Saturday, October 22, 2016

Have you figured it out?

     Life is complex only due to our own making.  Yet, we find ourselves trying to figure stuff out and all the while just creating bigger messes.  Take for instance the issue of pets and whether or not they will go to heaven.  They won't.  See how simple that is?  Now enter Rover dying and trying to explain to your 5 year old what happened to Rover.  See how complex that is?  Figuring it out is sometimes messy and leads us into deeper water.  Why do we do that to ourselves and others?  If I tell my children that Rover went to heaven and they later read the Bible and see not support for that belief; all of what you have told them come into question and they are left to figure it out.  Same goes for Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and other "imaginary" lies.  Figuring it out shouldn't be that hard if we would only tell the truth according to God's word.  For instance, the Bible says that in heaven there will be no marriages and no giving in marriage.  What?!  That's what it says because we are in heaven to worship and love the Lord.  Now that I've burst a few bubbles, I'll lay out a few more.  Baptism at birth doesn't save you.  Going to church doesn't save you.  I don't bring anyone to the Lord.  The Holy Spirit does that.  No one is greater or lesser of importance in the Christian church.  The Lord has told us to call no one on earth "father" because God the Father is our only father.
    Figuring it out isn't as clean as it should be because we make it that way.  When we rely on the Gospel and the leading of the Holy Spirit, figuring it out is simple.  Why?  Because God already has it figured out and provided all the answers we can need or want through His Word.  See how simple that can be?  What about smoking marijuana?  Cigarettes?  The word seems silent on those areas.  But it's not silent.  We are to treat our bodies as the temple where God resides.  That means we focus on Him and not be mellowed out and not care.  Why do something destructive to your body?  Because it's easier than facing who you are in Christ.  "But, what about...?"  What about...?  The Bible, if read, will provide answers to all that we need to figure out AND give us something to teach our children and others about reliance on God.  All things work for GOOD for those who love the Lord and are called according to HIS purpose.  Not my purpose.  His. 
     When I look out at my gardens, orchard and greenhouse nature teaches me lessons on keeping it simple.  They have their seasons.  So do we.  When it's time to prune, I prune.  When it's time to plant, I plant.  When it's time to reap, I reap.  What in any of that needs figuring out?  Every day after 3:00 pm I gather eggs from my chickens.  Why after 3?  Because they are generally done laying for the at.  Who am I to argue with the timing of when they lay eggs?  Nature doesn't need to ponder and figure things out.  The cycles within nature are consistent since the beginning of time while the cycles of man have only become more complex.  While nature has consistently taken care of man, man hasn't been able to take care of himself.  Figuring it out can cause stress which causes diseases which cause death.  So, leaning on the everlasting arms of Jesus brings life!  Wait?  You mean that Jesus and the Word provide all that is needed so that I don't have to figure it out?  Yep.  It's always your choice.

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