Thursday, August 1, 2019

In a copy and paste world

     It sounds easy and if I had an unbroken and dysfunctional laptop, copy and paste would be a very easy task.  That not being the case I'll be original instead!  Nothing like originality!  Years ago Dolly the sheep was cloned (a modern version of copy and paste) in a very real sense.  There have been conspiracy theories that claim humans have been cloned.  Don't know if it's true or not.  I remember back in grade school copying my neighbors answers during tests.  Many did this and do so today.  It was the original form of copy and paste.  I still struggled through school until I went through college.  Plagiarism is a form of copy and paste brought to the world by various news organizations who copy and paste all kinds of news from any source they like.  The big question is not how.  The big question is not when.  The big question isn't even what or who.  The big question is why?  Why copy and paste at all when you and I can be original.  Maybe you have a lot of why's in your life.  Don't copy and paste and I'll tell you why!
     There was and is and always be only one you.  Even if you are an identical twin; there is only one you.  No one has your DNA code, fingerprint or even brain print.  We are all uniquely who we are created to be by God.  No one is the same as anyone else.  All of us are unique in our makeup.  Some have deviations from God's intended creation (I have a particular crack in my left hip that no one seems able to know why it's there); but he knows the "Why?"  That old phrase "You are the spirit and image of your father" is not about your biological dad.  It's about your father in heaven and we are supposed to be like Him.  You see, from conception forward we are a people who are flawed by the world we live in and amongst those in our lives.  Our "image" has been polluted by the sin of the world rendering little to no image at all.  What does the world do?  They copy and paste any image that seems cool at the time.  Not cool.  What if instead we were to seek the original you and the original me?
     All of me is a basic created soul that has been built on over the years.  Sixty Six of them to be exact.  I have certain skill sets like carpenter, plumber, landscaper, and on and on.  I also have some parts of me like education, experience and training.  Finally I have a body shape, hair color, and strength that are all particular to me.  Some of these I wouldn't want anyone to copy and paste!  God has a plan and a purpose of all that is me.  He has a plan that's particular to you and well.  I don'-t want to copy and paste you anymore than you should copy and paste me.  Why?  Because it's not th6e original plan since the foundation of the earth.  There is a catch though.  In order to find the original you, you must seek the architect of your life.  God is that architect and any other source is nothing but copy and paste by someone who wants you to be like them.  It takes a conscious choice to go on the journey.But, it's always your choice.

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