Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Words of deception

     We have a changing vocabulary thanks to the world view and someone's desire to have things mean differently than they were intended.  In doing so, a view of our world is being dictated by a few over the many.  When we engage in the redefinition, we surrender to the world around us.  For instance, the reference to our personal identity has brought some municipalities to the point where on your signature block you are required to choose what personal pronoun you wish to identify with.  A legislator in California has introduced a measure where if caught you would have a hefty fine and 2 years in jail if you refused to identify the personal pronoun identification of someone.  Can you imagine this?  What happened?  Another example is our propensity to be politically correct and the results for you, your family, your business and such if you choose to not be part of the politically correct community.  Again in California legislation is being put in place where those who break the law (even murders) cannot be referred to as "criminals" because that would damage their ego's.  Who thinks up this stuff?  Here is the clue.  The guilty.
     I'm not talking about those unbelievers who don't know anything but sinning.  I'm talking about those Christians who need to wipe away other's sense of sin and guilt in order to feel good about themselves and their rebellion against God.  What would the two crucified beside Jesus be called today?  Would they be rendered freedom challenged?  I was recently part of a conversation where a person referred to themselves as "they" and expected everyone to do likewise.  Kind of like a new name for themselves without the legal name change.  Today is the remembrance of  911.  The terrorists can no longer be called terrorists in liberal states where it's believed that "labelling would hurt their ego.  Their crime was merely a reflection of their freedom of religious beliefs and all should be protecting their freedom of choice in the land of the brave and home of the free.  Being Christian to them is in violation of their freedom.  However, you won't find any of them protecting the Christian freedomwhich was part of why the United States became the country it is.
     In the 70's and 80's the phrase "different but not wrong" took hold over much of the world ushering in acceptance and even encouragement of seeing the Christian other than how God sees mankind.  The identification of mankind as a sinner in need of the grace and salvation from God became substituted with happy thoughts of hell is not real, everyone will be in heaven (even pets) and other such ridiculous anti-Bible delineations which served Satan well but put mankind even more distant from God.  Our need to surrender to a loving and living God should be the guiding grace we pass onto others.  When will you and I stand up and live our Christian faith as outlined by the Word of God?  When will you and I no longer subjugate ourselves to the world from fear of offending someone or some group?  When will we stand up for God?  If we don't stand for God we will fall for anyone and anything.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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