Sunday, October 9, 2016

Now that that's cleared up.

     Time to turn the corner.  Time to move forward.  It's interesting that in the first phrase we are told to turn the corner.  I don't know about you but that brings up images of the view of where we came from being no longer in view.  It's in the past.  Not something we can see any longer.  Turning the corner is very important to the Christian.  It parallels the words of Jesus, "Come and follow me."  Turn the corner and don't look back.  That's exactly what the disciples did.  They left whatever was going on in their lives and for 3 years (initially) walked, ate, lived, and were in awe of what Jesus brought to the lost and hurting...himself.  I'm sure that the disciples families tried to get them to come back to a place where they belonged.  However, their desire and conviction led them "around the corner" and they followed Jesus not knowing where that would take them.  Their lives are chronicled in the first 5 books of the New Testament and Acts.  Living with and around Jesus must have been riveting. So riveting that they would eventually become his disciples doing, saying and becoming Jesus to the world.  They turned the corner. 
     Moving forward is a totally different subject.  While we may have the desire to move forward so many obstacles within us learned from the world hold us back and the discipleship of Jesus stagnates or dies.  Many Christians are so worldly minded that they are not any earthly good.  We teach our children to do as we have done or are doing. We were taught by others the very same thing.  We have become a group of impotent Christians who live on a stage for whatever purpose our world has designated for us.  Think not?  Look around you.  How many Christians do you know that will stop someone in the street and tell them about Jesus?  How many Christians do you know that will lay hands on the sick and injured and pray for their healing (and actually believe this will happen)?  How many Christians can you find who know what the Bible says or even reads there Bible?  How about you?  Do you do any of these?  Do you lead your family in moving forward or have you not turned the corner?  There is no stop light or stop sign when you come to the corner.  There are no police officers prohibiting you from turning the corner.  There are no laws that supersede the Gospel.  There are none who benefit from your not moving forward.  It's only when we move forward that the Gospel comes alive through you and I and people's lives are changed.  Move forward.
     I ate a yogurt this morning with my traditional banana for breakfast.  I opened the yogurt and this container was only half full.  It was the amount that was printed on the cup but it was only half full (or half empty if you will).  I ate it anyway.  Therein is the problem.  When we come to Jesus we only allow him that portion of us that we want and yet claim that we are full of Jesus to the world around us.  Jesus tells us to not build our houses on sand without a proper foundation.  When we do a partial job of letting Jesus in our lives we remain in service to the world.  The other half of the yogurt cup represents that part of our lives yet controlled by the world.  While you may be representing Christ with part of your life (like Sunday church and maybe Wednesday Bible study), you are representing the world with the rest of your life.  You didn't count the cost before you let God start the building process and you yanked the building permit when you became concerned about what you would have to give up (you failed to turn the corner).  Then, you bought into the worlds idea of what a Christian was and gave up what Jesus demonstrated to you Christians to be.  You failed to move forward.  All because you decided to not follow Jesus but chose to follow religion.  Are you even saved?  It's always your choice.

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