Friday, October 10, 2014

Imagine Whirled Peas!

     Turning the way back machine on we find Sherman searching for his talking dog, Mr. Peabody.  It would be nice in some ways to be able to go back and relive our good times.  That's what our memories do.  They go back and usually address the good times.  When we do this we can bring out the nostalgia with those who lived then as well.  As time goes on our being able to relate diminishes and we are left with sporadic episodes of familiarity but no peace.  We are led to believe this is as good as it gets.  To some extent, that is true.  Largely though, we are led to be in denial of what is going around us.  John Lennon is credited with the Imagine World Peace.  Someone else dreaming up
     We are, at the mercy of time alone.  Time is our enemy.  I'm not talking about how long it takes our pizza order to get here related to how cold or hot it will be.  What I am talking about is the count down to the end of time.  I should start at the beginning.  God was.  The end: God is.  Now there is a constant we can count on.  What we need to see is what each signifies.  Prior to the sin of man there existed no "time" and after the Lord returns and the book of Revelation is complete, there will be no more time.  With man's choice there is only a countdown in existence.  As the prophecies are fulfilled there will be one more tick of the clock.
     World peace would be very nice.  All we need to do is hasten the end of the world as we know it and just like that we will have world peace.  What are we to do with all those who still believe the lie?  No matter what we do we are still on a collision course with the end of time.  End times lead to end time.  And so since the beginning of time (man sins) to the end of time (sin is destroyed) we are to look forward to what is beyond the end times into timelessness.  The reason we are to go on is to bring those around us to the Lord and let them choose themselves where they want to live during eternity (no time).
     I know this is kind of heavy for the morning.  So get that second cup of coffee or tea and read on.  Did you get that coffee or tea?  How about your toast? 
     Speaking of toast, there will be lots of that after the end of time.  There will be no peace for those who have chosen toast.  There will be eternal (no time limit) and no relief to the pain and suffering because they chose to be the god of their world.  Yep, it's a choice.  While I was a police officer I had a battle of conscience over the requirement came to use of deadly force.  It took a good Christian friend show me in the Word where those who choose evil also choose their punishment.  Personal responsibility for you and I is our choice.  We can even have peace if we like.  Well, maybe if don't let things get to us.  And maybe if all those around us did the same.  Alright, if the whole world is focused on whirled peas.    
     Nope, never going to happen.  Nope.  As long as people are making selfish choices, there will be no peace.  In fact, the longer we focus on making it better, the longer the time till time ends.  Yes, you and I are in charge of eternity in one sense.  That is a frightening thought!  Let's take this home though. We are also responsible for who we take along on the trip.  Do you have any unsaved family, friends or enemies?  I do.  Unless they hear the Word they cannot hear.  Unless they act on what they hear they cannot believe.  Unless they believe they don't have a good ending.
     We all die.  That's not even questionable.  Unless, of course, you have a flaming chariot take you into the night!  Could happen...but I don't think so.  I've always chosen the hard way and probably always will.  The Word says that all we need to do is "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved."  I realize I've opened a can of worms for pretty much everyone today.  Let me know what you think or what you would like my opinion on.  I can answer in the blog or in private.  Thank you for your support!!

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