Friday, October 31, 2014

Cancer in our lives.

     Cancer is present in more people than we would like to know.  Malignant or benign, cancer is a killer.  There are other diseases out there that we could classify as killers as well.  You may well know someone who has had cancer, has cancer or has died from cancer.  Cancer is a deadly snake just waiting to close in for the kill.  But what about cancer that is not a disease but is just as deadly?  Since I've brought up a snake let's go with that image.  Where have we seen a snake before.  I'm not talking about the garden snake in your back yard.  I'm talking about the snake that tempted Eve and Adam into sin.  That cancer killed us.  Not necessarily physically but spiritually for sure.  Where have you and I let sin creep into our lives?  Sometimes the "creeping" is really a full run that knocks the wind out of us.  Satan has been associated with a snake since the beginning of time.
     That is an interesting use of words.  "Since the beginning of time."  As we look back to the timeline laid out in the Bible we discover there is not "time" prior to the fall of Eve and Adam.  Nor is there time after God breathes life into us as we surrender our lives to him.  The first death took place with eating the forbidden fruit.  The reconciliation of man to God is the act of raising us from that dead.  It's sometimes hard to understand that we are dead when we are born and we are born so that we will no longer be dead.  The transforming from one extreme to another can take place in the blink of an eye. The first question of the day comes to us as a challenge.  Are you (and I) dead or alive?  The future of mankind is at stake.  There is an urgency for us to share our "life" (which is really Jesus) so that others might live as well.
     "But," you say; "I'm already alive (physically).  That would be a true statement.  It's also true that people on life support are alive.  The sin most Christians engage in is being on spiritual life support.  Why is that?  Why do we shy away from the very life that Jesus wants to give us?  Why is it we ignore the very fabric of life that is available?  Remembering my past is sometimes painful as I've been on life support many times for varying parts of my life.  Okay, lots of my life!  During those times I've let cancer run rampant in my spiritual life.  The cancer wasn't cultivated in my soul alone.  This cancer spread to those with whom I lived my dead life.  Instead of being a healed man who was about God's business; I was (and sometimes still am) destructive in the spiritual lives of those with whom I had contact.  Have you ever done this?
     Sometimes I fight the medicine (conviction by the Holy Spirit) and actually claim death as my life.  I choose cancer as my greatest need.  I can pretend this isn't true but that doesn't work in any way, shape or form.  Every day, and every moment in that day, God brings medicine that can kill the cancer.  Every day in various settings I reject that medicine even though I know it's importance in allowing God to give me life.  Sounds kind of crazy!  That's because it is crazy to not choose life over death. 
     Today is all I have.  Just this moment.  As long as I'm breathing here on planet Earth I am physically alive.  When I claim to be king of my life; I am dead.  When I surrender to Jesus I am alive forever.  Being alive I am given the choice, moment by moment, to engage life or be satisfied with death.  Sounds bizarre but we all choose death at times in our lives.  Anytime we sin, we are putting our foot back in death.  Anytime.  We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.  No question about it; I was dead before Jesus brought me to life.  Over the years the importance and significance of life has become more and more precious.  Still, I struggle with the sins that seek to keep me dead.  I imagine you do as well.  It's a bullet not easily dodged. 
     The more we surrender to sin the more dead we are.  The more we surrender to Jesus, the more we enjoy the life He has given us.  Just for this moment I will choose to live alive instead of dead.  Will you do the same?  It's better to surrender now than to put it off.  The Word says that in the end ALL will bow and acknowledge that Jesus (who gives life) is Lord.  Why wait?  Why not surrender this moment and have life instead of death?  Remember that the choice is always yours.  Choose Life.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

What do Christians stand for?

     We all can name several things Christians stand "against".  But, what do Christians stand for?  What do I stand for?  We are known and often remembered by what we do rather than what we think.  It's our words that go down in history rather than our thoughts.  So it is with what a Christian does and says in everyday life.  I'm a Christian and still have a hard time believing that others read the same Bible as me.  Why is that?  We all bring a story to the table to be heard, seen and understood.  Between our biases and prejudices we long to be understood and heard.
     When I was a therapist I often gave out "homework" for my clients to complete and return.  One of my favorites was regarding how we communicate and what words meant to us.  I would write out a list of 15-20 words that we encounter in our lives like, "hate", "friend", "love" ad so on.  Then I asked my clients to define the word or words 3 times.  The first definition would be based on what we remember between the ages of 8-10.  The second time would be relegated to "right now".  The final definition was the easiest because all that was required was their understanding of a "perfect" definition.  People wrestled with all of the definitions.  That's what they were supposed to do.  When that couple came back to therapy I would have them exchange lists that hadn't been shared.  You could feel the tension (neither good or bad).  After they had read each others definition I would hear them say, "I didn't know you thought that." or "Is that how you see me?" 
     While the assignment would only be completed when we die, the platform was set for growth or for failure.  Understanding each other's language gives us pause on how we think and use words.  "You really think that?!"  Knowing each other is a major step for most people.  What would you like your boss/friend/spouse/parent/or child to "hear" when you speak?  You see, there is a desire to have people understand us and even follow us when we don't understand your words as you understand them.  In order for us to put together a picture of healthy use of language; we must look at our words and how we use them.  Just how do you define yourself and your expectations?  When you tell someone you love them what do you mean?  Do you love them like you love your beer?  Are they as important as your sports games?  Could they be as important as sex? 
     Words can also be applied to the Christian definition.  What is a Christian?  You make the decision based on what the Scripture says.  You understand the word when you need or want the Word to be in order to make your lifestyle or actions okay in the eyes of other "Christians".  Finding our way through the muck is difficult.  It's near impossible when we try to make others understand words as WE see them defined.  In the end we most likely will feel like we are not understood when in reality "they" understand the word differently than "we" understand the word.  Perhaps a good dose of back to the basics would be in order.
     If I were to choose one word that best describes Christians it would be "love."  Love is a central theme in the Bible and is used in many different scenarios in the Word.  Love has been and will be something that we all need and want.  So, look at your definition of "love" and ask yourself if you want to be loved the way you are defining the word.  Or, would you want to be loved the way Jesus loves us...unconditionally?  In my definition, love is the defining element of what a Christian stands for.  When we focus on that one word no other word can take central stage.  It's how we love that dictates what other's think of us.  The human that I am and you are; wants three things from life and others.  We want love, acceptance and approval.  Perhaps we need to give these to others.  The result will take you by surprise.  Loving people with no ulterior motive allows people to love, accept and approve of us.  Love does make the world go around.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

People lie...

     People lie even when they don't need to lie.  Why do we do this?  Yes, I've been guilty as well.  So, why do we lie when we have the choice to tell the truth?  What does this say about our integrity?  When found out, what is our response?  Both the beginning of the lie and the end have the same issue at hand.  That issue is accountability.  Sometimes people lie just to see if they can get away with the lying.  When found out a piece of their credibility is gone and never comes back.  Sometimes, like the boy who cried wolf, the lies are many.  So much so that when a truth is spoken; it's taken as a lie as well.  Lying is said to be the first language of Satan.  So, in our lying, are we serving him instead of Jesus?  The absence of truth leaves a vacuum where we have decided God isn't welcome.  The only remedy that is available is to tell the truth.  When we have consistently told the truth to Jesus, others and ourselves does the vacuum start filling back in.
     Some have taken lying to an art form.  They have defined their lies as good and bad.  The old, innocent lie that hurts no one is next.  Followed by the lies of cover for a deed that was/is wrong.  I know that I have been guilty of all of them.  I have rationalized and justified my lying on more than one occasion.  When we have taken that step into the quagmire that lies produce, we begin to lose those around us who have been injured by our lies or been put out by them.  It's only when we are desperate that we begin to count the losses of our choices.  Making our way back from that hole is difficult as trust has been eroded or eliminated in our relationships.  Why should people trust us when we cheapen our relationship by lying?  Making it more personal; we use people when we lie.  When we do so people get to the point where they make the determination that they no longer can associate with us.  Rather than confront that person we instead just walk away. 
     James 4:17 says: "If we know what is right to do and do not do it, we sin."  Pretty simple.  So why is it so hard.  No one likes to be seen in a negative light.  We don't relish having to eat "crow" because of our choice.  What is lacking?  Humility is lacking.  Where humility is lacking there is pride.  When our pride is injured we look first to blame others.  Our denial only deepens the destruction that goes on when we are not repentant.  What a downward spiral! 
     Here is a key thought.  The Bible says we need to be that light that shines in the world.  It defines hat light as Jesus and the Gospel.  When that light is shining from us, what people see is Jesus.  When we are in darkness, what people see is you and me.  Individuals.  Lost individuals. Just as right living shows our love of Jesus, our lying shows others our hypocrisy.  This is not a permanent judgment on us.  Jesus has made a way for us that leads to ever lasting life.  We have the option of choosing life or continue in death.  What we think and do should be what Jesus would think and do.  Living without concern over the Gospels importance to others as well as ourselves is spiritual suicide.  While it is true that we cannot lose our salvation, it is true that we will be missing the blessing of God.  Who wants that? 
     Lying is such a hard habit to break that there should be a 12 step program just for lying alone!  But there isn't.  So what should we do?  I suggest beside Jesus, we need to have someone in our life that we are transparent with and accountable to.  That's a big assignment.  Yes, we will fail.  That's a given.  But, if we keep ourselves submitted to God and really submit to His will, our lives will be more and more focused on Jesus instead of ourselves.  I'm not going to tell you that changes in life long behaviors is easy.  It is not easy.  It's kind of like asking Jesus for patience.  Be prepared.  Just one day at a time.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

What rhymes with "purple"?

     The questions raises a question of vocabulary and it's usage.  We have all sorts of words or phrases that simply make no sense.  Outside of the dictionary we can find slang or abbreviated words that do rhyme with purple.  Why would we need to do that?  The question doesn't have any value other than to cause people to go "Oh."  Not really high on my list.  So what good is the question?  It's like being asked: "Have you stopped beating your wife/husband/child/pet?"  If you answer yes or no you tricked into admitting your actions.  No win questions have little or no value to our communication. 
     Controversial questions are usually used to bring up someone's emotions.  Condoning statements are used to justify angry feelings while condemning questions are used to keep our fear from coming to the surface.  Simple question can fall into many different feelings like anger to happiness.  The "real" question is where are we in our development as men and women of God.  I can feel the tension increase even as I type these words and you read them.  We're taught as young adults that money and religion are best left unaddressed for peace's sake.  Let's not forget the question and answer realm of the politically correct. 
     Maybe it would be easier to find a word that rhymes with purple.  Not accounting for where we live and our usage of a word is a fatal flaw waiting to be misused.  Between foreign understanding and our understanding is a chasm not many want to cross.  An insult to us isn't an insult to others.  A greeting here is offensive there. 
     I was once in the process of being ordained as a minister.  It was required that anyone who wanted to be ordained go through the process.  One step in the process was an interview with a board of professors from the college and other notables from the denomination.  At one point in the interview I was asked to give a brief summary of my belief.  I thought for a while.  I knew they were asking a questions to see if I would be "their kind of pastor."  I couldn't bring myself to project a certain philosophical belief anymore than I could a particular Christian belief.  So, I told them: "Jesus loves me this I know because the Bible tells me so."  You could have heard a pin drop as they wrestled with my answer.  You couldn't challenge the statement and yet the desire to nail me down to their idea of what a good pastor should believe and follow. 
     When we are backed into a corner there is a nervous and sometimes a defensiveness that is brought up within us.  This is often all it takes for good people to say nothing.  The result is evil advances.  Having the ability to stand up for what you believe is imperative and courageous.  Not having an answer for your faith/belief is hinders people from sharing their faith.  Seems that at least in the United States that there are very few topics talked about where people are able to freely have their say.  Conquering our fears and speaking emboldens us to share the Gospel with others.  Doing that task wisely is essential if we are to be believed and heard.  So, then, our faith in God needs to grow as we age.  The vocabulary of the Christian needs to be appropriate for our culture.
     When I graduated from seminary a wise instructor told me: "Steve, when you graduate you will have a vocabulary of about 15,000 words.  The average person sitting in your church will have a vocabulary of 5000 words.  Somewhere between here and there you need to lose 10,000 words."  One of the best pieces of advice I have every had given to me.  It doesn't matter that there is no word to rhyme with purple.  It matters that the color purple is the color of royalty.  Purple is the color of robe that Jesus wears.  That is what matters.

Monday, October 27, 2014

It's not fair!!!

   No, it probably isn't fair but then life is not guaranteed to be fair. In fact, fairness is fairly obscure and not to be found in much of life.  Just when you feel comfortable in life someone goes out and shuts down the Twinkie factory!  There is panic buying and people begin asking for a lot of money on Craigslist to have a box (not fair there).  Accusations, in most parts of the world, are taken as fact even after the truth is discovered and the accusation has been disproved.  Why does this happen?  I suspect that this happens because people need someone or something to blame for their lack of control or worse, control of self. 
     I don't believe there are many people who would say that their lives have been fairly treated and represented.  Poster children for "fairness" don't exist.  Unless you count the gang member who is killed robbing someone.  Their parents are quoted in the paper as saying, "he was such a good boy, went to church every Sunday and visited his grandmother afterwards."  It doesn't matter that he was caught with a gun, they are being singled out by some "unfair" people.  When it comes to fairness, what is the standard we use to say, "yes that's fair."  You never see two kids agreeing that a candy cut in half is fair.  There is always one half they claim is bigger.  When I mention the IRS no one will say they are fair. 
     No one is fair. Not one.  We may be in some areas of our lives but we're not really people who are fair in all areas of our lives.  Diseases work that way as well.  Why everyone doesn't get their fair share, some get more than their share of "fair."  Now a days, profiling has all but eliminated the word "fair" from our vocabulary.  All forms of business seem to target someone because of their age, race or sex.  For instance you see all kinds of ads for condoms...for men.  How come they don't advertise condoms for women?  They are out there.  Profiling has left the male responsible for the pregnancy.  I could use many different examples, but I think you get the point.
     So, what would we find in the Bible versus what we find in the churches?  Impartial the churches are not.  In one denomination the rule is you cannot dance.  Yet in a different part of the country you find the same denomination saying dancing is okay.  The issues are diverse and long but all have the same results.  That result is you cannot find fairness anywhere.  Don't even get me started on politics or the politicians who represent the will of the people.  What people and what issues?  I certainly don't feel the government is representing my feelings and beliefs.  How about you?  Do you find fairness in your church, town, or work?  The Bible tells us to be fair in all things. 
     I flunked that part of the course.  I'm not fair because I am biased.  You are as well.  So, where you or I may think something is fair we deceive ourselves.  Even God isn't fair!  He forgives the sins of those who call upon Jesus for salvation.  Not so and so!  Don't tell me that he/she will be getting into heaven!  Yes, if you call upon Jesus for the forgiveness of your sins, you will be forgiven and be headed to heaven.  Even at the very last breath of their vile and disgusting life, if they confess Jesus they get to go to heaven!  Can you believe that?!  What!?  No way!  Yep, yes way.  You mean the person who molested me, made me disabled or killed me will get to heaven if they confess Jesus as Lord an Savor, they will get to go to heaven?  Yes, that's what the Bible says and what God reaffirms in our world. 
     If we were to ask for fairness from God, it would look like that of the man beside Jesus on the Cross.  He saw Paradise that day!  The other guy wasn't so insightful or he may have made it as well.  Fairness would be given to the man about to be executed for the deaths of his victims.  Fairness would be found for those who have cheated on their partner.  Fairness would be handed out to everyone.  That's not what we think is fair.  Yet, we ask for forgiveness from God for what we think, say and do many times in our lives.  Fairness?  I don't think, if we think about it, that we really want the world (even the Christian) to have fairness defined by the world.  Where fairness begins is in me.  Am I being fair in my honesty to Jesus, others and myself?  No, I haven't been.  Please forgive me if I've sinned against you.  I want biased judgment from Jesus.  I want to be with him in heaven in spite of who I am, what I do and how I present myself. 
     I want Jesus and heaven. 

Sunday, October 26, 2014

It's not what you think.

     I've said that when I perceived people were going to take something I said the wrong way.  Maybe you have had the same experience.  Your wife just happens to come into the room as you give a friend a hug.  Your wife doesn't care about the comfort but does care about why the hug is taking place.  Anyone would do the same.  So, you say, "It's no what you think." The innocence of the moment is gone.  Everything in your hug was on the level and you hadn't had any other thought than the prayer you said to a friend.  This scenario could have been a boss or co-worker.  The action could anything but something that was outside the norm. 
     Why, then, do I feel guilt when I do give the hug?  If I'm not doing something wrong, why the need to explain myself?  Presumed guilt has destroyed many a relationship.  Trust is damaged and the downhill slide begins.  Satan loves dissension among Gods people specifically.  This is truer than we like.  Again, the action or word was innocent by intention but suspect if there is already trust issues between you and whomever encounters that action or word.  We've seen it in our own circle, our own work, and our own church.  What!?  Yep, especially in the church. The pastor goes to a home and stays longer than normal.  The church secretary talks about his or her time with the pastor a lot.  It's easy for anyone to find reason for the negative.  Why?  There seems to be any number of beginnings of dissension among God's people much less those who are engaged with the world.
     In this age of deception people are much more likely to suspect the wrong over the right.  It's easier to be focused on the negative rather than the positive.  Our minds are open to random thoughts of what may or may not be going on between you and whomever.  Someone in your office hears you talking about a gift and maybe some money.  They make the assumption that you are doings something that would be bad for business like bribery.  So they take the assumption to the boss who in turn calls you in to find out just what is going on.  You explain yourself letting your boss know that you were talking with your wife about a gift for your son and daughter in law as they move into their new home.  Innocence.  It's gone.  As you come out of the office you look at your co-worker as he catches your eye.  Innocence is gone and distance has been created.  You make a note to never display anything in your co-workers mind that would cause this experience repeated. 
     As you walk in the door of your home (you're late again) your wife gives you a hug.  She asks you about the perfume she smells on you.  You explain that Edith, who has been with the company for 35 years, is retiring and there was a retirement party that afternoon and you had given her a hug when you said goodbye.  Innocence is gone.  Trust is damaged.  We cannot read minds but the question your wife asked was really: "Are your cheating on me?"  Doubt has been created in your relationship.  You make a mental note to either not hug anyone in the future or to wear cologne to overpower any perfume that may be transferred in an innocent hug. 
     Heaven forbid you actually do something that is wrong and you are found out.  The injury  brings to mind all of the incidents in the past and once again they are suspect.  Everything you have said or done now becomes an inquisition by her, him, and them.  No amount of explaining can mend the heart and mind of one injured.  Satan loves this.  His desire to have your relationship destroyed is very strong.  He will use anything and everything to make his plan work.  Instead of relationships built on trust, the relationship is damaged and may not have trust ever again.  This is not about men and women.  This is not about jealousy or greed.  But it could be.  Not yours but someone else's jealousy.  There is a lot of power stored in that state of mind.  It's only powerful when you or I engage that jealousy.
     Jesus tells us that we should trust no one.  Why does he do that?  Maybe it's because none of us are really trustworthy.  Perhaps it's because we shouldn't be fooled by a wolf in sheep's clothing.  The most dangerous avenue we can travel is to think or meditate on the thought of what God may be doing to set us up.  Somewhere, somehow, we need to not go there.  God does not think of ways to set you up to fail.  He lets us fail if we are so inclined.  He doesn't does not and will not set us up.  He may let us get to the time and place where we do the fail.  He also is right there willing and able to forgive us and help us back onto the right path.  If you have been injured by someone the best way to bring about healing is to forgive them.  They may not ask for forgiveness but give it anyway.  Let the negative drain out and be replaced with positive.  That's what God does for us...every day!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

What color is your elephant?

     Sometimes my elephant is white and sometimes pink.  The majority of the time my elephant is gray.  Whenever the elephant is missing things seem to go well.  It's when the elephant is in my house that things go from good to not so good.  Often the going is rough and difficulties arise.  When I look at my elephant, I see a docile klutz who has little purpose in my life.  I have never seen my elephants get angry.  They seem to sense that change of weather is coming and take me away.  When I wake up, the elephant is gone.  Always around the corner waiting for it's cue to come in and sit on my coffee table.  Do you have an elephant as well?
     But, wait, aren't Christians supposed to give their elephants to Jesus?  Yes, of course that is the perfect choice.  However, seldom are we in the correct frame of mind when the elephant makes their appearance.  I wish it were that easy.  It's not that I don't like elephants.  I like them in the wild, the zoo or maybe even the circus.  Those are all places where I am not.  Sometimes when I am really aware, I find that there is more than one elephant in the room.  When things get to the place where there is a whole herd, I need room to breath and step outside.  I take a break.  I go to a place where I can feel safe and am able to think.
     The elephant, for most of us, is our own unresolved issues.  That is part of the problem as to why we don't give our elephants to Jesus.  You may have the elephant at work, your relatives house, and even in your church.  Heaven forbid!  Needless to say, unresolved issues are not of God.  The issues are from us, our selves, me.  It gets nasty when everyone brings out their elephant.  The crap begins to pile up until there is critical mass.  When we get to critical mass we either find a way to resolve the issue or we find a way to get the elephant(s) to leave the room.  It's even nicer when they leave he house.  Denial is a wonderful thing until someone gets hurt.
     This isn't about perfection.  This is about forgiveness of others and yourself.  This is about acknowledging who we are and being vulnerable toward God and others.  When we admit where we are and ask for help, God gives that help.  It may seem that help hasn't come but even a break from the elephant tending is welcomed.  Have you ever thought about how the elephant is fed?  Have you considered how much feeding has to take place to keep the elephant around?  Sometimes life is hard and disappointing to all of us.  The ones who deny this aren't telling the truth.  Life is hard!
     Jesus said he would never leave us nor forsake us.  The elephant says the same thing.  We want Jesus to stay and help us with all aspects of our life.  The elephant likes things the way they are.  Sometimes the status quo is better for us.  I don't like the status quo.  Maybe you don't like it as well.   I don't know the answer to your story and your elephants.  Over the years I've put many elephants out to pasture with the help of Jesus and others.  I've been helped by reading Scripture, hearing sermons, talking with counselors, listening to friends and many other sources of help.  It takes someone with courage to get the elephants to leave.  Do you have the courage to give your elephants to God?

Friday, October 24, 2014


     No way!  What do you say or do when something incredible (good or bad) takes place in your life or the life of someone you know?  These words can express lots of different situations, people, and things.  Anything from anger to ecstasy come up with the changes of scenery.  Yesterday we were shopping for a couch.  We had heard about this place just opened that was offering incredible deals on new furniture. What?!  No way!  Yep, it was true and remains true even as I'm typing.  The two phrases invite us into whatever is going on in life.  I left the house to do some chore the other night and found a salamander on my front step.  Took a picture of it to show my family and friends as they would probably say those two phrases. 
     It doesn't matter whether the person is friend or foe.  Whenever the phrases are used the meaning is as individual as we make it.  It can be both ownership of whatever we are remarking on or not.  Quite versatile in nature, the phrases invite further investigation or tell us to stay away.  The ability to discern the different situations and people in our lives depends on us knowing what is really meant. What, no way!  Yes way!  That's the one I like.  Yes way.  Be it improper English or not we still say things that are not used properly by the powers that be with the English language.  Being "correct" is more important that communication for some.  Adjusting to new language with new generations is essential for inclusion into that group.
     What happens when we are told something that we find hard to believe?  We doubt that which is the object of discussion.   With doubt, life becomes nebulous and more of a challenge.  For the person who has to know exactly who, what, where, when and how.  Communication seems to be built on confidence and not on suggestion, guess and deception.  When we communicate we cannot read another's mind or their heart.  We can interpret other's communication only as far as we have defined our own communication.  So, whether we realize it or not, we bring into a conversation or communication OUR definitions and use them to interpret what others say.  Have you ever tried to tell someone how you understand a statement or maybe even body language?
     For some the two, body language and conversation,  works best.  Sometimes it's the stereotype we place on others.  I've been criticized for having a dirty car.  What?! No way!  Yes way!  We all have communications that have gone good or bad just because we are not what other people want.  Notice that I said "want".  There is as big a difference between "want" an "need" as there is in any example of communication.  Just what is we do want or need?  We have our family and community that use language one way.  We have our work environment that communicates another way.  Then we have outside situations like church where there are even more communication idiosyncrasies.  So, what are we to do?
     When we look at our communication style, as Christians, we should be reflecting God's Word and not ours.  The Bible is very specific and provides plenty of examples of what to say and how to say it.  Quoting Scripture leaves little doubt of what we mean.  That doesn't always work and we do need to be ready to give an account for what we believe.  What, no way!  The Bible tells us that we are lost without Jesus.  Simple and direct.  The Bible says we can have all of our needs met.  Again, quite simple.  The Bible tells us that there is no other person, place or thing by which we can be saved except through Jesus.  What?!  No way!  Yes way!  Have a great day!

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Procrastination is going to happen.

     Putting off what we can do for tomorrow is procrastination.  I'm guilty of that one element of life so often that it's like a good friend.  Sometimes procrastination is misunderstood.  When we are waiting for the "right time" we have a high chance that we are procrastinating.  The flip side of that coin involves waiting on God to give us the go ahead.  This is where "time" becomes quite interesting.  We all, Christian and not, have times in our lives when we have to wait.  Nothing can move earth until the proper time.  Waiting for a store to open, having to wait for a medical appointment, and waiting for dinner are all forms of having to wait for the right time. 
     Waiting also entails our needing to be wise in our choices.  A move motivated by time can be costly if it's too early or too late.  Sudden decisions need to be made from time to time.  However, when we misjudge the timing disaster can take place instead.  Wisdom is taught in several ways.  One way is through the teaching of our environment and participants.  Another way is through the school of hard knocks.  Learning this way quite often entails our having missed opportunities in our world.  Then, of course, there is wisdom in whether we listen to God or not.  God has perfect timing for all elements of his creation; even mankind.  Our ability and choice reflects to the world whether we are believers or not. 
     Sometimes we go through our lives waiting for this or that to happen; when all along we don't move lest we be wrong or be responsible.  Waiting for someone else to do what we could do is not okay with others as well as God.  It's been said that there are those who wait purposely for someone else to take the bull by the horns and do what you and I were supposed to do.  It's not always a lack of initiative but rather a lack of the ability to make and carry out a decision.  People generally do not like to be looked upon to make the first move.  Except for the confident.  They take chances and get things done.  There is a subtle difference between confident and cocky.  When it comes to getting things done the difference is immaterial. 
     We know someone (or we know it about ourselves) who fits in any of the classifications listed above.  Maybe we even know this about ourselves.  We have a set way on either end of the spectrum.  People are used to our actions or in-actions and expect us to respond this way or that.  So, to some degree, our lives are lived dependent upon time and place.  We all have found ourselves in places where something isn't getting done because no one, for whatever reason, take initiative and just does the job.  After someone takes care of the issue everyone breathes a fresh breath and life goes on.  There are those who make things happen and those who watch things happen.
     Learning life's lessons form how our environment, teaching or other means gets passed on.  We then pass down that which works or doesn't work on to our children and others around us.  We need to understand procrastination can be either positive or negative and correct misunderstandings as they are presented.  In order to do this our ability to listen and obey God is paramount not only for ourselves but others as well.  Our children and society depend upon us to the person who will not fail them.
     God wants us to be available to do what he wills in our lives.  We are also told to be our brothers keeper.  Adding this responsibility enhances not only our lives but also the lives of those we interact with.  I don't always wait and sometimes wait too long.  The more we listen to the voice of God, the better we get at doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done and for who it needs to be done.  It's not just about doing the job.  It's about expressing the love of God by being who we are created to be.  I'll try again today.  I won't put it off.  I will be responsible.  All of these are possible.  Don't put off what you need to do.  Give this area of your life over to God and watch what happens.  I know we will all be blessed.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Catchy little tunes

     It's raining so we should be singing about the Itsy Bitsy Little Spider.  You may not remember when you learned it but you probably remember when your kids learned that song.  How about "I wish I were and Oscar Meyer wiener."  Now we know you will have a ditty going on in your head for most of the day.  So, why not choose "Jesus Loves Me."  There are many others if we sit and think for a few moments.  What we remember is/are the songs or ditty's that are most important to us.  Why do we remember them?  Perhaps it was repeatedly hearing the ditty on the TV, radio, or at church.  Maybe it was from your kids singing them from the back seat.  Regardless, they are attached to a memory of your own.
     Repetitious use of a ditty will cement it in your brain for the rest of your life.  That is also true of our actions.  It's been said that a habit can be learned in 14 days and disconnected in 14 days.  I know personally that the first is true but I have questions about the last 14 day rule.  Partly it is because  of how the mind works.  A new thought or process engaged fills in a slot of our brain where before there was none.  The cancelling of that process may be able to be accomplished in the 14 days but the memory remains for the rest of our lives.  That is how we can engage the ditty in the first place.  We have something stimulate the memory and we are "back there" again. 
     Sometimes these ditty's leave us in a bad space.  Sometimes they leave us in a good place.  As a Christian, I desire my children to develop in such a way that they would ask Jesus to be their Savior.  That means sharing the Gospel, living the Gospel and, as they age, digging deeper into the Scripture to help them apply the Gospel to their lives.  Encouraging them to engage in Christian activities is important for them and us.  There is not a time we cannot learn something new.  Probably the biggest teacher for those around us is the way we live, make decisions and give ourselves to the Gospel.
     I should insert in here somewhere that unfortunately I have also not read the Scripture, not acted in Christian ways, and disregarded what I was taught.  I've had to repent and return to His way and that was probably not shown for learning purposes.  It's the same for our physical and verbal actions.  Sometimes our actions speak so loudly that those around us cannot understand what is being sail.  Living one's life as a Christian places us under a microscope.  If you don't feel that pressure I wonder if you have ever been saved or done anything for Jesus.  Maybe, like me, you have failed and thought God was done with you.  You turn around and there he is, Jesus standing there with open arms.  Those moments are important. 
     What is most important to God in your life?  Is it hot dogs or Jesus' love?  The world teaches us to remember as much as possible outside Christianity.  The Christian life teaches us to remember as much as possible of Christ in you.  We feed whichever is hungry.  Do you and I let the world devour us or do we get fed to the lions for our belief in Jesus?  After all is said and done it's important to remember that Jesus is what we should be all about.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The storms were great!

     It's okay to say this about the weather if you truly love storms.  I LOVE storms!  The rougher the better.  That is until they become destructive.  I love the lightening that flashes across the sky.  Especially during the night.  Driving from the Grand Canyon to Las Vegas I was given the most wonderful lightening show I've ever seen!  The strike lightening is more dramatic and exciting than the sheet lightening.  Along with the lightening there is the thunder.  I could care less about the low rumble.  It's the hard earth shaking crash of the thunder that really causes me to be amazed!
     However, the storms of life tend to drag me down and prolong the events in my life that are causing the storm.  It's the same for love.  The more dramatic the love, the greater the loss of love.  Let me explain.  It's been said; "Only those who have been hurt deeply are able to feel love deeply."  We are talking about the means by which we came to understand and appreciate the storm and the love.  The two are juxtaposed in our lives in varying degrees. There are those who have weathered the storm and consequently are able to love deeply.  Conversely, those who haven't been through a storm are not able o feel love as deeply. 
     My life has been marked by many storms.  Some were caused by my own thoughts and behaviors. While others intruded on my life like an unwanted cancer.  The denial of love by some have also taken their toll on me over the years.  However, it was the basic foundation and definition of love that was skewed.  Long story short, my definition of love was not accurate at all.  Love, for me, almost always was attached to pain and loss.  My definition of pain and loss was also not accurate at all.  When we are growing up (or our kids are growing up) the actions and words of others form our definitions. 
     Sometimes God speaks to us in the storm and in the peace.  Often his still small voice is just that; still and small.  It reminds me of when I was a police officer.  We often were sent to reports of a person who was drunk.  When I was in my training phase a wise officer told me that the best way to take care of a drunk person was to whisper.  So, I tried that suggestion and the other officer was right!  When I whispered the drunk person would quiet down so he could hear.  Often the words he heard were a request for him or her to turn around and put their hands behind their back.  Click!  I'm glad God doesn't treat us that way.  I would be continually in jail.
     Sometimes God speaks in the loud commands meant to gather our attention and obedience.  It's not enough to hear what God is saying.  We need to listen to what God is saying.  Anyone who loves God knows that he can be just as loud as he needs in order for us to get the message.  That's because he loves us.  The difference between God and man is so huge that it's difficult to find adjectives that really exemplify God's love.  That's why Jesus came to earth, lived, died, and rose from the dead.  Where once heard the roar of God, other's were hearing the roar of the crowd.  Sometimes the whisper is so loud you can barely stand it!  Then, sometimes the roar is so silent that you cannot ignore it. 
     I wasn't there but believe that Jesus was quietly giving  a roaring message while the people were hearing loudly and not hearing the whisper at all.  Sometimes I find myself doing that with people.  I'm a people watcher and enjoy trying to figure people out by quietly observing.  There are plenty of characters out there who have a great story and those you don't want to hear from at all.  I want to be able to hear AND listen to all the times God speaks to me.  The best way to do that is to obey.  Not something I always do well at all. 
     There will be storms of varying intensity making their way through our lives and the lives of other's lives.  Sometimes there are lots of messages and sometimes their is silence.  There is a message in the silence as well.  Don't just hear what God is saying.  Listen to what God is saying.  He wants to talk with us daily.  The thing that keeps us from hearing God is our not wanting to leave the sin we are engaged in.  God has been gracious to me as I've worn out angel after angel.  Still the grace was held out to me.  The amount of grace is diametrically opposed to how much love I am able to receive.  Conversely, the amount of grace realized is reflective of the love we have for God, self and others. 
     To those who much is given, there is much expected.  When the storm passes your way in life, look for the lightening.  God's power and might are displayed for all to see in the thunder and lightening as well as the quiet day with sunshine and a light breeze.  The question we must ask ourselves is: What are you giving the world around you?  Are you giving love and grace or do you thunder your disapproval?  What do the storms of life mean to you?  How do the storms lead to the quiet of peace and grace?  Hope it storms today!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Monday, Monday...

     There are some stereotypical elements that arise when we are faced with Monday.  Most of them are dreadful requiring a change of mindset and lots of coffee!  While we villianize Monday, not all of Mondays are horrible.  Just as equal we see Fridays as a release of freedom as if we were incarcerated.  The freedom we feel over the weekend is often too little and too late.  Monday comes once again deflating our weekend balloon.  Studies show all the negative of Monday and positive of Friday.  They aren't the truth though.  The truth is Monday is no different from any other day.  If we disagree, which is permissible, it is we who, by choice, make Monday so bad and Friday so good.  In other words, the positive or negative is our choice.  No one relegates this set up us; we simply choose that way of life.
     We can justify our position if we believe other untruths . Like staying off the road and out of the stores on Tuesdays and Thursdays as they are designated as Senior Citizen days.  It's true there are more Seniors out on these days.  Once again we turn Tuesdays and Thursdays into negatives in our world.  Wednesdays are all that are left.  What of Wednesdays?  So, we have taken Saturday and Sunday for freedom to do what we want days.  We also take Fridays as the last day of bondage to a job.  Then we remove Tuesdays and Thursdays because of yet another stereotype.  Why do we leave "hump day" alone?   The only event on Wednesdays is Wednesday night when a lot of folk have church happenings of one sort or another.
     What we do in reality is take Sunday morning and Wednesday nights and set aside that time for God.  God gets about 6 or 8 hours of our time every week.  The rest of the time is spent trying to avoid the pitfalls of the rest of the week.  Where is the freedom in that?  Basically, we have Friday night until Sunday morning (or evening) for fun, rest, or whatever we can busy ourselves with.  With all of this "busyness" what is leftover is relegated to work and  Very seldom do we hear others talking about their free time for God.  "Yeah, I had a great time with my girlfriend, wife, other listening to God as we meditated on the Word."  But that is a wonderful option!
     It isn't reasonable that we have our time put out as we do.  There is no spontaneity with which God can move in our lives or the lives of others.  How many times do we drive down the freeway ignoring the plight of that person who broke down?  In any given situation God nudges us to talk or listen to the person he has brought before us.  Do we hear that still small voice?  Most likely we don't because we don't have the time.  Once again, Satan has come between God and man with the problem of managing our time.  We set up our hierarchy and allow nothing to get in the way except disaster. 
     Today, try to give God your whole day.  Don't believe the hype that Monday is a terrible day approachable only with fear and trembling.  If anyone is the villain it is you and I.  Try today to listen to the voice of God and then place the day in His care.  Monday, Monday...

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Walk the walk!

     There seems to be many different ways to walk.  The first is the walk of babies with their wobbly and falling often.  Sometimes they need a helping hand.  They go from total dependence to the place where they can walk on their own.  For many people this is the end of life stage as well.  When we see people with canes and walkers it's reminiscent of a small child.  And so the beginning is all about the end.  Failure to remember where we started will lead us to frustration when the discovery is all about our latter years and dependence on others.
     The second stage is those years including the first ride on a bike only to crash and burn quite a few times.  Hand, eye and foot coordination is formed during this time and to some degree puts us on the path of performing with our talents.  Expectations are still there but not in the same way they were in the first stage.  This stage too has a corollary to our end years.  This stage is marked by the loss of security in our own movements, driving, and many other areas of life.  If we don't realize this as a stage of life, we only set ourselves up when the time comes to be dependent on a device or person.
     Thirdly, is the freedom stage upon which our prime time in sports and work begin to cement in our lives.  We have been the athlete, dancer, skater, or whatever our life demanded.  People learn to "walk" the way of their peers.  Changing the way we think, act, and exist is important to the degree that we will have this "freedom" increase with the end of schooling and the beginning of making a living.  At the end of this stage we begin to assimilate into society and do the expected and not the unexpected.  Status quo is where we are at this time.  This is a transitional time in our lives and the plans we have are set in stone at the beginning and at the end seem to be made of jello.
     The fourth and final stage is the retirement transition time.  We now have the freedom to learn what we want, accomplish what we want, and rest in what we want.  Those retirement years are understood differently by us as individuals, culturally, and in our masculine or feminine world.  It's a sad time for many as they see their (for the first time for some) "worth" diminish with time.  Their being needed begin to deteriorate and importance shifts to the next generation.  For many, their sadness surfaces as the realization of where we are left in the process is a real shock.  Feeling needed less and less coupled with deaths of friends and family inch us toward that time when we are no longer needed and sometimes not wanted as well.
     Where we long to have our lives lived at the level of our greatest time, we cannot bank on that happening.  We have a beginning ad an end in all levels and to all people.  There is another area we should look at in beginning to end of walk the walk.  Each stage of our Christian life follows the stages listed above.  The achievements of each stage should be foremost in all of the stages.  We walk different stages in different ways.  Our world does have an input into where and how we walk.  Jesus has a walk he wants you and I to do.  He wants us to allow Him to live in and for us.  Ownership of the walk the walk then is dependent upon how much we give ourselves to Him. 
     Yes, we will all grow old and somewhere along the way we will die.  For the Christian the end is only the beginning where we have a new walk, on a new world, in a new way,  Streets of gold await us.  We will never tire or be hindered.  Walk the walk.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Not my circus, not my monkey!

     As you may have noticed but the title there may be some reinforcement of responsibilities.  You may make that assumption but read on anyway.  That way, you may find there are several points that could be within your world.  In any case, the title is catchy!
     We have come up to that area in our lives where we are treading carefully.  Avoiding the pitfalls of others is a big issue as we search for a new car!  Granted auto sales people get an awful lot of negative from their line of work.  Why then, do they continue to do things to make us more suspicious and fearful?  But, this time we have taken a different approach.  We are getting informed before we actually go to the place.  That means some looking in depth has to be accomplished and what better way than through the internet.  Right, don't answer any of the dealers on Craigslist because they will be sending you stuff until they have worn you out or have been worn out themselves.
     Diligence in any search means we are getting the job done no matter what.  Sometimes diligence is masked in frustration, anger, depression and hopelessness.  Finding the right car for the right price for our right needs isn't as easy as it sounds.  Why, you might ask, do business men and women lie to their clients?  Because they can AND because we let them.  For instance I called on a car I found and JUST wanted to find out if it was available.  The salesman began to go off on a tangent until I told him to just answer the question.  Now that's novel, answering the question.  As soon as he told me they didn't have the car, I hung up.  It was advertised as a viable car when in reality there was no car in the first place.  Shame on business from me...hung up and moved onto the next car.
     I'm sure that many have been familiar with some of you.  Why do people have to do this?  There are so many in the sales business that do just that.  Glad that this isn't what happens when they are asked if they know Jesus.  So, when the people who know us, work beside us and live within the same neighborhood hear us say one thing and do another; which story do they believe?  I have to admit here before I go any further that I have been one of "those" and "done that."  Maybe you have also?  It's really my circus and my monkey and I need to own it. Whenever I choose to not be a true Christian, I'm nothing more than a used car salesperson.  Worse yet, I am nothing more than a lawyer or politician.
     So, for today I will own my own failings and ask forgiveness.  I, just for today, will try to not be anyone's conscious than my own.  That doesn't mean I don't have a voice.  Quite the opposite.  People sometimes can learn more from others mistakes than they can from the story we tell.  We see what we want and seldom what we need.  It's a seeing problem and not a doing problem.  We know what to say and what to do.  Then what's the problem?  The problem is we aren't honest with ourselves much less God.  Just for today this is my circus and my monkey.  You do the same.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Not part of the game...

    It was years (many) ago that I first became aware of the "game" of life.  People involved played the game did so in different manners.  Regardless, the game went on whether you decided to play or not.   In fact to not play the game meant you had begun your own game.  Sometimes the game was forced upon you; especially during childhood.  That could be good or bad depending upon the game.  One of the realities of the game was the sooner you learned the rules the sooner you could initiate your own game.  Sometimes the game was lived on the defensive and sometimes on the offensive.  Needless to say, how you played the game determined to a great extent who you were.
     For many life became complex and so filled with players and their games.  Overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the worlds games resignation followed for many.  There were so many variances on the game.  In the 60's and early 70's there was the Viet Nam war.  Prior to that Korea and the World Wars I and II.  History is full of major events that pointed the world in certain directions.  From the leadership down the game created and destroyed anyone who would pose as a threat to the status quo.  President Kennedy's assassination shifted the world and changed course for all in the United States.  Into the future changes took place that were defining worlds and players.  So it continues.
     What's this have to do with our Christian walk?  Everything in our Christian life is defined by points on the map of time.  When Jesus came to Earth, lived, died and resurrected over 600 Old Testament prophecies were fulfilled.  No one paid attention at first.  However, in a short 33 years so many changes took place that the "game" was changed permanently.  Christianity was born and still is in existent.  Many who believed in this or that didn't have the luxury of a successful past.  They simply came and went and the world was barely nudged from it's orbit.  Through the years of my lifetime, there have been men and women who have professed that they are the real game.  They too have come and gone with only an indexed note of their existence. 
     Two thousand years later, give or take, here we are.  Our world is at war on many fronts, disease is killing faster than the cure can be found, selfishness is at an all time high with most wanting everything as they want it and now!  The world is in the process of outlawing Christianity (my opinion) and few raise to the defense of what they believe.  Political correctness has become the game to play.  If you play well enough you too can swing over to the anti God group.  Countless others have tried to change the game and its direction unsuccessfully.  Right now the cost of living according to the Bible is so compromised that "churches" are not only preaching but embracing that which God has forbidden. 
     While I too have enjoyed the offerings of the world, there remains the picture of my being a traitor to what I believe.  My only offering is living every day cognizant of what God wants me to do and then doing it.  Like so many, I know that there are things I have coveted in my life that God has said "No." to.  The Bible teaches us that you cannot have it both ways.  You cannot enjoy the fruit of two different trees at the same time.  And so many bounce back and forth depending of the demands of the game in their lives.  I've done that.  I've convinced others to accept the Gospel as well as the worlds game. 
     Over the centuries mankind has witnessed the fulfillment of many more prophecies that have been embraced by some and dissed by others.  I'd love to be able to tell you how much time mankind has before Jesus comes back.  However, no one knows the hour.  So, mankind who claim to be Christian, are either playing the game of the world or the game with God.  The real difference is what happens when those who do not know Jesus receive their life's game award versus those who do know Jesus and the game award for their dedication to the Lord.  One gets to go to Hell while the other gets to go to Heaven.  Yet, daily people choose to reject Jesus. 
     In the movie, "War Games" a couple of teenagers hack into a computer program of the government that unleashes a countdown to the destruction of all of the United States enemies.  The game, once started, is not able to be stopped.  The end game comes when the time runs out.  All those involved wait for the "end".  The screen goes black and these words appear: "The only game to play is to not play at all." Be committed to Christ is the only decision we need in order to live a good life with the blessings of God.  Make the play...

Thursday, October 16, 2014

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...

     Okay, the internet is fixed.  Now when a mistake appears, I can't blame anyone but myself!  We enter and mosey through life having choices of who to blame all the while seeing ourselves as more than we are.  It's not pride as much as it is sin.  Being able to do something doesn't make us experts on everything.  Ever had one of those people in your life where they knew everything?  Some may even be able to see into the future as they tell us what's going to happen down the road.  "Someday you are going to regret this or that." 
     Well, today came.  And went...  Yep, that's about all the truth some can handle.  Our lives are a journey of which few know.  The "fight" isn't usually about the big ticket items anymore than the same to be true with the little things.  Some fight the fight daily while others don't seem to need that particular fight.  Any good 12 step (not 12th man) program could be the most effective for any of us.  However, there is no 12 step program for some of the foolish and stupid things I do, think or say.  What to do?  I think I can...
     It begins with realizing we are not God nor will we ever be.  While we may think this sounds crazy; think of all the times you made or make decisions without seeking the decision that God wants.  Are you as guilty as me?  Why do we do this ? There actually is an answer to that question.  We want what we want how we want when we want in the way we want.  I can't believe I just used all those "w's".  Anyway translated we are selfish.  So, the little train can only ramble on with I think I can, I think I can...
     It's not that we don't want the little train to be able to get over the mountain.  We do.  It's more importantly that we think we are the only ones who can do the job.  Okay over achievers here we go.  If you were to die today, would every part of your life continue?  For the most part I can see the vote going towards "YES!"  Not a good indicator of the selfish nature in our life.  Do we see all that we do as the end all in the process?  We are not as important as we think we are.  When we leave this earth, we will be gone and life will go on...without us.  I think I can...
     So, what do we want to be known for?  Now aw well as when we die.  Just what is it that we would write on our own obituary?  How will we every do without Steve?  Our whole lives are wrapped up in "It's all about me."  No, it's not all about you or me.  When we see the little engine going up the mountain we quickly forget those who trained him, those who encouraged him, those who forgave him, and those who maintained him.  With such a cloud of witnesses; how should we live.  If this group of people were to stand before God to testify about me; would I be let in Heaven?  I think I can....

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Everything is going to alright!

     Famous last words uttered Murphy as he strolled down my private drive to put another glitch in my life.  It's not that I'm the only one who is targeted but it sure seems like it at times.  With the internet down I didn't get to my blog.  Many apologies.  That left me with time to do some physical work in and around the house.  Like Murphy, life goes on. 
     My internet is giving me problems and I don't know if the connection will last.  So, I will not, as was the case yesterday, have to stop and wait for tomorrow to be better.  Everything is going to be alright.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Being tired of being tired...

     Tired comes on different levels and are from different events in our lives.  There is the physical tiredness that comes with physical labor.  Along with the physical tiredness is the emotional tiredness which has origins that we cannot fathom.  Psychological tiredness is dangerously brought to the surface by whatever circumstance comes up.  Spiritual tiredness can be just as severe as any of the previous three.  When a combination of any of the above happens there is the possibility of catastrophic tiredness or the "melt down." 
     We, as people, try to deal with these in ways that are sometimes ineffective and sometimes very effective.  Part of the equation that we must look at is our past and the past of others around us.  Their actions and attitudes affect or even spark the episode that leaves us exhausted.  Why is that?  I'm not Jesus.  My actions and reactions are not perfect and sometimes are not the best choice I've had.  If I live my life being reactionary; I am always on the defense and the war continues long after the smoke has cleared. 
     Living on the defense is not a wise place to be.  Living on the defense takes Jesus and yourself out of the reaction process.  If we are looking at what the world wants us to look at we don't come to the point where we can simply look to Jesus and do what he knows is the best choice.  This entanglement over offense and defense are always present.  We choose which one we will live our lives on.  Jesus lived his life on the offense and look at the defense the non believers reacted with!
     I'm not saying everything will be peachy keen if we just give our trials and temptations to Jesus (though we should).  What I am saying is that we have a choice ALL the time.  I'm not saying we will always have the frame of mind to choose that which is best.  What I am saying is that the battles are not ours.  The battles belong to the Lord.  Whenever I'm convinced I can handle something without Jesus, I find I fall the fastest.  Whenever I take on issues in a defensive posture my peace is destroyed and other negative emotions run up and down my life.  Regrets, woulda, coulda and shoulda come out to play and do a tap dance on my already shattered world.
     It's not easy to "just give it to the Lord."  Sometimes we want to punch the person telling us this into next week.  We shouldn't do that.  In our already weakened spiritual state we distance ourselves from all that which is good and right.  My almost immediate response to being reactionary is to eat.  Yep!  Stuff my face with whatever I'm not supposed to have.  That, at that moment, is my way of grasping something I can control.  It's not a good choice.  My weight is reflective of a lifetime of eating to take control of something where I am powerless.  I don't know what you do when the circumstances arise in your life.  I would urge you to keep going on the good choice of giving our lives and all they contain to Jesus.  He said he would be with us through every moment and event of our lives.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Going to Crazy.

     When my kids were young my son Daniel would immediately ask me to tell him where we were going as soon as we were in the car.  I told him we were going to crazy.  He never questioned my answer.  He remembers and still chuckles about it.  We're not really crazy and we have not taken a trip their either.  What one mans definition of crazy and the rest of the world definition come up against each other; it's important to choose the personal crazy.  At least our crazy can be addressed.  The world is against stopping their crazy.
     Crazy can be a very good thing.  Being crazy about someone or something is okay.  Being driven crazy about a surprise party of event is also sometimes okay.  Crazy in love with Jesus is the best and is always okay.  If we do not have love one for another (in Christ) then the love of God does not live in us.  If the love of God isn't in us then what is the love we feel we have?  I would suggest it is temporal and shallow utilized to get along with or manipulate others.  Hmm, two choices of craziness.  Which one do you choose? 
     Our lives show which one is dominant and which one we have as part of our lives.  I'd like to suggest that the fruits of our lives as a measuring stick.  In order to judge (discern) which we have and use we must be able to compare our crazy with.  The worlds definition of crazy isn't a standard I like as much as I did before I became a Christian.  The Christian definition of crazy is a standard that has been set and for me is unattainable in the fullest degree.  Why?  Because I do crazy things, have crazy thoughts, and say crazy things sometimes.  These keep me from fully knowing what crazy about Christ really is. 
     My life, for the most part, is crazy.  I hang out with those who have a similar craziness.  God is crazy in love with me.  I've seen some incredible crazy events and enjoyed them.  So, why don't I just set my face towards crazy and never look back? Because there is still sin in my life and is driving the ship part time.  If you see yourself in the same boat; know that you are in good company.  It's odd to say this but, in order to be seen as sane, you need to be crazy sold out to a God who requires the crazy.  He has given us the opportunity to accomplish some crazy things.  These crazy things have led many people to knowing Christ.  Crazy isn't so bad!
     Next time you are with a Christian ask them if they have ever participated in something crazy.  Help them to be honest with you.  Then, remember to laugh with them.  You wouldn't believe some of the crazy things God has brought into my path towards Him!  The next time you say, "That's crazy!", reflect on the good crazy versus the bad crazy.  Use that as a way of discerning (judging) if the craziness is part of life with God or part of life with the world.  Remember to have fun as well.  Go to Crazy!

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Right or wrong.

     There seems to be a different definition of both right or wrong than when I was a kid.  We were all taught right from wrong according to whomever.  Some would say that it doesn't make people right or wrong but different.  Just how different can people be before we say, "that's wrong! or that's right!"? Today the rule is different but not right or wrong.  Today the rule is to tolerate everything and to leave bias stashed away.  God has a problem with this.  He tells us to do good and not bad.  He urges us to consider the consequences of our choices before we act or speak. 
     So, what happened?  Where did the world begin having difficulty with right and wrong?  In the garden with Adam and Eve.  They were swayed, ate the forbidden fruit and knew right from wrong.  Prior to this they didn't need to know right from wrong.  When the very act of innocence is intruded upon the results are waves from a pond ripple travelling in so many directions.  It's wrong to harm the egg of a Bald Eagle and yet we can kill children everyday with abortions.  Yes, I believe in calling what we are doing wrong.  Comes from the Bible you know.
     I remember learning one day that a "life sentence" in prison was just that, a life sentence.  Now the "life sentence" is actually 7 years and you can get time off for good behavior.  When considering the crime, just consider the length of time and choose what the consequences are.  Chances are you will get out of jail and back on the streets with your life in 7 years.  By the way, you won't find this in the Bible either.  The Bible tells us to obey the authorities placed over us because they have the power to protect the obedient and to punish the violator.  Choose your evil carefully!
     In my book, "While I Was Yet Sinning," I bring this issue up with examples of our rationalization and justification that are wrong.  We never stop sinning because our heart has been quieted and our conscience has been sedated to the point of sin.  James tells us that if when we act we know whether it's right or wrong.  We know what's true and what's not.  We know that our choice of right and wrong just measures what depth of selfishness we are living in.  Are we living in right or wrong?  If we say that we have not sinned then we are deceived and are lost.
     You see, the current direction our world is taking leads us further and further from the truth, right, and choices for God.  When we see a situation that requires a yes and no answer, we need to ask ourselves a question or two.  First, we must ask ourselves if that is the way we want to be treated.  Second, we must ask ourselves if that is the way God would like us to choose.  Third, we must ask ourselves if our behavior, talk and actions lead others to Jesus or not.
     I have been guilty of doing this in so many different situations that I have probably worn out a few angels.  There are times I feel jealous that he or she has this or that because of selfish choices of others.  I want to be like Jesus so today I am going to choose to NOT be selfish.  Today I am going to try and let go of me and grasp onto God who is sufficient.  Go forth and act like you should.  Do God proud.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Imagine Whirled Peas!

     Turning the way back machine on we find Sherman searching for his talking dog, Mr. Peabody.  It would be nice in some ways to be able to go back and relive our good times.  That's what our memories do.  They go back and usually address the good times.  When we do this we can bring out the nostalgia with those who lived then as well.  As time goes on our being able to relate diminishes and we are left with sporadic episodes of familiarity but no peace.  We are led to believe this is as good as it gets.  To some extent, that is true.  Largely though, we are led to be in denial of what is going around us.  John Lennon is credited with the Imagine World Peace.  Someone else dreaming up
     We are, at the mercy of time alone.  Time is our enemy.  I'm not talking about how long it takes our pizza order to get here related to how cold or hot it will be.  What I am talking about is the count down to the end of time.  I should start at the beginning.  God was.  The end: God is.  Now there is a constant we can count on.  What we need to see is what each signifies.  Prior to the sin of man there existed no "time" and after the Lord returns and the book of Revelation is complete, there will be no more time.  With man's choice there is only a countdown in existence.  As the prophecies are fulfilled there will be one more tick of the clock.
     World peace would be very nice.  All we need to do is hasten the end of the world as we know it and just like that we will have world peace.  What are we to do with all those who still believe the lie?  No matter what we do we are still on a collision course with the end of time.  End times lead to end time.  And so since the beginning of time (man sins) to the end of time (sin is destroyed) we are to look forward to what is beyond the end times into timelessness.  The reason we are to go on is to bring those around us to the Lord and let them choose themselves where they want to live during eternity (no time).
     I know this is kind of heavy for the morning.  So get that second cup of coffee or tea and read on.  Did you get that coffee or tea?  How about your toast? 
     Speaking of toast, there will be lots of that after the end of time.  There will be no peace for those who have chosen toast.  There will be eternal (no time limit) and no relief to the pain and suffering because they chose to be the god of their world.  Yep, it's a choice.  While I was a police officer I had a battle of conscience over the requirement came to use of deadly force.  It took a good Christian friend show me in the Word where those who choose evil also choose their punishment.  Personal responsibility for you and I is our choice.  We can even have peace if we like.  Well, maybe if don't let things get to us.  And maybe if all those around us did the same.  Alright, if the whole world is focused on whirled peas.    
     Nope, never going to happen.  Nope.  As long as people are making selfish choices, there will be no peace.  In fact, the longer we focus on making it better, the longer the time till time ends.  Yes, you and I are in charge of eternity in one sense.  That is a frightening thought!  Let's take this home though. We are also responsible for who we take along on the trip.  Do you have any unsaved family, friends or enemies?  I do.  Unless they hear the Word they cannot hear.  Unless they act on what they hear they cannot believe.  Unless they believe they don't have a good ending.
     We all die.  That's not even questionable.  Unless, of course, you have a flaming chariot take you into the night!  Could happen...but I don't think so.  I've always chosen the hard way and probably always will.  The Word says that all we need to do is "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved."  I realize I've opened a can of worms for pretty much everyone today.  Let me know what you think or what you would like my opinion on.  I can answer in the blog or in private.  Thank you for your support!!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's a point of view...

     That's a statement where we could see some fireworks.  People in our lives as well as external forces press their point of view all the time.  If it was physical exercise no one would be fat...that or they would be dead!  We all have that friend, family member, boss or co-worker that seems to always press their point of view.  How others receive their point of view is totally different.  Instead of confronting the intrusion we ignore, nod our head, leave the area or other diversions.  There seems no end of days in putting up with others point of view.
     The first mistake we make is to have our own point of view.  I know that sounds ridiculous and in some cases it would be.  Having a point of view speaks of an agenda where we are determined to at least have our say if not way in whatever we are involved.  We may even take the time to justify and rationalize how our point of view is right.  Religious leaders of all faiths do the same thing.  Whether we are leadable or not remains to be seen.  Having our own point of view is dangerous but necessary.
     There is a moment in the timeline of our point of view where there is a decision that needs to be made about how important our point of view is.  When your kids say that Momma is mad but don't say about what; where does your mind go?  Do you immediately plan an escape to the store to buy something, go to the garage and begin doing things that make loud noises?  Whatever it is, we don't want to know why the other person is mad unless we are a counselor.  That threshold of the moment in time defines your essential being.  What is shown is the type of man or woman of God you are.  Sometimes the point of view we choose works out well.  Sometimes that same point of view will not work out. 
     Being a Christian is definitely, in the worlds view, a point of view.  It seems that all who call themselves Christian also must have the exactly same beliefs.  At least that is what the non-Christian world would lead us to believe.  It that were true, we would be easier to corral and control.  That's what points of view are all about...control.  We can call it whatever we want but we will still either control or be controlled.
     What if, I query, the Christian would only hold to God's point of view?  Should we be so bold our lives would certainly change and the lives of those around us.  Jesus told us to imitate him.  Notice that it doesn't say, "only on Sunday and Wednesday night."  Having a point of view is going to cause you to either cling to Jesus or distance yourself from the responsibility of living for Him.  What's it going to be?
     You see, I have this point of view and I want to be heard.  What if I was of the frame of mind that I didn't take your response personally?  What if I let you believe that I am wrong?  What if I didn't pick up the challenge and either begin or enter into the foray?  Yet there are times and circumstances where we are called to make a stand.  For instance, don't give up your point of view whether you are Christian.  To do so would be denying Christ and the work he did on the cross for all of us.  Yet, we don't need to "fight" as the Word tells us to speak our truth clearly.  That doesn't mean we will convert the world around us to our point of view.  However, we may see Jesus do that work.
     God doesn't need our help.  If he did, we would not be qualified for the job.  God needs us to abandon our state of mind and point of view and live like Christ wants us to live.  Should we begin to take this seriously we can understand Paul's words of "it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives within me."  Now, that is a point of view!  Go forth and do likewise.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What's the worst that could happen!?

     Friends and family that know me can probably echo what I say next.  I say, "The worst case scenario is that I did and go to Heaven!  That's not bad at all!"  I am not fatalistic but rather am eternity oriented.  Things of this earth don't draw me as they used to before I met Jesus.  I think for the Christian this is the normal.  If you are not a Christian the orientation is different.  When I came to know Jesus in October of 1972 my thoughts and focus changed.  Sometimes I get "homesick" and long for that time when all pain, suffering, rejection and other negatives that surround us are gone and will NOT come back.  Wow! 
     However, there are many amongst us who don't have a best case scenario.  Because of choices they have what the earth gives them.  It's nice to be clothed and fed as well as have the social circle they have.  But, I remember that it was the cares of the world and my very messy past that brought me to the point of committing suicide.  My focus was always on the immediate place and position I was in and with whom I was joined.  That would have been my drugging and drinking buddies, family and others like bosses and enemies.  Life was full of traps and trickery back then.  There was nothing "up" in my world then.  The pull of the world by and through those who were connected to me was overwhelming at times.  My best case scenario that night in 1972 was to put a permanent end to what I saw as the "problem".  Life.
     My life after Christ was so different that I thought I was living in a foreign country (I was actually in Germany but I digress).  You remember all those who were on the sinking ship with me?  They all disappeared.  Hmm...  You know the one who is your friend until you run out of money.  Yep, they were the ones.  This event triggered thoughts along with the title of this blog.  The worst that could happen was also the best that could have happened.  Sometimes we need to sit down and ask ourselves this question:  "Do the people in my life love my being whom I am or are they constantly trying to get me back into this or that situation where they are comfortable?"  Simply put, "Do I have to give up me to be loved by you?"  Cutting people loose from my life was a worst case scenario and again, a best case scenario.
     At that one time in life I was carrying around the attitude of those around me.  I saw people as expendable and so did they.  People used each other and that was the rule and not the exception.  Though the change of salvation was definitely a best case scenario, people who were attached to me saw that as a worst case scenario.  Relationships that suck the life out of you aren't relationships at all.  Everybody was a zombie back then.  Most of us focus on what we had to lose before making a decision that alters our life.  How would going to that job, marrying that person, becoming a Christian cost us in the transition? 
     Those whom were unable to adjust to my new life slowly disappeared.  Sometimes it's only during the loss that we find those leaving us have any feelings at all.  The years spent nursing a lifestyle that would not fulfill our needs echo back to us the years, events and options where those in our life intersected.  We thought we knew people and they thought they knew us.  The worst case scenario was all we knew.  The best case scenario for the Christian is all they need to know.  There are who have come and gone during my life.  Some came and went leaving part of them with me.  There were those who came and went taking part of me with them.  The worst that could happen is for me to be a taker.  The best case scenario was me being a giver.  I've had to learn that lesson over and over with choices I have made. 
     I'm ready to go to heaven.  There is no fear.  There is only excitement in meeting Jesus to thank him for saving my life!  Transitions will continue in my life and the lives of those who are around me.  Their lives will change as well leaving some of them with me and I with them when it's time to move on.  Life is about living your life for something and not against something.  That question can only be answered by yourself.  Why do we live?  For whom would we die?  A friend of mine gave me a line that puts things in perspective: "It's all good!"  I can say that about most of my life and am still letting go of tat which I foolishly carry around with me.
     The worst case scenario is what leads to the best case scenario. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to stay in trouble.

     I know all about this one.  My life seems to be on a road paved with one dilemma after another. 
They are usually created by myself and most of the time only affect me and maybe one other person or company.  Trouble has no difficulty finding me.  Sometimes the trouble is very humorous and other times being trouble is very serious.  I usually am not actively looking for trouble.  Rather, trouble seems to cling to me like a magnet applied to metal.  So, why should yesterday, today or tomorrow be any different? 
     How does this apply to the statement above?  What is so good about staying in trouble?  Within the Christian faith we are commanded to say and do things that are bothersome and lead to conflict.  Sometimes the trouble is momentary and other times long lasting; often being taken to our grave with us.  Jesus commanded us to be in trouble.  Well, he didn't use those exact words.  In my life there is no doubt what we are commanded to do.  Jesus wants us to do things for the kingdom that are outside our comfort zone.  He wants us to stay steadfast with our commitment to him.  He said he came into this world to convict the world and show the world that being out of trouble is evidence that some other got has been erected in your life. 
     No doubt by now you have come to the realization that I'm off my rocker.  Yes, for Christ, I am off the rocker.  I still don't do everything right but I do confront and let people wonder where I get off saying this or that.  People in my life have registered anything from fear to anger when I talk to people the Lord has sent my way to hear about him.  Sometimes my speaking has upset corporations and sometimes individual people are convicted or angered over what has been said or done.  I don't expect the world to understand why I say the things I do or do the things I do. 
    Here is the point:  we are commanded to go to all parts of the world and raise up disciples who will do the same.  In some countries imprisonment or even death awaits those who are doing what God has asked to do.  Whole countries have joined together to stand against their faith.  Too bad we don't do that here for Jesus.  We aren't doing our job.  I'm not saying you have to have a conflicting life in order to be bringing people to Jesus.  Neither am I saying that we need to be hard and distant.  That clearly doesn't work.
     I was driving down the road one day with my 4 children in the vehicle with me.  They wouldn't stop fighting so I pulled over and stopped.  When asked by my children why I was stopping; I replied that I didn't want them fighting.  They were asked to look inside of their lives and to stop fighting.  We started down the road and hadn't come very far when the fighting resumed.  I pulled over and stopped.  I didn't say a word and they didn't ask any questions.  When all were doing well with each other I started up the car and went on in our journey.  No further issues came up. 
     Staying involved, connected, and truthful are very important parts of our lives;  The Bible tells us to be gentle as doves.  The Bible tells us to be angry and not sin.  The Bible tells us that we are to love one another regardless of the cross attached. The Bible also tells us to confront even the believer and utilize church discipline because we love them.  Within all of this we can find ourselves in trouble with the world.  What are you going to do?  You have to do something.  that something may be confronting someone who sinning. 
     Go forth and stay in trouble!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Men and women are different.

     I should stop right there and not write another word.  That would be the best way to stop any trouble I get myself into today.  However, I feel compelled to write on this topic today.  To my defense, we all know that men and women are different so it's no new thought.  This difference has always been.  Always.  The difference can be from huge to small but have big meaning.  The opposite is true as well.  Where we find ourselves on this chart is as diverse as the population filling in the chart.  If you were to ask a woman to place men on the chart the picture would look very different than where men place women on the chart.
     "What," you may ask, "does this mean to me or you?"  There are extremes that pop up in both ends of that scale that are both good and bad.  Have you ever asked someone to tell you what they think of a decision, action, no action that you took recently?  Me neither.  We don't bad news whether it be accurate or totally off base.  We don't like conflict (most of us) as it consumes our time, relationships, and potential failure.  I recently saw a comic that had two elderly men on a park bench talking.  The one man said that his wife could read minds now.  He went on to say that she sees what he might say is wrong even before he says it.  There is some humor in the comic but it's hostile humor.  Hostile humor does not ever come out associated with good, loving, kind and other adjectives.  Hostile humor is used to get our point across without fighting.  However, it is and it does.
     Should we take this area of relationship with women on, we take on the process that follows.  What most of the world does is ignore the male/female person with their thoughts and feelings and make instead their world neutral.  That might work some of the time.  However, for any real relationship to develop we need to have something more.  Here is where I go radical.  I'm just warning you! 
     In the Bible Paul says there is "no longer male or female."  but, he goes on to say, "all are equal in the eyes of God."  Paul loved conflict.  He does have a point though.  Let's try this one on for us to be uncomfortable with.  What if you, I, and everyone else would not know any distinction between the sexes?  Would you be able to understand more?  Would you be able to be understood more?  Not if you don't know Jesus.  I hope you saw that one coming.  The real and only question we need to ask in order to have a positive relationship with anyone is: What Would Jesus Do?  I can hear the groans already.
     WWJD is a true test of how we see people.  In our surrendered lives we are commanded to be Jesus to the world we live in.  Yet, fear compels us to choose something other than God.  I've done that.  I imagine you have as well.  If we "put on Christ" there is no room for "Steve" or anyone else.  Why don't we do this?  Because we are selfish and think we know better than God.  A warning light should go off about now.  Where do you stand?  You see, in Christ, men and women are not different at all.  We, society, made that part up.  We created the chasm that causes all kinds of problem for all of mankind.