Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Tuesdays and Thursdays

     Yes, I know it's Wednesday!  Tuesdays and Thursdays are days of the week that have had considerable merit in my life over the years.  They first came to my attention when I was a police officer and then later in various other careers.  Tuesdays and Thursdays came to mean more to me when I passed the 65 barrier.  You see, Tuesdays and Thursdays are days of the week when senior citizens go out for the sales, specials and activities that are directed to that age group and above.  I know that I am stereotyping a group of people.  I'm one of them so I can do that if I want.  They are on the road driving slower than anyone else, taking so much time parking that the people go around them, crowd the aisle in the stores and fill the beauty parlors.  They are also out to medical appointments and trips to the senior centers.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays you will see them everywhere doing everything at slow speed.  You may be wondering what this has to do with Christianity.  Everything!
     I've just stereotyped a whole age group of people from 65 (some before that) to over 100.  Not everyone fits the stereotype though.  In fact the stereotype has changed some over the years.  With the advent of many new inventions and technology galore, this group of people are changing as well.  There are those who are grandparents and parents to their grandchildren for one reason or another.  There are those who are working into their 80's and older because their Social Security check doesn't cover all that they need in their lives.  There are those who no longer drive and those who drive others around all because of their abilities or the decline of those abilities.  When you think about it, every generation can be stereotyped and put within a box of some sort.  Boxes are designed to confine people.  Should there be an act outside of the box there must be something wrong with you.  When that happens well intentioned doctors, relatives and others intrude where they haven't been invited and all hell breaks loose.
      When I use the word "Christian" all kinds of stereotyping goes on almost immediately.  Christians fall into so many different categories according to the world.  They seem to have been either on one extreme of liberalism or the other extreme of conservative to whomever has a need to box them up and ship them out.  Denominationalism is the act of creating different groups because they have chosen to believe the Bible says something different than others think.  Heaven forbid we just take the Word as God thinks!  Pretending to be right, everyone else is wrong.  Whether or not you do this or don't do that you are obviously believing in vain.  Some don't believe at all and pretend for whatever reason to belong.  Maybe it's just to belong somewhere.  In any case, there are stereotyped groups that spend so much time telling everyone they are right and everyone else is wrong that Jesus is not even preached.  Clamoring for church membership and tithes pastors forget that the Christian church isn't about that; it's about Jesus.
     Jesus isn't just around on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  He's around every day.  Jesus isn't just in his 30's but he is able to meet the 10 year old the same as he would a 86 year old.  Jesus doesn't just go to one group or one denomination.  Jesus goes to everyone.  He never ordained and never will ordain a denomination or a religious group or even a cult.  Jesus is all in all.  Take God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit or don't take them at all.  It's only by the name of Jesus that anyone can be saved.  Sorry, baptism doesn't do it and neither does youth group or adult bible studies.  If you don't know Jesus as a personal savior, you don't know him at all.  Christianity isn't about Tuesday and Thursdays (or Wednesday night and Sunday morning).  Christianity isn't about the rituals mankind has made that form the box that quite frankly Jesus doesn't fit in.  Christianity isn't about our making Him in our image; it's about us discovering the image of God within us as we die and have Jesus live through us.  So, take whatever box you have and break it up and use it to light a fire on the hill for everyone to see.  Then simply say the name "Jesus".  They will come.

Monday, August 6, 2018

It wasn't always this way

    Looking back we can see where we came from. the right and wrong decisions that determined our paths and eventually brought us to where we are.  It wasn't always like it is today.  Some days and times were worse while some were better.  Regardless of the past; we are here in the present.  Some are determined to not repeat the past while others seem content to do just that.  Change comes to only those who want something different.  It's not suggested that since you want change you necessarily want change for the better.  If that were so we would learn by our mistakes and not repeat them.  Being the king and queen of hindsight doesn't make us immune from those times when we are triggered and think, act and do what we shouldn't do.  It wasn't always this way.  Once upon a time  there was innocence and naivety in the world we live in.  In one way or another our innocence was stripped away from us from those around us and a cruel fallen world.  Nothing would be left unchanged once the innocence and naivety were gone except the next innocent element in our life that would arise.  It wasn't always this way.  It's not that we can restore innocence but rather that we can live in future innocence.
     When we were conceived the Bible says we were conceived in sin and dead in the world.  Some would argue that we weren't conceived in sin but that we were innocent until a time when we could know the difference.  One doesn't need to know loss to know that loss can occur.  We know that there are losses. But are they innocent or the product of naivety?  The place we must come to in order to gain life is knowing that our lives are lost.  We are destitute and condemned to eternity in hell without some loss taking our place.  Unable to be the perfect beings we were designed to be we have but one way to return to innocence.  That would involve being born again.  Born again of spirit and not flesh.  Our spirits, before Christ, were dead.  The world we live in is dead.  This shouldn't be a new truth for Christians.  However, not all who call themselves Christian have been born again.  Some still have a form of godliness but not from God.  Do good all you want.  If you aren't born again you are still dead in your sins.  God doesn't reside within you.  Coming to the end of ourselves and being totally aware of our place in the continuum of that passage to being born again is the most desolate you will ever feel.  Lost with no hope.  It wasn't always this way.  It's not how God formed you in your mother's womb.
     Innocence was there in the beginning of everything.  Even in the beginning of you.  Innocence is hardwired into our souls.  We desire that connection with a God who lived, died and was resurrected for our very souls and innocence.  You are standing on that threshold of then and now.  You have the choice to remain dead or you can choose life.  It's all in your hands.  What do you choose?  If you are like most, you weigh the cost.  But there is no cost as you are already dead.  If you are like most, you look for another way but there is no other way.  There is no bargaining.  Why?  Because the God of innocence has determined a way that surpasses any other way for you to have innocence.  Once you decide, there is that time when you step forward and never look back again.  People who adhere to the law look back  People who look back at tradition look back.  People who have come to the end of themselves don't look back because there is no light in darkness.  When you are dead you cannot see any darkness.  Choosing to step forward and accept life from Jesus ignites light into your heart, soul and mind.  Where once I was lost I am now found!  Innocence is born when the forgiveness of your sins has washed over you.  You are free because He made you free.  You are saved because He saved your soul.  You can now live in innocence forever.  Life begets life and you should be helping others find that most excellent way in Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Christian excess Part 2

     Christian excess isn't just about the spare shirt or two in your closet.  Nor is it about that food you throw away every week.  Neither is Christian excess about that spare car, tent, boat, or whatever you have stored under that tarp in the back yard.  Those things are all subject to what I wrote yesterday.  If you haven't read yesterday's post, do so now.  Welcome back!  Christians in the free countries of the world have very little idea of how precious the Word is.  In our homes we have Bibles collecting dust while there are places around the world where there are no copies of the Bible.  In one Russian village many years ago there was 1 Bible amongst the congregation.  Being caught with the Bible would result in it's destruction and the person's imprisonment.  The Christians in that home church tore apart the Bible, handed out sections to everyone that could read and had them memorize the Word...or at least their part of the Word.  When a Scripture was needed the person with that section would rise and quote the Bible for the rest.  They were the Bible to each other and to their world.  The community of God came together in the harsh reality of their world and proclaimed the Gospel as one body because all were needed to present all the Scripture.  They were the Word of God to each other and to those they shared the Gospel with.
     Christians today know more about their own world than they do the Bible.  Many Christians have never memorized a single Scripture and have little desire to do so.  How can the preach if they don't know the Word?  How can the people hear if the Word isn't spoken?  How can others be saved if the Word doesn't go out because of Biblical ignorance?  The Bible tells us to be ready to give account of the hope that is within us at any moment.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The Bible tells us to share the Word with the lost so that they can believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved in his name.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The Bible says that we will be brought in front of many who will demand to know what we believe.  Did you know the Bible said that?  Would you be able to share the Word with others with what you know?  Maybe you have that lie going that says, "It's not my job."  Wrong!  It is your job if you have given your life to Jesus.  It's with the Word that we can fight the spiritual fight with the enemy.  You have the authority in the name of Jesus to do this and greater things through our faith in Him.  Did you know the Bible said that?  The world doesn't need to hear the millionaire preachers (actually heretics) twisting Scripture for their own personal gain.  The world doesn't need "another gospel" which isn't a gospel at all in order to be part of their special group.  The world doesn't need the many books pontificating what a person believes.  The world needs the Gospel of Jesus through you!
     My orchard is heavy laden with apples so much so that when the branches move in the breeze they fall to the ground where I gather them, process them and give them away to those in need.  I have my pantry filled and the rest is excess.  So it is with the Word that lives within us.  Our needs are taken care of so we don't need to be distracted with taking care of our own needs.  We don't need to do repetitious prayer as some do because we have a God who heard our hearts cry before we prayed and has sent his answer before the words of our supplication pass over our lips.  We don't need to become "more educated" to share the word of God.  How complex is "Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so."  Even children can understand that!  Even children can pass that excess in their lives on to others.  Through the mouths of babes come the wisdom of the ages.  If God uses little children then how much more does he want to use you?  Your excess is all areas of your life are the witness of the Word of God.  Keeping it to yourself is a sin.  You have been commanded to give away your faith so that some might believe and be saved.  You have excess faith, understanding, and the love of God.  Why haven't you given it away?  The orphan and the widow are waiting.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Christian excess

     You may be thinking that your life holds only what you need.  Ninety percent of Christian's garages tell another story.  Especially in the United States but outside of this country as well so many resources are stacked up, boxed or left laying around without being used while so many go without.  Christian excess shouldn't be as long as there are orphans and widows to care for.  That doesn't mean we throw pearls before swine.  For every good hearted Christian there are ten selfish people waiting to take advantage of them.  Why is this situation even an issue for Christians?  Should Christians have the excess they have?  People store up on earth for their earthly existence.  Christians are no different and that's a sin.  No one is telling you to part with your heirloom items or that special something your child made for you in 4th grade.  The "stuff" we have in excess is not a tribute to the goodness of God but rather the selfishness of man.  God's Word says that he will care for all of our needs.  ALL.  What the Word doesn't say is that he will give us all of our wants.  What the Word doesn't say is that we can ignore the orphan and the widow.  What the Word doesn't say is that we are entitled to excess.  What good will any of the excess do if you were called home to be with Jesus today.  Your and my life are not ours to decide when and where we die.
     Here is the solution.  Live like you have given your life to God.  Simple.  Go through ACTS and decide that God can have all of your life and not just the parts you want to give.  Abandon your self and have Jesus live through you instead.  The Bible tells of several who were willing to follow Jesus until he told them to sell and give away all they had to follow him.  You don't need to be a billionaire to be that rich person.  Your riches differ from another person's riches.  Your excess is testimony to that difference.  Your riches (given by God) were yours to give away.  Yet, you have stored up treasure on earth instead of heaven.  Should you have died so that Christ can live through you, you would understand this.  Your life would show that your life, like Jesus', was poured out as an offering to God.  Yet, do you have someone, anyone, who can provide testimony that your life has been poured out for those the Lord has sent you to care for, bring the Gospel to and to minister to?  If your closest friends were to stand before you would they testify to your being poured out or would they testify to your excess?
     Excess is not necessarily food, clothing and shelter.  Excess is also love, acceptance and approval.  Your excess is found when you receive these three but then don't or refuse to give it away.  You love to receive but somehow don't want to give.  The Bible tells us that it's better to give than to receive.  Anyone ever tell you why?  Besides the trueness of the Word of God, there is no way you can give away all that God has given you.  No amount of giving on your part will ever overshadow the giving God does in your life.  Whether he gives you physically tangible items or a heart full of love there is no way you can give it all away.  If your Christian life consists of giving a tenth then you haven't given your life to Jesus.  Those who abandon their lives and have Jesus living in them give 100% of ALL of their lives.  They live as if nothing belongs to them because it doesn't.  They give out of the grateful heart and the love of Jesus that radiates through them.  Some give all and others only think they give all.  Church leaders are intent on gathering the 10% and church members who are then duped into thinking the 10% is all that's necessary to give.  This is backward thinking inspired by Satan himself.  We have a limitless God who asks for your very life.  He died so that he can bless you and others you know.  Give away your excess!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Yearning for the good ole days

     The early morning light radiates off the hummingbird feeder with rays of red flooding my floor.  I love to watch the hummingbirds navigate the feeder with their quick as can be wings and hoovering to drink the rich nectar.  The orchard sits quietly this morning trees heavy laden with apples, pears and plums awaiting to be picked.  Late summer browning of the lawn in spots accentuate the effect of the hot sun on the grass as they both struggle to win.  Watered flowering annuals and perennials sit on the patio radiating their beauty alongside a variegated red and white rose bush accenting the already beautiful surroundings.  Tall fir and cedar trees surround this paradise with their unmoving branches on this quiet morning.  Tall and magnificent they act as guardians keeping out all "that" which is outside their boundaries.  Berry bushes, well picked, are winding down their production as the summer heads to fall.  Grapes on the vine continue to fill out and hang in loaded clusters awaiting the day they will provide nourishment.  It's so early this morning that the 9 chickens haven't even begun to move around clucking as they do.  It's quiet and I yearn for the good ole days.  Maybe you do too.
     That time when things were simple, uncomplicated and easier.  Labor was enjoyed and not resented along with the rewards that were guaranteed.  Times when families sat down to meals without distraction except the noon time broadcast of Paul Harvey.  He would give us the "rest of the story" say "good day!" and sign off as we returned to whatever work on the farm laid before us.  Everything from religion to politics seemed simpler and were a fact and not the speculation of pundits who didn't really care if there was truth in what they said or did.  Faith was something instilled from all areas of your life from the birth of new calves to the harvest of a crop that made it through the summer to fall harvest.  Putting up preserves for the long winter was the retirement plan and along with them came the feelings of accomplishment for a years had work well done.  Food wasn't heated in a microwave; nor did it come in packages with ingredients you couldn't pronounce much less know what they were.  Things were simpler then and this morning I yearn for some of the simple things of life like pulling a carrot from the garden, rubbing the dirt off, and eating it right then.  The crisp crunch still makes my mouth water.  Maybe yours does as well.
     People didn't seem to have so many problems they had to make excuses for.  Accountability and responsibility was not only expected but delivered.  Pretending you were someone you weren't was laughed at and not the subject of lawsuits and Supreme Court decisions because your feelings were hurt.  Life was simple then.  People left the house unlocked and the keys in the vehicles because there wasn't fear of stealing from your neighbor.  The word "neighbor" actually meant something and there were feelings of security, friendship and comradie within the community.  Borrowing things actually happened and everyone seemed to work for the common good especially when need arose within the community.  FEMA wasn't around and neither were the politicians who today try to run the show (because that's what it's become).  People said what they meant and meant what they said.  You could have your own opinion and that was not protected by political correctness but by respect.  There was no time to do mass killings or millions skip school to lay their shoes in a parking lot.  Both were a lot of nonsense.
     It's all gone now.  The world is changing just as prophesied in the Bible.  The world, like a star about to go out, has begun the process of becoming nothing but a black hole.  The end is near and so many Christians don't seem to care.  Why?  Because no one remembers and no one wants to change.  I yearn for the good ole days and know that those memories carry the weight of a different life lived.  My opinion of God, his son Jesus and salvation by no other name remains the same.  Maybe it does for you too.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Stephen full of the Holy Spirit...

     Acts chapter 6 and 7 tell the story of Stephen who was a disciple of Jesus'.  The Scripture tells us that he was "full of the Holy Spirit" as he was brought before the religious authorities and then eventually stoned to death.  The ultimate statement comes at the end to chapter 7.  Remember that he is still full of the Holy Spirit at this point.  He asks Jesus to not hold this sin against them.  What sin?  His stoning to death!  Full of the Holy Spirit he forgives them.  Wow!  Do you think you could do that?  I mean, do you think you could be full of the Holy Spirit?  "Full" indicates completeness.  Full means there was no room for anything else.  Full is the way Jesus wants us as we surrender to Him.  He wants ALL of us and not just the garage and living room.  Unless we are "full" of the Holy Spirit we are not full of Jesus.  The Holy Spirit is the "room cleaner" if we will surrender.  It's the Holy Spirit that convicts us of our sin and areas in our lives that need cleaning in order for Jesus to reign supreme in and through us.  Adoration, confession, thanksgiving and supplication all lead to being full of Jesus and full of the Holy Spirit.  Lack of same means we reserve rooms for our own pleasure and sin.  There is no need to do this but it's a choice Christians make day in and day out.  Are you full of the Holy Spirit?  That's the only way we will be able to stand for God.
     Stephen wasn't initially much different from you and I.  He was a man.  He was a sinner.  He followed Jesus.  The religious authorities of the day didn't care about Stephen anymore than they cared for Jesus.  He, like Jesus, upset their status quo.  He dared to speak the truth in a manner that their hearts were convicted as the fakes that they are.  Today there are those who still deny Jesus and somehow the Christian world sees that Jews as God's chosen people.  They didn't accept Jesus and according to Scripture they are no longer under the umbrella.  They aren't God's chosen people until they repent of their evil ways, accept Jesus as God and give their lives to Him.  There is only one name by which man can be saved; Jesus!  There are many religious groups that fall into that category of "unsaved" and are lost at this time.  Those who brought "another gospel" to people also are guilty of leading their followers astray.  Remember that these were and are not Jesus' followers.  They the worlds rendition of the gospel according to Satan.  Mormons, Catholics, and many more groups are in danger of the fires of hell for their rejection of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  They are full of the devil and not the Holy Spirit.
     This "full" is akin to being consumed.  Stephen knew nothing but Jesus and him crucified, risen and living through him.  He was full (consumed) by the Holy Spirit and had no room for anything the world had to offer which is always less than what God has provided.  There is no other option for the true Christian than to be consumed by the Holy Spirit to the point where they are "Full of the Holy Spirit."  Are you?  Do you even want to be full of the Holy Spirit?  Your choices in life tell you the story of where you stand with God.  Full of the world?  You're not full of the Holy Spirit.  Not full of the Holy Spirit?  You're not letting Jesus have all of your life.  Not full of Jesus.  You are lost in your sin and need to repent.  Any questions?

Monday, July 23, 2018

Sitting at His feet

     There are so many things of this world that keep us from sitting at the feet of Jesus.  We give in to them and regret the decision later.  There is a need in each of us to be close to the Savior and to relax in his healing and positive influence.  Yet, we choose to have other distractions that we sit at the feet of instead of Jesus.  Whether that  be a habit or a choice is up to you and God.  He alone knows your heart and mind.  Both reveal whom you and I really worship.  Thinking we are worshipping God we indulge ourselves in what we think, what other's think and deny what Jesus thinks.  That is not worship in any form.  Worship comes when we are solely united with God in our prayer, praise and honor to God.  That comes when we institute prayer in our lives to start and continue the day.  Putting Jesus first mean we sit at his feet and learn where we fall short of the mark.  Making adjustments to our lives because we want to be closer to Jesus is where the focus should be.  Letting the Holy Spirit prompt our soul to search out Jesus and to learn from him.  He said, "my yoke is easy and light."  Do you believe that?  Do you believe that his yoke is easy and light?  If you do you may be sitting at the feet of Jesus.  If you don't, you haven't been sitting at the feet of Jesus.  
     I remember my children sitting at my feet or beside me on the couch as I read stories and repeated stories about Jesus.  The result of years of this activity resulted in each of my children asking me to pray for them that they give their lives to Jesus.  What greater reward but to point them to the feet of Jesus to learn from him a more excellent way.  Yet, many in this age don't sit with their children much less their spouses, friends, and enemies to share the story.  There is no referring them to the foot of Jesus and the cross.  The Bible is clear that there is no other name by which man can be saved.  Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith.  We ought to live like it.  Jesus is fresh each and every day.  Never ceasing to meet with us, hear our prayers and then to teach, love and comfort us in all aspects of our live.  It's when we take our eyes off of Jesus that we begin, like Peter, to sink rather than to walk on the water.  When Jesus is my foremost thought all day and every day, there is no open window or door for the enemy to take pot shots at me.  He says he will hem us in and protect us only if we ask.  Why don't we ask?  Do we really love this life so much that we choose this world than His love, acceptance and approval?
     Surrender is difficult for those who have reserved rooms in their house where Jesus isn't allowed.  If we don't give all, how can we expect Him to be Lord of all of our lives?  If he isn't Lord of all of our life, how can we minister the Gospel to the lost?  If we don't minister the Gospel to those who are lost, who will?  If we don't minister the Gospel to those who are lost how will they be saved.  If they aren't saved how will the escape the eternal fire of hell?  Sitting at the feet of Jesus isn't for the faint of heart.  It's for those who's heart has been exchanged for the heart of Jesus.  With Jesus' heart beating in us there is nothing that is impossible.  Sitting at the feet of Jesus means we are quiet and hear his voice as he talks with us and walks with us.  It means we've taken time to ask God to quiet every other voice and the world as well from our time with Jesus.  We want other Christians to sit at the feet of Christ.  Do you?

Friday, July 20, 2018

When God cries

     Perhaps you know the story in John 11 where Jesus wept because of his friend Lazarus' death.  Maybe you know about the Word's report of Jesus saying he wept over Israel because of their lost state.  God has feelings just as he has given to you and I.  He created us in his image.  We're not necessarily talking about physical image though that's the first thought that comes to our mind.  he also created us in his emotional and psychological image.  That means we can and should engage His image in us.  We live in a world that teaches us to stifle the image of God we are made in and live out every day.  What not to be like is reinforced more than it's opposite.  Just what is the need for us to live out our lives so that they are reflective of His image?  For beginners we are to be the Lord Jesus to the world.  The first sense people use when meeting someone is to see or look at them.  What do they see in the Christians life that would draw them to God?  Do they see the love, acceptance and approval that God the Father has given you when you surrendered your life to Jesus?  The evidence or fruit would convey to those around you God and not you.  God's love, acceptance and approval is unconditional.  Mankind is unable to do unconditional due to their fallen state.  That means we are incapable of being Jesus to the world unless it's "no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me."
     Once we see the image of God we are changed forever.  We are captivated to know God more.  When we are Adoring, Confessing, Thanking, and Supplicating (asking) with the Father, we come to know the heart of God more and more.  Should you see someone who states they are a Christian who doesn't exhibit the heart of God; suspect that they aren't believers in the first place.  No one can engage God and NOT be changed.  But changed to what?  Changed into the image of God that we were created to be.  There is a physical birth and then for those who believe there is a spiritual birth.  Both serve to show forth the glory of God in his creation.  God isn't so distant or preoccupied that he doesn't notice you.  His eye is on us and he loves us.  His intention is for us to be blessed and not cursed.  The choice, however, is up to us.  Do we really want to be like Jesus?  Do we really want to be separated from the world?  What are our concerns in life?  Do you find yourself loving, accepting and approving the image of God in others?  Do you cry when God cries?
     Spending time crying over worldly issues isn't what I'm talking about.  Yes, tragedy happens in the lives of believers just like it does in the non-believer.  Yes, there are and will be losses in our lives.  Yes, we will weep over those we love when they pass away.  Just as Jesus did.  What we do after is important.  Do we stay stuck in that part of the process and immobilize ourselves so that we no longer present Jesus to the world?  Many do.  Why isn't our attachment with God so strong that we move forward rather than stay anchored in the past?  Yes, death is tragic especially for those who are not saved.  Are we really grieving the loss of someone or are we grieving our loss of someone.  Do we have a need for love acceptance and approval from mankind that when someone dies we become distraught over the loss or do we go on and continue to live Jesus to the world.  What's most important to the world is that we stay ineffective in our daily living.  God cries when we are in that state.  Not only does his Son get pushed aside but the blessings of God seem to disappear as well because we don't look to God.  If you have died and Jesus is living through you, cry as he cried.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

What does it take to be a saint?

     I'm not talking about a saint proclaimed by the Catholic Church based on their criteria.  I'm talking about the Christian who becomes a saint through Jesus living through them.  Let's get something straight right away.  Anyone who surrenders their dead life to Jesus for rebirth and then lives accordingly is a saint in the eyes of the Lord.  This is very much the case in Scripture.  Unlike the Catholic church saints in the Christian definition aren't worshipped or revered.  The saint of Christ goes about their lives adoring God, confessing Jesus as Lord and being thankful for all things in their lives.  They then go on to pray for those things God puts on their hearts and not for their own selfish wants.  The saint of Christ cares for the widow and orphan while sharing Jesus with all with whom they have contact.  The saint of Christ is all about Jesus and him glorified and risen from the dead.  The saint of Christ isn't all about themselves.  They aren't tied to the past or have their sole focus in the future.  They saint of Christ is available to go wherever and do whatever the Holy Spirit asks them to do because that's the only focus of their lives.  The saint of Christ is always in a state of prayer and ready to give account of what the hope in their lives, Jesus is to them.  The saint of Christ is not only willing to die for Christ but know that because of their witness they will be hated and persecuted and possibly killed for Jesus.
     But the question is whether or not you have what it takes to be a saint?  Do you?  More to the point is the question of whether or not you are a saint.  Are you tithing?  That doesn't make you a saint.  Everything belongs to Jesus so you don't have anything and he does.  Are you a church member?  That doesn't make you a saint.  Belonging to anyone but Jesus is against Scripture.  We are accountable to Jesus and not man.  Do you have a Christian bumper sticker?  Again that doesn't make you a saint anymore than wearing t-shirts saying anything Christian.  Bringing your best dish to the church potluck?  Nope, that doesn't make you a saint either.  Anything that embellishes you doesn't glorify God.  That public donation you gave?  That doesn't make you a saint either.  I don't care how big a donation it is.  If it's not what God wants it's a blemish and not a blessing.  Growing up in a "Christian home" doesn't bring you to that point of being a saint either.  Being confirmed and baptized don't make you a saint.  There is a very simple solution to this dilemma of being a saint.  If you claim to be one you probably aren't.  Humility is something that comes naturally to the true saint and they don't brag about anything.  In fact, they would be the first to tell you that they haven't attained what Christ wants for them
     The realization of how dead in your sins you were and maybe are is the first step towards that narrow road that leads to the foot of the cross.  There is nothing good in me.  I know that.  Anything that is good in me is Jesus.  I know that.  Do you?  When we are a broken people by the doing of the Holy Spirit, we can begin to empty this carcass and let Christ take up residence.  He doesn't and can't do what needs to be done if you keep some of the room of the house to yourself.  He wants all of you in order to have all of his love to be present in you and go out to the world through you.  When you have parts of your life reserved for yourself; you have not realized the cost that Christ paid for you and did for you that you might have freedom.  Christ died so that you could have a full and complete life he gives you.  Why would you decline to accept part of what God wants for you and through you?  What does it take to be a saint?  Surrender.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Have you shared Jesus with anyone?

     It's a simple question.  There are two answers.  Yes, I have.  No, I haven't.  The first is wonderful.  The second one is sin.  That is, if you are a Christian.  Two simple answers and you are in charge of both.  Using his name as a cuss word doesn't count.  Thinking it's Spanish and naming your child Jesus doesn't count either.  I'm sure you have your reasons for sharing or not sharing Jesus.  Maybe you are embarrassed, feel intimidated, fear what people might think, or just feeling it isn't your job tell me that you haven't really taken your relationship with the Savior seriously.  What if he had done that with you?  Spending eternity in hell was and is the furthest thing from His mind.  Being embarrassed?  He will deny you only if you deny him.  It will be with a deep sadness for Him but for you?  Jesus wasn't intimidated by anyone or anything.  He knew that his words, thoughts and actions would cost him his earthly life so that your words, thoughts and actions could be an act of free will for you.  Jesus didn't demur to anyone else to do his job.  He wouldn't have done that even if he could.  It was his job and it's your job as well.  We who acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior have no excuse.  Our sharing Jesus or not sharing Jesus constitutes all that Jesus commanded us to do.  Go into all the world and tell others about Jesus.
     What would happen if you were to talk about Jesus the way you talk about your favorite sports team, that new shop with up to date design dresses, and other such things?  Do you brag about Jesus as much as you do your children, your spouse, and your accomplishments?  What would happen if you were to wear messages about Jesus on your clothing instead of clothing depicting every foul thin imaginable?  Maybe that personalized license plate could read "JESUS" instead of saying "me" every which way possible.  The Christian today has little impetus to proclaim Jesus because the message of the world persuades them to do otherwise.  While the world is telling you not to offend anyone with anything about Jesus; the world is telling you to enhance everything about the enemy in every facet of your life.  Does your choice of what you watch on TV, the movies or even the music you listen to tell the world of your love of Jesus or your love of self?  These aren't just imaginings that I have.  These are real life choices that Christians are making and sometimes their pastors and spiritual leaders encourage that choice.  They too will be held accountable for what they did and not do for those they were sent to share Jesus with.
     Have you shared Jesus with anyone?  Have you told anyone you love Jesus?  Have you told them you love Jesus more than life itself?  Have you told them that Jesus is so important to you that you would die for his name?  Maybe you have said you would but Peter did so as well then he went on to deny Christ 3 times.  There is a day coming when your choice will determine whether you take the mark of the beast or not.  Whether you deny Christ and serve the beast for a loaf of bread.  Whether your children avoid execution in front of you or not.  If you aren't prepared to claim Jesus now what makes you think you will stand for Jesus as someone has a gun to the head of your 9 year old?  As they plead for you to help him will you stand for Jesus?  Courage isn't something you can muster at the last minute because courage is based in knowing what you believe and living what you believe. Courage comes from faith in Christ.  Faith, when it's worked it's course, enables you to stand with him rather than against him.  If you aren't sharing Jesus you are not his disciple.  You are standing against the Lord who gave his life so you could have one.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Christian math problems.

     It's not calculus or trig but it's still math.  Sin equals separation from God.  No, that's not a full math equation.  Engaging in sin equals separation from God.  Yes, that's more like it.  See how simple Christian math is?!  Christian math becomes more difficult as we apply it to things like the Trinity.  The three in one.  Not bad if you use the example of the egg.  One shell plus one yoke and one white equal three in one and all a part of each other interdependent upon each other to make the whole.  Okay, sorry, I morphed into complex math for a bit.  I've always had a difficult time with "time" itself within the context of math.  For instance, before sin there was no time.  Time didn't exist.  Yes, there were seasons and the night and day.  But time itself didn't exist.  See what I mean?  Time becomes difficult in that sense.  Once sin was conceived by Eve and Adam (in that order), time existed.  So, time must relate directly to mankind who was created by God and seen as good.  The key part of the algebra is that God wasn't capable of being manipulated by the serpent and when Eve and Adam were, God was not.  Time continued for mankind but never stopped for God.  Then of course there is reverse math.  Though this was foretold by prophets, it wasn't believed.  God sent one part of him (Jesus) to earth to be a man to be a means of timelessness to begin again.  When we have surrendered our lives to Jesus and are saved, time doesn't exist anymore.  Time is only for the fallen and the lost.  For those who are in Christ there is no longer any time.
     Except eternity!  Eternity can be seen as part of a math equation with the variable being found in our choice.  We are presented two formula's where our choice leads us to a crossroads.  A plus B or C equals D.  D is our chosen answer based upon our either choosing A plus B or A plus C.  D is the representative of eternity.  A place where time has once again ceased to exist.   For the first equation A represents us, you and I while B equals Jesus.  For the second equation A represents us, you and I while C equals Satan.  We either are able to understand that we can be in either camp but not both.  You can be the part of the equation where you choose Jesus or you can be part of the equation where you choose Satan.  That isn't only true for eternity; it's also true for each and every of our daily thoughts, deeds and words.  It's also true for what we do about the Great Commission...or don't do.  However, let there be no misunderstanding that D always is eternity.  For the first equation D is eternity in Heaven with Jesus.  For the second equation D is eternity in hell with Satan.  There are no other mathematical formulas involved here.  There are no other variables.  There are no hidden parts of the equation negating either D in heaven or D in hell.  There is a Heaven and there is a Hell.  You choose by whom you choose to serve.
     Math isn't just about addition.  There is also multiplication.  A times B/C equals D.  What?  Same formula but "times"?  Yes, should you (A) tell others about Jesus (b) and they repent then D is the answer for them as well.  Should you (A) tell others nothing (c) and they don't repent then D is the answer for them as well.  You can do the math and see where this is heading.  Subtraction is also part of the Christian math problems.  It's tied to addition but with different results.  A minus B/C equals D squared.  Should you A tell others lies and they believe them, your name is subtracted from the book of life.  See how that works?  Should you add or subtract from the Word of God then your name is subtracted from the Book of Life.  Division is the final area I'll address.  A divided by B equals C.  You, A, decide to read the Word and apply it's truths to your life. You have just divided your problems (B) and this equals God's wisdom living through you and you become rightly able to divide the truth given to us by God resulting in holy living on your part.  However, there is a corollary.   You, A, gossip, slander, malign, instigate or otherwise divide the body of Christ.  You too come to a place where C equals your expulsion from the presence of God.  The Word says that it's better that you have a mill stone hung around your neck and you be thrown into the ocean.  Let me know what you think of Christian math.  Just don't think you aren't part of the equation.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

More on Satan's input into the Christian's world

     "Tell your kids that if they are naughty Santa won't fill their stocking."  Let that sink in.  "Oh look honey, the Easter Bunny left you a dollar under your pillow!"  Let that sink in.  "Of course your dog has gone to heaven and you'll see him there."  Let that sink in.  None of them are found in Scripture.  Or are they?  Telling "itching ears what they want to hear" Satan goes about deceiving the very elect.  That would be those with knowledge and wisdom from God.  "I had to work late." when you had to meet with him/her for a quickie.  "I'm stopping by at the bar for a drink with the gang on the way home."  Your spouse and family is first after Jesus?  Let that sink in.  "Do what I say and not what I do!"  Sure, your children will do that.  After all, you have said it before and you haven't changed.  The lies we tell each other, our children, spouses and our employers and others only serve to prove Jesus' point.  Most Christians seek to serve Satan and his agenda than to serve Jesus and allow Jesus to live through them.  Stealing that pen from your work.  Using others for your own gain.  Not helping the widow and the orphan.  Yes, they are all sins that Christians do and justify in one way or another just like the lies they tell their children.  When the children learn that they have been lied to all that have told the lie lose their integrity and they, like the world remember that old line is true:  "Do what I say and not what I do."  
     When you fill out your taxes do you use the law for your advantage by claiming the money you've given to God for your own pocket?  IF you have given it to God that money no longer belongs to you.  I don't care what your church tells you, the records they keep for you and the justification they preach to you to do so.  IF you have given what God has given to you and then take it back you have never given that gift in the first place.  Your intention of "tithing" was flawed in the beginning when you think you can use it to better your own place when you file taxes.  I won't even get into the lying that is done outright by Christians who think like the world:  "No one can prove otherwise."  Let's also look at the self seeking behavior by our religious leaders (I won't call them Christian).  The prosperity gospel is a LIE.  It's not a gospel at all!  The Bible says that those who preach this will have their name removed from the Book of Life!  You who don't believe me start by reading your Bible.  Look in the church parking lot and you'll see radar detectors on the dash of many cars.  Why?  These people INTEND on sinning by speeding and then using whatever means necessary and available to get away with that choice.  Let that sink in.  The sin in Christian circles is so prevalent in our churches and communities that the Christian integrity of the Gospel is compromised or even become a laughing matter in the community they are alleging bringing Jesus to.
     There is no excuse for the Christian who has argued that "the law allows it."  Mankind has been changing laws to accommodate their sin.  No matter what mankind has chosen to do, (like making abortion legal) sin is still sin in God's eyes.  "You are just being legalistic."  No, I'm preaching the Word of God.  The Word of God will never go away, is never fallible and is never to be compromised by those who give their life to Jesus.  "Behold, the old has passed away and the new has come." "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives through me."  "I die daily so that the Lord Jesus Christ has not died in vain."  There are consequences for our actions.  We are not just responsible for our choice but for the choices of those who we teach/train others (like our children) to do.  The Word tells us that we will be held accountable for "every idle word and every deed" that we have said/done AFTER we have let Jesus live through us.  Are you converted or has this described you.  If so, you need to go back to the Father and (ACTS) give adoration to God, confess your sin, thank God for your salvation and then humbly ask for his open door to get back into His will which will save your soul from the fiery depth of hell.  Still think Satan doesn't have an agenda in your life and the lives of those around you?

When Satan whispers in your ear

     Don't think he doesn't.  He is actively seeking to derail, dissuade and destroy every Christian still here on earth.  Sometimes his whispering is so quiet that we think we don't  hear it while at other times it's so loud that we think everyone hears it.  Truth be told, Satan and his demons are constantly rattling our cages in order to get us to take our eyes off Jesus.  The Bible tells us that he goes about the earth seeking whom he can consume.  The Bible also tells us that he quotes Scripture and knows you and your weaknesses.  But, how much do you know about Satan or do you even believe in him?  It's amazing that there are those who claim to be Christian who don't believe in Satan and/or believe in hell.  What Bible have they not been reading?   Better to believe the Bible and understand Satan and his agenda than to deny Satan and find out to late that he has deceived you as well.  If you haven't done so, in your prayers plead the blood of Jesus to cover you daily as Satan hates that.  Back on track.  The war between Satan and the believer has been going on since the beginning of time.  In fact there was no "time" until Satan convinced Eve that God really didn't mean that she would die if they ate of the fruit.  We are still listening to the whispers and eating of the fruit.  Christians to beware lest they be tempted and fall.
     Some people, including pastors and other church leaders, think they are listening to God when in reality they are listening to Satan.  There are means by which we can test what is being said to determine the source of the whisper.  First, does whatever is being presented line up with the Gospel?  Can you see Jesus in what is being thought said and done?  Will you be able to discern this without prayer, reading the Bible and listening to God yourself?  NO!  The Bible tells us to test the spirits to determine their origin.  Asking a spirit whether they believe Jesus has risen from the dead for the forgiveness of sins is a good beginning.  The trouble is people don't know how to recognize spirits much less talk with them.  Hollywood has made it clear that this is to be a frightening experience with severe consequences.  That's not true.  Jesus said that we who are stayed in him will have no fear.  Further, he said that the Holy Spirit would be send to those who believe so that they can have the guidance of God always present and always active in our lives.  The true believer not only has the Holy Spirit but also listens to the Holy Spirit for guidance, teaching and comfort.  Satan doesn't like that.
     What would happen if Christians actually believed that Satan was out to get them?  How would those who claim to have Jesus living within them actually engage in life here on earth if they waged spiritual war with the world as Jesus commands?  What would change for the Christian if they actually admitted that Satan wants the souls of their friends, neighbors, family, children and even enemies?  What would be the result of Christians actually pleading the covering of the blood of Jesus on everyone they know?  What would be the fate of the plan of Satan if Christians actually stood for what they claim in their lives?  What would be significant if Christians actually read their Bibles and stood on the Word?  What would happen if you didn't listen to Satan whispering in your ear?

Friday, July 6, 2018

Christian living

     "Christian living" has many different meanings within the realm of religious people and groups.  Many are taken from various selected Scripture in order to give one the feeling that "they" have the true meaning of Christian living.  Others seem to make it up as they go along not worrying about whether they are representing the Bible's ideals or truths.  Still others have more of a mainstream Bible believing and Scripture based ethic that are made up of those who love Jesus more than anything else on earth.  Now, I've only mentioned 3 different groups.  There are many more.  I'm not even mentioning the cults that brush up against the truth without believing it.  Nor am I talking about those who deliberately lead the masses astray.  Christian living is Christ living through those who believe.  There can be no argument with this model when people actively seek God, confess their sins, give God the glory and thanks for all He does for us and through us all the while answering our prayers, providing our needs and freeing us from this world of sin.  You can decide for yourself which one of these models are closest to what you have chosen.  Just understand that choosing anything but Jesus is sin.  If the belief you have is not Scripture based and you haven't established Jesus as your Savior, then you are deceived and lost.
     What does Christian living consist of?  Christian living is found amongst true believers who have Jesus living through them.  They are continually seeking God on how he wants them to serve him regardless of the cost.  All they are and all they have are His and His alone.  Every breath they take is a blessing from God and thankfulness for life is central to their joy.  The Christian who no longer lives and has Jesus living through them is free from their past and live in the present being a blessing and offering to the Father.  The love of Christ is acknowledged and is so overwhelming that there is no choice but to pass it onto others.  The Christian who does these things is seen as a servant and unselfish in their thoughts, words and deeds.  Becoming a blessing to those around him/her is essential to these people.  The Word of God is not only central to their lives but they teach it to others, make it essential in their homes, imbed the life saving love of God to their children and continually pray for whatever the Holy Spirit askes of them.  There is no room for anything but loving others the way Jesus loves them.
     I'd like to think that this was a pervasive thought and way of living for those who claim they are Christian but that wouldn't be true.  The discerning fire is winnowing out the false believers and refining the lives of the true believers.  As our days go on (by the grace of God) those who have Jesus living through them the draw towards the will of God increases and the desire to have Jesus come get them becomes overwhelming.  They have forgotten the past that encumbers so many and have set their sights on the foot of the Cross because they know that it's the Cross that is the answer to life's questions.  Those who are practicing "Christian living" are always ready to give account for why they believe and in whom they believe.  All you are left to do is weight out your life to see if you are doing so.  If not, get right with God and do so.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Christians don't keep score.

     It would seem that statement is true from a Scriptural sense and false from the view of the world.  Using this screening method you can decide for yourself if you keep score or not.  Just as a starting point Jesus didn't keep score.  If you live in the past you most likely will keep score.  If you live in the future you might also be keeping score.  Perhaps I should let you in on what I'm talking about.  Do you keep track of what you do for Jesus?  That's keeping score.  Several cults who think they are Christian do this.  It's not just an individual thing.  How many Hail Mary's and Our Father's did you get assigned at your latest confession?  They don't count but it's still keeping score.  Everything has a value assigned to the rejection others feel at your door as you find out who they represent and slam the door in their faces.  Yep, that's keeping score.  While it would be nice to have a ledger for all who you prayed for; it's not what Jesus wants us to do.  Statistics kept my anyone as to how many are saved or baptized or brought into the fold at that time a young person has been determined to be admitted to membership which is another way of keeping score.  None of the keeping of score is to be the Christians focus.  What takes place here and now is what is important and it's not a part of keeping score. If we are really letting Jesus live through us in all our moments and if we are really letting the Holy Spirit direct our paths; then we are not aware of yesterday or tomorrow.  We live in the moment Jesus has brought us to.
     There is only the Father who is aware of what has been done and what is going to be done.  He also knows what is being done right now.  Relegating our time as "Christians" to Wednesday and Sunday is hardly what the Father is concerned about.  To the Father every moment of every day is to be made holy beginning when you sit, kneel, or stand before him and walk through ACTS with Him.  Making sure that you tithe on a scheduled basis isn't what the Father is concerned about either.  If we truly are Christian and truly have Jesus living through us we don't possess anything.  Everything we have is God's to be used through us.  Being legalistic in our "religion" isn't what the Father wants us to do either.  Some groups believe that if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and aren't baptized right away you have no salvation if you die before being baptized.  Other groups don't believe you are baptized with the Holy Spirit unless you speak in tongues.  Score keeping comes in many forms and are binding in the lives of those who were set free by the blood of Jesus.  When one is bound up in legalism there is no freedom.  If you fall into any of the "keeping score" lives you are serving the father of lies!  Satan has stripped away your faith and the faith you now have is dependent upon how you count your worth.  What a lie!
     The world likes to tell you all kinds of statistics in regards to Christianity.  That's keeping score.  The world likes you to compare yourself to others.  That's keeping score.  The world likes you to have insight into how much better you are and how bad they are as a church body.  That's keeping score.  The ever present potluck is where food is brought to the competition to see who's food is eaten first and how much praise the preparer receives.  The is the worlds way of keep score.  Any comparison is straight from the pit of hell.  You can count the money, dishes at a potluck all the while the Father is concerned about someone who is perishing.  Your keeping score is a disgrace to what Jesus has gone through in his life, death and resurrection for you and others.  Your lives are so consumed by keeping score that the Christian church doesn't even live in the present.  The past and the future maybe, but not the present.  Stop living like you don't care if others are going to hell.  You have been sent.  Go.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Sometimes you need to just be honest.

     It's a simple question.  "Are you a Christian?" And yet, so many aren't comfortable in asking or answering that question.  People can be asked about sports, music, or movies and statistics come out of their ears.  Ask what John 3:16 says and blank stares are looking at you.  Many can tell you the stats of their teams, certain players or even any number of jokes (even dirty ones).  Yet when asked about something Jesus said draw a blank.  We are a people obsessed with the world and not God.  There, I said it.  That's honesty.  We know lots of stuff but not what is needed to save our soul from the pit of hell.  Are you honest or do you even want to be honest?  I'm not necessarily talking about being honest with others.  I'm more concerned about being honest with yourself.  Are you?  Do you even know what questions to important to be asked.  Life in the world goes like this:  You are asked your name, where you work, what you do, are you married, do you have kids, and other such questions which gives those asking information by which you can be categorized.  There you remain.  In a nice neat box that you will forever expect to be.  But that's not what Christ wanted for you and I.  Jesus wanted us to be honest in that we are lost without him and when we come to our senses we know we are dead in our sin.  Finally, we know that we can't live without him and ask Him to live in our stead.  As such we are his to do his will in all our thoughts, words and deeds.
     I'm not perfect.  Never have been and never will be until I put foot into Heaven to be with Jesus.  I don't pretend to be perfect but when people need an scape goat they portray you as perfect so others know that's a lie.  Once the lie is exposed these people make themselves feel better because you have become what they need you to be...worse than them.  How do we be honest?  Admit that which you know to be true.  I don't mean to stand in the center of the city and tell all about yourself so that there are no secrets.  Though once a secret is told there is no power in that secret.  Why don't we have secret good things about us?  Wait!  There are secrets that are good that we keep.  We don't tell people about Jesus, what he's done in our lives and the lives of others we have seen change take place in when they accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior!  Why don't we tell others these secrets about Jesus' life through us?  Maybe we should look at ourselves and ask what we are not being honest about and then "Why?"  Are we so embarrassed of the Lord that we don't do want to share Him in our lives?  Maybe now would be a good time to start.  
     Truth be told, we need to be honest in whom we serve.  And his name is Jesus.  When we have a honest relationship with Jesus we needn't be worried about our pedigree or other's pedigree for that matter.  When Jesus is our "all" there is no room for anything else.  We don't need to be something or someone in order for people to feel comfortable with Jesus in us.  Jesus came to shake up the world and not to placate the world.  He lives in us to convict the world of sin and not to condone sin or rationalize and justify it away.  If we cannot or refuse to bring the honest truth to the world around us, we condone that lie that we live instead.  I once asked a church full of people this question:  "If being a Christian was a felony punishable by death would there be enough evidence to send you to die?"  If you aren't honest with Jesus and he's not allowed to live through you, you do not have Christ living in and through you.  Your secret isn't positive.  Your secret is negative.  You profess friendship with the world and not with Jesus.  Is that what you really want?  Sometimes you just need to be honest.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

John Wesley quotes

 “Do all the good you can,
By all the means you can,
In all the ways you can,
In all the places you can,
At all the times you can,
To all the people you can,
As long as ever you can.”
John Wesley
“Unless God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Are all of them together stronger than God? O be not weary of well doing!”
John Wesley
“What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace.”
John Wesley
“Light yourself on fire with passion and people will come from miles to watch you burn.”
John Wesley
“Give me one hundred preachers who fear nothing but sin, and desire nothing but God, and I care not a straw whether they be clergymen or laymen; such alone will shake the gates of hell and set up the kingdom of heaven on Earth.”
John Wesley
“Do you not know that God entrusted you with that money (all above what buys necessities for your families) to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to help the stranger, the widow, the fatherless; and, indeed, as far as it will go, to relieve the wants of all mankind? How can you, how dare you, defraud the Lord, by applying it to any other purpose?”
John Wesley
“We should be rigorous in judging ourselves and gracious in judging others.”
John Wesley
“Beware you be not swallowed up in books! An ounce of love is worth a pound of knowledge.”
John Wesley, Letters of John Wesley
“Catch on fire and others will love to come watch you burn.”
John Wesley 
“Earn all you can, give all you can, save all you can”
John Wesley
“It cannot be that the people should grow in grace unless they give themselves to reading. A reading people will always be a knowing people. ”
John Wesley
“Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may. Herein all the children of God may unite, notwithstanding these smaller differences.”
John Wesley
“October 6, 1774
I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them
1. To vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy
2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against, and
3. To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.”
John Wesley, The Journal of John Wesley
“God grant that I may never live to be useless!”
John Wesley, How To Pray: The Best of John Wesley on Prayer
“Vice does not lose its character by becoming fashionable.”
John Wesley
“You have one business on earth – to save souls.”
John Wesley
“I continue to dream and pray about a revival of holiness in our day that moves forth in mission and creates authentic community in which each person can be unleashed through the empowerment of the Spirit to fulfill God's creational intentions.”
John Wesley, How To Pray: The Best of John Wesley on Prayer
“Thanksgiving is inseparable from true prayer; it is almost essentially connected with it. One who always prays is ever giving praise, whether in ease or pain, both for prosperity and for the greatest adversity. He blesses God for all things, looks on them as coming from Him, and receives them for His sake- not choosing nor refusing, liking or disliking,anything, but only as it is agreeable or disagreeable to His perfect will.”
John Wesley, How To Pray: The Best of John Wesley on Prayer
“Think and let think.”
John Wesley
“Give me 100 preachers who fear nothing but sin and desire nothing but God; such alone will shake the gates of hell.”
John Wesley
“In using all means, seek God alone. In and through every outward thing, look only to the power of His Spirit, and the merits of His Son. Beware you do not get stuck in the work itself; if you do, it is all lost labor. Nothing short of God can satisfy your soul. Therefore, fix on Him in all, through all, and above all...Remember also to use all means as means-as ordained, not for their own sake...”
John Wesley, How To Pray: The Best of John Wesley on Prayer
“By salvation I mean not barely according to the vulgar notion deliverance from hell or going to heaven but a present deliverance from sin a restoration of the soul to its primitive health its original purity a recovery of the divine nature the renewal of our souls after the image of God in righteousness and true holiness in justice mercy and truth.”
John Wesley
“When a man becomes a Christian, he becomes industrious, trustworthy and prosperous. Now, if that man when he gets all he can and saves all he can, does not give all he can, I have more hope for Judas Iscariot than for that man!”
John Wesley
“I want to know one thing, the way to heaven; how to land safe on that happy shore. God Himself has condescended to teach the way; for this end He came from heaven. He hath written it down in a book. Give me that book! At any price give me the Book of God!”
John Wesley
“Not, how much of my money will I give to God, but, how much of God’s money will I keep for myself?”
John Wesley
“I set myself on fire and people come to watch me burn.”
John Wesley
“Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry.”
John Wesley, John Wesley's Sermons: An Anthology
“Holy solitaries' is a phrase no more consistent with the Gospel than holy adulterers. The Gospel of Christ knows no religion but social; no holiness, but social holiness.”
John Wesley
“Untold millions are still untold.”
John Wesley
“Get on fire for God and men will come and see you burn.”
John Wesley

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Charles Finney Father of American revivalism

I have a retainer from the Lord Jesus Christ to plead his cause, and cannot plead yours."

The 29-year-old lawyer Charles Grandison Finney had decided he must settle the question of his soul's salvation. So on October 10, 1821, he headed out into the woods near his Adams, New York, home to find God. "I will give my heart to God, or I never will come down from there," he said. After several hours, he returned to his office, where he experienced such forceful emotion that he questioned those who could not testify to a similar encounter.
"The Holy Spirit … seemed to go through me, body and soul," he later wrote. "I could feel the impression, like a wave of electricity, going through and through me. Indeed it seemed to come in waves of liquid love, for I could not express it in any other way."
The next morning, Finney returned to his law office to meet with a client whose case he was about to argue. "I have a retainer from the Lord Jesus Christ to plead his cause," he told the man, "and cannot plead yours."

And so began the new career of the man who would become the leading revivalist in the nineteenth century.

Inside the burned-over district

Born in Connecticut, Finney was raised in Oneida County, New York. After a couple years teaching in New Jersey, he returned to New York to help his mother, who had become seriously ill. Meanwhile, he began studying law and became an apprentice to a judge in Adams.
After his conversion, Finney prepared for ministry in the Presbyterian church and was ordained in 1824. Hired by the Female Missionary Society of the Western District, he began his missionary labors in the frontier communities of upper New York. A rigid Calvinism dominated the theological landscape, but Finney urged his listeners to accept Christ openly and publicly. His style differed too; his messages were more like a lawyer's argument than a pastor's sermon.
At Evans Mills, he was troubled that the congregations continuously said they were "pleased" with his sermons. He set about to make his message less pleasing and more productive. At the end of his sermon, which stressed the need for conversion, he took a bold step: "You who have made up your minds to become Christians, and will give your pledge to make your peace with God immediately, should rise up." The entire congregation, having never heard such a challenge, remained in their seats.
"You have taken your stand," he said. "You have rejected Christ and his gospel." The congregation was dismissed, and many left angry.
The next evening, Finney preached on wickedness, his voice like "a fire … a hammer … [and] a sword." But he offered no chance to respond. The next night, the entire town turned out, including a man so angry with Finney that he brought a gun and intending to kill the evangelist. But that night, Finney again offered congregants a chance to publicly declare their faith. The church erupted—dozens stood up to give their pledge, while others fell down, groaned, and bellowed. The evangelist continued to speak for several nights, visiting the new converts at their homes and on the streets.
He rode from town to town over what was known as the "burned-over district," a reference to the fact that the area had experienced so much religious enthusiasm that it was thought to have burned out. Newspapers, revivalists, and clergy took notice of the increasingly rowdy meetings—meetings unlike those of reserved Calvinists.
Identifying Finney's revivals with those a few decades earlier in places like Cane Ridge, Kentucky, many were ecstatic about prospects for "awakening" in the northeast. But others were opposed to the "plain and pointed preacher." The Old School Presbyterians resented Finney's modifications to Calvinist theology. Traditional Calvinists taught that a person would only come to believe the gospel if God had elected them to salvation. Finney stated that unbelief was a "will not," instead of a "cannot," and could be remedied if a person willed to become a Christian.
Such rigid Calvinism, he said, "had not been born again, was insufficient, and altogether an abomination to God."
The revivalistic Congregationalists, led by Lyman Beecher, feared that Finney was opening the door to fanaticism by allowing too much expression of human emotion. Unitarians opposed Finney for using scare tactics to gain converts. Across the board, many thought that his habitual use of the words you and hell "let down the dignity of the pulpit."

"New Measures"

During this time, Finney developed what came to be known as "New Measures." He allowed women to pray in mixed public meetings. He adopted the Methodists' "anxious bench": he put a pew at the front of the church, where those who felt a special urgency about their salvation could sit. He prayed in colloquial, common, and "vulgar" language. Most of these New Measures were actually many decades old, but Finney popularized them and was attacked for doing so.
In July 1827, the New Lebanon Convention was held to examine these practices, as well as some false reports of excesses. Vote after vote ended in stalemate. When a last attempt was made at a resolution condemning questionable revivalistic practices, Finney countered by proposing a condemnation to "lukewarmness in religion." Neither proposal passed.
The zenith of Finney's evangelistic career was reached at Rochester, New York, where he preached 98 sermons between September 10, 1830, and March 6, 1831. Shopkeepers closed their businesses, posting notices urging people to attend Finney's meetings. Reportedly, the population of the town increased by two-thirds during the revival, but crime dropped by two-thirds over the same period.
From Rochester, he began an almost continuous revival in New York City as minister of the Second Free Presbyterian Church. He soon became disenchanted with Presbyterianism, however (due largely to his growing belief that people could, with God, perfect themselves). In 1834, he moved into the huge Broadway Tabernacle his followers had built for him.
He stayed there for only a year, leaving to pastor Oberlin Congregation Church and teach theology at Oberlin College. In 1851, he was appointed president, which gave him a new forum to advocate social reforms he championed, especially abolition of slavery.
Finney produced a variety of books and articles. His Lectures on Revivals of Religion (1835), a manual on how to lead revivals, inspired thousands of preachers to more consciously manage (critics said "manipulate") their revival meetings. His Lectures on Systematic Theology (1846) teach his special brand of "arminianized Calvinism."
Finney is called the "father of modern revivalism" by some historians, and he paved the way for later mass-evangelists like Dwight L. Moody, Billy Sunday, and Billy Graham.