Wednesday, April 23, 2014

About laying bricks in my life

I have a brick path project that I have finally begun.  Brick laying, even for a path, is a tedious job.  If you don't take your time and do it right, the job will turn our less than it could.  This could cause someone else to suggest that you either do the job over or find someone who can.  So, it was with fear and trepidation that I took the first shovel full of dirt and tossed it into my waiting wheelbarrow.  Within a couple of minutes I was sweating profusely!  Not wanting to quit I plodded on.  After 2 hours I was finally ready to put down the first brick.  So I took my level and a straight piece of wood and set them in place for a level laying of the brick.  If the concrete patio hadn't shifted, sunk, and broken a bit the leveling would have worked.  So, I have an almost level but flat beginning to the brick path.  The next encountered problem involves the curve of the current cement patio that is cracked and not level.  Cutting or chipping broken bricks to fit became the next task.  When I finally stopped for the day I could sit back and be proud of the job done so far.  I sat on a chair on the patio and reflected on the work done so far.  Having patted myself on my back it suddenly dawned on me that God was doing a similar job on my life.  It's actually his life in me but I won't go technical just yet.  The current location of my life has provided more than one area where chipping and fitting the bricks is necessary.  Not to mention the uneven way my life has formed by my choices.  Working around the crooks and crannies has been difficult for God as I am quite resistant to having them fixed or replaced.  In the end, the life I live, is only as good as the canvas I surrender for God to work with.  I want God to have his way in my life and wrestle with letting go.  Fear seems to be the big culprit.  Fear of what I have to give up.  Countering this fear with fact and knowledge makes the surrender easier.  Knowing that whatever God does in my life is better than whatever I can do in my life serves as the impetus to go forward with him laying the bricks.  God is so gracious and patient.  Today I will go and lay some more brick while reflecting on God laying bricks in me. 

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