Wednesday, October 26, 2016

It's 9:00 somewhere in the world.

     It's cold and rainy today.  Welcome to fall in the Pacific Northwest!  That means that I'm restrained to doing work/projects inside or under cover.  The choices are many but my spirit is weak.  Do you ever get there?  I'd like to curl up in my recliner with the wood stove going and a nice cup of hot chocolate by my side.  The dogs sleeping around me and the sound of the rain on the roof.  It's a pleasant place to be.  No appointments so I don't have to go anywhere.  No urgent tasks that I have to jump out of the chair and do.  The dishes are done and the kitchen is cleaned.  My laundry is done and the house is fairly clean.  All thanks to the rain!  Now don't think I'm going soft or quietly on the subject of the Christian Walk.  Even when the conditions are as I have said (and they are), there are Christians tasks that need to be attended to.  I've read my Bible (Chapter 13 of Proverbs), written my journal, and pondered the complexities of my life.  What's left to do?  I mean besides sit curled up in the chair with a blanket, the fire going and the dogs asleep around me?  Coffee!  Yep, I've had a cup already.  So, hot chocolate it is.  There is still something missing that I could do to be pleasing to God.  I could be praying and singing praises to God on behalf of myself, others and to bless God.
     The Bible tells us to bring praises to God along with requests.  I was once taught a means to pray that is very great.  The missionary who taught me about ACTS was very much in love with God.  ACTS stands for:  adoration, confession, thanksgiving, and supplication.  Over the years this formula has become first nature in my praying.  That we can talk with the creator of the universe and all that is in it is fantastic!  Without fear I might add.  I've been told that when I sing I should sing alone and away from microphones!  The Bible tells me to make a "joyful noise unto the Lord".  "Noise!"  People may think I am singing off tune or just making things up as I go.  The reality is that I'm making joyful noises to the Lord. AND He loves it!  The angels in heaven (the Bible tells us) are rejoicing with me!  So, I have an audience and a choir when I sing unto the Lord!  How much better can it get than that?  So, I choose to pray and sing.  Sometimes when I am praying and singing I come to that place where I have no words.  There is lot to say inside of me but my words don't quite make it to where I want to go with my expression.  The Bible tells us that we have "groaning" that speaks to the Lord that which we have no words from.  Imagine that you are praying and singing and groaning in public with many around you.  They think you are nuts while God thinks it's wonderful!
     The Bible tells us that the trees will clap with joy in worship to God.  When I look outside my patio door I see the trees "clapping" as the wind swings them back and forth and together.  So, if the trees can clap to the Lord, why can't I?  The Bible tells us to go joyfully before the Lord, singing, praising and worshipping God.  David sang and danced before the Lord.  I imagine he clapped during his worship time as well.  So, there is nothing wrong with clapping, raising your hands, praying, singing and making a wonderful noise before the Lord.  In fact, that's what God would like us to do. Why?  Because he enjoys our worship.  Because he teaches us his nature.  Because he loves to hear us to ask for his blessings.  Because he loves to answer our prayers, heal the sick and take care of the widow and orphan.  God is personal.  He meets me and you whenever we want.  He'd like us to meet him continuously every day and night.  Even at 9:00 somewhere in the world.  God is like that.  He likes to meet with us and bless us.  What you do with that time is up to you.  It's always your choice.

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