Monday, October 31, 2016

Sometimes you just need to laugh!

     I believe with all my heart that Jesus laughed much and laughed loudly!  The somber look shouldn't pass over the faces of the faithful.  Well, that can be funny to see too!  We don't laugh as much and often as is necessary to create smiles on the faces of those around us.  There are some fantastic Christian comedians who use good clean humor to entertain others and spread the Gospel at the same time.  Who would you like to hear the Gospel from?  Would you like the somber, serious or the light hearted by focused Christian to do the job?  Those in the world need to hear the Gospel of this I am very sure.  The manner and method of delivering the Good News is imperative to the task of seeing people saved.  There is a difference is using different modes with differing situations and people.  The only way we can deliver appropriately the Gospel is to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying and doing in and around those we associate with.  I guarantee that more honey catches the most flies!  Do we have what it takes to be such a representative of Christ that people really want what we have?
     I love puns!  Sometimes they are real groaners and sometimes they are worse!  Puns are an excellent way to begin conversations.  Let the message come from that opening!  People are more willing to let down their walls if you show you aren't a threat.  I don't know about you but my reaction to a police car behind me isn't funny!  When they pass me or take the off ramp I am very happy!  Same with going to the dentist or doctor.  I'm always trying to shake the foreboding as my appointment approaches and am very excited and happy (unless I am in pain) when I leave.  This is the same reaction people have to Christians.  They may be happier to see us go than to see us come.  We don't want that and neither does God.  Having been assaulted spiritually most of my teen and young adult years I know that feeling.  It took ONE  Christian at the right moment to break through my defenses.  When I was approached by them, the lack of seriousness was felt but the invitation to coffee wasn't negative at all.  I wanted to meet with them and get to know therm.  This led eventually to my salvation.
     I remember one day a Christian came up to me and said, "I bought this Bible for you.  Read it and make up your mind for yourself whether it's for you or not."  Wow!  How many of us have Bible's laying around our houses that are gathering dust when they could be read by those who don't or never have had one?  If they are extra for us, then they are there for God to distribute as he wills.  Listen to the Holy Spirit and give them away!  Who knows what their effect will be on someone.  Pray that they read it and that God directs them to where they need to read.  Remember to tell them a joke or a pun first!  It's always your choice!

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Whether you like it or not...

     Some things in the world are just not right.  There can be no righting those wrongs an that's just the way it is whether you like it or not.  Agendas hidden or out in the open can wield power over the individual or the masses whether you like it or not.  Satan is the god of this world whether you like it or not.  God is God over all of the universe and you may like it or not.  All of these things render us under the perception of our miniscule being amongst the greater and bigger picture.  As Christians we are not called to throw our hands up in the air and give in and give up.  The Bible is full of life stories of those of faith who have stood up to the giants and with the power of God risen above the occasion and God has prevailed.  It takes a lot to overcome those things whether you like it or not.  It takes faith, courage and belief to fire the Christian to stand up to that which seems insurmountable.  Not in themselves but in the God who is ever present and working to bring about his blessings for you and I.  He's also there to allow people to choose the judgement that they wish whether you like it or not.  What we say, think and do affects our entire environment, the people in it and the community within we all live whether you like it or not.  You are not insignificant whether you like it or not.
     EVERYTHING we think, say and do has a consequence for good or bad whether you like it or not.  Everything!  Idle thoughts and seemingly insignificant words combined with innocent things we do matter whether we like it or not.  The Bible is true whether you like it or not.  If you disagree with the Bible you are wrong whether you like it or not.  The only action necessary on your part is to repent and accept that which you formerly believed was wrong.  I've seen so many times the unrolling of events where a small child has listened when you and I didn't think that they were listening  They said "that word" or repeated "that phrase".  This usually takes place at a very inopportune when your pastor, parents in laws or someone you were wanting to believe you were a great parent shows up.  Unpredictability of others thoughts, words, and deeds are going to happen whether you like it or not.  Everyone seems to have an opinion these days whether we like it or not.  They are entitled to their opinion whether it's right or wrong because God has granted us a free will.  That free will actually enslaves us rather than sets us free whether you like it or not.
     The Gospel story in it's entirety is true whether you like it or not.  There is by one Name by which mankind may be saved whether you like it or not.  Whether you like it or not, you live and die by your choices.  Worse or better yet, your eternity is determined by your choice whether you end up liking that choice or hating that choices end.  You see, there is little that we can do about the choices of others whether you like it or not.  There is everything we can do about our choices and the resultant consequence.  While we don't usually think of "positive consequences" as the result of our choices, they too, also are valid.  I'm enjoying the positive consequence of the blessings of God whether others like it or not.  In the end, I am the only one who can make that decision for me.  I can't make that decision for you or anyone else.  However, I can live my life in such a way that people want what I have.  It's always your choice...whether you like it or not.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Lord, have mercy on me a sinner.

     Until we come face to face with how destitute we are, we can't appreciate how fortunate we are by the work of Christ in our place.  It's hard to fathom that as sinners we fall short of the glory of God every day even if we are saved.  We were in such dead space before we met Christ and didn't even know that the grass was greener on the other side.  Instead, we lived in the darkness and our whole lives were permeated with sin.  At least mine was.  I'm pretty sure that no one is perfect.  So, the amount of light we see depends on how much of the darkness we let go of.  If I hold onto areas in my life that are not of God, then the light is unable to go there.  Remember that free will thing?  It's still there in all of our lives.  We choose how much darkness we retain and how much light we let in.  Boy are we mixed up!  Here is an illustration.  I built a greenhouse and decided to cover the top of the greenhouse with plastic.  The plastic wasn't clear but did let light in and my crops flourished.  The wind storms took out the plastic so I acquired clear acrylic panels and installed them. What a difference that makes!  All the light can get in.  I can't wait to see what the new crops will produce. 
     Our lives are like that.  If we allow God to put clear acrylic in place, that which is within us can do nothing but produce more because the darkness is driven out by the light.  All we need to do is realize that the darkness we are holding onto isn't what God wants in our lives.  The story of what happened on the cross includes that when Jesus died the skies grew black as night.  That's not the end of the story though.  The end of the story was the next morning when it was discovered that he was gone.  Angels shown with light, the day was light and Jesus was the light of the world risen from the dead.  He conquered the darkness so that we don't have to live in the darkness.  I'm reminded of an observation I once made while camping.  We had a good camp fire going in the deep woods where only darkness was present.  The light of the fire was observed in two different modes.  The first was from outside the circle of the fire and light.  Anyone outside the circle could clearly see into the light.  The second was those who were inside the light were unable to see into the darkness.  The vision of both were restricted or increased by their position.  When you look away from the light all you see is darkness.  When you look into the light all you see is the light.
     In the forest animals roam looking for food.  They have vision that can see their prey and they are able to take advantage of the darkness to do what they do.  Without this vision they are unable to see into the darkness anymore than we can. The Holy Spirit is that vision and Jesus has illuminated the path we are to be on.  Quite simple when you think about it.  HE is the light of the world.  He outshines the darkness of the world.  It is he who should be shining in our lives for the world to see.  What do we do?  We put a basket over the flame and hide our life and light.  Not what the Christian is to be doing.  It's always your choice.

Friday, October 28, 2016

While you did nothing

     You had the opportunity, the message, the means and the time to bring the Word to your mother, father, brother, sister, neighbor and so many others.  Yet, you didn't.  Why?  Now they have died and you don't know if they were Christian or not.  ASK THE QUESTION!!  I attended several conferences for pastors when I was one.  At every one I asked pastors I met if they had given their lives to Christ or not.  After the appalled looks and baffled looks subsided an anger began to surface in those who didn't want to be challenged.  Paul said that we should be ready to give an account of the hope that is within us.  So, I did so with others as well.  I've been doing this since October 1, 1972 when I became a Christian.  Some have been offended, some have been baffled and others were glad I asked.  I've put the question to  my family members, my friends, strangers on the street and whomever the Lord directed me to ask.  Sunday school and church membership don't save you.  Neither does listening to sermon after sermon from a pastor who may or may not know Jesus.  We can all say the words.  It's the Holy Spirts witness that make them valid. 
     Every opportunity for the Christian is answered by their choices.  They can share the word which will NEVER (according to God) return void or they can try to not be offensive and watch people die and go to hell.  Yes, this is a difficult subject!  No, we can't avoid it.  Please understand that there have been many times that I have felt the moving of the Spirit to ask the question but haven't.  I asked God to forgive me and bring another into their lives so that they too may have the choice.  The Bible tells us that we Christians will be held accountable for every idle thought and word.  How much more for the questions we didn't ask, the testimony we didn't give or the grace of Christ we didn't show?  If you don't love them, let Jesus love them through you anyway.  Do your children know the difference between the Christian life and the world's life?  Do they know Jesus as their Savior?  Mine do.  There is no excuse for letting someone walk away from the chance of eternal life.  It doesn't matter if you are in a friends home or the grocery store.  What matters is you doing what the Holy Spirit asks you to do. 
     Having been with people on their death bed and praying the believers prayer has been just as wonderful as praying with my kids when they were young.  The Bible tells us that our prayers will bring about the plan of God.  His word not only never returns void, but is a promise we can claim when we pray.  We can claim the salvation of those around us who do not believe.  They may wait until their death bed but they will come to know Jesus.  Faith is the evidence of that which is unseen.  We don't see the inside of a persons' heart.  God does.  We don't know what commitment there has been in the past.  God does.  We do know that God will NEVER leave nor forsake those who have given their lives to him.  Never.  Ever.  The Christian church spends enormous energy on those who know Jesus while not doing much for those who do not know him.  If people are saved, we don't need to worry about their salvation.  What we do need to worry about are all the unsaved around us.  Get out of the church, on the street or anywhere you find yourself and listen to the Holy Spirit direct you to minister his grace to those he directs into your path.  It's always your choice.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The melancholy express has Christians on board?

     On the melancholy express there are many different groups of people riding along their melancholy way.  Sometimes they get up in the morning and sometimes they don't.  Sometimes they care and sometimes they don't.  Sometimes they try feebly to get off but don't.  The definition of melancholy is:  "a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause".  Causes us to wonder if those who ride the express really have a relationship with God or not.  Where is the hope that is set in belonging to Jesus?  Has it gone away as well as faith?  On the melancholy express you don't have to be responsible, take your life seriously, attend to anything that would demand a decision and you have many around you to reinforce your place.  Satan loves the melancholy express because this train keeps the Christian ineffective.  The question that comes to my mind is how exactly do people get on the train in the first place?  There's got to be a reason for this phenomena in the world of the believer.  I've been on the train myself off and on and have a bit of experience to share.
     The first and foremost problem that I encountered that eventually led to my hopping on the express was when I came home from the mission field and saw how pathetic and resistant the Christian church was.  Their were whole denominations who resisted any help from God as they had already defined how the church was to conduct themselves.  They even had laws and by-laws written up on what you could and couldn't do within their church.  It certainly wasn't God's church.  The manmade church is an offense to God.  Doing what little they could their was smugness in their belief that they had somehow arrived and said the final word.  The second problem that I encountered was the churches not only shutting the door to the Holy Spirit but they also shut the door on anyone who wasn't "in the box".  Since I had never been in a "church" prior to my conversion on the mission field, I didn't have any experience and thought that they certainly must be representative of God's plan and purpose.  Nope.  They didn't.  Worse yet, the people thought they had also arrived.  What they did was get on the melancholy express and never got off.  Now, to be fair, I'm not classifying EVERYONE in this mold.  But, there are so many churches that do fit and do not have God as their head. 
     Worn down by that environment I wished I was back on the mission field where the purpose and plan of God was the only focus.  Yet, I walked onto the train one day and lived there for quite some time.  What people didn't know (and I certainly didn't know either) was that the Holy Spirit was on that train as well stirring the hearts of the people and showing them the way off the train.  After a significant time I too exited the train.  Here I am blog and all.  You may know someone who is on the train.  Perhaps you are on the train.  Everyone can get off the train.  Yes, everyone can get off the train and stay off the train.  There is a cost.  The costs are the ramifications of being a connected and dedicated follower of Jesus and no one else.  You will not be comfortable with less should you get off the train.  Fellow Christians will try to persuade you to get back on the train.  There will be many tactics used and yes, you may relapse.  I've done that too.  The Holy Spirit has been called the hound of heaven for a reason.  He sees you created in the image of God and intent on revealing that image to you.  Staying on the train is like trying to use your phone in a place where you have no reception or connectivity.  So, what are you going to do?  After you are done thinking there is still one thing you need to do.  Yep!  It's always your choice.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

It's 9:00 somewhere in the world.

     It's cold and rainy today.  Welcome to fall in the Pacific Northwest!  That means that I'm restrained to doing work/projects inside or under cover.  The choices are many but my spirit is weak.  Do you ever get there?  I'd like to curl up in my recliner with the wood stove going and a nice cup of hot chocolate by my side.  The dogs sleeping around me and the sound of the rain on the roof.  It's a pleasant place to be.  No appointments so I don't have to go anywhere.  No urgent tasks that I have to jump out of the chair and do.  The dishes are done and the kitchen is cleaned.  My laundry is done and the house is fairly clean.  All thanks to the rain!  Now don't think I'm going soft or quietly on the subject of the Christian Walk.  Even when the conditions are as I have said (and they are), there are Christians tasks that need to be attended to.  I've read my Bible (Chapter 13 of Proverbs), written my journal, and pondered the complexities of my life.  What's left to do?  I mean besides sit curled up in the chair with a blanket, the fire going and the dogs asleep around me?  Coffee!  Yep, I've had a cup already.  So, hot chocolate it is.  There is still something missing that I could do to be pleasing to God.  I could be praying and singing praises to God on behalf of myself, others and to bless God.
     The Bible tells us to bring praises to God along with requests.  I was once taught a means to pray that is very great.  The missionary who taught me about ACTS was very much in love with God.  ACTS stands for:  adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.  Over the years this formula has become first nature in my praying.  That we can talk with the creator of the universe and all that is in it is fantastic!  Without fear I might add.  I've been told that when I sing I should sing alone and away from microphones!  The Bible tells me to make a "joyful noise unto the Lord".  "Noise!"  People may think I am singing off tune or just making things up as I go.  The reality is that I'm making joyful noises to the Lord. AND He loves it!  The angels in heaven (the Bible tells us) are rejoicing with me!  So, I have an audience and a choir when I sing unto the Lord!  How much better can it get than that?  So, I choose to pray and sing.  Sometimes when I am praying and singing I come to that place where I have no words.  There is lot to say inside of me but my words don't quite make it to where I want to go with my expression.  The Bible tells us that we have "groaning" that speaks to the Lord that which we have no words from.  Imagine that you are praying and singing and groaning in public with many around you.  They think you are nuts while God thinks it's wonderful!
     The Bible tells us that the trees will clap with joy in worship to God.  When I look outside my patio door I see the trees "clapping" as the wind swings them back and forth and together.  So, if the trees can clap to the Lord, why can't I?  The Bible tells us to go joyfully before the Lord, singing, praising and worshipping God.  David sang and danced before the Lord.  I imagine he clapped during his worship time as well.  So, there is nothing wrong with clapping, raising your hands, praying, singing and making a wonderful noise before the Lord.  In fact, that's what God would like us to do. Why?  Because he enjoys our worship.  Because he teaches us his nature.  Because he loves to hear us to ask for his blessings.  Because he loves to answer our prayers, heal the sick and take care of the widow and orphan.  God is personal.  He meets me and you whenever we want.  He'd like us to meet him continuously every day and night.  Even at 9:00 somewhere in the world.  God is like that.  He likes to meet with us and bless us.  What you do with that time is up to you.  It's always your choice.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A little birdie told me so.

     Did anyone else have a mother or grandmother (usually common in females) with eyes in the back of their heads?  Were they able to predict what you had done before you had time to confess?  It seemed that you couldn't get away with anything!  They knew all the tricks you were going to use before you had even thought of them.  Didn't you hate that?  Some people see God in that same vein.  Watching over you like some ogre who is just waiting to punish you for whatever you are about to do.  This threat may have been held over you by someone who was religious but definitely not Christian.  The God of the universe (and your world) is both a roaring lion and a gentle lamb.  You make the choice every time you choose to do what you want or what he wants.  Couched in what you want is a selfishness that you haven't given over to Him who knows best.  Couched in what he wants is peace, love and blessings overflowing.  I'd be remiss if I didn't mention grace, forgiveness and salvation.  We live in a world where we determine if we want the deck that is stacked for us or against us.  Choices...pesky little things!
     James 4:17 states: "If you know what is right to do and don't do it, you sin."  Pretty simple and straight forward.  Paul, in most of his letters, writes about his struggle with this in his life.  If Paul struggled with all of this, then I shouldn't feel bad when I do as well.  That doesn't excuse my choice.  Nor does it justify me to do that which is wrong.  Further, I shouldn't even be going there and considering what is wrong.  But, sadly, I do.  So do you.  While your childhood "birdie" may have been a female in your life, in your born again life, the Holy Spirit is that "birdie" and the Holy Spirit isn't so small.  The Bible tells us that everything about us has been known to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit since before we were conceived in our mother's womb.  Which birdie you and I listen to determines what is important in our lives and the lives of others.  Do people in your life see the heart of Jesus?  If they do, great!  If they don't, great!  That means you have a chance to surrender and do what is right before you are taken home. 
     You may think that I'm talking about pie in the sky.  The world would definitely think so!  Who can attain any kind of holiness acceptable to God?  No one.  At least not without encountering Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to instruct and direct your path.  The world isn't an easy place for the Christian to exist in.  BUT the world is an easy place for Christ to live through you in the place you are.  The difference is doing what I think versus doing what God thinks.  When you and I exercise the mind of Christ, we live that life regardless of where we are.  Ask someone who has accepted Jesus in the worst prisons of the world.  Ask someone who is displaced because of eons of years of war and destruction.  Ask the disabled or the infirm.  Just don't go and have a pity party about how bad your world and your life is.  Pity parties are indicators that you feel you have rights.  As a Christian we have given up our rights (all of them) in order for Christ to live through us.  As you know, it's always your choice.

Monday, October 24, 2016

The true meaning of grace.

     The boy stood with back arched, head cocked back and hands clenched defiantly. “Go ahead, give it to me.” The principal looked down at the young rebel. “How many times have you been here?”

The child sneered rebelliously, “Apparently not enough.” The principal gave the boy a strange look. “And you have been punished each time have you not?” “Yeah, I been punished, if that’s what you want to call it.”

     He threw out his small chest, “Go ahead I can take whatever you dish out. I always have.” “And no thought of your punishment enters your head the next time you decide to break the rules does it?” “Nope, I do whatever I want to do. Ain’t nothin’ you people gonna do to stop me either.”

     The principal looked over at the teacher who stood nearby. “What did he do this time?” “Fighting. He took little Tommy and shoved his face into the sandbox.” The principal turned to look at the boy, “Why? What did little Tommy do to you?” “Nothin, I didn’t like the way he was lookin’ at me, just like I don’t like the way your lookin’ at me! And if I thought I could do it, I’d shove your face into something.”

     The teacher stiffened and started to rise but a quick look from the principal stopped him. He contemplated the child for a moment and then quietly said, “Today my young student, is the day you learn about grace.”

     “Grace? Isn’t that what you old people do before you sit down to eat? I don’t need none of your stinkin’ grace.” “Oh but you do.” The principal studied the young mans face and whispered. “Oh yes, you truly do…” The boy continued to glare as the principal continued, “Grace, in its short definition is unmerited favor. You can not earn it, it is a gift and is always freely given. It means that you will not be getting what you so richly deserve.”

     The boy looked puzzled. “Your not gonna whup me? You just gonna let me walk?” The principal looked down at the unyielding child. “Yes, I am going to let you walk.”

     The boy studied the face of the principal, “No punishment at all? Even though I socked Tommy and shoved his face into the sandbox?”

     “Oh, there has to be punishment. What you did was wrong and there are always consequences to our actions. There will be punishment. Grace is not an excuse for doing wrong.”

     “I knew it,” Sneered the boy as he held out his hands. “Lets get on with it.” The principal nodded toward the teacher. “Bring me the belt.” The teacher presented the belt to the principal. He carefully folded it in two and then handed it back to the teacher. He looked at the child and said. “I want you to count the blows.” He slid out from behind his desk and walked over to stand directly in front of the young man. He gently reached out and folded the child’s outstretched, expectant hands together and then turned to face the teacher with his own hands outstretched. One quiet word came forth from his mouth. “Begin.”

     The belt whipped down on the outstretched hands of the principal. Crack! The young man jumped ten feet in the air. Shock registered across his face, “One” he whispered. Crack! “Two.” His voice raised an octave. Crack! “Three…” He couldn’t believe this. Crack! “Four.” Big tears welled up in the eyes of the rebel. “OK stop! That’s enough. Stop!” Crack! Came the belt down on the callused hands of the principal. Crack! The child flinched with each blow, tears beginning to stream down his face. Crack! Crack! “No please”, the former rebel begged, “Stop, I did it, I’m the one who deserves it. Stop! Please. Stop…” Still the blows came, Crack! Crack! One after another. Finally it was over. The principal stood with sweat glistening across his forehead and beads trickling down his face. Slowly he knelt down. He studied the young man for a second and then his swollen hands reached out to cradle the face of the weeping child. Then the words were softly uttered from……(may the reader discern)… “Grace…”

Author Unknown

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Sunday, October 23, 2016

Christians should have a "forever" attitude.

    Sometimes I have trouble with this one!  Thinking "forever" is difficult to maintain when the tests and trials come from the world around us.  Remember that we grow from tests and trials though and we either come closer to God or move further away.  When my finite brain tries to wrap itself around the infinite, my brain becomes so overloaded that I cannot go there!  It's simply too much!  Thinking of the infinite nature of God, creation, the beginning of time and the end of times is simply overwhelming.  Then, when we get to heaven, we will be privy to all the infinite knowledge and it won't matter!  Gives us something to look forward to though.  Questions like, "What's at the end of the universe (wherever that is)?" "Where did God originate from?" and "What if..? questions seem to be a companion that I enjoy but still am not able to answer.  There are some forever situations and questions that I do well with thanks to God and his Word.  Eternity...forever for all in one of two places.  Your choice...forever.  Forgiveness...forever for all who choose to receive and pass it on.  Love of God...forever and something I will never be able to fully fathom.  I'm sure that some of you also dwell on these things.
     That is the positive side of "forever".  The negative side of forever also lurks all around us.  That harsh word we spoke to our child for example.  You can never undo forever actions, words and deeds.  The words we speak in anger, haste, and ignorance all are forever.  If you don't think so, why do you remember them? Why do other's remember them.  Forever actions like violence in any form impact anywhere from one person to multi-millions of people.  Think not?  Look back over history.  The lessons are there for everyone to see, interpret and pass on.  That road rage moment where you did what you swore you would not do...forever.  That moment of anger when you said those hurtful words to another, betrayed a trust, or simply intended to hurt someone in vengeance all are forever.  I've been guilty of them all and been victim of them all.  I'm sure many of you have experienced them as well.  We live in a world of forever hurts and fatalities.  Many relationships that have begun with the intention of "forever" have ended while the hurts remain...forever.  But, that's been our choice all along...forever.
     The best part about forever with the Christian is that they have a chance to be forgiven forever, loved forever, enjoy grace forever, and live eternally with the forever Lord we serve.  We've been given the choice (free will) forever when we think, say and do.  The forever element of our choices can only build up the Kingdom of God or tear it down.  There is no in between.  It's simply one or the other.  We impact those around us whether we are aware of it or not.  Complaining under your breath at home or work?  Someone may listen and you've impacted their lives forever.  Posting on social media about the negative?  Yep, you have just impacted someone else's forever.  The media is great at impacting everyone's forever with their hype and particular worldly slant on everything to what some star ate for breakfast to creating enough drama that nations go to war.  Can we say that the Christian participates in this?  Yes!  Our participation is either positive or negative according to our choosing.  We have the choice to either give our forever to Jesus or to the world.  What do you want to do with your forever?  It's always your choice.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Have you figured it out?

     Life is complex only due to our own making.  Yet, we find ourselves trying to figure stuff out and all the while just creating bigger messes.  Take for instance the issue of pets and whether or not they will go to heaven.  They won't.  See how simple that is?  Now enter Rover dying and trying to explain to your 5 year old what happened to Rover.  See how complex that is?  Figuring it out is sometimes messy and leads us into deeper water.  Why do we do that to ourselves and others?  If I tell my children that Rover went to heaven and they later read the Bible and see not support for that belief; all of what you have told them come into question and they are left to figure it out.  Same goes for Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and other "imaginary" lies.  Figuring it out shouldn't be that hard if we would only tell the truth according to God's word.  For instance, the Bible says that in heaven there will be no marriages and no giving in marriage.  What?!  That's what it says because we are in heaven to worship and love the Lord.  Now that I've burst a few bubbles, I'll lay out a few more.  Baptism at birth doesn't save you.  Going to church doesn't save you.  I don't bring anyone to the Lord.  The Holy Spirit does that.  No one is greater or lesser of importance in the Christian church.  The Lord has told us to call no one on earth "father" because God the Father is our only father.
    Figuring it out isn't as clean as it should be because we make it that way.  When we rely on the Gospel and the leading of the Holy Spirit, figuring it out is simple.  Why?  Because God already has it figured out and provided all the answers we can need or want through His Word.  See how simple that can be?  What about smoking marijuana?  Cigarettes?  The word seems silent on those areas.  But it's not silent.  We are to treat our bodies as the temple where God resides.  That means we focus on Him and not be mellowed out and not care.  Why do something destructive to your body?  Because it's easier than facing who you are in Christ.  "But, what about...?"  What about...?  The Bible, if read, will provide answers to all that we need to figure out AND give us something to teach our children and others about reliance on God.  All things work for GOOD for those who love the Lord and are called according to HIS purpose.  Not my purpose.  His. 
     When I look out at my gardens, orchard and greenhouse nature teaches me lessons on keeping it simple.  They have their seasons.  So do we.  When it's time to prune, I prune.  When it's time to plant, I plant.  When it's time to reap, I reap.  What in any of that needs figuring out?  Every day after 3:00 pm I gather eggs from my chickens.  Why after 3?  Because they are generally done laying for the at.  Who am I to argue with the timing of when they lay eggs?  Nature doesn't need to ponder and figure things out.  The cycles within nature are consistent since the beginning of time while the cycles of man have only become more complex.  While nature has consistently taken care of man, man hasn't been able to take care of himself.  Figuring it out can cause stress which causes diseases which cause death.  So, leaning on the everlasting arms of Jesus brings life!  Wait?  You mean that Jesus and the Word provide all that is needed so that I don't have to figure it out?  Yep.  It's always your choice.

Friday, October 21, 2016

No excuse for the Christian

     None.  I could stop there but then it would be a very short blog!  Just why is it that we need or feel the need to make excuses for practically everything that involves our Christian lives?  Do we really need to do that or is it for someone else's benefit?  Perhaps you live with excuses as well as I have.  It's not uncommon for the Christian to have a ready excuse for whatever circumstance may come up.  "I don't have the time."  "It's not my calling/job."  "God doesn't really need me."  "The dog ate my tithe."  You have a list all of your own just as I do.  Yet, there is no need for an excuse.  God, in the Word, reminds us that we belong to him and it's our pleasure to serve him in anyway he may desire.  The worst that can happen if we do this is we will be blessed so much that we cannot contain the blessings of God.  Wait!  You mean that when I make an excuse I deny myself the blessings of God?  Yes.  Yet, we provide all of the training for the next generation to make their list of excuses while skirting the responsibility of accountability.  Then we wonder why people don't choose the blessings of God over the excuses.  That's just crazy making!
     We sometimes set our lives up to make excuses.  Using phrases like, "I'll try." or "It might happen."  along with "I can't promise you anything."  Whenever we set ourselves up it belies the fact that our faith is waning.  Without faith, the Bible says, we are unable to please God."  Excuses is just another word for faithless.  When I was a supervisor of 3 team leaders I told them I appreciated their effort and would like to ask one thing from them.  I asked them to only bring a problem to me after they had come up with 3 potential solutions already in mind.  There were very few problems brought to me and the team leaders self esteem sky rocketed.  People have it in them to not make excuses if they only put their hearts and minds to it.  With our children it's important to remember this.  I have used a technique with my children and other's children that goes like this.  They ask the question that is on their mind.  Rather than giving them the answer right away, I ask them what their thoughts are on that question.  Getting people thinking is a positive way to encourage rather than the "I don't know" or "Ask your father/mother." responses I hear all to often.
     When the Christian exercises the excuse rather than faith, they destroy faith and replace it with a learned helplessness.  I live in a world where I have to problem solve.  Every vocation I've been engaged in (18 of them) has been a challenge to problem solve and to leave the position better off than when I first began.  When I don't use excuses, those around me tend to not make excuses either.  Rather than looking for the easy way out, no we are focused on what God intended us to be and do...Christians.  We have a hope and not an excuse.  We have life and not dead living.  There is a difference.  You can make a difference instead of an excuse.  We all can.  It's really not that hard.  We have a God who has told us, affirmed in us and made it possible to make "all things work for good for those who are called by God for his good purpose.  That doesn't mean we will have a road with no rocks or pot holes.  This does mean the difference between living defeated or successful.  The difference between the world and the Christian is that the Christian has made a stand to not make excuses.  Remember it's always your choice.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Maybe God has something to say about it.

     I've known a lot of situations where I've "taken care of it" (whatever it might have been).  That goes from fixing things to bandaging up my all to frequent wounds.  We tend to try and take care of things on our own before seeking the help of a mechanic, doctor, dentist and other professional services by people who are actually trained to address "it".  I'm sure that I've driven many angels to despair by doing things myself rather than asking what God has to say about it.  Instead of seeking God through the Word, Christians tend to seek the input of those who share like feelings or thoughts.  Often this is detrimental to what God wants accomplished.  But, who asked Him?  We know it all or think we do.  Often that gets us into trouble on many levels leaving bad experiences, botched jobs, and broken hearts as we traverse life's many twists and turns.  What would happen if we were to believe that God knows better than we or someone else know?  Would that transform the way we go about life?  Quite a few Christians believe in the shotgun approach.  Take the first thought or belief and go to the grave with that thought or belief.  Maybe God has something to say about it.
     The Christian shortcut doesn't exist.  It never has.  Many times I've found myself on the freeway when I notice that my gas gauge shows "empty" and I've no gas station in sight.  So, I throw up the, "God if you will help me get to a gas station" prayer and He draws my eyes to my speedometer which shows my disregard for the speed limit.  The question comes, "Why should I help you when you won't obey the law?"  I don't like that question.  Why?  Because I want the shortcut!  I want my car to take me from point A to point B without running out of gas or stranding me somewhere other than my destination.  Have you ever done this?  God has something to say about it.  He says, seek me and honor me in all your ways and I will take care of your needs.  In fact, the Word tells us that the answer to our prayers are on their way from Heaven even before they pass over our lips!  Wow!  Imagine that!  God does have something to say if we would only let him!
     The thoughts, actions and words of the "last resort" often are bereft with disaster.  Things have gone wrong, terribly wrong.  We need to do something right now!  Okay, mister, go stand in the corner and I'll deal with you when you... whatever.  Boy does that not work?  My first two children were opposites.  Sending one to his room was a reward while the same action with my daughter brought the wailing and gnashing of teeth!  We are no different.  Well, grown up in years, but our heads and hearts are still that young child.  God does have something to say about our thought, actions and words.  If only we would ask.  If only we would seek that answer.  If only we would be patient to listen.  If only we turned first to Christ when we begin our day and not waver from that focus.  If only...  God has something to say alright.  He says that he loves us, accepts us and approves of us, his creation.  That is what God has to say.  Content in is loving arms we need not fret or ponder.  Why?  Because God already knows the problems and the answers.  What we do with God's love toward us is a choice.  And it's always your choice.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Very few will be chosen. Why?

     Complacency is at the top of the list.  We may have given our lives (at least parts of them) to Jesus but we certainly don't exercise our faith according to His mission.  Complacency is where a lot of problems arise.  Complacency is a space where the mind is satisfied, not bothered and rarely stirs from it's place in life.  Complacency is brought on by boredom or the feeling that there isn't more to life than what is being lived right now.  Complacency is complicated by the thought that "someone else will do it."  Hardly the case in Jesus' day.  Definitely the case today.  We seem to get excited about the worldly things more than we do about Jesus.  Take for instance the Christian program on TV and radio.  There is a definite aversion/love affair with them.  Neither will take you where Jesus wants you to go.  I turned into one of my favorite Christian radio stations where I lived only to find that fund raising had taken the upper place of importance that day.  So, I tuned to my second favorite and they were busy with their program of soliciting people to send in their kids costumes and "the scarier the better."  What!?  It's no wonder that the Christian world is so off center.  So, to take care of my need at he moment to have music fellowship with God (and I had a long trip ahead of me) I sang hymns and other Christian songs. 
     Besides complacency, there are Christians who "do the Christian thing" in order to have an excuse for their non-Christian friends and then turn around and use those same friends to have an excuse to not do the Christian thing.  Hypocrisy has reached epidemic levels not seen ever in the history of mankind.  Those who play his game have chosen to play with a very hot fire!  Perhaps you are one of them?  I know that I have been.  Whenever we take it upon ourselves to "pose" (as my 16 year old daughter would say), no one is fooled.  You aren't honoring Jesus and if that is true you are honoring Satan and his plan.  Hypocrisy is hated in almost every area of life.  Whether you are a criminal or high powered attorney, a politician or a game player, the results of the hypocritical behavior will come o an end.  Sometimes sooner than later.  I've been that hypocrite that takes off his wedding ring when the chance to be with someone else surfaces.  I'm not proud of that at all.  I merely use my failures to make a point.  Whether we preach against or for anything, our preaching had better be centered on Jesus Christ and him crucified for me, you and those around us.  You've done it and perhaps are still doing it.  What's your rationalization and justification for your sin?  I have none for mine. 
     The third reason few will be chosen is because they aren't seeking.  They may have a feel good gospel that they would rather serve.  They may want the title Christian but not the freedom it gives choosing rather to be enslaved with all that the world ensnares us with.  Whatever the reason, they don't seek the Lord as primary in their lives.  They don't care about those who are perishing and perhaps are perishing themselves.  They may believe the lie that when they were baptized at birth they were forever saved.  Nope.  They may believe that they can be both a Christian and follow the worlds way of living.  Nope.  They may even have a group that feels the same way.  Somehow taking someone to heaven is a much better option than taking them to hell with you.  Yet, they don't seek that which would save.  Worse yet, they don't seek what the Lord wants in their lives.  Even worse than that they have no heart, no desire, and no vision.  Without a vision the people perish is what the Word says.  We all have the choice to have our vision provided by Satan and the world or Jesus and the Word.  It's always your choice.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

So, why do Christians argue with God?

    We know that we are wrong if we are arguing with God.  So, why do we do it?  Why do we think our arguments will change the perfect mind of God?  After all we think, ponder, meditate on, and call upon the Lord to come over to our way of thinking, he is still God and has the perfect and final word.  Can't say that about any wisdom I have.  How about you?  I finished reading the book of Solomon a week or so ago.  Solomon is all about wisdom (that's what he asked God for).  I'm now in Proverbs and again, it's all about wisdom.  Not ours but His wisdom.  Solomon indulged himself in every kind of pleasure and in the end found it all to be meaningless.  He also had lots of wives, hundreds of concubines, riches beyond belief and the whole world seeking his wisdom.  Yet, he said that all is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.  His conclusion (one of them) was that contentment in God was all that mattered.  Being content with the Lord God was the ultimate meaningful encounter we can have as believers.  So, why do we, some thousands of years later, still seek pleasure and forego the contentment we can have in God?
     I've spoken before about how I live my life in a "state of positive discontent".  It makes sense to me.  I've blessed for the experiences brought to me by God to discipline and shape me to the man I am today.  No, I haven't arrived.  The state of positive discontent is a place that is fluid.  I'm content in where God has me but I know that there is more.  So in my discontent I seek more of who and what God is to me.  Here's the difference, we can think, act and say that we are content but we find ourselves in this struggle with God because we want life our way while at the same time espouse our feelings that God is our everything when we clearly are mistaken.  How do I know that?  Because everywhere you look people are, in their discontent, trying to make God what they want him to be while those who are contented try to be more of what God wants them to be.  This, in spite of the world and it's influence on us delivers a dilemma of who do we serve?  Who do you serve? Do you argue with God?  Do you try to get God to be okay with your sin?  Look around you at the Christians who struggle with this dilemma and you will see that what I've written is more than true.
     The tenant of the Cristian faith is found in one's need for a Savior from their dead life.  A life that is filled with everything but peace and contentment.  This Christian faith is watered down and focused on "not going to hell" that the focus of the conversion is fear rather than humble love for the work of Jesus on the cross so that we can live.  Fear of hell is not in the Christian vocabulary.  It's not found in the Bible.  Jesus didn't bring a single follower into the fold by telling them that they had better repent to stay out of hell.  He told them to repent and be born again so that they and we could live not only life, but life eternally with him.  He didn't make it easier either like we tend to do in our Sunday schools and youth groups.  Take that along with the "tolerance" of behavior that God has been clear about and you have the disaster that causes us to argue with God.  Coming full circle, we are faced with the question of why and for what?  Arguing with God is fruitless and indicates you are not His disciple as you may have thought you were.  You have made a decision to be oppositional to God and not in line with his will.  It's always your choice.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Do you believe what you are thinking, saying and doing?

     I have on several occasions found myself thinking while I'm singing (alone) that the words are saying one thing while I'm thinking and doing quite another.  I find myself confessing my love for God in song but fail to do so in actual life.  There are times when I've been with others and the same pheromone has taken place. Why do we do that?  Wishful thinking?  Thinking we are actually doing what we aren't?  It's one thing to think, be and live the Christian life and quite another thing to actually do this.  Maybe I'm not alone.  Maybe you struggle with hypocrisy along with me.  Do we believe what we are singing about?  Do we believe what we read in the Bible?  Do we actually believe that Christ can work through us?  The evidence of what we believe is found in what our lives contain.  What are our priorities?  Who matters to us?  What we struggle with ourselves?  Yes, all those and more.  Being a Christian is not for the faint hearted.  Believing that we are saved through the blood of Christ is one thing  Acting like we are saved is quite another.  Believing that Jesus has the power to heal others as we pray for them is one thing.  Actually allowing Jesus to do this is quite another.  You may believe that you are baptized by the Holy Spirit and empowered to do "even greater things" according to Jesus; but do you? 
     Of necessity, we make claims that perhaps aren't as true as we would like them to be.  I say, of necessity, as it's expected of us.  We, as Christians, find ourselves in the quandary time after time due to our fear of rejection by the world around us.  Why don't we fear the rejection of God?  Because we have the fear of man inside of us.  God's perfect love casts out fear.  What?!  Yep, we don't have a reason to fear what the world throws at us because they are really throwing it at God.  Remember, we know the end of the story.  God wins.  He says that he will never leave nor forsake us.  Do we believe that?  That may explain some of the attitude of mediocrity amongst Christians.  We can live as we like and still be secure in Christ. This is hardly an excuse to do nothing.  The Word says that if we are ashamed of God we are not living the fullness of his presence.  That makes sense.  Should we step to the plate and actually do what he wants us to do, the world for him will be changed.  Perhaps we would then begin to know we are doing what we are saying, singing, and living.
     Faith is the evidence of things unseen.  What then is faith when we can see?  Thomas didn't believe that his Lord had been resurrected.  He said, "unless I touch the wound in his hands and put my hand in his side, I won't believe."  Jesus later showed himself to Thomas who bowed down and cried out, "My Lord and my God!"  Jesus replied with "because you have seen you believe.  But those who have not seen and yet believed have faith."  Paraphrased.  You get the meaning.  When we exercise faith and step out not knowing what is there, we are built up when "because of faith" we see and our belief gains strength.  When our faith is strengthened we feel more confident in what God can and is doing.  As this transaction takes place, God is better able to use our surrendered lives for the goal of seeing all mankind be saved.  Through you and I.  Daily.  Whether we have faith or fear, we do exist to do His will.  He gives us this choice.  Perhaps it's time you think, say and do what He wants out of our confidence and belief rather than be immobilized by our fear of what others might think.  It's always your choice.

Sunday, October 16, 2016

On Christian wisdom

"Character is doing the right thing when nobody's looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that's right is to get by, and the only thing that's wrong is to get caught."
-J. C. Watts

"Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?"
-Abraham Lincoln

"My captor walked up to me and with his sandal drew a cross in the dirt. Both prisoner and guard stood wordlessly there for a minute or two, venerating the cross, until the guard rubbed it out and walked away. This is my faith. The faith that unites and never divides, the faith that bridges unbridgeable gaps in humanity. That is my religious faith, and it is the faith I want my party to serve and the faith I hold in my country."
-Senator John McCain

"Two men please God--who serves Him with all his heart because he knows Him; who seeks Him with all his heart because he knows Him not."
-Nikita Ivanovich Panin

"God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things which should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other."
-Reinhold Niebuhr

"Be not angry that you cannot make others as you wish them to be, since you cannot make yourself as you wish to be."
-Thomas a Kempis

"When the passions become masters, they are vices."
-Blaise Pascal

"Never let your head hang down. Never give up and sit down and grieve. Find another way. And don't pray when it rains if you don't pray when the sun shines."
-Satchel Paige

"The right to do something does not mean that doing it is right."
-William Safire

"In the struggle against evil, there is no shame in defeat -- only in not fighting."
-Steven Hart

"There is no dichotomy between man and God's image. Whoever tortures a human being, whoever abuses a human being, whoever outrages a human being, abuses God's image."
-Oscar Romero

"Anything that is given can be at once taken away. We have to learn never to expect anything, and when it comes it's no more than a gift on loan."
-John McGahern

"To wisdom belongs the intellectual apprehension of things eternal; to knowledge, the rational apprehension of things temporal."
-Saint Augustine

"He who angers you conquers you."
-Elizabeth Kenny

"Joy shared is twice the joy. Sorrow shared is half the sorrow."

"When the well's dry, we know the worth of water."
-Benjamin Franklin

"It is the property of fools, to be always judging."
-Thomas Fuller

"We can know what God is not, but we cannot know what He is."
-Saint Augustine

"To choose rationally, one must choose morally."
-David Gauthier

"Patience is the companion of wisdom."
-Saint Augustine

"Of all the pursuits open to men, the search for wisdom is most perfect, more sublime, more profitable, and more full of joy."
-Thomas Aquinas

Saturday, October 15, 2016

So, there you were minding my business...

     Maybe you didn't know you were or maybe you did.  Sometimes minding the business of others is what God wants the Christian to do.  Sometimes minding the business of others is what Satan wants you to do.  If you sometimes don't hang around Christians because you may be called out on your sin, you know what I mean.  The pull of both wanting to be found out and have a way out and the desire to not be found out and continue in your sin are strong.  Ultimately you decide which one to give yourself over to.  There are also those Christians (well intentioned dragons) who seem to live to call others out in order to keep the attention off of themselves.  You maybe have been or are one.  We know that the Holy Spirit works in Christians lives to call us out of sin and into righteousness.  We also know that He works directly in our lives and sometimes uses non-believers to do this as well.  In any case, we need to be able to discern (judge) what is from God and what is not.  God always has our best interests at heart.  Satan always has is best interests at heart.  If we are concerned about what we are doing in our lives not being from God, we need to check out who we are serving.
     One of the gifts of the Spirit is a "word of knowledge" given to us from another with God's anointing.  That can be thrilling or terrifying depending on what it is and what you are doing or not doing.  The book of Revelation spends time on 7 churches calling them out on what they have become.  Jesus called out almost everyone he came into contact with.  I've been called out for positives and negatives in my life.  How we receive having someone minding our business is crucial to bringing us closer to Jesus.  Satan will always take you further from God while God will take you closer to him.  I used the word discern or judge earlier.  People today (even Christians) take it upon themselves to tell others to "not judge others" misinterpreting the Scripture. Judging has multiple meanings.  For the Christian we are called to discern whether or not what we are seeing, hearing or thinking is from God or not.  The same thing goes for those who are minding my business (or yours).  The way they mind our business can be from God or Satan.  Unless you have a good command of your relationship with God, have a good prayer life, and know the Scripture, you can find yourself being judged by either God's Holy Spirit or from Satan and his demons.  One has the purpose to build up while the other has the purpose to tear down. 
      For the Christian, there should be a positive anticipation as the Holy Spirit searches our lives and reveals to us areas where we haven't turned our lives over to God.  Believe me, we all have plenty of those areas.  Why?  Because we are not, have not and never will be perfect here on earth.  I use the word "positive" as it is the posture in which we should anticipate the love of God coming to us.  He chastens those he loves and lavishes blessings on those he loves.  It's good for God to be minding our business...even trough others!  There are several instances where the body of Christ has been instructed on how to correct those who are being disobedient to God.  This procedure is important as it's focus is restoration and not alienation.  During the early years, being a Christian was a dangerous thing to be.  So, the church met underground and had fellowship with believers.  If someone refused to repent they were cast out of the church and left to face the persecutors by themselves.  That doesn't happen very much if ever today.  Today the body of believers (for the most part) leave everyone to themselves and very few become the one who is called by God to mind someone else's business.  Yes, we are our brother's keeper.  Yes, it's always your choice.

Friday, October 14, 2016

The exciting world of hysteria!

     There was supposed to be a storm last didn't materialize.  We've come to expect the weather stations hype as it's their job to rivet the attention of the viewers which in turn make them money.  Sounds like some televangelists as well.  When the storm turns out to be a non-item, the people are relieved but have already spent the extra money to stock their home, fuel their vehicles, and have alerted their work tat they may not be able to make it to work.  Then nothing happens.  When the hype of the televangelist calls for their millions of "faithful" followers to give "just $5.00 because you can afford to give to the Lord", that turns into a tidy profit that enables them to enhance their empire while leaving the "faithful" with little or nothing.  The news along with the social media is a threat to the sanity of anyone who views them or contributes to them.  What is truth and what is lie?  Is this exaggeration accurate or meant to keep the viewer engaged?  When will they stop the photo shopping and attend to the truth.  Joe Friday from Dragnet used to say, "Just the facts mam." and that was all he wanted.  Groups that initiate hysteria are on the rise and everyone is a victim.  Castigating the righteous in any way they can, the destruction of the good is being done.
     So, what does the Christian have in response to all of this?  Do you join in?  Do you just observe?  Do you ignore all of it?  It's not about the lesser of two evils.  It's not about getting what you want. The Christian is to be about the Lord's mission.  What is that mission you might be wondering?  The mission is to heal the lame and sick, deliver people from demons, make disciples of all mankind, and share the love of God to all.  Can anyone find that in the hysteria that captivates the world right now?  Don't get me wrong.  We are to be an informed people who are germane to our world for the sake of ministering to people.  Ignorance isn't something God wants any of us to be confined to.  Tim Tebow prayed for healing for a person having a seizure.  The next day he had extra security assigned to him.  The media portrayed this as an attention getting event.  That is/was and will always be far from the truth.  The hysteria has no place in the Christian's life.  We are to be filled with the peace of God that is beyond understanding.  We are to be the light of the world and not hide our light under a bushel basket.  The Christian should respond as Jesus would.
     Lots is going wrong in the world just like Satan intended.  Rather than standing up to him and his demons, the Christian is avoiding being involved because of various reasons...mostly cowardice.  The ability of the Christian church is even restrained by those who run it!  Notice I didn't say the Christians.  The churches whether they are a denomination or not are not Biblical.  They are confining the God of the universe so that they reflect the world more than they do Him.  We can put our heads in the sand because of our free choice.  That won't bring the Gospel to those who are perishing.  We can tolerate other's beliefs but again, that won't bring the Gospel to those who are perishing.  The hysteria over the hurricanes and typhoons wants people to react to a threat.  Yet the Christian has yet to show that same concern for those who are perishing.  If I believed that way I would share the belief that everyone will go to heaven anyway.  But I don't and they wont.  Putting power (the Holy Spirit) in our lives means we surrender to God in all aspects of our lives.  We needn't enter into a hysteria shared by so many.  Those who believe have the calm reassurance of God that they are well taken care of.  The Christian needs to stand firm and believe that God's plan is for all mankind to be saved.  It's up to you and I, His servants, to share lifesaving words to those who haven't given their lives to Jesus.  It's always your choice.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

How the Christian handles the rain...

     In the Pacific Northwest the chances of sunshine are more remote than the chances of rain.  We tend, all over the world, to arrange our lives around the weather.  The Bible tells us that there is a season for everything.  Why not the rainy season?  The old joke is that people in the Pacific Northwest don't suntan, they rust!  God has put the seasons and the rain in order for a purpose.  That purpose is to bless us.  Whether or not we can understand it, the weather is for our good and not the element in our lives that is unwanted.  People are spoiled with good weather and leisure living.  I know that I am.  When it's nice outside then I'm happily working outside.  When it's raining, I am restrained to the house or my shop.  Christians are much more complex in the "rain" in their lives.  The "rain" I'm talking about are those elements that exist in our lives that we don't appreciate or even hate.  Instead of being thankful for the "rain" we seek the "sunshine" that is momentarily hidden behind the clouds.  Even when it's raining, the sun is still shining.  Quite the example of God and his working in the background of our lives.  Yet, we are too nearsighted to see the plan of God much less seek it. 
     Should we begin to understand the workings behind the scene of our lives we would respond differently to what God is and isn't doing.  He is taking care of our needs.  He even takes care of some of our wants.  He is doing all of this in his time and not ours.  We have many references to the work God is doing behind the scenes in the Old and New Testaments.  He knows the future and is bringing our lives to places where we too can envision the sun even though the sky is cloudy.  It's called faith.  The Bible tells us that faith is the evidence of that which is unseen.  When we have faith, that faith is built on hope and promises rather than statistical fact.  The Farmers Almanac is an example of predictions that often come true.  So is the Bible!  The Farmers Almanac is a prediction of weather based on patters and movements of the earth, tide and etc...  The Bible is based on facts presented by God for you and I over many decades.  When we read that this or that was prophesied, we know that if it's from God it will come true.  How?  Because we've seen, heard or experienced that in our lives or the lives of someone else.  How we handle the rain is evidence of the faith we have in the unseen. 
     People don't like to get wet and will do many creative things to avoid being rained on.  That is very similar with Christian living and our avoidance of God's means to teach us faith and reliance on the Word of God.  When we don't like something God has brought into our lives for good, we try any way possible to avoid or distance ourselves from the "good".  I know that this sounds crazy and it is!  Why do we do this?  It's easier than relying on God in our comings and goings.  My body is water resistant.  When it rains and I'm out working in the yard, I get wet.  So what.  When it rains in my life and I don't understand what God is doing, so what.  Both are out of my control and both are meant for good for those who love God and are living according to His purpose.  The purpose in God's ways is for us to have blessings that overflow and cannot be contained both hear and in Heaven.  It's not good to avoid the rain.  But, it's always your choice.  You choose to receive the blessings of God or to refuse them.  It's always your choice.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Side stepping the Christian question

     If you were asked if you lived in a particular town, would you tell the truth that you do?  If you were asked if you liked to eat at a particular restaurant, would you admit that?  If you were asked if you were married, would you answer truthfully?  If you were asked if you had a criminal background, would that affect how you responded?  If someone said you were fat, would you be offended or admit the truth?  There are all sorts of questions we are confronted with all the time.  Some are innocent and easy to answer.  Other questions bring up many issues and answering them could bring either joy or grief.  I'd like to say that I've always answered truthfully, didn't sidestep the question or denied the truth.  That wouldn't be the truth and I would be side stepping the import of this blog.  The biggest question for the Christian today (more than ever) is, "Are you a Christian?"  Straight forward question deserving a straight forward answer.  If you answer anything but "Yes", you need to address the situation and get right with God.  I've had people tell me, "I think so." and "Some would say yes." along with "What do you mean by Christian?"  Sometimes there is the "Yes, but..." answer.  The question isn't that hard.  Either you are a Christian or you are not.  Period.  Simple.
     With social pressure on the Christian, there is a tendency to try and appease people.  "We don't want to offend anyone."  Christ offended a lot of people.  Since when is "not making anyone uncomfortable" one of the 10 Commandments?  It's gotten so bad that whole denominations around the world have compromised the Christian defined by Christ to the point that that gospel isn't even recognizable.  Denominations have what Hal Lindsay has termed, "doctrines of demons" that have become the rule over the Bible.  Just for some clarity, anyone who has added to or detracted from the contents of the Bible, has had their name written OUT of the Book of Life.  If anyone can come to the conclusion that they know better than God who created them, they are wrong.  It's not the gospel according to some denomination leader, some cult leader, some self serving televangelist.  It's the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Now how hard is that?  To make it easy on everyone, why don't we just say we are disciples of Jesus Christ.  As disciples of Jesus are we doing what he wants us to do, living the way he wants us to live and admitting to anyone who ask that our hope is found in Jesus Christ alone. 
     Once it's established that you are a Christian and not ashamed to admit that fact, the rest is child's play.  Your faith (and mine) should be a shield against other questions like, "Would you like to go to bed with me?" "Do you want to go out and get drinks?" "Would you steal this for me?"  "Why don't you let loose and enjoy the world?"  There are many others.  Are we living such a life dedicated to Jesus that people automatically say, "Don't ask him/her because they are a Christian."  It's a question of where you stand and where you fall.  Both are your choice.  What are you going to choose?  It's always your choice.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Eternal life is optional

     Having a choice is one of the biggest downfalls for mankind.  Not that having free will is bad, but the results of how we exercise that free will are incredible.  Yesterday as I was driving in the heavy fog, the fog began to lighten and I found myself staring at the sun.  Yes, I actually could look at the sun and not ruin my eyes.  The fog allowed a filter so that I could do this.  As with much of my life, this was an object lesson for me.  You see, it's the same way with the Son of God.  We could not, in our current state, look directly on the Son of God should he appear to us.  His brighter than the sunshine!  So, what does it take to see the Son?  That's where the choice comes into play.  When we live in darkness, we cannot see God at all.  We may be able to look around us and notice the pretty flowers or the wonderful people we have in our lives but that is all we see.  We cannot see the God who took time to create the flower and hummingbird.  We cannot see the God who created us in his image for his pleasure.  We just, in the darkness, see God.  As we learn more about God we are able to see more of who God is and eventually come to that place where we have the choice of eternal life.  We can choose to live with God in heaven or we can choose to live with the devil in hell.  Those are the only two choices.  Unfortunately, for some, the choice involves families and friends.  But know for a fact that this choice is up to you. 
     A few months ago I began having problems keeping my truck in park when I stopped.  I went to a transmission shop and found out the inspection and diagnosis would cost more than what I had.  So, I went through the process of elimination and came up with the belief that the problem was in the transmission.  So, I waited until I had the money and then bought a used transmission on sale at a local pick and pull place.  Those things are heavy!  I also bought a new shift cable for the job.  I had hired a guy to do the job for me but he flaked so I was left with a broken truck and doing the job myself.  I had the spare transmission ready and the cable ready.  I put the truck up on ramps and prepared for a long and grueling job.  I'd read the repair manual and watched the video's on You Tube and felt competent to be able to do the job.  This was changed when God led me to inspect the cable's two connections.  I already knew that the transmission connection was okay so I crawled under the dash and inspected the top end of the cable and how to remove it.  That's when I discovered what God wanted me to see.  The bracket holding the cable in place was very loose.  I retrieved the right tool and tightened down the bracket.  The truck's transmission works fine now.  So I have a spare transmission and a spare shift cable because I didn't listen to God in the first place.  My choice got me nowhere.  His choice fixed the problem.
     The amount of time and energy we spend trying to analyze many different areas of our lives is often futile.  Why?  Because we don't seek the eyes of God on the problem or situation.  We determine our course of action while the proper course of God's choosing would actually take care of things.  We spend many fruitless hours, months, years seeking why our way isn't working.  We know what we need to do, as Christians, but don't do it.  In order to notice God we need to pay attention to him, learn his ways, trust his wisdom and surrender our will.  It's a choice that has eternal ramifications for not just yourself but also your family, children, spouses, friends, and others in your sphere of influence.  If those I just mentioned can't see your thirst for God's direction in your life, what do they see?  Do they do the same?  Do your children learn that it's more important to do it yourself than to trust God to take you through whatever it is?  It's the same with eternal life with God.  We have only one way to choose that enables us to live with God eternally.  That one choice makes the difference between heaven or hell for you and those around you...even your enemies.  It's always your choice.

Monday, October 10, 2016

So, you want to follow Jesus

     That's great!  How do you plan to do that?  Paul says that the spirit is willing but the body is weak.  Jesus said, "the foxes have holes but the Man of God has nowhere to lay his head."  The cost of following Jesus isn't a bill that anyone seems to volunteer to pay today.  What do you mean when you say that you want to follow Jesus?  Does it mean you want to be his disciple?  The book of Acts in the New Testament has all that you need Scripturally to follow Jesus.  But, let's look at some of the basics.  We all need a firm foundation in order to stand firm in the promises of Jesus.  I have to confess that I'm a Craigslister.  I enjoy finding items or deals where I get things for free. Well, actually they aren't free, you need to have gas and a vehicle to pick up your finds.  But, you don't have to pay for the item. I have used Craigslist to bless others that I know who have been searching for this or that, blessed others with my excess, and even shared the Gospel with those God has brought in my path.  Some people see what I do as a waste of time while others know that I am the go to guy to find what they need or want.  Salvation isn't free.  Grace isn't free.  Mercy isn't free.  Yet, God has given them to us by being the sacrifice for our sins.  He becomes the foundation and eventually the building in us where he resides. 
     I don't have much money.  I have a dream of having a shop to put my tools in and to do wood working in.  I want to use part of it for storage so the garage can be used for it's intended purpose.  I've concocted many different plans for a shop but have found that my "plans" are folly in the eyes of God.  Since he brings all good things to me that I need, I've had to step aside and let him shape the foundation, walls, roof and other parts by what he provides on Craigslist.  Where once I planned on a sloped roof, I now have a double arched roof with windows in the front.  How did that happen?  Someone grew tired of storing their rafters (trusses) and was giving them away.  So, I now have all the rafters I need.  In fact, I have so many extra rafters that instead of 2x6 flooring joists, I now have more than enough 2x10 joist material to do the same job.  Free.  Well, except for gas and vehicle expenses.  I had planned on 2x4 studs for the walls but, guess what?  I was able to receive a bunch of new woos 10 foot pallets so that I now have enough 4x4x10 lumber to do all of the walls for the shop.  Each time I have accumulated a new item for the shop I have had to redraw the design.  That is exciting because I don't know what it will finally look like! 
    That's the way it is for the Christian.  We look at the world's definition and build on that.  WRONG!  For the Christian it's important to let Him construct the building.  That way we are fit for HIS purpose and not our own or that of some denomination.  As we grow in our knowledge of God our structure is revealed and we are able to see more of His building.  You know he was a carpenter.  It's important that we don't resign ourselves to the design of some theologian, think tank, or evangelical organization.  Anyone who is in touch with Jesus lives their lives in a constant state of positive discontent.  We are confident in where we are but not content to stay there.  We want more of Him and less of ourselves.  We want to know what that new name He has for us (Revelation) is and want to see him face to face.  This Christian is always homesick wanting to be with the Father who loves us more than we will ever discover.  All we have to do is make a choice and never turn back.  It's always your choice.

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Now that that's cleared up.

     Time to turn the corner.  Time to move forward.  It's interesting that in the first phrase we are told to turn the corner.  I don't know about you but that brings up images of the view of where we came from being no longer in view.  It's in the past.  Not something we can see any longer.  Turning the corner is very important to the Christian.  It parallels the words of Jesus, "Come and follow me."  Turn the corner and don't look back.  That's exactly what the disciples did.  They left whatever was going on in their lives and for 3 years (initially) walked, ate, lived, and were in awe of what Jesus brought to the lost and hurting...himself.  I'm sure that the disciples families tried to get them to come back to a place where they belonged.  However, their desire and conviction led them "around the corner" and they followed Jesus not knowing where that would take them.  Their lives are chronicled in the first 5 books of the New Testament and Acts.  Living with and around Jesus must have been riveting. So riveting that they would eventually become his disciples doing, saying and becoming Jesus to the world.  They turned the corner. 
     Moving forward is a totally different subject.  While we may have the desire to move forward so many obstacles within us learned from the world hold us back and the discipleship of Jesus stagnates or dies.  Many Christians are so worldly minded that they are not any earthly good.  We teach our children to do as we have done or are doing. We were taught by others the very same thing.  We have become a group of impotent Christians who live on a stage for whatever purpose our world has designated for us.  Think not?  Look around you.  How many Christians do you know that will stop someone in the street and tell them about Jesus?  How many Christians do you know that will lay hands on the sick and injured and pray for their healing (and actually believe this will happen)?  How many Christians can you find who know what the Bible says or even reads there Bible?  How about you?  Do you do any of these?  Do you lead your family in moving forward or have you not turned the corner?  There is no stop light or stop sign when you come to the corner.  There are no police officers prohibiting you from turning the corner.  There are no laws that supersede the Gospel.  There are none who benefit from your not moving forward.  It's only when we move forward that the Gospel comes alive through you and I and people's lives are changed.  Move forward.
     I ate a yogurt this morning with my traditional banana for breakfast.  I opened the yogurt and this container was only half full.  It was the amount that was printed on the cup but it was only half full (or half empty if you will).  I ate it anyway.  Therein is the problem.  When we come to Jesus we only allow him that portion of us that we want and yet claim that we are full of Jesus to the world around us.  Jesus tells us to not build our houses on sand without a proper foundation.  When we do a partial job of letting Jesus in our lives we remain in service to the world.  The other half of the yogurt cup represents that part of our lives yet controlled by the world.  While you may be representing Christ with part of your life (like Sunday church and maybe Wednesday Bible study), you are representing the world with the rest of your life.  You didn't count the cost before you let God start the building process and you yanked the building permit when you became concerned about what you would have to give up (you failed to turn the corner).  Then, you bought into the worlds idea of what a Christian was and gave up what Jesus demonstrated to you Christians to be.  You failed to move forward.  All because you decided to not follow Jesus but chose to follow religion.  Are you even saved?  It's always your choice.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

The Last Reformation movie

     Today I would like to submit the following link for your watching.  This is what Christians are all about.

     I know that the movie is long.  It's well worth the watching.  May God bless you with his most abundant mercy and grace.


Friday, October 7, 2016

Christians and the demonic

     With the pagan holiday Halloween (read Satanic) just around the corner what do you suppose most Christians are doing?  Are they telling the trick or treaters to enjoy eternity with Satan or are they talking with them about Jesus.  Neither.  They are telling them what cute costumes they are wearing of all manner but anything Jesus.  They are telling them to "just take one" much like the serpent in the garden to Eve.  They are telling their parents to be careful in the neighborhood and at the end of the evening they are dishing out more candy than any child should have in a month just to get rid of the stuff they couldn't afford to buy but were expected to have on hand.  You know that I am telling the truth.  I remember when my grandmother bought and brought out a Ouija Board "game" when we visited one day.  She was reportedly a great Christian who loved her God.  Hmmm...maybe not.  What we do is underestimate the Gospel for a joy killing device that keeps people from having fun.  Remember last years adult Halloween party where practically everyone got drunk and then drove home?  No, it wasn't at my house.  If this was all happening in the secular world, most people wouldn't even blink an eye.  But I'm talking about Christian homes and even Christian pastors and their families!
     "Come on Steve, lighten up!"  "It's harmless fun!"  "Decorate a pumpkin, hang us some spider web, and get spooky!"  "Everyone is doing it."  Really, I'm not.  I chose to when I was young and uninformed.  I chose to when I wasn't reading my Bible. I chose to when I wasn't praying regularly.  I chose to when peer pressure and family pressure was too much.  I chose to when the church had a party at church on Halloween like "the rest of society".  Not anymore.  As the old saying goes, "the buck stops here."  With me. With you.  Our responsibility to our Christian faith goes way beyond entertaining the world in what they think is okay. 
     When I was with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) there many who felt the demonic oppression (Christians cannot be possessed) in their daily ministry for Jesus.  We encountered the demonic possession and oppression whenever we were out amongst the general population.  It was there that I first learned of the Satanic church.  Call them what you will, their real leader is Satan.  Halloween is their "High" holiday.  The Satanic church is made up of many witches covens (much like home groups for the Christian) made up of 13 members.  They meet regularly to worship the devil.  Once a year the Satanist are required to sacrifice a human being (doesn't matter the age) and drink the blood while they worship Satan.  The rest of the year they use goats.  Witchcraft and associated beliefs have entered the world openly and have been accepted as "normal" and "okay".  Yet the Christian doesn't speak about this tragedy.  Do the Christians even pray for the protection of their families, church member and pastors to have the protection of Jesus against the wiles of the devil anymore? 
     I cannot come against the devil on my own.  It's only on the behalf of Jesus and in His name that the devil can be confronted.  The devil goes about the earth seeking whom he can devour.  The word says he goes to and fro about the earth.  He's near you and the more you love Jesus, the closer he is.  What are you to do?  If you stand for nothing then you will fall for anything.  If you aren't standing against Satan, you are standing for him.  There is no in between.  "Well, I don't like to get involved.  I'll just serve coffee or stack chairs after service."  Sorry, that's not in the Handbook.  The choice to follow Jesus is in it's totality.  There is no "little of this and little of that" in the Christian life.  Choosing Jesus is not optional if you want to be Christian.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Let lying dogs sleep.

     I know that the quote is backward.  Let sleeping dogs lie is the correct word order.  I'm using this quote to guide the Christian response to liars.  Liars only have power when they are acknowledged.  Without someone to be their audience there is no power in what they say.  Liars are around us and sometimes we are the liars.  Did I just say that?  Yes, Christians lie either by commission or by omission.  Either way, it's wrong.  Lying by commission is intentional in nature and a choice by the Christian to say something they know to not be true.  Lying by omission is unintentional and is exposed after the statement has been said.  We, as Christians, have take the lying and brought in many variables that we have chosen to call shades of gray.  They are neither shades nor are they gray.  They are lies.  I have lied.  You have lied and so have most of the rest of the world.  From telling our children about Santa Claus to hiding the truth about a secret birthday celebration, we participate in the lie.  Lies can be familial, generational, and community, whether that community be the believers or not.  People make fun of fish and hunting stories because of he exaggeration factor.  It's still a lie.  What are we doing?  Why do we think it's okay to lie to someone, to lie to many or to lie to God.  He knows that we are lying and we seemingly don't care.  Where is the fear of the Lord in the Christian's life?
     Sometimes the lie of omission is a culmination of living with false information.  For example I spent many years of my life believing that Subaru's were made in Sweden.  Funny!  Once I discovered they were of Asian origin, I corrected my thinking and speaking.  This is but one example of my believing the lie and living with the lie as if it's normal.  It bears mentioning that we either continue the lie or we stop the lie.  We are, as Christians, the "lie police" for ourselves, those we love and the community around us.  This includes holding accountable those who preach the Gospel and misinterpret the Scripture for whatever reason.  Holding a belief that is false is living a lie.  Simple.  Those who would take the Gospel and minimize or even alter the message are lying.  Personal gain is one of the chief motives of those who do.  Others do this to create a world where they are okay in spite of knowledge.  This falls into the commission group.  Again, it's wrong.  Why is it so hard for the Christian to just tell the truth?  Do we fear people, organizations and such more than we fear God?  I would hope not but see evidence of this everyday.
     Firemen know that to put out a fire you need to take away the oxygen.  Once this fuel is gone, the fire dies.  It's no different with lying.  Take away the fuel of listening ears and repetitive mouths and the lie dies.  Easier said than done when we have everyone from friends to government officials following the father of lies, Satan.  God is the Father of truth.  Satan is the father of lies.  Simple.  If you lie you are not honoring the Father of truth.  If you are not lying, you are not serving the father of lies.  There are always choices to make regarding lying.  The first choice should be to stop.  The second choice should be to repent.  The third choice is echoed in Jesus' words to the woman caught in adultery: "Go and sin no more."  It's always your choice.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Christians and telling the truth...why is it so difficult?

     In the first Batman movie the lead actor is trying to tell his girlfriend that he is Batman.  He has come to her place and is stumbling for words.  During his attempt the girlfriend is going in and out of the room making the exchange next to impossible.  In her absence he is saying to himself, "I'm Batman." seemingly trying to convince himself as much as he is prepping to tell her.  Just as he gets up the nerve, the evil villain appears and the moment is gone.  This could be the story line for many.  Especially for the Christian this seems to be the repeated experience.  Why are we afraid to tell the truth of whose we are?  "I'm a Christian."  Not said with timidity or embarrassment.  Not said in a manner to be politically correct or to avoid offending anyone of other faiths.  Not with the regret that "now what will they think of me" mindset.  Rather confidentially stating "I am a Christian!" with knowledge that you are and that you are not ashamed of the Gospel that brings life to all who believe.  Batman finally tells her and their relationship continues.  It's more like he was found out though as the butler brings her to the Bat cave.  Are you one person before people find out and another afterwards?  Are you one person at work, another person at church, another person with your friends, or another person with you spouse and kids?  If you are then perhaps you are having difficulty really telling the truth. 
     Who do we identify with and why?  People are telling me often that they don't like labeling others in anyway that would be identifying the truth.  When I've been caught in a sin, people don't dance around the issue.  They say, "Steve, you have sinned.  You know better." and they are right.  I don't mind the label of sinner as it's a lot better than self-righteous.  People have told me that my driving is not the best.  Okay, sometimes it's not.  No one's driving behavior is always right.  I spent 8 years as a police officer and have many hours of driving to lean on.  Taking that to civilian life doesn't make sense so I've adjusted my driving.  When I talk about subjects where God has clearly provided his input, I don't apologize for calling thoughts, words, and deeds for what they are.  That doesn't make me some sort of religious nut.  What it makes me is someone who has a standard.  People can identify the negative in another's life with ease and the Christian seems to do this without any of Christ's input.  Do you tell the truth to uplift yourself or Christ?  Do you tell the truth to face the way you are living or to have false humility so people will leave you alone?  Why is telling the truth that we are sinners saved by the grace of God so difficult for Christians.  I would suggest it comes out of the fear of what others will think whether it's in the workplace, neighborhood, church or in your home.
     Paul was a very changed man when he switched teams and Saul died.  Paul says that "I am not ashamed of the Gospel that has the power to save."  Now I'm not saying that you need to suffer beating, stoning, sneaking out of cities, inciting riots and such to be a witness of the hope that is within you.  Paul had no problem telling all (whether they wanted to listen or not) that he was dead and that Christ lived within him.  He didn't wait around for someone to ask him, "Are you a Christian?"  Everyone near and far knew that Paul was a Christian.  God lived through him in a very "out loud" manner.  Well, I'm not called to be Paul you say.  True, you are not.  You are, however, called to proclaim Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  You are called to live life in such a way that people know that you love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might and love your neighbor as yourself.  You are called to bring the Good News (Jesus) to your sphere of influence.  Why aren't you doing that?  Why do you struggle with telling the truth?  If you are a Christian, let everyone know it.  Don't wait for people to ask you.  Live your life in such a way that they say to you, "You're a Christian aren't you."  It's always your choice.