Tuesday, March 31, 2015

What to do when...

     There are a lot of scenarios which that beginning statement can be set.  For the Christian the statement is both very simple and complex.  Simple in that we are to call upon the Lord for any and all situations.  Complex because we have the desire to run our lives the way we choose.  You would think that knowing the God of the universe would help us to just simply depend on him and his solutions to the elements of our lives that are both positive and negative.  Not so for me at least.  I know what the Bible says, what I have witnessed in my life and the lives of others and the promises given to us by the Lord.  When I set aside all of that and try to move through life the question gets really messed up!  Instead of "What to do when..." I find myself asking; "How do I get out of this mess?"  Does anyone else find themselves in the same boat?
     You would think that 61 years of living would have made an impact on my life.  Those years have made an impact on my life.  I was 20 when I met Jesus.  My early faith was simple and I relished my relationship with Jesus and other believers.  My first nature was to go to God with everything first and to simply step out of the way letting Him work what he wished through my life.  Over time the cares of the world began to push Jesus out of the way (by my choice) and I fell into the trap of being contented with what the world had to offer.  Eventually I chose to disobey God at just about every level.  By the time of my 61st birthday I had left a path of destruction where I should have been leaving a path of blessing.  "What to do when..."
     I'm not saying that everything I did in my life was evil.  Nor am I saying that God didn't work in spite of me.  What I am saying is that my life became less than.  Less than what God had waiting to bless me with should I come to my senses.  Less than others deserved from someone who professed faith in Jesus.  Less than those who didn't know Jesus received from a believer who was and is tasked with bring the Gospel to a lost people.  Getting to the "What to do when..." question is a daily choice.  If I engage in other questions and miss this one then my life is "less than".  The answer to the "What to do when..." question is always turn to God.  In many cases "return" to God.  The constant is that we put ourselves again at the feet of Jesus and simply do that which he desires. 
     I make my life harder than it need be.  I'm sure that many of you reading this can recognize this in yourselves as well.  Today is the day to get back to basics.  What are the basics?  That we turn to God in all circumstances regardless how simple or complex.  Being intimate with God so that we can hear his voice depends upon our surrender to and love for Jesus.  What to do when we are in a good space?  Turn to God.  What to do when we are in a bad space. Turn to God.  The answer is always the same.  It's the questions that change

Monday, March 30, 2015

There I was minding my own business...

     People who know me know that if there is something strange, off the cuff, or just incredible; it will happen to me.  These are both positive and negative in all fairness.  I don't care for the negative but know they are necessary in this world we live in.  Sometimes these events are of my own making and other times they are thrust upon me out of the blue.  Needless to say, I'm not the only one whom this happens to.  After talking with friends and relatives I've found that others run into this situation as frequently as I do and sometimes worse scenarios.  I know that we can learn from life's lessons and do try to find the "teachable" moment in these events.  Sometimes that element is readily available while other times I'm hard pressed to find anything that is redeemable about the event.  Do you ever feel that way? 
     Murphy has been blamed for many things over the years.  Murphy is fictional and much has been accredited to his interwoven presence in our lives.  His, though, is on the negative side.  I've caught myself blaming Murphy time and time again.  There are few people in my world who haven't heard of or experienced the presence of a Murphy event. In the Christian world we would give the honor of what has happened (when negative) to the enemy while the positive to God.  This isn't necessarily true though.  God allows the negative and positive in our lives to bring about His will.  His will is always perfect and beneficial to all while at the same time bringing glory to Him who has saved us.  Perhaps we need to speak of "God moments" more often and "Murphy moments" less.  The Word tells us that "all things work for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose."  Do we believe that word?
     Through the years I have been struck with the harsh realities alongside the pleasant realities.  Both seem to come out of the blue.  The death of a loved one.  The birth of a loved one.  The hiring to a good job and obviously it's opposite; being fired.  There are many other examples I could give but I think you get the idea.  We have so much come up in our lives on a daily basis that we feel overwhelmed with God's goodness or his missing presence.  It's all about our perspective.  Do I believe that God really has my best interests at heart or do I believe that he is indifferent to the suffering that goes on around me?  Do I believe that He is the author and finisher of my faith or do I rely on "Steve" as a means of taking care of my faith and my life? 
     Minding my own business is not the end all of choices I make in my life.  However, when I am minding His business there s no need to be surprised when something does or does not happen.  All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.  I believe that.  Sometimes it's difficult to hold onto that thought because of what is or has happened.  Yet, I need to be about his business instead of minding my own business.

Friday, March 27, 2015

I am the greatest of sinners.

     Paul uttered those words.  I uttered those words.  You may have uttered those words.  The bad news is we are in good company.  The good news is that we have a God who is ever ready to offer grace and mercy through the death and resurrection of his Son to anyone who calls upon the name of Jesus to be saved.  That's GREAT news!  The question for the moment is:  "Why do I continue to sin?  Why do I continue to repeat the same sin?"  Okay, that was two questions.  I don't want to set in place excuses, rationalizations or justifications for my sin.  As a lifelong sinner I have already done that.  The truth is we are all sinners and will die sinners.  No one can live a single day without sinning.  Most people just don't seem to be willing to acknowledge either their sin or their need for forgiveness.  I have done that more than I like to remember as well.  Besides hurting my relationship with God, my family, my wife, my friends and even my enemies; I have done so multiple times.  Yet, there is hope.
     God is my hope.  What would I do and who would I be if I didn't have the forgiveness offered by a loving God?  Lost.  Alone.  Hopeless.  These aren't my favorite words.  Yet, when I sin I bring about these feelings and more.  When does the "I'm sorry." begin to fall on deaf ears?  When do we begin to expect failure in others?  How long should God be patient with me?  All these questions are important if w are to seriously consider repentance.  God calls us to repentance.  Not repentance as mankind understands the word; but repentance that ends the sinful behavior.  Mankind thinks and believes that life is just the way things are and we should just enjoy life as we can for as long as we can.  God says that we can have life overflowing with blessings from heaven if we are repentant and choose to follow him instead of the world.  Why do I make this so hard for myself?  Why do I do that which I know I shouldn't do? 
    There are no easy answers other than I must love my sin more than I love God or others.  The reason doesn't justify the ends.  Claiming forgiveness from God may be reality but it's not our bragging rights.  Paul came to the end of himself on the road to Damacus.  Confronted by Jesus Paul became a new man and was changed.  Saul became Paul.  I know that Paul didn't live a perfect life.  We know that no man, except Jesus, is capable of living a perfect life.  In our case there is no other place to be than in Jesus.  For it's when we are in Jesus that we are outside of ourselves.  When we step away from Jesus, we are once again like pigs returning to their mud.  Yes, I am the greatest of sinners.  I'm also the child of God who can ask the Father for forgiveness because of what Jesus did for me. 
     Take heart!  If God can work in and through me, the greatest of sinners, then He can work through you as well. 

Thursday, March 26, 2015

If you need an excuse any excuse will do.

     My car wouldn't start.  The dog ate my homework.  I can't see through the blizzard to drive.  My grandmother died (for the 4th time).  You get the picture.  We can always find an excuse for the events in our lives.  There are degrees of danger in our making excuses.  Sometimes the excuses are real and valid while at other times excuses are a manipulation to get what we want when we want and how we want.  Sometimes we even confuse "excuses" with "reasoning" and "logic" just to validate our stance and our actions.  What is it we think we can obtain with our excuses?  Do we really think people believe us?  Okay, sometimes they do or at least pretend to believe our excuse.  Then we cross the line and our excuses are clearly lies meant to deceive.  It's like the trick question: "Have you stopped beating your wife?"  There is no right answer.  Trapped by excuses puts us in this corner where we need to remember our story or risk being found out. 
     Eve ate of the fruit but had an excuse.  The 11 sold the 1 into slavery but had an excuse.  The people made a golden calf while Moses was on the mountain. They too had an excuse.  David had a man murdered and impregnated his that mans wife.  BUT David had an excuse.  Just as we turn the corner we see that nothing changes in the New Testament as well.  Excuses abound.  The rich young ruler wants to follow Jesus but the cost is too great.  The moneychangers were at the temple to conduct business.  But they had an excuse.  Peter denied Jesus 3 times but had an excuse.  Thomas doubted Jesus' resurrection but had an excuse.  Enough of everyone else.  I did not follow Jesus because I had a hundred excuses.  I did not do what the Lord wanted because I had a hundred excuses.  I sinned intentionally because I had a hundred excuses.  I denied Jesus because I had a hundred excuses.  How about you?
     Excuses can be exchanged for the truth.  I sinned.  It was my choice.  I lied.  It's not really hard to say these things after the fact.  When I've already done what I've done or chose what I chose.  It's most difficult stopping the excuses in the first place.  IF we belong to Jesus there are no excuses.  He told us to imitate him in all our ways.  Jesus did not make any excuses.  Ever.  Jesus lived the truth.  When he deals with me through others, situations, or just talking to me there is no room for my making excuses.  Yet, I walk away and do just that.  I can argue that I am a fallible human being.  However, that's just another excuse.  The truth is when I make an excuse I'm just trying to cover up an area of my life that I have not surrendered to Jesus.  It's the selfish part of me that wants what I want in spite of Him giving me all I need. 
    I'll surrender again today and try to remain surrendered.  When I feel an excuse coming on I will give it over to Jesus.  Just for today I will live for Jesus and not myself. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

My meager contribution.

     There is no wisdom in me.  Any wisdom that manages to find it's way out of my hands or mouth is entirely from God.  I'm merely the vessel submitted to his will.  Conversely, anything that is not wise is not from God and most likely has it's roots in my sinful nature.  I usually bring up my blog and then do my other morning stuff before actually beginning the writing.  This gives me time to get out of the way.  It's kind of like thinking before speaking.  There are enough examples of where I have spoken without thinking or done things without thinking.  I imagine some of you remember not only my events but also yours as well.  We all are guilty.  That's the wisdom.  We are guilty and yet we are trusted by God to do what he wants us to do.  He doesn't want or need me to lay hands on people and pray for their healing.  He doesn't want or need me to stand in front of the masses and prophecy the end of time.  He doesn't want or need me to admonish others about their need to surrender their life to Jesus so that they might be saved from the coming wrath.
     So, what does God need from me?  He needs me to get out of the way of his working through me in bringing out his will in this world.  Simple.  Get out of the way.  Why do I make it so hard to accomplish?  Jesus says, "these things and more you shall do" regarding our ministry.  We miss the point.  The point was/is that Jesus was surrendered to the will of the Father while he was on earth.  The point isn't what we will or will not do.  The point isn't being capable.  The issue isn't putting our lives on hold waiting for God to direct our path.  The point is we need to emulate Jesus and just be surrendered.  Our meager contribution.  Surrender doesn't mean that I have the answers to life's questions.  Surrender doesn't mean I roll over and play dead.  Surrender doesn't mean that I take care of my worldly life in order to get ready for God to work through me. 
     Paul (on surrender) says, "it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives through me."  It was his meager contribution.  He gave up his life so that Christ could live through him.  He went on to bring Christ to anyone and everyone whom he encountered.  Luke, his friend and doctor, penned many of the letters that are from God through Paul.  Why?  Because Paul had an affliction.  His eyes were damaged and writing was difficult for him.  Paul, like us, had thoughts, revelations and ideas that coursed through his mind faster than he could put down on paper.  So, God used Luke instead.  It's was Luke's meager contribution.  So, God spoke through Paul and Paul spoke through Luke who spoke through words all given by God for the edification of his people.  If none of this had taken place where would you and I be?  Would we be contemplating our meager contribution?
     There was an elderly lady who was prominent in my Christian life.  She told me that she had been given the greatest gift God could give anyone.  That gift was to pray and access the throne of God on behalf of those God put on her "list."  She informed me that I was on that list.  It was he meager contribution without which I don't know how I would have ever been in the ministry in the first place.  She continued to pray for me and God's mission through me until her death years ago.  I have no doubt that it was the "prayers of he saints (she was a saint)" that carried me through my life.  My meager contribution was to live surrendered to Christ.  I haven't always done that.  In fact it's a constant struggle for me today.  I imagine it is for many of you also.  Yet, I know that Jesus is there at the throne petitioning on my behalf. 
     What is your meager contribution?

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Complaining accomplishes what?

     In one of my past vocations as a supervisor I was determined to cut the complaining down of those I supervised.  So, I told each of them that they were not allowed to bring me a problem unless they came up with three potential solutions to that problem first.  No one brought me any problems.  They were able, on their own, to analyze and remedy the problem without bringing it to me.  This is one of the marks of a leader.  They proved to  me that they were ready to have more responsibility and to be checked on less.  This, in turn, allowed me to do my job.  Complaining is as old as the sun.  People learn to complain.  They are taught to complain.  Prior to human interaction  no one knows to complain just as no one has significant fears.  Complaining, like fears, are abilities that are learned.  We are born with two fears; the fear of loud noises and the fear of falling.  Being "born" is the event that brings both of these fears to the forefront of life.  Complaining also has, like fear, it's origin in fear.  We fear we are not good enough.  We fear we won't succeed.  We fear that we won't be liked.  We fear that if we don't complain we won't get what we need.  God doesn't want us to complain or fear.
     I don't want you to misunderstand what I am saying.  I have done more than my share of complaining and had more than my share of fears dictate the directions my life has taken.  I have seen my compensating for this complaining and these fears sabotage not only my life but the lives of those I love and care about.  Being held captive by the prison of complaining only serves to keep me living in the past.  Why can't we just go back to Egypt?!  All people have a history of living in the past.  Some actually think this is normal and healthy.  It's not.  I think we need to learn from the past so that history does NOT repeat itself.  That requires us to remember but not be imprisoned by what we remember.  As if we don't do this enough to ourselves; we do this towards others and they do this towards us.  We maintain the prison because of our fear to move forward.  If we are immobilized in our lives than we want others to be of the same frame of mind.  Together we complain, live in fear and do nothing for ourselves, others or God.
     The act of complaining and of exhibiting fear are actually sins.  They are from the pit of hell and are authored by the father of lies, Satan.  Wow!  That's a strong statement!  Yes it is.  It's also the truth and that same author doesn't like the truth.  Why?  Because, as the Bible says, "the truth shall set you free."  Why do we fight this transformation so strongly?  I would like to suggest that to do so would bring us out of our comfort zone and to a place where we actually do something for God.  When we are immobilized by complaining and fear we are ineffective for God.  At least I am.  When I am ineffective for God I begin to question my self worth.  When I question my self worth I take my eyes off Jesus who is the author and finisher of my faith.  As that happens the world becomes my guide and measurement of who I am.  The downward spiral begins and ends with me.  I can either believe what God says or I can believe what Steve says.  I cannot believe both.  I cannot exercise both.  They cannot live within the same time and space.  I have the choice each and every moment of each and every day.
   So do you.  What are you going to do?  Complain and fear?  I hope not.

Monday, March 23, 2015

My moles have returned!

     I thought they were gone and that those in surrounding properties were under control.  Boy was I wrong.  Fresh mounds of dirt are appearing on my lawns and now I need to return to my war against the moles!  While I am sure that moles serve a purpose, I'm not sure I like that purpose.  I can say that a dead mole is a good mole!  In my war against the moles I do not go to the extremes shown in the movie Caddyshack.  I bomb or trap them.  Both methods kill them.  I do not catch and release moles.  That would be a very unwise thing to do.  While I am vigilant in my quest to keep moles from my front lawn; the further away you get from the front lawn the less I address the problem.  Out of sight and out of mind.  It's the first impression that people make which seems most important to us.  We make these kinds of judgements all the time.  "Look at his moles!  He obviously doesn't know how to get rid of them."  I rank moles right up there with spiders.  I know spiders also have a purpose and yet I don't want them to exercise their purpose inside of my home. 
     In many ways my war on moles (and spiders) is reflected in my life.  The "mole" is replaced with "sin" and there you have it.  Thinking myself to be wise I feel safe that this particular sin hasn't reared it's ugly head for a while.  Mind you, that sin hasn't gone away.  It's been there under the surface for a long time and is waiting for just the right time to remind me that I haven't been diligent in dealing with the sin in the first place.  I call it "hedging my bet."  I admit I have sin.  I confess that sin.  I turn from that sin.  Then I put it in a suitcase and carry it with me.  My moles do the same thing.  After all, why build another network of tunnels when their predecessor has left perfectly good tunnels for them to enter and begin a new dynasty?  Moles do what moles were designed to do whether I am hunting them or not.  Sin does whatever it I let it do.  My point of dilemma comes when I don't allow that sin to be eradicated from my life in the first place.  Maybe I get some kind of validation when I hunt moles that says I'm a good hunter.  So, why do I shy away from the validation that I am a man after God's own heart when I hold onto sin?
     Though I don't like it, I can tolerate moles for short bursts of time.  God cannot do the same with my sin.  I'm reminded that when bleeding happens in the brain the blood acts like an acid destroying brain tissue.  Maybe this is an extreme example but that's the way it is with moles and sin alike.  If we engage in sin that sin continues to grow and have a life of its own.  If I let the moles remain where they are they develop community and have families which know only to burrow tunnels and leave mounds on what they consider their lawn.  Both are destructive forces.  My lawn, like my life, is littered with destruction from both.  When I mow my lawn I bounce over collapsed tunnels and piles of dirt.  When I walk through life my sin shows up in the way I have sinned against God and others.  The difference between the two is found in God's intention.  God has a reason for his moles.  God also has a reason for the lessons in my life.  I've left collapsed tunnels and mounds pretty much everywhere I've gone.  It wasn't what God wanted.  It is what I have created.  I'm fortunate that God hasn't set about to eradicate me! 
     God sees purpose and potential in my surrendered life to him.  He does for you too.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

World Water Day

     It's World Water Day!  Since there are so many without good drinkable water in the world we need to be concerned as sojourners with those who have less.  I haven't made coffee yet this morning but know that when I do I will rinse out my coffee carafe and pour out more water than some children and adults have in an entire day.  I shouldn't feel guilty but rather thankful.  That doesn't exempt me from caring about those who don't have what we have.   There can be no permanent answer to this problem as long as people think, say and do nothing.   People on earth wanting a physical drink of water seldom think beyond their immediate need.  I know that when my basic needs are met that I tend to put those needs out of mind until they once again rear up and demand my attention.  So, I address the very real need of water in my own life.  I am unable to go to another country and have a well dug so that others can have water.  I'm unable to fill a cargo plane with bottled water and fly it to a place of great need.  Just how long have they (those in need of water) been in this state of need?  Why haven't they or someone done something a long time ago to take care of this problem?
     There are so many constraints people place upon themselves that need cannot possibly be met.  When animals comfort and desires are put before the people who worship them a conflict surfaces about taking care of need.  When corruption fills governments and supplies are received, sold and shipped out instead of used to help their people injustice rears its ugly head.  As we look at the organizations that provide "help" we are reminded that everyone wants to make a profit and little of the "help" really reaches where it needs to go.  This, of course, isn't just true about water.  It's also true about food.  People's priorities have always been a determining factor in who gets taken care of and when.  Where there is selfishness there will always be those who are considered expendable and needs will go on unmet.  And so it goes...unfortunately.  Whether you are feeding the moneys that invade your community, worshiping the cows that wander your streets, or are focused on taking from those in need to satisfy your own selfish needs; there will always be those who do not have what they need.
     Developing an attitude of "I'm not the problem." doesn't counter the attitude of "I'm not the solution."  We are collectively the problem and potentially the solution.  I'm not just talking about water.  I'm talking about life.  Christians are supposed to offer "life" even as Jesus offered life.  That offer is to all.  If you have never seen someone die because their needs weren't met when they could have been; you probably won't be moved by World Water Day.  This, like most Christian topics, is not about this being someone else job.   My taking a shorter shower or not wasting rinse water (I could water a plant) isn't going to solve a problem half way around the world.  It will help me to be aware that there is a problem and once aware to make a concerted effort to do what Jesus would do.  Just what are you and I going to do today that will make a difference?  Perhaps make someone else aware of a need in the world that still has gone on unmet.  Perhaps change your own habits.  Maybe pray for those who have needs you and I have never felt.  It's up to you.  It's your choice.  Be a servant or the one served.  What will it be?

Saturday, March 21, 2015

My coffee cups!

     I have several coffee cups that are my favorites.  They each have their own history and message.  They all hold coffee and keep the heat well.  My criteria for coffee cups is how my large hand fits them.  I need to have two fingers inside the handle.  Anything less and I get rid of the cup.  Going to coffee with friends becomes problematic when the restaurant has cups with small handles.  I've been known to bring my own from time to time when I know what kind of cups the restaurant uses.  When I am shopping thrift stores I am always looking for cups that are unique and just right.  Some have messages on them and others are plain.  All hold coffee and keep it warm.  You can sense from the thickness and weight of the coffee cup whether it's well made and can do the job.  Not all heavy cups do the job though.  It's important to be wise when amassing coffee cups.  Travel mugs fall into an whole separate category which won't be addressed today.
     My favorite cup is one my daughter Sara gave me a few years back.  She lives in the Bay area of California.  She took a couple of pictures of me with her and had them put on the cup (color).  The cup can almost fit 3 fingers!  It's both broad and tall so it holds a couple of cups of coffee.  When I use this cup I email her and tell her "I'm having coffee with Sara this morning."  I also have a "Life is Good" mug.  It has that saying on the front of the cup (if you are right handed) and a picture of a stick picture of a smiling man sitting on a beach chair.  On the back of the mug are these words:  "Do what you like and like what you do."  This cup probably holds the coffee heat the best of any of my mugs.  It's a great mug to use on less than nice weather days.  I also have a large glass mug that has engraved the letter "S" in old English fashion.  The glass tends to dispense the heat of the coffee cup quicker than I like.  This cup doubles as a great tea cup.  It has an elegance that doesn't really fit me or who I am.  However, I like the cup because it fits me.  I also like the "S". 
     So, what do these coffee cups have to do with my Christianity?  For beginners, they each have their own story.  They are individual in nature and all fit me.  They have remained constant companions for many years.  Memories spill out of them every time they are used.  They have sat beside my Bible while I'm doing devotions and patiently waited for me to finish before being refilled.  They are reminders of some constants in my life like Jesus.  They don't have any preset agenda other than being available when I want or need them.  They are a source of strength to me unlike paper cups we use at church.  Finally, they are symbolic of the necessity of the elements of Christianity that hold fast and are a testament to the world.  They deliver decaf just as easily as they do caffeinated coffee (or tea) being all things to people.  Jesus can be brought into every area of our lives. Perhaps you will not look at coffee cups the same way. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Just what was I thinking?

     Whenever I think, I get into trouble.  Ever find yourself in those "no win" situations?  For me, thinking is a large part of the cause of problems and situations where we find ourselves one down or maybe even out for the count.  We are an intelligent species who prides themselves on our ability to be top of everything.  However, when it comes to thinking we are at the bottom of the food chain.  You see, it all began a long time ago in an obscure garden with two people, one snake and a tree with fruit.  The snake provoked Eve to "think" and in so doing caused her to make a choice opposite of what she knew to be right.  In her case thinking took her outside of the realm of blessed and she, of course, passed it onto Adam.  Adam was still enthralled with a "woman" :) and hadn't been thinking until approached with the forbidden.  He too began to think and his fall was as great as Eve's.  So, what was there before thinking?  God had created everything including Adam and Eve and presented to them everything they could ever need.  What did he ask for in return?  He asked to be obeyed.  Quite simple until we begin to think. 
     ALL of their needs were taken care of for all time.  God overlooked nothing.  That's the way he is though.  God always takes into account everything and of necessity offers only the best of what we need.  Satan, on the other hand, has nothing to offer that even comes close.  So, Satan offers what he feels we should want, what we are entitled to, what we feel less than if we don't have.  God is good and cannot contain anything bad.  Satan is bad and cannot contain anything good.  God says "I will take care of all of your needs.  I will never leave nor forsake you."  He means it too!  Satan says, "What about me?  What about what you want that you don't have?"  He means it too.  Ultimately this comes down to your choice.  Are you content and feel blessed with ALL of your needs being met even before you ask for them?  Or are you feeling cheated and need this, that or more of everything?  Again, it's your call.  Eve said, "Okay Satan, I'll eat of the fruit."  Adam said, "Okay Eve, I'll eat of the fruit."  Their lives and ours were forever changed from one of contentment with all our needs being met to lives where we are never satisfied with what we already have.
     What would happen if you and I really believed that God takes care of all of our needs?  What if we never found ourselves in a position where we had any need of asking for anything?  What if our days were filled with thanking God for all the blessing he has heaped upon us?  What if we focused only on the love of God towards us?  Would your life be different?  Mine would.  I try to make the leap from time to time with partial success.  It's difficult getting past the programming we have inside of us.  DNA dictates we continually have this temptation from Adam and Eve to be the god of our own world.  If you don't think so try going through one (1) day without asking for any of your needs to be met.  Use that day to be thankful for all that you have been blessed with instead.  We fail to honor God and what he has done for us.  This includes our cheapening the grace of God through Jesus' death and resurrection.  When we try to manage our world we are telling God to butt out!  Not exactly a thank you for all he has done. 
     Here is the key.  We must stop thinking.  God has already taken care of that for us.  No subject that comes up in our lives is unaddressed by Scripture.  Dwell on the Word.  Continually sing God's praise and thank Him for all he has done.  You won't have time to think.  You won't have time to fail as Satan desires.  You are more than conquers through Christ who lives within you.  Live like it.  Stop thinking. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Has the world gone crazy recently?

     While I would like to say that humans live in a civilized society, events around the world seem to say the opposite.  I understand struggle and desire to be better.  I don't understand those who would take that away.  The world needs answers but only adds questions upon questions that go unaddressed.  Just what should be the Christian response?  That's a great question.  Especially when we have any number of individuals and groups trying to shut down Christianity at every turn.  The times seem to dictate a change in the wind.  Destruction and desecration are more the rule than the exception.  Trust has further eroded and faith has taken major hits from which it's doubtful that mankind will recover regardless of how resilient we are.  The Bible says that our world condition must become worse than it was in the days of Noah before the end and the return of Christ.  One need to only read that account to understand that we are not there yet. 
     Individuals, groups, and even nations are demanding that the Christian and their beliefs go away.  That those who claim Jesus as Lord are to be quiet, roll over and play dead.  Prejudice, racism, bias, and the like are blamed on the Christian resulting in federal courts ordering Christians to do what is against their beliefs and the Word of God.  Yet, the time isn't here and is still a long way off before Christs return.  What is the Christian to do?  Our own nation has risen up against that which is right (Christian or not) and abandoned the concept that our nation was founded on Christian principles.  The very tenor of the populous has been changing slowly and seems to now be accelerating toward destruction.  This much like the frog placed in a pan of water that is slowly heated until the frog is cooked rather than escapes.  There is no hope for the world according to the Bible.  There is hope for the believer according to the Bible.  The difference comes within the interpretation of what the Bible says.  The Bible is clear that all Christians have to stand firm to the message of the Gospel.  The book of Revelation is clear that at the end of days the Lord will conquer evil and the Christian will be rewarded for their stand for Christ.
     Tolerance has become a weapon of the world against the Christian belief system.  The equation is that if we don't abandon our faith we are not tolerating others.  How does this work.  In a society focused on appeasing who yells the loudest versus those who are quiet bastions of the faith it's not hard to see who wins.  Whole groups of people mobilized by their hate of the Christian faith are continually battering those who stand for that same faith.  Eventually something has to give.  If you and I give up our being a new creation in Christ, we have done nothing to stand for Christ or the message of salvation.  Yet, standing for the faith can lead to many levels of punishment up to and including death.  The "crazy" world is basically asking Christianity to go away and for those with faith to give it up or die.  Believe it or not this is all prophecy from the Bible before the time of Christ and even after his coming to earth in order for mankind to be saved.  The bigger question is: "How solid is your faith?"  Would you be willing to die for Jesus?  Would you stand firm in your faith if they killed someone you loved when you didn't recant that faith? 
     If you think the world is crazy now; just wait until tomorrow.  It's got to get worse before it will get better.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"I have the right!" "No you don't!"

     What if we lived in a world where we were respected, listened to and imitated because we lived as God wants us to live?  "That would be great!" you might say.  "Wow! What a concept!" might come out of your mouth.  Truth be told, this won't and can't happen even though it's supposed to happen.  Especially within a Christian community.  Individual or not, we are challenged to present Christ to those around us in HIS manner and not ours.  The Bible is very clear that we who say we live for Christ and have given our lives to him have given up our rights.  For, as Paul says, "it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me."  Many in the Christian faith (term used loosely) simply do not believe or embody this though.  There is a paradox set up when we give our lives to Christ.  The paradox is we know that God's calling is for all of our life and not just sections we can stand to live without.  I know that this is as old as creation itself.  Evidenced by Adam and Eve all the way through the last chapter of the book of Revelation this truth has showed one of the reasons Christians have ineffective lives.  If we are to claim something then we need to embody that claim.  What if Jesus went all the way to the cross but then said, "Just kidding.  You are on your own!"  Where would we be left except fallen and without hope. 
     I was once approached by another therapist who asked me what I would say to a premarital counseling situation where the couple wanted input about a prenuptial agreement.  I told him I would not be a part of it.  He asked why.  I told him that a prenuptial agreement wasn't Biblical and was only a sign that neither party really expected their relationship to succeed.  Further, it destroyed the concept (Biblical) that the two shall become one.  We speed up at yellow lights so that we don't have to stop for the red.  We omit the details and call it truth when it's deception plain and simple.  Our tendency to "hedge our bets" are nothing but selfish choices intended to take care of  "me" first and foremost.  When we do any of these things we become the god of our world.  Don't think so?  Try this on.  When the choice is made to terminate a pregnancy, who makes that choice?  I haven't ever read a Scripture that supports abortion.  When as a people we pass laws enabling men and women to seek the help of a physician to end their lives due to whatever justification; God is eliminated from the equation.  Our world is upside down and backward.  Whenever we don't get our way (playing god) we cry foul and demand our rights.  As a Christian this ought not to be. 
     In a sermon I once told the people of the congregation that I could go to the church parking lot and point out those who were intending on sinning.  They chuckled and laughed a bit nervously as I continued.  Those who had radar detectors would be those who planned on breaking the law.  They were "hedging their bet" in order to get away with speeding.  We do this, don't we.  We have any number of gymnastic moves we have incorporated into our lives where we have claimed we "have the right."  All the while God is saying, "No, you don't."  Since it's the tax season I will share another area of pure selfishness on the Christian part.  Many give to church AND keep track (sometimes the church does this for them) of how much they give so that they can turn around and claim the "donation" on their taxes.  If we give to God then it's his.  Since we insist on using the tax deduction, we are then taking the money back for our purpose.  We haven't really given it to God in the first place and believe we have earned that money when all along God has blessed us with EVERYTHING we have or can conceive of having.  If we give something away it is no longer ours to reclaim.  If I give my life to Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me. 
     The real question Christians should be asking is: "Lord, show me those areas where I have not handed my life over to you."  When he shows us our response should be only one choice.  We should surrender that area to Christ with the heart that believes what Christ has for us is way better than what we can wrangle on our own.  Yes, in the world you have the "right".  However, Christ calls us to be in he world but not of he world.  We are to take Him into all the world so that the world can see Him and believe in Him, and come to salvation in Him.  No, I don't have the right.  Neither do you.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


     When I look at my life I am almost overwhelmed by the expectations that are involved in practically every sector of my life.  Expectations of myself, others, professionals, God, and the list goes on and on.  To balance this there are also sectors of my life where there are no expectations.  These came about by various means but usually relate to disappointments, failures, losses and other negative experiences.  Without the positive and negative "expectations" life would be mundane and without hope of more.  My expectations have brought trouble to life for myself and others.  Not intentionally in every case; but nonetheless the trouble surfaced interfering with more aspects of my life than I want to consider.  My expectations have also brought positive change and success in various areas of my life.  Should we not look at expectations we will most likely not appreciate the toil of God and others bringing "better" to our lives.  Expectations are the juice that keeps us hopeful and focused on the goals we have.  Whenever we have expectations of others that focus tends to change over time.  Some people rise to the occasions while others never see the occasions to rise to in the first place.  Despite the years and lessons learned I still tend to have expectations where I haven't learned to either tone them down or abandon them entirely.  It's the way I am wired.  I expect a lot from me and subsequently a lot from others.  Call yourself a Christian and the expectation scale moves even higher. 
     My high school senior class voted me "Most likely to fail."  Not exactly flattering.  I didn't wake up one day and say to myself, "I think I will be a failure."  I know no one who does this.  It's not that we aren't aware we will fail somewhere in our day or life.  We will fail.  I just don't like others telling me that I am "Most likely to fail."  They don't have the right to speak that into my life.  Ever.  Yet, we see the school bully, the outcast group, those with questionable scruples and the irreverent fulfilling other peoples expectations of failure all the time.  This phenomenon did not begin with me and certainly won't end with me.   I might add that I have failed in many different areas of life.  My failures do not define who I am though.  I could also add that I have succeeded more than I have failed.  Which do you think my senior class wants to believe?  How have they succeeded in their lives?  Did they live up to personal and corporate expectations?  I don't know where many of them are nor what they have done or are doing.  I don't care to as I have no expectation they could possibly add anything positive in my life.  As long as I keep my expectations low of others I won't be hurt or disappointed when they think and act that way.  That is also directed back to me. 
     God has placed expectations on me to be the man of God he intended me to be.  This was from before I was formed in my mother's womb.  The knowledge of who we are find firm footing in He who formed me and put all my days before me.  Yet, I kick against those expectations.  The Word says he has good planned for me and that he will never leave nor forsake him.  So why do I bring about my destruction even though I know this?  Was it because of how I was taught?  Did it have anything to do with those who hurt me?  Was I a victim of someone more insecure than I?  Yes to all of those.  Here is the key.  Don't miss this point.  I am not perfect and neither are you.  I am not perfect and neither are you.  The Bible says that we cannot live a sinless life.  So, understand that even though I try to do this I will inevitably fail to meet the "perfect" standard.  This is not an excuse to try.  It's a reality needed to understand why we absolutely need the grace of God in the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.  He took away all the expectations of mankind and replaced them with the acceptance of God just as I am.  He expects me to be who he created me to be.  Nothing more and nothing less.  If God accepts me "just as I am", why can't you?  If God accepts you "just as you are", why can't I? 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Proverbs 25:25 says, "News from a far country is like water to a thirsty soul."

     A month ago on 2/16 I was going about my chores when I suffered a heart attack.  I called 911 and was taken to a great hospital where they evaluated me and recommended surgery to bypass 2 blocked arteries.  On 2/23 I had that surgery and obviously am back to writing.  God has been very gracious to me in my healing and continues to bless me.  To say I was scared when I called 911 is the greatest understatement I have ever made!  I was terrified!  My first thoughts were about all those I loved who are involved in my life as I am in their life as well.  My children, spouse, relatives, friends and my church to name a few.  I even had a couple of my enemies inquire and make well wishing overtures.  The news from a far country is not just a one way journey.  I depend upon those with whom I am connected and they are dependent upon me.  So, we communicate.  Now, in this era, we text, email, write and sometimes even talk!  By the time I had been in the hospital for 2 days there were thousands of people praying for me all over the United States and even overseas!  I was and am overwhelmed!  Thank you for being part of my healing from a far country.  My soul was thirsty and you gave me drink in the form of prayers and thoughts.  God bless you.
     Often we go through a crisis and tell ourselves we are going to change this or modify that.  We may even pledge to God to be more and better for Him.  Words are easy to speak but often lacking in conviction and determination.  That's where we find ourselves all too often when we are going through things.  Kind of like saying, "If you can get me to a gas station I won't speed again."  Bargaining doesn't work because we still believe that we can be god of at least part of our world.  The heart attack was a real wake up call.  Except for the grace of God, I wouldn't be here writing this.  Instead you would have come to my funeral and that would have been that.  God isn't done with me and has a plan for me.  He has my attention fully!  The far country has come near.  In that emergency room God caught my heart's attention (no pun intended).  The news was that I was not, will not and cannot be the god of my world.  Ever.  I did not go to the far country (heaven) that day or any day since.  One day I will but for now God has spared my life.  Like Paul, I do long to go home to be with Jesus and am not afraid of my journey to the other side.  Yet, like Paul, I know that God wants me to be able to give the far country to others who do not have an assurance of life after death.
     The "far country" began in Genesis and ends in Revelation.  We interpret the "far country" with the knowledge and wisdom given to us from God.  The news from the far country is that Jesus is the Christ.  It is he, who though God, came to live among us.  It was he who was brought to death on the cross so that we could be free from death.  Rising from the dead Jesus unlocked the doors to heaven to all who would believe.  He's coming again to take us who love him home to be with him.  This is the news from the far country.  This is the news that brings water to the thirsty soul.  There is so much water that we are asked to give water to those around us.  Why?  Because they too need news from the far country.  We are not just talking about how my aunt loves to hear about my garden or my sister about my latest guffaw.  These are from the far country as well.  However, the news from the far country is in Jesus.  Nothing more or nothing less.  Jesus.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Guess what?

     On February 16 I had a heart attack followed by open heart surgery last Monday.  Needless to say I am recovering. I am taking a break from the blog while I actually do recover.  I appreciate your thoughts and prayers. 