Thursday, October 6, 2016

Let lying dogs sleep.

     I know that the quote is backward.  Let sleeping dogs lie is the correct word order.  I'm using this quote to guide the Christian response to liars.  Liars only have power when they are acknowledged.  Without someone to be their audience there is no power in what they say.  Liars are around us and sometimes we are the liars.  Did I just say that?  Yes, Christians lie either by commission or by omission.  Either way, it's wrong.  Lying by commission is intentional in nature and a choice by the Christian to say something they know to not be true.  Lying by omission is unintentional and is exposed after the statement has been said.  We, as Christians, have take the lying and brought in many variables that we have chosen to call shades of gray.  They are neither shades nor are they gray.  They are lies.  I have lied.  You have lied and so have most of the rest of the world.  From telling our children about Santa Claus to hiding the truth about a secret birthday celebration, we participate in the lie.  Lies can be familial, generational, and community, whether that community be the believers or not.  People make fun of fish and hunting stories because of he exaggeration factor.  It's still a lie.  What are we doing?  Why do we think it's okay to lie to someone, to lie to many or to lie to God.  He knows that we are lying and we seemingly don't care.  Where is the fear of the Lord in the Christian's life?
     Sometimes the lie of omission is a culmination of living with false information.  For example I spent many years of my life believing that Subaru's were made in Sweden.  Funny!  Once I discovered they were of Asian origin, I corrected my thinking and speaking.  This is but one example of my believing the lie and living with the lie as if it's normal.  It bears mentioning that we either continue the lie or we stop the lie.  We are, as Christians, the "lie police" for ourselves, those we love and the community around us.  This includes holding accountable those who preach the Gospel and misinterpret the Scripture for whatever reason.  Holding a belief that is false is living a lie.  Simple.  Those who would take the Gospel and minimize or even alter the message are lying.  Personal gain is one of the chief motives of those who do.  Others do this to create a world where they are okay in spite of knowledge.  This falls into the commission group.  Again, it's wrong.  Why is it so hard for the Christian to just tell the truth?  Do we fear people, organizations and such more than we fear God?  I would hope not but see evidence of this everyday.
     Firemen know that to put out a fire you need to take away the oxygen.  Once this fuel is gone, the fire dies.  It's no different with lying.  Take away the fuel of listening ears and repetitive mouths and the lie dies.  Easier said than done when we have everyone from friends to government officials following the father of lies, Satan.  God is the Father of truth.  Satan is the father of lies.  Simple.  If you lie you are not honoring the Father of truth.  If you are not lying, you are not serving the father of lies.  There are always choices to make regarding lying.  The first choice should be to stop.  The second choice should be to repent.  The third choice is echoed in Jesus' words to the woman caught in adultery: "Go and sin no more."  It's always your choice.

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