Sunday, November 30, 2014

The journey goes on.

     The last time we were with our hero's, Rocky and Bullwinkle, they were busy trying to stop Natasha and Boris from destroying the world as we know it.  Rocky and Bullwinkle ALWAYS save the day in just about 30 minutes (minus time for commercials) and we can now breathe a sigh of relief feeling safe once again.  Tune in tomorrow when we will see Bullwinkle say, "Hey Rocky, watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"  Rocky:  "That never works." 
     I haven't watched that show for at least 40 years.  Yet, the words are still bright lights in my history.  We all needed hero's in our lives.  AND today is no different.  On the adult side of things, my kids and yours are looking for us to be hero's.  I haven't heard "My dad can beat your dad!" for an equally long time.  Is that because we are no longer our children's hero's?  Hero's are consistent.  Hero's take the risks we wish we could take.  Hero's win.  All others lose.  That's the message we received as little kids and even into adulthood.  We are striving to be the hero AND win for the rest of us.  Life hasn't changed in that manner.  Yes, we still look for the hero to come and conquer evil and save the happiness of the world. 
     Now for reality.  We all journey in our own direction and at our own speed.  That's with the exception of those who have decided to camp in their late teens!  What continually happens is we find ourselves working with, living with, associating with these people on one level or another.  For the journey this is a rabbit trail that stops us from moving forward.  Sometimes this takes us back instead of forward.  Thus we find ourselves irritated at those who aren't at the place we are and those who are so far ahead of us that we know we will never catch up.  Both of those places are okay.  Don't let either of those groups of people get you down.  You have your OWN journey going at the pace of your choosing.  Perhaps there are others who are frustrated you aren't moving as fast or faster than they? 
    We are told in the Bible to count the cost before beginning the journey.  Be prepared for where the Lord takes you.  That preparation is simply to wait on God to speak.  Sometimes God tells us to speed up, sometimes to stay steady, or to slow down.  We encounter all three from time to time in our journey.  It's important to understand that the journey is your journey and no one else's journey.  While others may be on journey with you, no one is where you are supposed to be.  We pick people up like hitch hikers and take them along from point A to point B where we pick up another or eve a group.  People play a very important part of our journey.  Jeremiah was told by God to never take a wife as his life was going to be miserable.  Sometimes we find ourselves in the same situation.  The journey was never meant to be without stumbling around in darkness from time to time. 
     The journey, for the Christian, bears us to the world we live in.  The journey is a means of God reaching a fallen world through those who love him and are called according to his purpose.  The journey is more about others than it is about you.  When we encounter people who constantly refer to the past, we can come to the conclusion that is where they stopped the journey.  When we encounter people who are constantly referencing the consequences of the future we know that they don't have a personal journey.  The journey we take should be anchored in Jesus with the past and the future used to bring Jesus to people and people to Jesus.  THAT is the purpose of the journey.  It has nothing to do about me and everything to do about Jesus.  While it's true that we have a past and a wish for a future, it is still not about us.  Our lives relinquished to Jesus should be an  offering of Jesus to the world.  What do people see in our journey?  Do they see Jesus or do they see you?  That is the point of the journey; to help people and ourselves see Jesus.  Have a good trip!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Why don't we act like we believe God?

     The easy answer is because we really don't believe God.  What is left is the why part of the phrase.  It's important for us to understand that the answer isn't always the on we want to hear.  It probably would be fair to say that we have "limited" belief or even "situational" belief for the most part.  We, as a Christian people, daily are faced with all kinds of situations where "we" take care of the problem.  No, we don't.  We may think we do but the truth is we do not.  We may have done this or that to the best of our ability but the choice wasn't God's.  Well intentioned we forge ahead with our take on the will of God in everyone else's life and struggle to believe God can work through "our" problem. 
     Can we please stop this train wreck!?
     Our answer to life's problems may be what God wants us to do.  Or they could be our choice which is perhaps okay but not as good or appropriate as God wanted.  Once we have interceded on God's behalf we call it God's work.  But it really isn't God's work.  It's our work.  Where do we draw the line between what we do being God's work and what isn't God's work?  But, you say, wasn't what we did what God would have done?  Perhaps.  But, you say, that's how it worked before.  Perhaps.  It's not about whether or not the "work" was what God wants or doesn't want.  It's the decision to act on behalf of God when we haven't even asked him what He wants that becomes the problem.  You might want to argue "At least I did something."  That's true.  Was what you did God's choice?  You don't know because you didn't ask. 
     If we don't listen we don't know if something is of God or not.  Listening to God speaking in your heart is needed in order to accomplish God's will in our lives.  Having an answer isn't as good as having God's answer.  With our answer who knows what is intended to take place.  With God's answer glory will be brought to He who authors our faith.  We don't save God time when we make the decision to go rogue.  Even though what we do might be good or even great; we take charge and miss God's point.  The Word says that "every good and perfect gift comes from God."  "Every" good and "Perfect" gift comes from God.  We don't have the capacity to be good or perfect.  We are a people who have fallen short of the glory of God.  Jesus is that perfect and good gift that was given so that we might bring glory to God.  "I" didn't do it.  God did it. 
     If people (and I include myself) would wait for God to speak, act and complete His will, the world would be better off.  If I speak out his will, act out his will and complete His will without he having been the architect Himself, the event will always be less than God wanted.  His "A" plan was thwarted by our "B" plan because that's all we are able to give.  Plan B is not the best choice for the Christian.  I have so many incidents in my past where I put forth my Plan B without waiting for Plan A to come about.  What did I hinder God from accomplishing?  I'll never know.  Neither will you.  The moment has come and gone and so has the Plan A.  Unlike us, God doesn't give up.  He sets yet another Plan A before us.  It's our choice whether or not we wait for Plan A or give Plan B the go ahead because God is taking so long.
     God has told us that he will give us faith to move the mountain.  Yet we remain shoveling the dirt of the hill proclaiming that to be His will.  God told us to watch and see what He can do.  We don't do that either because we see the opportunity, take the reins and compel Plan B to take place.  Then we sit back and gloat over what "we" accomplished for God.  That's why we don't believe God.  We want to portray ourselves at the righteous person who saves our world.  When people wait before God and then do what he asks, all kinds of blessings flow from God to us.  When people listen to God they actually can hear what the God of the universe is saying.  When people act on God's timing, the will of God is fulfilled through us.  So, why don't you act like you believe God?

Friday, November 28, 2014

It's all about left overs!

     Yesterday was filled with food for most of the United States.  All kinds of food by cooks who have THE recipe to create that delicious and tempting part of a Thanksgiving dinner.  Besides the food eaten there are the words spoken and heard by some.  While in some homes it's a time of remembrance and positive feelings; other homes were yet again were hungry and trapped in negative and sometimes violent times.  Most people were left with tradition in spite of either scenario just listed.  Left overs from the day were once again remnants of the past.  Both the food and people were leftovers from years remembered from the past.
     In our church we have communion every Sunday.  We do communion to celebrate our spiritual Thanksgiving.  We take of the bread and wine in remembrance of what Christ did for us so that we can have a Thanksgiving every day.  This Thanksgiving isn't laced with so and so's fruit salad or someone's rant on politics following a relatives drinking too much.  For the most part our day of thanksgiving is celebrated by those who have put their faith in Jesus.  In some situations there was reason to be happy and sad.  This is true for both Thanksgiving days.  When our focus is dragged away from what we have made it, we can then see the work of Christ in the lives of people we know and like or love. 
     In holiday tradition, we feel the obligation to make candied yams once again as well as green beans with dried onions on top.  The calling to have a large piece of meat is answered with a big turkey, big ham, or some other big piece of meat.  We scarf down the food without so much as a thought for those who have little or nothing.  In America on this Thanksgiving Day we throw away more food that some countries have for that day.  When we scraped our plates, finished cutting up the remaining meat, and supped on too many desserts we fell back in our comfortable recliners and watched a football game or went and took a nap.  All of which are filled with even more food.  I've been guilty of this.  I'm pretty sure that you have too.
     The main difference between the two Thanksgiving Day approaches is all about the heart.  Do we really appreciate and are thankful for those who bravely made it to the New World and began our great tradition?  When we think of preserving this nation of ours do we focus on the sacrifice by all who have come before, often giving their lives?  Or, do we just see Thanksgiving as a day off from life for most people?  This fact, unfortunately, is true for both Thanksgiving Day approaches.  People tend to put Jesus into an event that happens once or twice a year and perhaps not about their life with or without Jesus.  They make Jesus a leftover, something to consume later and perhaps on a different day.  Why not every day?
     The Bible says "give thanks for all things."  This should be the first thing that comes out of our mouths and the last thing before we go to sleep.  Those who do this "remembrance"  have tasted the great meal and have the same great meal every day.  No left overs for the Christian who communes with Jesus daily.  "Every day is new..." for those who call upon Jesus to be saved.  The "meal" given is the same every day and at the same time new every day.  The choice to eat the meal with our true family on Thanksgiving Day is lends us to look forward to tomorrow and the next day and the next. 
     As I sit here with my morning coffee with dogs at my feet, I'm thankful that Jesus died for me and the family members that cross our paths the rest of the year.  How many are thankful  for the lives of many who came to know Jesus by encountering you?  How many will there be this year?  Will you settle for the left overs or will you see your relationship with Jesus as left overs in peoples minds?  Joshua said in Joshua 24:15, "As for me and  my house, we will serve the Lord."  THAT is not the left overs that so many carry.  How about you?

Thursday, November 27, 2014

On being thankful!

     I feel like writing today all in caps so you can hear what is said!  I won't though because that would throw off my typing!  I know, selfish of me!  When and where I grew up kids from an early age were shown how and told to write thank you cards when they received a present.  Upon growing into adulthood (numerically) most of us have carried the tradition and also do the thanking in our individual lives.  The current and previous generation I have a problem with.  In order to be thankful we need to think, remember, see and participate in life.  When distractions enter into our lives the definition of such words tend o get watered down to the point where we don't recognize what the current generation means when they think, remember, see and participate in.  Let me give you some insight.  First, when a child is solely focused on the TV, games, and cell phones and texting, the 4 things I mention no longer exist. 
     I don't know how many people are offended by what I just said.  I would ask you to just bear with me through this topic to the end.  You might be surprised!  First, is "thinking".  There are plenty of people who choose to go with the status quo in life.  The status quo has been rapidly changing removing the common sense needed to live an individual life amongst your fellowman.  One effect is that we know people less and less and see them in groups or classify them in groups.  If we don't break free of this trend, we will be enveloped with a "group" and lose our sense of individuality.  While we may associate with a certain group, we need to be an individual as the world is enriched by those who do.
     Second, is remembering.  There are countless times that people have shared their ignorance and lack of memory by that which they do not know.  Whole nations and groups of people deny that the Holocaust happened!  Can you believe that?!  What will it take for us as individuals to pass on that which we know?  It's because of what we remember that we strive to keep our individuality on the path our forefathers pointed us.  Thousands of people have died to make this a free country.  Not only free, but the envy of nations where freedoms are not offered or guaranteed.  Do you remember why we had the Revolutionary War?  How about the Civil War?  No, then maybe the World Wars?  These men and women should be remembered for what they gave to protect our right to speak and life free in our country
     Third, we need to see.  I mean physically see.  I saw a commercial lately that depicts kids in the car with parents on vacation and the kids are all either watching a video, playing video games or texting as they drive by an incredible countryside in our wonderful nation.  If they don't see it, they don't and won't appreciate it.  Just as there are those who have seen the pictures of the Holocaust, there are those who have visited the sites and seen for themselves that the truth has been preserved.  It's not pleasant but it's still something seen and believed to be the truth by many.  It's just as important to see that which we like as it is to see that which we don't like.  Our memories should thrust us forward in having the life we do.
     Fourth, we are called to participate in life.  If we ignore the existence of life outside of our phones, TV's and video games, we miss it all.  Texting has changed our culture by allowing us instant communication with others.  Quick, short, and distant communicating compared to actually face to face communication deems that we try and understand how our lack of participate f2f has derailed our relationships.  Going outside and looking at the world for yourself should draw you into participation with the world.  You can't have a snowball fight with yourself.  You need and I need to have human touch in order to continue participating with our fellowman in life.  Participation is not pressing the button on a remote control, phone or video game.  Participation is knowing the people you love as well as those who disagree with you.
     I'm thankful for today.  It may be the last day I have.  I am thankful for the people who enrich my life daily.  It may be the last day I have.  I am thankful for the country I live in and enjoy.  It may be the last day I have.  I am thankful for the love people have given me even when I don't deserve it.  It may be the last day I have.  I'm thankful for yesterday, today and tomorrow if God deems it okay to not take me home.  Today may be the last day I have on earth.  I'm thankful for the promise of the rest of my life in heaven.  What are you thankful for?  Think about it, remember yesterday, see what is around you,  remember to participate as you are part of a larger picture.  That larger picture is altered by the choices we make...forever.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Not a politician at all!

     To this date I have never heard a student say, "I want to be a politician when I grow up."  I'm sure that somewhere their is a child who has done so.  It's not something you hear about.  The moment someone sees they are talking with a politician things change.  In most cases there is a withdrawal from the conversation and probably an end to any civility that may have been there before the awareness.  It's not that all politicians are bad or evil in their actions.  That simply is not a generalization I'm willing to make.   Politics is one arena where there is always ample opportunity for Monday morning quarterbacking.  I've done that as I'm sure others have as well. 
     Politics defined by:  "the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power."  It's all about the power.  Where once the definition may have been used to bring a system equality, it's now a definition pertaining to the power that can be garnered from others.  Politics now show a totally different mechanism or function.  Watching people (from small children to the aged) go about their lives shows how their world is affected by this or that ideal.  So we become a people who are adversarial when it comes to our politics.  Often there is a conclusion to a political exchange that is violent leaving people physically injured or even dead. 
     Wars are political and a huge example of the tragedy associated with neither winning or losing.  All that ends up lost are lives.  The real action of politicking is done behind the lines and in the comfort of some cushy office.  The shots are called by someone who's sole capacity is to win a all costs.  That often morphs into "necessary loses" in numbers and not in names.  We must not be too close to the loses less we see what is the real cost of the action.  Because of this idea of winning at all costs everyone loses.  Even if there is a "win" it to is framed in a loss.  How far do we take the politicking in our world?  What would it be like if no one participated? 
     Obviously people have died for their ideals and many others have joined them.  Some of the causes were "just" in our minds and "not just" in others minds.  What would it be like if you and I quit the game?  What if we just sat aside the crowd and observed?  Would we be pulled into the fracas by the strongest aggressor?  Would we be able to stand up for what is right even if some think its wrong?  How many lost lives equals the need or want to win?  Then again, how do we want to be remembered when we are gone?  "He fought well and won more than he lost."  Really?!  Guess we had better be prepared for where we go.
     While reading this today you may have decided I am or have an association with one particular political stance over another.  You may even decided where this blog would go and end.  Here's the focal point.  Nobody wins when everyone wants to win.  There is no pureness involved with politics.  Ulterior motives are found around every corner seeking to snare one more for their side.  Evil continues to reign in the people who advocate their opinion to the point of violence.  The Bible states that the world needs to be worse off than in the days of Noah before Jesus will come back to take us home.  That may be a long way off or a short trip to the main event.  The main event has already been told to us.  We have intimate knowledge of what the world versus God looks like.  Yet, there are wars and rumors of wars.  Conflict is born anew every day. 
     When it comes down to the major point, our war comes from within.  What we think the world should be like is shaped by the world around us.  While I do think Christians are and can be politicians, very few are following the mandates of Christ in their political role.  It's become a politically correct world for most everyone.  Being politically correct means we have to act like someone who claims to know what politically correct means.  What would happen if instead of the craziness of our world we chose the life of Christ as our focus?  Would you interact differently if the political party was Jesus versus Satan?  What would you choose?
     The cost of choosing and following Jesus is huge.  The cost is the surrender of your life and the wearing of His life.  Can you do this?  Only with help from God.  Are you willing to do this?  The answer is hidden within each of us.  We can only think and dream within the confines of our small minds.  Surrender to Jesus is the only choice.  Doing what he would do is the only choice.  Any deviation from this is selfish in nature.  Choose well this day whom you will follow.  Don't consider the cost but press on with Christ leading your life regardless of what your family and friends think is right for you.  Exercise grace towards others as well as yourself.  Love those who hate you.  You see, it's a simple response to a world with crazy political goals.  What are you going to do?

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christian time of year?

     Well, it used to be.  I'm not so sure anymore.  Lots of superhero stuff for the kids, clothes for all, new, new, and more new!  People in the United States will go into an incredible debt this Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Thanksgiving has already been pushed aside as early as July.  Christmas 1/2 off sales are already out and the focus on Black Friday is attended to by more people than those who seek to worship Jesus this season.  With Christmas and Easter being the only time some people are seen in church it's no wonder that the focus has shifted. 
     Various groups don't want Christians to say Merry Christmas as the "Christ" in Christmas is offensive to them.  They don't even want non-believers to say Merry Christmas.  Slowly we are becoming a world where our thoughts, deeds and actions are being taken away.  The problem is we are going along with that anti-Christian plan.  Yes, it's a plan and no it's not a conspiracy.  We are participating in the plan even if all we are doing is nothing.  If people don't want to do, say or hear something they have the personal choice of not doing, saying or even hearing what others have to say.  One result of this plan being incorporated into our lives is being a hypocrite has become normal.  THAT is really strange.  We are intertwined in the plan to rid he world of God.  Complicit by either our actions or in-actions. 
     So, what should be the "Christian time of year?"  This part is so simple that Christians and non-Christians alike can do without having to betray themselves and those who support or lead them.  All we need to do is simply nothing.  We cannot redo Christmas except in our own hearts.  We cannot do Easter either unless it's in our own hearts.  Christmas is about Jesus.  That's it.  Simple and to the point.  Christmas is about Jesus.  Nothing more and nothing less.  If you are Christian and there is no Christian focus; then it's not Christian at all.  Even the Satanists gather together at least twice a year.  The First Church of Satan in San Francisco, CA boasted a membership of 10,000 back in the 80's.  I don't know what that figure is now.  Satanists are all around the world just as Christians.  They celebrate their holidays just as everyone else does. 
     "Okay, Steve, lighten up." "What's the harm of a commercial Christmas."  That depends on what you truly believe and know is at stake of that belief being obliterated in this world.  There are those who believe that the world and being a Christian can peacefully integrate and co-exist.  That's not in the Bible.  When we want an excuse to have our own way, any excuse will work.  Every day the Bible and God are being challenged and the Christian told to shut up and go along with the plan.  I have some news for you believers who go along with this;  "If you don't stand for anything, you will fall for anything."  Why are we so complacent that we Christians allow the shame of the world to come over us and do nothing?  Why do we strive to find a human solution to a God problem?  We don't want to make waves.  We don't want to alienate people.  At least they hear about God and his Son.  I could go on but there is no point.
     If I don't keep focused on Jesus I'm dead even before I begin. Without Jesus there is no Christmas or Easter.  That is their plan.  Re-invent these holidays so that people will celebrate the new and improved holidays.  Easter bunny? Santa Claus?  It's difficult to bring about change when the plan is so subtle that we begin and continue lying to our children in order to encourage their attention be on the gift and not the Giver.  Taking Jesus out of the equation is the ultimate goal.  Just like Satan wants to take Jesus out of our lives. 
     Here is the challenge and the change necessary.  Read the Christmas story for yourself.  It's not about a BB gun or a leg lamp.  Believe the Christmas story for yourself.  Tell others the story and help them to make the changes as well.  The "Story" will destroy the "plan" every time.  It may take time to change but change anyway.  Begin with yourself and move out from there.  Christmas is about Jesus.  Nothing more and nothing less.  What choice are you going to make.  Are you going to change to fit the world or are you going to stay the same to keep the plan?  It's all your choice.  If you know Jesus, do what he asks. 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Who are you?

     My friend Steve has a phone that does everything plus a few other things.  I'm not very technology gifted so I don't go there unless I have to.  Recently Steve was on his phone exploring.  Suddenly I heard him say, "Who am I?"  He wasn't talking to me.  His phone then had a conversation with him trying to answer his question.  The computer finally said, "That's for you to decide."  Obviously, the computer era is marching ahead while I'm taking a 20 year break!  Steve also queried the computer with "What is the meaning of life."  Same result but it was interesting how many ways the computer did try to answer the question before reaching the resulting answer.  With the computer era growing by leaps and bounds every day I become more and more outdated.  My phone can make calls, answer calls, and text.  I'm sure that it does other things.  I just don't know how to get it to do those other things.  In about 20 years I may be where Steve and his phone are today.  Maybe.
     While technology continues to become more adapt and available to our lives there are also the problems they bring.  I love to cook.   I love to make up recipe's.  Sometimes the recipe's aren't edible.  I don't make them again.  See how simple and easy that was?  Then it happened.  I set a glass on the control pad.  I'm not sure which button I pushed in doing so.  The result was my stove was locked down!  I couldn't open the oven and the stove couldn't do anything I commanded it to do.  I thought myself clever in turning off the electricity to the house and back on again.  My hope was to "reset" the original specifications and go on happily with life.  Tried that twice and came up with the same problem.  I tried for about 1/2 hour to get the stove unlocked with no such thing happening.  So, I did what any good man would do.  I broke down and read the manual that came with the stove.  Yep, I read the instructions and was almost laughing when I read that you push the lock button 3 times and set the time in order to unlock the locked stove!  Who knew?!  I would like to talk with whoever wrote the manual one day.
     Sometimes life is like asking a schizophrenic to tell us who we are.  He may give an answer but we know it will most likely be not what is the truth.  People in different walks of life will give us a different answer by their perspective of who they are.  All one needs to do to get the answer they want to hear is ask someone who is in a profession most like how they are living their lives.  But, that won't really answer the question.  Like myself, people want the real answer but are afraid of it at the same time.  In my book, "While I was Yet Sinning" I explore questions about, expectations of, and problems with what God says we need to be. When everything is said and done, we, like Paul, need to say, "it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me.  Our answer to the question is simple but so rarely accepted and implemented.  We, as believers, want to be the captain of our own ship as well as captain of our soul. 
     When we finally get around to asking God the question, "Who are you?" or "Who am I?" God answers quite simply.  He says we are his children.  We are children of the living God.  Complex simple people who live on love and starve on the world.  We may have access to the world but we don't need to live a life based on the world.  In God's world, we are children whom he cares for and provides for.  It's when we focus on who we are in the world that we get off track.  Children are not that way.  They are easily directed and refocused.  God never tires of that work in our lives.  Our lives, conversely, are wonderful when we choose to be God's kid and terrible when we choose to be the worlds kid.  It's once again all up to us and our choice.  Complex or simple.  The world or God.  Simple.  Let's all be kids and play together.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Listening and not just hearing.

     I have recently talked with a very angry man.  I could tell he was hearing me as every once in a while he would say something out of his anger.  However, he wasn't listening.  At least in the sense we usually think of listening.  Sometimes we all find ourselves in this quandary.  When a person tells the same joke many times we shut off the listening but keep the hearing alive.  As Christians we are called to listen to the "small, still voice" that is God talking.  Often we view our hearing as a duty pressed upon us by boss, family, teachers, and the like.  For those who are subject to the repeated "lecture", hearing seems to be the only option.  Listening hasn't worked in stopping the lecture.  As we examine ourselves and our communication undoubtly come across both the times we listen and the times we hear.  Living in a negative environment people find themselves hearing more than listening.  The opposite is true in a positive environment.
     Have you ever known someone wasn't listening to you from the get go?  The deer in the headlights scenario comes to mind.  The person is physically there but the rest of the body has turned off.  No one is home.  I've also seen these communications (term used lightly) actually become two parts.  The speaker speaking and the listener not listening or hearing.  In the negative environment communicating is mainly talking to.  In the positive environment communicating is mainly talking with.  Small word change but it means so much.  Especially if we want others to hear us.  Again, when we really want someone to listen and hear what we have to share, we need to know someone is actually home and alive.  Difficult, but possible, we are able to encourage a negative person to let down the wall long enough to listen to what we say.  God waits for us patiently to put an end to our issues so that we can listen to what he has to say.
     People talk about not hearing the voice of God.  I can understand that as I was once in that very same situation.  The event may have been different but the action was the same.  Children, at times, hang on every word we speak to them.  Their innocence belies the fact that they are learning.  When we get older we are more and more convinced that we don't need that same input where the innocence is gone.  God says we need to become as little children to enter the presence of the Lord.  He uses children because of their innocence.  Compared to children, there are times where I don't listen or hear.  Maybe you feel he same way.  When we don't hear, much less listen, we grieve the hear of God.  He wants to be in such a loving relationship that we can hear his still small voice.  When we think we have heard it all, know better or are just not there attention wise, we cannot hear the still small voice.  Listening and hearing have taken a vacation and no one is home.
     When we have spent 50, 60, or even just 20 years of sermons or lessons, we tend to push aside anything additionally said to us.  In some cultures it's an expectation to love, honor and respect our elders.  In the same cultures it's expected that the elders share their wisdom.  In our country there is little of either going on.  I once had the pleasure of sitting with 3 men from very different walks of life talking.  They were all in their 80's and still had all their faculties.  One was my uncle who had spent his entire Army career stationed in China.  Another was from a family that had fled their home country when the Nazi's were on the march to conquer.  The third was from royalty in Austria who had also fled his country with family in order to escape the Nazi's.  That lunch went very long and was the most incredible experience I have ever had.  History that had been written by them being offered to me.  The lessons were mixed in everything they talked about.  Two communications happened that day.  The first was invisible.  All three men were unaware of each other until they came together (innocence).  They all had their story and THAT fact helped them to not just hear but listen to one another.  I didn't say a thing.  I listened.  While beginning to talk was difficult, when they got going their worlds mingled.  No one left the lunch richer than I.  The event was an incredible eye opener that changed many areas of my life.  All because I listen and heard from 3 wonderful old men. 
     In addition to all that I've said, the lunch was full of faith in God.  Each man was now alone in life.  This is similar to our beginning relationship with God.  The innocence is a wonderful place to start.  Ask the questions, hear what is said, and listen for the lesson.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

A matter of prospective

     How we understand things determines the direction our lives take.  We are all born and raised in ways either inherited or learned from those before them.  We all put our input into our generation and hopefully improve the standard of living for those we love as well as those around us.  That doesn't mean any of us are necessarily right or wrong.  It just means we have a different story.  Sometimes that story is good and sometimes that story is bad.  That's not debatable because it is a truth everyone holds.  It's a way of life that we continue to live in our prospective.  Everyone else's prospective is in front of us whether or not we choose to see.  It's a complex world and there are very serious issues we come up against every day.  How we understand things determines the direction our lives take.
     Whether we like it or not the world is at war with us as we are at war with them.  "Us" and "Them" exist just as we exist to and for them.  Who we are and become are discovered through the process of analyzing our world and responding.  There are two bunches of people in the world.  There are  those who believe in God and those who don't.  Not that the unbelievers don't believe in anything but rather they do have beliefs they rely on.  What you make your god out to be makes all the difference in the world.  Within the AA tradition your "higher power" can be anything you can put in front of yourself for a focal point.  I don't believe that having a door knob as your "higher power" can affect change in any of us.  What we look at and how we respond defines the lives we live.  As such, the world is skewed in one way or another.
     The point is we cannot do life on our own.  It just doesn't work.  I know this will burst some peoples bubbles but we can't live in a bubble for very long anyway.  Additionally we set up both ourselves and others into believing something that may not be true at all.  It's not that we have chosen a certain perspective but rather we are living out what someone else has defined life to be for themselves.  Should natural growth take place we will find that most people use the past as a stepping stone or bridge taking us to a different path of growth and being.  If you were raised in the most terrible of conditions or the greatest of conditions, you (and I) will one day find ourselves at a crossroads.  It's here that our decision takes us off the path and onto a different path of our own choosing. 
     In that choosing there are paths that are right and paths that are wrong.  Depending on our perspective, we make our choice and either choose to embrace or repel that path.  We determine the moral compass of our own choice as well as those we wish to have in our lives.  We don't live their life for them but do live our lives in a manner that they choose to be involved in our journey or not.  I cannot, and you cannot either, choose for those who are in my circle.  I can, however, cause them to look at their world from our perspective.  Don't believe me?  Look at how we raise our children or interact with children if we don't have any.  We collectively look at the path of our kids in such a way that our journey is accepted by them.  When they reach their age of self discovery, they choose how much of our path they want and how much they don't want.  What we think, say, and do is very important not only for our journey but also the journey of others.
     God says that we have a choice.  That choice is to do what is right or not.  That choice is to think what is right or not.  That choice is to see what is right or not.  And then to do it.  The choice leaves us with either a positive or negative prospect in life.  God has made a way for our life through the life, death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus.  We can choose to let God live in and through us or not.  It's always your (and my) choice.  Choose God's perspective and live or don't and die.  The choice is yours. 

Friday, November 21, 2014

The numbers don't lie!

     Study shows that 100% of those who are living will remain imperfect today and every day until they die.  Study shows that 50% will never admit they are imperfect and 50% will accept the fact but reject the personal responsibility.  Sometimes it's fun to state the obvious just because we need something to take the edge off "real life."  Being oblivious to the problems may help you remain off medications.  However, over stating the problem calls for rational thoughts and no outward action.  There are those in our world who make problems, solve problems and are a part of the problems.  All of us fall into one of these three.  What part are you?
     "I know you are, but what am I" proclaimed Peewee Herman when others laid their problem at his feet.  We all know the type.  At least I hope we all know the type.  Okay, I'll simplify this for all of us.  We are all hypocrites to one degree or another.  In my studies to obtain  my degree, I had to take several Statistics classes.  I don't like math at all.  What I learned in those classes is anyone can use numbers to prove their point.  That includes whether the "point" is valid or not.  So, we need something we can fall back on.  Something that has authority, has been around for a while and has been proven to be true through  many years of testing and retesting. 
     The Bible falls into this category as the longest running predictor of behavior based on past reports.  The Bible also forecasts the future behavior of the same subjects (us) with 100% accuracy.  Not bad for a time tested study.  So, why do so many become adversarial when confronted with Truth?  Studies show....  Yes, we have studies to verify or deny studies in every way known to man.  We are a people who shun personal responsibility as long as there is someone or something else to attach our failure to.  Here is a clue: "Denial is not a river in Egypt."
     But what feeds denial?  What is so powerful in us that we all dip our toes into the water called denial?  We all know the answer to this but since we are being up front and honest I've decided to make it simple.  There is probably a study out there for this one.  We don't like looking at our sin.  It's that simple.  Which brings complexity upon our selves.  By it's very presentation we know that our unwillingness to take or accept personal responsibility is paramount to our denial of our sin.  Yes, studies show that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. 
     Sometimes when backed into corners we call sin by other names.  We call sin "justification" and "rationalization".  If you put a tuxedo on a pig, it's still a pig and will return to the mud it loves.  Justification and rationalization are means for us to avoid the personal responsibility of sin.  How many times have you heard or said, "He/she/it made me do it."  "It's the way I was raised."  I only did what someone else in my situation would do."  There are a ton more sayings by which we deflect our personal accountability.  But... You say...  They won't...  You get the idea because I've just described you and I. 
     Not many of us wake up in the morning and think or say, "How can I sin today?"  I think there are probably some who might but certainly not me.  Okay, maybe I have thought or said something close to that.  The power is in the confession of the condition and grace of the forgiver.  Statistics show that if you are honest and ask for forgiveness of your sin that He will be faithful and just in forgiving you your sin.  However, this cannot take place unless you have accepted the responsibility of your thoughts, words and actions.  Studies show some of you reading this will wrestle with the subject matter while others will either review their life and either continue to live in denial or accept the responsibility and humbly ask for forgiveness.
     By the way, it's always my choice.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Christian integrity

     Defined as "who you are when no one is looking."  I flunk.  End of my story. 
     But, I'll write something anyway.  Why?  Because it's not the end of the story for Jesus and others.  We like to think better of ourselves than we really are.  In so doing we systematically destroy who God desires us to be.  How can he build while I am so busy destroying?  There is no day much less hour when I'm not tempted to sin.  God knows this.  There are situations where I find myself and don't express God's love to people.  God knows this as well.  There is nothing we think, say or do that He doesn't know.  AND he knows ahead of time but chooses us be forgiven and loved.  Any integrity that I may have is found only in him. 
     I remember reading Orwell's "1984" quite a while back.  In this story the powers would and could change events in time.  They could create history as well as predict the future to aid in their selfish desires.  The people were left to assimilate the new "version" of history without question.  Control of the people in every way feasible was the goal.  Should you go astray you would be reprogrammed.  Not much integrity on any side of this story.  We think the same way in our lives.  We pretend the history of an event is what we make it to be.   We try to make ourselves look better than what the world sees.  Sometimes we think we can fool God too.  We can't.  Sorry but that's the answer to the foolish challenge we put before God.
     The problem with self deception is that you only need to convince one person.  What do others think when they see a problem where we don't?  What do you think when you see this in someones life that you know?  What integrity do you see in the professing of something wrong as right?  Once integrity has been compromised we cannot regain the innocence lost.  When we lose integrity in one area of our lives, the other areas of our lives are suspect as well.  This leads to two distinct paths which we can choose from.  We can choose to admit that we have no integrity and ask God to forgive us.  We can choose to deny the area in question and attempt to convince our fellow beings that what was truth wasn't truth.
     Which one are you doing?  It's a tough question but a fair question.  Why do we choose to do what we do?  Internally we have a hierarchy of needs that seek to be what we think our life needs.  If we think we have no sin, we lie.  Everything not from God isn't truth.  So goes the boundary setting.  We pretend that we have the sole authority to write our future.  We don't.  What we are really doing when we exercise control of our lives according to our rules is make ourselves to be God of our world.  I can hear the protests.  The protests lack integrity in and of themselves. 
     Who are you when no one is looking?
     Who am I when no one is looking?
     It's a valid question that has a lot of our life put on the line.  Rather than think about the loss when you give lordship back to God, why not look forward to your life being better?  Most of all we need to NOT be true to ourselves but be true to God.  The question of who we are always changes while the answer remains the same.  What changes in our lives is everything when God is allowed to write the script. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Passion: 1.intense emotion, 2.strong sexual desire, and 3.intense enthusiasm

     Some of my passions don't fall into the three definitions listed above.  They seem like passions to me.  Maybe I've had a faulty definition in the past?  Maybe my passion was really "obsession"?  Then again, maybe it was those around me who didn't see passion but did see something else.  Perhaps it was "determinism" that they saw?  I can look back on my life and relate to passion being couched in bias or prejudice.  Whether it is our responsibility to teach our children and others put in our care; we aren't teaching passion at all.  Our own definition placed upon others.  Does that make our consuming anger toward a referee a good passion?  I don' think so.  What it does is shows us our sin.  Passion shouldn't be mixed up with coming deadlines.  Our frantic response to time or situation stress do not make us passionate in any sense of the word.
     The words "yes" and "no" have so many variances that I would not be able to list them all here.  I'm glad at times like that to have a limited mind.  When our two most basic words give us trouble we have already been in trouble for some time.  The emotions of yes and no are laden with all the "stuff" we put upon the words.  We rarely look upon negative or bad events as passion nor are we passionate with the negative.  For instance, Jesus stated from the time he came to earth that it was his goal to die.  Hmm...  That's an odd passion for you and I.  For Jesus, this was THE passion.  He came to bring healing and forgiveness to people.  He was passionate about his task.  Above all else there needed to be a goal or point to what he or we do.
     People get it wrong all the time.  Strong sexual desires are a product of our passion.  I once heard it said that making love and having sex are opposites.  However, beginning with passion and romancing your special person with NO MOTIVE other than to give to him/her is where passion begins to show up.  The actual physical act of love making is secondary to the passion with which we pursue someone in order to please them.  If you don't believe me then look around yourself and see the passionate way people can and do treat those they love.  We have seen the unbridled passion on many forms of communication.  However it's seldom we see the unbridled passion in the form of grace and love towards someone else much less that passion toward Christ.
     It's with a bit of sadness that I don't go to games or concerts even though they would be good to go to.  Why?  Because I am unable to stand for hours on end.  Should you get a seat behind the first row, you will not be able to enjoy that game or concert.  Why?  Because everyone is standing for the entire event.  I cannot because of injuries.  However, I can still enter into the passion of the event.  I even have replays of pretty much the whole game, beverages that don't cost $8 a pop and the belligerent drunk sitting beside me.  Then I would make an impassioned escape.  The same person who is yelling, singing, and dancing at a Christian concert does the same thing at a rock concert.  So which one is passionate and which one is not?  We are told we cannot live two lives.  We need t choose our passion wisely and stand with that passion.
     Now that all that is cleared up (not!) our lives can be lived much better and our ability to make God and others more important becomes a possibility. Jesus is our example.  He was selfless all the way to giving his life for us.  Would you become passionate for Jesus?  That's the only passion that really counts.  Should you and I accomplish being passionate for Jesus the passion passed onto others become His through us.  We cannot go wrong with sharing Jesus with the world.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Stranger than fiction.

     I went into the blog to check on some posts and couldn't find the one I wrote this morning.  I'm wondering where it went? If any of you have seen my post could you please send it home?  In the meantime I will write another.  That is unless I've run out of my allocated word count for the day.  I'll take the chance. 
     I have had the pleasure of my best friend at my home for the last 5 days.  What a wonderful experience.  Because we live quite a distance from each other our contact is limited to calls, texts and emails.  Some of you are aware that I've got a soft place in my heart that I let come out to play from time to time.  It's not that my heart wouldn't like to play all the time because it would love that.  With my friend here our hearts could and did play to their content.  History has list after list of who was friends with whom, what they had in common or how they injured each other.  No one ever chooses a friend who will hurt us.  Sometimes we fall into those places and need a good friend to reach in and be that helping hand.  My friend and I met there and there and there.  Lives intertwined with hurt and healing. 
     My life (and possibly your too) is couched between political correctness (which isn't by the way) and familial expectations while being surrounded with a sea of witnesses that expect us to live our lives as they design our lives to be.  I'm not very good at any of the three.  I'll take Biblical correctness over political correctness any day.  I'll exchange my familial expectations for Biblical expectations in a heart beat.  Because of my stand on life there are few who tolerate the likes of me.  When someone knows your soul they know that this is sacred ground.  In this day and age of tolerance and ignorance my sacred ground takes on even more meaning in my life and the lives of those who know me.  My friend and I have a lot of "likes" in common but not all areas of our lives.  But we know each other's soul.  The rest doesn't really matter.
     Within this relationship of quite a few years we have both needed to be there for the other when disaster came upon us.  When I think of David and Jonathan in the Old Testament their relationship is the closest I can come to have as an example.  Both David and Jonathan would have given their lives for each other.  They didn't start out at that point.  That came over time and circumstances.  Remember that these deep intertwined lives take a long time to go from point a to point b.  The greatest element that we share is our faith in Jesus Christ.  We not only are on the same page but we have a notarized copy of that page.  When you have a relationship with someone whose faith is as strong as yours two people cannot go wrong.  Why?  Because the love of God in Christ Jesus is most important of all pages. 
     Our world is unfair.  Girlfriends hold hands and it's expected.  Girl friends can say "I love you." to their girlfriends without any backlash.  Girlfriends can hug and the world is okay with that as well.  Men are NOT encouraged to hold hands in private or public.  Men are thought weird if those words were uttered between friends.  A manly hug is okay as long as there is an arm crosswise between the bodies.  Our world is unfair.  It has been, will be, and people will miss out because of these "rules". 
     So, I told my friend "I love you."  I held his hand (looked more like a handshake).  I gave him a hug goodbye when I dropped him off to catch his plane.  I'm sure that there are others out there who have experienced the same.  Maybe you were even accepted by your family or peer group or co-workers?  I would hope so.  But I know this level of affection and love has it's root in the creation of mankind.  It's been around for a long time.  For me, I'll be stranger than fiction.  It's okay.  Maybe my example will help some of you who are on the edge.  I hope so.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Christmas clearance sale now going on.

     If you have been watching the ads in the papers or on TV you have seen the ones that offering clearance prices on their Christmas stuff.  It's not even Thanksgiving yet!   Before long the Christmas holiday will be so spread out over the year that there probably will be minimal meaning of the holiday.  Letting go of the history and significance of any holiday further erodes our senses that surface.  In the future we will go through the holidays from a commercial message alone.  The actual meaning of any holiday can change and be replaced with different times and places to where we stand and look at the holiday and it means nothing but a family meal and some gifts.  Some things cannot and will not be changed.
     Birthdays will be constant in our lives.  December 25 is Jesus' birthday.  May 23rd is my birthday.  Neither one will change.  They cannot.  However, we can celebrate them on a different day and be okay with doing so.  The 1st of January will always be New Years Day.  Memorial day is always where it is.  July 4th is July 4th.  It's most convenient to have these holidays celebrated on a weekend.  Preferably on a "long" weekend.  Time is important but timing is essential.  Timing is a pivotal element of success or failure.  Too soon or too late ruins the event.  For instance men, forgetting your anniversary or your wife's birthday.  Not good!  Remembering it too early.  Same problem.  Being able to read minds helps us to function in our world.
     When we begin to look at Christmas from a human point of view the day takes off in different directions.  However, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus and that fact doesn't change.  We need to take care that our celebration of the birth of Jesus isn't overshadowed by Black Friday or other events.  For many parts of the country it's already too late.  Can this trend be turned around?  Not if the stores are left to decide.  Perhaps the real question on an individual level should be "How much of you (or I) believes that Christmas is about Jesus and not about the sales?"  Having spent quite a few Christmases seeing nothing but commercialism, I am not hopeful that Christmas will have anything to say about Jesus in the near future.
     Another irritant is the squeezing out of other holidays.  Thanksgiving hasn't even happened and already the Thanksgiving clearance sales are gone and the Christmas sales have started.  In some areas the Christmas clearance sales are already begun.  I think that's both wrong and it sets up people, especially children into ignoring the message of Christmas.  It's not just about Jesus.  These holidays are about giving.  Not how much can I get but how much can I give.  This isn't just about presents or money.  Sometimes giving your time is the best gift to someone elses day. 
     What should be clearing at these holidays are the worries of people regarding what they have come up against in their lives.  Many people cannot afford the holidays (financially or emotionally).  What they get is not what they need.  People need people as a very real touch in their lives.  You and I have the same needs in varying ways.  To truly celebrate Christmas you need to be able to give the gift of Jesus to those around you.  The eternal gift is for all regardless of who they are in the family or society.  Don't go to the Christmas clearance sale. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

It was a dark and stormy night.

     The sound of the wind raging carried throughout the house.  Huddled under not enough blankets the cold kept trying to stab he and his sister.  These two sentences could be the introductory sentences to many people's life.  The scenario could be the beginning, middle or end of the story.  But it is someones story.  We often read, evaluate or decide on issues of our lives through the issues of other peoples lives.  We are better off or worse off than they are.  He or she doesn't understand how I feel because they haven't walked in my shoes.  Their relatives support and care for them.  Do  they?
     The part about the night being dark and stormy carries a lot of meaning.  Foreboding, eerie, intense, and anxiety producing are just a smattering of the emotions that come up with either the darkness of night or the storm anger.  But, what if there are people who love the dark and stormy night?  What if the night is a positive charge to the person and their personality?  When I was in my teens clouds on the horizon meant possible rain.  Rain meant we could stop work and have some down time.  When the clouds turned from shades of gray t shades of yellow all the previous feelings stopped.  Yellow clouds almost always meant hail.  That meant destruction of crops and other possessions.  Something so positive could turn into a foreboding in just moments.
     Sometimes we deal with transitions okay.  While other times we are definitely not okay with the transition.  When we are distant from the problem, we have little or no fear.  When the potential calamity comes upon someone we know; the actions and attitudes change as well.  The more love we pour into a relationship the greater the potential hurt that visits us.  So, people do one of several things in order to cope.  They stay in denial that there is a storm or that it's dark and nighttime.  They admit there is danger and run from it.  Finally there are times when we embrace the stormy and dark stormy night.  None of these choices is necessarily bad or good.  Each person makes these using their set of circumstances as a measuring stick.
     Sometimes the dark and stormy night is the only time to get the picture, figure out the purpose, or decide to cut bait or run.  It was a dark and stormy night when Jesus asked Peter to walk on the water to where he was.  It was a dark and stormy night when Judas fled to betray Jesus.  It was a dark and stormy night when Jesus hung on the cross, said, "it is finished." and died for humanity.  It is finished.  Fearing and appreciating the dark and stormy night seem completely joined and at peace with each other there on the cross.  When it is a dark and stormy night in our life we come to Jesus who is waiting for us to run to his shelter. 
     The unfortunate thought and belief of many is that the dark and stormy night goes away once we have given our lives to Jesus.  Not at all true.  The prophet Jeremiah was told by God to never marry because his life would be one of misery and negativity.  He was 13 at the time.  Still he did not shy away from the calling.  The apostle Paul actually created the dark and stormy night for others in his relentless pursuit of finding Christians to kill.  So, it is within our lives.  We have a mix of beliefs, emotions and thought that dictate how we interpret "dark and stormy night."  Is this where you are?  Are you waiting for God to take you through this time?  Perhaps you are now seeking if there is a God and why did he allow this to happen in your life. 
     It was a dark and stormy night when God worked on my soul.  I'm glad he brought the sonshine into my life.  Now it's his life and we're just getting started!

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Indecision is a decision.

     At revival meetings with Billy Graham people are asked to "come down front" as a testimony of their decision made when they stood up when asked to if they had chosen Jesus. The "act" of standing in response to the request amounted to the individuals choice of living for God.  The "act" of coming down front was a testimony of that decision.  There are many of these "acts" in our daily life.  We are a witness to our world that Jesus is Lord.  So, what's missing?  What's missing are all those who made the decision of indecision.  Just what does indecision cost?  I think indecision is the greatest thief of our witness of who is Lord of our life.
     We rarely take into account the effects of indecision.  The number of times we could have helped someone but made the move to inaction.  For instance, not stopping to help someone in need on the side of the road.  We could do it but make no move to do anything but ponder the plight of the individual with need.  Indecision is a cause of apathy in our lives.  Apathy equals indecision.  Do we want to be remembered as they person who didn't....?  Yes, you could pray for the person.  There is no cost to praying.  You could make a call to send help to the person.  There is little cost for the call.  Or, we could simply decide to do what Jesus would do. 
     Indecision means I don't believe my faith enough to bet on it.  It means we have engaged the world of excuses (indecisions fulfilled) and rely on them more than the Spirit of God.  Indecision has set many an individual on the path leading to hell.  Their indecision baring them from being in the presence of God.  Yesterday 3047 abortions took place.  These were decisions made based on an indecisive life.  No decision equals no responsibility.  We have a world that accepts and even encourages indecision.  I'm sure that all of us have practiced indecision in our lives.  Sometimes we live the rest of our lives having missed the moment.  We haven't risen to the challenge of God and someone has missed the moment of salvation
     The regret that follows further incapacitates us and we become ineffective on most, if not all, of the areas of our life (Christian or not).  Regrets form a pocket of "guilt" in our lives.  With each regret we compensate with shame.  Shame eventually causes deeper regret or repentance.  Which of the two are in our lives is a decision we make or is made for us.  Is your life filled with moments of regrets?  I still have a few that hang around.  Sometimes I let Jesus take care of them and sometimes I use regrets to bring raise their ugly heads and make my faith ineffective.  Whether it's indecision or regrets or guilt that run your life; it's not the life God has for you. 
     We have decisions to make.  They are weighty and very real.  What decision we make has the power to create or destroy your witness.  That would be the witness when you chose to do what God has for you to do.  Don't let our telling God "no" be the direction of our lives.  There are very real needs that God wants to meet through you and I.  Should we rise to the occasion, we will hear those much sought after words:  "Well done thou good and faithful servant.  Enter into the favor of the Lord."  Go ahead and risk!  What do you have to lose?  We are either part of the problem or part of the solution.  Decision making based on God's word is best choice. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Global warning...hmmm

     It's 19 degrees outside today.  That is not good if it's setting the tenor of winter.  The dogs water dish was frozen over and the wind had a sharp bite in it.  We will have to see how the day goes.  In the meantime let's ponder us.  We are a complex creation.  Some will love the cold and others will go to Arizona until the cold passes.  I choose to stay inside and warm.  It's my selfish decision of the day.  That's just the way life is sometime.  I've done my "time" in winters growing up on a large farm in North Dakota.  Because I have done the time, I can speak about it.  Life's lessons equip us to make decisions and opinions on issues that we have personally experienced.  You may have raised monkeys and thus have an opinion on what it takes to raise monkeys.  Opinions are not revered by everyone.  We have the choice to take different stands.  To some, today, is just the prelude to an Indian Summer.  To which I say, "Fat chance!"
     And so it goes.  Taking stands on issues and life.  Some issues are open for everyone to take a stand.  Like, do you like peas and why?  But, many make their determination before learning the difference between home grown and store purchased.  If you have never had fresh from the garden peas in the pod; you are missing the best part of peas.  This might be true for squash and spinach as well.  We can only project from where WE are.  If you don't communicate you may have spent years unknowingly serving peas when they hate them.  So that's why you leave them on your plate!  There is nothing wrong with letting others know what you like and don't like.  I don't like or believe in global warming.  But you can determine differently for yourself.  Step outside my home in swim trunks and see how warm you feel.
     There is a difference between opinion and bias.  In my opinion I think the greatest candy bar is a large (2 pieced) Snickers.  It, amazingly, has several of the food groups represented and they can be considered health food.  No way!  Yes way!  Just don't tell my doctor.  Conditioning has a lot to do with opinion and bias.  I once went to the emergency room when I had cut myself.  As a joke I talked the doctor into writing me a permanent prescription for one strawberry milkshake a day.   I still have that script!  Sometimes my opinions and biases are stretched accept something outside where I am.  This results in my opinion and bias being shifted to include the new data.  For instance, there have been times when I have been somewhere remote and discovered my gas tank was empty.  I would begin to pray for Jesus to help me get to the next gas station.  Promises were made and eventually broken.  You have done this as well.  It may not be the same example but it's been a subject in everyones life.
     Life isn't contained in a tank full of gas, a strawberry milkshake (well...), or a serving of peas.  These are opinions and biases we carry with us.  When things change we are expected to change as well.  When these changes touch our lives and/or our faith we begin to get heated up and defensive.  Just what is it that you believe and advocate for that is rock solid?  When all is said and done, what will be the final stand you take?  What would you be willing to die for?  When God was faced with this very question he chose to sacrifice his son, Jesus.  Non-negotiable in my life.  Jesus is Lord.  And yes, I'm biased as well.  The more people attempt to take away or change this part of my life, the bigger the resistance.  The bigger the resistance on my part, the number of people standing with me goes down.  So, at last we come to the end.  Did I become willing to die for you?  Not in a savior role.  But would I lay down my life for my brother?  Or would my wishy washy opinion and bias betray the weakness in my life? 
     Peas are good.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Boogers don't cause cancer.

     There are all kinds of truth reported that we believe or at least honestly take an interest in.  For instance, "boogers don't cause cancer."  So, what do they cause?  They cause uncomfortable and maybe even sick reactions.  People will long remember the one who eats boogers but forget that most of us went through a time in life where we were the guilty ones.  There are others as well.  An example would be, "you cannot swim for an hour after eating.  Really!?  Don't step on a crack.  Nope, that doesn't work either.  So many phrases we use are simply selling points that people are trying to earn so they can be elevated while others put down.
     This morning I read the account of Peter's denial of Jesus from Matthew. The whole account needs to be seen from a time focus.  This took place at night.  It would have been dark with the businesses closed long ago.  There was a female serving men and there was a fire burning.  Jesus was being brought to those who wanted him dead.  He had predicted (prophesied) that Peter would betray him 3 times before the cock crowed.  Those who have raised chickens know there can only be one rooster to a bunch of chickens.  The rest of the roosters are dinner.  The area is dark and quiet.  The chickens are asleep as are the people.  The exception are those around the fire.  After Peter had denied Jesus for the 3rd time; the rooster crowed.  Can you imagine how loud that was?  We are all guilty of denying Christ. 
     There are so many fabrics of life woven together in order that we read the story AND understand the implications.  So often we are so preoccupied with what happened versus why it happened.  Jesus did not do anything contrary to God's will.  Did he pick his nose?  See, you wanted to know that others too had negative habits too.  It's a distraction the enemy has designed to keep us from seeing Jesus in the action, words, and interactions.  And so we do that work ourselves when we do not see people as Jesus sees people. There are times when I have denied Jesus.  So, why haven't I been struck with lightening?  Why am I spared God's condemnation for the wrongs I have chosen?  Because God loves US and not what sin we commit. 
     There is one more event that exemplifies a repulsive event in our world.  When Jesus was arrested, tried, and then killed, it was the most cruel and disgusting thing that could be done to a person.  He was stripped of his clothes, whipped to the point of being unrecognizable.  His blood covered the place were this had taken place.  Hi was given a crown of thorns.  The thorns were most likely 2-3 inches long.  They were driven into his skull.  He was stabbed with a spear in the side until the water and the blood flowed.  Maybe this is what disgusts us.  Maybe we are more disgusted that he did nothing to stop this killing.  We are a people who are all about fairness with others and grace for ourselves.  Peter had thought of himself.  John was there with Jesus during the whole process.  John could have been like the others and fled.  But he joined in with Jesus' pain and suffering.  That is what makes John an incredible author.
     Suddenly picking your boogers isn't such a huge issue.  Neither is not washing your hands or any of a number of disgusting (our definition) events that transpire everyday.  What's important is Jesus needing us to be at the Cross with him.  We need to acknowledge that Jesus actions were those which he wanted us to remember.  Why?  Because Jesus was the story in human form.  He, and only he, could save a lost people.  NOTHING else matters.  Nothing.  We've run away from God, denied God and took place in Jesus' death and resurrections.  You aren't going t surprise God with your thoughts and actions.  He just wants us.  Our whole being radiating Jesus to a world that does not know what really is disgusting.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Henry's obsession.

     Henry is my blue heeler 12 year old dog that has an obsession that knows no boundaries.  Henry love to chase the visible and invisible animals from his area of control.  Last night that happened at 2:37 AM.  Then again at 4:00 AM.  So started my day.  Henry has sat at the bottom of the trunk of a tree for long segments of time  and looked up.  The only problem was there were no animals in the tree.  I watched for some time before I discovered the source of his attention.  The maple tree had it's seeds going off the tree and helicoptering slowly to the ground.  He sat there for a long time I imagine trying to figure out if they were friend or foe!
     Henry can go from zero to eighty miles an hours in seconds.  He is unable to be amongst people without his tail wagging continually.  This habit is second only to food and treats.  In human ways, e would be ADHD.  For those of you with ADHD (myself included) the picture is all to familiar.  Henry is also of the frame of mind that he is a lap dog.  He's 45 pounds!  He does love to sit with anyone on the couch.  You would be compelled by him to like him and to do his biding.  With all of this going on in his life we wouldn't change a thing.  Well, maybe the hours he was barking at the invisible strange sound.
     When it comes to behaviors it is often said that owners and their pets compliment each other.  Their looks and actions mimic the owner who is most connected to them.  Henry is so opposite me that you would be left thinking he has been adopted.  Despite our training and successes in that area, we still have disobedience.  No matter that we feed him, provide shelter for him and protect him, his only response to us is thankfulness.  So, love us he does.  It's been said if you wanted to find out who loved you more, your wife or your dog you should put them both in the trunk of a car for 2 hours and then let them out.  See who is happy to see you!
     As I look at my life and give credit where credit is due, Henry gives way more than he takes.  But that's his chosen task.  Unlike cats who are psychopaths, dogs are happy givers for the most part.  Both of our dogs, Henry and Buddy, are security in our world.  They love us and we love them.  So, you might be thinking, what's this to do with Christian walk.  Everything.  In the 3rd paragraph I basically outlined how God sees us and does for us.  We are supposed to be thankful, appreciative, happy, and successful in all areas of our life.  God provides us ALL of our needs and many of our wants without so much as a complaint.  Yet, we act like we are deprived children throwing temper tantrums on the floor.  Well, maybe only on the inside.
     God sees the intent and the focus of our hearts.  We are unable to hide anything from God.  He sees us as transparent much like we see Henry and Buddy.  The difference is God wants us to be more like him.  Our habits living with God are shown to the world.  If we aren't living for God, our lives of selfishness are also visible.  Jesus talked about carrying for the vine.  We are that vine whether we produce or not.  However, God is the gardener who prunes the vine cutting away the dead or diseased.  As a friend of mine once said, "If you don't feel close to God, guess who moved."
     Today, try to live life for God in every way you can.  Remember that God tells us he will never put on us what we cannot bear.  He also said that he will never leave nor forsake you.  Getting back to God, when we walk away, is one step.  Ask for grace and choose that which is right.  He's waiting for you and I.  Nothing more and nothing less.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Anxious, overwhelmed and frustrated beyond words.

     I've just described about half of the population of our country.  If you asked me to go back even 20 years I wouldn't have said the same thing.  Along with education, we have had many experiences that bring us to that point of anxiety, overwhelmed and frustrated.  These three crowd our thought and keep us from experiencing peace, love, and joy.  It's not necessary to have a college degree in order to say with authority that we can have peace love and joy.  All we need to do is open any newspaper, listen to the news and hear the complaints of our friends, family and kids.  There are wars, rumors of war and feuding across the globe. 
     Yet, the end is not near.
     Where is the peace, love and joy?  Whatever happened to "hope"?  They are still there.  However, our denial and lack of faith often overwhelms us.  Most of us suffer from the malady of burned out.  We know what is good, right and positive in our hearts but our conscience doesn't register as first line of defense.  Not only is there a real physical war out there but there is an internal war as well.  Fear overshadows peace.  Depression is such a mountain in our mind that we are temporarily unable to see anything but overwhelming feelings of fatigue and exhaustion.  Where there were once the ability to love, suspicion and lack of belief moves love to the edge of our mind.  It's there that we cannot see love like we cannot see a planet in space.
     And yet, the end is not near.
     I was discussing the end of time before Jesus returns with a believer.  After explaining how the scenario had to morph into something worse to them, they exclaimed:  "Then why are we trying to make the world a better place?  If this keeps Jesus from coming back why do we do this?"  Very valid questions.  I'm glad the questions were asked.  Seeking answers to questions is the first evidence of caring.  Many Christians don't care enough about what is going on spiritually to do anything much less think about the future.  Yes, we know that Jesus is coming back and will take us home.  Yes, there are many prophecies that need to be fulfilled.  Yes, we need to acknowledge the enemy seems to be having a hay day with the world.
     Still, the end is not near.
     I'm usually a happy camper and perhaps you are also.  When people around us are positive, we tend to be positive.  When people around us are negative, we tend to be positive. That is until we are worn down and anxiety, overwhelmed and frustrated we give in and we too become negative.  It's in this context that we come to conflict over whether I am part or wholly the problem.  How much people expect you or I to "fix" is determined by who people think we are.  If we have a history like negativity and unbelief certain people will flock to us for insight or just to recharge heir negativity.  If we have a history of being positive, people will either want us to comfort them or be the object of their angst.  The world will become the authority and choices will be removed from our hands.  Nothing could go wrong.  Right?
     And so, the end is still not near.
     Putting off today that which we should have accomplished today keeps us from having the insight to see that we are getting through stuff in spite of our focus.  Jesus said "Do not let your hearts be troubled.  You believe in the Father, also believe in me."  Not bad advice.  When our location is being bombed by the enemy and there are casualties all around us; we are asked to be loving, have hope and positivity.  Yes.  We are.  Perhaps your life will be the only positive one that someone without hope sees today.  Maybe you and I are the chosen ones bringing hope to our world because we care.  Maybe the end of time is not an issue because we know Jesus.  Just for chuckles we can laugh at all that is going on because nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus who died so we don't need to feel anxious, overwhelmed and frustrated beyond words.
     Thus, we know the end can come at anytime for each of us or all of us collectively.  We should be about the business of the Lord to those within our sphere of influence.  Then we need to let go and let God be the author and finisher of not only our faith but the faith of others as well.  When it's time for us to go home or for the Lord to take all of us home, we will no longer care when the end comes.  For we already know how the Book ends. 
     Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sing but know what and why you sing.

     With the Christmas holidays rapidly coming upon us, what music says becomes more and more important for Christian and non-Christian alike.  The 12 Days of Christmas was written as a means to have the Bible message for those who were imprisoned.  Didn't know that?  Neither did I until a few years ago when I was reading about Christmas carols.  There are so many messages we get from music that sometimes it's very difficult to separate out Christian from non-Christian.  With artists putting secular songs mixed with religious the secular ones take on more meaning for Christians while the Christian songs tend to keep the non-Christian away.  Our frame of mind is just one factor directing our likes and dislikes.
     I once heard a young pastor speak a sermon directed towards young men and boys in a juvenile detention facility.  He began by singing the opening lines to Santa Claus is coming to tow.  He stopped at "so be good for goodness sake."  He followed with "I hate that song.  I've had enough of others watching and punishing me for wrongs I've done."  "I know when you've been bad or good."  If I was one of those young men I would find the song offensive.  There are so many times that we unfortunately caught in tradition and won't change.  Take, for example the day reserved from the invasion and imprisonment by the Nazis that came to be known as "Crystal Night."  What would you think could be the problem with "Silent Night"?  There are lots of other songs we can pick on but suffice it to say the carols we sing are not very descriptive of what the world is really about.
     Quite a number of years ago I was conducting a church service and was leading the church in singing.  After the sermon my family told me: "Don't sing dad."  "Please don't sing."  When the tape was played back I knew why they said that.  I have a hearing loss and thus don't necessarily get "on key" all the time.  To add insult to injury I had a microphone that picked up me but not the piano.  It was very painful to hear and admit they were right.  We have carolers who are made up of people in the neighborhood.  They go through the streets and sing at the houses of their neighbors with whom they haven't spoken to the last year.  You understand that some of the messages from the song come across as an insult.  Anyone can sing a song but few can actually live what they sing. 
     When I was in high school I sang in choir.  I mainly took choir so that I wouldn't have to deal with homework and tests.  It was through the years that I learned how much I liked music.  With the first choir director I learned the basics but in the middle of that we were expected to memorize a couple of songs in German.  Yes, that's correct.  We had a large population that spoke German.  It just seemed wrong somehow to be singing in German when we didn't speak the language.  Singing words that we don't know the intended meaning of is mere reciting a memorized line.  We are depressed and medicated for the previous year and then we sing; "Joy to the World."  You can understand the hypocrisy in what we sing versus what we feel.
     Perhaps we could do better by being real.  Singing what we really feel.  Singing what will help and not hinder our healing.  It's our choice really.  Choose well.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

As a matter of fact, I...

     I do own the whole street, sidewalk, parking lot, or whatever else comes to your mind.  Our need to have ownership of anything brings up the need within us to do just that.  We, of course, know that this world is not based on absolutes.  For instance, when we put something other than death in the equation, we just set up ourselves and others who are depending on us.  More than one person has been in trouble for using n absolute word like always, never and you can identify your absolute word absolutely!  There are some statements that are absolute which violate this rule.  There are some who would take issue with this but, they would be wrong.  For instance, "All have sinned."  "God loves you." "He will never leave you nor forsake you."  Even "There will be rain in Washington." comes under the absolute rule. 
     But, in our day to day living we use absolute words and phrases quite often.  I can be pretty sure when I hear one of these phrases that the speaker didn't mean their statement to be absolute.  The every day statements corner us in our world.  "I can do that job by Monday,"  "You have to give me some time off."  "I never break the law."  "I will always love you." You get the drift.  Using absolutes in this manner is understood to be anything but literal in definition.  So, why don't we use appropriate statements in our daily life.  Knowing that a statement is not true and won't be true decays our integrity.  Yeah, right, you will jump the Grand Canyon on your motorcycle.  Doubt follows and of course the more impossible the task, the greater he disappointment. 
     When we search the Bible regarding this topic, there are lots of stories where absolutes are given.  There are also examples of times when absolutes were sought.  God is.  That's an absolute statement.  Even God was or will be end up in the list marked absolute statements.  When mankind seek and believe any absolute statement regarding God, they raise the standard and lower the error rate.  In the Old Testament prophets were judged by whether or not their prophecy came true or not.  If a prophecy did come true, the prophet was given the due respect.  If the prophecy did not turn out to be true, they were killed.  Now there is an absolute result.  If you prophecy instead of God prophesying, the error rate was much higher. 
     This is what makes Jesus' life, death and resurrection so important.  When Jesus was born, lived, died, and rose from the dad he verified over 600 prophecies from the Old Testament.  Those actions backed some religious authorities into a corner where there was no longer a defense for what they did or did not do.  For the humble and respected, Jesus was, is and will always be Lord.  The belief of the former was merely a legalistic sham meant to keep anyone from rocking the boat.  The latter one there was increasing faith and reliance on God instead of mankind.  It all comes down to our choice to have God living in and through us or whether we are the god of our own world.  What is it for you, your circle of friends and family?
     God is absolutely sure that he loves his creating including mankind.  God is absolutely positive that our sins are forgiven when we ask for them to be forgiven.  There is no question (well maybe some) that God continues to do the unbelievable both in small and large ways.  I am absolutely sure that my Lord will meet me in heaven.  I am absolutely sure that there is a room for me that Jesus has been working on for some 2000 years.  I am absolutely convinced, even when I cannot see it, that God always desires the best for me.  When we wrestle with these issues, we need someway to measure whether the absolute is true or not.   For years I kept a prayer book where I put the prayer requests on the day or hour when I asked God to answer them.  When they were answered I put that in the list with the date they were answered.  What a wonderful tool to see that God is absolutely desiring to love and care for me and others.  Perhaps Christ will become your savior today.  He will always love you.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Why do I do it?!

     Paul tells us this very statement.  He said that he did the things he shouldn't do and didn't do that which he should do. This is the same guy who wrote 3/4 of the New Testament.  This is the same guy who had the equivalent of a Doctors in Theology degree.  Now, tell me, am I like him?  Yep.  That's the short answer.  The long answer is boring and leads to the same conclusion.  So, let's pretend that we are perfect.  No, that doesn't work either.  Here he was sitting on his camel out on a mission to kill Christians (hmmm...going on today too) when he is blinded by God and verbally confronted.  Okay, God would have had my attention too.  Paul has this conversion, is forgiven and then goes on sabbatical for 3 years.  Not a bad job. 
     Let's cut to the chase shall we.  All sin is selfishness and all obedience is unselfishness.  I know that we can justify and rationalize our actions, non-actions and choices.  That's the easy part.  We've been doing that ever since the incident in the garden about the fruit eaten.  It's never about the fruit on the tree or even the garden.  It's been about our choosing to be obedient to God. There is a setup by which we are duped into thinking that God will somehow be okay if we do this or that once.  We think since lightening hasn't struck that our behaviors are alright in the eyes of God.  We get to a point where we choose to sin.
     After preaching a sermon one Sunday long ago, I overheard an elderly attendee say that she didn't like the sermon because I had preached like she was a sinner.  I'm so sorry.  How could I be so hard hearted?  People really do want to hear what they want to hear.  Sometimes we listen to God speak to us and all we can do is think about how that is what so and so hear.  I actually had a chance to hear this spoken rather directly.  One of a bunch of church elders said that he felt that in this particular problem we (the church) would need to disobey God's direction.  Still no lightening!  You could feel the Holy Spirit leave and slam the door. 
     Choices that I have made in my personal life fall on two sides of the same sword.  First were the personal choices where no one was sinned against except God.  That should have been enough to bring me to my senses.  The second personal choice affected those around me.  Whether that was to/about an individual or a group of individuals.  Speaking of swords... I was once enlightened about a means to enter into heaven.  This world and heaven were separated by a deep fiery chasm.  Across it's expanse was a long sword.  In order to get into heaven you would need to traverse the sword.  The problem was in the decision making.  As you began your walk you life would be played out before you.  If you hadn't accepted Jesus as your Savior the sword which was once flat, would turn on edge by which no man or woman was able to stay on.  They would fall into the fire of hell for all of eternity.
     So, why do I do it still?  It's all selfishness.  Choosing to sin is selfishness.  Choosing to sin says, "I am the god of my world."  Really?!  How did that work for you?  The edge of that sword gave me cuts on the bottom of my feet.  It's been said that we address issues in our lives only when doing the action causes us to admit that we are sick.  We have developed a level of tolerance that says we can sin this far and no more.  Dulled senses help teach this to our kids as well.  They do watch and hear what we adults do and say.  What's it going to take for me to give over those areas of my life that are steeped in sin?  What's it going to take for you to do the same?