Monday, September 2, 2019

What if the dam broke?

     We see dams breaking as a negative event destroying everything in the rushing waters path.  Never mind the damage done by news, weather and media!  Additionally, doomsayers climb on board to make sure we are at a heightened anxiety about every other dam in the world.  The downward spiral goes on from there to ensure attention is taken off the real issue.  What is the real issue?  Maybe we can understand this from Biblical perspective since it is a Christian blog.  The real issue is the release of what's inside of us.  The world would look at the dam breaking and make it an issue of fault finding, blame, and guilt.  Not exactly something of how the Bible sees the dam breaking.  In Egypt the Red Sea parted and the Israelites moved from one nation to another with supernatural blessing of God who went before them as he goes before us now.  But the dam broke and the Egyptians were drowned in the deluge of water.  Back in history the dam broke when God finished loading the Ark with animals and a few people.  When Jesus had come to the end of his time on earth; men thought they had prevented the flood from coming.  Then they pierced his heart and water and blood flooded the world and all those there.  Floods have a positive purpose.
     So, how about you and I?  Do we keep the dam from breaking?  Do we so organize our lives that we are unable to allow the dam of living water to escape from our confines?  The Bible says that we who are sanctified should be so surrendered to God that the dam within us (self will) breaks and the Gospel within us floods the world around us with the Good News!  Not from the view of destruction but from the view of all those who can be saved.  We are concerned about the unsaved, aren't we?  Road rage is a dam breaking with the results being negative in any context.  Violence is a dam breaking with the results being negative as well.  Hate is a dam breaking that's also negative.  You see, from the plan of Satan here on earth the dam breaking serves his purpose while the Christian stands by and keeps their dam from breaking aiding him in his mission.  We assess the dam within us every day as we read the Bible, pray and seek to do God's will.  Don't do that?  You are part of Satan's plan and not Gods!  I don't care how you term it.  Not doing the will of God is doing the will of Satan.  You and I choose who we serve every day.
     Christian, what would happen if your dam broke and the Lord God of the universe was unleashed in and through you?  Would you be overcome by the living water of Jesus?  Would you hear the Holy Spirit and surrender fully to the will of God?  Would you become an enemy of the world and rejoice when you were persecuted for caring for the widow and orphan, feeding the hungry (spiritually) all the while pouring out Jesus?  What are you doing with the dam within you?  Have you killed the Lord again in your heart and are dead to the Holy Spirit?  Maybe you aren't saved after all?  Maybe you are the one who will be left behind when the Rapture happens and the final dam is released?  These may be questions you have ignored.  Maybe you have taught your children, friends, and fellow believers to ignore the dam of God inside you?  If so, you are an enemy of God and not saved.  Let the dam break inside of you and then flow to the world you reside in.  Let God so direct and lead that you care for nothing of the world.  Perhaps you could memorize Scripture instead of sports statistics.  Maybe knowing all about stars wouldn't matter anymore.  Why?  Because you would be so consumed to know Jesus that the dam would be gone and the living waters would flow through you.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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