ark being in enemy hands and brought the Philistines grief time and time again until the leaders of one village moved the Ark to another village and finally to a third village until the outcry was so great from the people that the Philistines returned the Ark to the Israelites.  Nope, God doesn't need our help!  He's perfectly capable and able to do what brings Him glory and honor even when God's people screw up.
     The opposite is also true.  Christians are never alone and in Christ are never defeated.  God is there to answer our and other's prayers in HIS time, place and way.  What's usually missing with us Christians is faith.  Faith not in something we can exercise only when we need to.  Faith is something born in us just as we are born again.  Unless we act on that faith and exercise that faith every day, we return to the old commonsense that gets in trouble every time.  Then someone comes along, we are defeated and our Twinkies are stolen.  Not really but the point is made.  What is stolen is our sense of being safe in God's arms.  This in turn leads us to further abandon our faith (granted by God) and the downward spiral continues.  Our faith then becomes the ridicule of those whom we have witnessed to.  With our witness gone, Satan wins.  You lose.
     Faith is the evidence of things not seen.  That's what the Bible says.  It's also what Christians who have truly believed and follow Jesus attest to.  Billy Graham once said, "You can't see the air but you believe it's there for us to breathe."  Faith is the whom?  You and I.  Faith is the evidence of things....what things?  Faith is the evidence of things not seen....even for the blind.  Maybe more so for the blind.  Blindly believing is faith, not foolishness.  Being filled with faith is evidenced by those who do not believe in those who do.  People come to those who they believe have the faith needed for the moment.  Faith is your choice as it is mine.  No one can take my faith away.  No one can dispute my faith with any kind of intelligent argument.  Why would that be?  Because God doesn't need my help.  He doesn't need your help.  People who are perishing need His help and that's where your and my choice comes in.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

50 Signs of a No Compromise Christian

  1 - They Do NOT CONFORM To The Things Of This World—Their #1 Goal Is To Be Like Jesus
  2 - They LOVE THE LORD their God with all their Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength
  3 - They Are SEPARATING Themselves From ALL Ungodliness And The Things Of This WORLD
  4 - They Are Walking Down The Narrow Road Of God's HOLINESS—They Are God's Holy Remnant
  5 - They Do NOT WATCH WORLDLY (Lustful, Evil..): TV & Movies, Internet Pornography, Computer Games
  6 - They Do NOT LOOK UPON Worldly Magazines & Books From Celebrity Magazines To Pornography...
  8 - They Do NOT LOOK UP TO WORLDLY IDOLS Such As: Singers, Movie Stars, Sports Figures...
  9 - They Do NOT PARTNER UP WITH UNBELIEVERS And Those Who Compromise Their Walk With Jesus
10 - They PURSUE PURE AND GODLY FRIENDSHIPS That Inspire Them To Be More Like Jesus
11 - They Display Christ-likeness In Their THOUGHT-LIFE & ATTITUDES - A Beattitude Attitude
12 - They Are HUMBLE and Have Child-like Faith
13 - They REFUSE LUKEWARMNESS—Having "One Foot In GOD'S WORD, And One Foot In The WORLD"
14 - They Seek To Please The Lord through GOOD DEEDS & HAVING A SERVANT'S HEART
16 - They SEEK FIRST God’s Kingdom, NOT Worldly Wealth & Possessions
17 - They’d Rather SUFFER & BE POOR & NOT Compromise With The World Than Be Rich & Famous—Content
18 - They Are GENEROUS & are GIVERS Whether They Are Poor Or Have Much
19 - They Are SURRENDERING ALL To Follow Jesus—They Are “Taking Up Their Cross Daily”
20 - They’ve STOPPED PRACTICING SIN—And When They Do Sin There Is Deep Sorrow
21 - They SPEAK OUT & WARN PEOPLE Of God's Coming Judgments, And PREACH THE GOSPEL
23 - They LOVE and DO GOOD To Fellow Christians
25 - They Are DOERS Of The Word, Not Merely HEARERS— Faith Without WORKS is Dead
26 - They FEAR THE LORD And Turn Away From Evil
27 - They Do NOT Seek The Approval Of Man, But Seek Only To PLEASE THE LORD
28 - They Are NOT HYPOCRITES—Giving God Mere Lip Service
30 - They PRAY FERVENT PRAYERS, And Pray Often With Fellow Believers
31 - They STUDY & TEACH GOD'S WORD & HIS WAYS To Sinners & Believers—Making Disciples
33 - They Are READY, WAITING, AND EAGERLY ANTICIPATING The Soon Return Of Jesus Christ
34 - They LOVE GOD'S COMMANDMENTS & HIS WORD, Reading It Daily And Memorizing It
35 - They Make Use Of Every OPPORTUNITY To Do Good & Preach The Gospel - they're "Fire Snatchers"

36 - They PRODUCE MUCH FRUIT For Jesus— They're PRODUCTIVE with the GOSPEL & Are GODLY
37 - They Are Co-Heirs With Christ: And Share The SUFFERINGS OF JESUS By "Crucifying Their Flesh"
38 - They Understand GOD'S ETERNAL PURPOSES For His HOLY PEOPLE Vs. This Temporal Evil World
39 - They Know They Are Merely Passing Through This World, And Their REAL HOME Is With The Lord
40 - They Do Everything For The GLORY OF GOD
42 - They CLEARLY Understand The Gospel & CLEARLY PREACH God's Word With BOLDNESS
44 - They Put NO CONFIDENCE IN THEIR FLESH - They Are Decreasing & Christ is Increasing
45 - They Have INTEGRITY, HARD WORK, & PURSUE RIGHTEOUSNESS— They do Not Lie, Steal, Cheat
46 - They Are Always VERY THANKFUL TO GOD For His— Kindness, Provisions, Protection, etc
48 - They Acknowledge & Obey GOD'S WILL For Their Lives
50 - They do NOT allow the CARES & WORRIES Of This Life to DOMINATE their MIND & CONVERSATIONS

Why the fear of death and dying?

     Dying and death are two of the events in life that are going to happen.  Except if Jesus comes back and takes us home.  I, personally, prefer the rapture to any other choice.  Yet, we all are faced with the issue daily.  No one is promised tomorrow or even the rest of today.  Still we fill our calendars and make plans years out to be or do this or that.  It's all for naught.  For the Christian death and dying should be non-issues personally yet remain active in that we are called to those who are lost.  Bringing them to spiritual life from their dead in the world status.  Yes, we all will face physical death with our friends, families, enemies, and the like.  Yes, we will have grief to move through in order to move on.  So, why do so many fear death?  What is it that we find so overwhelming that we scarce talk about it.  Is it the loss of someone in our life that produces our denial?  Is our own demise so overwhelming that we don't talk about being "gone" from this world?  I believe that death and dying are almost sacred topics that aren't talked about because people are afraid.  So what does that have to say about "perfect love casts out all fear"?  As Christian parents we do our children and others no favor not discussing this.  Just as we are called to teach others how to live, we are called to teach others how to die as well.
      My daughter told me that one of her fears is her loved ones dying.  Another fear is the loss others would have to go through if she were to die.  So, we talked about it.  Open and direct.  That's one of a dad's jobs.  It's imperative that I have my own place of peace with the topic lest I become one of those who says one thing and does another.  I don't fear death.  Maybe it's strange.  I know that there will be losses in life.  I've been involved in death in so many different ways.  Not much of it has been pleasant.  From babies to the very aged death visits on a regular basis in our lives.  There is so much we fear that we become immobilized and do nothing.  I was asked by a good Christian friend why I don't fear death.  I told him that my last exhale here signifies my first inhale in Christ's presence.  It's that quick and that simple.  The process leading up to then isn't always pleasant though.  It's that which we fear and dredges up thoughts of the pain and suffering of others.  The actual movement from here to there is simply exhale here and inhale here. I won't be gone from your life as long as you remember me.  I'll be in the next room with Jesus.
     My life is dotted with so many contacts with death and dying that sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one.  Obviously, I am not.  On April 14th 2014 I died and went to a place where I was on a brilliant path that led into heaven.  As I began to walk towards that place of incredible peace I looked around and noticed those going with me.  Just as soon as I looked around I heard the voice of God tell me my life wasn't over and I needed to go back.  I was torn between staying and going.  But back I went and am telling my story and your story ever since.  The reality for the Christian is their story isn't over either.  There are masses of people who are still dead in the world who need Christ and the life He brings.  If we don't go to them, who will?  If we don't tell them, who will?  If we don't pray for them, who will?  Our job is far from being done.  It's done when we pass from here to there.  Then you too might come back to do some more.  The sadness in the Christian world is that so many aren't telling anyone about life but still conjuring up images of how terrible death will be.  What is it you want your loved ones (especially children) to know?  When will you tell them?  Remember it's always your choice.

Yesterday is gone

     For the Christian, there is only now.  Not yesterday, not tomorrow, but only today and then only this moment.  Living in the past or the future only prove we have no plans to serve God today as they only are memories or hopes.  Those memories and hopes are based on my regrets or my desires and not on the daily subsistence of God and his will.  If we concentrate on the yesterdays we are left with a life with no availability for today.  If we concentrate on tomorrow, we do the same thing.  Trusting that God is in charge means we forget about yesterday and don't dwell on tomorrow.  After all, there is nothing we can gain from what's past or what's ahead of us other than an excuse to not be available for today.  We know we have learned both positive and negative from our past.  We also know, if we are Christian, that our future in in heaven with Jesus.  In the in between time we are either available or not per our own choice.
     Paul talks about being "ready in season and out to offer the Gospel to those who are perishing."  Yet Paul talked with many using his past as an "in the moment" necessity to present the Gospel to those who are perishing.  Paul fully understood that the past was gone and he was a new creation in Christ.  He was also aware of the promises of prophecy in the Old Testament outlining the future and the end of time when Christ will return.  Giving his breath of knowledge Paul was able to live in the present and focus only on Christ and him risen.  When Paul was ministering to others he didn't bring himself to others in a way that put himself as anything other than a servant and slave to Jesus who had saved him!  Today, we have plans, we have schedules we check and we even plan out our lives as if we will never die.  We don't, as a result, see the urgency of the day.  Not knowing the future of our lives and others should be an invitation to share the Gospel NOW!
     Do we really see the urgent need of the present?  Do we focus on what God wants or are our lives filled with other stuff to the degree we cannot feed the hungry, care for the widow and orphan as well as bring the Gospel to all mankind?  That's the Great Commission.  I'm not making this up.  Being free in Christ means we are free to do His will in all our circumstances.  It means we focus on today and not yesterday or tomorrow.  I don't have any assurance that I will live out this day.  Neither do you.  I don't have the luxury of NOT telling others about Jesus because someone else will do it.  Neither do you.  The urgency of "today is the day of salvation" should be upon all of our hearts if we truly love Jesus.  What's important in your life?  Is it sports, TV, social standing, or a myriad of other distractions?  Remember, it's always your choice.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

For Emmalyne

     Sometimes when you least expect it, good triumphs over bad.  Likewise with love.  However, there is a cost to anyone who desires to love and be loved.  With so much of our language beaten down to mean so much less than originally intended, it's important that we speak plainly and directly.  Having said that I will attempt to put some insight into love.  It's not just love for someone but also a love of life itself and those who tread the path with us.  Some will stay on the path with us while others will drift off due to their own desires or just a different path.
     First and foremost love in a very precious gift that should be openly defended and adhered to.  I'm not talking about our love of grilled cheese (though they are great with a bit of bacon) or our pets and such.  I'm talking about "love" that is the core of life.  This love cannot be brought up in us on a whim.  This love was there at the founding of the world and the creation of mankind.  This love is so special that there is nothing we can do to earn or buy it.  In fact, so few have this love that some wonder if it actually exists anymore.  Yes, it does.
      About 20 years ago I was wrestling with what love was/is and how it works.  I had been struggling with this one word for 40 years at the time.  By the way, I still cannot grasp the depth and height of love nor its width.  Anyone who says they can obviously has a problem telling the truth.  We may, as humans, scratch the surface but we will never (yes an absolute!) be able to fully understand the love of God that has been bestowed to us.  That being said, we should not be dissuaded and turn away from this most precious of gems.
      I should back up for a moment though and tell you about the journey of learning what love is.  While I was growing up (on the farm in North Dakota) all of my definitions to words were developed regardless of their accuracy or not.  Love just happened to be one word and one feeling that was badly skewed because of abuse.  God doesn't give up easily though and has persuaded me in my walk.  At age 20 I had my first real brush with reality.  My best friend was killed in a traffic accident.  "Devastated" doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of my feelings.  Ronnie was a part of me.  His absence was responsible for part of my heart being torn out and taken away from me.  I had up until then not experienced "loss" and it wouldn't be my first time.  It's here at that starting point that I began my quest to understand me.
     Years later at age 37 I would again find myself with a dilemma on the table.  That dilemma was me.  I was in therapy trying to get some sort of box for my life.  By the way, there is no box!  Looking at definitions in my life, I realized that I had been lied to, misinformed, deceived or whatever word you would find to describe how duped I felt.  How many had tried to honestly love me with a love I couldn't even fathom?  I don't know.  What I did know was that my "love" wasn't anything like what God presented.  Letting go is setting free; or so it goes.  How do you let go of an idea?  It's not like you can replace an idea with another idea.  No one can.
     So, I began my transformation with the help of God and my counselor.  I used Jesus' example as a "perfect" definition.  The ultimate "love" definition.  What made the love of God so different?  Was it the way it was presented?  Was it the way it was personified?  Was it the way, the truth and the light?  Yep.  That was it.  Love from God is the way, truth and the light.  Love was manifested in Jesus' life, death and resurrection.  What was the key that held this love in such high esteem?  I knew if I could discover the key that my quest would be over.
     This is my discovery!  Love (true and perfect) is unselfishness.  That was it.  Unselfishness.  Okay, then there is the application.  This is key.  Mankind is unable to give away that which they did not have.  We're still that way.  The application of this "love" is the easiest and the most difficult task I've ever faced.  Why?  Because it can only be expressed with NO expectations of its return.  How often do we give of ourselves with no expectation of anything in return?  Not very often.  This brings up the second part of love.  We are to try to love.  We're not perfect, will never be perfect and shouldn't expect anything in return to our love given.  When we think of the Cross of Christ there is nothing given in return to the love delivered into our hands and hearts.
     Here is the last key element.  Only those who have been hurt deeply are capable and able to love deeply.  I don't think we need to go out and seek that which will hurt us.  There is no truth in that.  What we are able to do is simple.  We must TRY.  That's it.  We must try to pass on the love of God by being Christ to the world.  Our "hurt" is nothing compared to the death of Jesus on the cross.  Our "trying" should only focus on today.  We can do nothing about yesterday.  We can do nothing about tomorrow.  We only have now.  Today.  This moment.
     It's a difficult discipline (I have failed more than succeeded).  Loving should be the intentional act of the heart of Jesus to us.  Remember we cannot give away that which we don't have.  We have forgiveness.  However, we don't deserve it.  We have sanctification.  Though we don't know where we are going.  What we have is this moment.  Don't get bound by yesterday or the fear of tomorrow.  They can take care of themselves.  What you will find when you are able to practice loving is peace.  You will know that you delivered the love of God and that was your only mission.  Loving someone else as Jesus loves them.  I still don't have as much success as I'd like and far short of what Christ would like me to have.
      Notice there is no mention of what we get.  That's because we have already received it.  We have already been blessed at the time of our surrender to Jesus.  We have all our needs taken care of.  He says so in the Bible.  Jesus also told us to not expect anything from mankind.  Because they may not be able to give what we need.  So, Godly loving is the best.  What do we do then?  live life with the love of God foremost in our lives.  We don't look back (regrets) and we don't live for tomorrow (unrealistic expectations).  We live life for today.  We love for today.  We act for today.  Our spoken words are for today.
     Just was Jesus took the ultimate "hurt", we can have confidence that someone has already tread upon this path for us.  So, when we give away the love of Christ with no expectation of the return of love; we are ahead of the game.  Why?  Because it's not a game and there is no competition.  It is not I but Christ who lives within me.  To live is Christ, to die is gain.  That's what Paul says in the Bible.  He's spot on.  The way of the world is, as I might say, not my monkey!  Love freely!

What happens when we are rejected?


     That questions answer depends on two things:  first how sensitive we are and second how much we are letting Christ be the author and finisher of our faith (and consequently ourselves).  We can have a hundred successes and one rejection sends us to the depth of loss or to the foot of the cross.  Hey, that rhymes!  The depth of the loss or the foot of the cross.  Two places I frequent almost daily.  Some days I'm already there when I wake up.  Many of us feel that we have given our best and it isn't good enough for those around us.  Yet, like our faith, we look for the visible acclimation that says we are okay, good enough, acceptable and that our gift, act or thought was what God wanted us to send forth.  Well intentioned people often help and hurt the most.  Probably because they have felt the need to "fix" someone or something only to be rebuffed for their attempt.  That's how I feel sometimes when I try and illuminate the inadequacies of today's Christian.  That includes me by the way.  Tied to our acceptance and or rejection is what people know about us, our past, and from which we speak.  In order to minimize rejection we do (again) one of two things:  first we don't help in any way shape or form and secondly we attach that which we say or do as "the Lord told me to share this with you." thus negating the responsibility for what takes place.  Neither choice is good.
     Here is an example.  I woke up this morning feeling down after being triggered last night before I went to bed.  I have PTSD and the triggering is an event where a button gets pushed and my brain short circuits causing me to have a drop in my mood.  So, I woke up and after devotions and journaling I went on FB.  I decided that I would send an encouraging word to my FB friends and did so.  I had a huge response where a lot of people liked what was said (it was non-religious) and said thanks.  Then there were those who didn't want the encouragement along with those who didn't appreciate my not asking before encouraging them.  Yep, rejection.  What did I do?  I tried to smooth over those who I had offended, stopped encouraging a lot of people and told my FB family that I wouldn't do that again.  Then I dropped into the "not good enough" hole and here I am.  How's that for honesty.  There is an old quote that says "No good deed goes unpunished."  Unfortunately in the world that's truer than you can imagine.  William James puts it this way, "We may have a God in heaven that forgives us our sins; but mankind does not."  I'm sure I haven't heard the last from those who rejected encouragement.  However, I will move on and encourage in another manner.  That's the difference.
     What difference, you might ask?  The difference is that we, upon rejection, shouldn't stop that which is good or that which God asks us to do.  Rather, reinvent the wheel, take a different approach, or just wait for that moment when someone does need encouragement.  At this point I've done what I could to stop the feeling of rejection in myself and accepted that I could have done the encouraging in a different manner.  So, the difference is first acknowledging that there are always more than one way to get to point B.  So many Christians that I know have taken rejection and shut down their lives from God, their families and even the outside influences.  They then become ineffective Christians and the churches of today are full of ineffective Christians...just like Satan wants.  Adversity can come from Satan.  Yes, that's what I said.  He wants us ineffective so that we won't oppose his worldly kingdom.  An ineffective Christian is a tool in his hands.  So, what is the Christian to do?  First we need to understand that rejection is no because we are not good enough.  Rejection is, when we are doing what Jesus asks, rejection of Jesus and the message.  YES, Christians can reject the message and the messenger of God.  YES, Christians can and are their own worst enemies.  YES, division and strife follow those who work to destroy the Christian church.
      What happens when we are rejected is all related to our relationship with Christ.  In either case, our thoughts, actions and words, no matter if they are from God or not, are subject to rejection from someone somewhere at some time or another.  Should you and I be doing what God has asked us to do in His word and through His Son, rejection isn't of us.  Pity the fool who rejects God.  Even the Christian fool.  Martin Luther, when asked what he would do if he knew Christ was going to return tomorrow, said, "I'd plant another tree."  Besides being a gardener, Martin knew that he needed to keep doing what God told him to do regardless of what was going to happen tomorrow.  He would plant another tree...a seed in the souls of men to aid them in finding Jesus and salvation.  What would you do if you knew Jesus was returning at 3:00 PM today or tomorrow or even the next day?  Would you plant a tree.  Would you not concern yourself with the rejection of man over the pleasing of the Lord and his acceptance?

What the Bible really says


      If you have read the Bible you know what it says.  If you have read the Bible with the knowledge you are a Christian, you know what it says.  If you read the Bible from a defensive stance you know those parts of the Bible you can focus on to take the focus off you.  If you read the Bible from an offensive stance you know those parts of the Bible to lob as artillery to the unbeliever.  IF you have surrendered to Jesus, have him living through you and know that your eternity is sealed, the Holy Spirit is guiding you while you are reading the Bible, all that shows is the love of Jesus towards others.  Lots of "if's" in those lines.  Let's not presume that all who profess Jesus know him.  Neither do we presume that all who profess Jesus have read, are reading and will read the Bible.  Finally, let's not presume that teachers and preachers have read the Bible and know what it says.  If they did there wouldn't be differences in religious groups much less Christian groups.  Working the premise that the Bible is the God breathed Word of God, infallible and complete for instruction and correction for those who love Jesus, we have a confidence in what we read.  If we know the Word, it's written in our hearts.  The Holy Spirit aids us in recalling what the Bible says, where it says it, and what it means.  Don't be deceived though.  It's easily done in this world.  Be wary of those who say what they know people want to hear.
     While I could go into all kinds of thoughts on different questions regarding what the Bible says, I will try to be concise and direct in what I'm about to say.  The Bible is complete.  There is no allowance for ANYONE of any group, individual, or even the angels who is allowed to ADD to or SUBTRACT from the Word of God.  No one.  If you are reading the Bible there is no substitute for interpretation of any book, "help", or other man written item.  None.  The Bible says it all.  It's all and well that there are Christian books.   Some are and some aren't.  We know that the Bible is the Word of God.  When mankind become involved in writing their interpretation, human logic, feelings, and twisted thoughts come into play.  The Bible really does say that we need to love God with all of our heart soul and mind.  The Bible really does say that we need to love others as we love ourselves.  These two truths guide all the interpretation of thoughts, actions and words we might speak regarding what we believe the Bible says.  If you are not aligned with the Word you are aligned with the world.  A partial truth is still a false truth.  God isn't a "kinda" god who doesn't say what he means.  Those who read the Bible under the direction of the Holy Spirit will be directed by these same two guidelines:  "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind.  Love your neighbor as you love yourself."  There is no other truth in the Bible.
     The Bible tells us that there will be consequences for every thought, word and deed.  Those consequences come in positive and negative form.  2 Corinthians tells us that the authorities are put in place to protect those who love God and to punish those who don't.  Both are results of man's individual choice regarding Jesus.  You cannot choose to love the world without the backlash of your choices.  Don't go blaming anyone else for your lack of a relationship with God.  You call yourself a Christian; act like it, think like it, and do like that definition means what it means.  A Christian has come to the knowledge that he/she is a sinner and is lost in a world of sin.  A Christian has made a decision to deny their lives and to have Jesus live through them.  A Christian who has let Jesus live in and through them no longer has affinity for things of the world.  They are heavenly minded.  The things of the world hold no appeal to them.  The Bible says that to "those who overcome" a new name, a white robe and eternal life will be given to them.  What is the consequence of not overcoming?  Separation from God.  When  someone is separated from God they are subject to the consequences they have chosen.  This is what the Bible says.  Does your pastor, friend, neighbor, spouse, or other self-identified Christian tell you this?  Go  before God with ACTS and let God reveal himself to you through his word.  If you love God as the Bible says, all the rest falls into place.  Don't ignore such a great salvation.

Consequences of our choices


     There are two kinds of consequences; good and bad.  Nothing in the middle or outside those boundaries.  There is good and there is bad.  Consequences have a long history with people.  Adam and Eve had a good consequence living in the garden and threw it all away for a shot at what the forbidden tree had for them.  We live with that bad choice and have bad consequences as a result.  The Bible says that we will have to toil the rest of the days of our lives.  The Bible says that women will have pain in childbirth as a result.  We all know the story of Cain and Able.  What was good and intended to bless creation was thrown away in a moment of temptation.  I could stop writing here but as Mr. Harvey says, "Now for the rest of the story."  No one can doubt that there are negative or bad consequences here on earth.  It's a universal truism that applies to everyone and anyone on planet earth.  There are also positive or good consequences here on earth.  Sometimes it may seem like the good or positive are absent due to the state our world is in.  But, good and bad, positive and negative, they do co-exist with each other.  My choice is always right up front and God has given me free will to exercise that choice.  It's my choice and today I choose....we shall see.
      God is king of the rabbit trails.  What?  God owns the patent on changes of direction and the plan to bring good out of bad.  Take for instance my life.  It's a good example of bad choices with some good ones mixed in which affect all of my life.  My choices also affect everyone who is in some way connected with me.  The Bible says the sins of the father are visited on the children to the third and fourth generation.  That simply means that my kids, grandkids and great-grandkids will all be affected by my choices today.  It doesn't mean that they will repeat my sin.  It means that the temptation will be there.  It means that legacy is affected and demeaned when I sin.  Grace enters into the picture right about here.  Because of Adam and Eve (yes, we're back to them) I have a sin nature.  It's the consequence of their a negative way.  We cannot undo history.  We cannot undo what we did yesterday or even up to this moment.  Grace allows us to stop and start over.  When I sin, I step outside the will of God.  When I repent God brings grace to the table to reinstate me as his child.  The "path" has been altered by my sin just as it remains unaltered by my obedience.  For every Plan B I choose (not God's plan), God presents another modified Plan A taking me back on the path he wants me to be on.  Grace is like that.
     This choice of good and bad, positive and negative, sin or obedience cuts across every life here on earth.  Franklin Graham, son of Billie Graham, was a prodigal son before God presented him with Grace.  Now Franklin, like father Billie, is a representative of God with impeccable standing as a Christian leader.  This is far from the gun toting motorcycle rider he was.  The Bible is full of people who were incredible role models who fell.  David with Bathsheba come to mind.  Why should you and I be exempt?  Here is a truth.  Satan spends his time working on and against those who are doing something for God.  That doesn't mean we need to live in sin to be good Christians.  It means the battle gets harder the more we submit to God's plan and choose positive consequences regardless of what that choice may mean.  The recent shooting in Oregon makes this point.  Victims were asked if they were Christian.  If they said yes, they were killed.  I don't know about you but after the first victim I would have been wondering what answer to give.  Yet, the ones who followed, knowing their fate, answered they were Christians.  While the shooting deaths were tragic; the question remains what would I do in a similar situation?  Would I take a stand for God and against Satan?  Would I choose right over wrong in my workplace?  Would I confront evil and risk all the negative this world has to throw at me?  Well, would I?   
     I have chosen to sin.  No one "accidentally" sins.  You choose to sin.  I have chosen to be obedient.  No one "accidentally" obeys.  Both are a conscious decision.  We know right from wrong.  We have a need in our lives and society to be acknowledging our sin, repenting from that sin and being obedient to God.  The consequences of both choices are before us.  Should we want the blessings of God; we need to be obedient out of gratitude to God.  Should we be satisfied with the negative; we need to keep on doing what the world tells us to do.  Pretty simple really.  It's a choice we face every moment of every day.  Obey or sin.  The consequences will follow.  They will be either positive or negative, good or bad, but they will be there. 

Endings mean beginnings

     We often think about the beginning of a new day, the beginning of a new experience, or even the beginning of new life through a babies birth or new life in Christ when born again.  We, on the other hand, dwell on endings.  We put life into endings and fail to have capacity for the new in our lives.  The Lord says that every day is new and to be celebrated.  He doesn't say to dwell on the past.  True, we are to remember where he has brought us from but not in the context of dwelling on past.  We are to be engaging the future based on the blessings and lessons God has brought our way.  Like dominos, we are to see the hand of God as he carries us through life.  By dwelling on the past we are unable to move forward.  That is why endings mean so much to God.  Ending our pagan life and living a born again life is just one example of this.
     Ending our selfish behavior, ending our disobedience, ending our independence from God, ending the fight to live life on our own terms are all ways of healthy ending.  I have encountered many people who romance the past indicating there is no ending in their life.  Ending means stopping.  Pretty simple you might be thinking.  The enemy, Satan, wants you and I so focused on the past that we become immobilized in our serving Jesus.  Ending our relationship with Satan (that's what it is) means living for Jesus.  Why?  Because there is the world's god, Satan, and there is the one true God, Jesus.  No other choices remain.  Choosing to live for yourself makes you your own god.  We all know how that works our!  Living for God, for the Christian, is the only choice.  If you are still living in your world, you aren't living for God.
     The Bible tells us that every day is new.  New opportunities, new blessings, new reason to share the Good News living in you.  Not hiding your faith as many do but surrendering so that when people see you, interact with you and come alongside you all they can see is Jesus.  Not impossible as all things are possible with God.  In Christ there is no room for grumbling because it's based on unended events of the past.  In Christ there are no would've, could've or should've moments.  Jesus is new every day to the believer who are renewed every day with new beginnings...but only to those who have engaged in ending the past control of their lives.  Remember that this is always your choice.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

What to look out for and what to remember.

     When I turned on my computer this morning, I found that my security had protected my computer a LOT since the last time the computer was scanned.  I was given a long list of blocked items, destructive issues and other computer language stuff.  I'm thankful that I have the security system that I have.   It may not stand up to hackers, but it will delay their ability to get into my system.  The question is "What would they find?"  Like much of my life anything they find probably has been dealt with.  The real threat is their ability to crash my system or back up program.  We get this type of "intrusion" into our lives almost daily.  The call that ask to speak with "Steve" as if we were close friends or business partners is only one of many traps.  So, almost 100% of the time I am able to weed out those who are neither my friend or genuine in "helping" me.  Telemarketers are of a group of people/companies that use robocall to get to me.  Despite "do not call" lists the calls still come in unwanted and unwelcomed.  The best news is my computer recognized the attempts of entry into my computer and stopped them so I wouldn't have to deal with it...this time.
     We need to be the "guardian" of the stuff that our friends and family engage in as well.  For many years I didn't allow my kids to go onto sites that are primarily social media sites.  That was before I learned about protective programs and what was available to stop stuff I didn't ask for or want.  I'm not trying to say that I'm so protected that attacks don't happen as that would be untruthful.  What I am saying is that I recognized a need I had in my computer and initiated a device that would work behind he scenes keeping me in business with lowered levels of risk.  I've had several jobs where I was challenged with the same thing only with individuals rather than computers.  Not everyone you exchange "friends" with are friends.  No one program can answer all the risks we have everyday.  It's just the way it is.  Protecting yourself helps your kids protect themselves.  We just as well be good examples than no examples at all.
     Bringing all this to our Christian Walk, we maybe stop reading, read but delete the text after we read it, or go on with life ignoring the negative or thinking the negative is positive.  The "intentions" of our friends, family as well as enemies sometimes are not the "intentions" they profess or we need.  It would be nice to love all and accept all and believe all if it were always true.  It's not always true.  There are many groups, denominations, and individuals who want to teach us "their" truth.  This may not be truth at all.  Many a convincing document, testimony, or advice are nothing more than a virus that makes it's way into your hard drive.  Some are really slick and you've been taken advantage of.  Your hard work is destroyed or hampered and credibility is slowly going out the window.  Ever been there?  Nietzsche once said, "Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful."  I would like to add to his quote "whom or what".  Our world is governed by so many outside sources.  We actually can become overwhelmed and lost just trying to circumnavigate a problem that pops up in our life.
     Jesus tells us to "trust no man".  There must be something to that scripture.  Trust no man and in no man other than Jesus.  Looking to who or what has our interests at heart can quickly narrowed down to a couple of sources.  The first would be God; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The second would be the testimony of the Word; the Bible.  If we put our trust and belief in these two we will be alright and our systems will remain intact.  That's God's promise and no computer program can protect me that well.
     In all of our relationships there are lots of twists and turns that we need to be cognizant of and engaged with.  If you don't see the elephant in the room, you won't be able to bring up God's defense as well as offense.  Trust Jesus and things will turn out right even if you don't see that as a possibility.  Take time to learn the Word and listen to it's message through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.  Submit all to God and he will give more than you can ever imagine.  He will protect you as well should you make the decision. 

Saturday, August 24, 2019

God's healing

     We know that God answers prayers, gives prophecy, and heals.  We may doubt all three and even scoff at these promises in the Word.  I believe that the Bible teaches us much and we often misinterpret these teachings.  This largely occurs when we want something instantly as if God is some convenient vending machine which Christians should have at their disposal on their terms.  That's not how God sees things.  God sees a much bigger picture that's perhaps been unfolding over any amount of time.  It is God's hand at work long before the prayers pass over our lips.  But, we want now, not later, not when it's involving some personal issue or someone we loves personal issue.  At just the right time means we wait on His time.  Why?  Because He has a divine plan unfolding that's bigger than you and I.  Want an example?  Thought you would never ask!
     February 16, 2015 I was in for a shock as I had my first and only heart attack.  I had the presence of mind to see the signs, call 911 and found myself in the hospital for a double bypass surgery.  I've recovered nicely.  In March 2019 on a yearly check up I was discovered to have an aneurysm on my thoracic aorta.  I was told to just go on with life and in time surgery to repair would be my only option.  There was the chance that it would blow and I'd be instantly with Jesus.  But, God wasn't finished with me here on earth.  So, I've been living with this hanging over my head.  I've had many episodes of chest pain that began developing adding to my apprehension.  I had put word out to all the Christians who knew me about my condition.  What happened next was my biggest surprise.
     Yesterday morning at 3:30 I was awakened and couldn't get back to sleep.  At 4:00 I had the loudest and biggest hiccup that I've ever had.  I had intense heart pain near the top of my heart which quickly subsided.  Going on with my day I worked on projects until I needed to go to the store for a part.  At the store I had 3-4 episodes of chest pain.  I decided to take myself to the ER just to be safe.  When I got there I was umpteenth in line but was eventually tested, hooked up to wires, and finally taken to get a scan of my heart.  When I returned to the ER the doctor came in with a weird look on his face.  He told me I had not had a heart attack or a stroke AND that there was no sign of my aneurysm!  None, Wasn't there!  Gone!  I was in shock but not so much that I couldn't tell the doctor that God must have healed me.  He smiled and said I could go home.  Now here is the important part of the lesson.
     My condition was documented by 2 previous scans.  Doctors had read my charts and plans were in the making for "down the road" unless I died first.  But, God had other plans.  Having the documentation established a fact.  Over the next months I came to grips with the prognosis.  But I asked for prayer.  With the saints praying God was in the process of answering those prayers.  He needed the right time, place and situation to be arranged so that He could be glorified.  The date, time and place came into view at 4:00 AM.  The mechanisms were all in place.  My healing actually happened at 4:00 AM.  The additional chest pains were there to get me to actually go to the ER.  Once at the ER medical teams all took part in revealing Gods act of healing.  After being at the ER 12 hours (enough time to expose 2 shifts of personnel), the final element was put in place.  The scan revealed my aneurysm was gone.  Not be act of mankind.  Not by accident.  But by the hand of God.  The doctor said, "There was no aneurysm to be found."  God had removed it.
     Your life may seem like the prayers you've put before God aren't being answered.  That's a lie from the pit of hell.  You have your prayers on the way from heaven and at just the right time they will come.  Your choice is to believe regardless of the evidence.  It's always your choice.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Anxious, overwhelmed and frustrated beyond words

     I've just described about half of the population of our country.  If you asked me to go back even 20 years I wouldn't have said the same thing.  Along with education, we have had many experiences that bring us to that point of anxiety, overwhelmed and frustrated.  These three crowd our thought and keep us from experiencing peace, love, and joy.  It's not necessary to have a college degree in order to say with authority that we can have peace love and joy.  All we need to do is open any newspaper, listen to the news and hear the complaints of our friends, family and kids.  There are wars, rumors of war and feuding across the globe.
    Yet, the end is not near.
    Where is the peace, love and joy?  Whatever happened to "hope"?  They are still there.  However, our denial and lack of faith often overwhelms us.  Most of us suffer from the malady of burned out.  We know what is good, right and positive in our hearts but our conscience doesn't register as first line of defense.  Not only is there a real physical war out there but there is an internal war as well.  Fear overshadows peace.  Depression is such a mountain in our mind that we are temporarily unable to see anything but overwhelming feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.  Where there were once the ability to love, suspicion and lack of belief moves love to the edge of our mind.  It's there that we cannot see love like we cannot see a planet in space.
    And yet, the end is not near.
    I was discussing the end of time before Jesus returns with a believer.  After explaining how the scenario had to morph into something worse to them, they exclaimed:  "Then why are we trying to make the world a better place?  If this keeps Jesus from coming back why do we do this?"  Very valid questions.  I'm glad the questions were asked.  Seeking answers to questions is the first evidence of caring.  Many Christians don't care enough about what is going on spiritually to do anything much less think about the future.  Yes, we know that Jesus is coming back and will take us home.  Yes, there are many prophecies that need to be fulfilled.  Yes, we need to acknowledge the enemy seems to be having a hay day with the world.
    Still, the end is not near.
    I'm usually a happy camper and perhaps you are also.  When people around us are positive, we tend to be positive.  When people around us are negative, we tend to be positive. That is until we are worn down and anxiety, overwhelmed and frustrated we give in and we too become negative.  It's in this context that we come to conflict over whether I am part or wholly the problem.  How much people expect you or I to "fix" is determined by who people think we are.  If we have a history like negativity and unbelief certain people will flock to us for insight or just to recharge heir negativity.  If we have a history of being positive, people will either want us to comfort them or be the object of their angst.  The world will become the authority and choices will be removed from our hands.  Nothing could go wrong.  Right?
    And so, the end is still not near.
    Putting off today that which we should have accomplished today keeps us from having the insight to see that we are getting through stuff in spite of our focus.  Jesus said "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in the Father, also believe in me."  Not bad advice.  When our location is being bombed by the enemy and there are casualties all around us; we are asked to be loving, have hope and positivity.  Yes.  We are.  Perhaps your life will be the only positive one that someone without hope sees today.  Maybe you and I are the chosen ones bringing hope to our world because we care.  Maybe the end of time is not an issue because we know Jesus.  Just for chuckles we can laugh at all that is going on because nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus who died so we don't need to feel anxious, overwhelmed and frustrated beyond words.
    Thus, we know the end can come at anytime for each of us or all of us collectively.  We should be about the business of the Lord to those within our sphere of influence.  Then we need to let go and let God be the author and finisher of not only our faith but the faith of others as well.  When it's time for us to go home or for the Lord to take all of us home, we will no longer care when the end comes.  For we already know how the Book ends.
    Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

Indecision is a decision


       At revival meetings with Billy Graham people are asked to "come down front" as a testimony of their decision made when they stood up when asked to if they had chosen Jesus. The "act" of standing in response to the request amounted to the individuals choice of living for God.  The "act" of coming down front was a testimony of that decision.  There are many of these "acts" in our daily life.  We are a witness to our world that Jesus is Lord.  So, what's missing?  What's missing are all those who made the decision of indecision.  Just what does indecision cost?  I think indecision is the greatest thief of our witness of who is Lord of our life. We rarely take into account the effects of indecision.  The number of times we could have helped someone but made the move to inaction.  For instance, not stopping to help someone in need on the side of the road.  We could do it but make no move to do anything but ponder the plight of the individual with need.  Indecision is a cause of apathy in our lives.  Apathy equals indecision.  Do we want to be remembered as they person who didn't....?  Yes, you could pray for the person.  There is no cost to praying.  You could make a call to send help to the person.  There is little cost for the call.  Or, we could simply decide to do what Jesus would do.                 Indecision means I don't believe my faith enough to bet on it.  It means we have engaged the world of excuses (indecisions fulfilled) and rely on them more than the Spirit of God.  Indecision has set many an individual on the path leading to hell.  Their indecision baring them from being in the presence of God.  Yesterday 3047 abortions took place.  These were decisions made based on an indecisive life.  No decision equals no responsibility.  We have a world that accepts and even encourages indecision.  I'm sure that all of us have practiced indecision in our lives.  Sometimes we live the rest of our lives having missed the moment.  We haven't risen to the challenge of God and someone has missed the moment of salvation
     The regret that follows further incapacitates us and we become ineffective on most, if not all, of the areas of our life (Christian or not).  Regrets form a pocket of "guilt" in our lives.  With each regret we compensate with shame.  Shame eventually causes deeper regret or repentance.  Which of the two are in our lives is a decision we make or is made for us.  Is your life filled with moments of regrets?  I still have a few that hang around.  Sometimes I let Jesus take care of them and sometimes I use regrets to bring raise their ugly heads and make my faith ineffective.  Whether it's indecision or regrets or guilt that run your life; it's not the life God has for you.
     We have decisions to make.  They are weighty and very real.  What decision we make has the power to create or destroy your witness.  That would be the witness when you chose to do what God has for you to do.  Don't let our telling God "no" be the direction of our lives.  There are very real needs that God wants to meet through you and I.  Should we rise to the occasion, we will hear those much sought after words:  "Well done thou good and faithful servant.  Enter into the favor of the Lord."  Go ahead and risk!  What do you have to lose?  We are either part of the problem or part of the solution.  Decision making based on God's word is best choice.