Friday, April 11, 2014

It's Friday!

Fridays are great!  I love the end of one thing and the beginning of another.  The end of a week signals the beginning of the weekend.  I'm not sure that everyone would agree with me but that's okay.  Variety is the spice of life.  For most though, the weekend is a signal that rest can come from work.  Then when Saturday morning arrives the "list" comes out!  I don't like the "list".  The list tells me that it's just more work until Monday when I go back to work.  Sounds like what happens with a staycation.  Taking a vacation but staying at home brings out the "list" again!  Often I hear that people are looking forward to going back to work so they can recover from their vacation.  Not exactly what was intended with time off.  So we fill our lives with repeated weekends and repeated vacations.  It wasn't until a number of years ago that I took my first serious vacation away from home.  I left on a Friday (great day to leave for anywhere) and was gone for a whole week.  The best part was no phone.  No phones meant no interruptions.  By the 3rd day I was going through withdrawal like when I quit drinking coffee!  Then I was in my stride and enjoying the rest of the vacation as it should be.  When I came back home I realized that I wasn't feeling well.  I was a little under the weather and felt a cold or flu coming on.  Doing some research I learned that when we step out of a stress environment our adrenaline production drops and we become more vulnerable to sickness.  Stress was keeping me well?  That was kind of hard to believe as my temperature hit 102.  When I went back to work and the stress returned I began feeling better.  I've notices the repeat of this a number of times when I've taken a vacation or even just a weekend away.  So, when Friday comes the stress remains as does the adrenaline in my system unless I am away from my home and work.  I still think Fridays are great and look forward to them even though I am retired.  I also still look forward to vacations and find the planning of them allows the adrenaline rush to slowly go down keeping me guarded against illness.  And yes, the "lists" are there.  Now that I am retired I have all week for my "list" that never seems to end.  Go out and enjoy the weekend with friends and family or even just by yourself.  Don't forget to go to church and worship Jesus.  Have a great day!

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