Saturday, April 19, 2014

Ah, Saturday morning!

It's a great feeling to have gone through the week and seen accomplishments validating the efforts of our hands and minds.  In the past I have sought the positive reinforcement of others and been caught in that trap where it's never good enough.  I am good enough.  That doesn't mean I have arrived (like Saturday) but that my life means something to God and me.  This morning arrived at 5:15 AM for me.  The glow of the eastern horizon was dull and cloudy.  Quite the opposite of what's inside of me.  When we search for who we are; why is so much time spent trying to be that which we are not?  While I've had many vocations, they do not define me.  They speak to what I've accomplished and what I've failed at but do not define me.  Some people in all of our pasts attempt to keep us button holed with the image they need for us to be.  However, dress us up all you want, the inside image is what's important.  I have this problem.  Most days when I am having a meal I spill minute portions of food on my shirt.  My wife just laughs at me.  A dirty shirt doesn't alter who I am inside.  Likewise, it doesn't seem to matter with what I wear, when I go outside I seem to get dirt, grease, or whatever material I'm working with on my clothes.  This doesn't define me either.  Saturdays are usually a semi-relaxed in most areas of life.  Often I have committed myself to so many chores that I will not get to them all.  I know that no one else has that problem.  Once again, Saturdays do not define who I am.  Finishing a project or beginning one doesn't mean that I'm either positive or negative.  What it does mean is that I am alive and active in my life.  When the pain gets too bad (physical) I always have my recliner where I can sit, watch soccer, write or just veg out and that's okay as well.  What I'm trying to say is that the life I live on the inside doesn't always jibe with the life I live on the outside.  In fact, most of the marked changes for the good are inside of me.  God has determined that I am lovable whether or not I do this or that.  God has determined that he can turn something from good to great.  God looks on the inside.  He knows the inside.  We don't have that ability though some think they do.  Let's leave judgment for God and just enjoy Saturday and others.  Have a great day!

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