Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Eternal life is optional

     Having a choice is one of the biggest downfalls for mankind.  Not that having free will is bad, but the results of how we exercise that free will are incredible.  Yesterday as I was driving in the heavy fog, the fog began to lighten and I found myself staring at the sun.  Yes, I actually could look at the sun and not ruin my eyes.  The fog allowed a filter so that I could do this.  As with much of my life, this was an object lesson for me.  You see, it's the same way with the Son of God.  We could not, in our current state, look directly on the Son of God should he appear to us.  His brighter than the sunshine!  So, what does it take to see the Son?  That's where the choice comes into play.  When we live in darkness, we cannot see God at all.  We may be able to look around us and notice the pretty flowers or the wonderful people we have in our lives but that is all we see.  We cannot see the God who took time to create the flower and hummingbird.  We cannot see the God who created us in his image for his pleasure.  We just, in the darkness, see God.  As we learn more about God we are able to see more of who God is and eventually come to that place where we have the choice of eternal life.  We can choose to live with God in heaven or we can choose to live with the devil in hell.  Those are the only two choices.  Unfortunately, for some, the choice involves families and friends.  But know for a fact that this choice is up to you. 
     A few months ago I began having problems keeping my truck in park when I stopped.  I went to a transmission shop and found out the inspection and diagnosis would cost more than what I had.  So, I went through the process of elimination and came up with the belief that the problem was in the transmission.  So, I waited until I had the money and then bought a used transmission on sale at a local pick and pull place.  Those things are heavy!  I also bought a new shift cable for the job.  I had hired a guy to do the job for me but he flaked so I was left with a broken truck and doing the job myself.  I had the spare transmission ready and the cable ready.  I put the truck up on ramps and prepared for a long and grueling job.  I'd read the repair manual and watched the video's on You Tube and felt competent to be able to do the job.  This was changed when God led me to inspect the cable's two connections.  I already knew that the transmission connection was okay so I crawled under the dash and inspected the top end of the cable and how to remove it.  That's when I discovered what God wanted me to see.  The bracket holding the cable in place was very loose.  I retrieved the right tool and tightened down the bracket.  The truck's transmission works fine now.  So I have a spare transmission and a spare shift cable because I didn't listen to God in the first place.  My choice got me nowhere.  His choice fixed the problem.
     The amount of time and energy we spend trying to analyze many different areas of our lives is often futile.  Why?  Because we don't seek the eyes of God on the problem or situation.  We determine our course of action while the proper course of God's choosing would actually take care of things.  We spend many fruitless hours, months, years seeking why our way isn't working.  We know what we need to do, as Christians, but don't do it.  In order to notice God we need to pay attention to him, learn his ways, trust his wisdom and surrender our will.  It's a choice that has eternal ramifications for not just yourself but also your family, children, spouses, friends, and others in your sphere of influence.  If those I just mentioned can't see your thirst for God's direction in your life, what do they see?  Do they do the same?  Do your children learn that it's more important to do it yourself than to trust God to take you through whatever it is?  It's the same with eternal life with God.  We have only one way to choose that enables us to live with God eternally.  That one choice makes the difference between heaven or hell for you and those around you...even your enemies.  It's always your choice.

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