Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Can you imagine?

     I love to imagine!  Many people in my past have mentioned I have my mind caught in imagining so much of the time that I'm unable to be down to earth!  I like that.  Don't need to be defined by the ordinary anymore than by the limits others expect of me.  Outside of the box is for those who put one toe in the water at a time.  I don't have a box.  No box, no outside of the box.  Living a life like this has brought me far in many areas of my life.  Yet, you may say, I address people living in boxes all the time.  Yes, I do.  Jesus told the disciples to not live in any way, shape, or form to live by means other than faith.  "Take no thought...." he would say to them even as He says it now to you and I.  Jesus living through us is meant to be the ultimate living scenario.  No agenda but His.  So, why do so many not choose this way of life?  Why do people say they love Jesus but fail to surrender to his will in their lives?
     I sit here this morning looking out on the patio.  A field of flowers is just beyond the edge as bright blue skies with brilliant sunshine pours it's warmth on the butterflies, hummingbirds and bees.  He created all of this for me, for this moment, and forever in my mind.  Have you ever paused the life you seem to control to gaze at all God does for you in each and every second of the day he has given you breath to enjoy?  God's miraculous creation stretches way beyond my back yard.  It stretches every where I can imagine and then some.  Instead of seeing traffic jams and angry drivers, I see the world around as a creation of God and wonder what He is protecting me from in slowing down traffic around me.  Maybe His plan is for me to slow down so that he, at just the right time, be able to witness the love of God to someone.  If I go with the world's way of thinking every delay can be seen as a personal attack on how I think my life should be run.  Pity.  I'd rather look at the mountains andLskies that he has slowed me down to really see.
     In the last week a 24 year old woman gave birth to a baby in her bedroom.  She then took that baby and without a name, without clothing and without a choice threw him over the fence into another yard to die.  Which he did.  In Chicago over Labor Day Weekend, 52 people were show, 12 people died, and no one cared.  Chicago with the strictest gun laws in the nation and controlled by the world rather than God did the same thing expecting different results.  Over seas there were disasters on every continent involving the death of many.  Hong Kong is at the brink of civil war and many are set to be killed for daring to stand up for themselves.  The rest of the world seems to not care.  A world without God.  The baby first mentioned is with Jesus.  The people in Chicago?  I don't know.  Those in Brazil, France and the rest of the world?  No one knows.  What would happen if people threw away their ownership of their lives, turned to God and Jesus were allowed to live through them?
     If you can imagine rage, war, selfishness, poverty, homelessness, suicides, and so many other horrors that Hollywood seems intent to thrust upon us; why can't you Christian, imagine what Jesus could do through you?  You are not guiltless.  Nor am I.  Today I choose, as I do every day, to have Jesus live through me.  I'll fail.  But I will get up and do so again.  That's why God gives us an imagination.  Imagine you being part of a better world...if you dare.  It's always your choice.

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