Sunday, August 11, 2019

Unpopular topics for Christians

     How about discussing Satan and his demons?  Maybe demonic possession or oppression?  How about Satan's great plan to take everyone he can to hell with him?  Yep, that's an unpopular subject to the point where some Christians don't believe in Satan, his demons and hell.  You've probably heard the argument that everyone will go to heaven because God is a God of love.  When we begin to rationalize and justify our beliefs and normalize the Gospel we step into Satan's hands and help his plan succeed.  Satan and his demons along with hell exist and are active today.  How do I know?  Because I fight the fight with God's power and the blood of Christ protecting me every day.  I may not always be aware of the spiritual battle that goes on but it's there none the less.  The Bible provides Satan's history and fall.  It also delineates the battle plan for your soul that seeks to destroy you.  God's mighty army of angels and believing saints thwarts Satan's plans daily.
     Why is it we so easily choose to believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus and yet ignore the real truth about Satan?  Why do we teach our children lies and then expect them to not lie to us or their children?  Why is it that we have pastors who won't mention "sin" because they don't want to offend anyone?  Why?  This need not be so!  It's been said that all evil needs to succeed is for Christians to do nothing.  And yet we don't seem to be at all uncomfortable with evil in our churches, communities, and the world.  Would you like to know why I think this is so?  It may mean you will need to challenge the truth you've been living and confront the lies in your world.  It may mean you will need to repent and actually take a stand against evil.  What will people think if you and I actually lived the Biblical truth and exercised that truth?  The thought of doing so might mean leaving one lifestyle and entering another one based on Jesus as Lord.
     The night before last I was sitting in my home and I saw a demon float across a hallway in my home and into a spare bedroom.  Then the next morning after my devotions and Bible reading and my blog writing, I closed my eyes to meditate and stopped breathing.  I awoke in a start to see a demon removing his hands from around my neck.  I called upon Jesus and he fled out of my house.  Why do I tell you this?  It's not to share my experience though that may be helpful to some.  It's because God has provided the Christian spiritual eyes that can and do see the spiritual battle.  If you don't see the battle try praying for God to open your spiritual eyes.  The Holy Spirit may need to do some house cleaning for you to be ready to see reality.  When that's done, see this world from God's eyes with His truth.  Then your life will be changed.  Remember, it's always your choice.

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