Sunday, April 13, 2014

A sense of accomplishment

Sometimes I find myself sitting down and proclaiming, "Where did the day/week/month/year go?'  It's a rhetorical question as we know that time has passed since the beginning of time.  With all of our gadgets, gizmos and electronic item we keep track of time but after the fact we tend to forget what transpired unless there is a sense of accomplishment.  I really don't know if other people need to have a sense of accomplishment in their lives.  I know that I do.  As I look back over my life and the lives of those intertwined with my life; it's nice to know that there are "markers" which tell the story.  More than anything, a sense of accomplishment emerges from those markers.  The first bicycle I owned, the first car I owned, the first house bought for the first child born...and the list goes on.  I know I have lots of accomplishments both good and bad.  What I ask myself though (especially yesterday) is what has my life produced as an accomplishment for God?  I'm not talking about the ordinary event like eating 3 meals a day or the mundane like taking my medicine.  I'm talking about that sense of accomplishment that has impacted lives (my own included).  Sometimes I begin to drift to what I didn't accomplishment.  Sometimes I concentrate on where I did something but still fell short.  What did I actually accomplishment for God that made a difference in the lives around me?  We were stopped in traffic for a train crossing when my daughter Emmalyne suddenly proclaimed, "Look at her hair!"  A young lady with brilliant blue/purple hair was crossing the street behind our car.  Emmalyne yelled out the window, "I love your hair."  What followed was the focus of this story.  Emmalyne said, "I try to compliment people all the time.  People like to hear good things about themselves.  Most of the time I compliment strangers."  I laughed because I do the same thing.  Complimenting others is a great attribute to carry with you through life.  My sense of accomplishment came through Emmalyne as she had developed a trait from our interaction that made a difference in the world.  Thank you God for that moment in time.  Sometimes high tech has nothing to do with our day to day accomplishments.  Sometimes all you have to do is stick your head out the window and yell something nice to a stranger. 

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