Monday, April 21, 2014

Has the glow of Easter subsided?

As Christians we love God and focus on Christmas and Easter being the uplift our spirits need during the year.  So, after the holidays, what then?  The festivities of the previous day are behind us, the dishes are done and the Easter decorations are taken down and put away.  Then what?  Well, we go back to work, get on with our retirement, or resume life as it was before.  We have, as Christians, go back to the same old life we were living.  That's not how it's supposed to be.  The life of a Christian should be impacted every day with newness that builds our faith and promotes the love of God through our surrendered lives.  You may argue that you don't do this and I sincerely pray that you don't stay stagnant in your life with Jesus.  Society has programmed us to think differently.  The advent of Easter (or Christmas) is focused beginning many months before the event with the message that we must spend some money for the event.  While the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus do not exist they become the major focus of the holiday.  Christians all over may go to the Good Friday service.  Christians who are into celebrating Easter but haven't gone to church will darken the doorway of the church for one of the two times during the year.  Token respect for God on these special days lasts them for the other 363 days of the year.  I've never understood this mentality but do acknowledge that the reality exists.   Why don't we live like Jesus is risen every day?  Why do we celebrate soccer,  football or baseball games with more fervor than we do Christian holidays.  People can quote statistics for their favorite players but are unable to tell anyone why they should trust Jesus for their salvation.  It's sad; isn't it?  Don't let the glow of Jesus in your life diminish or even go out after the holiday.  Let your faith grow and glow every day.

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