Monday, September 23, 2019

Guy with a cross

     I met this guy the other day.  He was wearing a cross.  Thinking we might have a mutual friend, Jesus, I asked him if he was a Christian.  He liked to talk so I let him.  He explained he went to a church that used to be Baptist, was joined to a dying church of another denomination.  The churches bought out another church from the proceeds of selling both of their churches and added the members of the third church and now have a messianic Jewish pastor added to their leadership.  He went on to give the numbers in dollars of how much they sold for and bought for.  Their membership is now above 400 and they seem to be doing fine.  NOWHERE did he mention Jesus.  Nowhere!  He asked me about my church.  I told him I worship Jesus anywhere and everywhere I go.  He seemed confused.  So, I told him that none of what he told me said anything about Jesus but rather the efforts of mankind.  He seemed to take this as a compliment.  He eventually asked me what I did for a living.  I told him I'm a thief of souls for Jesus.  That pretty much ended the dialog.  He told me that the church leadership was having a difficult time determining whether members who weren't Baptist needed to be baptized yet again.  \
     In the end I learned nothing about his relationship with Jesus as he only talked about the denomination issue.  I've run into so many alleged Christians who were all about everything but Jesus.  They had their relationship with an organization built on mankind's rules and nothing else mattered.  Nothing about Jesus.  Quite a number of years ago I went to a pastors convention where about 1000 pastors were in attendance.  Walking into the group I introduced myself to them one by one.  No, I didn't meet all 1000 personally.  One particular gentleman had been a pastor for many years and so I asked him if he knew Jesus.  He said, "What, of course I'm a pastor!"  I pressed him for his testimony regarding how he came to be surrendered to Jesus.  His response was, "I've always been in the church."  I pressed him further asking if he had actually met and accepted Jesus as his savior.  I asked him to tell me about that moment.  Unfortunately he didn't, couldn't or was so insulted as was evidenced by walking away.  It's important for all who call upon the Name of the Lord to be not only saved but able to give an account for the hope within them.  Can you do that?  If not, you probably don't know Jesus.
     Over the many years of my adult life I've had about 21 vocations.  Each one was a platform from which I learned trades, built experiences, and taught others to do the same.  Even though these foundations equipped me for life in this world; none of it matters if I don't know Jesus.  On October 1, 1971 at midnight,  I met Jesus.  I realized how dead and bankrupt my life was and surrendered my life to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and the God of the universe.  Though I haven't always stayed the course I know that Jesus is my Master and all that I am, have, or do are all because of his love for me.  I asked Jesus to forgive me my sins.  He did.  I asked him to guide me all the days of my life.  So far, so good.  Often in spite of me.  I too have worn a cross from time to time.  When asked about my relationship with God, I am able to share the Jesus who loved me before the beginning of time.  Some have told me that it is my focus on Jesus that set their sight on Jesus.  Thank you Lord for the opportunity to be poured out amongst the world so that some might believe and be saved.  Whether you wear a cross or not, are you a Christian?  Remember, it's always your choice.

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