Friday, June 30, 2017

Why is Scripture should be important to the Christian

     Most Christians have one or more Bibles in their residences.  Some keep them in plain view and others have them in the drawer of their night table.  Some carry them everywhere and others ignore them.  The Bible is a great source of history, story and of course is the Word of God.  So why should this Scripture written so long ago be important to the Christian?  It seems like an easy question to answer but can be complex to those who profess faith in Christ.  The reality of the matter is that Scripture twisting has existed since time eternal.  Martin Luther sought to go directly to the source when he translated the Bible out of Latin, the language of the Catholic church.  With this new translation people were able to read the Bible for themselves and weren't dependent upon anyone to tell them what the Bible said.  Illiteracy was quite prominent for centuries all across the world. As with so many issues in our world; illiteracy has been addressed and even more people can read the Bible for themselves.  Then comes the problems.  Whether you believe the Bible becomes not only important but essential in your Christian life.  Believers and unbelievers alike have read the Bible and either cemented their faith or doomed themselves to eternity in hell.
    Matthew chapter 4 is the first reason I would give as to why Scripture is important to the Christian.  In that chapter Jesus has gone into the wilderness to fast and pray.  He is confronted by Satan who then tempts Jesus with offers that Jesus doesn't take.  There are a couple of important things we read here.  The first is that Jesus answers his adversary with Scripture!  The second is that Satan also quotes Scripture!  In the end Jesus stands firm and commands Satan to leave his presence.  Wow!  That must have been some mountain top experience!  There is power in Scripture against the powers and principalities of this world (Satan's world).  Me?  Not so much.  Except I stand on Jesus there is no chance of victory in any area of my life. Now for those who don't believe in Satan or in hell, I have news for you.  You are wrong.  If you don't believe me, read the Bible.  The Lord speaks to us and through us and is NEVER in contradiction of what the Word says.  His input into our lives is impeccable. 
     I'm sure that you have more than likely read a book and noticed an error either in spelling or context.  I have as well.  Not with the Bible though.  Should we believe the Bible to be the Word of God, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit.  Once empowered by the Holy Spirit, Christians, think, act and speak in a totally different context.  Why is that?  As Paul says, "it is no longer me who lives but Christ who lives within me."  The world may not make sense to you and I from time to time.  My experience is that whatever I'm going through God has always taken me through it.  Even when I didn't have the answer to the "Why?" question, God's will would prove to have been at work in and through me.  The Scripture takes us out of the world and into His presence.  Those things revealed to us don't make much sense to the lost.  That is until you can show them in Scripture and witness the same in your life.  The Christian's life is the only Gospel that some people will ever hear.  YOU are the conduit through which the living God presents himself to the lost.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Cares, Worries, Affairs of this World, and Christians

     Cares, Worries, Affairs of this World, and People When these and other things that follow hinder or stop a person from doing the "WILL OF GOD," there is no doubt they are being used by Satan to accomplish his purpose. Will these things stop you from going to church, prayer meetings, Bible studies, fellowshipping with other strong believers, studying your Bible, memorizing Scripture, witnessing for Jesus, serving Jesus, and doing the will of God? These things may happen to you. 
     Family problems may arise. You may need to go on a honeymoon, or go and see a house, land, merchandise, or an automobile you want to buy. Perhaps you have to sign papers to buy it, and it just happens to be when the church service is being held or a Bible study. As we cover these items, thoughts may come into your mind, that it is not Satan who is using these to hinder you. Open your eyes, and see. When the thoughts that come into your mind are contrary to the Bible, they are of the evil one. You need to paint your house, repair a faucet, wash the dog, mow the grass, clean the swimming pool, wash the car, and cook meals. Beware, 2 Peter 2:4-5,9 "For if God spared not the Angels that Sinned, but Cast them down to Hell...and spared not the Old World...beware, for the Lord knoweth how to...Reserve the Unjust unto the Day of Judgment to be Punished." One of Satan’s devices that he uses in a person’s mind is he gives an excuse and then the reason why we cannot obey God’s will. Satan may lie to your mind saying, "You can’t do what God wants you to do, because you have no clean clothes, or you want to buy something, look at something, or do something. You can’t obey God, because you have no shoes." The list of excuses may go on and on. Luke 21:34 "And take Heed to yourselves, lest any time your "Hearts" be overcharged (weighed down) with Surfeiting, and Drunkenness, and "Cares" of this Life, and so "that Day"come upon you unawares (unexpectedly)."
     Are Monday morning things more important to you than the Sunday evening services? Is your mind focused "On Things Above" or "Things on the Earth"? Has your faith prompted you to let Jesus become the "Lord" of your life?
     Other things that may stop you from totally surrendering to God’s will are peer pressures. Friends may come into town to visit you at that same time you were to go to church, a Bible study, or study your own Bible. Perhaps you need to pick up a friend at the airport at that exact time. A friend’s vehicle may break down, and you have to go rescue him. You may disobey God by refusing to give up unsaved boy or girlfriends, or other friends. So you live in disobedience to God, and yet pray to God to help you with this or that. Are your prayers bouncing off the walls?
     Children may keep you from obeying God or even your wife or husband. Satan may say to your mind that God gave you these children. They come first: before church, before witnessing, before anything. I serve God by taking care of my children, my dog, my cat, etc. If you obey God, your husband or wife may threaten to leave you. Do you love wife, or husband, or children more than God? Satan may lie to your mind, and say, "It is not important if you miss one church service, or one Bible study. You can go another time." Don’t listen to Satan’s lies. Praise God, when Jesus called Matthew, and all the apostles, none of them let their jobs, or family, or friends stop them from immediately following Jesus. And these are examples for us to follow. Deny self. Follow Jesus

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Baseball games and taking communion

     It was an outing that had been long delayed but much anticipated as I went to a baseball game last night.  I hadn't been to a baseball game for several years and noticed right away the changes in security and the crowd control.  Police were visible everywhere and there was a man with "Liquor Control" in large letters on his shirt.  The rest appeared the same with the vendors, crowds supporting both teams and of course that 7th inning stretch.  Why am I telling you this?  You've probably gone to games and seen the same things and experienced the same events.  I was struck with the similarity between the crowds and the early church taking communion.  The event, according to the Bible had taken a turn towards the worse.  People had become involved with the tailgate parties, the being separate while in the same place with those around them, eating and drinking without control or reverence to the real meaning of communion.  With the baseball game we'd expect just this as it's a world focused event.  With the church?  Not so much.  However, here we are in the first century church seeing the same thing.  Maybe there is a bit of that going on in the churches still.  Why?
     In the taking of communion, like baseball, there is preparation needed to be able to participate.  One needs to have a clean heart, having made amends with those sinned against by taking care of the issue before taking of communion. The church today doesn't preach the need for being right before God and man today.  The church doesn't warn the participants that to take communion without being right before God has pretty heavy consequences.  Going to a baseball game not so much.  Churches talk more about baseball games than they do about communion.  This is what needs to be done.  First, be right with God.  That means being clean from sin.  That means being right with your brother or sister in Christ.  That means having made peace/amends with those with whom you have unresolved issues with.  Secondly, be aware of the sacrifice of God when Jesus went to the cross to make a way to have life and then life abundantly because of what he has done.  We certainly can't do this ourselves.  Thirdly, we need to understand the significance of communion.  The significance of communion in our spirit of humility knowing that there is no way we can appease God for our sins.  So then we share the Lord's table taking the bread representing the body of Christ broken for you.  Then taking the juice/wine which represents the blood Christ spilled that took his life.  All of this for you and I!
     If we don't arrive before the communion of the Lord in this frame of mind, the Bible tells us that we drink and eat the condemnation and judgement of God.  Wait a second!  This isn't present at the baseball game!  You are right.  However, this is present before God.  It's a serious frame of mind that the early church addressed so that we can have clear understanding of what spiritual position we need to achieve in order to be pleasing to  God and to glorify his Son who died and rose again so that we can have eternal life.  Communion isn't about the way we act at a baseball game.  Communion is about how we act daily in the presence of God toward our fellow man.  Do we share the Gospel?  Do we take care of the widow?  Do we care for the orphan?  Jesus did, does and always will. It's your choice.  Make it before you take communion. 

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

"Come out from their Midst and be Separate"

2 Corinthians 6:17 "Come out from their Midst and be Separate"

Set Apart For Christ - Be Separate - 2 Corinthians 6:17
BE SEPARATE - SET APART FOR CHRIST - What Does It Mean To Be Separate & Set Apart for Christ? As "SO4J" (Sold Out For Jesus)-Believers-in-Jesus-Christ we need to be reminded of these scriptures below on a daily basis in Gods Word-- as to not get caught up in the CARES and DISTRACTIONS of this TEMPORAL WORLD..I.e. We are to be IN the World.. But not OF this World... To Trust in JESUS and His Unfailing Word..!  Also check out: 50 SIGNS OF A NO COMPROMISE CHRISTIAN
  • 2 Corinthians 6:17 (NASB) "Therefore, COME OUT from THEIR MIDST and BE SEPARATE," says the Lord. "And DO NOT TOUCH what is UNCLEAN; and I will welcome you."
  • 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 (NASB) "Do NOT be BOUND TOGETHER with UNBELIEVERS; for what PARTNERSHIP have RIGHTEOUSNESS and LAWLESSNESS, or what FELLOWSHIP has LIGHT with DARKNESS? 15) Or what HARMONY has CHRIST with BELIAL (the DEVIL), or what has a BELIEVER in common with an UNBELIEVER? 16) Or what AGREEMENT has the TEMPLE of GOD with IDOLS? For we are the TEMPLE of the LIVING GOD; just as God said, "I will DWELL IN THEM and WALK AMONG them; and I will be their GOD , and they shall be My people. 17) "Therefore, COME OUT from THEIR MIDST and BE SEPARATE," says the Lord. "And DO NOT TOUCH what is UNCLEAN; And I will welcome you. 18) "And I will be a FATHER to you, and you shall be SONS and DAUGHTERS to Me," says the Lord Almighty."
  • John 15:19 (NASB) JESUS says: If you were OF THE WORLD, the world would LOVE IT'S OWN; but because you are NOT of the WORLD, but I CHOSE YOU OUT of the WORLD, because of this the WORLD HATES YOU."
  • 1 John 2:15-17 (NASB) "Do NOT love the WORLD nor the things in the WORLD. If anyone LOVES the WORLD, the love of the Father is not in him. For ALL that is in the WORLD the LUST of the FLESH and the LUST of the EYES and the BOASTFUL PRIDE OF LIFE, is NOT from the FATHER, but is from the WORLD. The WORLD is PASSING AWAY, and also its LUSTS; but the ONE who does the WILL OF GOD lives FOREVER."
  • James 4:4 (NASB) "You ADULTERESSES , do you not know that FRIENDSHIP with the WORLD is HOSTILITY toward GOD? Therefore whoever WISHES to be a FRIEND of the WORLD makes himself an ENEMY of GOD."

Monday, June 26, 2017

Not for the weak or lazy.

     Yesterday it was 99 degrees in my backyard where I had been working on getting my above ground pool ready for the summer.  Yes, I know I should have done so earlier!  I have 1 1/2 yards of sand to move to level the area, the inside needed to be washed so it was clean and then everything put back in place.  I didn't get to the sand which means the pools still sits on the grass.  However, the pool did get cleaned.  It was definitely hotter in the pool than outside the pool!  But, I finished the cleaning and called it a day.  No, I didn't go back and move the sand, replace the pool and fill it with water.  That can all wait.  Why did I stop?  Not because I was tired.  Not because I had lost interest and certainly not because nothing more needed to be done.  I stopped because it was the wisest decision for me with the temperatures where they were.  Common sense was given as part of God's download into my brain.  We all have common sense.  It's just that some people use it and some don't.  I don't complain about the heat but my body does.  I don't complain about the cold but my body does.  My body was given common sense as well.  All of this is dependent upon our paying attention to God.
     I finished re-reading the Old Testament this morning.  Wow!  What an epic story with prophecies concerning Jesus coming, his death and resurrection.  More than that, there is the promise of our future with or without Jesus as Lord!  I'm excited to begin the New Testament!  Can't wait to see the story unfold.  It's not the first time I've read through the Bible.  The Bible isn't for the weak or the lazy.  Well, maybe it is in the sense that they need to see what's ahead of them.  Jesus never calls us to be weak or lazy but rather to utilize the common sense that God has already instilled in us.  Paul tells us to be "instant in season and out to give account of that which Christ has done within us." (my paraphrase).  Knowing this we need to approach the day from God's perspective.  Should we do this, we will anxiously wait (positive anxiety) to see what God puts before us.  Ready to be amazed we look and listen for that which God has ordained in our lives.  That sole focus means we don't pay attention to the world.  The world's exciting only for those who are perishing.  That's where you and I come in.  We are to bring the Gospel to those who are perishing.  Just as Jesus went to the sinners to deliver the Gospel, we are called to do the same.  We do that by utilizing common sense from God, believing and holding to the Gospel and without a "shadow of turning" unabashedly preaching the Gospel with all of our thoughts, words and deeds.
     Remember the mandate?  Go and make disciples of all nations, care for the widow and the orphan.  It's still valid.  Nothing about the great commission has passed away.  With the intensity of the world's self destruction we are needed more than ever to be the Gospel to those around us.  Not with timidity or with hesitation but with boldness and being instantly able to share the Gospel.  If we question the Gospel, they will know.  If we don't live what we preach, they will know.  If we don't preach, they will not know.  The question remains are we going to live an "if" life of the weak and lazy or are we going to live a life of boldness and confidence knowing that The God of all creation has us in the hollow of his hands?  He will never leave nor forsake us.  He won't put anything on us that we cannot bear up under.  Remember that those around us will be watching to see if we struggle as well as when we succeed.  They need to know how much we care in order to care about what we know.  Do you know Jesus?  Remember, it's always your decision.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Quoting the Christian statistics.

     What is the only book in the Bible that doesn't mention God?  Ruth. What is the longest book in the Bible?  Psalms.  What is the shortest book in the Bible?  Jude.  Okay, those were easy if you know your Bible.  How about location of the Sermon on the Mount?  Matthew.  David's location when he wrote the 51st Psalm?  In a no exit canyon pursued by Saul.  You see, there are many important writings in the Bible which you may or may not think important.  Do you know where the first mention of Jesus is located?  Genesis 1:1.  Why is that so important?  Because Jesus is part of the Trinity and has existed for all of eternity in both directions.  He didn't just appear for 33 years and then go away.  Where in the Bible does it state that all of the requirements of the law have been fulfilled by Jesus' life, death and resurrection?  Matthew.  Now that wasn't so hard was it?  I don't have the Bible memorized.  What is important is that I do know what the Bible says, where it says it (most of the time), and what significance it carries for Christians.  I don't know who pitched for the Dodgers in 1995 or any year for that matter.  Nor do I know who was the hottest musician was in that or any year.  Not that I don't listen to music; but rather that I choose to remember the Word of God instead.  After all, I have only so much room in my head!
     The Bible says "Your Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against you, oh God."  Do you read the Bible?  If not, you are missing one zinger of a history, story, and instruction guide for your life.  Can you tell me what you have been reading that was all about God?  Don't get confused here.  I read magazines and books where I can see the hand of God utilizing people's innate intelligence as well as the wonder of all of nature.  Bees make the strongest structure in the world when they make their honey hives.  Hummingbirds can hoover for extended periods of time because of their large heart.  Tree root systems vary between species of plants because of their own special needs.  God created that.  The vision of many animals is only in black and white.  See, there are many things you do know that God has brought before you.  Without the wisdom of God there is no vision.  "Without a vision, the people perish."  Look it up, it's in the Bible.  The "answers to your prayers are on their way from heaven before the words pass through your lips."  It's also in the Bible, look it up.  We live in an age where we've become accustomed to relying on others for the wisdom and knowledge that is best found in the Word.  That's a statistic we shouldn't like.
     Just what is it that we teach the world about Christianity?  The hypocrisy we live is mainly because we just accept blindly what others say.  There are many cults, denominations, and individual churches that teach messages contrary to what the Word says.   They come as "wolves in sheep's clothing" seeking to deceive "even the very elect."  Yep, the Bible says that as well.  Do you teach your children that pagan holidays are to be celebrated even if they glorify the devil and his works?  Does your church?  If we take to heart the admonition of Jesus that we flee from sin, why do we partake in it?  Doing nothing to correct the wrong is wrong.  A "man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."  That's not in the Bible but should be noted as a paraphrase of what is.  Do we excuse other's choices as being different but okay?  Hmmm...that's not okay.  If we do, we become accessories to sin.  Just why is it we don't want to know the statistics of how many times we have not witnessed to someone and because of that the person doesn't know about Jesus?  Do you even care as you have your beer or drink while watching your sports game?  What statistic we use determines what we choose.  That's not good unless we are choosing God's statistics first and foremost.  Remember that it's always your choice.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Do you call yourself a Christian, but...

Do you call yourself a Christian, but fail to overcome Temptations to Sin on a Regular Basis?
  • Hebrews 10:26-39 "If we DELIBERATELY CONTINUE SINNING AFTER we have received KNOWLEDGE OF THE TRUTH, there is NO longer any sacrifice that will cover THESE SINS. There is only the TERRIBLE EXPECTATION OF GOD'S JUDGMENT AND THE RAGING FIRE that will consume his enemies." MORE
  • 1 John 3:8-10 "Those who have been Born into God’s family (Born Again) do NOT MAKE A PRACTICE OF SINNING, because God’s life is in them. So they CAN'T KEEP ON SINNING, because they are Children of God. So now we can tell who are Children of God and who are children of the devil. Anyone who does Not live Righteously and does Not Love other Believers does Not belong to God."
Do You Commit Any Of These Type of Sins on a CONTINUAL Basis:
A - SEXUAL SINS & GREED: Sex before Marriage, Looking at someone to Lust after them, Masturbation, Lustful Thoughts & Fantasizing, Looking at Pornography— these are All works of the Flesh. Are you Greedy— do you talk More about Money & Success than you talk about Jesus?
  • Ephesians 5:3-6 "Let there be NO SEXUAL IMMORALITY, IMPURITY, OR GREED among you. SUCH SINS have NO place among God’s people. OBSCENE STORIES, FOOLISH TALK, and COARSE JOKES—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. You can be sure that NOIMMORAL, IMPURE, OR GREEDY PERSON will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God. For a GREEDY PERSON is an IDOLATER,WORSHIPPING THE THINGS OF THIS WORLD. Don’t be fooled by those who try to EXCUSE THESE SINS, for the WRATH OF GOD will fall on all who DISOBEY HIM."
IMPORTANT NOTE: In America, Christians don't necessarily Suffer as Believers do in other Countries. However, when we decide to Stop Sinning is when we begin to Share in the Sufferings of Christwhich makes us Partners with Christ-1 Pet 4:13, Luke 9:23-26
  • 1 Peter 4:1 "So then, since Christ SUFFERED Physical Pain, you must arm yourselves with the SAME ATTITUDE He had, and be ready to SUFFER, too. For if you are willing to SUFFER FOR CHRIST, you have decided to STOP SINNING."
B - STRIFE, JEALOUSY, ANGER: Are you in Strife on a continual basis? Do you Get Offended Easily, are you consistently a Jealousy or Envious Person? Do you continually Quarrel & have Outbursts of Anger towards: Spouse, Family Members—anyone. Do you get Drunk, and/or hang out at: Bars & Clubs, attend Worldly Parties...etc.?
  • Galatians 5:19-21 When you follow the desires of your SINFUL NATURE, the results are very clear: SEXUAL IMMORALITY, IMPURITY, LUSTFUL PLEASURES, Idolatry, Sorcery, HOSTILITY, QUARRELING, JEALOUSY, OUTBURSTS OF ANGER, SELFISH AMBITION, DISSENSION, DIVISION, ENVY, DRUNKENNESS, WILD PARTIES, and other SINS LIKE THESE. Let me tell you again, as I have before, that anyone living that sort of life will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God.
C - STEALING & LYING: Do you Steal anything from Work— items that your Company would consider Stealing? Remember, Thieves will NOT inherit the Kingdom of God. Do you tell Lies? Do you tell those "White" Lies on a consistent basis that get you out of trouble, etc?
  • Luke 16:10-13 Jesus says, “If you are DISHONEST (cheat, steal, lie) in LITTLE THINGS, you WON'T be HONEST with greater responsibilities. And if you are UNTRUSTWORTHY about WORLDLY WEALTH, who will trust you with the TRUE RICHES OF HEAVEN?"
  • John 12:6 "Not that he (Judas) cared for the poor (he Professed that he did)—he was a THIEF, and since he was in charge of the Disciples’ Money, he OFTEN STOLE (practiced sin) some for himself."
  • Proverb 12:22 "LYING LIPS are an ABOMINATION to the Lord"
Don't minimize Sin, God is HOLY, and He Has a Holy Hatred for Sin

Friday, June 23, 2017

Somehow it just doesn't seem to matter.

     Maybe things don't seem to matter to you like they may have in the past.  Perhaps you too have let the priority of the first love for Jesus slip down on the ladder of what's important.  Maybe the cares of the world, 2.5 children, two pets and a house mortgage have captivated your time and effort.  Did you get to that place where somehow it just doesn't seem to matter anymore?  I've been there a few times.  Not that I wanted to go there...well sometimes I did.  It's when we find ourselves in this space of apathy and lack of vision that we need a vision all the more.  I took upon myself the task of building a big shop from free stuff from Craigslist and other sources.  The structure is standing waiting for me to install the trusses.  There is plenty to do and I work at it as time allows.  I was reminded why I'm building the shop by a question asked of me. "What do you envision doing in the shop when it's finished?"  I had to think a while because my main goal had been just finishing the shop.  Doing what I said I was going to do.  I hadn't thought past the last nail and screw.  I finally answered the question as I realized the next step was to enter that vision of tomorrow. 
     We decide to settle down, have a family, career and the family van.  We decide to attend a church on Sunday and Wednesdays and calling that good.  We enter into work looking at a retirement instead of looking for what God wants and desires.  All along we are slipping into the "somehow it just doesn't seem to matter" phase.  Maybe it's the status quo you have been chasing or trying to keep up with your neighbor?  I don't know what the situation is for you.  For me, trying to enter and exit the day doing what God wants me to do has been the greatest challenge.  Yes, I look for and long for that time when I step foot into heaven.  Yes, I long to be held by Jesus as he wipes away every tear and makes me whole again.  Yes, something does matter.  However, what matters here on earth cannot trump what matters in heaven.  People depend on you and I to be whom the Lord intended us to be.  We need the reminders of that in our work, play and family life.  We also need it in our life at church, baseball league, and our dance classes.  No, I don't take dance classes! 
     A preemptive strike is one in which we take the first action to prevent the action of others against ourselves.  It's been said that the best defense is a good offense and for good reason.  Rather than being actionaries, we have become a world of reactionaries.  We wait until the other guy or gal makes the first move and by then, it's to late.  We become victim to the "somehow it just doesn't seem to matter" syndrome.  Overwhelmed we quit.  Rather than choosing to stand for something we fall for anything.  The world just reinforces that element by every imaginable way.  Everything is becoming so regulated that people are stopping thinking for themselves.  We fail to stand when we should and become part of the mass that just exists.  I'm not for that and as a result I come up against opposition and sometimes persecution.  Taking up the Cross every day is the right choice.  Never mind the consequences of doing so.  Christ went to the cross just for this very moment in our lives.  Today is the beginning of another day.  Whether you or I choose to have a positive or negative attitude is totally up to us.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Christians and waiting on anything!

"Good things come to those who wait." 
"Delayed gratification makes the honey sweeter." 
"Everything in good time." 
"Patience builds character."

     There are many more I could write but don't need to frustrate myself.  I'm impatient.  Maybe some of you are as well.  We live in the day of instant gratification.  Buying at a fast food?  Just click your phone and go.  Don't want to wash the car?  Have someone come by and detail it.  Don't have time to do this or that?  There's an app for that.  Want a quick snack?  Microwave the bag.  You get the picture.  We are trained to be impatient people.  Whether we are waiting for the rain to fall on our parched crops or waiting for "the" game to start; we don't like to wait.  We have a difficult time waiting on God as well.  Yes, the Word tells us that he is faithful and will take care of all of our needs.  He doesn't say he would do that on our timeline.  Yes, the Word tells us that Jesus will return and take us home.  He doesn't say when.  There is everything in between that we are impatient with as well. 
     The Bible says the answers to our prayers are on their way from heaven even before the words leave our lips.  Do you believe that?  What's the big delay?!  God's timing is perfect.  Our timing is usually selfish.  Being patient on our terms doesn't mean that God is honoring our idea of timing.  He has a purpose whether or not we like to admit that fact.  God has 3 basic answers:  Yes, No, and Wait.  We don't like the last two.  However, with everything connected, God has a purpose for our patience.  Perhaps it's to give you the right hole in traffic to get where you are going?  Maybe it's that specialist medical provider being there at just the right time?  Regardless, the less we make our world run on our time the less peace we have.  There seems to be no particular one element that can change any of this.  So, why do we try?
     That's the problem!  "Trying" connotes an attempt at success but not really.  We say that we try our best but what would happen if we actually did God's best without the "try" being in the equation?  That would require faith (without which it's impossible to please God) and once exercised would build more faith.  What would happen if we really believed that God was in charge, that God knew what he was doing, and that God had a perfect plan just waiting for our surrender?  No doubt.  No fear. No longing for anything but going home to be with Jesus.  No more impatience.  Accepting that which the blessing of another day brings us without the harried experience we are now having.  When it comes down to it, it's always your choice.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Are You Ready for Judgment Day

Top 10 Ways That Unsaved People Think They're Saved

     The Questions is: "Are You Ready for Judgment Day?" and "If you Died TODAY do you know FOR SURE (Biblically) where you will spend Eternity?" Are you Trusting in your: Good Works alone, Your Traditions, Your Denomination, Spiritual Gifts, or in What a Good Person You Are, etc to get to Heaven? Will you be found by Jesus to be Guilty or Innocent? We are warned by Jesus & God's Word NOT to base our Eternal Salvation on: Our Good Works, Church Titles, Denominations, our Emotions, or because you attend Church, were Baptized, Confirmed, are Religious, or Spiritual. “Top 10 Ways That Unsaved People Think They’re Saved” shows the many ways which Satan deceives Billions of people into believing a lie that they are Saved, when maybe they are not. We are warned by Jesus NOT to base our Eternal Salvation on: Our Good Works alone, Church Titles & Denominations, our Emotions, or because you attend Church, etc. This Teaching is to help us Examine our Life (2 Cor 13:5) with the light of what God’s Word says, as someday we will all appear before Jesus Christ to be Judged, to see if our lives lined up with God’s Word. (Rom 2:5-11, Rev 20:11-15, Heb 9:27) We will expose these deceptions & misconceptions that are all Contrary to God’s Word. - 
     Lukewarm Unsaved People can look and act Saved by: Attending Church or Christian Functions, Singing in the Church Choir, Lifting their Hands at Church, and being very excited about Jesus in their Youth Group, or at a: Christian Concert, Retreat, or Conference. They might Work at Church, Teach Sunday School, be a Priest, or a Worldwide well known Preacher, Teacher, Priest, or Pastor. Some might have an incredible Christian Ministry, or be working on an a Christian Project, Book, Movie, Magazine, Church, etc. in which they talk to others about their Project or their Ministry MORE than they talk to others about JESUS! (2 Cor 4:5) They might appear to be quite focused on God and appear to be a person of deep Prayer; they might even have a Ministry that teaches people on how to Pray. They might be very zealous, and outgoing for Jesus. They might give Money to Charities, or Tithe at Church, and/or they might have memorized their Bibles inside and out. They might be: Soul Winners, Perform Healings, Miracles, Cast out Demons, and have the Power to Prophecy. They might Follow Church Traditions and Doctrines, and say Christian Cliché. They might be a Contemporary “Christian” Singer or a Musician in a very talented “Christian” Band, but when you go to their website or to a “Christian” Concert they have very little mention about the name of JESUS, and/or how one can be Biblically Saved; it’s mainly only info about themselves, and their “Christian” Music, Merchandise, Tours...etc. Lukewarmers can look “HOT” for Jesus by: displaying a Christian Bumper Sticker on their car, and even wearing a WWJD (What Would Jesus Do) wristband. They might be a Well-Known Person who took a stand for great "causes" like: Illiteracy, Aids, and Worldwide Famine, or be a Best Selling “Christian” Author, and have a “Christian” Radio or TV Show. They might simply be a: Good Person, a Mom, a Dad, or a Grand Parent, doing Good & Kind Deeds. The Lukewarm Person might be known to the World as a Good Person who was a: “Reverend,” a “Pope,” a “Father,” a “Bishop,” a Religious Nun, or a “Pastor” of a Church; even a very large and prosperous Church that is known Worldwide. Mark 4:12 Jesus says, ”They see what I do, but they don't perceive its meaning. They hear My words, but they don't understand. So they will not Turn from their Sins and be Forgiven.” The point is, you can appear to be the most Godly person on Earth, and still miss Heaven and spend Eternity in Hell. You can appear to have your act together with the Lord, but God knows the true condition of each man’s heart. - 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

50 Signs of a No Compromise Christian

  1 - They Do NOT CONFORM To The Things Of This World—Their #1 Goal Is To Be Like Jesus
  2 - They LOVE THE LORD their God with all their Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength
  3 - They Are SEPARATING Themselves From ALL Ungodliness And The Things Of This WORLD
  4 - They Are Walking Down The Narrow Road Of God's HOLINESS—They Are God's Holy Remnant
  5 - They Do NOT WATCH WORLDLY (Lustful, Evil..): TV & Movies, Internet Pornography, Computer Games
  6 - They Do NOT LOOK UPON Worldly Magazines & Books From Celebrity Magazines To Pornography...
  8 - They Do NOT LOOK UP TO WORLDLY IDOLS Such As: Singers, Movie Stars, Sports Figures...
  9 - They Do NOT PARTNER UP WITH UNBELIEVERS And Those Who Compromise Their Walk With Jesus
10 - They PURSUE PURE AND GODLY FRIENDSHIPS That Inspire Them To Be More Like Jesus
11 - They Display Christ-likeness In Their THOUGHT-LIFE & ATTITUDES - A Beattitude Attitude
12 - They Are HUMBLE and Have Child-like Faith
13 - They REFUSE LUKEWARMNESS—Having "One Foot In GOD'S WORD, And One Foot In The WORLD"
14 - They Seek To Please The Lord through GOOD DEEDS & HAVING A SERVANT'S HEART
16 - They SEEK FIRST God’s Kingdom, NOT Worldly Wealth & Possessions
17 - They’d Rather SUFFER & BE POOR & NOT Compromise With The World Than Be Rich & Famous—Content
18 - They Are GENEROUS & are GIVERS Whether They Are Poor Or Have Much
19 - They Are SURRENDERING ALL To Follow Jesus—They Are “Taking Up Their Cross Daily”
20 - They’ve STOPPED PRACTICING SINAnd When They Do Sin There Is Deep Sorrow
21 - They SPEAK OUT & WARN PEOPLE Of God's Coming Judgments, And PREACH THE GOSPEL
23 - They LOVE and DO GOOD To Fellow Christians
25 - They Are DOERS Of The Word, Not Merely HEARERS— Faith Without WORKS is Dead
26 - They FEAR THE LORD And Turn Away From Evil
27 - They Do NOT Seek The Approval Of Man, But Seek Only To PLEASE THE LORD
28 - They Are NOT HYPOCRITES—Giving God Mere Lip Service
30 - They PRAY FERVENT PRAYERS, And Pray Often With Fellow Believers
31 - They STUDY & TEACH GOD'S WORD & HIS WAYS To Sinners & Believers—Making Disciples
33 - They Are READY, WAITING, AND EAGERLY ANTICIPATING The Soon Return Of Jesus Christ
34 - They LOVE GOD'S COMMANDMENTS & HIS WORD, Reading It Daily And Memorizing It
35 - They Make Use Of Every OPPORTUNITY To Do Good & Preach The Gospel - they're "Fire Snatchers"

36 - They PRODUCE MUCH FRUIT For Jesus— They're PRODUCTIVE with the GOSPEL & Are GODLY
37 - They Are Co-Heirs With Christ: And Share The SUFFERINGS OF JESUS By "Crucifying Their Flesh"
38 - They Understand GOD'S ETERNAL PURPOSES For His HOLY PEOPLE Vs. This Temporal Evil World
39 - They Know They Are Merely Passing Through This World, And Their REAL HOME Is With The Lord
40 - They Do Everything For The GLORY OF GOD
42 - They CLEARLY Understand The Gospel & CLEARLY PREACH God's Word With BOLDNESS
44 - They Put NO CONFIDENCE IN THEIR FLESH - They Are Decreasing & Christ is Increasing
45 - They Have INTEGRITY, HARD WORK, & PURSUE RIGHTEOUSNESS— They do Not Lie, Steal, Cheat
46 - They Are Always VERY THANKFUL TO GOD For His— Kindness, Provisions, Protection, etc
48 - They Acknowledge & Obey GOD'S WILL For Their Lives
50 - They do NOT allow the CARES & WORRIES Of This Life to DOMINATE their MIND & CONVERSATIONS

Monday, June 19, 2017

"Why do so many people struggle with a lack of faith?"

Question: "Why do so many people struggle with a lack of faith?"

The apostle Paul exhorts Christians to “walk by faith and not by sight” (2 Corinthians 5:7). What we see here is a contrast between truth and perception—what we know and believe to be true and what we perceive to be true. This is where the Christian struggle with a lack of faith finds its basis. The main reason why so many Christians struggle with a lack of faith is that we follow our perceptions of what is true rather than what we know to be true by faith.

Perhaps before going any further it may be helpful to come up with a working definition of faith. Faith, contrary to popular opinion, is not “belief without proof.” This is the definition that many skeptics give for faith. This definition reduces faith to mere fideism—i.e., “I believe despite what the evidence tells me.” Skeptics are right to reject this concept of faith, and Christians should reject it, too. Faith is not belief without proof or belief despite the evidence; rather, faith is a complete trust or confidence in someone or something. That trust or confidence we have in someone is built up over time as he proves himself faithful time and time again.

Christianity is a faith-based religion. It is based on faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ. God has provided us with His Word, the Holy Bible, as a testimony of His faithfulness to His people all throughout history. In its bare essentials, Christianity is faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ claimed to be the promised Messiah and the Son of God. His life was one of perfect righteousness according to the revealed Law of God, His death was an atoning sacrifice for the sins of His people, and He was raised to life three days after His death. When we place our faith and trust in Christ alone for our salvation, God takes our sin and places it on the cross of Christ and awards us, by grace, with the perfect righteousness of Christ. That, in a nutshell, is the Christian message. As Christians, we are called to believe this message and live in light of it.

Despite this, Christians still struggle with believing the biblical account because it doesn’t match up with our perception of reality. We may believe that Jesus was a real person, we may believe that He died by crucifixion at the hand of the Romans, we may even believe that He led a perfect life according to God’s Law, but we don’t “see” how faith in Christ makes us righteous before God. We can’t “see” Jesus atoning for our sins. We can’t “see” or “perceive” any of the great truths of Christianity, and, therefore, we struggle with lack of faith. As a result of this lack of perception, our lives often do not reflect the fact that we really believe what we claim to believe.

There are many reasons for this phenomenon among Christians. The main reason we struggle with faith is that we don’t truly know the God in whom we profess to have faith. In our daily lives, we don’t trust complete strangers. The more intimately we know someone and the more time we have had to see him “in action,” the more likely we are to believe what he says. But, if God is essentially a stranger to us, we are less likely to believe what He has said in His Word. The only cure for this is to spend more time in God’s Word getting to know Him.

The world, the flesh, and the devil often distract us. By “the world” is meant the accepted “wisdom” of the unbelieving world and the culture in which we find ourselves. For those of us living in Europe and North America, that dominant worldview is naturalism, materialism, skepticism, and atheism. “The flesh,” refers to our sinful nature that still clings to Christians and with which we struggle on a daily basis. “The devil” refers to Satan and his horde of evil spirits who excite and entice us through the world and our senses. These things all afflict us and cause us to struggle with faith.

That is why Christians need to be constantly reminded of what Christ has done for us and what our response should be. The apostle Paul says, “Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). Our faith is built up as we have the gospel continually preached to us. Our churches need to be built on the solid preaching of the Word and the regular observance of the ordinances. Instead, too many churches spend their time, energy, and resources on the creation of “programs” that neither feed the sheep nor draw a clear distinction between godliness and ungodliness.

Consider the example of the Israelites in the Old Testament. God had performed great miracles in rescuing His chosen people from slavery in Egypt—the Ten Plagues, the pillar of smoke and fire, and the crossing of the Red Sea. God brings His people to the foot of Mount Sinai, gives them the Law and makes a covenant with them. No sooner does He do this than the people begin to grumble and lose faith. With Moses gone up on the mountain, the people convince Aaron, Moses’ brother, to construct an idol (against God’s clear prohibition) for them to worship (Exodus 32:1–6). They were no longer walking by faith, but by sight. Despite all the clear miracles God did in their redemption, they lost faith and began to go on their perception.

That is why God instructed the new generation of Israelites before going into the Promised Land to continually remind themselves of what God had done for them: “And these words that I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise” (Deuteronomy 6:6–7). God knows that the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Mark 14:38), and so He commands His people to be in constant remembrance of these things.

In conclusion, we need to heed the example of the disciple Thomas. When Thomas heard the stories of the resurrection, he wouldn’t believe them until he saw Jesus with his own two eyes. Jesus accommodated Thomas’ lack of faith by making an appearance to him and allowing him to see and touch Him. Thomas responds in worship, and Jesus says to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Many skeptics today echo Thomas’ sentiment: “Unless I see Jesus face to face, I will not believe!” We must not behave as the unbelievers do. We need to continually keep in mind Paul’s exhortation to walk by faith rather than sight. We learn in the book of Hebrews that without faith it is impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6) because faith is believing the Word of God and acting upon it, not responding to our perceptions.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Looking for sanity in a crazy world.

     The headlines of the news either written online or in hard copy causes me pause and I'm left wondering just what is going on with Christians in the non-Christian world we live in.  Perhaps you too have wondered when sanity will once again reign in the believers lives.  Never is the absolute answer here on earth.  Upon entry to heaven is the sane absolute answer for the believer.  Those two worlds can never mesh.  It's a mess out there and we're left trying to navigate that insanity.  The good and bad news is that it's mandatory that the world get worse.  The Bible says through prophecy that the world must get worse than the days of Noah before the Lord will take us home.  Slowly and sometimes quickly the prophecies are being fulfilled.  The time is drawing nearer and nearer and reading the news is confirmation of that.  Our Christian outlook shouldn't be compromised by those who still dream of a perfect world.  On earth that will not happen.  In heaven, it's a promised event.  In the meantime what are you and I doing to help others find peace in their lives?
     Thinking themselves to be wise they proved themselves to be fools.  Christians seem to think, generally, that if they "do" this or that the world will get better.  Not so. At least according to the Bible.  The world is unfolding as God wants for His glory and all that we do should be for the glory of God.  Simply put, we are to be about God's business of bringing the dead to life.  After that their history will be with God.  In him there is no shadow of turning.  God states what he will do and he does it.  Christians, not so much.  That includes me at time.  While it's important we participate in getting the message out there, we usually have a stopping point when the cost gets to much.  Our complacency as Christians in the world is horrible in the eyes of God.  Has he delayed the coming of Jesus so that you and I can become bold in our faith?  What is it that we do and don't do to further the kingdom of God.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about doing being validation of being saved.  "Faith," as Petra sings, "is in folded hands."  By folded hands I mean praying for the will of God to be revealed so that you can go forth and care for the widow and homeless as well as preach salvation to the lost.  We aren't going to make this world better.  We are bringing a better option when we concentrate on the above three things.  It's what we are commanded by Jesus to do.
     Despite my lack of confidence in organized religion; when I talk with someone about Christ I try to refer them to a church local to them that preaches the Gospel.  I've attended many different churches over my adult lifetime.  Some were good and some weren't so good.  Whenever there are the components of the fall present you and I should run to the Cross.  Those three are:  manipulation, control and secrecy.  That goes for the rest of our lives as well.  No, I'm not just paranoid.  Masses have followed alleged Christian leaders only to find out that the gospel that was being preached wasn't the Gospel at all.  Every Christian should be daily reading the Bible which the Holy Spirit can set in your heart so that you can spot that which isn't true.  Taking the offense rather than defense requires us to do so.  If we don't know what the Bible says but instead take someone else's point of view, we fail.  Adam and Eve did just that and as a result God in the person of Jesus came to earth to correct the fall in your life and mine.  He was killed taking our sins upon himself in the cross.  He rose to cement our own resurrection.  This is sanity.  All else is folly.  Remember it's always your choice.

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Someone stole my chickens!

     Last night while I was gone from home someone stole 3 of my 8 chickens.  It wasn't a predator as there were no predator signs.  That left human action as the likely culprit.  What has this to do with the Christian walk?  Everything.  We all want to feel safe and secure where we are.  Whether that be an apartment in a high rise that recently burned in England or the 3 acres I live on as well as everything in between.  Who stole my chickens?  I don't know and probably won't ever know.  It means 3 less eggs a day.  I can handle that.  But the envelope of security has been ripped open and my vulnerability and my chicken's vulnerability is damaged.  We also want, as people, to have back what has been taken.  Jesus told the parable of the 100 sheep.  Remember it?  The 99 were where they were supposed to be while one was lost.  Whether that "lost" was intentional or not isn't important.  They were lost to their owner.  Likewise I looked for my 3 chickens but unlike Jesus, I wasn't able to find them.  Unlike Jesus I have to admit loss and go on.  Jesus seeks me every time I wander away and brings me back to the flock.  No pun intended.
     The amount of searching we do for something we have lost or has been taken from us determines the degree of responsibility we feel for what is ours.  Three chickens are definitely not high on my importance list.  I can go on craigslist and pick up three anytime I want.  Those human beings who are in my life hold much greater importance to me.  Those who are lost are of great importance to me.  Again, chickens, not so much.  It was once said that only those who have been hurt deeply are able to love deeply.  The hurt results in greater compassion and the following action we take.  It's no different with our relationship with Jesus.  He came from heaven, lived amongst us, proclaimed salvation for all who believed, was persecuted by many before being arrested on false charges only to be found guilty, killed and buried.  But the story doesn't stop there!  He rose again so that we could all resurrect as well.  He died for all of us lost sheep and lives for us as well.  Some seek Jesus and others don't.  But it isn't he who was lost.
     I think that Christians have changed over the ages to where the seeking is no longer a top priority.  There isn't that "investment" in their relationship to feel any urgency to look for the lost.  The lost may be living in your house.  Why is that?  There is the assumption problem.  Christians generally don't take the responsibility to seen the lost because they think it's someone else's job.  That's certainly not true.  Sometimes they don't do the seeking for fear of offending someone.  Then there are those who call themselves Christian and they simply just don't care.  Would you and I drop everything to seek the lost?  I would hope so.  It means leaving everyone and everything that has already been found for those who are lost.  That mean everything.  Should we keep on foot in the world and the other for Jesus; it's like an anchor keeping Jesus from living through us.  I probably won't spend a lot of time trying to figure out the chicken mess.  I will spend the rest of my life on earth seeking those who are lost.  Remember, it's always your choice.

Friday, June 16, 2017

It's Friday! How do you feel?

     Even us retired folk love Friday.  I know that for many it signifies a time where we can shirk our work responsibilities for the next two days, kick back and relax or take care of those projects we never have time for.  Friday is the antithesis of Monday.  The week begins for most in the opposite of Friday at 5:00.  We have a celebration of sorts inside of ourselves knowing we don't have to do this or that.  Unfortunately that attitude is short lived with Monday.  So what is the Christian supposed to do with this phenomena?  How is the Christian to deal with the world's pattern?  I'd like to say that the Christian should put on a happy face everyday but that isn't reality.  We too are bombarded with the trials and temptations of the week.  Living the 9 to 5 life isn't what Christians are supposed to do.  We have the opportunity of working for the world and living in the world or we can work for Christ and live for Christ.  What does that look like?  It's different in some sense for ever Christian due to the various calling that has been given to us by God.  Your place in the body is probably different than mine.
     We Christians should see the simple picture.  However, that simple picture is complicated by the world we live in.  At least in my world it is.  There are bills to pay, lawns to mow, children to take to the park, garbage to take out, projects to be done and no sign of an end to any of them.  When life begins and ends by the world's expectations, the Christian's shouldn't.  I mow my lawn any day I like and am not confined by the weekend.  I do chores and projects as they rise to the surface rather than making them a thing that controls my life and time.  I set priorities that are important to me so that I can take care of myself.  And, I start every day with devotions, journaling, and writing this blog. THAT sets my day.  From that focus I can either be flexible with where and how God wants me to go through my day.  It's not that I want every day to be Friday; because I don't.  I don't want Friday mentality at all.  I want to be the same all the time.  It's not the dread of Monday either that drives me.  You can have moments of despair on any day of the week.  Here's the good news!
     Matthew, in the Sermon on the Mount, records the words of Jesus about the week, months and years.  Jesus told us to not take a thought of tomorrow.  Jesus told us to live in the moment.  Jesus told us to be available for His will.  Jesus said that he would be there through all our trials.  Jesus also said that we would have good days and bad days.  WHAT?!  He said we would be persecuted for our faith.  Unlike the rest of the world, we have a knowledge that Jesus will be there with us as well.  Paul said that he died daily to self.  There is a big clue.  Dying to self simply means that we give up.  Our way doesn't work.  The world's way doesn't work.  He went on to say that he put on Christ.  Being able to allow Christ to live through you is essential.  So, what can we do about Friday?  The Christian takes the death of Jesus as Good Friday.  Why isn't that bad?  Because it initiated the Good News of his freeing us from our sins.  Have you ever thought of every day as Good Friday?  If you will, there will be no dread on Monday.  Remember that it's always your choice.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

I had a dream last night...good dream.

     There I was minding my own business asleep and suddenly a dream burst on my unconscious self.  The dream was in a worldly paradise setting which was nice.  The drama of the dream was about travel, strangers, and my brother Chuck.  Chuck was taken home by Jesus some years ago at the age of 57.  He had cancer.  By taking Chuck home there was no more pain.  But I'm getting ahead of myself.  Chuck is my oldest brother.  He was a good man, good father and husband.  Most of all, he was a good brother to me.  When he left home after the summer of his graduation from high school he entered the US Army and went to Viet Nam.  The good news was he returned home alive.  The bad news is the family stopped for that year as the focus was on him and his safety.  That's not bad just energy draining.  His safe return was great!  Chuck went to pilots school and never stopped flying.  While I was in Chicago finishing seminary, Chuck came to Chicago for a layover and we had the evening together.  We had a wonderful time.  Close to the end of the evening as we were sitting in my living room, Chuck asked what it meant to be "saved".  I gave Chuck his answer and answered other questions he had before asking him if he would like to ask Jesus into his life.  He said, "No, I have to think about it."  A couple of years before his death he gave his life to Jesus. 
     Back to the dream.  In the dream I was in a resort type setting where they had a central area with coffee shops and eating places.  I was dying for a cup of coffee and went to the local coffee barista. While I was standing there ready to order my coffee I noticed a couple approaching me.  I turned to give them my attention and couldn't believe my eyes!  It was chuck and his wife!  They told me that they had disappeared faking their deaths.  I didn't care about that.  It was so good to see him, hug him and give and receive love with him.  He looked better than I had seen him in real life.  As we were engaging he said he needed to go.  As he walked away with his wife and disappeared I was left with that feeling when all you get is not enough.  I awoke from the dream at 5 something and didn't go back to sleep.  I wondered what all the dream meant and began to go over the elements of the dream to see what God's message to me was. 
     Chuck is in heaven because he proclaimed that he no longer lived but that Christ lived through him.  His death wasn't really death because he came from death to live when he asked Jesus to be his Savior.  Physical death then meant nothing as he couldn't die!  As he walked through that door from here to there his heart never skipped a beat.  One he exhaled for the last time here he inhaled for the first time there.  Isn't that awesome!  If we are Christians there should be no fear of death because we can never die!  We simply change addresses.  I would have loved to have Chuck in my life for much longer.  I'm sure many of you would like to have had a loved one back in the same fashion.  Chuck was healed and made whole by Jesus the moment he stepped through that door.  Never to suffer again.  He wipes away their tears and just loves on these as they pass from here to there.  I was blessed to have the dream.  I love you Chuck.  Remember it's always your choice.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"Go into all the world and preach Christ risen!"

     There are times and situations where we don't realize that we have gone "into all the world" and lived the Gospel message.  Likewise, there are times we have done the same and not lived the Gospel.  The urgency of bringing Christ to the lost is increasing as we wait for Jesus to come back.  There are signs and wonders taking place to verify that sense of urgency.  However, few listen, hear and take heed in their Christian lives.  This has been the case for a long time.  Churches and denominations are compromising the Bible and their relationship with God when they encourage and engage in sin.  With the whole world watching, there needs to be repentance and for Christians to see themselves as God sees them.  That includes me.  Paul says, "Those things I know to do, I don't and those things I know not to do, I do.  Wretched man that I am."  Yet he didn't give up and neither did the believers then.  They saw the need then just as we see the need now.  I'd like to say that I'm always on fire for God.  But then I would be lying.  You may find yourself in the same quandary. 
     When we read the Scripture above our first thought may be "thank you God for missionaries."  But it's not just the missionaries, pastors, deacons and other church leaders that the Scripture is addressing.  It's you and I, our friends and family, all church attenders, and those who call Jesus their Savior.  Just as we cannot opt out of our families, we cannot opt out of our relationship with God. Yes, we can wander and go astray.  The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is the hound of heaven and He will pursue us all day and night to return to a right relationship with God.  There are tenacious Christians who constantly are praying for you and I.  The Bible tells us that God hears the prayers of the righteous and that "the answers to our prayers are on their way before the prayer leaves our lips."  Awesome!  So, why aren't all Christians praying night and day for the lost around them.  We send our missionaries across the waters to others without even considering that here and now is the mission field.  They sit at our tables, walk on our street, borrow a cup of sugar, play with our kids, and so many others that being a Christian should be a full time focus.
     The apathy of the Christian (not all Christians) is appalling.  It's the way of the world.  Don't get involved, don't talk with strangers, keep your beliefs to yourself and many more messages are given and reinforced everyday.  Are you ashamed of the Gospel that brought you from death to life?  If you are living for Jesus, you are living for the world and Satan's agenda.  There are only two choices that need be considered and only one chose that is wise.  Serve God or serve Satan.  There are so many who have chosen to serve God and then serve the world instead.  Are you watching TV and engaging in those shows that don't honor Christ?  Then you are of the world.  Are you so consumed with your drinking buddies, sports, and other distractions that you don't even mention Christ?  Then you are of the world.  Christians have the choice of Christ living in them and through them.  They also have the choice to ignore the Great Commission as stated in the title.  You and I are left with an eternity changer for so many.  Remember it's always your choice.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

What do people say about your being Christian?

     The lines in our lives get blurred between being taken as a Christian, a "kinda" Christian and not being a Christian at all.  I've fit into all three over my 64 years.  Not proud of the last two but simply acknowledging the truth as it is.  Maybe you have been there as well.  We have done this to ourselves and there is no one but ourselves to indict.  I'd like to think that most people who know me think of me as a Christian.  Not because of what I think, say or do; but rather how Christ lives within me.  It's not difficult to pick up my flaws and many have done so over the years.  If Christians are examining you, then they aren't letting the Holy Spirit examine their lives.  Don't get me wrong, Christians are to be accountable to one another.  It's the motive that gets things skewed and totally out of hand.  Rumors don't exactly help the matter either.  Let's be clear, not all that we think, say or do is Christian at all.  I think that's a truth many live with.  Our secrets maybe aren't so secret and certainly God knows them.  People fear what others think about them.  It's wrong but that goes on anyway to the disdain of God. 
     I've been to 3 church services in as many weeks.  While the Scripture was used as a basis of what the sermon was to be about, all three pastors almost immediately went to talking about my two non-favorite topics: tithing and church membership.  Is that how they determine what kind of Christian I am?  Does it tell you what they think about your Christianity?  What does Jesus think about your Christian life should be the central questions for the Christian church.  With our wonderful buildings, large budgets dominating the landscape there is little hope that anyone can see the Christian life as one they would want.  An old saying states: "People don't care about how much you know until they know how much you care."  Mike Warnke once said, "Don't tell me that you are telling me something in Christian love.  I'll know what you are saying is love or not."  We see Paul confronting those he ministered to, Peter and the other disciples all loving people without having to tell them that they love them.  What has changed that we are now so PC that we don't even dare express our Christian love anywhere but safe places? 
     The religious leaders in the Bible were those who had knowledge but didn't care.  Can the same be said of us?  Do we care about what people think of us (worldly view) or do we care about what God thinks of us.  If we care about what people think we are already losing the game.  If we care about what God thinks, we change the world we live in because they can see with their eyes, hear with their ears and embrace the love of God all because we chose to let God's love run through our lives wherever and whenever God wants that to happen.  By the way, that's all the time.  Caring about what people think  over what God thinks is a message we should be providing.  Understand that what God thinks of us trumps what the world thinks of us.  In the end, all will stand before God to give account of every moment, every deed, every word that the Christian and non-Christian shown the world.  What will the Father say about you and I in regards to our time sojourneying here on earth?  I'd rather think about what he Father sees and thinks than to please anyone here on earth.  Remember that it's always your choice.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Preparing for Paradise

     Yep, I'm a prepper!  Some are and some aren't.  I'm talking about Christians.  Obviously those without Christ need to be but sadly are not.  Going to church on Sunday and Wednesday nights aren't prepping.  Going to confession at mass is not prepping.  Obeying the legal requirements of those who thought up different denominations isn't prepping.  Prepping for Paradise isn't about any of that.  Prepping for Paradise is three fold.  First you and I need to prepare ourselves.  Second, we need to be about helping others become preppers.  Third, we must as Christians, live the life of someone who can stand before the Father and hear those words, "well done thou good and faithful servant."  Here is a clue, prepping isn't about giving to a church, televangelist, or even to some charity.  Prepping is about a relationship with God.  Are you and I preparing to walk with Jesus in Paradise?  Evaluating ourselves is essential.  Five days ago I did a 4 part series (borrowed) on lukewarm Christians.  That may be you and is definitely me from time to time.  My own life can be greatly prepped so that the world sees Jesus and not me.  Can you say that about your life?
     Have you travelled by airplane lately?  From the first time I flew on a plane in 1971 till now the experience has been changing.  Where once I carried a gun with me when I flew (police days) to where fingernail clippers are confiscated the world has changed.  I now prep way before my travels.  It begins by planning trips at times when I won't have to wait so long in line.  I hate lines.  They are such a hindrance to my plans.  Some would say I'm impatient.  Need to prep for that as well.  Hence the time when there will be the shortest line.  Then there is packing.  I no longer pack like I used to.  Instead, I plan on what to pack in my suitcase and what is going onto the plane in my carryon.  In my recent flight my biggest concerns were my computer and my camera.  So they were in my carryon.  Whatever I could pack in my checked luggage went there.  My carryon then became smaller and I wasn't juggling for position to store that backpack.  I check in online in order to cement the place where I am going to sit.  I usually try for a seat forward and by a window.  It's just my preference.  Then, finally, I send my flight information to whomever I am going to visit.  That's about it.
     When we prep for Paradise, we should be about doing the same system.  Our focus, like the trip, should be about the trip.  I don't need to worry about having my laundry done or buying up groceries before I leave and while on my trip.  It's all about doing what you can when you can with what you have.  I have the Lord Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit who prep me.  As Paul says, he puts on Christ Jesus and him resurrected daily.  Paul goes on to say we should be in an attitude of prayer all day long.  This allows us to have a Godly focus throughout the day.  Prepping isn't just about me.  It's also about those around me.  What am I doing to focus them towards the Savior?  Then there are those you work with, those who you meet at the bar after work, and those who are abandoned or orphan and the widow.   Does my own relationship with God help others?  I know so.  Even if I don't lead someone in the prayer of salvation, I try to lead them to the light where they can do so.  I'm not perfect but am prepped to one day be perfect in Paradise.  Remember that this is always your choice.

Sunday, June 11, 2017

A life lived well.

     It's Sunday morning.  The sun is beginning to shine through the wooded area at the end of my property.  There is no wind.  Everything but the air cleaner is silent.  My dog is laying beside me in my recliner peacefully sleeping.  There seems to be expectations in the air for me to put time in outside today.  Maybe pull some weeds or perhaps work on one of my many projects.  I'm blessed to have been granted yet one more day here on earth.  I start most every day with my devotions, journaling and writing this blog.  The rest of the day is unpredictable.  I like it that way.  No rut to stay in.  Some days I don't work on projects or even tend my gardens.  Then there are days that it seems like I've finished so much.  With my busy life directed by God you would think I live a life of bliss.  Not so.  Well, some days.  No one that I know has a life of bliss.  Rather they, like me, look forward to an eternity of bliss in heaven.  That's the way it should be.  I've just finished the last 4 days of journaling by sharing 10 questions about being an active Christian.  I don't want to be lukewarm or even cold in my representing the Lord Jesus.  There in lies my struggle.  Maybe it's your struggle as well.  You know.
     The title of my first book is "While I Was Yet Sinning."  I wrote the book out of my desire to share how we are sinners saved by grace living life on a day to day basis, failing and getting back up again.  Our lives as they unfold are the only Gospel some will ever se.  The book has a common theme of caring for the lost, the widow and the orphan...while you and I are still sinning.  There is no excuse for our witness of Christ.  None.  As Christians we need to get set free from the thinking which reflects why we don't share Christ.  We need to drop the guilt and be real with people.  Even though many know of my many failings, there are still opportunities that come before me to share my faith.  You know, the faith that Christians are blessed with.  People are watching us.  Some are watching us to take us out of the fight.  They are waiting for that fatal error where we sin in a way that they think disqualifies us for the race.  Then there are those who watch us to evaluate how much faith we have.  From time to time we all seem to decrease in our faith.  Finally there are those who seek to find out what it is that makes our lives so blessed.  These are the people that seek Jesus.  There is where we need to spend our time.
     I try to make no excuses for my life.  It's been lived with both success and failure.  There have been times of great faith along with times it appeared that I abandoned my faith.  I don't think I'm alone in all of this.  I think you have been there as well.  In the end we all want to hear those words "well done my good and faithful servant."  We desire to see personally the God who has forgiven our sins and "remembers them no more."  There are regrets that haunt so many because they don't believe that they are forgiven.  The past doesn't exist except as a historical perspective.  The future doesn't exist except as a longed for eternity with Jesus.  I'm a sojourner here in the land.  I'm walking down the road living for Jesus in hopes of being held by Him when I enter heaven.  We all should do the same.  There are few easy answers in this complex world.  All the more reason to drop the past and future from our world and die to self leaving Christ living through us.  We don't belong here for any purpose other than to bring the Gospel to a lost world of people.  It's always your choice.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Do You Fail to Preach the Gospel on a Regular Basis? OR Do You Hinder Others?

7 - Do You Fail to Preach the Gospel on a Regular Basis? OR Do You Hinder Others?

Jesus, John the Baptist, Peter, Paul, Noah, Jonah, Jeremiah—all Obeyed God's Command for Believers to Warn the World of God's Coming Judgment.
Jesus gave Believer's the GREAT COMMISSION to Go into ALL the World to Preach the Gospel (Mark 16:15), as He is using the Foolishness of Preaching to Save people (1 Cor 1:18-31). Do you Fail to Obey God's Great Commission to Go into All the World & Preach this Good News?
  • Mark 16:15 Jesus told His Disciples, "Go into ALL the World and PREACH THE GOSPEL to ALL CREATION."
Are You Lazy? Be careful In Matt 25:14-30 Jesus calls the Servant who did NOT Serve "WICKED & LAZY". More Here on Rewards in Heaven
Do you say you "Love the Lord"— but are Embarrassed, or Ashamed to Share & Preach HIS MESSAGE to the World? Do you Opt Out of Warning others & giving the True Terms of the Gospel (Luke 9:23-26, Matt 10:32-39) for a Warm & Fuzzy Gospel that Appears to get big Results, but in the end only promotes being a False Convert? (Matt 7:21-23)
Are you Lazy?
  • Luke 9:26 Jesus says, "For whoever is ASHAMED OF MEand MY WORDS, of him the Son of Man will be ASHAMED when He comes in His own Glory, and in His Father's, and of the Holy Angels."
  • Mark 8:38 Jesus says,"For whoever is ASHAMED OF MEand MY WORDS in this Adulterous and Sinful Generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ASHAMED when He comes in the Glory of His Father with the Holy Angels."
  • Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus says, “Anyone who HEARS MY TEACHING and IGNORES IT IS FOOLISH, like a person who Builds a House on Sand. When the Rains and Floods come and the winds beat against that house, it will collapse with a Mighty Crash.”
Do you Realize that God uses the Believer to Preach God's Word & Snatch people from the Flames of Hell? Few (percentage wise) truly Labor & Obey the Great Commission.
  • Ezekiel 3:17-19 “I have Appointed you as a WATCHMAN...Whenever you receive a Message from ME,WARN the people IMMEDIATELY...if you FAIL to DELIVER the WARNING, they will DIE in their SINS. And I will HOLD YOU RESPONSIBLE for theirDEATHS. If you WARN them and they REFUSE to REPENT and KEEP ON SINNING, they will DIE in their SINS. But YOU will have SAVED YOURSELF because you OBEYED ME."
  • Jude 1:22-25 "You Must show Mercy to those whose Faith is Wavering.RESCUE OTHERS by SNATCHING them from the FLAMES OF JUDGMENT"
  • Luke 10:2 Jesus says, "The Harvest truly isGREAT, but the LABORERS are FEW; therefore PRAY the Lord of the harvest to send out LABORERS into His Harvest."
Do you RESIST & HINDER TRUE BELIEVERS FROM SHARING GOD'S WORD with others that could save these people from Hell, which is an Eternal Lake of burning Sulfur and Fire? Jude 1:23; Rev 21:7-8; Rev 20:11-15
  • 1 Thessalonians 2:16 "They try to keep us from PREACHING THE GOOD NEWS OF SALVATION to the Gentiles. By doing this, they continue to PILE UP THEIR SINS. But the Anger of God has caught up with them at last."
Do you give these True Believers, who are being Obedient to Jesus to Share their Faith with the Lost, disapproving looks?
Do you tell them to put their Gospel Tracts away, and quit talking so much about Jesus?
Do you talk negatively about them behind there back in regards to their Sharing Jesus?
Are you Silent when others speak Negatively about them?
Do you NOT Defend them & the Truth?

8 - Are You Indifferent About Your Sin? What is Your Attitude?

A True Christian has a "Beatitude Attitude" Found In - Matt 5:1-12
Do you fail to MOURN over your Sin, and/or you just don't Care? Luke 18:8-14
Both Peter & Judas (in the New Testament) Betrayed Jesus Christ. Peter had Biblical Repentance (Matt 26:31-75)— Judas had mere Worldly Sorrow & Remorse. (Matt 26:14-16; Matt 27:3-5). Judas had been Practicing Sin (John 12:6), Peter stumbled into Sin. When King David sinned against the Lord he
cried out to God for Mercy - Psalms 51. What is your Attitude about your Sin?
  • 2 Corinthians 7:9-11 “PAIN caused you to REPENT and CHANGE your ways. It was the KIND OF SORROW GOD WANTS HIS PEOPLE TO HAVE, so you were not harmed by us in any way. For the kind of SORROW God wants us to Experience LEADS us AWAY from SIN and RESULTS in SALVATION. There’s NO REGRET for that KIND OF SORROW. But WORLDLY SORROW, which LACKS REPENTANCE, results in SPIRITUAL DEATH.”
Do you feel as if you will Not have a Consequence for Sinning & Breaking any of God's Commandments? (Prov 14:12) That's what Adam & Eve thought.
  • Revelatian 3:15-20 Jesus says, “I CORRECT and DISCIPLINE EVERYONE I LOVE. So be DILIGENT and TURN from your INDIFFERENCE."
  • Luke 18:8-14 "Then Jesus told this story to some who had GREAT CONFIDENCE in their OWN RIGHTEOUSNESS and SCORNED EVERYONE ELSE: “TWO MEN went to the Temple to PRAY. One was a PHARISEE, and the other was a DESPISED TAX COLLECTOR. The PHARISEE stood by himself and PRAYED THIS PRAYER: ‘I Thank You, God, that I am NOT A SINNER LIKE EVERYONE ELSE. For I DON’T CHEAT, I DON’T SIN, & I DON’T COMMIT ADULTERY. I’m certainly NOT like that TAX COLLECTOR! I FAST TWICE A WEEK, and I GIVE YOU A TENTH OF MY INCOME.’ “But the TAX COLLECTOR STOOD AT A DISTANCE and dared NOT EVEN LIFT HIS EYES TO HEAVEN as he PRAYED. Instead, he BEAT HIS CHEST IN SORROW, saying, ‘O GOD, BE MERCIFUL TO ME, for I AM A SINNER.’ I tell you, this SINNER, NOT the PHARISEE, returned home JUSTIFIED BEFORE GOD. For those who EXALT THEMSELVES will be HUMBLED, and those who HUMBLE themselves will be EXALTED.”

9 - Do You Seek After Worldly Wealth & Fame vs Seeking First The Kingdom of God?

Do you Seek after Money, Fame, or Fortune More than you Seek First the Kingdom of God?
  • 1 John 2:15-17 "Do NOT LOVE THIS WORLD NOR THE THINGS IT OFFERS YOU, for when you love the world, you do NOT have the love of the Father in you. For the WORLD OFFERS ONLY A CRAVING FOR PHYSICAL PLEASURE, a CRAVING for EVERYTHING we SEE, and PRIDE IN OUR ACHIEVEMENTS AND POSSESSIONS. These are NOT from the Father, but are from this WORLD. And this WORLD IS FADING AWAY, along with everything that people CRAVE. But anyone who does what PLEASES GOD will live FOREVER."
  • Luke 16:15 Jesus says, "You like to look good in public, but God knows your evil hearts. What this WORLD HONORS IS AN ABOMINATION in the sight of God.”
  • Matthew 6:33 Jesus says, "But SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD and HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS, and all these things shall be added to you."

10 - Do You Fail to Obey Jesus, and God's Word Consistently?

  • 1 John 2:3-6 "We can be sure that we belong to Him IF we OBEY HIS COMMANDMENTS. If someone claims, 'I know God,' but DOESN'T OBEY GOD'S COMMANDMENTS, that person is a LIAR and is NOT living in the Truth. But those who OBEY GOD'S WORD REALLY DO LOVE HIM. That's the way to know whether or not we live in Him. Those who SAY they LIVE IN GOD should live their lives as CHRIST DID."
  • John 14:15 Jesus says, “If you love Me, OBEY MY COMMANDMENTS."
  • John 14:21 Jesus says, "Those who accept My Commandments and OBEY THEM are the ones who LOVE ME. And because they love me, my Father will love them. And I will love them and reveal myself to each of them.”
  • John 14:24 Jesus says "Anyone who DOESN'T LOVE ME will NOT OBEY ME."
  • John 15:10 Jesus says, "When you OBEY MY COMMANDMENTS, you remain in MY LOVE,just as I OBEY MY FATHER'S COMMANDMENTS and remain in His love."
  • Luke 6:46-49 Jesus says, “So why do you keep calling me ‘Lord, Lord!’ when you don’t DO (OBEY) what I say?"
  • Titus 1:16 "Such people claim they know God, but they deny him by the way they live. They are detestable and DISOBEDIENT, worthless for doing anything good."
  • Revelatian 2:26 Jesus says, "To all who are Victorious, who OBEY ME TO THE VERY END, To them I will give authority over all the nations."