Saturday, September 21, 2019

The fallacy of cliches

     It's a foregone conclusion our world is full of clichés.  There should be at least two for every possible and imaginable event.  "Better late than never."  Nope, that's not true.  Wait!  Maybe it is true.  What's not true is found in one word: Better.  It's better the first time, the first moment, the first sip of coffee in the morning.  Coffee companies have numerous clichés for their product.  "Good to the last drop."  Nope, not true; at least the last drop part.  The last drop simply means it's time to brew a new pot!  How about we be honest and just say that coffee is always good and the absence is never good.  Most clichés are not politically correct and would be done away with by the liberal left as they seem to want to redefine my world by their laws and exclusions.  Wait, aren't exclusions just another way for me to be excluded.  "Children should be seen and not heard."  That's one that you have to be "old as dirt" to understand.  It was meant to be a division whereby children didn't demand of their parents advice from their ignorance.  Being silent was meant to be a sign you were open to learn from those who "have been there and done that."  Wisdom is lost on those who think they are wise.
     Saw a picture of two adult men in a fishing boat on a lake without fish anywhere to be seen.  Maybe they had already off loaded their catch.  I don't think so.  But, maybe...  Jesus' disciples had been fishing "all night and had caught nothing."  Jesus told them to cast their net on the other side of the boat.  I'm sure, by their argument, they were speaking out of what they thought was wisdom when they said that statement.  They were fishermen!  Enough said.  Maybe the two in the boat should read the Bible story and listen to the Lord on where to find fish.  We are like both examples.  There are fish all around us in the lakes and rivers but we can't physically see them and sometimes cannot catch them.  So we go by Safeway for fresh fish on the way home.  Jesus wanted the disciples and us to understand that the fishing principle was really a missionary principle.  There are all kinds of unsaved people around us.  We take the "It's not my job." and pass off the fishing to others all the while these fish are moving merrily on their way to destruction.  "The foolish man says in his heart there is no God." Are we foolish fishermen and women?
     "Can't keep a good man down."  Yep, that's true.  BUT...  There is almost always a "but".  We need to be that good man/woman.  Secondly, it's only the good that get knocked down in the first place.  Why bother with those who do nothing for the Lord?  "Nothing from nothing leaves nothing."  So, the good man/woman is living for Jesus and gets knocked down.  There are so many soccer teams where if you get knocked down you wait for a whistle (penalty) to be called before you get up.  In the Premier League if you get knocked down; you get back up.  You don't take a break and let the other team regain their breath.  If you stay down you are out of the game, the next game and finally off the team.  Jesus says since you are lukewarm he will spit you out of his mouth.  Wow!  Bet you didn't read Revelation and see that!  He also says, "to him who overcomes (gets back up), I will give them a white robe and a new name!  Kind of like Saul becoming Paul.  The question really comes down to a defining of who you are and what you are doing.  It's not about saying: "I'm a Christian."  It's about being a Christian.  Remember, it's always your choice!

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