Tuesday, October 7, 2014

How to stay in trouble.

     I know all about this one.  My life seems to be on a road paved with one dilemma after another. 
They are usually created by myself and most of the time only affect me and maybe one other person or company.  Trouble has no difficulty finding me.  Sometimes the trouble is very humorous and other times being trouble is very serious.  I usually am not actively looking for trouble.  Rather, trouble seems to cling to me like a magnet applied to metal.  So, why should yesterday, today or tomorrow be any different? 
     How does this apply to the statement above?  What is so good about staying in trouble?  Within the Christian faith we are commanded to say and do things that are bothersome and lead to conflict.  Sometimes the trouble is momentary and other times long lasting; often being taken to our grave with us.  Jesus commanded us to be in trouble.  Well, he didn't use those exact words.  In my life there is no doubt what we are commanded to do.  Jesus wants us to do things for the kingdom that are outside our comfort zone.  He wants us to stay steadfast with our commitment to him.  He said he came into this world to convict the world and show the world that being out of trouble is evidence that some other got has been erected in your life. 
     No doubt by now you have come to the realization that I'm off my rocker.  Yes, for Christ, I am off the rocker.  I still don't do everything right but I do confront and let people wonder where I get off saying this or that.  People in my life have registered anything from fear to anger when I talk to people the Lord has sent my way to hear about him.  Sometimes my speaking has upset corporations and sometimes individual people are convicted or angered over what has been said or done.  I don't expect the world to understand why I say the things I do or do the things I do. 
    Here is the point:  we are commanded to go to all parts of the world and raise up disciples who will do the same.  In some countries imprisonment or even death awaits those who are doing what God has asked to do.  Whole countries have joined together to stand against their faith.  Too bad we don't do that here for Jesus.  We aren't doing our job.  I'm not saying you have to have a conflicting life in order to be bringing people to Jesus.  Neither am I saying that we need to be hard and distant.  That clearly doesn't work.
     I was driving down the road one day with my 4 children in the vehicle with me.  They wouldn't stop fighting so I pulled over and stopped.  When asked by my children why I was stopping; I replied that I didn't want them fighting.  They were asked to look inside of their lives and to stop fighting.  We started down the road and hadn't come very far when the fighting resumed.  I pulled over and stopped.  I didn't say a word and they didn't ask any questions.  When all were doing well with each other I started up the car and went on in our journey.  No further issues came up. 
     Staying involved, connected, and truthful are very important parts of our lives;  The Bible tells us to be gentle as doves.  The Bible tells us to be angry and not sin.  The Bible tells us that we are to love one another regardless of the cross attached. The Bible also tells us to confront even the believer and utilize church discipline because we love them.  Within all of this we can find ourselves in trouble with the world.  What are you going to do?  You have to do something.  that something may be confronting someone who sinning. 
     Go forth and stay in trouble!

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