Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Tuesdays and Thursdays

     Yes, I know it's Wednesday!  Tuesdays and Thursdays are days of the week that have had considerable merit in my life over the years.  They first came to my attention when I was a police officer and then later in various other careers.  Tuesdays and Thursdays came to mean more to me when I passed the 65 barrier.  You see, Tuesdays and Thursdays are days of the week when senior citizens go out for the sales, specials and activities that are directed to that age group and above.  I know that I am stereotyping a group of people.  I'm one of them so I can do that if I want.  They are on the road driving slower than anyone else, taking so much time parking that the people go around them, crowd the aisle in the stores and fill the beauty parlors.  They are also out to medical appointments and trips to the senior centers.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays you will see them everywhere doing everything at slow speed.  You may be wondering what this has to do with Christianity.  Everything!
     I've just stereotyped a whole age group of people from 65 (some before that) to over 100.  Not everyone fits the stereotype though.  In fact the stereotype has changed some over the years.  With the advent of many new inventions and technology galore, this group of people are changing as well.  There are those who are grandparents and parents to their grandchildren for one reason or another.  There are those who are working into their 80's and older because their Social Security check doesn't cover all that they need in their lives.  There are those who no longer drive and those who drive others around all because of their abilities or the decline of those abilities.  When you think about it, every generation can be stereotyped and put within a box of some sort.  Boxes are designed to confine people.  Should there be an act outside of the box there must be something wrong with you.  When that happens well intentioned doctors, relatives and others intrude where they haven't been invited and all hell breaks loose.
      When I use the word "Christian" all kinds of stereotyping goes on almost immediately.  Christians fall into so many different categories according to the world.  They seem to have been either on one extreme of liberalism or the other extreme of conservative to whomever has a need to box them up and ship them out.  Denominationalism is the act of creating different groups because they have chosen to believe the Bible says something different than others think.  Heaven forbid we just take the Word as God thinks!  Pretending to be right, everyone else is wrong.  Whether or not you do this or don't do that you are obviously believing in vain.  Some don't believe at all and pretend for whatever reason to belong.  Maybe it's just to belong somewhere.  In any case, there are stereotyped groups that spend so much time telling everyone they are right and everyone else is wrong that Jesus is not even preached.  Clamoring for church membership and tithes pastors forget that the Christian church isn't about that; it's about Jesus.
     Jesus isn't just around on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  He's around every day.  Jesus isn't just in his 30's but he is able to meet the 10 year old the same as he would a 86 year old.  Jesus doesn't just go to one group or one denomination.  Jesus goes to everyone.  He never ordained and never will ordain a denomination or a religious group or even a cult.  Jesus is all in all.  Take God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit or don't take them at all.  It's only by the name of Jesus that anyone can be saved.  Sorry, baptism doesn't do it and neither does youth group or adult bible studies.  If you don't know Jesus as a personal savior, you don't know him at all.  Christianity isn't about Tuesday and Thursdays (or Wednesday night and Sunday morning).  Christianity isn't about the rituals mankind has made that form the box that quite frankly Jesus doesn't fit in.  Christianity isn't about our making Him in our image; it's about us discovering the image of God within us as we die and have Jesus live through us.  So, take whatever box you have and break it up and use it to light a fire on the hill for everyone to see.  Then simply say the name "Jesus".  They will come.

Monday, August 6, 2018

It wasn't always this way

    Looking back we can see where we came from. the right and wrong decisions that determined our paths and eventually brought us to where we are.  It wasn't always like it is today.  Some days and times were worse while some were better.  Regardless of the past; we are here in the present.  Some are determined to not repeat the past while others seem content to do just that.  Change comes to only those who want something different.  It's not suggested that since you want change you necessarily want change for the better.  If that were so we would learn by our mistakes and not repeat them.  Being the king and queen of hindsight doesn't make us immune from those times when we are triggered and think, act and do what we shouldn't do.  It wasn't always this way.  Once upon a time  there was innocence and naivety in the world we live in.  In one way or another our innocence was stripped away from us from those around us and a cruel fallen world.  Nothing would be left unchanged once the innocence and naivety were gone except the next innocent element in our life that would arise.  It wasn't always this way.  It's not that we can restore innocence but rather that we can live in future innocence.
     When we were conceived the Bible says we were conceived in sin and dead in the world.  Some would argue that we weren't conceived in sin but that we were innocent until a time when we could know the difference.  One doesn't need to know loss to know that loss can occur.  We know that there are losses. But are they innocent or the product of naivety?  The place we must come to in order to gain life is knowing that our lives are lost.  We are destitute and condemned to eternity in hell without some loss taking our place.  Unable to be the perfect beings we were designed to be we have but one way to return to innocence.  That would involve being born again.  Born again of spirit and not flesh.  Our spirits, before Christ, were dead.  The world we live in is dead.  This shouldn't be a new truth for Christians.  However, not all who call themselves Christian have been born again.  Some still have a form of godliness but not from God.  Do good all you want.  If you aren't born again you are still dead in your sins.  God doesn't reside within you.  Coming to the end of ourselves and being totally aware of our place in the continuum of that passage to being born again is the most desolate you will ever feel.  Lost with no hope.  It wasn't always this way.  It's not how God formed you in your mother's womb.
     Innocence was there in the beginning of everything.  Even in the beginning of you.  Innocence is hardwired into our souls.  We desire that connection with a God who lived, died and was resurrected for our very souls and innocence.  You are standing on that threshold of then and now.  You have the choice to remain dead or you can choose life.  It's all in your hands.  What do you choose?  If you are like most, you weigh the cost.  But there is no cost as you are already dead.  If you are like most, you look for another way but there is no other way.  There is no bargaining.  Why?  Because the God of innocence has determined a way that surpasses any other way for you to have innocence.  Once you decide, there is that time when you step forward and never look back again.  People who adhere to the law look back  People who look back at tradition look back.  People who have come to the end of themselves don't look back because there is no light in darkness.  When you are dead you cannot see any darkness.  Choosing to step forward and accept life from Jesus ignites light into your heart, soul and mind.  Where once I was lost I am now found!  Innocence is born when the forgiveness of your sins has washed over you.  You are free because He made you free.  You are saved because He saved your soul.  You can now live in innocence forever.  Life begets life and you should be helping others find that most excellent way in Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Christian excess Part 2

     Christian excess isn't just about the spare shirt or two in your closet.  Nor is it about that food you throw away every week.  Neither is Christian excess about that spare car, tent, boat, or whatever you have stored under that tarp in the back yard.  Those things are all subject to what I wrote yesterday.  If you haven't read yesterday's post, do so now.  Welcome back!  Christians in the free countries of the world have very little idea of how precious the Word is.  In our homes we have Bibles collecting dust while there are places around the world where there are no copies of the Bible.  In one Russian village many years ago there was 1 Bible amongst the congregation.  Being caught with the Bible would result in it's destruction and the person's imprisonment.  The Christians in that home church tore apart the Bible, handed out sections to everyone that could read and had them memorize the Word...or at least their part of the Word.  When a Scripture was needed the person with that section would rise and quote the Bible for the rest.  They were the Bible to each other and to their world.  The community of God came together in the harsh reality of their world and proclaimed the Gospel as one body because all were needed to present all the Scripture.  They were the Word of God to each other and to those they shared the Gospel with.
     Christians today know more about their own world than they do the Bible.  Many Christians have never memorized a single Scripture and have little desire to do so.  How can the preach if they don't know the Word?  How can the people hear if the Word isn't spoken?  How can others be saved if the Word doesn't go out because of Biblical ignorance?  The Bible tells us to be ready to give account of the hope that is within us at any moment.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The Bible tells us to share the Word with the lost so that they can believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved in his name.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The Bible says that we will be brought in front of many who will demand to know what we believe.  Did you know the Bible said that?  Would you be able to share the Word with others with what you know?  Maybe you have that lie going that says, "It's not my job."  Wrong!  It is your job if you have given your life to Jesus.  It's with the Word that we can fight the spiritual fight with the enemy.  You have the authority in the name of Jesus to do this and greater things through our faith in Him.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The world doesn't need to hear the millionaire preachers (actually heretics) twisting Scripture for their own personal gain.  The world doesn't need "another gospel" which isn't a gospel at all in order to be part of their special group.  The world doesn't need the many books pontificating what a person believes.  The world needs the Gospel of Jesus through you!
     My orchard is heavy laden with apples so much so that when the branches move in the breeze they fall to the ground where I gather them, process them and give them away to those in need.  I have my pantry filled and the rest is excess.  So it is with the Word that lives within us.  Our needs are taken care of so we don't need to be distracted with taking care of our own needs.  We don't need to do repetitious prayer as some do because we have a God who heard our hearts cry before we prayed and has sent his answer before the words of our supplication pass over our lips.  We don't need to become "more educated" to share the word of God.  How complex is "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."  Even children can understand that!  Even children can pass that excess in their lives on to others.  Through the mouths of babes come the wisdom of the ages.  If God uses little children then how much more does he want to use you?  Your excess is all areas of your life are the witness of the Word of God.  Keeping it to yourself is a sin.  You have been commanded to give away your faith so that some might believe and be saved.  You have excess faith, understanding, and the love of God.  Why haven't you given it away?  The orphan and the widow are waiting.