Friday, October 14, 2016

The exciting world of hysteria!

     There was supposed to be a storm last didn't materialize.  We've come to expect the weather stations hype as it's their job to rivet the attention of the viewers which in turn make them money.  Sounds like some televangelists as well.  When the storm turns out to be a non-item, the people are relieved but have already spent the extra money to stock their home, fuel their vehicles, and have alerted their work tat they may not be able to make it to work.  Then nothing happens.  When the hype of the televangelist calls for their millions of "faithful" followers to give "just $5.00 because you can afford to give to the Lord", that turns into a tidy profit that enables them to enhance their empire while leaving the "faithful" with little or nothing.  The news along with the social media is a threat to the sanity of anyone who views them or contributes to them.  What is truth and what is lie?  Is this exaggeration accurate or meant to keep the viewer engaged?  When will they stop the photo shopping and attend to the truth.  Joe Friday from Dragnet used to say, "Just the facts mam." and that was all he wanted.  Groups that initiate hysteria are on the rise and everyone is a victim.  Castigating the righteous in any way they can, the destruction of the good is being done.
     So, what does the Christian have in response to all of this?  Do you join in?  Do you just observe?  Do you ignore all of it?  It's not about the lesser of two evils.  It's not about getting what you want. The Christian is to be about the Lord's mission.  What is that mission you might be wondering?  The mission is to heal the lame and sick, deliver people from demons, make disciples of all mankind, and share the love of God to all.  Can anyone find that in the hysteria that captivates the world right now?  Don't get me wrong.  We are to be an informed people who are germane to our world for the sake of ministering to people.  Ignorance isn't something God wants any of us to be confined to.  Tim Tebow prayed for healing for a person having a seizure.  The next day he had extra security assigned to him.  The media portrayed this as an attention getting event.  That is/was and will always be far from the truth.  The hysteria has no place in the Christian's life.  We are to be filled with the peace of God that is beyond understanding.  We are to be the light of the world and not hide our light under a bushel basket.  The Christian should respond as Jesus would.
     Lots is going wrong in the world just like Satan intended.  Rather than standing up to him and his demons, the Christian is avoiding being involved because of various reasons...mostly cowardice.  The ability of the Christian church is even restrained by those who run it!  Notice I didn't say the Christians.  The churches whether they are a denomination or not are not Biblical.  They are confining the God of the universe so that they reflect the world more than they do Him.  We can put our heads in the sand because of our free choice.  That won't bring the Gospel to those who are perishing.  We can tolerate other's beliefs but again, that won't bring the Gospel to those who are perishing.  The hysteria over the hurricanes and typhoons wants people to react to a threat.  Yet the Christian has yet to show that same concern for those who are perishing.  If I believed that way I would share the belief that everyone will go to heaven anyway.  But I don't and they wont.  Putting power (the Holy Spirit) in our lives means we surrender to God in all aspects of our lives.  We needn't enter into a hysteria shared by so many.  Those who believe have the calm reassurance of God that they are well taken care of.  The Christian needs to stand firm and believe that God's plan is for all mankind to be saved.  It's up to you and I, His servants, to share lifesaving words to those who haven't given their lives to Jesus.  It's always your choice.

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