Friday, September 13, 2019

Everything is just ducky

     I'm not being sarcastic.  We bought 4 ducks (1 drake and 3 hens) yesterday as a means of entertainment, bug eating, and company for the puppies.  They are beautiful; except for the drake who is handsome.  Some may ask (and some have) if I've lost my mind.  To them I say I lost my mind many years ago and relate with animals better than most humans today.  As they were let out of their house today, they journeyed as far as the pool for an early morning bath before wandering the yard for gravel, attention, and to talk.  Yes, like the puppies, I talk with the ducks.  They are Duke, Paddles, Daisy and Buffy.  Their eggs will become food and the plan is to let them sit on a batch to raise more ducks.  After all, we need to supply ducks to the grandchildren and children if they so desire!
     We love our pets and care for them in such a way that they hopefully love us back.  It's true for dogs, ducks, and other pets except cats who love themselves more than anything.  Even so, we are servants to our pets and do for them things that they can't.  We feed them, take them to the vet for care and preventative shots, walk them (except cats) and adore them.  To bad we have such a hard time doing that for those around us to the same degree.  I know that I love people but in the same breath must admit that it's sometimes easier to love animals (even cats) than some people.  While Jesus loves us all equally, we all don't love each other equally.  Resigning ourselves to the past memories we don't want to move forward  Good thing Jesus isn't like that.
     I watch Craigslist a lot and am saddened by all those people who are rehoming (selling) their cats, dogs, alligators (yes), and other animals because they are moving, landlords tell them the pet has to go, and other reasons in order to have comfort in their lives without responsibility.  I do understand and have gifted a pet or two myself in the past.  My Black Lab was adopted by a single mom who ran a daycare.  No more spills on the floor!  Everyone was happy!  I don't look forward to my puppies get old and the end of their lives come.  I don't look forward to the same ending with the ducks.  Then, everything wouldn't be ducky.  Care for yourself, others, and your pets.  It's always your choice.

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