Sunday, October 2, 2016

The Bible tells us to mind our own business.

     There are countless people in my history that have taken it upon themselves to mind my business with sometimes disastrous results for they as well as myself.  I have done the same with the same results.  There is a big difference between minding my own business, minding someone else's business and, of course, letting God mind all the business.  We all know micromanagers and have them interspersed in our lives.  Some are our bosses, some are friends, some are family.  We even have enemies in positon to micromanage our business.  Again, you may fall into one or more of those categories.  Let's take a moment to set the stage for this business (no pun intended).  Working with the premise that we, as Christians, have given over our lives to Jesus when we accepted him as our Lord and Savior, we have made the decision that God is the only manager of our business.  That being said, we certainly have no business minding our own lives and business.  Again, with that premise in mind, we also give up the ability to manage the business of someone else.  Even as parents we give up the right to manage the business of our children.  That's not easy. 
     BUT, should we decide to allow the Lord control over the discipline and upbringing of our children, they will be doing the same when they grow up.  How do I know this?  Because making that decision includes our daily praying for them.  Because making that decision means we have put boundaries or constraints on all aspects of their lives as the Lord leads us.  Because we are the chief encourager and supporter of our children even as Jesus does for us.  We have also decided to speak faith into their life according to the Lord and his Word.  We have chosen to live an uncompromised faith based on what God sees as best for us and not what the world shovels on us.  We have decided that if Jesus was willing to become a baby, grow and become a preacher, be arrested, beaten and  crucified and die for our sins followed by his resurrection ALL because he loves us, then we should do nothing less.  The first commandment with a promise is for children: "Children, obey your parents so that you may live a long life and prosper."  Quite simple.  All a part of letting Jesus mind all of our business, allowing the Holy Spirit free rein in all areas of our life, and allowing the Father to direct all of our paths in His ways.
     What would happen if we prayed instead of gossiped?  What would happen if we began each day with reading of the Word and prayer?  What if we were to ask that question, "What would Jesus do?" before we did anything?  What would we do if our every thought, deed and action was what Jesus would do?  What would your life, your children's lives and the lives of your grandchildren, friends and other relatives ONLY saw God's righteousness in your and my life?  We can find out by being that man or woman of God.  No more excuses.  Stop those parts of your life that are not Christ centered.  No more excuses.  Take responsibility for your sin and blame no one.  No more excuses.  Expect excellence from your children, spouse, and others in your life.  No more excuses.  Live the life God has bestowed upon you no matter where you are.  No more excuses.  Be correct in God's eyes instead of man's eyes at all times.  No more excuses.  Make the decision that you want what God wants regardless of the cost...even if it costs you your life.  It's always your choice.

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