Sunday, August 31, 2014

Does this make me look fat?

     There are questions we ask ourselves over our lifetime that are rhetorical.  We know the answer but just want to hear someone, anyone, tell us what we want to hear rather than need to hear.  I know that I'm fat physically.  Emotionally, I'm not sure.  I'm not a "fat cat" as far as someone who has a lot of money.  However, I do live in the realm of "fat chance." most of the time.  So, the question is answerable both ways.  Yes and no.  How did this question get so complicated?  I'd say there is a fat chance of finding out.  But I'll try to chew the fat and provide some insight.
     I'm not quite concerned about "me" as some people say they are.  It's not that I actually want people to see negative in me.  Rather, it's just as simple as not caring for what those who don't care have to say.  It's a measuring stick of sort.  Should someone "care" about me, I'll gladly listen with my heart.  If the "care" is about them, who cares?  If you truly care about me your statements about me rank higher than those who don't care.  Again, if I am not seen as a good reflection of you, it's not my problem.  As long as people are self centered there are those who are shunned just because they don't fit the right demographics. 
     When we really begin to live life we start with a reflection of our parents values and priorities.  As we become more and more individual, we begin to tell the world to look at me separate from anyone else.  Assumptions surrounding who I am are made constantly.  Being fat is just one way.  I have disabled license plates.  Until I get out of my truck people see a healthy whole human being getting away with parking in the handicapped space in front of the store.  All the while they are relegated to parking in the back 40.  Some parts of me are even more invisible.  My hearing is grossly impaired.  People assume that I can hear normally because I don't wear hearing aids.  I have visual problems but people don't see those either when I go without glasses.  What really boggles their minds is when I park in the handicapped space, ignore their comments and looks of disdain, and get out of the truck with my brace on my left knee and leg and using my cane. 
     Suddenly people are forced into seeing me outside of their particular viewing point of life.   No one apologizes for putting me in their box.  They just move me to another box and go on with life.  I do the same thing some of the time.  Having my handicaps and bias, I go through my life trying to be more understanding.  That wasn't so earlier in my life.  Once upon a time I categorized fat people as not being responsible for their health.  Skinny isn't wrong anymore than fat.  What we are really seeking is fairness in the question we have asked.  We want people to examine themselves without comparison to me, us, you.  Just because we are different we are not wrong.  Yet, that is exactly what prejudice produces in us.  Somehow we are wrong because we are different.
     Somewhere during life people (at least some) come to the conclusion that the world view isn't going to change for me.  People need "me" to prove that they are more or better.  "Compared to Steve I'm not fat."  "Compared to Steve, I'm rich."  And on and on...  In the end all of us are answerable for ourselves alone.  Perhaps this can be accelerated and we can live our lives without needing me to make you feel better.  Wouldn't it be nice if we weren't seen as "wrong"?  This doesn't take away our individuality nor our preferences.  I am a Christian.  You  may not be.  That's the way we have chosen for whatever reason we have used to come to that conclusion.  Perhaps today you and I and everyone else reading this will be more graceful with others.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

This tastes funny!

     Something in the refrigerator sounds like it would be a great snack.  You take the item, put it into the microwave and proceed to take a bite when it's hot.  The first thing that doesn't seem right is the smell.  But, you get past it and take a bite.  You immediately spit it out and make the final decision that this left over should be dumped.  So, you go back to the refrigerator, pull out another dish and begin the process all over.  Same results!  Not looking good for snack time.  Eventually your desire for a snack wanes and you choose a piece of fruit like you should have in the first place.  But who let the food go bad?
     Now substitute the word snack with gossip.  The same scenario goes on like this one with food.  Gossip doesn't stop.  Let's try one more word as a substitute.  How about anger or impatient?  I've had problems over the years that everyone seems to share.  I've been better some days and worse other days.  The old cycle often kicks in even before I have my morning coffee.  Luckily I'm able to journal and wrap my head around the day and what I can expect.  What started as a nourishing snack ended with a life lesson of what we do and how we react.
     There are solid predictable events in our lives.  I will feed the dogs, refill their water, make coffee, take my medications and give the dogs theirs are just a few.  We are people of habitual behavior.  Our habits can be as strong as any other emotion we feel.  Perhaps even our emotion called love.  We don't like to think of our responses as automatic or habitual.  In that context the feelings seem cold and lacking.  It's important to let spontaneous moments crash the party of our life.  Should we just be relegated to doing the predictable we miss the moment.  When we miss the moment we have regrets that follow us.
     Change is difficult when we are not uncomfortable with the taste of food at the beginning of old age.  Change is near impossible for certain areas of our lives.  Some of the change may even not reach that threshold where we are concerned enough to change things in our lives.  My habits are both a stumbling block for me and sometimes the only redeeming quality it seems I have.  What makes the difference in our lives?  Do we want to go on eating spoiling food?  Do we want to remain in a cycle that is destined to ruin our relationships?  Just what is the cost of change?
     That was a question of the religious during the time of Jesus and up to today.  What is the cost?  It's the wrong question but we ask it about ourselves every day.  We are not satisfied with our day and it's contents day after day after day.  Yet, we go to jobs we don't like, drive cars that are breaking down and leave the house yet again failing to kiss our spouse goodbye.  Should something happen to us before we can change the mistake, there is nothing but loss all around. 
     That's what happened when Jesus died.  Everyone around Jerusalem reverted to their previous life of habit and "safe" behavior.  Not for long though.  When Jesus rose from the dead something happened to men and women.  They changed.  Not just a little bit.  They totally changed in that moment.  For some like the disciples the change altered their lives in such a way that they would later die for what they believed  For others the change was temporary and didn't last.  Still for others there was no change at all.  Their hearts had hardened and wouldn't allow anything to dissuade them.
     What is it for you?  Are you going to go on eating that which tastes funny or are you going to go with the new stuff?  It's your choice and your life.  Choose today that which you know to be true.  Go with what is the best for you and everyone in your life.  Don't be fooled by those who want you to stay who they want you to be.  If someone won't support your change, let them have less input into your life.  If you choose to let Jesus have your heart; make it ALL of your heart.
     It's your choice.  Make it taste great!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Ever have one of those days? Part Two

     I'm reminded of the movie Ground Hog Day.  The day is repeated until the subject finally "gets it" and can go on with his life.  This kind of cure doesn't work though as we can't "redo" our lives.  We can choose to make things better.  However, what happens today stays as part of our lives.  The repetitious became the boring for the Israelites as described in the story about them wandering in the desert because they had failed to learn.  So, God gave them and us the ten commandments as a tool to have right priorities and right relationships.  What happened next is classic.  The Israelites took 10 commands and took the law to where even the number of steps on the Sabbath were numbered (120).  We, have way more laws than we need even to this day.
     Just as the Israelites grumbled about their day and night and the unfairness of the day; we too do the same.  Thus the higher the chance of "one of those days" in our lives.  Rather than taking the initiative to choose change of the events of our lives, we would rather grumble about what we don't like and miss all that which we do like.  Just like our physical characteristics are passed on by the past generations, so are the grumblings.  Our kids grow up to be just like us!  Even that thought isn't enough for us to embrace our lives in such a way that our lives change.  He's just like his father.  She's just like her mother.  Both statements are usually (but not always) uttered in the negative sense.  What would happen if we let go of the negative and ONLY embraced that which was positive?
     Few people know or acknowledge this next statement.  When we give our lives to Christ we become adopted sons and daughters of God.  The old has passed away and the new life has come to us.  In reality the Christian should have life reflective of the life God wants us to live.  His intentions are unselfish and within reason.  He also says he will reward us for choosing to live positively.  That means we can have our cake and eat it too.  Yet, all of us have one of those days more than we should.  Perhaps it's easily addressed if we look at our lives.  Every day begins the same.  We get up.  Things tend to happen after we get up.  For me, waking up with a positive frame of mind lends encouragement that today will be good or even great!
     We don't like a negative day but seem to look for the negative more than the positive.  We carry on this tradition just like our previous generation did.  This is NOT inherited.  This is taught along with our free choice.  We don't need to live in the past.  We can choose our day.  What would happen if in one day all our focus was on loving God?  What would happen if we chose to not yell at anyone?  What would life be like with people only encountering the positive in our lives?  Would we, could we change our world as well as the world of others?  That would be great!  So, why don't we do that? 
     Negativity embraces separation of man from each other as well as with God while positivity embraces God as well as others.  We have the choice.  Every day begins the same way...we wake up.  What we do next as well as on through the day signifies our relationship with the world and/or our relationship with God.  While none of us can live positive lives, we can and should begin to allow changes into our lives.  So, while there is still daylight, do the positive.  Say the positive.  Live the positive?  First we would see changes for the good in our lives.  Secondly, we would see changes in the lives of others in our life. 
     So, what do we choose today?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Ever have one of those days? Part one.

     I've had many of them.  I should take the time to mention that this phrase has several different focuses.  I'll just talk about three:  positive, negative and ambivalent.  However, the most common way of using this term is the negative mode.  There are a lot of factors that come into play when we are driven to say that it's been one of those days.  Sometimes the day involves other people either at work, with a business or home.  Sometimes it's that way with our vehicles as well.  Especially if we have problematic vehicles and live in a heavy commute area.  Often these "times" are punctuated with the people in our lives.  Finally, there are those times of our lives that are more like one of those days, months and even years.
     By now most everyone reading this will have found one or two memories of their personal one of those days.  This most likely will be of the negative kind.  It's seldom we say they are positive as we are just glad they are not negative.  The positive seems to be glossed over with them merely fulfilling the expectation we have of life.  Yes, it's been a good day but I'm entitled to good days.  No, we are not.  We are entitled to Life and all it holds for us.  Because we are a fallen people there are going to be many "one of those days" and more than likely some months and years as well. 
     In most cases (we don't like to admit this) we bring the days, months and years on all by ourselves.  People don't wake up saying that it is going to be one of those days.  They are reflected by the events that come about as we live our day.  This time is punctuated by some little issues with the following intensity of more issues until the "big one" comes along and inserts itself into our lives.  This happens because of our reaction to little or big stressors.  Most of us will admit that we like to handle the house being on fire by ourselves.  With each succeeding "little issue" we paint ourselves into a corner and there we have of those days.  One thing building upon another until we are overwhelmed.
     So, what are we to do?  For beginners, we cannot undo the past.  Give it up.  Start fresh today. Yes the same people, jobs, relatives will still be there.  So will the 10 year old car with no warranty.   We still have the choice over how we handle the day.  I'd like to suggest we surrender and call a truce with life.  I can tell that advice didn't go well.  If we do the same thing everyday expecting different results we just prove how crazy we are.  Okay, at least I do.  We do this for every day, every month ad yes, even every year sometimes.
     What would happen if we chose to look at only the positive.  The negative would still be there as an option but wouldn't have to control our lives.  I can't do this alone and neither can you.  I cannot depend on others or situations to change  Only I can change.  Is that enough to break the cycle?  I think so.  The Bible tells us to lay all of our cares and concerns at the altar.  No, we do not have to pick them back up.  We need to walk away and find something else to praise God for.  Let's practice that today.  We will bring the next step tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No good deed goes unpunished!

     I don't think that I am the only person who has ever felt this way. It seems to happen according to Murphy's rules.  And of course there is the element of our not being able to address the situation fully spilling the deed over to another day as well.  So, when you least expect it, the deed takes place and there is initially nothing you can do about it at the time and place you are currently.  I know this makes me look like a pessimist.  So, I'll try to recoup my peace of heart and mind and try to fully rely on God. 
     It just so happens that this learning curve has been thrown to me.  Although I know that I will get through it; I'm still unhappy about it.  I first learned of this axiom when I was just about a sophomore in high school.  I didn't recognize the event could even have any purpose.  I don't think anyone looks for the lesson of an adult world while still in high school.  What I did learn was that I was going to get through this particular time in my life.  Sometimes we learn and sometimes we don't.  What I learned was that I needed to understand that I'm not special.  This happens to most people during their lifespan. 
     While I can now look back over my life and see that there has been purpose in my life, I'm still caught by surprise when this "learning curve" is thrown at me.  I've also learned that for the most part I'm not alone in this experience.  This affects around me whether they know it or not.  My kids haven't been immune.  My wife hasn't been immune.  My employer and social network haven't been immune either.  As I've said, I've grown used to the event but still get my chain yanked from time to time. 
     So, what happened that I'm writing this blog?  My wife and I went to pick up a rental truck for our move to our new place.  This is because my wife obtained a wonderful new job that she has fully earned.  Surprised is a good description as I was told my drivers license had expired a few months ago.  Adapting to this news, I didn't drive the truck.  This morning I'll go and get it renewed and expect another Murphy moment.  If I go to the place understanding that something negative may happen, I won't be quite so disappointed.  That means the loading of the truck will have its delay and that causes us to need the truck another day (possibly) which will cost more and further stretch our already stretched budget.  This, of course, will cause increased stress on my wife and that stress will be transferred to me.  Everything seems to roll down hill and there I am waiting for the sky to fall.
     Did I mention the good deed going unpunished?  Did I mention Murphy?  Between the two I can either be disgruntled or at peace.  I choose peace.  I don't do peace as well as I should.  So, I'll have to rely on God for the day, hour, and even moment.  God says he will never leave or forsake me.  That's good!  God says he will never put on me more than I can bear.  I take care of that all by myself!  God says that if I do the deed unto him, that I will have peace.  So, what does that mean?
     That I can bypass all of the people involved in my day as well as Murphy if my head is on right at the beginning.  My responsibility is simply to focus on Jesus and his will in my life.  He will take care of the rest.  There is no need for negativity by me.  I can choose to let go of all that is not of God.  It's difficult but possible.  God is always waiting for me to let go and let him do what he does best; take care of me in all ways. 
     God doesn't punish me, nor has he endowed Murphy with any control over us.  So, turn your day over to God and relax.  That said, life isn't easy.  However, it's as hard as we want it to be. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!"

     I've always liked that phrase.  For those of you who remember Space Family Robinson you will get it.  For those of you who do not know about this old TV show, bring it up on your phone and watch a few moments of what the future looks like.  The phrase itself is meant in a self protection sense.  It's a warning to get away from immediate danger. Just what the danger is in our life doesn't really matter.  The computer was warning them.  That's it.  There was no forth coming plan on how to take care of the mission and find a way home.  That brings us up to date.  I don't have a robot to tell me when I'm near danger or in the middle of it.  Instead of a robot I have my Christian family and Jesus.  Both of which are grounded in the Word so generously given to me. 
     It would seem that my life was formed around danger.  Maybe yours was as well.  There are times when I live for the adrenaline rush!  Then there are times I wish the world would leave me alone.  I have had enough and want to relax now.  Alas, unlike Burger King, I cannot always have it my way.  What's a journey without some bumps in the road?  At least people can come to me knowing that I will most likely be able to associate with how they are doing or feeling.  My problems begin when I don't have someone who is able to enter into any particular situation in which I find myself.  That and no robot leave me questioning my sanity and well being.
     I've read and studied the Bible for most of my life.  It's been a fascinating read from so many different angles.  One of the angles I like to see Scripture from is a fulfilling of historical prophecies detailing what has happened with what is to happen.  It's been a modern robot much like the one belonging to Will Robinson.  The signs of the times lend me to believe that there is much danger in the world and this will only get worse.  Jeremiah was a prophet from the Old Testament.  He was called to be a prophet around the age of 13.  God told him to not take a wife and have a family as his life was going to be miserable.  Yet, Jeremiah took the position and did as the Lord told him regardless of the mission given. 
     There was one moment where Jeremiah disobeyed God openly.  God told him to not pray for the people any longer because they were without hope.  Jeremiah told God that he had to pray for the people.  Much like the robot, Jeremiah continued to give prophecies which were both damning and encouraging.
     We're more like the frog that is placed in a pan of water and the heat slowly being raised until the frog dies unaware of the danger because it's so subtle.  The world is going to hell around us and even those who lead the various churches are neglecting their duty to warn.  In fact, the warnings that they are to give, have turned into acceptance of the wrong.  Where guidelines and a definite right and wrong before them, they choose what is wrong more often than not.  Instead of having something to stand for, they are standing for nothing.  There is judgment coming and already here in some ways. Yet, there is no warning.
      History is full of cycles that are not good for any of mankind.  We, like the frog and the audience Jeremiah was speaking to, have chosen to be okay with this.  We actually expect our leaders to not lead.  At one time God told Jeremiah that the people had committed sins that God couldn't believe they would commit!  I see "coexist" bumper stickers and know that someone who put it there doesn't believe the Scripture.  Perhaps they don't know Jesus as well.  No warning will be recognized or believed to those who have not given their lives to Jesus.
     So, here we are.  What is going to happen today?  Which of the still unanswered prophecies will be fulfilled today?  Will there be wars and rumor of wars?  Yep.  Will there be wanton disregard for the Word of God?  Yep.  Will there be business catastrophes?  Yep.  Will there be warnings that go unheeded?  Yep.  Will Jesus take us believers home today?  I don't know.  What I do know is that I need to be prepared and continue to give the warnings.  "Danger, Will Robinson!  Danger!"

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Don't roll over and play dead!

     There should be no fine line between being a Christian and acting like one.  We struggle to be effective while trying to maintain a relationship with the world we live in.  The dynamics of that struggle have gone on since time began.  There has always been opposition to our relationship with God.  On that time line both the strong stand and the weak stand have populated our history.  It's a curious thing, this stance struck by Christian and non-Christian alike.  While we would like to think that our stance is the right one; others think differently.  Society has taken a "coexistent" stance hoping to get along within its ranks. 
     The Bible doesn't teach coexistence.  The Bible encourages us to "as far as possible be at peace with all mankind."  It's interesting observing the many different "ideas" of Christianity.  The issues that separate them are as different they can be.  This results in the development of denominations and false religions.  Instead of standing firm on the teachings of Christ; there are instead many ideals that are questionable at best and wrong at worst.  This is a very real dilemma as the list of differences are presented to the world as each being the only right way.  Sooner or later the ability to be seen as "right" crumbles and we're left with powerless Christian witnesses.
     What would happen if the Christian were to make a stand?  Would they be taken seriously?  Could they alone be responsible for bringing truth to light?  What a less than credible witness we make now.  The matter is made complex when we feel that we need to have the Gospel changed so that we can feel comfortable in our sin.  No, there's not an app for that.  There never has been and there never will be.  It's been said: "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good to do nothing."  And so we continue to not allow God to work through us. 
     The Bible also asks: "What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul?"  So the Christian church has been relegated to Wednesday night (sometimes) and Sunday church as the only evidence that Christians are doing anything at all.  Very seldom do we see they Christian making a stand at work or play.  We have been told that we as Christians need to set aside what we stand for so that we don't offend anyone.  Quite the opposite of what the Bible teaches.  There is only one way to be saved.  There is only one way to the Father through the Son.  We are told to not be lukewarm in the display of our salvation. 
     The question is begged and yet redundant regarding what the Christian is defined as being.  Yet, even our pastors and other church leaders have fallen prey to the wants of the non-Christian world we live in.  Until such a time the Christian wakes up and stands for Jesus unashamedly, the Christian church will remain ineffective.  And so many are walking the path to hell rather than heaven.  Yes, I'm talking about so called believers.  There is no watering down or dismissing the finality of our life lived by our choices.  While God weeps, he allows us to make the decision over whether we roll over and play dead or stand for Jesus.  What is your choice?

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Zucchini and life's lessons

     I've wondered why the seed companies put so many seeds in a package of zucchini seeds.  Everyone knows that one plant will produce enough for the whole neighborhood and anyone else within striking distance.  So you open your package of seeds, look at your garden space and plant not one hill but two.  All the while thinking of all those wonderful food stuff that taste so good.  When they do appear above ground there are two and not one.  It's then you remember that you planted an extra seed "just in case."  So, you have not two but four plants growing and beginning to produce.  In the meantime your neighbors become scarce and a note proclaiming they don't want any zucchini is put on the door.  You end up with enough zucchini to feed a small nation.  Zucchinis don't need to have so many seeds in a package.  Oh well, there's always next year. 
     Christians act the same way.  There are a lot of seeds (people) for the small garden (our world) where we garden.  If you over water the seeds will not grow.  If you underwater the seeds will not grow.  Should you have a lot of weeds the seeds may not grow.  There are lots of reasons that our gardens fail.  We are all of the elements needed for the Gospel to grow and have a positive effect on others in our garden.  We become so focused on the end results that we don't pay attention to the small details needing to take place.  The planting of the seed may be our only job.  Likewise, the watering might be your only job.  Harvesting is the Lords job as Scripture clearly states. The harvesting is very important.  For any of you who have been "harvested" there may be words of advice on how the journey could have been more effective and fruitful.  Sometimes we will find ourselves in the planting, growing or harvesting without any intention on our part.  That's the way it is supposed to b.  God can and will give us the knowledge when it's needed.  Our part is to be ready with our seeds, water and prayers.
     The question for all of us zucchini plants is whether we are producing anything to be given away.  If you (or I) were a zucchini plant would there be any fruit to give away?  Would the fruit come at all?  If you are separate from other believers how will your seed be grown much less used in someone's life?  Sometimes (even often) we, like the paper delivery, throw our zucchini at the front door and keep on pedaling to the next target. When we get back home we tell ourselves "good job" and forget about the zucchini until tomorrow where we once again throw zucchini's at people with the hope that they catch and eat so that they can too become Christians just like us.  Our method of evangelizing our world is so flawed that it's incredible that God can use our lives at all to further the kingdom.  While it's true that God can work in spite of us, He is really hoping we can do more than throw the Gospel at people. 
     I like to plant all of the seeds.  I tell myself that I'll find a recipe to use or people to give the zucchini to.  Over the years I've run out of new recipe's.  I've also taken the hint and only planted two seeds in one mound of dirt.  That's it.  Only two seeds out of the thirty or so.  I save the seeds for next season where I plant 3 seeds because the seeds are older and less prone to germinate.  After the second planting I throw the remaining seeds away because they are "old" like me.  This year I planted two mounds of two seeds each and neither mound of seeds came up.  Nothing.  I was confused as I was using new seeds, the planting area was the same as last year, and water and sunlight were abundant.  What went wrong?  The seeds were planted deep enough that the birds wouldn't bother them.  There was adequate between them and other plants and the soil was rich.  There was nothing that I did wrong.  So, why didn't they sprout and grow?  I don't know.  The neighborhood is safe this year from the plentiful zucchini plants. 
     God knows when the time is right for everything that happens in our life and the lives of others with whom we have contact.  He knows when a person is ready to hear the Gospel.  He knows when the circumstances are ready like the soil the seed will be planted in.  He even knows the calendar for the best time to plant and harvest.  God even knows how much fruit (if any) will be harvested from each plant.  God tells us that we need only be ready to do our part when the time comes.  He knows about raising zucchini.  He knows his creation intimately.  The question becomes important in our lives.  How does God see you in this scenario?  Can God count on you doing your job?  Do you take any time to prepare for the seed, plant the seed, water the seed or harvest the crop?  Just what are you understanding your job to be? 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Can you say no?

     "No." is such a small word.  We understand the word to mean what it says.  There are two problems with "no."  The first problem is we don't mean it.  The second problem is that we do mean it.  "No" has come to the place in our lives where it means "maybe."  Then sometimes "no" actually or eventually means "yes."  The twins, rationalization and justification, take us there rather often and quickly.  We who have used this word to mean other than its intended use have taken great liberty and often at a cost.
    In my childhood "no" had several meanings depending on who was talking.  This created an atmosphere of confusion and a tendency to not ask questions where "no" was a possibility.  I would later learn it was easier to gain forgiveness than permission.  I still use that reasoning from time to time.  "No" meant something different when I talked with mom, dad, siblings, grandparents and others in my life.  I'm sure it did for you as well. 
     After becoming a Christian I found that yet another "no" had entered my life.  Yes, I've said no to God as well.  "No" permeates my life.  What I didn't have was the ability to understand the difference of healthy and unhealthy "no."  I grew up in a time and place where children were to be seen and not heard.  The option to say "no" existed but was not usually taken seriously.  Our families pass on to future generations their understanding and usage of "no" in every day life.  There are vast differences within cultures as well. 
     My difficulty as an adult is saying "no" to things I know are my responsibility to say "no" to.  Wouldn't it be nice if everyone had a healthy understanding of the word?  The ten commandments are prime example of crystal clear "no" from God.  They are reinterpreted in the New Testament by Jesus who says there are basically two commandments.  The first is to love the Lord God with all your heart soul and mind.  The second is to love your neighbor as yourself.  We even have great difficulty with these!
     The "lesser and included" is applicable to these two commands.  Should we accomplish the first command, all other commands are fulfilled.  We cannot fulfill the other commands if we don't do the first command.  On the way to fulfilling the first command we should be asking if our actions and inactions are glorifying to God.  This, quite frankly, seems rather simple.  Why then do we have such a hard time doing this? 
     We have such a hard time glorifying God because we say "no" to him and "yes" to sin.  When we are convicted of our sin we can begin to glorify God.  We live our lives with one foot solidly set in each world.  "No" and "yes" are consistently applied with human thought rather than Godly thought.  We  need only look at our life to see the times we have said "yes" or "no" to God.  That has been the basis of our lives. 
     The difference of living for or against God's commands is brought full circle when we consider the outcome of our choices over God's choices.  God waits to bless our choosing Him over self.  Saying no to sin is not our prime choice.  Saying yes to God is the only choice.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Hide and seek!

     Having a perfect hiding spot was the goal of every kid while growing up.  The better the hiding spot, the better you would win.  In case you didn't know it, hide and seek is a competitive activity.  We all have memories of being "It" and being the one hidden.  Both usually ended up cheating a bit in the end.  The goal was to have fun which usually happened.  Sometimes the fun was stopped by fighting over whose rules were being violated.  I feel confident that this prepared us for life in one way or another. 
     None of us are perfect.  Nor will we every be.  We shouldn't expect that from others as well.  The higher the expectation placed upon us, the more we would like to crawl under a rock and hide.  This is the adult version of hide and seek.  Have be you ever been in a team meeting and a topic comes up and everyone looks at you?  How about that candy bar that you hid in your desk 3 days ago?  Perhaps you play hide and seek with yourself.  If I don't think about it, it doesn't exist.  Not done yet!  We find ourselves playing hide and seek with our spouse.  The ante is upped the greater the need to hide.  We do come by it honestly though.  When Eve and Adam has eaten of the forbidden fruit, they went in hid.  Why?  They had learned they were naked.  Metaphorically speaking, when we come before God our soul is no longer hidden.  We are naked before God.  I know of no one who wants to examined by God. 
     The other side of the coin is that we play hide and seek from God.  Usually so that we can remain in our sinful behavior.  We've convinced ourselves that what's inside of no man can see and thus is of no concern.  Not with God.  He seeks to see every part of our being.  He longs to be intimately associated with us.  We, on the other hand, don't like to be examined this way.  While God is much different from our earthly companions, there are some similarities we cannot escape.  First, we really do want to be found by both.  When we are playing hide and seek with friends we want to be the last one found.  That's because with this position of coming in last  you are actually first and the winner.  With God you come in first and are the winner.  Odd but true. 
     Winner of what?  In other games the game begins with there being choosing of the sides.  No one wants to be last  there.  It's crushing to learn that you are least amongst your group.  "Well, if we have to take Steve, we will take him."  What a rotten feeling it is to be chosen last.  With God everyone is first and there is no last one chosen.  It's like a "one on one" game with God.  The difference there are lots of players.  Millions of them over the ages have played with God.  He always wants you to win.  So, he has laid out the answers to the puzzle, questions on a test, or history exam ahead of time.  You get to know all the answers before you choose to play a game with God.
     What does that mean to us?  For beginners the winner gets the reward.  God wins too.  There is no loser.  Everyone lives!  Still we want to turn the game into hide and seek with God.  We believe that we can "hide" from God and enjoy an earthly life (against the rules).  This futile effort on our part is quickly pointed out and yet we deny we are doing this.  Being in denial is also against the rules.  So, what is allowable "according to the rules?"  We get to hid in plain view AND win!!  Can you believe it?!  It's not that God is dumb or anything like that.  It's because like we do with our kids, he lets us win when he knows that he can beat us.  God wants us to grow up in him as winners. 
     Hide and seek is not necessary with God.  He loves us and wants the best for us.  All his rewards are laid out on the table before the game playing begins.  The option of playing or not is completely up to you and I.  We choose whatever prize we want.  On the one hand is heaven and on the other is hell.  Both prizes are on the table in plain view.  Hide and seek is really hide or seek.  As a hider you choose a negative prize.  As a seeker you choose a positive prize.  How are you doing in your game?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away…

     However, today they rise and crash like an angry ocean.  Once held by the constraints of in check currents, now they break over those barriers and decimate any and all who traverse their range of influence.  At times my days go like this.  Repetitious as it may seem, there is a certain kind of order to how things interact within me.  Where once the movements inside of me were wild and crazy today they are manageable.  Well, kind of…
     I imagine much of my life and the lives of those around me have just such a roller coaster life.  Having to be at the mercy of PTSD, Lupus, and worse wears one down.  Yet, we are loved by a God who cares about every fiber of our lives.  Nothing happens to us or around us that he is not aware of.  He’s ready to help should we recognize the need.  He doesn’t go where he’s not invited.  I am mixed on my feelings about that.  On the one hand I love my individuality and yet, long for Him to take control and make everything alright.
     Yesterday is where a lot of people spend their lives.  I’m not just talking about physical yesterday; I’m also talking in history.  So they spend a lot of their lives trying to live a better yesterday instead of a new day and future.  Futile and unnecessary we watch our lives go nowhere, wish we were like so and so and try to wash away all that is wrong through one addiction or another.
     Though we would like to have our past and present changed, our fears over whelm us and we don't go anywhere where we cannot see or touch our past.  Though the Bible says "from glory to glory He is changing me." we don't really believe it.  So we spend our one day a week (or two if we are really diligent) we go to our other job for an hour or so.  Seen as a part time job or obligation, we comply and then go on the same way we were the rest of the week.  Nothing changes.  Especially inside of me. 
     Our hope lies in abandonment.  Sometimes even reckless abandon!  I'm not talking about our families, wife, kids, or pets.  I'm talking about the old man inside of me and inside of you.  When we abandon something we immediately look for something to replace that thing.  We don't do what we should do and engage whatever the Holy Spirit tells us to engage.  That would be too assuming on our part. 
     I find it funny that today I'm going to an appointment to have my eyes tested and new glasses ordered.  To see what?  I'd like to see me move forward in my life with Christ.  I'd like to see those I love move forward to what God holds in place for them.  But, I do it for the wrong reason.  I do it so that I don't have to move forward with change in my life that might mean leaving someone behind.
     "...yesterday, love was such an easy game to play..."  That's part of the way things are if we live in the  Games that take us no where at all.  Take, for instance, the advent of and evolution of the phone.  What doesn't our phone do today?  What is the next one going to be like?  All I know is we have a wonderful tool that we use to stay in "yesterday." 
     The cost is as high as you might imagine it to be in pursuing change that God would like to do in us.  "Yesterday, I still long for yesterday..."  No, I don't and won't today.  Today I will engage each moment as it presents itself.  Today I will relinquish my rights and live for God.  Today I will encourage those around me to do the same.  Today I will invite others to join my journey moving forward so that we don't lose each other.  Today, the storm will change and the tempest of the ocean will be stilled.  Today, all my hopes and dreams can be envisioned. 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

What would happen if......?

     What would happen if we didn't take the time to think about ourselves first?  What would it be like to always choose to be last?  I don't think either end of the scale is great but they bring up some good thought provoking issues.  I know, it's early in the morning (5:30 AM) and even if you are on your second cup of coffee I'm asking a lot for us to think.  Let's take this slowly so that our brains can wake up. 
     Living in a house with one small bathroom.  There is one piece of roast beef on the plate at dinner.  To open the door for yourself or for your wife?  Listen to someone who never stops talking.  Putting up for that TV show that only they watch.  These are a mere pittance of situations that come up where we can practice what Jesus modeled.  What are we going to do?
     This really began when you were a small child.  Wait your turn.  Eat all your peas.  Turn that show off.  A child should be seen and not heard.  There are plenty of this list as well.  What should we expect from our children?  I have always wanted better for my children.  While they all are having a better life than I had as a child; I know that I failed many times.  The good news is we can read the paper and find many parents worse than us.  There are plenty of pet owners who would be helped if we treated them as they treat their pets. 
     The problem is more simple than we think.  Like reading and writing we all have gone to school to gain ability to communicate correctly.  But we don't do that.  What we do is use the same language that our parents and friends used.  The same with work.  We have the same habits (for the most part) as our parents and grandparents.  We "know" that which is right to do but we don't do it. 
     My wife has the habit of correcting pronunciations of words that I do not say correctly.  Hasn't changed me yet.  Why?  Because the way I say things in bedded deep inside me.  It's more than a habit.  It's a part of my soul and my story.  To lose either my soul or story would devastate me.  So, when she corrects me I mispronounce it again!  Drives her nuts!  Okay, that probably isn't nice. 
     So, what would happen if we always appropriate?  Saying and doing the right things?  By whose definition?  Let's choose someone neutral.  How about Jesus!  No, we can't be perfect.  However we can try.  Jesus was all about lifting up people, meeting their needs before his own.  He was willing to be last in order so that we could be first.  He even took his dedication to us to the cross and died there.  Not stopping, Jesus rose again allowing us to have something HUGE that we don't deserve.
     What would Jesus do?  That was a question of the past for many of us.  What would happen if we did what Jesus would do?  Where would our priorities be?  Making money?  Gaining possessions?  Living the fast and easy life?  No, he wouldn't.
     This is tough to do but I'm going to suggest it anyway.  Start the day with that question on your heart.  "What would happen if I acted like Jesus?  When you fail, seek forgiveness and try again.  How many days would it take to notice a permanent change in our lives?  The answer is 2 weeks.  It takes 2 weeks to make a habit and 2 weeks to get rid of a habit.  Two weeks!  That is not a huge time frame.  So, let's give it a try.  Every two weeks change working on one habit to working on another.  Remember to keep the good changes that take place in your life and world.  In 26 weeks you could have potentially taken care of 26 negative habits you have.  Wow!
     You and I won't be perfect when we start, through the process and when the process is done.  Don't strive for perfect.  Don't strive to fail either.  Do this quietly so you and God are the only ones who know your plan.  Then wait for the compliments from others.  Most importantly at the end of our time on earth we can hear: "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."

Monday, August 18, 2014

Missing the point.

     At one time or another we all have missed the point of whatever experience we are having.  No one is excluded from this failure.  This problem has been around since the beginning of time.  By the way, the beginning of time began when Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit.  And, by the way, we don't know if it was an apple or not.  Probably not.  And by the way, our spiritual death and physical deaths are different things.  One more.  And by the way we have over 400 dreams on average every time we sleep longer than a nap.  Quite the accomplishment.  They don't really matter as at least half of the population don't remember dreams anyway.  By the way...
     I read with dismay the rant of a "Christian" yesterday.  The topic was a stars life lived and the prophesy that the star would spend eternity in hell.  What the hell?  I've seen my share of ignorance in my own communications over the span of my life.  That which I haven't seen people are quick to remind me of them.  Thank you for nothing.  Whatever happened to "take the log out of your eye first" as it applies to OUR life? 
     Calling oneself a Christian and being a Christian are two very different things.  I can call myself a hamburger all day long and never be one.  Yet we proclaim that being a Christian is only within the definition or interpretation we have.  Being able to verbally assault someone who is dead doesn't make you right or good.  It means you don't understand who God is and what he has done for you and I.  Before we can call ourselves Christian we first need to look at what that means according to God.  Yes, we can actually ask God AND read in the Bible just what a Christian is and is not.  Are you one?  I don't know.  Am I one?  Yes. 
     You see, part of the mantle of a Christian is they examine their life first.  If we would just let Jesus do that search...  Yeah, that one is difficult.  For, if we would do so, the process would take us the rest of our lives to address.  Having said that, we don't have the luxury of time or knowledge to spend on proclaiming others saved or not.  That includes whether another person goes to heaven or hell.  Being judge and jury, we believe, should only be towards others.  Holding that bar high for others doesn't apply to us.  It's "them" that are somehow not good enough for God. 
    When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and to be the Lord of our life, the task is done.  It doesn't mean that we are instantly forever made perfect.  However, that being said, if you do this as your decision, you are His forever.  Perfect or not.  The need for being saved at this point is redundant.  We don't need to be saved over and over.  Christianity doesn't work that way.  We will have to be repentant for that which we think, do, or say which is outside the will of God.  To proclaim that we know so and so will spend eternity in heaven or hell is outside our area of expertise.  Thank God! 
     So, the next time before you open your mouth to make such a proclamation as a Christian, walk on water first. 

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Okay, maybe it was my fault.

     Responsibility=respond with your ability.  Not bad start for a Sunday morning!  I like words and how they mean what they  mean.  It's evident that the world in which we live have many different interpretations of what words mean.  There is even more difference when we put them in different languages.  Foreign words pack more into a couple of letters more than English.  Then again a simple stroke of the pen brings a blessing or a curse.  Words are here to stay.  There are countries where to utter certain words mean arrest or possible death.  Words can help you calm down and become very angry.  Sometimes words leave us feeling intimidated either because we do not know it's definition and other times when we know the definition.
     I'm reminded of a story in the Bible.  Moses was tending the sheep when he noticed that there was a bush burning but not being consumed.  Curious and desirous of understanding he went up to the bush where he met God.  Burning bushes and not being consumed by the fire aren't in our dictionary.  It was there at the bush that God introduced himself to Moses. When asked by Moses what should he say when asked who sent him to rescue the people; God said, "I am."  Moses probably twisted his head to the side and couldn't wrap his head around the response.  Why?  Because he was raised outside the faith of the Israelites. 
     You can almost hear and feel the weight of those two words.  Good weight.  There is only one God.  So, when asked by Moses to give a name there must have been a pause while God and Moses waited for the answer.  Since there was no other god than God; the answer was simple and complex at the same time.  "I am." was more than fitting.  Who is God?  "I am." replied God.  That's right, he was saying he was God.  What else could he be called?  Since there were no other gods, God was.
     I'm reminded of a song by Johnny Cash called "A man named Sue!".  The song was a great hit and even as I'm writing I am reliving the words of that song.  While there are many names that can be used by either men or women; there is no "Sue".  When we use words in this context we are left wondering what business that word has in what's being said.  We do similarly with names that we give our children along with their pet names.  "Little man."  "Little buddy."  "Baby girl."  and, well the list could be quite long.  Suffice it to say that words convey what we think and feel.  I've made the mistake of saying my ex wife's name when introducing my new wife to someone.  You don't do that more than twice!!  Sometimes "Honey" is the best choice.
     When I use words that others don't understand I put a wall up in conversation with that person.  Sending people from a meeting back to their cubicles to look up words is not productive.  I was told before I became a pastor that by the time I had finished my Masters degree that I would have a vocabulary of 15,000 words.  The average amount of words of most people is 5000.  Somewhere between my graduation and my first sermon I needed to lose 10,000 words.  How we are raised and where we are raised brings potential problems with different places in our world.  Add accents and other particularities and we complete the complex picture we carry into our world.
     So, who is the burden on to know what others think, say and mean when they use any certain word in conversation.  If I don't do this task, it's my fault.  I need to be the one who should seek to understand and to be understood.  If everyone took this lead position the world would have less problems.  That's because we took the time to get out of our box, put the time and energy into understanding the culture around us and the people represented.  I would urge you to take the time to invest yourself into the world others in your life represent.  It's truly then that we can "become all things to all people."  Besides, it's cool!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

It's not my fault!

     Not always anyway!  Sometimes there are issues that come into our lives where we don't want them to.  Sometimes they have people attached to them.  I'm sure that I'm not alone with this issue.  When things are going right everyone is happy.  When that tide begins to turn, no one is happy.  I find myself becoming anxious and sometimes angry when it begins to look like I'm about to be the fall guy yet again.  Have you ever felt that way?  Have you ever felt that you, in other peoples eyes, were wrong?  Born to soon or to late?  In this job and not that one?  Associated with her/him instead of whomever? 
     If it makes you feel better this happened to Jesus also.  If this can happen to God then why should I think I'm immune?  Except God isn't to blame when I sin.  At least I have that caveat to hang onto.  Many have had great injustices piled on them (Read the book of Job) and paid the price even if they didn't deserve that consequence.  We have examples all around us which we stereotype so that we can't be lumped in with "that group."  It seems that we can't escape the guilt of association either.  So, what are we to do?
     Becoming a hermit isn't a choice.  It's not a solution either.  When everything is said and done, we are still left with reality.  Now, I admit, that I've had my share of justified blame for whatever has been directly related to me.  That's no excuse to make an excuse.  Facts are facts.  It's very common in business for the ball to roll downhill in the blame game until that ball lands at the lowest ranking person.  Somehow we have come to the place where the game has changed.  There isn't denial over the problem.  There is blame to pass onto someone else.  When that someone has been dealt with life can get back on track until the next time.  Many a well intentioned person has fallen victim to this ploy.  No one really cares until it happens to them.
     What happens if we get blamed to many times?  We either become invisible, pass on the blame or do what we are accused of.  Not exactly good choices here.  When this happens we begin to lose faith in the person attached to the blame.  A wise man once said, "Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful."  The blame game takes away trust.  When trust has eroded far enough something happens.  Usually that something is negative in connotation.  We become disenchanted with whatever relationship is being affected.  That may be with another person or a job.  It may even pop up in our relaxation and play.
     The need to confess that I have been on both ends lends me to say, "I'm sorry." and "It's not my fault!  While there is no reason to make someone else the scapegoat, there is the need to deny my own issues.  Separating out the two requires an unbiased entity.  Maybe it's not wise to use someone involved in our life.  After all, they know our past.  We wouldn't like that to add to the damage.  Yet, we are judged in part by our past.  We don't need to lay down and die be walked on either.  It would be nice to have an impartial opinion.  The only place you will find this falls at the feet of Jesus.
     While we are instructed to love everyone, it's difficult to love the enemy.  What happens if we take the step to being responsible to God?  If we have done wrong, we will confess and change our ways.  Should we be falsely accused we can bring that to God also.  I'd rather hear harsh words from my closest friend than from God.  Likewise, I'd rather hear praise from God than from my closest relationship.  Ultimately, everyone will stand before God to give an account of how they lived their life and the choices they made.  I know this is fair but still don't like it.  Why?  Because I have fallen short of the glory of God.  I've sinned and hurt others as well as myself.  I've rationalized and justified my wrong to make it right.  Perhaps it's time to lay down everything in our lives and let God sort out what stays and way goes.
     Should we decide to relinquish our lives to God, things will change and we will feel blessed.  I can only engage today so I'll give the day to God and find peace.  With that peace in hand I can pass it on to others.  When others are granted peace they can also pass it on.  One choice can indeed make our world better.  It's my always has been.

Friday, August 15, 2014

In the begining God ________.

     What would you put in the blank?  Why?  These are important questions everyone faces even including the atheist.  Hebrews says: "Without faith it's impossible to please God." Etiology is the stud of first things or first beginnings.  So, every day for the believer is a new beginning.  Not like the movie, Groundhog Day, but like in the Bible.  When we look at our life span there are millions of "firsts."  First conceived, first born, first step, first bus to school, and so many other firsts.  Firsts are vital in the belief in God and what he is doing. 
     Because we lack faith in God, we don't live life in such a manner that pleases God.  It's a simple equation that is difficult to entertain.  God is.  We are.  God is faithful.  Mankind is not faithful.  God believes in mankind.  We don't believe God.  Then we wonder why things go badly.  We wonder how this or that could happen to us, to them, and where was God anyway!  And so our sentence ends with "didn't care."  This is the farthest from the truth.  What's truth and who determines our truth?  In the beginning God was truthful.  In the beginning mankind was not truthful. 
     Our beginning is self oriented.  God's beginning is not self oriented. Nor is he in the in between times or the end.  He wants the best for us and is waiting for us to ask for whatever the best is.  So we are thankful happily after!  No, my observations of just my life says that is not true.  There are many times that I am not thankful.  My propensity to sin is foremost in my life.  Repentance is difficult for mankind.  I'm not talking about asking for forgiveness for sins.  I'm talking about letting God have all of  my life to mold, shape and craft that life.
     In the beginning God allowed me to do whatever I wanted.  Allowing me to sin doesn't make it God's fault.  Remember that sinning is always our choice; not God's.  Over the years I became a great justifier with most areas of life.  Thinking myself wise I proved that I was a fool.  I'm not wise.  God is wise.  Sometimes I feel like I'm the deer caught in the headlights!  So, what is mankind to do?  We can't go back.  We don't know what's in the future.  All we have left is right now.  How about we say, "In the beginning, God was is and is to be."
     For those of us who have witnessed a birth of anything from a flower to multiple babies, there is a beginning right there in that moment!  Did we catch the moment or were our minds preoccupied with questions and dilemmas?  With the advent of camera's in our phones there is immediate satisfaction that we preserved "the moment."  Even if we could video our life on an every minute basis, the effort would be futile.  We can review our past and wonder about our future.  However there is no provision for our being to experience again this moment.  It's gone.  What remains?
     In the beginning God created.  That's it.  Sorry it's not more profound.  Perhaps tomorrow I'll have a better word or insight.  I'm God's child now.  That's what is important.  Living in the moment is how we should live with God directing our lives.  Not the past or the future but in the present.  There must be some silly Hallmark card. 
     In the beginning God created.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

My quiver is full!

     When the Bible speaks of having lots of children the word "quiver" is used.  Having a full quiver is a respected thing.  What isn't said about the quiver being full is monumental.  People get it wrong or stick to an interpretation that is biased towards biological children.  The Bible is full of references to children in a more whole sense.  So, we need to understand what that looks like in our world. 
     I have some friends who were and are unable to have children of their own biologically.  Try as they did, there were no arrows for them.  Not true!  This couple have impacted the lives of so many children for Jesus in every area of their lives.  From relatives to Sunday School children have been there depending on these friends for love, acceptance and approval.  I hope you understand that while it's not the same as having biological children.  There are many who fit into this category.  My friends had a choice.  They could feel sorry for themselves or pour themselves out to the children they were surrounded by.
     I'd like to digress a bit.  In our "advanced" society we have labeled children as newborn, infant, toddler, and the like through to their adulthood.  Sometimes us adult children should count.  For this subject we will first address the stereotypical definitions. 
     Children are a gift from God.  That's what the Bible says.  It doesn't restrict how that gift came to be.  Children are a gift from God.  From the moment of conception children are a gift from God.  The Bible speaks of God forming us in our mothers womb; intricately knitting us together as he has designed us to be.  From the moment of conception we are the children that are a gift from God.  From the moment of conception the believer has children involved in their lives by the hand of God.  Like most things in life, having biological children is very important.  Having lost 2 babies before birth I share the pain of not having them with us.  I don't know why. 
     When we speak of children at different ages we again stereotypically label them 5 years old, 10 years old and even 18 years of age.  However, that isn't true either.  For the child with disabilities of any kind, the age they attain may only be that of 3 or 4.  That age may also be 25, 30 and so on.  Children are a gift from God.  The Bible doesn't delineate the gift out in categories.  Rather the "gift" is all children regardless of anything we may want to label these children with.  If my wife had a dollar for every time she's said that I was acting like a child, we would have a nice retirement fun.  I'm constantly saying that I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
     Interesting statement.  I don't want to grow up.  I want to stay a young child even if society deems it important that I grow up and (implied) not act or think like a child.  The child in me still wants to be part of a family that is not necessarily a biological family.  That's why we reach out and connect with those who can be family.  So, why do we have to grow up?  We don't.  We need to be responsible.  We need to put away childish ways and adopt adult ways.  BUT, we don't need to grow up.  These are two very distinct words.  Child versus adult. 
     Jesus says several times that we are to have the love and faith of a child.  You think he was just referring to the age of a person?  I don't think that at all.  Jesus loves the whole person including the child within me.  He wants us to love all of us as well.  It's only by accepting the love of God that we have any to give away.  You can't give away anything you don't have.  So, be selfish and take all the love from God that you can.  He has loads to give and more than what we can contain. 
     My quiver is full.  There are lots of biological children as well as relatives, friends and even those who are acquaintances.  Your quiver is full also.  If you feel it's not full, do something about it.  Teach Sunday School, volunteer at the hospital on the children's ward, play ball with the neighbor boy or hop scotch with the neighbor girl.  Leave a legacy with how you live your life as Jesus would.  Don't deny the children (even inside of you) the love of God.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

     Lassie has finished Timmy's chores.  She was worried about his lateness in getting home.  As you know she then went to find him.  She did find him at the bottom of a dry well.  Running 10 miles she found Timmy's dad (he speaks fluent Lassie) and Timmy was rescued!  Not a dry eye in the house.  As unbelievable as this TV show was, it's even worse now with the "reality" shows.  According to the current thread of beliefs regarding "reality" I'll take mine any day.  So, what is reality?  Let's see, it's different between the believers and non-believers.  Take for instance the group of atheists who are busy trying to convince the world that God doesn't exist.  If he doesn't exist, why protest?  What a waste of time and energy.  Unlike Lassie, they don't have a little boy to rescue and a dad who speaks her language.
     "Absurd" you say!  Yes, it is but wait, that's not all!  If you are the 13th caller in the next 13 minutes you will receive, yes FREE, an incredible unbelievable second non-reality just for the asking.  Don't delay, time is short for this special deal.  This won't last long as we only have so many non-realities to sell.  "Now, now" you say; "you are making too much of this non-reality thing."  Am I?  Non-realities are like eating at an all you can eat buffet!  The world is so dependent on non-realties that the truth is so seldom recognized.  I'm not talking about whether the earth is round or flat.  I'm talking about THE truth.  You know, "the buck stops here." or "I'm not a crook!"  Yes, non-beliefs have existed every since Adam and Eve at that fruit off that tree that they were forbidden to eat from which was called the "Tree of LIFE"  The dilemma being that if they would eat of this fruit, they would have knowledge they had never known. Well, "Duh!"  We know how that experiment turned out.
     We began with Lassie and have ended up trying to find some sort of sanity anywhere in history.  Besides non-belief we come across that little word "truth".  That is what tempted Eve when she didn't have respect for God's creating of Adam and the garden they lived in quite well.  Truth should never be cloaked in some deal like we find on The Price is Right.  And so here we are and there is truth.  Never the two would meet.  People and society have put so much hype on non-reality that we now find children leaving their day in school so they can protest their teachers not being paid enough all the while we are paying a substitute to teach them the truth.  There was one famous moment about 2000 years ago when someone said, "What is truth?" washed his hands and went to bed.  What!?  How did that happen?  Well, the non-beliefs of the non-believers decided to stop the truth by killing it.  That turned out bad for them so those who believe today are still the enemy of the non-believable and purveyors of a truth of a lie that justifies their non-existence. 
     Can you see how and where this is going?  Who can we trust?  Where can we find morals?  Are there any other believers who are willing to stand up and say, "Their are wieners that aren't made by Oscar Meyer!  Truth is often bent in order to justify or rationalize our choices.  Sometimes that compromise even puts God in a box.  At least in their minds.  Over the centuries there have been many attempts to make the box and then reduce it's size.  All that was accomplished was showing how foolish mankind is and how desperate they are. 
     Take the pledge to live like there is only one truth.  Because that's the only truth we have left intact and believable.  "Truly, truly, I say to you..." the truth because He is the way, the truth and life. Amen

Yes, there is help when you call!

Cell Phone Information
SUPER INFO - Keep it in your car - cell phone info.
4 Things you might not have known about your  Cell Phone
For all the folks with cell phones. (This should be printed and kept in your car, purse, and wallet. Good information to have with you.)
There are a few things that can be done in times of grave emergencies.
Your mobile phone can actually be a life saver or an emergency tool for survival.
Check out the things that you can do with it:
FIRST   (Emergency)
The Emergency Number worldwide for  Mobile  is 112. If you find yourself out of the coverage area of your mobile network and there is an Emergency, dial 112 and the mobile will search any existing network to establish the emergency number for you, and interestingly, this number 112 can be dialed even if the keypad is locked. Try it out.
SECOND   (Hidden  Battery  Power)
Imagine your cell battery is very low. To activate, press the keys *3370#. Your cell phone will restart with this reserve and the instrument will show a 50% increase in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your cell phone next time.
THIRD   (How to disable a STOLEN mobile phone? )
To check your Mobile phone's serial number, key in the following Digits on your phone:     
  *#06# .
A 15-digit code will appear on the screen. This number is unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it somewhere safe.
If your phone is stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They will then be able to block your handset so even if the thief changes the SIM card, your phone will be totally useless. You probably won't get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use/sell it either. If everybody does this, there would be no point in people stealing mobile phones.
And Finally....
FOURTH   (Free Directory Service for Cells)
Cell phone companies are charging us $1.00 to $1.75 or more for 411 information calls when they don't have to. Most of us do not carry a telephone directory in our vehicle, which makes this situation even more of a problem. When you need to use the 411 information option, simply dial:
(800) FREE411   or (800) 373-3411(800) 373-3411      
without incurring any charge at all.  Program this into your cell phone now.
This is sponsored by McDonalds.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Petting your pet for fun and profit.

     I don't know how they know it but our pets know when we need them.  It's not like they can say anything.  At least verbally.  They can say more in a minute than I can say in this whole page.  I know first hand as I am a pet owner who now am owned by my pets.  It's hard getting my head around their ownership of me.  Yet, they do.  You probably know this to be true too!  You have to admit that different pets use different means to do the same thing.  Pet a cat backwards and you get a very different response than when you do the same with a dog.  Ignoring a cat is meaningless but with a dog their heart is broken.  Dogs beg.  Cats make us beg.  What happened?
     We often become hitched with our pets in a state of need instead of giving the pet a better life.  Once connected we become the needy one.  Cats like that!  Dogs still think they are the most fortunate animal on earth.  Like us, they need something external that can be the object of our feelings.  Dogs especially seem to be able to discern this need we humans have.  Cats dangle the reward before us and then jerk it away when we reach for it.  But then, we humans do that as well.  Cats just do it better than we do.
     Reflecting back to my counselor days I remember so many of the people who passed through my doors.  The variety of problems carried the same amount of need.  People felt like they could come to therapy, dump their frustrated needs and leave.  Most received just that.  Some picked up their problems and took the problems with them.  Much like taking your empty casserole pan with you after a potluck.  But the pan, like the problem, was empty.  The people were tired and the pain of the day sat upon them.  Some people find their therapy in a bottle.  Other seek the diversion in drugs.  Still others bury their efforts in one or two of the many addictions they carry.  Some eat, some drive, some sleep and some read.  It doesn't matter that it's a diversion from problems.  As long as the pain goes away for a while.
     We do have a God who understands.  He sent his son to be a cure for our problems and needs. Jesus knows about pain, suffering, abandonment, and the like.  So, why don't we trust him as we trust animals?  Somehow, pets have moved to a place where secrets are kept.  Embarrassment and pride are they greatest motivators to push aside life.  In so doing we maintain our perceived status and fool others long enough for them to know that everything is okay when it isn't.  No matter how big or small our problems are, we can bring them to our pet.  Maybe not spiders.  They are too scary!  We receive the comfort we need (except with cats) and feel better even if they never say a word.  Like Jesus pets can sense what we are feeling.  He longs to be the one we bring our problems to.  He is waiting for you and I to unload whenever and wherever we are.  No conditions (like cats) to his listening and desire to help. 
     You may be thinking I don't like cats.  You would be wrong.  I'm just onto their game having been owned by cats in the past.  I now have two dogs that love everyone more than they love me  (sob sob).  Here is the profit point.  We have a God in heaven who loves us and wants us to receive love from him.  We profit from our relationship with God in the past (through the forgiveness of our sins), in the present (as companion and friend), and in the future (heaven awaits those who belong to Him).  I'm reminded of a story told to me.  A friend had visited the middle east and was made aware (on a tour) of a sheep herder carrying a lamb on his shoulders.  The lamb had a quasi cast on it's leg.  The tour director told the group that the lamb had a problem obeying the shepherd and kept running away.  So the shepherd broke the lambs leg and carried him until it healed.  That way the lamb would be aware of who cares about them.  When the lamb was healed the shepherd would put the lamb down.  What had changed?  The lamb was now a follower of the shepherd and would no longer run away.  Not out of fear but out of love.
     Jesus is the same way.  Okay, no, he doesn't break our leg and then carry us (physically) to safety.  He does allow us to bottom out and become dependent on Him.  He is never far away and doesn't avoid or desert those who are his.  We have instant communication with God.  Why?  Because he is a living God.  He cares about us even when we don't care about him.  If we are friends with God then why do we think we can live without him?  He wants us to talk with him.  He wants to listen to all of our stories.  He wants to be trusted enough to work his will through our lives.  He wants us to be his followers and to do the same. 

Monday, August 11, 2014

People are simply complex.

     How many times have you been involved in a conversation when something changes and you say, "What?"  We are destined to find ourselves in this position from time to time.  Subject matter changes and you are unclear if there was a time warp or you are just coming out of a coma.  I can remember that happening a lot over the years.  It's as if you are conversing with someone and all of a sudden they feel comfortable enough to throw you for a loop.  It's not just the ADHD either.  So, if you ever find yourself quietly asking yourself: "Where did that come from?" you are not alone. 
     The challenge of "out of the blue" conversations is to try and find the connection between what you were conversing and the newly delivered subject.  You will notice that when they do this you are not being interrupted.  It's more like they interrupt themselves.  Not only you but also others in the conversation are left on the side of the road while person #1 drives away.  That feeling of being left behind or forgotten settles on us when this happens.  We expect the endless questions of small children and even the lapses in thinking for teenagers.  We don't expect this with adults.  Yet, it's an uncomfortable experience to say the least.
     Another oddity found in other people is their presentation while in conversation.  You know what I mean.  You can actually see people thinking!  I don't know which is more puzzling; watching the event or being the subject of the event.  There are also those who seem never to exhibit any movement or emotion when they converse.  In either case there seems to be a common thread for us to follow.  We engage the thinker more often than the emotionless participant.  Both are very real and very different at the same time.  Knowing what someone is thinking is different from watching someone think.  The later is more entertaining while the former prohibits long pointless conversations.
     While we expect random thoughts with children, we don't expect them from adults unless the job or meeting requires spontaneous random thoughts being presented.  Being able to "think on our feet" becomes a guarded precious quality with this competitive world. On the other part of the extreme there are those who "lose it" when put in this situation.  They are wanting direction, any direction, that will help them get on with whatever it is that is supposed be accomplished.  Along these same lines is the "thinking out loud" people who can't seem to stay quiet while their brains are awake.  I confess these people drive me crazy.  I'm the type that wants to hear the command and get or make things move forward.  Thinking about something completed is the goal.  Thinking too much is a waste of time for me.  Sometimes that works for my benefit but more often to my detriment. 
     "It's better to close your mouth and be thought a fool than to open it and wipe away any doubt."  It would be nice to see people not assuming what another person may be thinking.  Likewise it would be wonderful to actually listened to and be heard.  We are our own worst enemies.  With our hurry up world and not time for all that needs to be said and done; we have to eliminate some of which is on our plate.  This means we need to prioritize the things that we do or don't do.  While we need to address the essential and important; often they are addressed best when we look at the non-essential and the unimportant.  Setting the stage is good for all of us.  Knowing who is at the table with you is also good for us.  People know how each other think after only a short time together.  Don't spend my or your time on issues that are meant to derail the process.
     It's been said that: "the more things change, the more they stay the same."  What is there to change in ourselves?  How are we going to discover a better way to exist with our fellow strangers?  The Bible says there are those who: "seeking to show themselves wise they proved their foolishness."  Let's not get stuck in that realm either.  I'm convinced that we can either make the most of every day and enrich lives around us or we can make the least of every day wasting what God has put before us.  It's true that we don't have all the answers.  Don't let that stop you from finding those answers.  The process takes time and discernment.  Exercise both.  Both are necessary.  Listen to all people and don't just "hear" them.  Feel their fire and engage their excitement.  Be real with others and no matter what you think; you will be respected for who you are. Whomever that might be.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Little white lies.

     The statement isn't about lying so much as it is about the truth and what we do with it.  The direct issue at hand isn't what we do about the truth when the choice is ours.  The lying is merely the envelope that the letter is delivered in.  As man has developed over time (development doesn't mean in a positive manner necessarily) so has the understanding of what truth is and is not.  What truth does or doesn't do in everyone's life has also changed.  With mankind's desire to have more fun and less responsibility many areas of our lives go south.  In some instances we have even become expectant to lie and be lied to.  Certain groups of people are stereotyped as liars and treated appropriately. We make fun of lies and listen with rapt attention.  So the little white lie becomes the new truth by which we have all been nodding our vote to and for.
     Take for example being late to work.  It was the traffic, the weather, the car, other cars, and the list goes on and on.  One item is missing...our choice.  "I'll get up in a minute." as we hit the snooze button.  School is out so there will be less vehicles on the roads making our time issue even more compounded.  The proverbial "minute" becomes a stretched minute with lots of strings attached and we "steal" some time that we don't have.  "My boss is understanding."  Really?  When you finally get your discipline and maybe firing who is understanding then?  Besides manipulating the truth we cheat others out of what they deserve.  This lateness can also explain but not excuse our token "late" person that everyone expects to be late.
     You may be the husband, wife, mother, father, child, or friend who is always late to some instance where your lateness translates into "You don't matter."  Thank you for taking the time to read this.  I've been there and so have you.  Filling our schedules so full that we have to borrow some time from tomorrow just to get through today.  I'm reminded of one family who expected their adult daughter to be late.  They took it upon themselves to tell the errant daughter the event was 15 minutes earlier than reality just to get her close to being on time.
     "Aunt Bev, your dress looks adorable!"  "Dad, you did a great job on the project."  "You are the best _______."  "Of course you were right."  There are many different ways in which we change the definition of "truth."  We can do all the changing but the truth remains the truth.  What evolves over time is a subliminal message that people shouldn't expect the truth from me.  If the whole group is doing this, living in denial is just a short step away.  For years there has been talk about the "victimless crime."  If it's a "crime", it is not victimless.  "But the _______ shouldn't be a crime."  If it was not a crime we would be moving onto another area of our lives where "it shouldn't be a crime." 
     The trip to and from righteousness is loaded with our selfishness.  We are a selfish people who have been lying from the beginning of time.  The ability of mankind to justify and rationalize their choices doesn't speak highly of ethics and morality.  And to those who still adhere to the truth, rejection will come.  Rejection of the truth and morality.  We live with a people who have made their goal in life to be the least responsible while being the most selfish.  When this is accomplished being hit in the head with a rock wouldn't make a difference.
     The truth or lies?  Which do you choose?  We have both before us continually.  Why do we choose what we choose?  It's your world and you choose to tell the truth or choose to tell the lie.  Sometimes the choice is both so you send out a "little lie."  "It won't hurt anyone."  Any statement beginning with "technically..." is formed to bring a lie into the conversation.  Lies also come to us in the questions asked.   "Did he really say that you would die if you ate the fruit of the tree of life?"  And so the lies began.  God doesn't want us to lie in any form.  God wants us to be truthful and able to convey the truth to others.  What will you lie about today?  Who will it affect?  How will this affect how people see me?  I could list a few pages of issues that will come before us today where we will choose to not tell the truth. 
     One last truth where lying has replaced truth.  Let's begin at the beginning of the year.  New Years is a day where it's okay to be drunk.  "I love you." to those we don't love in February.  The Easter Bunny.  The Tooth Ferry.  Santa and the reindeer.  Elves making toys at the North Pole.  It's okay to lie.  Then when we are caught by our 8 year old we justify our lies and ask them to not tell their brother or sister.  "You will ruin their fun."  No, you will teach time that lying is okay.  Lying is not okay.  The truth is lying will ruin their fun.  So, today, go out there and surprise everyone by telling the truth in love.  The truth is really okay!