Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Learning is as difficult as you make it

     There's not a day that goes by where I'm learning something new.  Yesterday I learned that's it's cheaper to buy fish at Safeway than go to an actually fishing spot.  They are already cleaned and ready for the frying pan.  If we are going to tell fish stories, we could just as well tell the truth!  I also learned where my "true" empty on the fuel gauge is.  Hate to learn lessons like that!  I learned that I make learning more difficult than I need to.  Maybe you do as well.  Life is unpredictable.  It happens whether we are ready for it or not.  Since becoming a Christian I've read through the Bible about 100 times.  I'm still learning what it has to say.  The stories become more vivid and the connections both back and forward are more connected leaving me wondering how I missed this or that the first time.  Learning is also related to age.  I've left my years of knowing everything and have entered the time in life where we forget more than we ever learned.  It doesn't make sense but saying "I don't know?" is a lot more meaningful than when I was a teenager.  The learning curve changes when you are retired as well.  Things you used to be able to quote from memory are now gone and we ask our kids to look it up online!
     I'm for teaching others how to learn and then let them learn on their own or under the tutelage of the Holy Spirit.  I know that sometimes the only Bible some people read is found in watching you and I.  How much we know and live then begins a Bible lesson we Christians should be prepared to give.  Not knowing the 10 commandments and where they are found isn't nearly as important as letting the love of God flow through you.  I've learned that people will know when you are loving them as well as know when you are not loving them just by my words and actions.  I'm a front man for the love of God and need to be careful how I teach the Bible to others.  I know that there are many who have memorized books of the Bible.  Good for them!  Do they live it?  I've learned that nothing good comes from me.  The only good resonating from me is the love of Jesus.  I've learned that the more I get out of the way; the more that Jesus' love can shine through.  That infuriates the haters!  I've learned that's okay as well.  Sometimes the only way to get someone to pull the sliver from their hand is to shake it nice and strong...in Jesus' Name!\
     My kids have learned that I will most likely end a phone call or a text with: "I love you, accept you and approve of you."  I do it because it's true first and secondly they need to know it's true from me as well as Jesus.  There's nothing more destructive to a person than to leave them not knowing where they stand with you.  Even my enemies know where I stand.  If you have learned to put down others so that you can feel good about yourself, you're doing something called sin.  Stop it!  There are reasons God brings people into your life.  Have you learned how important that is to Him?  I've learned that key people invested in me in various forms throughout my life.  It took a long time to realize God sent them...even the unbeliever!  So, entertaining angels unaware, has been a blessing I know recognize.  Perhaps God wants us to be angels to others instead of the devils the world, social media, politics and religion want.  Instead of being true to everything else just pick Jesus and be true to him.  Learn from him.  It's easy!  Remember, it's always your choice.

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