Saturday, September 14, 2019

Sometimes it's morning at night

     I love the mornings!  Even when I've not had a good nights sleep and am not ready to face the day.  Why is that?  Because the morning signifies to me the newness of the day, endless possibilities and wonder of yet another day for me.  I love the predawn and the first sun rays coming over me from the reliable sun rising.  I love the stillness of the world if I'm up early enough.  I love letting the ducks out and their gentle quacking as my dogs and I stand watching them.  I love the dew on the leaves, flowers and fruits and the fresh smell of coffee as it perks.  Sometimes morning seems to avoid me and the world around me.  Darkness of a storm cover the earth like the darkness of worries and concerns that cloud my mind blocking the joy that should be there.  So, I wait through my day for morning to dawn.  Sometimes it comes in the afternoon but usually around sunset as the western sky reflects the afterglow of morning.  Sometimes it's found in the ducks going to bed or my puppies asleep and snoring on my lap.  BUT, morning always comes.
     I used to sleep in and miss the morning sunrise.  I used to be so busy I didn't take the time to enjoy the peace and solitude of life.  I used to be so interested in what was going to populate my calendar that I never realized that "morning" had been omitted.  Maybe you have done that or still do.  Now that I'm older the morning, whenever it comes, has become more sacred.  Not in a worship mother nature way but in an awe in what God has created just for me.  Morning isn't reserved for the young of heart anymore than it is for those who won't see tomorrows morning.  The last glimpse of morning, as the first, is reserved for the romantic and those desperate for another day, another miracle, another moment when God reminds them that they are not alone and have not been forgotten.  I used to think mornings were over with after the dawn.  I used to be ignorant.
     Today, when someone asks for the reason of the hope within me another morning has just dawned on me and hopefully they.  Today when I see a new born baby any time of the day, a new morning has just dawned.  Today when my friend takes their last breath and passes from here to there, there is indeed two new mornings.  One for me in the form of graciousness and one for them as they see the morning for the first time while being welcomed into heaven by Jesus.  Today when I learn or become aware of a new insight, nuisance of truth, a new morning dawns on me.  Never be so ignorant to recognize a new truth for what it really is, a new morning even if it's at night.  You are a new morning to someone if you are willing to be so.  Your word, touch, laugh, cry are all ways of sending morning to others.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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