Thursday, April 24, 2014

Today is all we have

We don't have tomorrow and yesterday is gone.  All we have is right now.  Does my yesterday count for anything?  Will my tomorrow count for anything?  It's my choice whether or not my life counts for anything right now.  With so many areas of our life embracing a time frame from minutes to hours to days and sometimes years, it's difficult to live just for today.  It's all about making the most of the moment.  I've wrecked moments, days, and even years with negative choices I have made.  How about you?  Recently I've become more aware of some of the reasons for my choices.  The choices basically come down to selfishness.  Wherever there is selfishness, there is not love.  Wherever there is no love, there is no Godly purpose being served.  What is God's purpose for me?  God's purpose is for me to bring glory to him.  I've had successful days and failed many more in bringing this about.  Still, God loves me.  Amazing!  It would be nice of I had the ability to see how my wrong choices would turn out.  It's not like I had a warning.  My history is full of me, my choices and consequences.  I know that I have made good choices as well.  If all I do is focus on them no growth can be made.  In sanctification (being made more like God), the process is halted when I sin and don't repent.  The enemy wants me to be in a state of self destruct.  That's where yesterday comes into play in our lives.  That's all the enemy has...yesterday.  God says that we are made new every day.  He tells us that he loves us and is patiently waiting for us to re-invite him into the life we have taken back.  So, why don't we do that?  For me the answer is that I don't like to admit my sin.  Over my lifetime I have had people who felt it was there job to remind me over and over what a terrible person I was.  I've also had people who reminded me of who God saw me as.  I'd like to say that the latter won all the time but that wouldn't be true.  I hated history in school and I hate it now.  Not that history has occurred but rather that my negative history has been brought back to me again and again.  I'm not the sum of my mistakes.  Yet, Satan wants us to believe just that.  God says that I'm who he made me to be.  God says he was there with every good and bad choice I have made even before I knew him.  Wow!  God knows all of my yesterdays and still chooses to love me!  God knows what is going to transpire today and all of my today's and still he chooses to love me!  Do you have anyone in your life who does that?  Nope. me either.  We are a fallen people who should be ONLY pointing to Jesus every day of our life.  It's all about focus today, this minute, right now and not anything else.  We have a hard time getting through the day without chocolate (or whatever you desire above God).  So, what would my life look without sin?  First of all God knows that will never happen because of my fallen nature.  Secondly, God knows that will occur when I go to be with him in heaven.  Until then, I have the privilege of today.  Not yesterday.  Not tomorrow.  Just today.  That's all.  I don't even have the privilege of each hour or moment.  So, for today I will choose to die and let Christ live each moment of my life.  I will also know that I will not be perfect and I will be okay with that.  Even if Satan and others aren't okay with that.  Today is all we have.  Thank you God for that wonderful gift! 

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