Monday, October 17, 2016

Do you believe what you are thinking, saying and doing?

     I have on several occasions found myself thinking while I'm singing (alone) that the words are saying one thing while I'm thinking and doing quite another.  I find myself confessing my love for God in song but fail to do so in actual life.  There are times when I've been with others and the same pheromone has taken place. Why do we do that?  Wishful thinking?  Thinking we are actually doing what we aren't?  It's one thing to think, be and live the Christian life and quite another thing to actually do this.  Maybe I'm not alone.  Maybe you struggle with hypocrisy along with me.  Do we believe what we are singing about?  Do we believe what we read in the Bible?  Do we actually believe that Christ can work through us?  The evidence of what we believe is found in what our lives contain.  What are our priorities?  Who matters to us?  What we struggle with ourselves?  Yes, all those and more.  Being a Christian is not for the faint hearted.  Believing that we are saved through the blood of Christ is one thing  Acting like we are saved is quite another.  Believing that Jesus has the power to heal others as we pray for them is one thing.  Actually allowing Jesus to do this is quite another.  You may believe that you are baptized by the Holy Spirit and empowered to do "even greater things" according to Jesus; but do you? 
     Of necessity, we make claims that perhaps aren't as true as we would like them to be.  I say, of necessity, as it's expected of us.  We, as Christians, find ourselves in the quandary time after time due to our fear of rejection by the world around us.  Why don't we fear the rejection of God?  Because we have the fear of man inside of us.  God's perfect love casts out fear.  What?!  Yep, we don't have a reason to fear what the world throws at us because they are really throwing it at God.  Remember, we know the end of the story.  God wins.  He says that he will never leave nor forsake us.  Do we believe that?  That may explain some of the attitude of mediocrity amongst Christians.  We can live as we like and still be secure in Christ. This is hardly an excuse to do nothing.  The Word says that if we are ashamed of God we are not living the fullness of his presence.  That makes sense.  Should we step to the plate and actually do what he wants us to do, the world for him will be changed.  Perhaps we would then begin to know we are doing what we are saying, singing, and living.
     Faith is the evidence of things unseen.  What then is faith when we can see?  Thomas didn't believe that his Lord had been resurrected.  He said, "unless I touch the wound in his hands and put my hand in his side, I won't believe."  Jesus later showed himself to Thomas who bowed down and cried out, "My Lord and my God!"  Jesus replied with "because you have seen you believe.  But those who have not seen and yet believed have faith."  Paraphrased.  You get the meaning.  When we exercise faith and step out not knowing what is there, we are built up when "because of faith" we see and our belief gains strength.  When our faith is strengthened we feel more confident in what God can and is doing.  As this transaction takes place, God is better able to use our surrendered lives for the goal of seeing all mankind be saved.  Through you and I.  Daily.  Whether we have faith or fear, we do exist to do His will.  He gives us this choice.  Perhaps it's time you think, say and do what He wants out of our confidence and belief rather than be immobilized by our fear of what others might think.  It's always your choice.

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