Friday, July 31, 2015

Never mind the world!

     The world around us is going to go on being and doing what it is until it passes away.  We seem to be in a no-win war with the past versus the future in the matter.  On the one hand we are charged with being good stewards of what God has given us.  On the other hand we are just sojourners passing through and our focus should be on the end goal of heaven.  As I was once explaining the signs of the coming of the Lord and prophecies related to that theme; I was asked about the plight of the Christian.  Why should we do anything to prevent or delay the coming of the Lord?  What profits it if we hinder the rapture, judgment and new earth?  Why should we try to fix things or make things better if all we are doing is delaying the inevitable?  Good question.  Especially for someone who is future focused and thinking there is no hope or reason to live in the meantime.  Those living in the past simply don't care about the subject so we can leave them alone. 
     I love trees and saved a baby pine tree about 10 years ago.  It was just a couple of inches tall.  I cared for the little tree and it grew and flourished in ever increasingly bigger pots.  Until one day when I move to my "last" earthly home (I hope).  There I debated the best place to plant this now 6 foot beautiful tree.  I wanted the tree to be a show piece for the yard.  The front yard in particular.  So I took a few weeks and looked over the landscape and then found the perfect place where it could grow uncrowded and spread it's branches for years to come.  The tree is beautiful and as you turn into my driveway the first thing you see is the tree.  I don't have a name for it.  It's just my baby tree that is growing up, has a purpose, and plenty of room to grow and show off; as a testimony to the tree and nature itself.
     Sound familiar?  The story (very true) is exactly what happens when someone tells you about Christ and you take him for your Savior.  The nurturing and growth over the years is for a purpose; to be a testimony of the greatness of God.  We rarely think about this when we share our faith with someone.  We may have a home decorated with the message of the Gospel, go to church (even on Wednesdays), and have a Bible open on the coffee table.  Our dedication to the present and past is well documented.  However, that's not what a small tree or new believer needs to be and do.  As I raised my children I instilled in them dreams of what God could do through their lives.  I encouraged their reading and read to them with the intent that they would become avid readers learning for themselves all they could.  I modeled being fluid in life to the desires of God not putting value on things or achievements.  They grew and are growing.  Great children all of them.  All of them have made a profession of faith.  They all have ministry in their own understanding and all of them look forward and not back.  They live in the present looking forward to the heavenly promise of eternal life in a world where there are no problems.
     Unless some catastrophic even occurs in my life, I intend to keep planting trees and to keep encouraging others.  I plan on looking forward and keep working on laying to rest the past.  Unless my life is cut short I intend on planting my garden, tending my orchard and planting some grapes for next year.  In short, I live every day as if it's my last day and as the first day of the rest of my life.  I once coined the phrase that my life is lived in a "state of positive discontent."  Okay with where I am and constantly looking forward to more.  Not more of the past or the present, but more of the future.  More of what Christ is doing in the world around me and sometimes in spite of me.  There is no hope in the past, little hope in the present and all hope in the future.  Living can be hard.  We can become discouraged.  There will be losses.  The world guarantees all three.  God promises a life of peace and an eternity of completeness and blessed beyond what we can even imagine.  Never mind the world, just give me Jesus.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Apparently my computer needed some quiet time!

     At 5:30 I had been up for 2 1/2 hours and on the computer for an hour.  I opened my blog to write for today and nothing.  Nothing.  My computer went quiet...not off...just quiet.  No movement in the blog file whatsoever.  Everything else worked fine but my blog needed some quiet time.  So, I took some quiet time myself.  Now I am back and so is the blog.  Good blog!  Don't do it again. 
     There are a lot of positive things to be said about having some quiet time.  Unfortunately my mind is going so fast all the time that only the outside of me is quiet.  When I had young children the problem was about the same.  I'm glad that there are times of quiet and work well when I'm quiet inside with noisy outside.  Let me think while I'm pounding nails, cooking, driving, and other activities.  When I'm in that space the outside noise is decreased and sometimes doesn't even seem to be there at all.  Ever feel that way when you were deep in thought?  There are a couple of issues in my life that make quiet time very difficult.  First, I have ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder).  Second, I have RLS (restless leg syndrome).  Between the two of them it's lucky that I'm able to even stay focused when praying! 
     God wants us to quiet our hearts and minds so that we can hear his voice talking with us.  He is totally aware of what is going on in our lives and what is going to happen.  Hearing his voice takes a quiet heart on our part to all that is going on within us.  He is patient in waiting for us to be in that spot when we can hear his voice.  Remember that God is first and foremost there for us and will never leave nor forsake us.  Even if we can't seem to be quiet.  A lot of people are afraid of silence.  Silence may remind them of the quiet before the storm.  Silence might be a reminder of what happens if you don't obey, don't be what others want you to be.  Maybe silence brings up sitting for what seemed to be long hours in church while a person up front droned on and on about this or that.  None of that applied to you anyway.  But...maybe, just maybe, that was the time God wanted you to be quiet so that he could talk with you about his love and care for you. 
     I have hearing aids.  They do a good job when I wear them.  They make life so much more interesting when I can har other people.

Getting there is half the fun!

     That's what I've been told through the years.  The saying began in listening to adults as a child.  I had no clue what they meant.  Even as a teen I didn't really appreciate the saying.  It wouldn't be until my adult years (yes, I'm an adult now...) that I developed my own understanding of the phrase.  For me the saying has everything to say about our mindset.  For many instances and circumstances in life there is no fun.  No surgery has ever been approached with someone thinking that the surgery would be fun, result in fun, or appear funny.  Taking out a loan for a house isn't fun even if having the house is.  Disciplining your child when you want to laugh at what they did isn't fun.  Just as there are ways to have fun; some of the paths to the fun are fraught with anger, despair, disappointment and envy.  The end result may be fun but the path there is anything but. 
     When Mary conceived by the Holy Spirit one of her emotions probably wasn't fun.  Young, teenager probably, not wed, and in a small community.  What could go wrong?  When Jesus picked the 12 there seemed to be a mish mash of different personalities, backgrounds, and even belief.  When he picked you and I, he had a plan in place that we thought we could do better with.  What fun came from that.  So, getting there is not necessarily half the fun.  Getting there can be half the struggle or half the journey but the "fun" half doesn't necessarily begin until the first half is over.  Waiting for that first half to be done can take years or even a lifetime.  I'm not known for my love of waiting and waiting certainly isn't fun for me.  Delayed gratification is along those same lines.  While I know that delayed gratification is a reality, I also know it's a delayed frustration.  The parallel to this saying is "Good things come to him who waits."  I don't like that one either.  Who wants to wait when we can have it NOW!? 
     So what is the purpose of "getting there is half the fun"?  The purpose is to look outside of yourself and your circumstances to see the bigger picture.  Sure we will have difficult days, months or even years during our lifetimes.  Sure we will be disappointed and even dismayed at the process and maybe even our expectations.  Children for sure don't like delayed gratification.  So, we do something when we should sit back and do nothing.  We push the envelope to get what we want when we want how we want.  In so doing we shift ourselves and those around who are involved outside of the perfect will of God and put ourselves into the imperfect will of Steve.  What I'm getting at is the idea that when we try to circumvent the will of God the "fun" at the end is also circumvented.  The closer I remain to the will of God in my life, the more fun life is.  Living for tomorrow is good only if we can keep the focus on what God wants in our lives.  The Bible says he wants to bless us beyond our wildest dream.  The Bible says that he will do what he promises to do.  He says he will never leave nor forsake us.  There is the fun! 
     How we get there is up to us.  We can force the agenda and be left with little or no fun at all.  We can understand God's plan and not worry about the end as we already know the end.  God has good planned for us.  He has fun in his mind for his children.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Being raptured is my idea of getting to heaven.

     I'm not a great fan of physical or mental pain.  I've learned in my childhood to not show pain but that doesn't mean the pain wasn't there.  As an adult I've had way more than my share of experiences where either I was in pain or someone close to me was in pain.  This includes up to and at the point of death.  Once the physical death has taken place the mental pain switches gears.  Not for the dead; but for the living.  We feel the pain of loss and regrets coupled with woulda, coulda, shoulda moments.  Sometimes people let this pain remain in their lives for the rest of their lives.  Most people go through a grief cycle and then on with their lives.  My plan of being raptured takes care of all of this pain stuff.  Once moment you are here and the next moment you are there.  Boom!  Plus (added bonus) all your Christian loved ones, friends and enemies are raptured as well.  So, you can have it and take it with you!  We will be in the presence of the Lord and all pain and suffering will be gone.  Our focus will be on Jesus.  We won't be consumed with those left behind.  Their pain and suffering will only increase with this moment in time. 
     The belief in the rapture has different takes from different people.  Some really good theologians and others should go back to reading the Bible.  Regardless, there is a rapture.  Some talk about this moment and believe that "in the twinkling of an eye (1/10th of a nano second)" we will be changed and taken home.  Some believe that the rapture has already happened.  I don't like that one.  Some believe that we will need to go through some tribulation before we are taken from this mess on earth.  Others believe that we won't be taken home supernaturally until after the reign of the beast and the tribulation.  The common thread is that we who believe will be taken home supernaturally.  Not if,  not maybe,  not sort of,  but we will be taken home.  I'm one of those guys who have studied the Bible, have my theology masters degree and have studied the end times for the last 44 years.  My take is that we will be taken from this earth before the tribulation.  We would escape the hardships that will befall those who are left behind.  Just to be clear, those who know and are known by Christ will be taken.  You may think you are a Christian and think you will be raptured and will instead be left behind.  For those who decide to accept Jesus as their Lord after the rapture; Scripture tells us that they will have to become martyrs (killed for loving Jesus) before they enter into heaven.  Which boat you fit into is up to you.  I'll be in the first boat. 
     I've talked about death to numerous individuals and groups.  Most are hoping to hear what they think rather than what is the truth from the Bible.  We have the chance to understand what is to look forward to but hold onto back beliefs because we don't want to face the truth.  We want to think our "good" spouses, friends, relatives will get into heaven because of the connection they have with a Christian and being good.  Wrong.  There are those who believe that being baptized as a baby reserves their seat on the train to heaven.  Wrong.  We even have people who call themselves Christian who believe that all people regardless of confession of faith will be given entrance into heaven.  Wrong.  There are pastors in pulpits who preach these things and believe them to be true.  Wrong. 
     Jesus said that the kingdom of God has come into our hearts if we have given our lives (all of our life) to Jesus.  Do you feel that way?  Do you feel the freedom of being raptured today?  We were once considered enemies of God but then were redeemed and now are friends of God.  We once subscribed to the ways of the world and sought to please anyone and anything rather than please God.  Now, as believers, we seek to be pleasing to God in the entirety of our lives.  Disclaimer:  I have not arrived!  I have NOT attained perfect faith and delivery of that faith to anyone.  Now that that is out of the way...  Perfection is NOT a prerequisite in order for us to be raptured.  Why?  Because we are imperfect people.  None of us is able to go through a single day without sinning.  No one.  Here's the great news!  When we belong to Jesus, God the Father sees us as his perfect creation.  Wow!  Did you know that?  If the answer you came up with is no and you are a believer; you really need to spend more time reading the Bible. 
     Today, Jesus said, the kingdom of God has come to you.  Today is the day of salvation.  Today, the coming of the Lamb of God has become a reality to you.  Today.  Are you ready should the rapture come today?  Are you watching and waiting?  Will you disappear with the rest of the believers or will you be left behind?  Luke 17 tells about two people being together and one being taken and the other left behind.  Two specific places are mentioned.  One is in the bed and the other is in the work place.  There is no time like the present to make sure the one with you knows about Jesus than right now.  We should want to hear those words, "Well done thou good and faithful servant." when we enter into Heaven.  Wow!  What a ride!

Monday, July 27, 2015

There is no thin gray line.

      James 4:17 says, "If we know what is right to do and don't do it; we sin."  Matthew 6:33 says, "Therefore, be perfect even as your Father in heaven is perfect."  With these two verses alone I am drawn into that place where I know I am doomed to failure.  What about little white lies?  There are none.  The Bible says that there is the truth and there are lies.  The truth comes from the Father and the lies come from the father of lies, the devil.  Maybe for the better good we can fudge a bit?  No, that's not what the Bible says.  The Word of God brought by Jesus was for us to live upright lives exemplary models of Christian living.  In this way we reflect Jesus to the world around us.  Feeling that sense of failure and not good enough yet?  I am. 
     There is a reason why the Bible states the black and white of life, death and eternal life.  That reason is to hold up the witness of Christ to the world around us.  Where we fail to stand in one area we will fail to stand in another area of our lives.  Missing the point are those who think they are being a good Christian when in fact we act like the kind of gray area Christian defined by the world we live in.  God has no shade of gray.  Satan is all about shades of gray.  They are excuses, rationalizations, and justifications.  We don't want to offend anyone so we go against what Jesus said regarding the Gospel message being offensive to those who are perishing.  We think (our first mistake) that God may have not really meant what he said he meant for us to live out in our lives.  We act (second mistake) on what others think of us rather than what Jesus thinks of us.  We are to be in the world but not of the world.  Then we repeat (third mistake) and teach others (fourth mistake) to be and do what we are and are doing. 
     Some cold hard truth is found in the quote, "If we stand for nothing we will fall for anything."  The Bible tells us to stand firm and to fight the good fight and finally to achieve that goal which Christ Jesus has for us.  The truth is that the truth will set you free.  Not to do what you think is right but what God has stated over and over to be right.  When, for instance, addressing the area of loving others Jesus tells us that we need to die to self and let the love of God through the Holy Spirit flow from us.  We aren't told to love only those we choose to love.  We are told to love others as we love ourselves.  Do I love the homeless as much as I have loved being in my home?  Do I love the hungry as much as I love those who have no food?  Do I love the unlovable as Jesus did when he loved me still deep in my sin?  Where does our faith and beliefs come into compliance with Scripture?  Not in a legalistic way, but rather in a graceful way?  Just what is right to do?
     God has given us each a conscious that has been constructed to hear and do what God wants us to do.  That miracle of thinking and reasoning was given to us not that we consume it upon ourselves (James 2) but rather that we can then love (unselfishly) others who God wants to love through us.  When I focus on what others may think, am cautious in sharing the Gospel either verbally or physically, and take into consideration what man may think rather than what God may think, I have already fallen short of the glory of God.  There is no gray area here.  Either we love or we don't.  Either we give or we don't.  Either we pray or we don't.  Either we surrender to God or we don't.  Either we give ourselves first and foremost to God or we don't.  You and I know where we are, the choices we have made and the ramifications of our thoughts, deeds and inactions reveal the true self.  The question is begged why we are more concerned about the praise of men than the praise of God.  Why?
     We are not able to live a life free from our "gray areas" unless we first give our lives to God for rehabilitation.  That sanctification process translates into less of me and more of Thee.  What would you like to hear said at your funeral?  If you could write your own obituary (you can); what would you like it to say?  If you were able to see into the future and see what your children and grand children lives are like; would they first reflect Jesus?  There is coming a day when we will be given a choice to either deny Jesus and save our children's lives or to stand fast in the faith and watch the enemy kill them there in our presence.  What stand will you take?  Will you be able to take a stand or will you cave to that which is "gray area" found in the preaching of a lot of pastors in a lot of denominations?  How about more personally; would you, given the choice, choose to die instead of renouncing your faith?  Every time I make a choice in the "gray area" our society keeps increasing, I sin.  If I sin, I fall short of the glory of God.  If I fall short of the glory of God, my witness falls short as well.  If my witness falls short, then the unselfish grace of the love of God so richly offered to me (and I took it) means nothing.  Do I want to live my life meaning nothing?  Do I want to live in the gray area or in the black and white of the love of God?  That, after all, is the question.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

The case for Christian social isolation.

     I'd like to start with a disclaimer.  Not everyone will agree with the subject to be addressed today.  It's my interpretation and opinion based on my understanding of Scripture and experiences in my life.  There is a right answer for everyone only if it's found in your relationship with God.  With that said I would welcome any and all comments on this post and any post that I write.  The comments can also be used to ask me to write on specific topics or problems in the Christian walk in general. Thanks for your reading and in advance for your comments.
     Christian social isolation began long before the birth of Christ.  People went into times of fasting, praying, and seeking God's face.  I'm not sure it applied to Adam and Eve but certainly generations since then have practiced fasting.  I'm not just talking about fasting though.  I'm also talking about taking sabbaticals, going away for recharging and refreshing, and just taking a break from everything.  Often we do these out of desperation but rarely do we schedule the event in advance.  Sometimes the sabbaticals are forced so that you, pastor, student, teacher, or whatever, are able to do something you don't see the need to do.  Retreats serve a similar service albeit a shorter stay from a weekend to a week or two.  Sometimes the best thing for us to do is to do nothing.  Go away, eat, sleep and go to good teachings and worship.  Christian social isolation should always have as it's precursor, motivator and closing a deep and committed prayer life.  What's the point of practicing Christian social isolation if we are not going to come away from the experience richer than when we began? 
     Sometimes when we look at our lives seriously there are so many "busy" things going on that we lose ourselves in what we are doing instead of what we are to be.  Just because we are busy we cannot equate that with serving with a willing heart.  Recently I listened in on a conversation where one woman was telling her friends how her life was so full of doing this and that day in and day out.  What she was really doing was complaining.  When we complain grudges or resentments begin to take center stage and we are diverted from the path that Jesus has asked us to walk.  Stepping into that hole is not the wisest decisions.  Having people around us who can say, "You need to take a break from everything and get some alone time with God.", is essential to psychological, emotional, physical and spiritual health.  There are those who seem to live off the negativity and think they are living life when in fact they are avoiding life.  If we push something far enough out of our mind then it doesn't exist for us.  "No, I'm not overloaded and no, my marriage and family aren't suffering from my absence, continued go, go , go." 
     Jesus took time away from the crowds on many occasions.  He went away to pray, to rest, to be recharged, and to hear from the Father.  He also went away from the disciples and did the very same thing.  What we do know is that the disciples thought this to be important enough to put in their writings that became the Bible.  When the disciples were unable to accomplish a spiritual task; Jesus told them, "This can only be accomplished by prayer and fasting."  Jesus also encouraged the disciples to spend time with the Father in prayer for guidance, comfort and spiritual rest.  Wait!  If this was good enough for the disciples then why isn't it good enough for you and I?  It is good enough for you and I.  The sooner we realize that we are replaceable the sooner we can become more effective purveyors of the Gospel.  God can do this without us.  He has for eons and will continue to do so until the arrival of the new earth.
     Today take a break and give yourself a break while giving others a break as well.  It's Scriptural.  Don't be the person who doesn't practice Christian social isolation.  It's not a bad thing. 

Saturday, July 25, 2015

A war like no other.

     I'm not talking about Armageddon.  Nor am I talking about the ongoing war between liberals and conservatives, democrats and republicans.  Neither am I talking about the war between religious groups, their sects and their undeserving targets.  Well, Steve, what is it?  Certainly it's not the war against children's rights, animal rights, or even your rights.  No, it's a war unlike any of these that you and I often ignore and even by proxy take part in.  Here is where I could get funny and talk about the increases of food prices, gas prices, housing and other prices continually on the rise.  That's not the war I want to venture into either.  Many a war comes up that is fought physically, mentally, or even through arbitration.  The war of the networks bring us the wars of the world.  Often the wars are made to be either worse than or better than they actually are just because someone has a higher need.  Wars sell.  Wars spread around the money.  Wars end people's lives.  So what is this ultimate war that I speak of?
     The most important war in your life and in my life is for our soul.  This war is fought in a distinctively subtle and unnerving way.  From the ads we see on television, hear on radio or read about; the war is being forced upon us.  Or is it?  The messages our schools are giving our kids and the kids are giving each other without our so much as saying, "I disagree."  The war is being fought behind closed doors so to speak.  Demons and angels are constantly fighting each other in the spiritual realm in attempts to either exploit or protect.  By the way, angels are the protectors.  The war is launched in the video and other games that are producing billions in profits every year.  Every age is playing and that playing is opening the door for yet another tactic of war for your soul.  Listen to music?  Easy listening, rock, country, jazz, blues, and bluegrass?  The message, if not about Christ, is anti-Christ.  The games, unless about Christ, are anti-Christ.  The books, tapes, video's and other modes of communication are either for Christ or anti-Christ.  We even have subterfuge in what we eat!  Sugar numbs the mind and it's resistance to suggestion and compliance.  Caffeine has us addicted to unnatural means of staying awake and producing.  Fad diets have us focused on what is wrong with God's creation rather than what is right.  Did I mention our hair?  Guess I don't need to.
     What goes into the person comes out of the person.  Crimes romanticized, sex selling everything, violence made impersonal, death not meaning anything until it happens close to home.  Gangs and other criminals intercepting lunch money and drug shipments.  Yes, these are all part of the war for the soul.  "He was such a good boy."  Really?!  Why was he shooting at police when they shot and killed him then?  He was under the influence of something other than Christ.  He or she was lost in the war for the soul.  I read an article years ago about a supreme court ruling in the State of Washington.  The ruling stated that it is not illegal for politicians to lie because that is part of who they represent themselves to be.  When a nation of good people sit by and do nothing, evil triumphs.  We have an epidemic of the sorts not seen for ages in our cultures around the world that is violent and destructive even to the slaughter of millions.  Yet, the good people do nothing.  No, that's not true.  They do something.  It's just called "nothing."
     I'm thankful that my kids know Jesus.  This makes the war both harder and easier for them.  The harder part is now they are individual targets.  The easier part is they recognize the real enemy and can make choices that leave Jesus in charge and the angels to fight the war for them.  This doesn't excuse them from making good judgments.  I've been a Christian since 1972 and still make bad judgments.  This war isn't about yesterday.  It's not even about tomorrow.  This war is about today, this moment, and this time.  This war is about what we will mean anything at the end of the day.  The Bible is full of Scripture that addresses everything I have said.  The first tool we need to have on board in this war is daily reading of the Word of God.  Satan knows the Bible better than you or I.  He quoted Scripture to Jesus!  What chance do we have?  All the chance we need to surrender the war to Jesus and let him fight it.  The second tool we have available to us, though many choose to not use it, is prayer.  We have the ability to stand before the throne of God and ask for his protection, help and victory.  It's available to all who believe.  Yet, a small fraction of believers  pray at all.  The greatest weapon we have at our disposal is our faith.  Faith not of our making but faith given to us through Jesus.  Faith not in ourselves but in Him who is able to keep us until that day that Jesus comes back.
     We know the end of the story.  There is a new world of peace and we are with those who are saved in the city of our Great King.  Satan is thrown into the pit and the gate is locked.  We are living in peace those who know Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  No more pain, no more sorrow and no more strife.  Now, isn't that a better picture than you woke up to this morning?  The war has been won.  We won.  God won.  Anyone who chooses to believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior wins.  The war is over.

Friday, July 24, 2015

When good isn't good enough.

     As some of you know I used to be a police officer.  There was one incident where I was found in the newspaper.  The title to the article was "Officers judgment not good enough."  I felt terrible, embarrassed, and somewhat angry at the judgment of one reporter.  His opinion was just that; his opinion.  Once in print there is no amount of response that will counter what has already been said.  It's similar to a television show or actual court trial where the judge says, "The jury will disregard that comment."  Right.  Some things once out of the box are unable to be ignored.  Like the newspaper article.  Like the judge's statement.  Maybe like someone saying to you, "I thought you said you were a Christian?" when you have done something anti-Christian.  I'd like to say this is confined to the world of adults but that wouldn't be true.  Many children are raised in situations where they are constantly being told they are not good enough.  They grow into teenagers who are told they aren't good enough.  Then onto adulthood where again they find themselves in the not good enough category.  These messages can be implied or direct.  They both do the damage. 
     When something goes wrong in a Anytown, USA, the impulse of the people is to find someone who wasn't good enough.  If the police had been good enough...  If the pastor had been good enough...  If the teacher had been good enough...  If the parents had been good enough...  Not good enough!  What a condemnation!  The Bible tells us that everyone is a fallen creature and sinner.  That alone should tell others we who call ourselves Christian are not perfect.  Yet, that's what the world wants to see...perfection.  Good enough.  On their terms.  When I first became a pastor my teenage daughter was caught toilet papering a home in the small town where I was a pastor of a small congregation.  Word quickly spread that the "pastors" daughter did something horrible!  Gasp!  Not good enough.  We trust people will act accordingly to what and how we want them to act.  This is not reality.  When I expect something from others due to their place in life I need to understand that they are human.  Fallible humans do good and bad.  That's just the way it is. 
     We trust our police, firemen, doctors, teachers and many other professionals to do their job.  When they fail society makes sure that an example is made of every little infraction that has ever took place in their lives is published, they are tried, and judged by the end of the day.  That's all fine and dandy until it becomes you that they are looking at.  YOUR failure, YOUR sin, YOUR mistake, YOUR wrong, and YOU not being good enough in their eyes.  Here's the kicker, no one is good enough.  That's it.  Not one has been perfect.  All have fallen short of the glory of God.  That includes both you and I.  What are we going to do about it?  We are going to get selfish.  What?!  Yes, we are going to get  selfish.  We are going to ask forgiveness for something we don't deserve.  We are going to ask for grace from God to forgive us the "not good enough" part of our nature.  We are going to ask for something we do not deserve...a free gift from God.
     The story doesn't end there.  Not only does God forgive us but he also forgets our not good enough.  The Bible says that God throws our sin into the ocean and forgets them.  If you want, he also says he will throw your sins away from him as far as east is to west.  Think about it.  If you begin travelling east on the equator you never get to west.  Not true about north to south.  The event of not good enough becomes a learning event and a redeeming event.  Not just for us but for those around us who are affected by our choices.  Those same affected people then can exercise grace for themselves.  I'm still not good enough for some.  That's their opinion.  I'm good enough for God.  That's THE opinion.  God is there to restore me and not to destroy me.  He's the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  Go get yourself a helping of grace.  Give some to those around you.  Remember to not judge lest you be judged.  Try to be good enough but remember that you are a fallen creature redeemed by the living God.  That's good enough.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Managing to look like a Christian.

     Sure, we think we look like Christians.  What do we look like to others though?  Do we look like what we think Christians look like?  Do we look like what they think Christians look like?  It's, in part, a matter of definition.  For instance when I tell my someone I love them they may hear "great!, He's going to take out the garbage and do that task for me!"  While I meant, "Thanks for being there for me."  You might say to your children, "I'd really like you to clean your room."  They hear, "I have two more warnings to go!"  Definitions are shaped in part by what we learn and part by what our environment can tolerate.  We come to situations with preconceived ideas of what will transpire.  For instance, we take our car to the mechanic and he says, "This looks like major repair."  We hear, "Just how much will this cost and inconvenience me."  We don't go first to what he means by major repair.  While the repair might be cheap it may just take more time than we have to leave the car with them.  Our children, friends and family especially need to know how we define our lives.  That goes for our idea of what a Christian is as well.  My daughter was going out with me one day and I had to ask her to go change her clothing as it wasn't appropriate for where we were going.  She did so because she knew our Christian witness was what was at stake.  That and she wanted something and needed me to buy it!
     Christians have expectations too.  For instance, I expect Christians to do the best they can with what they have in the time of need.  However, that being said, I've fallen down on that one many times.  Part of the Christian definition then begs for grace and forgiveness.  Next comes the issue of integrity.  Was the "failure" on my part just another choice knowing that I could get away with something or was it an honest mistake?  My attitude and motive are now in question.  Following this rabbit trail we come to what others can expect from me.  Christians have a different idea than non-Christians.  Christians have a higher expectation in some areas and lower in other areas.  Non-Christians usually have a higher expectation in most areas.  William James once said, "We may have a God in heaven who forgives us our sins but mankind does not."  This is where the Christian needs to understand the effect of their witness in their world.  How we live determines how others live with us.  If I live my life condemning non-Christians, others will live condemning me and my Christian witness.  Many churches, denominations and sects have alienated the world because of radical views proclaimed.  I don't want that to be part of my witness or expectations of others.
     Generally speaking, we need to live life in such a way that others want what we have.  Demanding others seek what we have or demanding others succumb to what we expect isn't that solution.  The solution comes in our being what we need to be for Jesus.  When I am in right relationship with Jesus, my Christian witness is what Jesus wants and not what I think it should be.  When I am not in a right relationship with Jesus, others are seeing Steve and not Jesus.  Who in their right mind would want to follow me?!  If I truly want others to see Jesus then all of my life needs to be dedicated to Jesus.  That means, as Paul says, "it's no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me."  That doesn't mean that we soften our view, become politically correct or give in to the demands of the masses.  It means that we stand where Christ would want us to stand every day in every situation with every bit of surrender to Jesus we can muster.  When we do this, we do not need to manage to look like a Christian for we will look like Jesus.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

And the truth will set you free!

     Really?!  That's what the Bible says so it must be true.  Experience is often the antithesis to this saying.  We learn of something terrible and are enslaved with the gravity of the situation.  We watch a loved one struggle with an illness we know and they know will kill them and hardly feel free from the struggle with death.  Freedom in these cases is greatly exaggerated and hardly free at all.  We have physical restraints, mental restraints and of course soul restraints that come into play with all aspects of our lives, the development of those aspects and the implementation of those aspects.  What we do with travesty is totally up to you and I.  What we do with tragedy is again totally up to you and I.  What we do with anything that happens, good or bad, in our lives will determine wither there is freedom or not.  The Bible says we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free.  Our questions should be directed to Pilate's question, "What is truth." 
     Larry and I became friends in our work.  He was devout Catholic and I devout Protestant.  How our faith came into play wasn't about theological differences or even agreements.  Our faith came into play in our relationship because at this time in both of our lives we felt alone and definitely not free.  Larry asked me one day if I was afraid of death.  I told him no.  He asked why and I said that death was a transition that everyone makes.  Our last exhale here on earth is followed by our first inhale in heaven.  Because of my faith I believe that heaven is real, the promises of eternal life are real and so the transition from here on earth to there in heaven is a sure truth that has set me free from the fear of dying.  He had never thought about death that way and was going to think on it.  Like Larry, there have been many times when I have decided to contemplate a situation or problem rather than accept the truth of the matter.  Because I didn't move forward I carried along with me unnecessary crap that prevented me from feeling a release followed by freedom around those subjects. 
     This applies to all aspects of our lives.  I can deceive myself with rationalizations and manipulations all I want.  Neither will result in freedom.  I can justify and make excuses all I want regarding issues in my life; yet freedom is out of my reach.  There is nothing I can do to change the circumstances by which I've been enslaved for years UNTIL I first admit that there is a lie in my life.  The lie sometimes has seemed necessary in order to survive serious situations while unnecessary in order to avoid addressing that which clearly would render our lives better.  We also carry another burden with us.  There are people in our circle who either encourage us to deal with stuff and be free or there are people who tell us that we can be perfectly content or powerless in our lives if we want.  These nagging voices can wear us down.  Remember that freedom and not enslavement is the focus our lives should take.  Whether we acknowledge it or not, there are times when we need to stop listening to all our earthly connections and just connect with God letting his truth set us free. 
     I know that it's easier said than done.  I've fought with this problem all my Christian life.  I didn't know I wasn't free before becoming a Christian.. Freedom in Christ is the first truth that ties to every other truth.  When I look back to my life (dead) before Christ and compare it to my life (alive) now, there is a freedom I experience that I didn't even know existed before.  I want you to keep in mind that I am a fallen creature just like you.   I have my failings just as you have yours.  I've chosen slavery to a lie over freedom with the truth so many times that I think I hold dual citizenship!  That is no excuse for me to begin my day anything less than free.  If issues come up through the day we are to simply turn them over to God who knows the truth and in him there is no lie.  Therefore, there is no more condemnation in Christ Jesus.  He brought the truth to us personally in order that we could be free in him, with him, and for him.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

It's none of my business.

     It's none of my business what others think of me if I am living as God has asked me to live.  It's none of my business what the world thinks of my convictions if I am living my convictions daily.  It's none of my business what my boss thinks of me if I am working as unto the Lord.  It's none of my business what my wife, kids and family think about me if I am honoring Christ in all areas of my life.  It's none of my business what the world will try to do to me and to those I love if I truly believe that nothing can separate me from the Love of God.  It's none of my business what Satan throws my way if I truly believe that God has already defeated Satan on the Cross.  So, why would I make it my business?
     Basically put, we all want to be the god of our own world.  We want the control and the positive outcome but not the negative outcome.  We want the best of both worlds but end up losing the best for what we settle for.  We want to be exempt from pain and suffering, ethical dilemmas, and dismal failure.  We want all sorts of things and miss out on those things that we need.  We need is more important than we want.  I may want a new riding mower; but I don't need one.  I may want a new car, house, toy or whatever.  However, I don't need them.  I may want instant this or that (including wealth) but don't need them.  Chasing after our wants eliminates the celebration of our needs being met.  It's none of my business but if you are missing the boat as I needed to help you get on board?
     My boat is small.  Actually I am talking metaphorically because I don't have a boat physically.  I do have a boat that I'm to stay in until it reaches the distant shore.  My boat came equipped with everything I would need to complete the journey.  I was gifted my boat in October of 1974 when I surrendered my raft I was cling to for the new shinny state of the art boat that Jesus gave me.  I didn't have to buy it.  I didn't have to work for it.  I didn't even have to beg for it.  It was a gift.  The journey begins when you first step into the boat and it leaves the mainland.  Your boat is where you discover what God made you for.  What your purpose was and what your fulfillment looked like.  As you travel on the journey you find that all you needed for reading was the Bible.  Guess what?!  It's the only book on the boat!  AND you can read it anytime you want!  Can it get any better than this?  Yes, but wait, there is more!  On the boat there is the continual presence of the Holy Spirit to guide you into God's truth and to fit you for service to Him.
     Unfortunately there are many in the world who miss the boat.  Perhaps they miss the boat because they see no need for the boat like they see no need for oxygen because they cannot see the oxygen.  Yet, life would stop without oxygen.  Eternity in heaven is missed without a boat to get there.  It's none of my business but many have chosen to miss the boat even after discovering that the boat was waiting for them.  Rather than be blessed and have their needs met by God they have turned their backs on him and become the god of their world.  It's my business to repeat the first paragraph daily and to bring the Gospel to a perishing world.  There aren't enough boats being exposed today.  How about you expose the boat you are in?

Monday, July 20, 2015

This is so simple it's complex!

     I can remember more than once being stymied by a problem of some sorts only to have my son or daughter say, "Why don't you just do this dad?"  The complexity of my creation made simple by the mouths of babes.  I gave up on the remote control a long time ago.  Same for trying to troubleshoot and fix my computer.  They are just too complex for me.  Some would argue that they are both simple devices that are easily maneuvered.  For a 5 year old, yes.  For a 62 year old, no.  While teaching my son to drive I marveled at his ability in school.  He was an honors student, did advance placement, took math classes I don't even know how to spell and without any noticeable work.  However, driving was a challenge until this very complex issues of his was made simple by a suggestion.  I suggested he look at the maneuvering of a curve as a math problem.  It's all physics I told him.  He was puzzled at first but then the light bulb came on and he said, "You're right!" and didn't have the problem again.  It's not often a teenager tells their parents they are right so I am going to treasure the rewards of the complex being made simple.
     We do this with the Christian message as well.  We see it as complex.  While interviewing for my ordination many years ago I was asked to explain my basic theology.  I said, "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."  They were dumbfounded!  Most at the interview table had doctorates and advanced studies in one specialty or another.  "Learned men" they would have been called.  So, when they asked me, "What do you mean?"  I was in turn dumbfounded.  The simple suddenly became complex.  I thought this was simple.  They thought this was complex.  Jesus loves me.  How much more simple can you get?  Why?  Because the Bible tells me so.  What is so difficult about that.  I learned that my "theology" should be based in the thoughts and interpretations of some great theologian.  My unspoken question was, "Like Jesus?"  That's too simple though.  I left them with my simple answer and I could read on their faces that they thought I was a very complex man who needed to work on his theology.
     Freud once said, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."  True.  Sometimes the presentation of the Gospel is as simple as carrying a grocery bag for an elderly or disabled individual and not saying a word.  Maybe that's the reason we can only come to the kingdom as little children.  Maybe we need to remain simple.  You know, play fair, don't care about color of skin or sex of each other.  Not worry about whether my lunch is better than your lunch.  Simple.  The older we get the more complex life is taught to us.  We spend so much time not keeping it simple that we make sure we keep it complex.  Kids, like adults want and need only three things.  They want and need to be loved, accepted and approved.  Nothing more and nothing less.  Simple.  Then we make it complex.  We take a cigar and make it a pipe.  We take using your manners over at least they are eating their vegetables!  And so we grow up with this distorted view of what Jesus wanted us to do and be as Christians.  We spend excessive amounts of time worrying about tomorrow that we miss today.  We are so good at avoiding responsibility that we make a mess of our home, work and social world.  We spend so much time making things complex that nothing really gets done in the Christians life.
     Jesus said, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God.  (simple) And the second is to love your neighbor as yourself." (simple again).  We take this and develop a language that when used leaves everyone mystified as to what it really means (complex).  We spend so much time creating space between me and thee that no resemblance of Christian brotherhood can be seen by the world around us.  We're seen as complex in our simple faith.  When we get right down to it, there is no room for the complex.  When life is complex we miss out on the simple Life.  Our contentment is gone and we are our wits end trying to make things works.  So, just for today let's try to keep things simple and make the complex simple at the same time.  Take a lesson from a kid or Jesus and have a simple happy life.  Jesus loves me this I know, because the Bible tells me so.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


     Why Am I Talking?  Awkward silences almost always do me in.  SOMETHING needs to be said to break the silence, make the tension go away, or just to get life moving again.  There are times when not waiting have hindered what God was doing in the moment.  There are times when the moment has come and went with our not doing or saying what God wanted.  Talking often gets in the way of communication hindering anything that may actually be going on in the situation.  I do have some pet peeves that you probably share as well.  People completing my thought for me (often wrongly).  People talking over me or minimizing what I am saying.  People correcting how I pronounce a word even though they know good and well what I am saying and meaning.  I imagine that I have been just as guilty of all three with others as well.  This is especially true when I don't WAIT.  Asking myself why am I talking brings me to a place where I can look at, pray about and understand whether my talking is positive or not.  Acronyms abound in life.  We rarely take an acronym and incorporate that thought into our lives.  I'm hoping I can do better with this one and hope you can too. 
     The first thought that comes to my mind when I think of WAIT:  "Is what I am saying what God wants me to say?"  Is it me talking or the Holy Spirit talking through me?  Have I begun and remained in my day a willing recipient of God's word to me and through me?  I confess that this is not always the case.  Why?  Because I didn't remain silent long enough when I began the day to enable me to listen to the voice of God.  There it is again!  We hate the times of silence in our lives.  Do we really want to slow down our lives and take the time to listen to the voice of God when there are so many things we have busied ourselves with all day long?  Is getting out the door so I can get to my coffee stand in time to make it to work before the boss walks in more important than stopping and praying?  Listening?  Why am I talking?  If I'm talking without the guidance of God then more than likely I'll be talking from Steve's point of view and not God's point of view.  Preparation also includes knowing what the voice of God sounds like.  This requires us to know the Word and to be able to discern whether what is being said to us is from God or Satan.
     The second thought that comes to my mind regarding WAIT is whether what I'm saying is about me or not.  Does my story, experience or desire come out with no regard for others.  People tire of the one who spends time trying to transform others into likenesses of ourselves.  Probably because we as Christians aren't supposed to be drawing attention to ourselves but rather pointing other's sight toward Jesus.  Opinions are many and expressed in ways that say, "I am right and if you do what I say you can be right too."  Opinions other than those of Scripture, God's voice and that of Godly men and women seem to be the guide of the church more than Scripture and God are.  Well, it's okay to practice this sin because, well everyone does it anyway.  No, Scripture and God haven't changed.  Sin is still sin and is still separation from the love of God found in Christ Jesus.  Opinions formed by me are not necessarily worth listening to.  Why am I talking?
     Casting our pearls before swine we talk but no one is listening.  No one is home!  Have you ever been in a conversation where all of a sudden you notice that your "listener" has a glazed over look in their eyes?  Perhaps you shouldn't be talking.  Not because what you have to say isn't important; but rather what you have to say has taken too long to say.  People have agendas, schedules and other people to talk with.  Your endless droning on  and on only cements their belief that you should be avoided completely when they see you coming in the future.  What is it you really are saying and why are you saying it?  Discerning whether or not our pearls (the Gospel) will be received or is being received allows us to determine whether or not we talk or not.  People talk to hear themselves talk and often miss the point that as Christians life is not about them.  Why am I talking?
     Why AM I Talking should be a standard for everyone both believer and non.  What we think versus what God directs are often diametrically opposed.  What we say versus what God says often compromises the Gospel.  When this occurs people who believe in nothing will fall for anything.  This leads us to the how we act and react.  For those who desire the will of God in their lives in order to bring the Gospel to others thinking and believing is not enough.  When we are done thinking and believing we still need to do something.  People who's actions don't match their words lose their integrity.  When your integrity is gone, so is the opportunity to share Christ.  People will see and hear what you are doing and saying in your daily lives and know the truth doesn't live within you. 
     Why Am I Talking necessitates we listen to others.  People want to know how much we care and how we express that care.  Why Am I Talking?  Good question.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

"And miles to go before I sleep..."

     One of my favorite poem quotes.  Though the whole poem is great.  This line is as succinct as it can be.  Yet, we really don't look at life from this point of view.  Yes, we count the days, months and years in our kids development and entrance into adulthood.  We also look at life from a "goal completed" mentality.  Then when we reach certain milestones (like turning 30, 40, 50, 60) we tend to pause and look back.  Rarely do we look forward to both the journey yet to be taken and the end being sleep.  But there it is in black and white.  "And miles to go before I sleep..."

Stopping By Woods on a Snowy Evening
by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

     There is a "pause" in life that we all make where we evaluate what was, what is and what is to be.  Attempting to avoid this time and place in your or my life leads to missed opportunities, lengthened lesson learning and disappointment should we pause too long.  While I pause and look over my life, as I sometimes do, I sometimes stop to long to contemplate what was, is and is to come eliminating the immediate experiencing of life.  It's the movement and not the pause that continues the journey.  Movement forward that is.  For to move backwards or to not move at all are counterproductive and unnecessary.  The Bible tells us to "put our hands to the plow and not look back."  The Bible tells us that we have sufficient evil in this day that we don't need to stop, dwell and find more evil.  The Bible tells us to look for that glorious day of His coming.  The Bible tells us to "leave" what was, "obey" our calling, and to "surrender" what doesn't matter. 
     The line before states "But I have promises to keep."  These promises are what determine the road we will travel, how long we will pause in someone else's woods and whether or not we move on to that day when we will sleep (die physically).  The resurrection will find us before Christ.  What will that be like?  We won't know if we remain "paused."  The miles are not for the weak of heart or will but are for the strong of heart and the committed of will to not our calling but His calling.  Shake off the nostalgia, don't dwell on the present and press on towards that goal for which you and I have been called.  It won't be long.

Friday, July 17, 2015

As you might have imagined...

     Some things never change and other things never stop changing.  You and I, for example, fit into both of those categories.  Both depend upon whether or not we want to change.  The old joke goes: How many psychiatrists does it take to change a light bulb?  Only one but the bulb has to want to change."  Groan.  Anyway, change can be good, bad or indifferent.  Depends totally on where we are in life.  For the complacent, change is an enemy.  For the rigid, change is intimidating.  For the risk taker, change is eagerly anticipated.  For me, change is constant and surprising.  There are elements of excitement and fear that mingle when I think about change...any change.  Some people tire of adjusting to yet another change in my life.  Some people sit back and wait for the real change to take place in my life.  What other people think and feel about my changing is important but not essential.  The more we choose to follow Jesus in his request for change; the less we seek the approval or even permission from those around us.  The cost of just such a change can be minor or terminal.  When people can no longer tolerate any situation; there is the tendency to flee or at least abandon. 
     Within each of us there is a continual change switch that is switched on.  We don't have access to this switch and can only go with the amount and level of electricity that pushes the change through our lives.  For some, there is a slow trickle while others are wired for maximum flow.  God has wired each of us differently.  For some have one gift while others have another.  For the behind the scenes person there is a need to function within that capacity.  While those on the cutting edge are required to be "live wires" more often than not.  Imagine if you will that you are the conduit through which your world and the world around you are dependent upon the electricity that passes through you.  Sometimes I am a social hermit.  No energy goes through me and out to those who need it.  Imagine again, if you will, that you are the social butterfly of work, church, social circles and your family.  There is so much energy flowing all the time that the danger of burn out is very possible.  God doesn't want either extreme.  God wants all things in moderation.  God wants us to be open to "that moment" when energy needs to flow while reserved when no direction is given.  We have both events every day of our lives.
     The amount of time we surrender represents the batteries within us of God's power and grace.  Some are fully charged all the time while others can't even wake up with any number of alarms.  The trick is to stay awake, watch and pray and THEN release the power of God through yourself when He tells you to.  This, the Bible, calls being "instant in and out of season" or "always being ready to give an account of that hope which is within you."  The only way to recharge the batteries or to keep them in a fully charged condition is to read the Word and then pray without ceasing.  We, as people tend to fill our minds, hearts and souls with everything to avoid the kingdom of God.  While listening to non-Christian music is okay, Christian music is the recharge we need.  While reading other than Christian books is good for readings sake, reading the Word and Christian books aids in the growth and maturity of our faith.  While thinking on the world around us from a non-Christian perspective is okay; thinking of the world around us from the perspective of the heart and mind of God will show us how he wants to love on us and others. 
     As you might have imagined we all fail at this.  This doesn't mean we quit, don't start, or rationalize away the responsibility to be the Christian that God has called us to be.  Recharge your battery!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Wishing and wanting won't help.

     When I was growing up there was a phrase adults used which made no sense to me.  "Wish in one hand, want in the other."  There are probably many different interpretations to that phrase.  Here is my take on the phrase.  We live our lives with mixed and often wrong priorities.  While we wish that we had this, done that, could say this, and such; they still are just wishes.  The same goes for wants.  We can want steak for dinner, our kids to listen to us, harmony at work and home, and many other wants; but they are still just wants.  In order to understand the wishes and wants we need to look at our motivation for same.  For instance, I'm on the freeway running low on gas and I wish I had a sigh of a gas station at the next off ramp.  As I pass yet another on ramp my wish becomes a want as he needle drops even lower.  Neither my wish, nor my want, put a drop of gas into my car.  Somewhere along the line there needs to be action on my part.  Without action on my part the need for gas still is just a "wish in one hand, want in the other."
     I wish you good health.  I wish you a Merry Christmas.  I wish you a Happy Birthday.  I wish...  the list goes on and on.  Yet, we have no way of making the wish come true.  That's up to the individual addressed.  I can wish all I want and make my motives crystal clear that I have no agenda for myself in the wish.  Yet, if the recipient of the wish doesn't wish to acknowledge or receive the wish my efforts were futile.  Wishing someone happiness, joy, peace and other important aspects of a good life are noble.  Wishing you weren't there or were there doesn't make it so.  You see, we can wish all we want and unless someone does something nothing is going to happen.  I wish you could understand that wishing is just wishing.  It's nothing more and nothing less.  The Bible doesn't urge us to "wish" for anything.  Rather, we are charged to ask (do something) the Lord to address the issue we previously "wished" be taken care of.  Prayer is the act (action) of putting before the Lord that which we deem important.  Action.  That's the element missing from wishing.
     Now wanting is much different and yet the same.  Wanting is centered in hindsight.  We wouldn't know how to want anything unless we had knowledge that we didn't have that which we want.  I want something.  It doesn't matter what.  The key word is "want" and not need.  We want that which we do not have and kill and steal to have it (James).  We need to understand that the motivation behind wanting is selfishness.  We wish to have this or that so that we can receive something from having that item.  For instance, we want blankets to give to the poor.  The "want" is based on our being good servants and taking care of the homeless.  Wrong.  The want should be based on the homeless need and not on our wanting to take care of the homeless.  We need (according to the Bible) to take care of one another and love others as we love ourselves.  When we do so, our want turns into a need to serve.  There are no Biblical mandates that we "want" anything.  None.  Zip.  We do have a mandate to put our "needs" before the Lord.  God says that he will take care of all of our needs even before we ask.  Why?  Because then we are freed up to do his will instead of knocking at his door asking for our needs all day long. 
     Wishing and wanting won't help the Christian be a better Christian.  Wishing and wanting will make the Christian more in line with the morals and principles of the world than Christ.  Wishing and wanting can be changed.  I need you to have a Merry Christmas and you can't do that without knowing Jesus!  I need you to have a Happy Birthday because that was the day God brought you into our lives and blessed us.  I need you to obey your parents so that you can live long and be blessed.  That's the first commandment with a promise (from the Ten Commandments).  Jesus needs us to stop wishing and wanting and begin living in the knowledge that he takes care of all of our needs so that we are freed up to attend to the needs of his people and the unsaved.  Taking care of the needs of those Christian and non-Christian around us is what being Christian is all about. 

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Frostbite Falls, Minnesota

    Found only in Rocky and Bullwinkle.  If you don't know the moose and flying squirrel I would suggest you go back in time, attend Watsamatta U and fight off Boris and Natasha.  We tend to associate with either hero's or villains.  The first two are the good guys and the second two are the bad guys.  Who would have guessed that a bumbling moose and a flying squirrel could not only take on a bumbling foreign spy, Boris and his sidekick Natasha.  We know that this is exactly what happened though.  Where have the hero's gone?  What happened to those like the Lone Ranger and Tonto?  How about Davie and Goliath?  Another duo you will have to look up.  Most Lutherans should know them.  A boy and his dog who come up against moral dilemmas in their daily lives where failure and restoration take place through love, grace and mercy.  THAT'S what we need in our lives every day. 
     Who's hero are you?  Who's villain are you?  If you associate with either, your identity in Christ is not complete.  In Christ we no longer live but He lives within us.  In Christ we are more than conquerors.  In Christ we live and breathe and having our being.  I'm no one's hero.  I'm no one's villain.  However, I am a representative of Jesus who is THE hero.  No, he's not the villain in any sense of the word.  Jesus Christ is also consistent; the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.  That's the good news that should emanate through our letting him live his life through us.  Successful submission is voluntarily and eagerly sought.  When we are submitted to Jesus we are allowing Christ to have direction and control of our lives for the good of his will...not our will.  Besides his will is always better than my will even when I make good decisions.  There are people who think they have need of me to be either a hero or a villain.  In both cases I will disappoint them.  I am neither. 
     In Frostbite Falls, Minnesota there is a story that brings us close to what the human being would encounter in their real life in International Falls, Minnesota.  Yep, that's the real place.  It's flat and cold.  During the month of spring/summer and fall you can enjoy the giant mosquitoes and flies.  Yeah...  I paint a dismal picture of a beautiful place.  Maybe because inside of me I seek the quiet beauty of that town, surroundings and era of Rocky and Bullwinkle.  The Lone Ranger lived out in the countryside in an unknown canyon with Tonto (and their horses of course).  They were constantly focused on evil that might raise its ugly head.  When that happened they addressed the issue and always succeeded.  Just like Frostbite Falls, there is a need to focus on the success of good over evil.  It's no different with Davie and Goliath.  Davie was the wandering soul (me) and Goliath was his ever present wise and wonderful dog (the Holy Spirit).  I can hear Goliath saying, "I wouldn't do that Davie.  It's wrong."  The villain for all three examples is the inner us.  We are the enemy of ourselves. 
     I woke up this morning focusing on all of the botched or missed opportunities throughout my life since becoming Christian.  That was 42 years of reminiscing.  Don't get me wrong, there were lots of hero moments in there as well.  I just wasn't focusing on the good.  The villain in me has done lots of wrong.  Maybe you too?  The hero in me is more subdued and often doesn't get the billing that the villain in me does.  Despite that fact, Christ is the reason I am here writing this blog, living the life I do, and looking for ways to help others on an ongoing basis.  I'm not alone either.  I have friends and family who are just like me.  Well, kind of.  The common thread in their and my lives is that the real hero, Jesus, lives within me.  That in Christ we can have freedom from the villain all of us are born with.  That would be sin.  I cannot live through one day without sin somewhere rearing its ugly head.  I can live through the day giving every moment to Jesus.  He made me more than a conqueror and I should live like one.  How about you?  Want to go to Frostbite Falls with me?

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

What should you do?

     The correct answer is "What is ask Jesus?"  Okay, we're not o Jeopardy.  What do we do when our morals and ethics are not only challenged but trampled on?  How do we conduct ourselves that says we are Christians and not apologetic about that fact?  Should we really care about what others think?  Billy Carter recently said that he thought Jesus would approve of same sex marriages.  That's funny Billy!  That's not what the Bible says. The courts recently told the Christians of the United States that they don't have any right to display their Christian faith in public for fear it would offend some.  That's not what the Bible says we should do.  Sorry!  What do we do when the society we live in takes a stand that we don't agree with?  Like abortion, capital punishment, treatment of children and labor laws, and the list could go on.  Do we just roll over and play dead?  Do we not care and let the world go to hell in a hand basket?  What should YOU do?  I know what I should do and so do you.  The Bible says that the Word is seen as foolishness to those who are perishing.  Do we, as Christians, see the Word as foolishness? 
     Sometimes I am offensive.  There I said it.  It's the truth and I'm not ashamed of that truth.  Sometimes we are to be offensive.  At least that's what the Bible says.  The Bible also goes on to say that we are to be witnesses of our faith and ready to give an answer for the faith that is within us at ALL times.  We are promised by Jesus that when we take a stand for Him and do what we are supposed to do we will be persecuted.  Why would we be persecuted?  Because our testimony of what Christ did for us is offensive to those who are perishing.  They feel guilty and want us to go away.  Be silent.  Tolerate wrong.  Encourage evil.  Do nothing.  That's what it takes for evil to win...for good men and women to simply do nothing when they know what is going on is wrong.  Do we let our kids run out amongst the cars in the street to play kick the can?  No.  Do we encourage our kids to give in to the predator who wants to give them a ride "home"?  No.  Do we stand by and let someone assault our wife or husband?  No.  Then why do we think it's okay to let the world stand there and blast our Christian faith without uttering a single word? 
     It's not my job.  It doesn't affect me.  As long as they leave me alone, I don't care.  They aren't hurting anyone.  I don't want to offend anyone.  WRONG!  It is my job.  It does affect me.  They should interact with me.  I do care.  They can, do and will hurt someone and even me given the chance.  I do want my faith to be offensive.  Jesus did.  The Gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing.  Do we even care about the perishing?  Do we care if our enemies go to heaven?  How about do we care if our co-workers go to heaven?  Closer still, do we care about our neighbors and their plight for eternity?  Hmmm...closer still, do we care if our relatives go to heaven?  Maybe we should consider whether or not our wives and children go to heaven.  Do we?  What should we do?  What should I do?  What should you do? 
     Do what Jesus asks you to do when and where he asks and in the manner he directs.  He has laid it all out in our user manual the Bible.  If you are too lazy to look it up, just remember to Love God with all your heart, soul and mind and to love your neighbor as yourself.  It's that simple...and complex.  Don't make it any harder than you have to.  Do what Jesus wants you to do.  Don't do what he doesn't want you to do. 

Monday, July 13, 2015

Finding Steven

     Ever feel like your life is like "Where's Waldo?"  Caught somewhere in between?  Haven't left one place and don't know where or when to enter the next place?  I've stated before that I feel like my life is lived in a "state of positive discontent."  By that I mean I acknowledge where my past has taken me, am interacting with where I am now and yet longing for that "more" of the future.  And so, daily, I search for Steven.  Sometimes I even find parts of him.  Some are neglected while other parts of him are intact.  Yet another part of him is on the move.  Not sure of the right direction all the time but I'm not sitting still.  Here is a key to "Where's Waldo?".  He is on the move.  If you look for him in one picture and find him, he won't be in the same place in the next picture.  That's where it is with "Finding Steven" as well.  Though I am "formed" by my past and present; my present and future are what "defines" me.  My former definitions pass away and behold a new creation.  But then I'm getting ahead of myself.
     I believe in evolution.  Not many Christians would say that.  However, my evolution is not about crawling out of the swamp.  I believe that history shows that we have evolved into whom we currently are through imagination, application and closure.  That's why we have watches we can use for the internet and other wonderful time consuming things.  Not to mention that screen is so small!  We have moved from horses to cars and trucks, wood stoves to microwaves, and animal skins to the finest of linen.  That's evolution.  Our crops are enhanced through selective breeding, our animals produce more for our consumption and we have artificial this and that to fill in the rest.  That's evolution.  Mankind's though has also evolved from the earth is flat to Pluto being kicked out of the planet category.  You get the point.  We evolve.  I believe that creation by God was an evolution in a similar vein.  In the quest of "Finding Steven" there is an evolution that must also be traced and learned from. 
     The Bible says that God knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb (Psalms) and that he knew the intimacies of our entire life; past, present and future.  To that end God also says that he will give us a new name if we overcome the world and stay faithful (Revelation).  The "new name" is what I'm trying to find.  I'm impatient.  I want to know now.  What is my purpose?  What is my reason for living?  What am I supposed to be and do?  All of these questions are future based.  They are also infused with the present and the past.  I am the sum of my past, present and future.  The future being unknown leaves the equation unsolvable.  Truly until I am before Jesus in Heaven I will not truly find Steven.  That shouldn't stop me (or any of you) from pushing forward and trying to know what your new name will be. 
     We are encumbered with the labels, history and draws from the past while searching for who God has created us to be.  Shaking off these 3 is difficult.  Why?  Because it's familiar.  We tend to stay where we are feeling secure.  There is nothing secure about abandoning the past and walking forward into the future.  The only security is knowing that we are drawn by the Holy Spirit who paves the way of our journey.  For every one person urging me forward in my quest, there are 10 who are trying to pull me back from the journey called sanctification.  That's a fancy theological word which means becoming more like Christ.  Finding Steven is an ongoing project that will be completed when I exhale for the last time here on earth and inhale for the first time in heaven.  That's why there is no death for the Christian.  They were dead in sin but made alive in Christ.  Breathe out on planet earth and breathe in up in Heaven.  How simple is that!? 

Sunday, July 12, 2015

The power of secrets!

     I believe that the father of lies, Satan, invented secrets.  Why?  Because secrets hold power over you and I.  From the beginning of time mankind has participated in keeping secrets or concealing the truth.  There in the garden Adam and Eve attempted to keep the first secret of their eating from the tree.  Tricked by Satan and still being tricked today, mankind entered into a relationship where total disclosure and trust ceased to exist.  Where innocence once reigned and was supreme, now a fallen man resorted to the power of secrets.  I have secrets and I'm sure you do as well.  In fact, I don't know anyone who is secret free.  It may be a small secret but it's a secret none the less.  The only place any of us, saved and unsaved, has no secrets is with God.  The Word tells us that he knew us before the beginning of time.  He knew EVERYTHING we would think, say and do before we were even created in our mother's womb.  AND he still chose and chooses to love us as his creation. 
     Sometimes people don't want to hear our secrets.  While at other times it's inappropriate to tell our secrets to others.  However, we can discuss all the secret things that we keep inside of us.  My life for the most part is an open book.  I've written "While I Was Yet Sinning" on just this very topic.  Laying out life's lessons learned (even repeatedly learned) through events and experiences that transpired in my life, my family, my friends and my world.  My dad's abuse of me...secret until 36. My grandfather's abuse of me...secret until 38.  My secret regarding a shooting while a police officer...still a secret from some.  These are big ticket items.  How about all the little ticket items?  There are plenty of those in our lives as well.  From the pens we stole from work to the stop sign we didn't stop for to the harsh words we have for our family, secrets follow us everywhere.  The more secrets we have and keep, the greater Satan has control over our guilt. 
     If the story stopped here I would be feeling very condemned.  God, in his wisdom, saw fit to tell us that when we confess our sins and ask for forgiveness that he throws our sins away from him as far as east is to west.  Think about that.  If you travel north to south around the earth you can only make half of the trip without changing direction.  If you travel east to west there is no end of east.  There is no more power in sin and secrets when God throws them away.  So, why do we still feel guilty and carry them with us?  The easy answer is because we are not God.  The more difficult answer is that we live in a world that constantly strives to let us know what failures we are, how much we have failed ourselves and others much less God.  The Bible says, "Therefore, there is no more condemnation in Christ Jesus..."  Why do we let Satan condemn us when Jesus doesn't?  What is there in relationships with family, friends and foe where their lives are able to remind us of how terrible we are and what terrible failures we are and how we an never be anything
     Here is the key!  Take note!  This is it! 
     We don't like to be exposed of our secret lives so we expose those of others in order to keep attention elsewhere.  We do not accept people as God does.  We do not forgive people as God does.  We do no believe we are forgiven as God does.  So, we load up our family, friends and foes on our guilt and despair train and leave the station.  We don't deal with our secrets and we constantly remind them of theirs.  Well, it's time to let go.  We are known by God and loved.  We need to be known to our fellow sojourner and love both ourselves and others with Christ's love.  Don't keep secrets anymore.  Be free!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

What your parents didn't tell you.

     Discovering yet what my parents didn't tell me is no big surprise.  It's not because they were ignorant or misinformed.  Nor is it that they didn't care.  "Back in the day" life was learned a great deal by implied actions or common sense.  When it rains, the fields are refreshed, the life cycle is working and produce is always more bountiful with water.  My parents didn't tell me about a lot of things.  I never had the "sex" talk and they didn't teach anything in school at that time.  Friends, magazines and imagination educated most of us.  My parents didn't tell me there would be lazy people in the world who expected a handout just because.  It's not that they, or I, hate lazy people.  Rather, laziness is not to be embraced.  Even in my disability retirement I can find productive things to do.  My parents didn't tell me that you deserved breaks from work and that the work week was comprised of five 10 hour days.  We were told and taught by example that you worked at the job until it was done.  My parents didn't teach me about Jesus, church and salvation.  It's not that they didn't have spiritual upbringing themselves.  Nor was it that they didn't have an opinion.  Rather, I think they saw this as under someone else's control. 
     So, here I am now as an adult with grandchildren and children of my own.  What have I not told them?  I'm discovering that in many ways I have failed to convey to them something here and there that might be important to them.  In speaking of my medical and mental history, there are few secrets.  Mental and medical problems do exist and will be in their lives one way or another.  I've discussed genetics, family history and prejudices.  Hate isn't tolerated and is not taught.  I have had the opportunity to teach their Sunday school classes, answer countless spiritual questions and have prayed with and for them over the years.  I rest knowing that they all know Jesus and will remain in Him for time eternal.  The questions that arise from what we do and don't teach out children have huge costs associated with them.  Don't teach your children about fairness and they won't care about fairness.  Don't teach your children to love people and not their actions and you will teach your children to be prejudice and biased toward others.  Don't teach your children to have dreams and visions for their future and future generations and none will be passed on.  Don't tell your children about Jesus, you go to heaven and they go to hell. 
     The consequences of our actions and inactions have heavy and unavoidable ends.  In this age of the internet we have all the tools necessary to do what we can to teach them.  Information is at hand at all times of the days and often within seconds of our asking.  Did you (and I) teach our children to be hungry for learning?  Did we teach them to evaluate a book by its content and not just by the cover?  Did we teach our children to love regardless of whether they are loved back or not?  Did we teach our children to expect rewards for hard work?  Did we teach them the responsibilities of belonging to the greatest society in the world?  Does being a citizen impact our teaching our children what a citizen is and does?  These are all very good and important questions.  I would like to go forward in my life knowing I gave everything I could to my children for them to know Jesus and to succeed.  What you don't teach your children someone else will.  Only they will teach them their version.  What do you want your children to know?

Friday, July 10, 2015

Why fishing is so good for you!

     When is the best time to fish?  Anytime!  What are the best fish to catch?  Any!  Where is the best place to fish? Safeway!  Fish and fishing are important in the lives of men, women and children.  Everyone can benefit from fishing.  Except the fish.  I once went fishing and used no bait.  Fishing, for me, is therapeutic and thus no need to catch fish.  I go to places where there is no cell phone service on purpose.  No calls to interrupt my solitude or family time.  I DON'T catch and release.  What's the deal with that?  If I catch it, I surely can eat it.  My first fishing experience was with a branch and a line tied to the end of it.  Caught a nice fish and ate it.  No catch and release!  Sometimes you need to camp in a local motel/hotel in order to get to the fishing early.  Maybe even camp is you feel so inclined.  Most people lie about fish they have caught and of course, "the one that got away."  We all know they are lying but let them anyway.  We may need the same tolerance one day as well.
     The "point" of fishing is to do something.  Fishing doesn't have to come to a positive conclusion.  Sometimes you catch the fish and sometimes they catch you.  In either case you're fishing and not working.  We get caught up in the busy lifestyles we have and take little time for rest and relaxation.  We seldom, as people who are on the go, take time for solitude and contemplation.  At 7 in the morning the lake is as smooth as glass.  Your hook and bait gently settle on the water and circles emanate from the impact.  Somewhere a duck quacks and you are impressed by the silence.  We don't get these experiences if we get off work to do work at home or to work on something less fulfilling.  Taking time for yourself, spouse, and or kids is important.  If you are busy and don't take time for them, they will do the same for others.  You've trained them well.  Jesus said, "Come, follow me and I will make you fishers of men."  Your neighbor, co-worker, friend, or relative needs some time away to understand the complexities of life.  You have the chance to be therapeutic with them while taking care of yourself. 
     Fishing should be interrupted for eating and potty stops.  Case closed.  The rest of the time should be spent sitting on a dock or boat, eating sunflower seeds and waiting for the fish to strike.  There is no need to bring work with you.  You don't have to repair something while waiting for the fish to give in to the bait.  Fishing can happen in other circumstances as well.  Have you ever taken someone to lunch and just laid back and listened?  You were fishing.  Gone to the ball game with your kids and answered their million questions?  You were fishing.  Sat on the patio swing with your important someone and just listened and held them?  Yes, you were fishing.  Read Bible stories to your kids or someone else's kids?  Once again, you were fishing.  Fishing for the Christian is a never ending time of being available to do what God wants, when he wants and how he wants. 
     Today I will go fishing.  It might be out to an appointment or at home doing a chore or project.  However, I WILL go fishing.  Putting one foot in front of the other if need be in order to share the Gospel with anyone and everyone in any number of ways.  Fishing is always positive for the believer.  Jesus went fishing with the disciple!  What a great example. 

Thursday, July 9, 2015

"The poor you will always have with you..."

     "And you can help them anytime you want."  I've both heard and used the first part of that verse from Mark as perhaps you have.  How about the second half of the verse?  The verse is in red print so of course it's a quote from Jesus.  Think about what the whole verse says though.  Most of the time when I'm using the first phrase I am thinking about the those who don't have enough food, clothing, shelter, and such.  What about being poor in other ways?  Spiritual poverty was rampant in the days when Jesus walked the earth.  It had always been and will always be.  So, those in spiritual poverty you will always have with you.  We can give food for the hungry, clothing for those who have none and shelter to those who lack shelter.  We cannot give spiritual life to those who have spiritual poverty.  Spiritual richness is offered to one and all.  However, you can lead a horse to water but cannot make him drink.  The one in spiritual poverty must grasp that richness themselves. 
     This is where the second half of that verse comes into play.  We rarely hear someone close to us return from work and say, "I helped someone who was poor today."  It's more like, "I am so glad I don't have to go back to work until tomorrow."   We complain about getting up early, having nothing to wear, no time for breakfast, terrible traffic, pathetic co-workers, and of course our bosses.  When was the last time we seriously looked at ourselves from Jesus' eyes?  Are we no longer even considering we are our brothers/sisters keeper?  Many people look at the very rich and their giving away of money as something wonderful.  Most of those people are required by law to give away a percentage of stashed cash in order to avoid paying taxes.  We pay taxes on just about everything involving life.  Then "others" hand out the food, clothing and shelter for us.  We are left distant from the troubling picture of abject poverty amongst wealth.  Insulating ourselves from having to actually do hands on giving, we congratulate ourselves by claiming the giving away of our money on our taxes so we can get money back!  How hypocritical is that for the Christian?
     Maybe the poor are the rich and the rich are the poor.  It's in our spiritual poverty that we look for what we really need...Jesus.  When we are full, clothed, housed and can go out for pizza we don't really look for Jesus.  We can sit back and congratulate ourselves as not being "one of them."  All the while we actually ARE them.  The rich become poor and the poor become rich.  The religious end up not saved and those who have a relationship with God end up in Heaven.  The second half of the verse has one important word we need to address: "you."  And you can help them anytime you want.  It's all about Jesus working through you.  You can help them.  Anytime you want.  We don't help them and we don't take the time to do so.  What is the testimony in your life?  It's dismal in mine.  The second half of the verse is backwards.  It should read "anytime you want, you can help them."  But that's not what Jesus said.  He said the opposite, "you can help them anytime you want."  It wasn't a choice on our part.  It was a command to them and us.  "YOU can help them anytime YOU want."  "The poor YOU will always have with YOU." 
     We have all kinds of help we can give to others.  We can give food, clothing, shelter, rides, medical supplies and care, encouragement, and Jesus.  But what do we give others?  Joshua 24:15 says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."  Is that what we are doing today?  What does it mean to serve the Lord?  It's certainly not "we will serve ourselves."  Yet, that is what we do day in and day out.  We serve ourselves and maybe those close to us.  We "throw" things at people when all along they just want to be taken care of when they can't care for themselves.  I gave a ride to a homeless man the other day.  We talked about life in the short trip.  He exited my car with the most heart felt "God bless you." that I paused and thanked him and returning the "God bless you also."  He wasn't homeless.  He had Jesus.  He wasn't poor.  He had Jesus.  He wasn't naked.  He was clothed in Jesus.  He let me know that.  I was, for the moment, the poor you will always have with you.  He knew that in his poverty he could help me anytime he wanted.