Monday, February 16, 2015

"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

     People like to understate and overstate issues, beliefs, opinions and other elements of their lives.  I've done that several times.  Not necessarily the high points of my life but admission that I've done this keeps it real.  Besides, I've learned from these events.  One of the questions that arises is why do we do it?  Feelings of being under important or overly important are but two of the reasons why we do this deed.  Sometimes we feel that the only way someone will hear us is if we over or under state our thoughts.  Sometimes we keep silent so that we won't be found out or have our theories destroyed.  Feelings of inadequacy are highly suspect when we can't see the cigar for what it is...a cigar.
     Why do we need to have a specific representation of what we believe?  Is it really because we believe so strongly or that we don't want to be found perpetuating less than the truth?  Selfishness comes into play almost immediately when we take something innocent and make it wrong or wrong and make it appear innocent.  Sometimes we are believed and other times we are tolerated or even confronted.  We live in a time when confusion is smoothed over by man's bias.  "Well, this may be the truth but he/she was justified thinking that way."  We "wink" at issues and beliefs where we should be standing up and testifying regarding "right" and "wrong."  Society is guilty and so are you and I.  Taking a stand and saying "it's a cigar." may be right but at what cost do we state this with conviction? 
     When my kids were little they, like all kids, were prone to making up stories, embellishing stories or just retelling stories that have previously been told.  We knew the story was imagination.  However, our child didn't necessarily know that.  But, because we love them we listened, asked questions and praised them for telling the story that may or may not be true.  As we trained our children in the way they should go (Biblical reference) we raised our expectation that they would put away childish things.  There should be a point in a person's life when they are "done" with that phase of our lives.  As long as mankind can find justification for what they believe, what they do and ignore the consequences the cigar will never be just a cigar.
     What we should believe is what God states in his Word.  Nothing more and nothing less.  The Word has been, is, and will be the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  That is, if it's not changed by some individual or group who cannot tell a cigar from an orange.  Changing truth to reflect what we want it to doesn't lessen the reality of what that truth really reflects.  We have so many different Christian denominations that have different beliefs about what the Word says.  We "do it this way, not that way."  "That's what we used to believe."  "They just don't believe the way we do."  Call it what you may, when you change the unchangeable (God) to fit your changeable nature, it's sin.  The Bible says that "If we don't do what we know we should do, we sin." James 4:17.  Sin is sin. 
     Guilt on my part doesn't justify a change of the Word so that I can feel better about my sinning.  We do that.  It doesn't work.  Sometimes sin is just sin.  All the time the Word is the Word. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Be strong and of great courage.

     Most of the time this is easier said than done.  That's because we don't practice being strong and courageous.  Nor do we teach our children and others to be strong and of great courage.  We would like to say that we did but we haven't.  How do I know?  Look at the world around us.  Our world is filled with everything but strength and courage.  There is an illness spreading around the world called political correctness.  Don't offend.  Don't oppose.  Don't take a stand.  You might upset someone.  This could fall in the faith or world arenas.  What does it mean to be strong?  What does it mean to have great courage?
     I would like to pose a situation where both of these will be weighed in the balance.  We all know the story and the ending of the story.  God wins.  In the meantime, we Christians will be called upon to have strength and great courage.  The Bible tells us that families will turn against one another.  That is already happening.  The Bible tells us that Christians will be persecuted.  That is already happening.  The Bible says the world has to become worse than he days of Sodom and Gomorrah before Christ returns.  The world is getting there.  We will be faced with demands that we are to give up our faith.  Already happening.  We will be charged with crimes because of our Christian stance.  Yep, that's happening too.  The journey to Christ's return is to get worse and worse before it gets better. 
     Here is THE question.  Where is your faith?  How will you handle the personal nature of attacks leveled against you and your family/friends?  Imagine, if you will, that you have been arrested  for being Christian.  You are ordered to recant your faith.  You refuse.  They threaten you and torture you and yet you refuse to recant.  So, the bring out your child and threaten to kill your child unless you recant.  Is your child ready for this?  Are you ready for this?  It's already happening!  Look around you!  What are you going to do as they put a knife to your child's neck?  Are you going to be strong and of great courage or are you going to cave?  Does your child know that you will die for your faith?  Do they know that they might have to die for their and your faith? 
    "Oh, that won't happen here."  Really?!  It's already happening here.  It's just not happening to you.  Yet.  Children, women, men and the elderly have all been targeted for their faith in Jesus in various countries of the world.  Millions have already died for their faith.  The religious cleansing began when Satan was cast out of Heaven.  It's been downhill for the believer ever since.  The end will come.  Where will you be found when your "end" has come?  Will you and your family stand proudly for Christ who died for you?  Will your children and family know that you will die for your faith and that you would want them to do so also? 
     It takes strength and great courage to make any stand.  From the smallest event to the largest we will have our faith assaulted and abused.  No one can take away our faith.  If taken that faith was surrendered.  Do you believe so strongly in Christ and the Gospel message that you would die for that belief?  It's a tough question.  Not like deciding what is for dinner.  Now is the time to stand for Christ with great courage.  Others salvation depend on those who have faith.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

What stand do you want to take?

     The most common form of this question is: "What stand do you want me to take?"  When asked, there is an expected answer.  Like the old question: "Have you stopped beating your wife?"  Neither "yes" or "no" is appropriate unless there is truth to the statement.  There are very few people and even fewer situations where people are truly asked to be their self.  So, when we ask the question and don't get the answer we want, we can clearly see that someone is against us.  When people ask me about my Christian faith they don't really want to hear about my faith.  They want to hear about my failings because they have failings.  This isn't wrong to ask.  What is wrong is to dis my story because it doesn't match yours.  Nor does this make my story any greater or lesser than your story.  Your stand may be different than mine.  That doesn't mean it is wrong.  It means it's different.  That's all.  Nothing more.  Zip. 
     The ability to ask questions is wonderful.  Especially if you are two going on three.  "Why?" drives parents and other relatives crazy for about a year.  We are teaching them about the world and though tire of the whine, we encourage them.  However, when family and those around us look to be making a decision based on faulty thinking, we desire to intervene.  Not because we know so much but more that we care so much.  Don't take a stand on how much I do or don't care.  Take a stand because you can.  God has put our hearts and minds on "active" so that we can evaluate and entertain our world.  We know right and wrong to one degree or another and can make either choice.  It's called free will.  It's right for them whether we think so or not.  Often in life we are asked by our family, friends and others to "bear with me while I work through this."  That's good.  We need to have this in our lives as well.
     When put in a Christian context, the "stand" isn't originally ours.  Originally the "stand" was requested of us by God.  God's standard guides the question we began with.  With each stand we have the choice to stand with God or to stand against God.  There is no gray area or and in between place where we can call ourselves safe.  Even inaction is action.  What stand do you want to take?  Perhaps you wrestle with making a stand at all.  I've been there.  Sometimes we want to check out and just go fishing for the day.  We don't want to take a stand.  Why?  Because there is so much at stake.  Relationships have been created and destroyed when someone makes a stand.  Companies have risen and fallen for the same reason.  Nations have been created and destroyed in much the same manner.  What part have you and I played in this by either taking a stand or not taking a stand. 
     "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."  That's what is at stake when we have a decision to make.  Are we going to be the ones who do nothing or are we going to risk and do something?  Great men and women have changed society because they took a stand.  If America hadn't entered WWII France would be speaking German right now.  It's all about taking a stand.  Taking a stand costs.  The moment we take a stand we become a part of something larger than ourselves.  Taking a stand is making a commitment.  Making a commitment is scary.  What if we make the wrong stand.  At least we did something! 
     Today we are going to be asked to take a stand by people, organizations and others around us.  What stand we take will incorporate change in us and all around us.  You and your stand are important and even essential for the survival and progress of mankind.  You count and so does your stand. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Who bewitched you?

     The premise of our being bewitched is dependent upon what we are taught and believe.  There is divisiveness ingrained into the question depending on which front you are coming from.  Conservatives versus liberals, Christian versus atheists, majority versus minority, and many more polar opposites set the stage for accusations and blame.  But, the real question is who bewitched you into believing what you do believe?  Secondarily, who swayed you to another way of thinking in such a way that you actually abandoned what you believed?  When this event happens in peoples lives there is a quandary as to what to believe and how to apply this belief to the world we live in.  To say this is problematic is to understate the situation.  People pitted against people for selfish motivation.  James says we ask for and do not receive because we ask with wrong motivation.  Asking the person or agency that is trying to sway you away from what you believe what their motivation is will garner a lot of answers.  Most of them bewitching.
      Why is this an issue for the Christian?  Bewitching has been around since the beginning of man.  That doesn't mean that the power behind the bewitching or the application should be accepted by Christians.  However, in this world and particularly in the United States, there has been so much bewitching behavior to draw the Christian off the solid rock of Jesus and into the sinking quicksand.  When people fall for something, they cannot stand for anything.  What speaks volumes about the conviction of our beliefs is how easily we will abandon them.   I would like to go on the record saying I have been guilty of both being bewitched and bewitching.  I've asked God for forgiveness and pray that if I have sinned against you that you would forgive me also.  "The Bible says..." versus what men, women and society says sets the stage for someone or many someone's to bewitched and to surrender what they believe. 
     Stating "I believe..." is okay as long as we don't finish the statement.  "I believe the Bible to be the perfect word of God."  "I believe that Jesus Christ came to earth, died for our sins and was raised from the dead for our new life."  "I believe that there is a very real heaven and hell.  You decide if you go to one or the other."  This list could go on.  What is important is that I believed this on October 1, 1972 when I surrendered my life to Christ.  I have not been bewitched regarding these beliefs.  Many have tried and even society has urged me to abandon the faith I know in order to develop tolerance for that which is not in my belief system.  Just because mankind has come to the conclusion (with Satan's help) that tolerance of sin is okay; doesn't mean I have to.  While there are negative consequences for sin, there are positive consequences for obedience.  Again, you choose.  The Bible is clear on what we choose to believe.  No one has the right to take that away by any means.  I don't ask others to "tolerate" my Christian beliefs.  I ask others to respect my choice to be a Christian. 
     Generally, all people have a problem with the truth in one area of their lives or another.  We have raised a generation where little instruction and less backbone is passed onto our children and the children of our community.  For many life is not about standing for something.  Rather, life is about tolerating others so that they can tolerate you.  That's not Biblical.  The Bible tells us to not be bewitched into thinking we can wink at God and everything will be without consequence.  From rewriting the Bible to encompass what we believe to changing the beliefs in order to "not offend" anyone we are digging our own grave.  Don't be bewitched and don't bewitched.  Stand firm on the solid Rock.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

What compromise gets you.

     Nothing, is the short answer.  However, that would make a very short blog!  So, let's look at why compromise gets you nothing.  The very word "compromise" means: "an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions."  The compromise is brought about when no one wants to fight for what they believe anymore.  Settling a dispute by giving up what you believe is not quite what we need to do.  Taking a stand for less than what we believe takes away our humanity.  Both sides winning isn't always winning.  In reality both sides lose in one way or another.  We are encouraged to take a stand in many different areas of life.  As children grow up they should be taught about life in such a way that they can make a healthy contribution to society  That, obviously, is not always the case. 
     We need to look no further than our own relationships to see what compromise has done.  Being old fashioned is no longer acceptable.  Definitions of our lives and roles in life are constantly changing and dictated by those who are set on compromising in order for the greater good to be achieved.  Government is one such entity.  Our lives are increasingly being directed and controlled by the greater good argument.  We have more attorneys in the United States per capitata (40:1) than any other country in the world.  When the government tells me that I don't have the right to keep my belief in Godly family definition; they think that I have compromised.  Others may try to sell us on the belief that we are compromising for the greater good.  They would be wrong.  Dictating by an entity outside of our own conscious is not compromise.  Hence the dispute begins.  Yes, of course, we have options.  However, the Alaskan wilderness can hold only so may people who have chosen that as their compromise. 
     When issues or decisions are contrary to our beliefs there will be demands on both sides to maintain their own territory.  Should I take a stand against what I don't believe I am labeled a hater and put under scrutiny of those who have been appointed to seek out and destroy people like me.  Why has it become so important to protect the "rights" of others by being forced to give up my "rights"?  For the Christian there should be a line in the sand where we say, "Here and no further."  For many Christians that line has been irrevocably moved so far from center that there is little stood for anymore. 
     For the Christian compromise is a sin.  Yes, you read that right.  Compromising of our Christian faith is a sin.  At least that's what the Bible says.  People can argue with this and will.  We are told to bear with one another.  Yes, that doesn't affect our faith.  We are told to restrain our desires if they are a stumbling block to others.  Yes, that doesn't affect our faith.  The Bible tells us to not tolerate sin as defined by God and not man.  That is intolerance and non-compromise.  Biblical intolerance and Biblical non-compromise.  God doesn't compromise with us on sin.  Why should we compromise our faith and sin?  If we don't stand for something (Jesus) we will fall for anything (Satan and the world).  Pretty simple but complex all the same. 
     Now you get to choose whom you will serve in your life.  Joshua 24:15 has Joshua saying, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!"  Can you say that?  If being a Christian was a crime would there be enough evidence to convict you?  I ask that of myself as well.  Compromise gets you nothing a gives away a part of you.  Is that what you want to leave as a legacy? 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Beyond the imagination!

     There are questions that take us beyond what we can imagine.  Like, "What is beyond the end of the universe?"  "That Steve can sure run a great marathon!"  Okay, that is way beyond my imagination.  The only running I do is occasionally running out of gas!  Seriously though, we do like to live in our imagination.  Some would term this "magical thinking" and wonder seriously about our mental health.  I've heard it said that we only use up to 10% of our brains.  What does the other 90% do?  Okay, that's way beyond my imagination.  We have geniuses among us that just boggle our minds.  The autistic, savants, and those with photographic memories are almost incomprehensible in our 10% minds.  Yet, we are drawn to the unknown.  We want to know everything from how peanut butter is made to how can we stop nuclear fission. 
     Another take on the statement is to look at our lives and how we live them.  In Jeremiah, God told Jeremiah that he was shocked and hadn't thought the Israelites would do what they had done.  If God can be surprised, what hope do we have?  People look at each other with expectations based on what we know inside of ourselves.  Thus, we have times when we are caught unaware and experience some things that are definitely beyond our imagination.  Maybe it's the blue hair your teen daughter came out of the bathroom with.  You wondered what took so long in there anyway.  Now you least one thing.  Sometimes we say or do things and people who know us say, "I never imagined you could think/say/do that."  Obviously this is stated in both negative and positive ways.  We are bombarded daily on the radio, at work, on TV with "beyond the imagination" moments.  Yet we look for more.
     Sometimes the "beyond the imagination" moment leaves us immobilized while at other times we become motivated to be or do better.  We are challenged daily with life that demands we use our imagination.  It's not just how to get your kids to eat their vegetables; it's also how to make that next step in a complicated brain surgery.  When I was young some people had pen pals they got to know through hand written letters which were mailed and you waited for a response.  A couple of weeks later you heard back and were amazed beyond your imagination what their lives were like and maybe there was even a picture in their local garb and environment.  We dream of going here or there and imagine what it would be like.  When we finally do go "there" we find out that it's beyond our imagination!  We either love or hate it. 
     Christians are expected to be beyond the imagination.  At least that's what the Bible says!  No, I'm not talking about laying our hands on people so they can be healed or giving a word of prophecy to a body of believers.  Though we are encouraged to do so.  I'm primarily talking about sharing a beyond the imagination God who has come into our lives because of love.  His love for us and provision for us is beyond imagination.  The protection and grace he gives us is beyond imagination.  Because these are all beyond the imagination we should live and act and speak out of the sense of wonder and celebration.  That way others can see tat Jesus is beyond imagination.  That's a good thing.  So, go out and live your Christian life beyond the imagination with excitement, encouragement and love.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

What we don't want to believe.

     There are many events, excuses, and exercises in futility that we don't want to believe.  We don't want to believe individuals, groups and most of all the government.  We don't want to believe we have erred, misjudged, been blind sided, and hoodwinked.  We don't want to believe that our trust has been trashed and confidence destroyed.  We don't want to believe we bought a lemon, were taken on an internet sale, or lost more than we gained.  We don't want to believe that the love we had with someone meant less to them than it did to me.  We don't want to believe our kids would wander from our teaching.  We don't want to believe that someone we love is dying way before their time.  There is just so much that we don't want to believe that we end up overwhelmed and hopeless.  At least I have. 
     We don't like it when our hero's make mistakes or let us down.  We don't like people who promise only to break that promise as soon as it benefits them.  We don't like it when others talk about us behind our back or bully us (yes, even as adults).  We don't like the injustices in the many systems designed to bring justice, honor justice and to uphold justice.  We don't like lawyers.  It's devastating when we learn that our dad, uncle, grandparent, aunt, brother, sister or mother has been living the lie all their lives.  We don't like divorce even when things are horrible.  We don't like being uprooted and transplanted in yet another new community, home, or school when we "start over" yet again.
     We don't want to believe; do we?  Crawling out from under our rock we see the world as it really is.  It's horrible!  Not a day goes by where someone has had enough and kills someone or many someone's.  Plane crashes, train crashes, car crashes, bus crashes, bombs and much more may be distant from our home but close to us because of advances in media.  We don't want o believe that this is what the world has come to.  We want to believe that we can protect our kids from everything.  We can't even protect them from crossing the street.  We want our daughters and sons to believe in what we believe and to become productive members of society.  Yes, we want to believe.  We want to believe the positive, good and hopeful while leaving the rest behind.
     If we take a good look at Scripture, which we have been taught to believe, all that feeds our disbelief was foretold by the prophets of old and Jesus himself.  We were told what the selfishness of mankind would result in.  We were told to believe that we could make a difference if we believe the right stuff.  What happened?  What happened?  Innocence betrayed is what happened.  Our innocence has been stripped away and disillusionment has taken it's place.  There is no Santa Clause, Easter Bunny or Tooth Ferry.  Mickey mouse and his clan are made up.  We have taken the lie and replaced the truth and without the truth, we cannot be set free.  What we don't want to believe.  We don't want to believe that some would choose to go to Hell rather than to go to Heaven.  We don't want to believe that our children, friends, family would rather remain in their chosen sin more than join us at the communion table.   We want to believe that our lives will make a difference in someone else's life.  Maybe even the lives of our children.
     It's difficult to believe in so many things we want to believe in.  We want to believe that there are good people are in the world.  We can choose to be good people regardless of the choice of others.  We want to believe that those who do good are rewarded.  They are but maybe not while they are on earth.  We want to believe that God is truly looking our for us.  He is, but our doubt pushes the reality away.  What we don't want to believe can enslave us.  What we want to believe can free us.  The truth shall set you free.  What we want to believe is that the truth will win! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

No Soliciting!

     Recently I went by a store and saw the "No Soliciting" sign beside the door.  It bothered me enough that I went into the store and asked them why they didn't want my business.  Puzzled they asked me what made me think they didn't want my business.  I explained the meaning of "No Soliciting" and waited.  "Well, that doesn't mean you!"  No, I knew that.  It meant if you have money you are welcome to come in and leave it with them.  Years ago I was in downtown Chicago at a swanky store.  I was looking for some white shirts.  I had on a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers.  I couldn't for the life of me find anyone who was willing to help.  There were people in the department but they were all "busy" with more important stuff like folding and stacking white shirts.  I left the store without my shirts.  The next day I went into the same store with the same sales people looking for the same shirts.  Workers were falling over themselves to help "Sir" with his every desire.  The difference?  I was dressed up in a suit and tie. 
     The examples I have just shared join together to show how conditional people are in so many different ways.  Have the means to buy something they have that you want (or don't) and you are welcome to shop in their stores.  Just window shopping, stay outside.  Browsing, make it quick.  We get paid by commission.  Don't have money?  Want to get out of the rain or cold for a few moments?  Sorry, no soliciting.  Unless you have something to give people the message of "No Soliciting" is prominently on display even if there isn't a sign.  I don't wear white shirts and ties anymore.  My wife and I were looking for a car years ago.  We both hate working with salespeople.  We walked onto one lot in particular and were bombarded by salespeople.  We would dismiss one and another appeared.  Finally, I asked them to just leave us alone.  The salespeople informed us they couldn't because of the rules of their employer.  We left. 
     More often than not I have been approached by people who want to share their life history with me.  It doesn't matter where, what I am doing, or even when I am with someone.  People find themselves very comfortable to talk with me, share their deepest secrets, and to go away lighter than when they had arrived.  I've felt that way in some churches while others shout "Run!"  Why such different responses?  Some Christians and some churches (from any faith) have very large signs that read "NO SOLICITING!"  IF you don't have something to bring to the table, we don't want you here.  If you don't have anything to give me, I don't want to waste time giving you what I have been given.  Just where in the Bible is this laid out as behavior for the believer or the church?  I've gone back over the Bible and cannot find a "No Soliciting" clause. 
     There have been quite a few times that I was guilty of this practice.  I'm sorry for that and if you who are reading this are one of the people I have sinned against; I am sorry.  The message of the Gospel should never be denied to anyone.   That would include our enemies.  You have been guilty too!  We need to begin a "Take Down The Sign" campaign!  Like Jesus, we should be surrendering our lives in such a fashion that the people watching us would be so intrigued that they ask us to give them what we have.  In order to help those who are hungry we must be hungry ourselves for more of Jesus and less of me.  You will be amazed as you look at other people from today on.  Choose to be ready to share the Gospel and grace.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The power of secrets.

     I have one or two secrets.  Some people have more and some people have less.  Some of our secrets are huge and other small.  They are secrets none the less.  What's your secret? 
     Secrets hold power over people.  We wonder if our secret will be found out and what will that bring about in our lives.  Unlike high profile people e the low profile people aren't as captive to their secrets.  Sometimes the secrets are small and other times so huge they overwhelm us.  People's secrets have haunted them for months to lifetimes.  Taking secrets to the grave doesn't take away their power.  Many a confession has been made only after the secrets have worn us down like a winding river wears on it's banks.  The direction of the river and of our lives is changed forever.  Innocence is gone.  We even cultivate the world of secrets with those around us.  "Don't tell mom."  "Don't tell dad."  "Don't tell so and so."  Just don't tell the secret.  Brothers and sisters, best friends, even enemies have secrets.  Adults have secrets as well.  No one escapes having a secret.  We may not call it a secret but we know that it is a secret.
     I grew up in a diverse family.  While much wasn't said about our family history, I believed what I was told.  Then one year when I was about 58 I learned that what I had been told wasn't true.  There were elements of my heritage that were true but the big picture wasn't.  So, not only been told the lie, I had been denied the secret.  There was no dishonor in the secret.  The secret of my past was magnified when I considered all whom I had told the lie to.  Now, I've done what I could to get the right story out there.  No need to worry unless there is more. 
     Remember when you had your first crush on "her" or "him"?  You were at that age when others were doing the same thing but no one talked about it.  So, we suffered alone with our feelings and anguish.  The secret sometimes came out as we were so obvious in our actions.  Surprisingly, when the crush became public knowledge you were most likely the last to know.  Then, as in all crushes, the feelings went away until the next crush.  Later you might find out that he or she had a crush on you at the same time!  Young love is so frustrating.  Why didn't they share their secret? 
     Those who were abused were to keep the secret.  Young boys and girls alike would "pretend" that this or that didn't really happen.  Secrets often have shame attached.  As kids, there is little understanding that could explain these secrets.  So the secrets would sit there controlling our lives.  Secrets are where we go when we don't know what to do with what has happened, been said, or implied.  Most people have secrets that drive them here and sometimes children and adults alike take the drastic step of suicide so that the secret can go away. 
     There are good secrets as well.  Not telling mom or dad what you made or are making for them in school.  Making "surprise" (another word for secret) plans for someone you care about.  Keeping information to yourself that would only serve to injure others.  We do carry burdens that we could share but choose not to.  God tells us that he created us in that secret place in our mother's womb.  He knit us together and knows every moment of every day of our lives.  He's not telling though.  It's a secret.  The direction we take in our life was intended to expose who He created us to be a little at a time.  Uncover the secret image of God in us.
     Ultimately, we have the choice.  We can keep or kill the secret.  Both will have consequences.  Some of those consequences will be good while other consequences will be negative.  It all depends on the choice we make.  I've adjusted to my "real" family history.  It's a fairly good history.  Nothing I will be called out on if I ever ran for office. 
     Finally, we have the choice of what to do with our faith.  Jesus wants us to shine like a light on a hill and not hide that light under a basket.  If we don't share then we have kept the secret.  If we share then we have brought life to someone who may need it as much as you needed it.  Maybe by doing so you and I will be encouraged to share the mystery of grace and others can be set free from the secret of their past.  It's up to you.  What are you going to do with Jesus?

Saturday, February 7, 2015

So now we know!

     "Knowing" should be a good thing.  Knowing too much or too little may not be a good thing.  The opposite is also true.  There are some things we don't want to know and "Ignorance is bliss."  When we encounter information and take it in, the analysis of what to do with that information begins.  We also have an obligation to know some things which furthers our need to be educated.  Knowing how things work make our everyday life easier.  Knowing how people work does much the same thing.  While we have this innate question about who we are, so many don't have the desire to learn.  Complacency is rampant among people.  So much so that we defer to others knowledge rather than finding out for ourselves.  As we come to know ourselves our knowledge of others increases and biases either fade away or are built.  As we know our larger family and community our knowledge becomes increasingly challenged.  Taking that to the world level we feel almost threatened but at least miniscule.  Knowing should be a good thing.
     Everyone grows in knowledge.  Sometimes we grow slowly while other times we have growth spurts.  The Bible speaking to adults tells us that where we were once children drinking milk, we are now adults eating meat.  Our capacity for engaging knowledge and being known increases for all of us.  We are encouraged first to so seek to know God that all things in our lives take second place.  'Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and might."  The more we seek to know God, the more he reveals who he is and who we are.  Not in our sight but in his.  In a perfect world this would be the standard for all mankind.  However, we do not live in a perfect world.  Our world is fallen and full of Satan's lies. 
     We all have someone who taught us to tie our shoes, brush our teeth, eat a banana and button our shirts.  The essentials taught through our childhood are varied with different societies.  In the northern European norm people leave their babies in their carriages to nap in the fresh outdoor air.  Never mind the season.  In our western civilization this is absurd.  Why expose children to countless risks?  For America and many other countries the innocence of this practice is gone.  In it's place people lock doors, put grates over their windows, use video monitoring and check on their children from time to time.  In turn we are taught that this is the "norm" and we accept it as so.  Most people do not want to put their children and families at risk. 
     Can you trust what you've read, been told or seen on TV?  Is that knowledge just as biased as what I've been talking about?  Yes, of course it is.  We receive the information with the expectation that we incorporate that information into our lives whether we understand it or not.  Should we choose to do something other than what society dictates (because of conscious or knowledge) there is someone or some agency that is ready and more than willing to bring correction into our lives.  Appropriate parenting has been rewritten by the secular masses.  This knowledge causes me a dilemma of what to do with what I know to be true.  Where do I join the masses and where do I resist the masses?  It's very difficult to be a spouse, friend, worker or parent at this time in history.  Put "Christian" in front of those words and the problem manifests itself exponentially. 
     The initial statement; "So now we know!" turns to: "Now that we know, what do we do?"  Do we compromise our knowledge and belief or do we stand against that which threatens our knowledge and beliefs?  God encourages us to take the stand.  Not "a" stand but "the" stand.  His stand.  As the knowledge of God and his ways grow in us there is the encouragement to be more like Jesus in all of our life.  There are men, women and children who are waiting for you and I to stand for Jesus so that they can lean on our beliefs and stand themselves.  "People don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care."  Now that you know, what is your decision? 

Friday, February 6, 2015

I love being wrong!

     When I am wrong there is no further argument.  At least from me.  Sometimes people react in such a way that we are left wondering what happened in their childhood.  Some people just need us to be wrong so that they can be right.  Often this isn't so much about truth or integrity.  This situation  becomes about winning and losing.  Winning is the only choice for some people.  Thus relegating all others into the "losers" category.  Have a different idea?  You are wrong.  Have a different opinion?  That opinion is wrong.  Think a certain way?  You are once again wrong.  Some people give up on every being right and their lives reflect that choice. 
     I once read "My wife can read my mind.  She knows I'm wrong even before I say or do anything."  There is some truth to that when you consider my history and consistent wrong choices. Doing things that have previously failed or gone wrong often draws this fatalistic comment from our critics:  "Oh no, not again!"  The doomsayers among us perhaps don't know the full impact of their negativity.  They, more often than not, just want their lives to stay status quo.  Obtaining new information causes us to either deny that information or to act upon it.  While people have spent lifetimes denying; others have spent their lives moving forward.  I'm so glad that our history of inventions and inventors shows that trying one more time can pay off for so many. 
     Being wrong opens the doors for my brain to explore so  many options that "right" folks don't have room for.  To the Christian this mindset doesn't expand the family of God (being "right") but restricts that family and its life.  It's almost refreshing when someone tells me that my Christian thoughts are wrong.  Often these ideologies come from generations of well intentioned dragons fighting hard to contain the Christian message and mission.  "We don't do it that way."  "We don't think that way."  We don't believe that way."  Their lives are so full of "don't" that "do" isn't even an option.  For them.  So, I challenge the status quo and am judged to be "wrong" on any number of levels.  So be it.  THEIR idea of my being wrong never surpasses Jesus' idea that He is right. 
     There are, according to Jesus, two sins.  Just two.  Not three or four or 600.  There are two.  The first sin is forgivable and the second sin is not.  Hmmm...  Focusing on the second sin is the best path but is the least taken.  Most focus on the forgivable.  The second sin is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.  Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is our having heard the truth of Jesus, know it to be true and been bumped by the Holy Spirit and THEN choosing to reject Jesus and forgiveness of all those sins implied by the first sin.  People don't want to hear right or wrong in their personal lives but are all too quick in pointing out the sins of others.  Despite what my actions have shown, I am forgiven.  Many don't like that.  Despite what others may want; I'm going to Heaven when I die.  Why?  Because I am forgiven AND have not committed sin number two.  This is truth for all. 
     It doesn't matter what others judge to be true, false, right, wrong, or absurd in my life.  Because I am a sinner they are all probably right at some point in my life.  That doesn't make me wrong.  This doesn't make my wrongs right either.  Whenever I am wrong and don't know it; God finds a way through some means to let me know I am wrong.  That can be through the Bible, a small child, the elements of nature or even my spouse!  Yikes!   When I am shown by God to be wrong I am left with making a choice.  I can make excuses or I can make a way to move forward changed by the admitted wrong.  Excuses are easier at first but they catch up with you over time.  Being wrong is an opportunity to grow and see what the truth and right is all about. 
     I love being wrong.  It takes away people supposed power over me and humbles me so that God can make changes to my life for His good. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Acting like no one sees us.

     Sometimes no one does see us.  Partly because they aren't looking and partly because we don't want to be seen.  With the tech age driving us at such a rapid pace we find it harder and harder to hide.  The question that is asked, why we hide, really should reflect what do we have to hide?  Secrets are power over us.  Discovered secrets are others power over us.  If a hacker could get into your computer memory you would be angry at least.  If a hacker could get into your mind you would be horrified!  So, we act like no one sees us.  Hidden in plain view.  The problem that arises is one where we are self-deceived into believing no one will ever know.  I've tried to keep secrets for most of my life.  I'm glad that the "secrets" are out in the open because they now have no power over me.  People say I've _________ .  You fill in the blank.  Yes, it's true.  I've asked for forgiveness and am forgiven.  I've not done it again.  The secret no longer has power.  Next.
     I grew up in a family where I didn't want to be seen by my abusive dad.  I learned how to be "invisible" when I needed to.  I also learned how to look for secrets.  My secrets were miniscule compared to a religious sect, a government entity, the Pentagon, and on up the ladder.  So, like so many it's easier to point to the "bigger" secret so that others don't see ours.  Then we can go on acting like no one sees us.  "Well, he's not as bad as so and so."  Really?  As a police officer it was my job to watch those who thought no one was looking.  As a therapist I was tasked with helping others unmask their lives to better understand themselves and make the changes they wanted to make.  As a dad my job is to be an example to my children of how to be the person God has asked me to be.  I am sorry I fell down on this one so much!  The list goes on but I think you get the idea.  We need to be seen for who we are in order to have reason to become who we are supposed to be.
     Should we make the discovery of who we are then we don't (or shouldn't) care about what people see us saying or doing.  As a Christian, my witness should be such that people see Jesus and not me.  I know, I'm a long way away from being "there".  For many the idea of who you are is couched in who they want and need you to be.  For the politician you are a voter to whom they will lie just to get your vote.  For the religious you are a person they want to bring over to their way of thinking even if their stance is not Biblical.  For the employer you are a person that they want production from while negating your humanity in order for the bottom line to be reached.  Perhaps you, like me, have been guilty of manipulating to obtain that which you want regardless of right or wrong. 
     I didn't go to acting school.  What you see is what you get.  So, rough with smooth, people can see who I am and who I am not.  If you can't see me as a sinner, you will never see me as a sinner saved by grace.  Your need for me to be a bad guy is trumped by God's need to have me seen as a forgiven son of his.  I have a past.  You do also.  For either of us to just look at the past declares us having no hope for the other.  Our vision is tunnel vision where we see each other as a means to an end.  How sick is that?  Yet, day in and day out, Christians do just this.  We expect this behavior from the world but not from believers.  Psalm 55 tells us that the greatest personal hurt we feel is not from the world but from "you, my companion with whom I have had sweet communion." 
     It's been said that if you put a friend and a dog into the trunk of a car for a couple of hours and then open the trunk; look to see who is happy to see you!  When we live our lives with integrity the world will hate us.  Not because of how we live our lives but because the way we live our lives exposes how they live theirs.  Instead of acting like no one sees us we should act in such a manner that everyone sees Christ in us.  We should want everyone to see Christ.  Not so that they know we have made the right decision but so that they can choose Christ for themselves.  Oswald Chambers says we should live our lives in such a way that people want what we have.  I know that my past has many examples of what people don't want.  Hopefully today and on will be better choices and you will want what He has for you.  Act like everyone sees you!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

What do you want me to write Lord?

     Every morning before I begin to type I ask myself this question.  It's no so much a WWJD sort of thing as much as it's my desire to get out of the way and let God speak through the words written here.  He knows what people are going through, what's going on in the world and what my needs are as well.  I believe that what is written is intended for someone God has in mind.  Getting out of the way is my biggest problem.  Professing myself to be wise I have time and again proved myself to be a fool.  That being said, I'm trying to avoid doing this more and more in my life.  When I get it perfect Jesus will call me home...hopefully!  That way I won't mess up the end product. 
     Making this the mantra of our day (with changes to the verb for the occasion) will undoubtedly  help me to get out of the way.  It's only when we get out of the way that any good can come from within any of us.  I cannot count the times when I intentionally did not get out of the way because I wanted my way, my pleasure, my sin.  I'm sure many feel this way.  I know that Paul did.  The disciples who ran away and hid certainly felt this in their lives.  History has shown this to be true for more people than I could mention here.  We should not want to repeat history and the only way to do so is to not look back.  We need to remember where we came from but we don't need to continue on a self destructive path leading away from God.
     Preparation for our day should include submission to the voice and will of God.  That's easier to say than do some days.  Our situation either overwhelms us or leaves us wanting so much that it's hard to see, here or do what God is doing and needs to do through us.  We tell ourselves we are the "captain of our ship" while not realizing it sank when Adam and Eve ate of the tree.  We have no ship.  Along those lines we believe the lie that we can have prosperity just by asking for it.  The Bible teaches us that God will take care of our NEEDS.  We want him to take care of our wants.  The miracle is this; when we are no longer concerned about our needs or wants because we believe he will care for us, our needs and wants are taken care of while we do his will bringing the Gospel to others. 
     Being true to God and his desire for our lives means we need to cease being selfish people.  That is what love is; being unselfish.  While it would be nice to argue against this, it would be unbiblical.  We are asked to abandon the dead life we had for the live life that only He can give.  We selfishly take love we don't deserve.  It doesn't end there.  We should be transformed by grace in such a way "that it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives within me."  In this transformation there is no room for two.  We need to abdicate the throne so that Christ can sit upon it.  He won't force this.  He asks it.  So, I'm left with the question: "What do you want me to write Lord?"  And so are you.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Now what?

     We have the knowledge, time, opportunity, and means.  So, now what?  Let's look at our options.  The first one is easy.  We do nothing, help no one, go nowhere and end up with a fruitless life.  Not much going for that choice.  Yet, there are thousands who do this very thing day in and day out.  The sadder fact is that the rest of society let them.  I'm not going to lump in any one group in order to make my point.  You can do that quite nicely on your own.  That is providing that you can think.  This brings us to our next option.  We only do for ourselves.  Narcissism is alive and well in the world.  No need to fear though as it's learned and not inherited.  Notice that I didn't say "passed on" as that would indicate the selfish of the world giving away something they have.  Narcissists are like that.  They believe the world exists for them and not the other way around.  Depending on the level of narcissism, more or less is taken from others and the world with no thought of conscience.  Next up we have those who have the knowledge, time, opportunity, and means BUT see all that is need of being done someone else's job.  That's what we hired so and so for.  That's what they are paid to do.  They have that talent, I don't.  This group of people have the excuses down.  For them, any excuse will do even if it's not relevant.  Moving on we come to the group of people who are so paranoid that they exclude themselves from society.  Be this a religious or other committed group the message is the same.  Can anyone say conspiracy theory?  When we encounter these groups or individuals anything we do to, against or for them is seen as a plan to control or destroy them. So, they pull further away and cement their walls.  The final group I would like to share about are those who cannot give away someone else's knowledge, time, opportunity and means.  We never really know who they are individually but only see the result of their mission.  In so doing, these people have the best of intentions (often) but lack the insight to put together a healthy plan much less launch that plan. 
     Now what?  "All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."  The opposite is also true:  All it takes for good to triumph is for good men to do something.  In the end we need to do something with our knowledge.  We need to do something with our time.  We need to take advantage of opportunities.  Finally, we need to use our means whether that be our lives or our resources.  The end argument in answering the beginning question is that we need to do something.  We should always avoid doing nothing.  Nothing helps how?  It doesn't help. 
     I have been guilty.  Having said that please don't hate.  Yes, hating is doing something but we don't need to hate me today.  How many times have we been asked by our friends, families and enemies to pray for them? Okay, maybe not our enemies.  We glibly say, "Yes, I'll pray for you."  Sometimes we do and sometimes we don't.  Survey says!  We usually don't and when we do it's mere motions.  When has your conscience been pricked by the Holy Spirit to stop and help someone, to give to someone in need, or to speak a word to someone without hope.  You pass them and the opportunity by and the moment is lost...forever.  Jesus said, "Even as you do it to the least of these, you do it to me."  Now what? 
     First, let's stop.  Don't move.  Don't think.  Don't act.  Don't even breathe.  Then let's listen.  Not just hearing but really listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Listening to what He wants us to think, say or do should be our focus.  After we have heard we should apply what we have heard to our own lives and then bring God's wisdom or help to those whom God brings in our life path.  Finally we should repeat this every moment of every day.  Should we be able to accomplish this Christian act our lives and the lives of those around us will change.  The ending is the same as the beginning.  Now that you have this insight ask yourself:  "Now what?"

Monday, February 2, 2015

Christian civil disobedience.

     There are many examples of civil disobedience over the years.  Depending on your point of view you to may have participated.  Some would say that civil disobedience was a sin from a Christian standpoint.  After all we are told to obey the authorities and to turn the other cheek.  Then there are those who would say that there is a Christian mandate to be involved in civil disobedience.  Peter and John are the first New Testament example after the death and resurrection of Jesus.  They informed the religious authorities that they needed to obey God rather than man.  Part of the dilemma we pose is not only the definition of civil disobedience but also its application to our world.  Does civil disobedience need to be seen as good or evil?  If you or I participate in civil disobedience are we doing any less than the will of God?  Just offering the possibility opens our minds to a question of not where we stand but to what degree will we defend our stand. 
     Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor during WWII who opposed Hitler and his march to eliminate all but the "superior" race of people.  His activities caught the attention of Hitler and he fled Germany several times.  He was imprisoned, isolated, assaulted and other sufferings at the hand of a very evil man.  His final act of civil disobedience was to make a plan with others to kill Hitler.  He and his cohorts were caught before they could pull off the plan and Bonhoeffer was executed.  Was he on a mission from God?  Was taking this stand what the Scripture teaches?  Is Christian civil disobedience right or wrong?  It was civil disobedience that began our countries quest to find freedom from a tyrannical government.  Many lost their lives so that you and I could live a free life today.  The Revolutionary War happened because Christian people stood up and said "No!"  I could go on with example after example and even trace civil disobedience from Genesis to Revelation.  I think you get the drift.
     Christians today are faced with this difficult subject and more difficult decision more than ever before in history.  We use the term tolerance and intolerance to draw the parameters.  Neither word fully defines the dilemma posed within the Christians mind.  From one end of the spectrum to the other we find conservatives to liberals.  Some would use the word "flaming" before each of those words for the extreme of the extreme.  How much of what we think, say and do is REALLY an example of what we believe the Scripture teaches?  Juxtaposing Jesus' Sermon on the Mount with his deliverance of civil disobedience (I haven't forgotten this is the subject!) by chasing those in the temple out with a whip shouldn't confuse us.  They are both necessary in order to understand just how we are to live the true Christian life. 
     The Sermon on the Mount was not a law.  "Love the Lord you God with all your heart, soul and mind." was a law.  The Sermon on the Mount wasn't civil disobedience.  Chasing the money changers out of the house of God was.  Here is the dilemma that really is the crux of the matter.  The one is how we are to focus our lives.  The other is how we are to apply that life.  Jesus took civil disobedience to many different levels when he talked with the Samaritan woman at the well, forgave sins, healed the sick on the Sabbath, and many other acts which were forbidden not by God but by the law of man.  The early church were not pacifists and neither should we be today.  The early church weren't excusing themselves from what was right and neither should we do so today.  We are not some small child standing on a kitchen chair adamantly stating we will not eat our peas.  That is not civil disobedience.  We are a people called by the living God to stand for God no matter what the cost.  We are told by Scripture to discipline ourselves and to bring our bodies and minds under the control of the Holy Spirit so that "in that day" we can and will stand for God. 
     Being Christian according to Scripture is to love God and love our fellow man.  Like our need to instruct and direct our children, we are called to instruct and direct our world from God's point of view.  Convictions to the contrary are not what God implores us to do.  The goings on in the world today are NOT about me and my comfort.  Would I be willing to die for God by being civilly disobedient?  Yes.  Would you?

Sunday, February 1, 2015

"Otherwise, you have believed in vain." 1 Cor 15:2b

     I'm sitting here with predawn creeping through the tree branches bringing forth freedom from the night.  There is no wind or breeze although they are forecast for today.  Having read the verse above just a short few moments ago I'm still unpacking the implications in my life.  There is more to the verse than I will ever understand.  Fully understanding is not the purpose though.  Fully understanding God's word or God himself would so overwhelm me that I wouldn't be able to function or even live.  It's hard enough trying to know me without trying to know God as intimately as he would like.  So, what does the verse mean and why has it stuck in my mind this morning? 
     I've told the story of my lifelong belief that Subaru was made in Sweden only to have that belief crushed by my 17 year old son!  Many of you probably think I must have a screw loose to believe that.  I don't even know where and how the belief came about.  All I know is that I was wrong.  No matter how much I believed that Subaru was made in Sweden would make the belief real. 
     A like story is my growing up in North Dakota on "meat and potatoes".  The spices we used were salt and pepper.  If the dish needed more seasoning we added more salt and or pepper.  That style of food was reinforced when I went into the Army.  After exiting the Army, now married, I discovered that people used different spices in their foods that I hadn't even known existed.  Wow!  Food came alive!  There are still times when all I use is salt and pepper.  Most of the time I choose from a plethora of spices and really enjoy the different tastes. 
      The family I was raised in didn't practice any religious upbringing except taking the Lord's name in vain.  I thought that was the way all families lived and took the belief that this was "normal" and okay.  Yet again, when I came face to face with my own mortality and gave myself to Christ I learned that the life I had been raised in was anything but normal.  Twenty years of my normal had really set some deep beliefs inside of me.  Getting over the hump and understanding that I needed to let go of those beliefs was huge.  Basically, I had to abandon one belief system for another. 
      Between the Subaru, spices and beliefs from my growing up I had a lot of letting go to do.  In letting go there was the danger of losing myself to yet another belief that may be disproved in the future.  Well, maybe not with the Subaru!  I'm a visual man.  I like to be able to see thoughts.  So, I used one of a boat at a dock.  In order to enter the boat (new truth) I had to let go of the dock (old truth).  What I discovered over time was that I would step into the boat only to put one foot back onto the dock.  Familiarity was the draw.  We, as humans, are afraid of new or different.  We don't want to risk so we hedge our bets.  In order to be "in Christ", we have to let go of our past life and take hold of our future life.
     It's the difference between being a blood relative and an adopted relative.  Blood relations bring from the families past their beliefs.  Adopted relations dictate a choice to believe what is presented.  When we are "born again" we are adopted into Christ as his brother and a son of the Father.  We have the choice to believe the heritage (Bible) or we can pick and choose.  When we pick and choose we keep one foot on our old belief system.  One foot in our old belief system is believing in vain.  As we abandon ourselves into Christ we need to close the door to past beliefs that restrict who God is and what he wants to do through our surrendered lives.  The question that needs to be answered in all of our lives is clear.  Have we believed in vain or not?